


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  combination of a conditional strategy and a genetic polymorphism.
2 re (e.g., depression) depend on a particular genetic polymorphism.
3 and 86 years old who were genotyped for APOE genetic polymorphism.
4 ants could be predicted from a single common genetic polymorphism.
5 st the 'noise' of technical error and benign genetic polymorphism.
6 fter controlling for a translocator-specific genetic polymorphism.
7  represent a significant proportion of human genetic polymorphism.
8 amework of social evolution that encompasses genetic polymorphism.
9 ost-transcriptional control of expression of genetic polymorphisms.
10 tervention Project (STRIP), for discovery of genetic polymorphisms.
11 ized to be attributable, at least partly, to genetic polymorphisms.
12 he identification of important P. falciparum genetic polymorphisms.
13 lation was strongly determined by underlying genetic polymorphisms.
14  alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking, and host genetic polymorphisms.
15  least in part, by the inheritance of common genetic polymorphisms.
16 ity and economical platform for discovery of genetic polymorphisms.
17 B6.SJL including 306 genes, and at least 124 genetic polymorphisms.
18 toimmune disease whose risk is influenced by genetic polymorphisms.
19 requent toxicities, partly explained by TPMT genetic polymorphisms.
20 s of living cells and used to predict stable genetic polymorphisms.
21  1054 RNA editing events associated with cis genetic polymorphisms.
22 alyzed their connections with SSc-associated genetic polymorphisms.
23 y across individuals, potentially because of genetic polymorphisms.
24   Recent reports of a moderating effect of a genetic polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) in the serotonin transpo
25                                              Genetic polymorphism 677 C>T on MTHFR affects vascular 5
26  which mimics the effect of some human CTLA4 genetic polymorphisms, accompanied by a T1D-permissive M
27 transmission in humans, we studied how TRPV1 genetic polymorphisms affect cortical excitability measu
28                                            A genetic polymorphism affecting FUT2 secretor status in a
29                            Identification of genetic polymorphisms affecting blood lead reinforces th
30                      Furthermore, functional genetic polymorphisms affecting either FXR1P or GSK3beta
31                 All of this is influenced by genetic polymorphisms affecting epithelial pattern recog
32                The authors hypothesized that genetic polymorphisms affecting histamine degradation wo
33 fferences in the frequency and expression of genetic polymorphisms affecting platelet responsiveness
34 etic stem cell transplantation (HCT) and how genetic polymorphism affects risk of graft-versus-host d
35            Recent human studies suggest that genetic polymorphisms allow an individual to maintain op
36 y in European than African populations, this genetic polymorphism also explains approximately half of
37                                              Genetic polymorphisms also are involved in the overreact
38 unctional significance of the most prevalent genetic polymorphism among the opioid receptor genes is
39 is to quantitatively understand variation of genetic polymorphisms among individuals.
40                                              Genetic polymorphism analysis of the three key resistanc
41 s for each group from associated patterns of genetic polymorphism and divergence.
42 arse on the possible association between EGF genetic polymorphism and HCC risk.
43 ublished studies of associations between any genetic polymorphism and histopathologically confirmed C
44 ults show replication timing to be shaped by genetic polymorphism and identify a means by which inher
45                                              Genetic polymorphisms and aberrant expression of this ge
46 parity in cancer susceptibility ranging from genetic polymorphisms and cancer-driver gene mutations t
47 l population differentiation, as measured by genetic polymorphisms and cranial shape variables of mod
48                            We positioned the genetic polymorphisms and determined the structural requ
49                                              Genetic polymorphisms and isogenic deletions of loop-bou
50 have been discovered between common germline genetic polymorphisms and outcomes of cancer treatment.
51     Genome-wide association analyses between genetic polymorphisms and P450 expression or enzyme acti
52      We investigated the association between genetic polymorphisms and recurrence of renal-cell carci
53 s study investigates the association between genetic polymorphisms and RHC in pediatric heart recipie
54 urther examine the relationship between PON2 genetic polymorphisms and risk for CVD.
