


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tly European ancestry in the DiscovEHR human genetics study.
2 ry sample of 3,494 individuals recruited for genetic studies.
3 application of the method to a wide range of genetic studies.
4 infections and can be used for retrospective genetic studies.
5 features, and is becoming popular in imaging genetic studies.
6  sensitivity and rapidly purify LP cells for genetic studies.
7 een challenged by recent clinical trials and genetic studies.
8 ent was assessed through pharmacological and genetic studies.
9 play an important part in stratification for genetic studies.
10 ry sample of 3,494 individuals recruited for genetic studies.
11 pathogenic hypotheses that have emerged from genetic studies.
12 cological methods has been refuted in recent genetic studies.
13 he lack of short-lived vertebrate models for genetic studies.
14 referring to the fruitful outcomes of recent genetic studies.
15 henotypes that remains largely unexplored in genetic studies.
16 Estimation of heritability is fundamental in genetic studies.
17 fier Gene Study, and Canadian Consortium for Genetic Studies.
18 ications for disease control, management and genetic studies.
19 icates, making it ideal for loss-of-function genetic studies.
20 an transmit genetic information, restricting genetic studies.
21 mples are a common source of DNA in wildlife genetic studies.
22 s aged 4 to 97 years, as a prelude to future genetic studies.
23 e a viable source for conducting large-scale genetic studies.
24 inclusion of patients in clinical trials and genetics studies.
25 se insects, opening an avenue for functional genetics studies.
26 ithms have been proposed and used in imaging genetics studies.
27 ion of these rich sources of information for genetics studies.
28  for prioritizing pathogenic STRs in medical genetics studies.
29                                        Human genetic studies and analyses of knockout mice have revea
30 ray with uniform genome coverage can advance genetic studies and breeding applications.
31  detect polymorphisms in sainfoin for future genetic studies and breeding programs.
32 nd open avenues for facilitating common carp genetic studies and breeding.
33 tified could be fruitfully employed for both genetic studies and breeding.
34 ions that were detected in large-scale human genetic studies and cancer tissues, all of which occur c
35  transcriptional activators are key for many genetic studies and comprise over 90% of mouse models cr
36        It opens a valuable avenue for future genetic studies and human disease diagnosis, including p
37 ans to produce tailored CRC mouse models for genetic studies and pre-clinical investigation.
38 n aids the correct interpretation of in vivo genetic studies and the development of in vitro protocol
39  Orinoco river basins, yet few resources for genetic studies and the genetic improvement of tambaqui
40                                              Genetic studies and transcriptional profiling experiment
41 eflect different causes has implications for genetic studies and treatment of ADHD.
42                                    Molecular genetic studies and twin studies have confirmed importan
43  developed and shown to be robust for use in genetic studies and with potential for developing early
44                                      A viral genetic study and a BiFC assay demonstrated that interac
45  of validating findings from high-throughput genetics studies and call for large collaborative resear
46 tly improve the accuracy of loss-of-function genetics studies and facilitates the generation of compa
47 ds, (ii) power calculations for multivariate genetic studies, and (iii) generating data for testing a
48                                   Therefore, genetic studies are needed to gain insights into genotyp
49 entifying phenotypes suitable for population genetic studies as well as complications due to multiple
50 d as a relevant biological variable in human genetic studies as well.
51 ed single-cell electrical, morphological and genetic studies at unparalleled resolution.
52                       Comparative functional genetic studies between angiosperms and bryophytes can d
53     We addressed this question in a parallel genetic study between the closely related species Arabid
54 ASD pathogenesis have been proposed based on genetic studies, brain pathology and imaging, but a majo
55 earning) that enhance the quality of imaging genetic studies but also introduce new challenges.
56 liary proteins are used to validate research genetic studies, but diagnostic utility in this disease
57 l means of characterizing phenotypic MetS in genetic studies by minimizing racial differences.
