


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ore, klp64D and arm mutants show synergistic genetic interaction.
2 sed microcephaly, suggesting the presence of genetic interaction.
3 ht into gene essentiality, gene function and genetic interactions.
4  550,000 negative and about 350,000 positive genetic interactions.
5 e-off in resistance across drugs by altering genetic interactions.
6 fected by individual perturbations and their genetic interactions.
7 ates comprehensive investigations of diverse genetic interactions.
8 d fitness due to the disruption of favorable genetic interactions.
9 f P32, Nlp, and Nph exhibit synthetic-lethal genetic interactions.
10 at epistatic NEMs can point to modulators of genetic interactions.
11 egulatory links, phosphorylation events, and genetic interactions.
12 g disease occur as complex environmental and genetic interactions.
13 ond to pathogens using elaborate networks of genetic interactions.
14 ental conditions that drive the evolution of genetic interactions.
15 a ttk(twk)/+ background, indicating ttk(twk) genetic interactions.
16 the effectiveness of our method in detecting genetic interactions.
17 tions of Idd5 subregion(s), we defined these genetic interactions.
18 tasis analysis is an effective method to map genetic interactions.
19  used to predict the consequences of several genetic interactions.
20 s are emerging to decode these combinatorial genetic interactions across a wide range of organisms.
21                     Our screen revealed four genetic interactions, all of which caused synthetic enha
22                                              Genetic interactions also revealed that the neurotrophin
23                                   A distinct genetic interaction among these genomic abnormalities wa
24                                     Negative genetic interactions among cancer genes point toward bro
25                         Strong transdominant genetic interactions among dFMR1, atx2, the deadbox heli
26       MAP65 functions were analyzed based on genetic interactions among different map65 mutations.
27 both correlations among different traits and genetic interactions among genes that affect a single tr
28     Growth assay data revealed an absence of genetic interactions among the 91 genes under tested con
29 u family proteins ELAV, FNE, and RBP9 and of genetic interactions among them indicates that they have
30 e metabolic and physiological effects of the genetic interactions among these genes and their roles i
31 gh-content behavioral profiles predicted 370 genetic interactions among these genes.
32 s platform transforms our ability to perform genetic interaction analysis in C. albicans and is readi
33 ing cause of fungal infections; yet, complex genetic interaction analysis remains cumbersome in this
34 lso showed by robust RT-quantitative PCR and genetic interaction analysis that the role of Tps1 in th
35 oximately 300 candidate modifiers further by genetic interaction analysis using double RNAi and a mul
36 mbination of genome-scale RNAi screening and genetic interaction analysis using process-directed phen
37 potential for MuGENT to be used in multiplex genetic interaction analysis.
38  in yeast protein-protein interaction (PPI), genetic interaction and gene co-regulation networks.
39                                   Given this genetic interaction and recent evidence linking stress g
40 This hypothesis was further supported by the genetic interaction and synergist cyst formation in the
41 ssembly factors--ODA5, ODA8, and ODA10--show genetic interactions and have been proposed to interact
42 ons, gene expression, phylogenetic profiles, genetic interactions and network-based graph properties
43 is uniquely suited for dissection of complex genetic interactions and pleiotropic gene functions in h
44 between Sde2 and Cactin further supported by genetic interactions and pre-mRNA splicing assays.
45 ting a significant improvement in predicting genetic interactions and protein-protein interactions ba
46 source for uncovering the molecular basis of genetic interactions and providing mechanistic insights.
47                 Resistant mutation, chemical-genetic interaction, and biochemical inhibition demonstr
48 intensity in smt3(allR) cells, 149 synthetic genetic interactions, and 225 mRNA transcripts (primaril
49 allowed for quantitative characterization of genetic interactions, and comparison with protein-protei
50 cess, involving changes in individual genes, genetic interactions, and emergent phenotypes.