55 n experimental data for the known effects of genetic polymorphisms and simulated time courses when mu
56 y be associated with inheritance of specific genetic polymorphisms and that this would determine plat
57 re are opportunities for genomic analyses of genetic polymorphisms and the gut microbiome that may be
58        We characterized associations between genetic polymorphisms and the pharmacokinetics of single
59 ective was to assess the prevalence of these genetic polymorphisms and their relation to serum folate
60 tion study to identify common HCM-associated genetic polymorphisms and then asked whether such common
61 tween infections, as well as age, ethnicity, genetic polymorphisms, and comorbidities of the host, ar
62 ferences in dietary vitamin K intake, common genetic polymorphisms, and multiple drug interactions th
63 associated with inheritance of specific CD36 genetic polymorphisms, and suggest that inheritance of s
64 trongly determines outcomes, whereas non-HLA genetic polymorphisms are also having an impact.
65                               NRF2 and SRXN1 genetic polymorphisms are associated with breast cancer
66         This study explores whether specific genetic polymorphisms are associated with success of per
67          Against this background, functional genetic polymorphisms are being utilized to understand t
68                                        These genetic polymorphisms are stable markers and easily and
69               Effect modifications by TCF7L2 genetic polymorphisms are supported.
70 pecificity and histocompatibility, driven by genetic polymorphism, are ancient determinants of self-/
71 e variations in CTLA4 expression, because of genetic polymorphisms, are associated with various human
72 , these findings identify for the first time genetic polymorphism as a mechanism of impaired tumor su
73 punishment sensitivity are also related to a genetic polymorphism associated with striatal D1 versus
74 association studies (GWAS) have identified a genetic polymorphism associated with the gene locus for
75 s, nutrient deficiencies, gut integrity, and genetic polymorphisms associated with beta-carotene meta
76 s have led to the discovery of several dozen genetic polymorphisms associated with breast cancer susc
77 t size is small but similar to ORs for other genetic polymorphisms associated with complex traits, in
78                                        Human genetic polymorphisms associated with decreased expressi
79 tegy to examine whether interactions between genetic polymorphisms associated with differential anand
80 is proving to be a powerful strategy to find genetic polymorphisms associated with disease.
81                                              Genetic polymorphisms associated with drusenoid lesions
82 monstrates polygenic overlaps between common genetic polymorphisms associated with schizophrenia and
83                          This study examined genetic polymorphisms associated with variability in neu
84                     We tested whether common genetic polymorphisms associated with variation in tHcy
85                                              Genetic polymorphism at different marker loci has also a
86                                       Common genetic polymorphisms at chromosome 3p21.1, including rs
87       Here, we sought to investigate whether genetic polymorphisms at IL13 are associated with the de
88 , the T cell alloresponse reflects extensive genetic polymorphisms between allogeneic donors and reci
89 oportional to the expected amount of neutral genetic polymorphism), but we also derive some results f
90 vailable for the assessment of P. falciparum genetic polymorphisms, but they suffer from low throughp
91           We allow for adaptively maintained genetic polymorphism by applying the concept of genetic
92 gulation of a target messenger RNA harboring genetic polymorphisms by miRNAs offers an SNP-dependent
93   Importantly, this observation implies that genetic polymorphisms can affect transcript and module c
94                  Exposure of such "buffered" genetic polymorphisms can also be accomplished by enviro
95                   Thus, minor viral and host genetic polymorphisms can dramatically alter the immunol
96  research also suggests that common and rare genetic polymorphisms can influence risk of more common
97        Clusters of eQTL influenced by single genetic polymorphisms can inform on hotspots of regulati
98                                              Genetic polymorphisms cause large inter-individual varia
99 associations of the rate of progression with genetic polymorphisms (CFH-402His [P = .04] and CFH-62Il
100  multicenter study to document the impact of genetic polymorphism combinations on PHTx recipients' ou
101 xperimental conditions, confirming that host genetic polymorphisms contribute to chytridiomycosis res
102 nificantly narrow the cellular expression of genetic polymorphisms controlling the EAM phenotype.
103 rbances in purine metabolism caused by known genetic polymorphisms could increase the burden of mutag
104 strides in characterizing human history from genetic polymorphism data, progress in identifying genet
105 f transfusion incompatibility, was the first genetic polymorphism discovered in humans.
