


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ht occipital part (correlation was driven by genetic factors).
2 phropathy, calcineurin inhibitors (CNI), and genetic factors.
3 nd mouths of faces-is strongly influenced by genetic factors.
4 cariogenic taxa are likely not controlled by genetic factors.
5 ood asthma is inconsistent and may depend on genetic factors.
6 denocarcinoma (EAC) based on genetic and non-genetic factors.
7 l's risk of disease based on genetic and non-genetic factors.
8 (S-HSCR), which has not been associated with genetic factors.
9 ess vulnerability is not solely indicated by genetic factors.
10 ction and treatment depend on viral and host genetic factors.
11 ich are influenced by both environmental and genetic factors.
12 e a combination of environmental, stress and genetic factors.
13 ria susceptibility is determined by multiple genetic factors.
14 ntal outcomes fail to account for underlying genetic factors.
15  to drugs is strongly determined by multiple genetic factors.
16 at these phenotypes are mainly controlled by genetic factors.
17 astrocytes through the expression of defined genetic factors.
18 etween accessions in relation to climate and genetic factors.
19 mplex interactions between environmental and genetic factors.
20  which is not fully explained by hormonal or genetic factors.
21 emic exposure, suggesting the involvement of genetic factors.
22 ial complication involving environmental and genetic factors.
23 We used gene targeting to validate candidate genetic factors.
24 r of the influence of both environmental and genetic factors.
25  conferred by lifestyle may be diminished by genetic factors.
26 that may be enriched with disease-protective genetic factors.
27 e traits, and whether such sharing is due to genetic factors.
28 nced by disease severity, environmental, and genetic factors.
29  children share a large proportion of common genetic factors.
30  gender, socioeconomic status, culture) than genetic factors.
31 ed to a sedentary lifestyle, overeating, and genetic factors.
32 ical, lipid, and cardiovascular traits share genetic factors.
33 red lifestyle, anthropometric, and inherited genetic factors.
34 es, underscoring the existence of additional genetic factors.
35  difference may be due, at least in part, to genetic factors.
36 s for CHD and other diseases associated with genetic factors.
37 ontribute less to the development of AS than genetic factors.
38 r-individual variance in HCC have implicated genetic factors.
39 al variation is only partly accounted for by genetic factors.
40 tation, which can be partially attributed to genetic factors.
41 ts, memory reconsolidation, epigenetics, and genetic factors.
42 re, quality and access, or environmental and genetic factors.
43 rdiomyopathy phenotype and are controlled by genetic factors.
44 relation the majority (78%) was explained by genetic factors.
45 stance use (r = 0.2), which was explained by genetic factors (59%) and unique environmental factors (
46                          In addition, shared genetic factors account for some phenotypic correlations
47 bination, different weights of exogenous and genetic factors account for the wide disease spectrum th
48  Variance decomposition showed that additive genetic factors accounted for 68% (95% CI, 60%-75%) of t
49     These findings provide insights into the genetic factors accounting for inherited squamous cell c
50 , use the internet for information about how genetic factors affect CHD risk (OR, 2.11 [CI, 1.03-4.47
51                          RATIONALE: How host genetic factors affect Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)
52                          Both ecological and genetic factors affected plasmid distribution: plasmid p
53 tlantic herring facilitates the detection of genetic factors affecting adaptation because of the shar
54 ry, suggesting that there might be different genetic factors affecting susceptibility across ancestry
55 llenging and population-specific, but use of genetic factors along with a few common population-relev
56                          The interplay among genetic factors, alterations in neurotransmitters, elect
57 ry-early-onset IBD not associated with known genetic factors analyzed in Toronto, Oxford, and Munich.
58 l and lung cancers and suggests that certain genetic factors and biological pathways affecting adult
59     We found clear subtype heterogeneity for genetic factors and breastfeeding.
60       A statistical model including additive genetic factors and environmental factors partly shared
61 ease (IBD) involves interaction between host genetic factors and environmental triggers.
62         In any particular environment, diet, genetic factors and human influences can shape the bacte
63                                              Genetic factors and mechanisms underlying food allergy a
64 g the relationship between environmental and genetic factors and metabolic fluxes hidden in existing
65  feature-and-network-based prioritization of genetic factors and molecular mechanisms.