51                                              Genetic interactions are keys to understand complex trai
52                            Forty-four of the genetic interactions are located within 5 megabases of r
53                                              Genetic interactions are often proposed as a contributin
54                                        Using genetic interaction arrays, we identified Rbd2 as a rhom
55 tly identifies previously described chemical-genetic interactions, as well as a new mechanism of supp
56 ach provides an efficient tool for detecting genetic interactions associated with age-at-onset outcom
57 aptic plasticity in vitro requires Prnp-Grm5 genetic interaction, being absent in transheterozygous l
58 n eight cases, the phenotype resulted from a genetic interaction between a de novo mutation and one o
59 xplored this further and found a synergistic genetic interaction between arl13b and sec10 morphants i
60 min(Gpg6/+) and Vangl2(Lp/+) mice revealed a genetic interaction between Atmin and Vangl2.
61 tionally, we failed to obtain evidence for a genetic interaction between Brg1 and Sox10 comparable wi
62                  Here we uncover a synthetic genetic interaction between C. elegans Fcho1 (FCHO-1) an
63  Using Nanos3-cre we also uncovered a strong genetic interaction between Dmrt1 and Nanos3, suggesting
64                          However, no obvious genetic interaction between expansion and TGF-beta (DPP)
65                      Here, we characterize a genetic interaction between GPC subunits that evolutiona
66                         We have identified a genetic interaction between invadolysin and nonstop, the
67 sing an established zebrafish model, we show genetic interaction between KCTD13, a key driver of the
68 lation in motor neuron axons, resulting from genetic interaction between loss of function in the cons
69 , using gene knockouts in mice, we evaluated genetic interaction between loss of Ret and loss of Sema
70                   We demonstrate the lack of genetic interaction between menin and MLL1 in steady-sta
71 expressivity) are likely to be an outcome of genetic interaction between multiple susceptibility gene
72 d double-knockout mice to assess a potential genetic interaction between Mysm1 and p53 in hematopoies
73                           We describe here a genetic interaction between Nkx2-5 and Sarcospan (Sspn)
74                   To further investigate the genetic interaction between p53 loss and endogenous Nras
75              Overall, these results reveal a genetic interaction between p7 and NS5B that contributes
76 ndings are significant because they reveal a genetic interaction between p7 and NS5B, as well as an i
77                             The physical and genetic interaction between Parkin and SLP-2 and the com
78                        Here, we explored the genetic interaction between Pol epsilon and the main ele
79 ic assays used, we did not find evidence for genetic interaction between Ret and Sema3d affecting sur
80  splicing arrest that is corroborated by the genetic interaction between spprp18-5 and spprp2-1, a mu
81                       Here we found a strong genetic interaction between Tbx1 and transformation rela
82     Our previous studies have demonstrated a genetic interaction between Tbx5 and Osr1 in the second
83 s production to various levels, suggesting a genetic interaction between the NS4B and NS5A proteins.
84 1 physically interact in vitro and in planta Genetic interaction between the RBR-silenced amiRBR and
85  expression in Drosophila hybrids suggests a genetic interaction between the X Chromosome and autosom
86  0.5 to 8.5%, suggesting a possible internal genetic interaction between them.
87 indreds, with highly significant evidence of genetic interaction between these loci via both associat
88   Synthetic dosage lethality (SDL) denotes a genetic interaction between two genes whereby the undere
89                 Here we report an unexpected genetic interaction between two PD genes, VPS35 and EIF4
90 redundancy is unexpectedly negligible in the genetic interactions between AGO4 and AGO6.
91                             We also examined genetic interactions between AtMORC6 and MOM1 pathways.
92                           We found synthetic genetic interactions between BRO1 and ESCRT-0, suggestin
93 erefore, the focus of this work was to study genetic interactions between CLDN1 and HCV.
94                                              Genetic interactions between components of this linear p
95  evolution of modern-day eukaryotes and (epi)genetic interactions between copies of genes.
