


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  10 tissues being particularly vulnerable to genetic load.
2 ression as a source of local adaptation, and genetic load.
3 40-60%, with a corresponding decrease in the genetic load.
4 ighly addictive and their abuse has a strong genetic load.
5 ons are vulnerable to extinction due to high genetic load.
6 ffect both individual fitness and population genetic load.
7 ne the molecular events that can instigate a genetic load.
8 ognized as a force that can lower population genetic load.
9 e, high levels of heterozygosity and a large genetic load.
10 f feedback mechanisms to control exposure of genetic load.
11 uce low fitness diploid males, CSD creates a genetic load.
12 pecifically designed to assay locus-specific genetic load.
13 itive trait intercorrelations exist, such as genetic load.
14 f the phenotype to mutations-and thus reduce genetic load.
15 f adverse social determinants of health, and genetic loading.
16  than simplex families suggests an effect of genetic loading.
17 ses of (high environmental exposure+moderate genetic loading), (2) one environmental agent is intraut
18 ons in populations leads to the buildup of a genetic load and can cause the extinction of populations
19 duction along with mixed mating in models of genetic load and mutation-selection balance.
20             The negative association between genetic load and selfing rate suggests that purgable par
21 ormed selfing lineages may express recessive genetic load and suffer inbreeding depression.
22 isorder in children with ADHD indexes higher genetic loading and clinical severity.
23 s, yet the exact mutational underpinnings of genetic loads and their fitness consequences remain poor
24 ns epistasis, is not affected by problems of genetic load, and is robust to differences in parameters
25 hol consumption is age-dependent, has a high genetic load, and results from an interaction of the str
26 pulations therefore experience a substantial genetic load associated with selection against deleterio
27  homozygous at the sex locus and represent a genetic load because they are inviable or sterile.
28                          If the evolutionary genetic load can be exposed and removed, the apomixis ge
29                                        Thus, genetic load causes substantial mortality in inbred Paci
30 tangle the relative contribution of S-linked genetic load compared with overall inbreeding depression
31                         Overall, the role of genetic load depended on both the drug and the tissue ty
32 ve analyzed the effect of segregation on the genetic load due to recurrent deleterious mutations, but
33           For phage populations with minimal genetic load, engineering mutation rate increases beyond
34                       The risk allele count (genetic load) exhibits an accelerating pattern of SLE ri
35 ug combinations were remarkably strong, with genetic load explaining up to 83% of the variance in the
36 ntal conditions affect the expression of the genetic load for lifespan and adult mortality rates, or
37                        We tested whether the genetic load for MDD, bipolar disorder, and schizophreni
38  in a stepwise fashion with each increase in genetic load for schizophrenia.
39 s aged 18-87 years in 26 families with heavy genetic loading for bipolar disorder.
40 pothesis was that these families have a high genetic loading for impairments in language ability, thu
41 er, was successful in offsetting unfavorable genetic loading for most lipid traits.
42 Variance component analysis suggested a high genetic loading for predictive pursuit (heritability = 0
43  uniquely to the discrimination of degree of genetic loading for schizophrenia and, when combined, we
44                 GCD founding queens suffer a genetic load from mating randomly and produce fewer broo
45                      Haldane's principle for genetic load has an exact but unfamiliar generalization.
46                    Inbreeding depression and genetic load have been widely observed, but their geneti
47 data represent a comprehensive evaluation of genetic load in a multilocus disease.
48 24 drugs showed significant association with genetic load in a pan-cancer analysis.
49    We investigated inbreeding depression and genetic load in a small (N(e) approximately 100) populat
50                               Estimating the genetic load in benign laboratory environments may be in
51          However, the inclusion of increased genetic load in the form of foreign genes limits the spe
52                        Our results show that genetic load is an important component of tumor fitness
53                                         This genetic load is in line with the "cost of domestication"
54  low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and IHD genetic load is more than multiplicative, supporting the
55 lity rates, and large sex differences in the genetic load, is highly dependent on environmental condi
56             The PT population exhibited high genetic load (L = 1 - W(PT)/W(AL)) in a range of fitness
57 chanisms such as recombination to ameliorate genetic loads may have been in place early in the histor
58                    Beyond being a biomarker, genetic load might be a new, unexplored vulnerability of
59  cases of autism may be the product of (high genetic loading+moderate environmental exposure) and mal
60 eneficial variants, it also contributes to a genetic load of deleterious mutations.
61 chanism mediating disease phenotypes and the genetic load of natural populations.
62 made by one gene in particular, GJB2, to the genetic load of SNHL has strongly affected the assessmen
63 vides a model for considering the effects of genetic load on neurobehavioral responses to drugs.
64 iciency in adults is probably due to a lower genetic load overall combined with subtle variation in t
65 to regulate multiple genes and decreases the genetic load required for carboxysome assembly in hetero
66 l-induced blackouts including a component of genetic loading shared with frequency of intoxication ma
67                   Given its negative effect, genetic load should make tumors more sensitive to antica
68                     This evidence for a high genetic load strongly supports the dominance theory of h
69 olves and, on average, dogs have 2-3% higher genetic load than gray wolves.
70 transcription factors will contribute to the genetic load that predisposes certain individuals to dis
71                                          The genetic load underlying lifespan and adult mortality rat
72 in gene expression associated with increased genetic load, which included cell-cycle checkpoints, DNA
73   Here we investigate whether a "three-hit" (genetic load x environmental factor x sex) theory of aut

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