66 mpal volume and AD is the result of multiple genetic factors and not exclusively variability in the A
67 unities are more strongly influenced by host genetic factors and plant breeding than bacterial commun
68 ronary artery ectasia (CAE) is influenced by genetic factors and related to the presence of aneurysms
69 s a complex trait and controlled by multiple genetic factors and sex, and that the CC population can
70        We sought to test the contribution of genetic factors and shared and unique environment to ris
71 in and MDD and estimated the contribution of genetic factors and shared environment in GS:SFHS.
72                           Maternal diabetes, genetic factors and some teratogens have been shown to b
73 e self-administration model is controlled by genetic factors and that the role of social learning is
74 aper investigates the relative importance of genetic factors and the common environment between twins
75   This can provide a link between individual genetic factors and the mechanistic underpinnings of SCZ
76 Risk models with various combinations of non-genetic factors and the PRS were compared for their accu
77 er, systematic approaches for addressing how genetic factors and their regulators determine variation
78 of cancers and other diseases underpinned by genetic factors, and exploring new therapeutic opportuni
79 cy is common, correctable, and influenced by genetic factors, and it has been associated with risk of
80                     Environmental exposures, genetic factors, and structural pulmonary risk factors p
81 ure extrauterine environment is modulated by genetic factors, and that PPARG signaling has a previous
82                                              Genetic factors are associated with susceptibility to ma
83                                              Genetic factors are clearly important in the development
84                  Both social environment and genetic factors are critical for smoking initiation and
85  social and other environmental factors, but genetic factors are estimated to account for at least 20
86 iated with variation in alcohol consumption, genetic factors are estimated to explain about half of t
87 ed significant heritability, indicating that genetic factors are important, determining up to 85% of
88 e and has a complex pathophysiology in which genetic factors are important.
89 by environmental factors and habits and that genetic factors are moderately involved in the regulatio
90                                              Genetic factors are surprisingly relevant: PTSD has been
91   Because no evidence could be obtained that genetic factors are the reason for the association betwe
92 ethal and heritable; however, the underlying genetic factors are unknown.
93 ing evidence that environmental, rather than genetic, factors are the major causes of most chronic di
94                                              Genetic factors, as well as chronic pain in a partner or
95 s in BRCA2 as the most common high-penetrant genetic factor associated with pancreatic cancer and we
96 IM22-NOD2 network and signaling pathways and genetic factors associated very early onset and adult-on
97 etic factors associated with risk of SCZ and genetic factors associated with AFB.
98 will help in the better understanding of the genetic factors associated with altered glycosylation an
99                                The number of genetic factors associated with asthma remains limited.
100                                  To identify genetic factors associated with childhood ALL risk in th
101                               Studies of the genetic factors associated with human autoimmune disease
102 eal examples: an analysis of genetic and non-genetic factors associated with human longevity from a f
103                        The identification of genetic factors associated with kidney disease has the p
104 ldren designed to understand immunologic and genetic factors associated with neurocognitive deficits
105    Our data provides first evidence that the genetic factors associated with pigmentation traits are
106                        We sought to identify genetic factors associated with plasma betaine levels an
107                         We investigated host genetic factors associated with protection against CD4(+
108 s evidence for a significant overlap between genetic factors associated with risk of SCZ and genetic
109 tion and transmission, and explored distinct genetic factors associated with the emergence of the Eas
110                                 We show that genetic factors associated with timing of reproduction a
111 ility is widely believed to be influenced by genetic factors, but no study has reported a genetic var
112 nt viral load attributable to viral or human genetic factors by using joint host/pathogen genetic dat
113 ption of sugar-containing drinks and whether genetic factors can explain the association with substan
114 ales and females are generally determined by genetic factors carried by sex chromosomes.
115  as being associated with genetic and/or non-genetic factors (clone and passage), and we found that a
116                                              Genetic factors contribute importantly to the risk of co
117 ase (CAD) is the leading cause of death, and genetic factors contribute significantly to risk of CAD.
118         These novel findings indicate shared genetic factors contribute significantly to the covarian
119                                     Although genetic factors contribute substantially to CAD risk, at
120                                     Although genetic factors contribute to almost half of all cases o
121                            Environmental and genetic factors contribute to disease susceptibility, wh
122                                     Although genetic factors contribute to interindividual and interp
123                       Both environmental and genetic factors contribute to schizophrenia; however, th
124                  We analyzed whether and how genetic factors contribute to sex-specific predispositio
125                        Despite evidence that genetic factors contribute to the duration of gestation
126                   Although environmental and genetic factors contribute to the etiology of alcohol us
127 ed with obesity and type-2 diabetes, but how genetic factors contribute to variable sugar preferences
128                                  To identify genetic factors contributing to amyotrophic lateral scle
129                            Although numerous genetic factors contributing to autoimmunity have been i
130                                We identified genetic factors contributing to individual differences i
131 vessel occlusion (SVO)-to identify potential genetic factors contributing to ischemic stroke.