106 let inhibition, which is partly explained by genetic polymorphisms encoding CYP2C19, the hepatic enzy
107 esses) T2D risk were constructed by using 39 genetic polymorphisms established to predict T2D in othe
108                                              Genetic polymorphisms explain almost 80% of the variatio
109 ls of BDNF decline with advancing age, and a genetic polymorphism for BDNF has been related to gray m
110   Ruffs (Aves: Philomachus pugnax) possess a genetic polymorphism for male mating behaviour resulting
111 ry, these 21 STR loci showed a high level of genetic polymorphisms for the Guanzhong Han population a
112 not sufficient to generate neuropathic pain; genetic polymorphisms, gender, and age all influence the
113                                 The study of genetic polymorphisms has been essential to the analysis
114                                      Several genetic polymorphisms have been associated with Late Ons
115                            About 2% of human genetic polymorphisms have been hypothesized to arise vi
116                           Furthermore, other genetic polymorphisms have been identified that contribu
117  motor, and cognitive impairment, DDC common genetic polymorphisms have been proposed as a source of
118                            Several candidate genetic polymorphisms have been proposed to affect strok
119 dies of cardiac surgery predominate in which genetic polymorphisms have been shown to result in a hyp
120                                          The genetic polymorphism I148M of patatin-like phospholipase
121                             The common A140D genetic polymorphism in GSTO1 was found to have signific
122                                              Genetic polymorphism in human populations is part of the
123               We show that the KD-associated genetic polymorphism in inositol-triphosphate 3-kinase C
124 ated dopamine turnover as a function of this genetic polymorphism in Parkinson's disease.
125 ne duplication and loss are major sources of genetic polymorphism in populations, and are important f
126 lly make a large contribution to maintaining genetic polymorphism in populations.
127                                              Genetic polymorphism in S100A9-S100A12-S100A8 locus affe
128 l age effect is unrelated to aneuploidy or a genetic polymorphism in the affected individuals.
129                                              Genetic polymorphism in the EGF gene resulting in elevat
130  In a cohort of 1562 Thai subjects, a common genetic polymorphism in the NOD2 region, rs7194886, was
131 ves interact while at the same time there is genetic polymorphism in traits influencing survival and
132 presenting one of the most significant human genetic polymorphisms in autoimmunity.
133                                              Genetic polymorphisms in coding genes play an important
134                                              Genetic polymorphisms in CTLA4 were significantly associ
135  also evaluated potential variability due to genetic polymorphisms in CYP2B6, NR1I3, CYP2A6, ABCB1, A
136 -induced cytokine responses are modulated by genetic polymorphisms in cytokine and cytokine receptor
137                                              Genetic polymorphisms in enzymes that metabolize phytoch
138 rtent rechallenge, liver histology, and host genetic polymorphisms in establishing the diagnosis and
139 ccurate high-throughput means of classifying genetic polymorphisms in field samples of P. falciparum.
140                 We have previously described genetic polymorphisms in HLA and other candidate genes t
141                                              Genetic polymorphisms in identified genes exist in human
142 e approach when typing previously-identified genetic polymorphisms in large numbers of samples.
143 tform for analyzing the functional impact of genetic polymorphisms in miRNA seed regions and miRNA ta
144                     This study confirms that genetic polymorphisms in mitochondria can modulate beta-
145 ced MMP-9 release, and unexpectedly revealed genetic polymorphisms in MMP-9 that alter activity.
146  a heterologous assay to determine how often genetic polymorphisms in odorant receptors alter recepto
147 ific transcription factor binding sites; and genetic polymorphisms in predicted enhancers.
