


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 exemplify primitive states of the developing genetic system.
2  incorporation of phosphate and an RNA-based genetic system.
3 erproduce SHI utilizing a recently developed genetic system.
4 hampered by the lack of a tenable chlamydial genetic system.
5 tly to accelerate the use of S. viridis as a genetic system.
6 acilitating rapid transfer to any compatible genetic system.
7  related to the underlying properties of the genetic system.
8 ymes can serve as an experimental model of a genetic system.
9 it is one of few archaea with an established genetic system.
10 hicken cells to dissect its role in a stable genetic system.
11 red by IFN-inhibited PKR function in a yeast genetic system.
12 nctions of PARP in a sophisticated microbial genetic system.
13 ement using a recently described MHV reverse genetic system.
14 rin affinity modulation in a tractable model genetic system.
15 building blocks for a large-sized artificial genetic system.
16 e switching) embedded in a uniquely powerful genetic system.
17 e easily adaptable to circuit mapping in any genetic system.
18  for studying tendon biology in a vertebrate genetic system.
19 otein expression is critical when optimizing genetic systems.
20 on of the relative complexities of different genetic systems.
21 are assembled from subunits derived from two genetic systems.
22 n and investigate its consequences for model genetic systems.
23 organism-based research and the evolution of genetic systems.
24 may be a common force in standard population genetic systems.
25 troses) that may also be able to function in genetic systems.
26 ant bacterial pathogens with no or difficult genetic systems.
27 cal processes because of a lack of tractable genetic systems.
28 ruction and systematic optimization of large genetic systems.
29 bility of genome sequence data and molecular genetic systems.
30 ays and the evolutionary dynamics of complex genetic systems.
31 d, yet little is known about how they modify genetic systems.
32 typing individual sites, proteins, or entire genetic systems.
33 ractive complementary technology to existing genetic systems.
34 er of genetic information between successive genetic systems.
35 tructing, and characterizing such artificial genetic systems.
36 rgetic organelles with their own genomes and genetic systems.
37 nked by shared, underlying physiological and genetic systems.
38 ally interact and function together in other genetic systems.
39 h facilitate recovery of MNV using a reverse-genetics system.
40 he virus S and L segments by using a reverse genetics system.
41 at carries the mutated hPIV1 HN by a reverse genetics system.
42 nt IPNV strains using the cRNA-based reverse-genetics system.
43 ) (H3N2) by using a highly efficient reverse genetics system.
44 rtificial chromosome (BAC)-based MHV reverse genetics system.
45  virus, were generated by use of the reverse genetics system.
46 acid mutation at this site through a reverse genetics system.
47  with an antibody avidity assay based on the Genetic Systems 1/2+ O ELISA.
48 y heritable epigenetic information represent genetic systems adjunct to DNA sequences that contribute
49 ized biological parts in the construction of genetic systems aimed at eliciting of desired cellular b
50                                        Phage genetic systems already support the perspective that lys
51 .3 strain U201 RNA, generated from a reverse genetics system, also does not induce an IFN response.
52                       Here we study a simple genetic system, an evolving RNA enzyme (ribozyme) in whi
53 rospective of Drosophila as an indispensable genetic system and discuss some of the many contribution
54 ism of aCFV, we used the geminiviral reverse genetic system and introduced a multimeric clone into th
55      The viability of xDNA as an alternative genetic system and its possible biotechnological applica
56 cking the functions of the natural DNA-based genetic system and of developing useful research tools.
57 ubstitutions were made within a TBEV reverse genetic system and recovered mutants were compared for p
58                                         This genetic system and related biochemical assays have now b
59                            This cosmid-based genetic system and the reporter virus neutralization ass
60  should improve the engineering of synthetic genetic systems and also advance quantitative modeling o
61                They combine highly developed genetic systems and ease of use with reductions in time
62 information between organelles with distinct genetic systems and have established a new level of inte
63                  Thus, we would predict that genetic systems and nervous systems would be dynamic (cy
64                                Compared with genetic systems and other in vitro methods, IVT2H not on
65                         Advanced recombinant genetic systems and the recent discovery of a mouse-trop
66 yeast, the genome was altered by using yeast genetic systems and then transplanted to produce a new s
67 derstanding evolutionary dynamics of complex genetic systems and unveiling structure and function of
68 By taking advantage of the available reverse genetics system and ectopic expression system for viral
69 tions at these three residues with a reverse genetics system and then investigated the molecular basi
70 oach complements the current mouse molecular genetics systems and provides a powerful means for the g
71 hat have been developed in such traditional 'genetic systems', and highlight the progress that has be
72 al tolerance mechanisms, implementation of a genetic system, and discovery of a new carbon fixation p
73 ries that unify many deeply diverged ciliate genetic systems, and a surprising evolutionary "sign cha
74 nctions of the ribosome, enabling orthogonal genetic systems, and engineering ribosomes with new func
75 f parenting on the child's physiological and genetic systems, and how interventions can improve child
76 manipulation of many organisms for which few genetic systems are available.