132 tify specific CAD risk alleles and potential genetic factors contributing to the comorbidity of CAD w
133           Taken together, we have identified genetic factors contributing to variation in caffeine me
134                    Little is known about the genetic factors controlling tree size and shape.
135           A combination of environmental and genetic factors determines when seed germination occurs.
136 zygotic, 49% dizygotic), we demonstrate that genetic factors do indeed contribute strongly to eye mov
137 depends on tDCS intensity, and task relevant genetic factors (e.g., for WM: COMT val(158)met, DAT, BD
138                              Non-genetic and genetic factors each account for approximately 10% of th
139 oring system, which encompasses familial and genetic factors, ECG abnormalities, arrhythmias, and str
140  inability to quit smoking are influenced by genetic factors, emphasizing the importance of understan
141 r hypertension, supporting the proposal that genetic factors enhance FSGS susceptibility.
142 ed in the etiopathogenesis of ASD, including genetic factors, environmental toxins and stressors, imp
143                                              Genetic factors explained 35% of the variation in progre
144                            Overall, additive genetic factors explained 36% (95% confidence interval [
145                                              Genetic factors explained 48% of the variation in high s
146 combined results suggest that BxPrx is a key genetic factor facilitating the infestation and distribu
147 win analyses support the existence of common genetic factors for addiction in general.
148 on, however, are poorly described and common genetic factors for alcohol and nicotine remain unidenti
149 e, and the molecular and functional basis of genetic factors for hybrid male sterility is of great in
150 n studies (GWAS) have effectively identified genetic factors for many diseases.
151                    To date, this is the only genetic factor found to moderate downstream effects of a
152 uantitative trait loci (eQTLs) revealed that genetic factors had a stronger effect on immune gene reg
153 on, although interest in the contribution of genetic factors has been fueled by detection of somatic
154 ase (IBD), identifying the function of these genetic factors has proved challenging.
155 r neutropenia, are largely unknown, although genetic factors have an important role.
156                             Although several genetic factors have been found to cause late-onset hemo
157                                A plethora of genetic factors have been identified that drive the dege
158                                              Genetic factors have been shown to play an important rol
159  the phenotypic variance of AF was 19.9% for genetic factors (heritability), 3.5% for shared environm
160 sitive affect is substantially influenced by genetic factors; however, our understanding of genetic p
161 aim of this study was to identify additional genetic factors (i.e., "second hits") that may contribut
162                                              Genetic factors impact behavioral traits relevant to num
163 re studies can explore the identity of these genetic factors, improving our understanding of how they
164 ely, there was no evidence to support shared genetic factors in AD and IS overall, or with the other
165 added sugar, has been shown to interact with genetic factors in affecting CAD risk factors such as ob
166 genic inheritance implies a role for several genetic factors in disease etiology.
167 ologic evidence supporting the importance of genetic factors in influencing obstructive sleep apnea,
168  evidence strongly supports a role for other genetic factors in modifying the disease pathogenesis dr
169             Second, it dismisses the role of genetic factors in shaping criminal propensities across
170 ogical framework encapsulating cognitive and genetic factors in the development of both psychopatholo
171                    Given the central role of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of common neurodegen
172                         However, the role of genetic factors in this relationship has not been invest
173                                              Genetic factors increase risk for progressive NAFLD.
174 ut microbiota structure by environmental and genetic factors increases the risk of pathogen infection
175                                              Genetic factors influence both occurrence and severity o
176                  The data indicate that host genetic factors influence fungal growth strategy with an
177                             However, whether genetic factors influence gaze to complex visual scenes
178 uman superior frontal cortex, that heritable genetic factors influence SERPING1 gene expression level
179           A controversial hypothesis is that genetic factors influence vulnerability to depression fo
180                                              Genetic factors influenced a significant and substantial
181 ata provide further evidence for the role of genetic factors influencing diabetic kidney disease in t
182 architecture: (i) Has assortment on measured genetic factors influencing reproductive and social fitn
183 -disorder links reflect the heterogeneity of genetic factors influencing social communication difficu
184       Our study expands the understanding of genetic factors influencing the size of the retinal micr
185 otics outside of the health care sector, and genetic factors intrinsic to bacteria.