96                                         Such genetic interactions between developmental timing regula
97                     We have investigated the genetic interactions between different combinations of m
98 c expression and silencing is controlled via genetic interactions between entire rDNA cluster haploty
99 netical genomics studies uncover genome-wide genetic interactions between genes and their transcripti
100 e in different combinations of TEFs revealed genetic interactions between genes encoding subunits of
101                                   To analyze genetic interactions between HEXIM1 and/or LaRP7 and 7SK
102                    These data strengthen the genetic interactions between KEAP1 and NRF2 in cancer an
103                               To explore the genetic interactions between loss of Men1 and activation
104  in vivo We extend this analysis to identify genetic interactions between mutant alleles of nab2 and
105 dentification of aggravating and alleviating genetic interactions between pairs of gene disruptions,
106                 The quantitative analysis of genetic interactions between pairs of gene mutations has
107 ify PPD as an ELF3 co-ortholog, termed ELF3b Genetic interactions between pea ELF3 genes suggest that
108                   Here we describe synthetic genetic interactions between RTT106 and the DDC1-MEC3-RA
109                                 Although the genetic interactions between signaling pathways and tran
110         Overall our data identify unexpected genetic interactions between Tbx1 and Trp53 and provide
111 egulation of target genes play a role in the genetic interactions between the RpaA and RpaB pathways.
112 Converging lines of evidence have identified genetic interactions between the serotonin transporter (
113         Here, we used zebrafish to assay for genetic interactions between the Vegf/Vegf-receptor path
114     We used IDREAM to predict phenotypes and genetic interactions between transcription factors and g
115          These results reveal ecological and genetic interactions between viruses and cyanobacteria a
116 ial perturbations provide a detailed view of genetic interactions, but can be hard to interpret if di
117                                      Maps of genetic interactions can dissect functional redundancies
118 re a subset of theories wherein non-additive genetic interactions can favour imprinting.
119                          We demonstrate that genetic interactions can often be inferred from fitness
120                                    Synthetic genetic interactions confirm the importance of the Exo70
121 bal network illustrates how coherent sets of genetic interactions connect protein complex and pathway
122 sorder, while there is growing evidence that genetic interactions contribute to the pathogenicity of
123             Our results suggest that similar genetic interactions could drive mutator phenotypes in c
124 re, we present a CRISPR/Cas9-based Synthetic Genetic Interaction (CRISPR-SGI) approach enabling syste
125 erved phenotypic similarity in S. cerevisiae genetic interaction data between mitochondrial ClpX (mtC
126                Integration of binary PPI and genetic-interaction data revealed functional dependencie
127 odulators exhibit distinct physiological and genetic interactions depending on specific signaling and
128 nferred chromatin structures using the known genetic interactions derived from other studies in the l
129 sands of samples to explore complexity using genetic interactions, environment-wide association studi
130                                              Genetic interaction experiments demonstrate Syx4, Syt4,
131 e to distinguish several distinct classes of genetic interactions for each target gene that shed ligh
132              This comprehensive network maps genetic interactions for essential gene pairs, highlight
133                                    Synthetic genetic interactions for survival to AZT or ciprofloxaci
134 oped a set of statistical methods to extract genetic interactions from phenotypic measurement.
135  bakers' yeasts protein-protein interaction, genetic interaction (GI) and co-expression networks, our
136                                              Genetic interaction (GI) detection impacts the understan
137              In microorganisms, high-density genetic interaction (GI) maps are a powerful tool to elu
138                                              Genetic interaction (GI) maps, comprising pairwise measu
139                                      Mapping genetic interactions (GIs) by simultaneously perturbing
140 t statistical scoring method for calculating genetic interactions (GIs) from CRISPR-deleted gene pair
141 nterference effects and can be used to infer genetic interactions, greatly improving over other metho
142 eaving the remaining heritability "missing." Genetic interactions have been proposed as an explanatio
143                           These higher-order genetic interactions (HGIs) are difficult to detect in g
144                      Building on established genetic interactions, I construct a logical model of the
145     We found evidence of the same non-linear genetic interaction in prefrontal cortical function in h
146                            We confirmed this genetic interaction in zebrafish, and additionally showe
147                    A better understanding of genetic interactions in cancer might help identify new t
148 nt alpha2-chimaerin and EphA4 have different genetic interactions in distinct motor neuron pools: abd
149                   To study the principles of genetic interactions in human cells, we created a synthe
150 nce (CRISPRi) screening platform for mapping genetic interactions in mammalian cells.