148 between genders, as well as contributions of genetic polymorphisms in prediction of response to ethan
149                                              Genetic polymorphisms in the adrenergic pathway seem to
150 s are associated with emphysema severity and genetic polymorphisms in the AGER locus are associated w
151 s associated with cytokine dysregulation and genetic polymorphisms in the anti-inflammatory interleuk
152        Our findings indicate that two common genetic polymorphisms in the aromatase gene CYP19 vary t
153                                   RATIONALE: Genetic polymorphisms in the asthma susceptibility gene,
154   Genome-wide studies have associated common genetic polymorphisms in the BCO1 gene with this variabi
155                             There are common genetic polymorphisms in the BHMT gene in humans that ca
156                 We then tested whether human genetic polymorphisms in the CD39 gene might influence s
157                              While linked to genetic polymorphisms in the complement pathway, there a
158 eview shows that there may be involvement of genetic polymorphisms in the development of BOS.
159 examined the relationship among 44 candidate genetic polymorphisms in the dopamine, serotonin, and op
160                   Previously, we showed that genetic polymorphisms in the fibrinogen-related protein
161                                   Functional genetic polymorphisms in the genes of IFNG (+874 A/T), T
162                                              Genetic polymorphisms in the genes of several Toll-like
163                                       Common genetic polymorphisms in the glucocorticoid receptor and
164                              Here, we report genetic polymorphisms in the human adenylate cyclase gen
165 ced immune responses are in part due to host genetic polymorphisms in the human leukocyte antigen (HL
166                                              Genetic polymorphisms in the interferon-alpha pathway ma
167                                              Genetic polymorphisms in the malaria parasite Plasmodium
168                                              Genetic polymorphisms in the mannose-binding lectin gene
169  bioinformatic analysis, we showed that most genetic polymorphisms in the novel variants occur near 0
170                                Surprisingly, genetic polymorphisms in the PARK2 regulatory region are
171 iched in DHA and many humans have functional genetic polymorphisms in the PEMT gene.
172    The latter two cases were associated with genetic polymorphisms in the regions critical for ligati
173 ons in heparan sulfate structure or possible genetic polymorphisms in the relevant biosynthetic genes
174                                              Genetic polymorphisms in the repeat upstream region of t
175 opamine, but it may be worthwhile to examine genetic polymorphisms in the serotonin and opioid system
176               On the basis of differences in genetic polymorphisms in the type III collagen gene betw
177 some studies of dietary vitamin D intake and genetic polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor.
178                                              Genetic polymorphisms in thiopurine S-methyltransferase
179                To examine the association of genetic polymorphisms in this region with chronic kidney
180                         To determine whether genetic polymorphisms in TLR1 are associated with altera
181                      We show that functional genetic polymorphisms in TLR1 modify surface expression
182                         Furthermore, several genetic polymorphisms in TNFSF and TNFRSF associate with
183                                      Several genetic polymorphisms in vasculitides have now been desc
184 uirement is attributed to by patient height, genetic polymorphisms in VKORC1 and CYP2C9, and indicati
185                                              Genetic polymorphisms in VKORC1 and CYP2C9, genes contro
186  (P-gp) encoded by MDR1 can be influenced by genetic polymorphisms, including two synonymous changes
187                                              Genetic polymorphisms independently appeared to explain
188 ling and airflow obstruction and to identify genetic polymorphisms indicative of an underlying suscep
189                                    Candidate genetic polymorphisms involved in regulation of bile aci
190                                              Genetic polymorphisms involved in warfarin metabolism an
191 eluded researchers for decades even though a genetic polymorphism is associated with various neurolog
192 e physiologic relevance of cancer-associated genetic polymorphisms is a major challenge.
193 gic and serotonergic), influenced by several genetic polymorphisms, is critical to certain subcompone
194 me structure is an important source of human genetic polymorphism: It affects a large proportion of t
195  of this study was the identification of new genetic polymorphisms linked to bolting tendency in suga
196 atory triggers, and to detect biomarkers and genetic polymorphisms linked to these responses and outc
197 and epidemiological processes that stabilize genetic polymorphism, many of which are absent from inte
198          Unlike allele-specific methylation, genetic polymorphisms mark both cis- and trans-regulator
199 n these knockout mice, as strain 129-derived genetic polymorphisms may explain observed differences.