77                                     Expanded genetic systems are most likely to work with natural enz
78 r microorganisms, especially those for which genetic systems are unavailable.
79 ignature of coevolution of these two complex genetic systems as compared with inhibitory receptor-lig
80                          There is no reverse genetics system available for the current epidemic virus
81 pore-forming bacterium and model prokaryotic genetic system, Bacillus subtilis, is extremely useful i
82                          We used a synthetic genetic system based on ligand-induced intramembrane pro
83                                            A genetic system based on rpsL-streptomycin counter select
84                     Here, we present a novel genetic system based on the chicken DT40 cell line, in w
85 ggest the possibility of a future eight-base genetic system based on the yDNA geometry.
86 and characterization of a novel ZIKV reverse genetics system based on a 2015 isolate from Puerto Rico
87            Therefore, we developed a reverse genetics system based on the neurovirulent Snyder Hill (
88 virus (ZEBOV) glycoprotein (GP) by a reverse genetics system based on the SAD B19 RABV wildlife vacci
89                             Studies in novel genetic systems, both at the base of the land plant phyl
90 ctionality of aptazymes in fully cytoplasmic genetic systems, but also implicates general feasibility
91 ing reovirus rescue from the current reverse genetics system by 100-fold.
92 , in turn, implies that the GACTZP synthetic genetic system can explore the entire expanded sequence
93                                         This genetic system can therefore be employed for the testing
94  RV isolate, demonstrating that this reverse genetics system can be used to study the molecular biolo
95                                 This reverse genetics system can be used to study the molecular virol
96 , G, C, isoC, isoG alphabet is an artificial genetic system capable of Darwinian evolution.
97                          We have developed a genetic system capable of producing modular carbon-fixin
98                      In early vertebrates, a genetic system coding for ancient soft collagenous tissu
99                          We analyzed various genetic systems comprising HIV-1, the malaria-causing pa
100                                         Both genetic systems contain two-gene operons that are transc
101                                          The genetic systems controlling body axis formation trace ba
102                         Study of this unique genetic system coupled with proteomic analysis indicated
103 he complete genomic sequence and the reverse genetics system described herein make TV a valuable mode
104                           The robust reverse genetics system described will be a valuable tool for th
105     Using the murine norovirus (MNV) reverse-genetics system, disruption of 5' end stem-loops produce
106 e that TNA could have served as an ancestral genetic system during an early stage of life.
107       To address these issues, a yeast-based genetic system enabling generation of stable strains exp
108 nity, Long and coworkers describe a powerful genetic system enabling reliable serial genetic dissecti
109                        This highly efficient genetic system facilitates high-throughput functional ch
110 of other animals suggest that a pre-existing genetic system for anteroposterior head patterning was c
111 is manuscript, we describe a CRISPR-mediated genetic system for cells of the myeloid lineage in which
112                    Since there is no current genetic system for Chlamydia spp., blockade of T3S was a
113 upports the development of this well-defined genetic system for conversion of methylglucuronoxylan (M
114 pressing transgenic plants may provide a new genetic system for dissecting the molecular mechanism th
115 ce because they provide a uniform and stable genetic system for functional analyses and therapeutic a
116 We have developed yeast as an expression and genetic system for functional studies of the insulin-deg
117                         The development of a genetic system for making recombinant rhLCV constitutes
118 nistic information obtained in this powerful genetic system for mammalian mitosis.
119                      We describe a versatile genetic system for rapid analysis of mammalian gene func
120      Here, we report on the development of a genetic system for the detection of T(12;15)(Igh-Myc) tr
121 netic bases, and they establish an important genetic system for the study of early stages of ecologic
122 the family Y Pols, and the availability of a genetic system for this archaeon should allow subsequent
123    These new genes are the basis for a novel genetic system for various mineralized tissues in skelet
124 l advances in glycan binding assays, reverse genetic systems for influenza and in X-ray crystallograp
125                       We constructed reverse genetic systems for JHM.SD and JHM.WU and, utilizing the
126 of this novelty is co-option of pre-existing genetic systems for new purposes.
127 By taking advantage of the available reverse genetics system for a model arenavirus, Pichinde virus (
128                     We constructed a reverse genetics system for avian paramyxovirus serotype 7 (APMV
129 the establishment of a plasmid-based reverse genetics system for equine influenza virus.