58                                              Genetic studies can also examine off-target effects and
59 application of insight from human population genetic studies can enhance RBC production from stem cel
60                                              Genetic studies can identify novel therapeutic targets f
61                                 Cross-ethnic genetic studies can leverage power from differences in d
62                     We conclude that imaging genetic studies can provide important insights into the
63   Our study illustrates how population-based genetic studies can provide key insights into poorly und
64 the UMOD paradigm to describe how population genetic studies can yield insight into the pathogenesis
65                                              Genetic studies confirmed that this mechanism couples Cs
66                          Pharmacological and genetic studies confirmed the role of this enzyme as a r
67       The plethora of detailed molecular and genetic studies coupling the structure of antigen-antibo
68 RE has become an integral part of population genetic studies covering a broad spectrum of taxa includ
69 d ancestry is an important component of many genetic studies; current prediction tools accurately est
70 lly to cable formation has been unclear, but genetic studies demonstrate that Tpm1 plays a more impor
71                                        Mouse genetic studies demonstrated that interferon (IFN)-alpha
72 ent insights from quantitative and molecular genetic studies demonstrating considerable pleiotropy in
73                                  In light of genetic studies demonstrating the attenuated virulence o
74              Furthermore, we discuss how new genetic study designs are starting to explain inter-indi
75                     The discoveries from CHD genetic studies draw attention to biological pathways th
76 f the common carp have made its breeding and genetic studies extremely difficult.
77                                        Prior genetic studies focused on traits defined using the apne
78                                Complementary genetic studies found that Sox9-Brn2 and Isl1-Lhx3 regul
79                              However, recent genetic studies have added unexpected twists to this mec
80                                              Genetic studies have allowed the identification of sever
81                              Mouse and human genetic studies have also revealed physiological roles f
82                                    Molecular genetic studies have also shown that common physical and
83                       A wealth of population genetic studies have documented that many successful bio
84                                              Genetic studies have elucidated critical roles of Piwi p
85                                              Genetic studies have enabled the identification of a set
86                    Furthermore, quantitative genetic studies have failed to associate naturally occur
87                                              Genetic studies have found that a common polymorphic var
88                                              Genetic studies have identified >100 components that par
89                                              Genetic studies have identified 163 susceptibility loci
90                                       Recent genetic studies have identified a few loci associated wi
91                                              Genetic studies have identified a glutamate-ammonia liga
92                                     Although genetic studies have identified AD-associated SNPs in AP
93                                              Genetic studies have identified several genes and genomi
94                                       Recent genetic studies have identified some alleles that are as
95                                        Human genetic studies have identified the neuronal RNA binding
96                                    Molecular genetic studies have identified transduction and transcr
97                                     Although genetic studies have implicated autoimmune processes in
98                                              Genetic studies have implicated de novo cysteine biosynt
99                                     Previous genetic studies have implicated regulatory mechanisms co
100                                        Human genetic studies have implicated the voltage-gated sodium
101         In addition, several biochemical and genetic studies have indicated an inhibitory role of hum
102                           Although extensive genetic studies have indicated that the Wzy-dependent bi
103 ions account for 85-90% of GISTs; subsequent genetic studies have led to the identification of mutati
104 dies with longitudinal data on relapse, past genetic studies have not attempted to identify genetic f
105                     In the past two decades, genetic studies have provided important insights into th
106                                       Recent genetic studies have provided overwhelming evidence of t
107                                              Genetic studies have recently identified CACNA1C as a ca
108                                     To date, genetic studies have reported 17 independent signals for
109          Post-mortem brain analyses and some genetic studies have reported interneuronal deficits and
110                                              Genetic studies have revealed significant overlaps of ri
111                                       Recent genetic studies have revealed that NLRC5 is a major targ
112                                  Large-scale genetic studies have revealed that rare sequence variant
113                                    Molecular genetic studies have revealed the functional basis for s
114                                              Genetic studies have revealed the involvement of hundred
115                               While previous genetic studies have shed some light on the evolutionary
116                                       Recent genetic studies have shown that mutations in the ER gene
117                                              Genetic studies have shown that obesity risk is heritabl