186              Here, we aimed to determine the genetic factors involved in generating the helical shape
187 ntified neural circuits, neuromodulators and genetic factors involved in social behaviors, but mechan
188                                  To identify genetic factors involved in the regulation of NK cell fu
189 ubcategorizing the phenotypes and underlying genetic factors involved.
190 could be modeled in animals wherein a single genetic factor is altered, our work provides a biologica
191 aits and diseases, assessing the risk due to genetic factors is challenging because it requires knowl
192                 This study highlights that a genetic factor known to be associated with constitutive
193 tic effects of TEs and higher levels of host genetic factors known to promote epigenetic silencing.
194 ecause of a combination of environmental and genetic factors leading to activation of oncogenes or in
195                                              Genetic factors likely contribute to the observed ethnic
196            Maternal and inherited (ie, case) genetic factors likely contribute to the pathogenesis of
197 pitopes and further influenced by additional genetic factors, likely to be MHC II.
198                                     Pathogen genetic factors linked to this increase need assessment.
199                                              Genetic factors make less of a contribution in this coho
200 etiology of MT have been postulated, such as genetic factors, masticatory hyperfunction, trauma, and
201       Finally, recent data suggest that host genetic factors may also modulate the severity of P. aer
202                                              Genetic factors may also play an important role in confe
203 findings suggest that biologically plausible genetic factors may alter susceptibility to PM10-associa
204 nce components analyses, and that the common genetic factors may influence beta-carotene and obesity
205 dentifies critical sensitive periods whereby genetic factors may influence risk for psychiatric disea
206                                              Genetic factors may play a greater role in average 25(OH
207                                     Although genetic factors may play a part, the rapidity with which
208 y a subset of patients, suggesting that host genetic factors may play a role.
209    Although recent observations suggest that genetic factors may play a significant role in diverticu
210 sought to evaluate the hypothesis that human genetic factors may underlie AVM in previously healthy c
211 shed data from 2 Danish cohorts suggest that genetic factors may underlie some of this variability.
212                                              Genetic factors modifying the blood metabolome have been
213 genetic effects of euchromatic TEs, and host genetic factors modulating such effects, play a critical
214 uld lead to irritable bowel syndrome include genetic factors (most notably an identified mutation of
215                                   Few robust genetic factors of PTB have been identified.
216  known about the impact of environmental and genetic factors on brain asymmetry development.
217 ion of molecular mechanisms and functions of genetic factors on diseases.
218                    The influence of parasite genetic factors on immune responses and development of s
219  and evaluated the influence of clinical and genetic factors on renal survival.
220                                 Importantly, genetic factors operating at 8 years explained only appr
221 oked by additional environmental/acquired or genetic factors, or both.
222                                              Genetic factors, particularly those with environmental i
223                                 By contrast, genetic factors play a major role in both the presence a
224                                              Genetic factors play a major role in the etiology of epi
225                                      Whether genetic factors play a role in speech encoding at the su
226                                              Genetic factors play an important role in hearing loss,
227  a multi-factorial blinding disease in which genetic factors play an important role.
228                                              Genetic factors predispose individuals to attention-defi
229 a cohort of 134 probands with TD to identify genetic factors predisposing to the disease.
230 ls in the highest quartile of risk, based on genetic factors (PRS), had a 2-fold higher risk of BE (o
231 d both cortically and subcortically, yet the genetic factors regulating this modulation regarding spe
232 usbands and wives carry similar loadings for genetic factors related to education and height.
233  to assess behavioral, sociodemographic, and genetic factors related to ICS response among African Am
234  populations, but the nature of the involved genetic factors remains unknown.
235                            Environmental and genetic factors represent key components in the establis
236 ting that there is an optimal combination of genetic factors required for survival, virulence and tra
237                                          The genetic factors responsible for the variations (or quant
238 the PRSs in the model developed based on non-genetic factors resulted in a net reclassification impro
239 ent is controlled, an appreciable extent, by genetic factors segregating in the Collaborative cross p
240  treatment before admission, and for a known genetic factor, sEPCR level at admission was positively
241                                              Genetic factors, sex, and ethnicity should be considered
242     Connectome genetics seeks to uncover how genetic factors shape brain functional connectivity; how
243           In this study, we examined whether genetic factors shape systemic immune responses in patie
244 monstrates that dusp6 deficiency is a strong genetic factor shaping gut microbiota, and that it confe
245 oach does not leverage the environmental and genetic factors shared among the multiple phenotypes col
246 se phenotypic correlations were explained by genetic factors shared between each disorder, substance
247 n, thus accounting for all environmental and genetic factors shared by siblings, labor induction was
248     After taking account of these confounds, genetic factors significantly contribute to spindle and
249                                              Genetic factors significantly influence susceptibility f
250 as 80%, a large proportion of the underlying genetic factors still remain to be elucidated.