130 veloped the first, to our knowledge, reverse genetics system for HRV-C.
131        In this report, we describe a reverse genetics system for NL63, whereby five contiguous cDNAs
132     A newly described single-plasmid reverse genetics system for noroviruses has the potential to fac
133 is end, we developed a plasmid-based reverse genetics system for Orsay virus by creating transgenic C
134                                 This reverse genetics system for PEC provides a new tool to study the
135 s functional minigenome system and a reverse genetics system for production of infectious Junin virus
136      In this study, we constructed a reverse-genetics system for recovery of infectious APMV-3 strain
137      In this study, we constructed a reverse genetics system for recovery of infectious recombinant A
138 yxoviruses (APMVs), we constructed a reverse genetics system for recovery of infectious recombinant A
139                                    A reverse genetics system for the highly virulent NDV strain Banja
140                       We generated a reverse genetics system for the live-attenuated MV vaccine strai
141 ing potential acceptor sites using a reverse genetics system for the moderately pathogenic strain Bea
142  investigations, we have developed a reverse-genetics system for UUKV that permits manipulation of th
143 athways confounds the development of reverse genetics systems for rotavirus.
144 rovirus (MNV) and the development of reverse-genetics systems for this virus provide an opportunity t
145                   The development of reverse genetics systems for wild-type strains of CDV and the us
146                                  This unique genetic system further enabled us to show that expressio
147                       However, the lack of a genetic system has confounded efforts to establish any r
148 Fragile X syndrome, the classical Drosophila genetic system has provided fruitful disease models.
149                           The power of these genetic systems has revealed many genetic factors involv
150 gy approaches and the development of reverse genetics systems has allowed the rapid and reliable desi
151          The available data from uniparental genetic systems have already transformed our view of the
152  (HIV-1)/HIV-2 antibody screening assay, the Genetic Systems HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA, was compared to
153      Due to the absence of a F. succinogenes genetic system, homologues in Escherichia coli were muta
154 walk virus stool RNA transfection, a reverse genetics system, IFN neutralization reagents, and shRNA
155 embers of human APOBEC3 family using a novel genetic system in Escherichia coli.
156  complex (MHC) contains the most polymorphic genetic system in humans, the human leukocyte antigen (H
157 ssues, we have developed a novel conditional genetic system in mice based on the heterologous express
158          To study CytoQC, we have employed a genetic system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a trans
159                           Here we describe a genetic system in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to
160                            We have created a genetic system in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to
161                  We describe here a chemical genetic system in which a single Plk family member, Plk1
162  editing in human cells to create a chemical genetic system in which endogenous Plk4 can be specifica
163 other enrichment program (MEP), an inducible genetic system in which mother cells maintain a normal R
164                                Using a mouse genetic system in which restricted populations of neuron
165                   One of the most intriguing genetic systems in B. burgdorferi is vls recombination,
166 ough the analysis of uniparentally inherited genetic systems in Native American populations and the c
167 nsects to engineer female-specific autocidal genetic systems in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratiti
168 his is the first plasmid-based virus reverse genetics system in the metazoan C. elegans.
169 ome these problems, we established a reverse genetics system in which the eight RNA polymerase I tran
170  we describe a recombinant human RSV reverse genetics system in which the red fluorescent protein (mC
171 physical characterization of a new four-base genetic system, in which all base pairs are larger than
172                Through use of an MHV reverse genetics system, in-frame deletions of the coding sequen
173 enges the understanding of even the simplest genetic systems, including the prototypical lac operon.
174 ult myocardium using a doxycycline-inducible genetic system (inducible Notch intracellular domain [iN
175                By using a cDNA-based reverse genetics system, insertions or substitutions of sequence
176 ep in synthetic biology to use an artificial genetic system inside of living bacterial cells.
177 e provides a blueprint for understanding the genetic systems involved in alkane metabolism including
178 at such pulsating response in drug-inducible genetic systems is a property emerging from the dependen
179     A common topology found in many bistable genetic systems is two interacting positive feedback loo
180                        The precision of this genetic system largely depends on the specificity of Cre
181 nt gaps in our conceptual framework of early genetic systems make it difficult to imagine how a stabl
182 gent to develop representations of synthetic genetic systems more abstract than their DNA sequence.
183      The aim of synthetic biology is to make genetic systems more amenable to engineering, which has
184                      This study exploits the genetic system of Salmonella enterica to examine the in
185 ccus faecalis is the most thoroughly studied genetic system of this species.