118                                  In mammals, genetic studies have shown that this process relies on s
119                                              Genetic studies have shown the association of Parkinson'
120              Linguistic, archaeological, and genetic studies have shown the complex nature of the pro
121 bility of stone disease is known, and recent genetic studies have successfully identified genes that
122 e most widely used mammalian model organism, genetic studies have suffered from limited mapping resol
123                                      Several genetic studies have suggested SORCS2 to confer risk of
124                 At the same time, population-genetic studies have suggested that genetically diverse
125 he transmembrane fusion subunit GP2, and our genetic studies have suggested that these small-molecule
126               SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Recent genetic studies have underscored the emerging role of mi
127                                              Genetic studies have validated the pathway for phosphati
128                         Multiple small human genetic studies have variably linked single nucleotide p
129                                 Recent human-genetics studies have come to different conclusions rega
130 onal importance, no large-scale neuroimaging genetics studies have targeted the contributions of gene
131                                          Our genetic studies highlight the heightened vulnerability o
132                                              Genetic studies highlight the potential role of estrogen
133 ecause of previously published seminal mouse genetic studies; however, mutations in MITF have never b
134  review uses multiple lines of evidence from genetic studies, human tissue, induced pluripotent stem
135 ilon2, APOE epsilon3, and APOE epsilon4, and genetic studies identified ApoE4 as the strongest geneti
136                                          Our genetic studies identified biallelic mutations of PRUNE1
137                                    Classical genetic studies identified five major SIX-ROWED SPIKE (V
138   Age strongly impaired IL-22 responses, and genetic studies identified several independent QTLs that
139 s view has recently been challenged by human genetic studies identifying somatic gain-of-function mut
140 ed movement execution.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Genetic studies implicate Slc1a1, a gene encoding the ne
141                                              Genetic studies implicate these pathways widely in the i
142                                     Finally, genetic studies implicated the A2B adenosine receptor in
143                                      Further genetic studies implicated the AP-3 complex, which is a
144 hologic correlation of cutaneous lesions and genetic studies in 11 members of a family with familial
145                               Here we report genetic studies in a Drosophila model to define S100A4 e
146 utational neuroscience and pharmacologic and genetic studies in animals and humans, particularly thos
147 en yeast and other eukaryotes, and molecular genetic studies in budding yeast have provided critical
148                                       Recent genetic studies in flowering plants suggest that differe
149                                              Genetic studies in fruit flies have implicated the chrom
150  recurring theme emerging from developmental genetic studies in grass models, that is that infloresce
151 nd highlight the usefulness of complex trait genetic studies in isolated populations.
152                                 We conducted genetic studies in Italian patients with U-HAE to identi
153                               After 2 recent genetic studies in mice addressing the developmental ori
154                                              Genetic studies in mice have provided evidence that H-Ra
155                                       Future genetic studies in MS will likely focus on the role of r
156                                           In genetic studies in normal mammary gland epithelial and c
157 leveraging these results in combination with genetic studies in order to prioritize potential genes f
158                                    Moreover, genetic studies in patients suggest that SP110 plays a k
159 s to develop a set of SSR markers useful for genetic studies in sainfoin and their characterization i
160                                              Genetic studies in seven independent human populations i
161                                       Recent genetic studies in the KRN mouse model of rheumatoid art
162                                              Genetic studies in various fungi, particularly Saccharom
163                                      Through genetic studies in yeast, we demonstrate that Nfu1 funct
164 sent the most comprehensive and well powered genetic study in dementia with Lewy bodies so far.
165 raits is consistent with previous behavioral genetics studies in other species, for example in mouse,
166 atform was developed to underpin association genetics studies in the polyploid crop species Brassica
167 ake them excellent candidates for population genetic study, including a very high rate of mutation, h
168 subject to the same constraints as any other genetic study, including stringent type I error control.
169 tability of task performance, and population genetic studies indicate a genetic association with repr
170                                              Genetic studies indicate that Park2 is essential for hea
171                                      Further genetic studies indicated that the exon usage hypothesis
172                                   A previous genetic study indicated that the resistance of Norway sp
173                                     Although genetic studies initially suggested a primary role for a
174 NA sequencing has led to the introduction of genetic studies into the clinical realm.
175                                          The genetic study involved 673 patients with pSS from 2 Fren
176             Largely consistent with previous genetic studies it was found that deletion of bioW cause
177 nowledge-based mining system for Genome-wide Genetic studies (KGG).