200                Taken together, miRNA-related genetic polymorphisms may impact ovarian cancer predispo
201            Our findings suggest that some MT genetic polymorphisms may influence mercury biomarker co
202                                      Whether genetic polymorphisms may modify this association is cur
203  always lead to greater cognitive gains, and genetic polymorphisms may modulate tDCS-linked WM improv
204                                              Genetic polymorphisms may tailor which patients benefit
205                                              Genetic polymorphisms may underlie differential sensitiv
206                                     Germline genetic polymorphisms might affect the risk of recurrenc
207                                      Several genetic polymorphisms modulate the risk of posttransplan
208                        Here we report that a genetic polymorphism near the IL28B gene, encoding inter
209                                              Genetic polymorphisms near IL28B are associated with spo
210                        We further found that genetic polymorphisms nearby the differentially expresse
211                                    Recently, genetic polymorphisms occurring in the interferon (IFN)-
212                      We previously found the genetic polymorphism of PCSK2 on chromosome 20 was respo
213            This study investigates whether a genetic polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene m
214                                              Genetic polymorphism of these 15 genes was also determin
215        This study aimed to determine whether genetic polymorphisms of genes in the vitamin D pathway
216  different statuses and the soluble level or genetic polymorphisms of HLA-G were explored.
217                             The frequency of genetic polymorphisms of IDO did not reveal a significan
218                                              Genetic polymorphisms of IFN regulatory factor 5 (IRF5)
219  between virus control, NK cell function and genetic polymorphisms of KIR receptors.
220                                  We analyzed genetic polymorphisms of maternal KIR and fetal HLA-C in
221                                              Genetic polymorphisms of MMP3 and VDR are linked to init
222 ristics of gadoxetic acid were influenced by genetic polymorphisms of OATP1B1 and OATP1B3.
223                                              Genetic polymorphisms of OATP1B1 are signal confounders
224 was to determine the association between the genetic polymorphisms of proinflammatory and regulatory
225 esponse to coffee may be partly explained by genetic polymorphisms of the adenosine A2A receptors and
226                                              Genetic polymorphisms of transcription factor 7-like 2 (
227 s with adult asthma who are less atopic, the genetic polymorphisms of TSLP may have some important ro
228 s vegetable intake and the GSTP1 Ile(105)Val genetic polymorphism on breast cancer risk.
229 aim of this study was to explore the role of genetic polymorphisms on changes in LPS-stimulated infla
230 2B6 expression has been attributed to either genetic polymorphisms or chemical-mediated induction thr
231 iation in IRF4 or IRF8 levels resulting from genetic polymorphisms or environmental cues will govern
232                                              Genetic polymorphisms play an important role in rubella
233  A2 receptor (anti-PLA2R) autoantibodies and genetic polymorphisms predisposing to antibody productio
234                          X-chromosome-linked genetic polymorphisms present a unique biological condit
235                          We asked whether 35 genetic polymorphisms, previously found to be associated
236 cial differences in the prevalence of common genetic polymorphisms provide a likely explanation for t
237 ated asthma severity include age, season and genetic polymorphisms related to antioxidant enzymes.
238 mpact of recipient and cord blood unit (CBU) genetic polymorphisms related to immune response on outc
239 otal = 15,299), we examined whether TRAP and genetic polymorphisms related to inflammation and oxidat
240 ever, interactions between APOE epsilon4 and genetic polymorphisms related to sex steroid metabolism
241 air pollution may be higher in children with genetic polymorphisms related to the 'oxidant stress pat
242 e relation between NTDs, choline status, and genetic polymorphisms reported to influence de novo chol
243                   Also, many infants carry a genetic polymorphism resulting in a truncated protein, P
244                                     A common genetic polymorphism (rs12325817) in the PEMT gene can a
245 vation of prefrontal NPY attributable to the genetic polymorphism rs16147 may contribute to IL hypoac
246                                     The FAAH genetic polymorphism (rs324420) and blood, urine, and ha
247                         We aimed to identify genetic polymorphisms significantly associated with a br
248                                  None of the genetic polymorphisms studied had a noticeable impact on
249                                              Genetic polymorphisms such as PHOX2B polymorphism, consi
250  DC downstream of SLAM engagement and that a genetic polymorphism that disturbs this process promotes
251                                          The genetic polymorphism that has the greatest impact on imm
252 virtually absent among US children who had a genetic polymorphism that inactivates FUT2 expression on
253 irway neutrophils and bacterial burden and a genetic polymorphism that increases ALOX12 expression is
254 ion after normal growth is associated with a genetic polymorphism that may also protect against early
255 ere that DNA replication timing is shaped by genetic polymorphisms that act in cis upon megabase-scal
256 ffers from NCTC8325 and contains a number of genetic polymorphisms that affect both virulence and gen
257 s sometimes follows pregnancy is governed by genetic polymorphisms that affect type III IFN signaling
258 g resistance or susceptibility differ by two genetic polymorphisms that alter a key regulatory proper
259                                              Genetic polymorphisms that alter protein expression or e
260                        Identification of new genetic polymorphisms that alter the dietary requirement
261 pressed with IL6R might also be regulated by genetic polymorphisms that are associated with asthma ri
262 emia level, and weight gain data to identify genetic polymorphisms that are associated with variation
263 lained by the cumulative additive effects of genetic polymorphisms that are common in the population.