251 r the past decade, suggesting a role for non-genetic factors such as epigenetic mechanisms in disease
252 lopment is regulated by a complex balance of genetic factors, such as FVIII genotype, and environment
253                                              Genetic factors, such as rare variants in the microglial
254  contribution of environmental compared with genetic factors that affect variations in immune traits
255 is needed to determine the environmental and genetic factors that cause these neurological symptoms.
256               Recent studies have identified genetic factors that confer an increased risk of SZ and
257 re investigations into the environmental and genetic factors that confer risk of ASD.
258 g susceptibility to disease, but most of the genetic factors that contribute to disease susceptibilit
259 e recently gained unprecedented insight into genetic factors that determine risk for Barrett's esopha
260                               Further, human genetic factors that facilitate these anti-atherogenic p
261                                              Genetic factors that have been identified include genes
262                In addition, we summarize the genetic factors that have provided insight into the mech
263 transcriptional coregulatory modules and the genetic factors that impact miRNA function.
264                                       Common genetic factors that influence the co-occurrence of MDD
265 udy was to increase our understanding of the genetic factors that mediate retinal vessel size.
266 le-exome sequence (WES) analysis to identify genetic factors that might cause granulomatous colitis a
267 netic studies have not attempted to identify genetic factors that predict relapse risk (the primary e
268 red to have a strong association with NAFLD, genetic factors that predispose liver to NAFLD and molec
269 s of diversification, but the ecological and genetic factors that promote these radiations are still
270                 A causative understanding of genetic factors that regulate glioblastoma pathogenesis
271 s is conferred by multiple environmental and genetic factors, the findings related to FKBP5 illustrat
272 ry factors and lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors; thus, men who exclude some or all anima
273  study sought to clarify the contribution of genetic factors to EoE through estimation of familial ag
274 the challenge is to winnow out the unrelated genetic factors to identify those related specifically t
275 re we determine the relative contribution of genetic factors to individual variation in the shape of
276 opaminergic modulation, and the potential of genetic factors to stratify patients.
277 s, and to our knowledge, the contribution of genetic factors to this relation has not previously been
278           This study indicates that multiple genetic factors underlie the risk of lung adenocarcinoma
279  We identified Cyfip2 as a major significant genetic factor underlying binge eating and provide a beh
280               We validated Cyfip2 as a major genetic factor underlying binge eating in heterozygous k
281                                          The genetic factors underlying basal WBC traits in Hispanics
282                            Understanding the genetic factors underlying neurodevelopmental and neurop
283                                 Studying the genetic factors underlying relative performance between
284 sites, and over time, with identification of genetic factors underlying the epidemiological success o
285                          Here we investigate genetic factors underlying the risk of this disease by c
286 but despite widespread efforts, the specific genetic factors underlying these disorders remain undefi
287     We investigated the evidence that shared genetic factors underpin the two diseases.
288                                           No genetic factor was associated with patient survival, acu
289                                          One genetic factor was common to Social Communication Disord
290                                              Genetic factors were also of influence, suggesting that
291 ial factors, while for asthma, pollution and genetic factors were often investigated in systematic re
292 large -cohort datasets, we demonstrated that genetic factors were the major contributor to the negati
293 Syndrome, but our understanding of the HSA21 genetic factors which contribute to fetal brain developm
294 x, environmental factors (such as diet), and genetic factors, which vary widely among different parts
295 anscription factor ATHB5 was identified as a genetic factor whose localized expression promotes GA-me
296  bivariate GWAS meta-analysis to demonstrate genetic factors with pleiotropic effects on bone mineral
297  Press journals, integrate environmental and genetic factors with the direction and magnitude of immu
298 e insights into the interplay among multiple genetic factors, with applications including assessment
299 ual eye movements, is strongly influenced by genetic factors, with effects directly traceable to the
300 vironmental conditions and mosquito/parasite genetic factors, with minimal contribution from mosquito

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