178                             Here our forward genetic study led to the discovery of VezA, a vezatin-li
179                                              Genetic studies linked FEVR with mutations in Wnt signal
180                               Here we review genetic studies linking the glutamatergic system to the
181                              Similar forward genetic studies may be useful to define the basis of pat
182 The novel approach furthermore suggests that genetic studies may be useful to explore the clinical re
183                                      Further genetic studies may reveal the basis for the low innate
184                  Limited success of previous genetics studies may be attributable to heterogeneity of
185                         Further neuroimaging genetics study might lead to the development of fundamen
186 use of its structural similarity to glucose, genetic studies of 1,5-AG can deliver complementary insi
187 preclinical mouse models of liver cancer and genetic studies of a human liver biopsy atlas with the a
188 )-enabled image-phenotyping pipeline for the genetic studies of abiotic stress iron deficiency chloro
189                                       Future genetic studies of animals and humans can delineate the
190                                              Genetic studies of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have e
191                     We screened 763 original genetic studies of BD or MDD that investigated genes enc
192                   Experimental approaches to genetic studies of complex traits evolve with technologi
193                                              Genetic studies of complex traits have mainly identified
194 cipate that GWAX will prove useful in future genetic studies of complex traits in large population co
195                                              Genetic studies of disease can identify novel drug targe
196                                              Genetic studies of dormancy are challenging, because the
197 llite markers will be the powerful tools for genetic studies of E.(M.) onukii and improve understandi
198                                              Genetic studies of eczema have identified many genes, wh
199 ted SpCas9 genome editing can enable reverse genetic studies of gene function in the brain.
200                                   Only a few genetic studies of growth retardation associated with th
201 ost racially/ethnically diverse fine-mapping genetic studies of HDL-C, LDL-C, and triglycerides to-da
202                                              Genetic studies of human disease have traditionally focu
203 og of IFI16, this system is not suitable for genetic studies of IFI16.
204                                              Genetic studies of intellectual disability and identific
205 e, Web of Science, and HuGENET databases for genetic studies of keratoconus published from 1950 to Ju
206 e pre-existing variant databases in pursuing genetic studies of Korean individuals.
207 acilitating the functional interpretation of genetic studies of limb malformations.
208 variation across the genome to inform future genetic studies of MDD.
209                                    Molecular genetic studies of model plants in the past few decades
210                                       Future genetic studies of musical abilities should involve larg
211 ed in two independent samples, the Yale-Penn genetic studies of opioid, cocaine and alcohol dependenc
212 tibility factor genes cifA and cifB pioneers genetic studies of prophage WO-induced reproductive mani
213 strates the potential of using biomarkers in genetic studies of psychiatric disorders, and may help t
214                                              Genetic studies of rare and endangered species often foc
215                                     However, genetic studies of rare familial forms have led to the i
216 ting data from GWAS analyses with those from genetic studies of regulatory variation, it is possible
217 ot enriched in genomic regions identified in genetic studies of schizophrenia and do not reflect dire
218            After two decades of frustration, genetic studies of schizophrenia have entered an era of
219                                  Large-scale genetic studies of schizophrenia have increased the numb
220                                              Genetic studies of serogroup 6 isolates ofStreptococcus
221   However, recent high-resolution population genetic studies of TAS2Rs suggest that demographic event
222                                              Genetic studies of the Escherichia coli serine receptor
223                    Recent identification and genetic studies of the plant purinoceptor, P2K1 (also kn
224                                Although many genetic studies of tropical forest fragmentation have be
225                                              Genetic study of 7 genes (LDLR, APOB, PCSK9, APOE, STAP1
226 ow up, 2 cohorts (GeneSTAR, the family-based Genetic Study of Atherosclerosis Risk [n=543], and CCHS,
227     So far, to our knowledge, no large-scale genetic study of dementia with Lewy bodies has been done
228 s the utility of extreme trait selection for genetic study of intelligence and suggests that extremel
229 fy new susceptibility loci, we carried out a genetic study of migraine on 59,674 affected subjects an
230 nce use disorder datasets: the Collaborative Genetic Study of Nicotine Dependence (ascertained for to
231 c diseases, and serves as an example for the genetic study of other diseases.
232 etics, and Environment (SAGE); the Yale-Penn genetic study of substance dependence; and the National
233  prospective, population-based, clinical and genetic study of sudden cardiac death among children and
234                            This, the largest genetic study of VUR to date, highlights the 10q26 regio
235       In this first large-scale neuroimaging genetics study of the human nicotinic receptor system (t
236                Thus far, the majority of the genetic studies on atopic diseases have used populations
237                                              Genetic studies on disease associations and functional a
238                However, the lack of parallel genetic studies on gall-forming arthropods limits our ab
239                          Pharmacological and genetic studies on human/murine platelets revealed that
240                                       Recent genetic studies on mtDNA have shown reciprocal monophyly
241 to-transfect, while facilitating fundamental genetic studies on numerous diverse microbes.
242 ed genome sequence will permit sophisticated genetic studies on stem cells and regeneration using M.