186          Animal models combined with reverse genetic systems of anellovirus have not been developed.
187 e ancient events can significantly shape the genetic systems of the recipients and can play a part in
188                              Using a reverse genetics system of a prototypic arenavirus, Pichinde vir
189                                    A reverse genetics system of PRRSV North American prototype VR-233
190 Insects carrying a female-specific autocidal genetic system offer an attractive alternative to conven
191                                        Other genetic systems operate and affect the various outcomes
192 n give some insights into the origins of new genetic systems or new phenotypic characters.
193                  However, due to the lack of genetic systems, protein transfer by the C. burnetii Dot
194                          Utilizing a reverse-genetics system recently developed, we report the rescue
195                              Using a reverse genetics system, recombinant hMPVs (rhMPVs) lacking eith
196                                How divergent genetic systems regulate a common pathway during the dev
197 ing region; however, it remains elusive what genetic system regulates the Hand2-Shh pathway in the hi
198          The reliable forward engineering of genetic systems remains limited by the ad hoc reuse of m
199  new DNA folds that will emerge in synthetic genetic systems replacing standard DNA and RNA as platfo
200 oteobacteria, and it is likely that the VtlR genetic system represents a common regulatory circuit cr
201                       Natural and engineered genetic systems require the coordinated expression of pr
202 ective NK cell-mediated MCMV control in this genetic system required polymorphic H2k genes without ne
203 lts of minigenome assays and an EBOV reverse genetic system rescue support a role for both the panhan
204                                 We propose a genetic system, Semele, which may be used for both.
205           Molecular analyses of these simple genetic systems show rapid evolution, positive selection
206 ficiency aspects of this Junin virus reverse genetics system show great promise for addressing import
207     This suggests the possibility that other genetic system structures besides the natural one might
208 n pathogens, including NTHI, possess a novel genetic system, termed the phasevarion, which mediates a
209 ion in an exceptionally stable new four-base genetic system, termed xDNA, in which the base pairs wer
210              Here we report a Cre/loxP-based genetic system that allowed inducible deletion of specif
211          We previously developed a synthetic genetic system that allows a laboratory strain of Escher
212 sponse element, termed SILENCE, is a forward genetic system that allows for conditional, epigenetic c
213 nteraction, both important components of any genetic system that are often overlooked in association
214                                            A genetic system that contains more bits than the number t
215                      Further, we developed a genetic system that enabled us for the first time to iso
216 nt genome-editing tools comprises a powerful genetic system that enables facile insertion and deletio
217 f yeast ribosomes were created using a yeast genetic system that enables stable production of ribosom
218                                   However, a genetic system that permits tracing the early events of
219                 We expect that the tractable genetic system that we have developed will be useful for
220                                      Several genetic systems that allow the use of iron-protoporphyri
221 ts the development of specialized orthogonal genetic systems that could be evolved for novel function
222 they evolve to be critical components of the genetic systems that determine the biological diversity
223 owing that new genes rapidly change existing genetic systems that govern various molecular, cellular,
224                                          The genetic systems that initially suggested stress-induced
225 tors--are at the center of physiological and genetic systems that permitted the evolution of the huma
226 specificity of this response is conferred by genetic systems that restrict fusion to self and close k
227 ent after the development of the BTV reverse-genetics system that allows the introduction of targeted
228 first established a highly efficient reverse genetics system that increased rescue titers by >/=3 log
229 ction and may be applicable to other reverse genetics systems that rely on the introduction of severa
230                                Using reverse genetics systems that we have recently developed, we hav
231                                   In several genetic systems, the speed of adaptation has been attrib
232            Compared to the classical reverse genetics system, the "eight-in-one" bacmids (bcmd-RGFlu)
233 capitulates a central aspect of an RNA-based genetic system: the RNA-catalyzed synthesis of an active
234 ults greatly extend the utility of the HCVcc genetic system to allow the complete in vitro and in viv
235 nsmitter to regulate locomotion, providing a genetic system to analyze serotonin signaling.
236 rosophila larvae, which represent a powerful genetic system to analyze the contribution of individual
237     Using fission yeast, we have developed a genetic system to block replication forks at nonhistone/
238 ed in other studies, we have developed a new genetic system to characterize ffs mutants.