151 he current evidence for epistatic events and genetic interactions in neuropsychiatric disorders, how
152      SATAY (1) reveals positive and negative genetic interactions in single and multiple mutant strai
153 wth assay was used to screen for evidence of genetic interactions in this double-mutant collection.
154 MMs limits their use for investigating novel genetic interactions in tumor development and maintenanc
155 oposed for analyzing Tn-Seq data to identify genetic interactions, including estimating relative fitn
156 binding protein (TBP), we detected synthetic genetic interactions indicative of suppression of intrag
157 MKS] and Nephronophthisis [NPHP]) defined by genetic interaction, interdependent protein localisation
158    With experimental validation, these novel genetic interactions involving the pyruvate dehydrogenas
159 sults illustrate the multifactorial basis of genetic interactions involving the Y chromosome.
160                          The contribution of genetic interactions involving three or more loci to com
161                                         This genetic interaction is in parallel to mitophagic pathway
162                         Consistent with this genetic interaction, Klp64D directly binds to the Arm re
163              Thus, CRISPR-SGI reveals a rich genetic interaction landscape between RNA binding protei
164 tic miniarray profiles (EMAPs) to survey the genetic interaction landscape of the Swr1 nucleosome rem
165                     This work both defines a genetic interaction landscape with DICER1 mutation and p
166 on of patients, but the direct molecular and genetic interactions leading to this pleiotropic effect
167  single-cell phenotyping to generate a large genetic interaction map for 21 phenotypic features of Dr
168  double-shRNA screen and used to construct a genetic interaction map.
169  have broad utility for functional genomics, genetic interaction mapping and drug-target profiling in
170 when co-altered in patients, indicating that genetic interaction mapping may be leveraged to improve
171                                        Using genetic interaction mapping, gene co-expression analysis
172                                              Genetic interaction maps based on mitotic index and nucl
173                                   Systematic genetic interaction maps in microorganisms are powerful
174  of hits in pooled screens and generation of genetic interaction maps.
175 ion algorithm, which was used to analyze the genetic interaction matrix to reveal an underlying cycli
176 several case studies using the S. cerevisiae genetic interaction network and genome-wide RNAi screens
177 had roles in wood formation and revealed the genetic interaction network between the miRNA and its ta
178                        We generated a global genetic interaction network for Saccharomyces cerevisiae
179 e largely nonoverlapping, they mapped onto a genetic interaction network inferred from an analysis of
180                        Here, we present GIT (Genetic Interaction Network-Assisted Target Identificati
181 tness defects of the gene's neighbors in the genetic interaction network.
182 ding predicting gene function in protein and genetic interaction networks and gender in friendship ne
183                   Hierarchial clustering and genetic interaction networks are then used to identify c
184 hogonal information compared to physical and genetic interaction networks, metabolomic signatures clu
185 ty can be an emergent property of underlying genetic interaction networks.
186 how high connectivity in protein-protein and genetic interaction networks.
187  delineation and validation of comprehensive genetic interaction networks.
188  a calcium-sensitive exocytosis regulator, a genetic interaction not previously described.
189 otein expression in Prkcsh(-/-) mice and the genetic interaction observed between TRPP2 and PRKCSH in
190                                The epistatic genetic interactions observed among BEACH homologs were
191                                 Knowing that genetic interactions occur between functionally related
192 he notch mutant mindbomb (mib), and a strong genetic interaction occurs between angptls and notch.
193 lete loss of growth anisotropy, suggesting a genetic interaction of actin and microtubules.