264 ostered an increase in individuals harboring genetic polymorphisms that compromise folate usage.
265 ructure of LOX-1 have also uncovered various genetic polymorphisms that could modulate the risk of at
266 es develop resistance by gradually acquiring genetic polymorphisms that decrease drug susceptibility.
267 line and Embase, an overview is given of the genetic polymorphisms that have been investigated in lun
268                                   Functional genetic polymorphisms that increase ADIPOQ expression (e
269                                              Genetic polymorphisms that influence neutrophil function
270  as a result of epigenetic modifications and genetic polymorphisms that interact with experience to i
271            We present a strategy to identify genetic polymorphisms that may underlie susceptibility t
272        We developed an algorithm to identify genetic polymorphisms that modulate the regulatory conne
273 h treatment response, which yielded critical genetic polymorphisms that predict treatment response.
274                                          (4) Genetic polymorphisms that reduced expression of MYT1L i
275                                    We mapped genetic polymorphisms that were associated with inter-in
276 mong 24 studies (4703 participants) of other genetic polymorphisms, there was preliminary evidence of
277 ing dorsal striatum, particularly those with genetic polymorphisms thought to attenuate dopamine sign
278  We linked CEV to age and disease-associated genetic polymorphisms, thus implicating CEV as a biomark
279 , age at transplantation, and genotype at 13 genetic polymorphisms (TNF-alpha A-308G, IL-6 G-174C, IN
280                                      Only 19 genetic polymorphisms unique to the primary or recurrent
281                                       Common genetic polymorphisms variants that may affect HCM penet
282                                              Genetic polymorphisms were analyzed for correlation with
283                                     Parasite genetic polymorphisms were associated with an increased
284                            Only two non-APOE genetic polymorphisms were associated with cognitive dec
285 e pharmacokinetics, and genome-wide germline genetic polymorphisms were associated with symptomatic o
286                          Multiple novel NPR3 genetic polymorphisms were identified in 3 ethnic groups
287                                          All genetic polymorphisms were independently related to prev
288                        Though phenotypic and genetic polymorphisms were widespread and clustered more
289 r in the length of the neck that result from genetic polymorphisms, which encode different numbers of
290 pping of the loci influenced by age, sex and genetic polymorphisms will bring important biological in
291               We examined the association of genetic polymorphisms with cellular (interferon [IFN] ga
292 ousands of robust associations of individual genetic polymorphisms with gene expression, we also demo
293 ne folate and vitamin B12 levels, as well as genetic polymorphisms with genome-wide arrays.
294                We studied the correlation of genetic polymorphisms with interindividual variability i
295 rom rp2 P450s and other genes revealing high genetic polymorphisms with one SNP every 36 bp.
296  to which different modern populations share genetic polymorphisms with the ancient genomes of other
297 powerful tools that can measure the level of genetic polymorphism within a population.
298                                              Genetic polymorphisms within a single locus encoding the
299 abled a more comprehensive identification of genetic polymorphisms within the targeted loci.
300                                            A genetic polymorphism, Y609C, was seen in 7% of thyroid t

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