239            Thus, C. elegans may be used as a genetic system to characterize novel cellular and molecu
240 eagues have further exploited the Drosophila genetic system to characterize two new phototransduction
241                          We have developed a genetic system to conditionally misexpress Tbx2 in the e
242                          Here, we describe a genetic system to conditionally reduce ATR expression to
243            We have made practical use of our genetic system to confirm that residues composing the ex
244 o demonstrates the usefulness of the reverse genetic system to confirm the role of residues or protei
245 hat are infectious in cell culture provide a genetic system to evaluate the significance of virus-hos
246                 Here, we exploited the yeast genetic system to identify members of the mammalian AMPK
247 sophila adult midgut proves to be a powerful genetic system to identify novel mediators of APC phenot
248  model of tissue replacement that utilized a genetic system to identify transplanted cells and induce
249                      In lieu of a functional genetic system to investigate floral development in thes
250                          We have developed a genetic system to investigate the mechanisms of DNA doub
251 ation theory approach can be extended to any genetic system to predict new sites for DNA-binding prot
252      Dispensability provides an advantageous genetic system to probe the mechanisms of division prote
253  We have used a vaccinia virus-based reverse genetic system to produce recombinant viruses encoding n
254                           Using a tripartite genetic system to selectively ablate either V1 or V2b IN
255                             Using a chemical-genetic system to selectively and reversibly inhibit Zap
256                          Herein, we deploy a genetic system to starve cells of an essential ribosomal
257 t stem cells may provide the necessary human genetic system to study germ cell development.
258                    In an effort to develop a genetic system to study SifA function, we expressed SifA
259  Chlamydomonas reinhardtii provides a simple genetic system to study the role of the centriole in cil
260 pericarp and cob glumes, offers an excellent genetic system to study tissue-specific gene regulation.
261                      In this study we used a genetic system to titrate the rate of GPCR signaling in
262                    We have generated a novel genetic system to visualize cell lineages in living tiss
263 isms, we made use of the tet-On and Cre-loxP genetic systems to selectively and acutely express polyQ
264                       We developed a reverse genetics system to create a mutant of RRV (RRV(VP4-R446G
265 ly efficient Rift Valley fever virus reverse genetics system to generate live recombinant viruses wit
266 dy, we employed a helper virus-based reverse genetics system to identify NSP2 gene regions that corre
267 nfirmed using a vaccinia virus-based reverse genetics system to produce a recombinant virus, Bristol
268  the United States, we established a reverse genetics system to produce infectious AMPV of subgroup C
269                  We have developed a reverse genetics system to produce live recombinant PICV (strain
270                     We established a reverse-genetics system to recover UUKV entirely from cDNA clone
271 cle (DISC) vaccine strain, we used a reverse genetics system to rescue defective virus strains with l
272 tablished a T7 RNA polymerase-driven reverse genetics system to rescue infectious clones of RVFV MP-1
273                                    A reverse genetics system to rescue infectious Lujo virus from cDN
274 port the development of an efficient reverse genetics system to rescue recombinant LASV and to invest
275 tch in vitro, we first established a reverse genetics system to rescue UUKV with a genome close to th
276                Therefore, the use of reverse genetics systems to engineer viruses lacking NSs is an a
277    Here we report the development of reverse genetics systems to study STFSV replication and pathogen
278                            This ZIKV reverse genetic system, together with mouse and mosquito infecti
279                                            A genetic system utilizing alkaline phosphatase secretion
280                             In this study, a genetic system was developed for M. sedula to investigat
281                                            A genetic system was developed for MLHE-1 and used to show
282 nt lines of evidence suggest that the modern genetic system was preceded by the 'RNA world' in which
283                                    A reverse genetic system was recently established for the coronavi
284                   A reassortment-based viral genetic system was used to map transmissibility by thrip
285                                  The reverse genetics system was used to analyze the role of the clea
286                        Moreover, the reverse genetics system we constructed will be helpful for study
287 king dendrite structure and function in this genetic system, we analyzed da neuron axon projections i
288                                Using a novel genetic system, we demonstrated that seven of the nine g
289 nces of G4C2 repeat expansion in a tractable genetic system, we generated transgenic fly lines expres
290      Using the Pichinde virus (PICV) reverse genetics system, we analyzed the effects of alanine subs
291                         Using an IBV reverse genetics system, we demonstrated that the template-switc
292                   Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, we generated and characterized a chimer
293                              Using a reverse genetics system, we generated recombinant RSV (rRSV) con
294                         By using the reverse-genetics system, we identified that 4 amino acid substit
295              Using the eight-plasmid reverse genetics system, we rescued wild-type SIV A/swine/Minnes
296 ults indicate that the BAC-based MHV reverse genetics system will be useful for studies of JHMV and e
297           This optimized henipavirus reverse genetics system will facilitate future investigations in
298  that the combination of a synthetic modular genetic system with fluorescence correlation spectroscop
299 llespie's results are extended to population genetic systems with explicit age structure, where the d
300 ted substitutions is an emergent property of genetic systems with implications for evolution, vaccine

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