194                           In particular, the genetic interaction of aging and age-related pathologies
195          In-vivo Drosophila studies showed a genetic interaction of Parkin and SLP-2, and further, ti
196     Finally, we demonstrate the physical and genetic interaction of Sub1 with the G4-resolving helica
197 urther, we provide the first evidence of the genetic interaction of these two genes in affecting ND i
198 reatment and demonstrate an evolutionary and genetic interaction of Ubp7 with DNA damage repair pathw
199                                              Genetic interactions of atgpi8-1 with mutations in ERECT
200               Furthermore, we found positive genetic interactions of elp3Delta and dph3Delta with sty
201 s environmental conditions can elucidate how genetic interactions of the growth phenotype are regulat
202                      We report new synthetic genetic interactions of the U1 snRNP with Msl5 and Mud2
203                 We investigated the role and genetic interactions of Wnt ligands and their traffickin
204                   The regulatory networks of genetic interactions often exhibit multiple stable stead
205            We devised a method that combines genetic interactions on multiple phenotypes to reveal di
206                                   When yeast genetic interaction partners held in common between huma
207                         Growth tests and the genetic interaction profile of cdc1-314(ts) pinpoint a d
208                                              Genetic interaction profiles enabled assembly of a hiera
209                           Using quantitative genetic interaction profiling and chemogenomics, we find
210  the molecular mechanisms that underlie this genetic interaction remain to be addressed.
211 cular identities and the mechanisms of their genetic interactions remain unknown.
212               We show that the basis of this genetic interaction results from further upregulation of
213                   We performed a genome-wide genetic interaction screen to comprehensively delineate
214 rmative phenotype is to perform a systematic genetic interaction screen whereby double-mutants are cr
215 at target HR, we performed a high-throughput genetic interaction screen with RAD55 phosphorylation si
216                                              Genetic interaction screens have aided our understanding
217                           We use genome-wide genetic interaction screens to identify roles for alpha-
218                                 We performed genetic interaction screens using synthetic genetic arra
219 ies of molecularly defined tumors, conducted genetic interaction screens, and induced the simultaneou
220 henotype is nevertheless a result of changed genetic interactions, should regularly be viewed from th
221  in some real multilayer networks of protein-genetic interactions, social, economical and transportat
222                                              Genetic interaction studies further support the notion t
223                                     Finally, genetic interaction studies implicated Drp1 as a partner
224 cable platform for accelerated evolution and genetic interaction studies in diverse naturally compete
225                                              Genetic interaction studies of endocytosis or ubiquitina
226                                              Genetic interaction studies reveal an important role for
227                                              Genetic interaction studies strongly suggest that Exp ne
228 pathways regulating cyst differentiation via genetic interaction studies.
229                                          The genetic interactions suggest that ethanol plays an impor
230 homologs PonA1 and PonA2 have unique sets of genetic interactions, suggesting there are distinct PG s
231                         A trans heterozygous genetic interaction test demonstrated that Sema3F and Nr
232       Using multiple approaches that include genetic interaction tests and tissue specific knockdown
233                             Thus, there is a genetic interaction that links the activity of SidJ and
234 ese is the disruption of favorable coevolved genetic interactions that can occur following the transf
235 ombination with functional studies to unveil genetic interactions that cause disease.
236    Here we describe networks of capacitating genetic interactions that contribute to quantitative tra
237       In this work, we identify physical and genetic interactions that implicate E3 identified by dif
238 conditions in order to search for additional genetic interactions that may provide new insights into
239 due to two different classes of higher-order genetic interactions that only involve cryptic variants.
240                      We developed a model of genetic interactions that predicts most of these to be s
241 ary and secondary interactions, and exhibits genetic interactions that suggest an alternative functio
242 e highly heritable and the impact of complex genetic interactions, though undoubtedly important, has
243 hierarchical Bayesian method for identifying genetic interactions through quantifying the statistical
244 errogation of genome-wide gene functions and genetic interactions, thus providing a complementary app
245                                     Dominant genetic interactions together with altered levels of pho
246   Here, we focus on the long-term effects of genetic interactions under directional selection assumin
247 periments in model organisms report abundant genetic interactions underlying biologically important t
248 egion, and demonstrate the complex nature of genetic interactions underlying the development of T1D i
249 arch community, leaving most of the valuable genetic interactions unexplored as cross-analysis of the
250 lizes prior knowledge of protein-protein and genetic interactions, using random walk techniques.
251 nisms, a large-scale analysis of human-yeast genetic interactions was performed.