243                                      Whereas genetic studies on the origin of B. dendrobatidis have i
244                                   Population genetics studies on non-model organisms typically involv
245  of the results of clinical, pathologic, and genetic studies performed in a single male infant observ
246 pensive genotyping methods are essential for genetic studies requiring large sample sizes.
247    Histopathologic, immunohistochemical, and genetic study results of tumor specimens and saliva.
248                                  These mouse genetic studies reveal that chronic necroptosis may unde
249                              Biochemical and genetic studies reveal that the products of two genes th
250                                          Our genetic studies reveal that the ubiquitous heterodimeric
251                  Biochemical, behavioral and genetic studies revealed CRHR1 as a possible candidate g
252 onsistent with these ex vivo findings, mouse genetic studies revealed that ADAMTS3 is required for ly
253                                     Previous genetic studies revealed that mutations in protocadherin
254                                        Mouse genetic studies show that elevated erythrocyte Sphk1-ind
255                                              Genetic studies showed that ALB4 and STIC2 act together
256                                        Human genetic studies showed that mutations in IRF6 lead to cl
257 la melanogaster has been at the forefront of genetic studies since before the discovery of DNA.
258                                          For genetic studies, statistically significant variants expl
259 es is an important initial component of many genetic studies such as mutation detection, linkage and
260 rent ADF/Cofilins (Cof1, Cof2, and ADF), and genetic studies suggest that in vivo they perform both o
261                                              Genetic studies suggest that SMN-1 promotes Arp2/3 activ
262                                              Genetic studies suggest that these inhibitors act throug
263                             Mouse models and genetic studies suggest the involvement of TH1 and type
264                             Previous reverse genetic studies suggested that the roles of VRN1 and FT
265                                   A previous genetic study suggested that the endoplasmic reticulum a
266                       Further biological and genetic studies support a working model where rapsyn, a
267                                     Although genetic studies support cytoneme involvement in morphoge
268                              Results of this genetic study support a possible role for the mineraloco
269 in tambaqui, which will be useful to enhance genetic studies that can be applied in breeding programs
270 cost effective approach for population level genetic studies that require large numbers of samples su
271                  We demonstrate by molecular genetic studies that SEEDSTICK (STK), a transcription fa
272 nvolved in autophagy have been identified by genetic studies, the mechanism accounting for how these
273       We show that in the context of medical genetic studies this improves the resolution of compound
274                                              Genetic studies, though limited, have demonstrated both
275 sm has been largely invisible to genome-wide genetic studies thus far, we describe a way to analyze i
276                           We used functional genetic studies to determine whether the intrinsic apopt
277                           Here, we conducted genetic studies to investigate the role of Utf1 (Undiffe
278 ndings demonstrate the promise of broadening genetic studies to systematically search for well indivi
279 ional phenotype data previously collected by genetic studies to tackle phenotypic heterogeneity in MD
280                                     However, genetic studies to test the underlying assumption of res
281  2017 winner, Jonathan Hodgkin, used elegant genetic studies to unravel the sex determination pathway
282   In the present study, we conducted a human genetic study to assess the association of EFNB3 single
283 In this first GWAS of AOM and the largest OM genetic study to date, we identify the first genome-wide
284                            Modern population genetics studies typically involve genome-wide genotypin
285                                              Genetic studies uncover a mutation in a widely conserved
286                            Our molecular and genetic studies uncover PI3K/AKT2 as a direct PDGFA targ
287                                              Genetic studies uncovered heterozygous missense mutation
288                                        Also, genetic studies using the Mendelian randomization design
289  module identification framework for imaging genetic studies using the tissue-specific functional int
290                                Most previous genetic studies utilized European and Asian subjects to
291                     The Family Interview for Genetic Studies was administered to all participants and
292                                              Genetic study was performed in 47 patients and 30 pathog
293        By combining Oxi-BTH assays, NMR, and genetic studies, we also demonstrate that two intermolec
294                         By pharmacologic and genetic studies, we identify FKBP12 as a novel hepcidin
295                                      In this genetic study, we included 1162 patients with sarcoma fr
296 4) and a confirmed polygenic nature, initial genetic studies were mostly underpowered.
297                                        Human genetic studies, when considered with the results of ran
298  data provides a rich potential resource for genetic studies which may allow for greater understandin
299                      Ultimately, the goal of genetics studies will be to translate genetics to patien
300                         This was revealed by genetic studies with double mutants including carotenoid

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