252                      Based on the Taf2-Taf14 genetic interaction, we demonstrate that Taf2 and Taf14
253                            Building on these genetic interactions, we explored the role of LEM2 durin
254                                              Genetic interactions were also detected between BRCA1 an
255 C. elegans neuromuscular function, and smn-1 genetic interactions were consistent with an endocytic d
256 ong the new interacting proteins identified, genetic interactions were detected between BRCA1 and fou
257                                  Human-yeast genetic interactions were identified by en masse transfo
258                                 However, the genetic interactions were not conserved for ubiquitous p
259                                      Similar genetic interactions were observed among the major p24ga
260                     Synthetic lethality is a genetic interaction wherein two otherwise nonessential g
261    We identified a ch-TOG centred network of genetic interactions which promotes centrosome-mediated
262 ing application of Tn-Seq is for identifying genetic interactions, which involves comparing Tn mutant
263 n the proportion of variance attributable to genetic interactions, which is difficult to measure in o
264 ilin mutations with severing defects, but no genetic interaction with deletion of coronin.
265 e dnaE915 allele is known to have an altered genetic interaction with dinB(+) compared to its interac
266 ormation, other hypha-associated factors, or genetic interaction with EFG1 and/or CPH1 to cause sympt
267                       Lpl1 shows a synthetic genetic interaction with Hac1, the master regulator of a
268                                We describe a genetic interaction with HOMEODOMAIN GLABROUS11 (HDG11),
269  endopolyploidization and flowering time via genetic interaction with MOS1, a negative regulator of p
270 phila syntaxin 13 (syx13) exhibited a strong genetic interaction with mutant CHMP2B.
271 mbryonic oligodendrogenesis and operating in genetic interaction with Olig2, an essential transcripti
272  in organ development but causes synergistic genetic interaction with Tctp and Rheb to impair tissue
273 d UPS impairment in cells and suppressed the genetic interaction with UPS manipulation in Drosophila.
274  by which these genes act, we explored their genetic interactions with 18 deletion mutations known to
275 nt (clps1) lacks a visible phenotype, and no genetic interactions with ClpC/D chaperone or ClpPR core
276 DKL-1 exhibit interdependent localisation or genetic interactions with core MKS or NPHP module compon
277 e genetic control of this process, including genetic interactions with crop quality parameters, is po
278          The Deltaaip1 mutation has negative genetic interactions with deletion mutations of both cap
279 activate the DNA-damage checkpoint, and show genetic interactions with DSB-sensing and repair machine
280 xocyst complex as a key network hub, rich in genetic interactions with endocytic and exocytic compone
281                            To identify novel genetic interactions with eogt, we investigated dominant
282            We therefore looked for potential genetic interactions with established PD mechanisms.
283                         We have investigated genetic interactions with Fgf8 and Tbx1, and show that o
284 z): CHES-1-like and jumu exhibit synergistic genetic interactions with htl and fz in CM specification
285 show that ult alleles display dose-dependent genetic interactions with kan alleles and that ULT and K
286 elta and sey1Delta mutants exhibit synthetic genetic interactions with mutants in genes encoding key
287 tment regimens may be improved by overlaying genetic interactions with mutational profiling.
288 ause nuclear positioning defects and display genetic interactions with mutations that deactivate astr
289                         To evaluate possible genetic interactions with other genes that control vascu
290                                  Analysis of genetic interactions with phytochrome and abi mutants in
291            SLY41 displays synthetic negative genetic interactions with PMR1, which encodes the major
292 bserve evidence of statistically significant genetic interactions with sex, body mass index, or hyper
293 ce abiotic stress responses via physical and genetic interactions with the chromatin-remodeling ATPas
294 ssential protein of the preribosome, through genetic interactions with the rRNA methyltransferase Bud
295 is seen, and retromer components show strong genetic interactions with the Scrib module.
296 nt mice are hypopigmented and exhibit robust genetic interactions with the transcription factor, Sox1
297 NineTeen Complex (NTC) protein Cwc2 displays genetic interactions with the U6 ACAGAGA, the U6 interna
298 h transcriptional activation, which revealed genetic interactions with TP53.
299 sociated proteins), as H2A.Z shows extensive genetic interactions with U2 snRNP-associated proteins,
300                   Like gef2, nod1 has strong genetic interactions with various cytokinesis mutants in

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