


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                             Importantly, the genioglossus activating effects of these interventions w
2 ry units [mean +/- SEM], p < 0.01) and tonic genioglossus activation (36.3 +/- 5.3 to 20.7 +/- 3.9 ar
3 a number of respiratory variables, including genioglossus activation under both nasal and tracheal st
4  the frequency and amplitude of the sporadic genioglossus activations occurring during REM sleep.
5 haryngeal negative pressure itself modulates genioglossus activity both within breaths and between br
6                                              Genioglossus activity during wakefulness and sleep, geni
7 e that intrapharyngeal pressure may modulate genioglossus activity during wakefulness, with a fall in
8 esipramine abolished the normal reduction of genioglossus activity from wakefulness to non-REM sleep
9 normal individuals during stable NREM sleep, genioglossus activity rises above baseline as PCO2 rises
10 0 mg prevents the state-related reduction in genioglossus activity that occurs during sleep and there
11 lossal motor pool prevents the inhibition of genioglossus activity throughout REM sleep; likewise, wi
12 50-92] wakefulness; P = 0.01) but not phasic genioglossus activity was higher with desipramine compar
13 sed respiratory rate and respiratory-related genioglossus activity, and increased the frequency and a
14 e sought to determine the stimuli modulating genioglossus activity, dissociating the influences of ph
15 gh flow also showed strong correlations with genioglossus activity, there was a significant change in
16 tructive apnea in NREM sleep augments phasic genioglossus activity.
17                                              Genioglossus and diaphragm activities were recorded in 3
18 at 3T the fanlike configuration of the human genioglossus and the laterally positioned merging fibers
19 ruitment of four major upper airway muscles (genioglossus, digastric, sternohyoid, and omohyoid) and
20 vity of the moving-time average (MTA) of the genioglossus electromyogram (EMG-GG) and the esophageal
21 females) during stable NREM sleep, measuring genioglossus electromyogram, epiglottic/choanal pressure
22                     The correlations between genioglossus electromyography (GGEMG) and epiglottic pre
23                                 In 6-8 weeks genioglossus EMG and dynamic MRI of the upper airway wer
24                                              Genioglossus EMG signals were analyzed offline by automa
25 cord pharyngeal dilator muscle activity (the genioglossus [EMGgg] normalized to the wakeful baseline)
26 cord pharyngeal dilator muscle activity (the genioglossus [EMGgg]), we evaluated the muscle, ventilat
27                                              Genioglossus (GG) activation in response to upper airway
28     We therefore determined waking levels of genioglossus (GG) and tensor palatini (TP) muscle activi
29                          Reflex increases in genioglossus (GG) muscle activity in response to negativ
30                                          The genioglossus (GG) muscle is considered the principal pro
31 astric (LAD, RAD), masseter, buccinator, and genioglossus (GG) muscles within the rat's face primary
32 bialis anterior (TA)) and a deep muscle (the genioglossus (GG)) during contractions at various forces
33 ance and electromyographic (EMG) activity of genioglossus (GG), hyoglossus (HG) and inspiratory inter
34  dilator muscle electromyograms (EMGs, i.e., genioglossus [GG-an inspiratory phasic muscle], tensor p
35 ion, plus activation of two dilator muscles (genioglossus [GG] and tensor palatini [TP]) were monitor
36 st the hypothesis that the tongue protrudor (genioglossus, GG) and retractor (styloglossus, SG and hy
37 eviously shown that the activity of both the genioglossus (GGEMG) and tensor palatini (TPEMG) are dec
38 during wakefulness, the activity of both the genioglossus (GGEMG) and tensor palatini (TPEMG) is grea
39                                          The genioglossus is an upper airway dilator muscle, the leng
40  we showed that muscarinic inhibition of the genioglossus is functionally linked to GIRK channel acti
41 noid, and posterior cricoarytenoid), tongue (genioglossus), jaw (digastric), and respiration (diaphra
42 nerve branches innervating tongue protrudor (genioglossus; medial XIIth nerve branch) and retractor (
43 Immunocytochemical results revealed that the genioglossus motoneuron pool, comprising the ventrolater
44 BP), heart rate (HR), diaphragm (D(EMG)) and genioglossus muscle (GG(EMG)) activity were recorded in
45 sodic hypoxia evokes persistent increases of genioglossus muscle (GG) activity, termed long-term faci
46              It is well established that the genioglossus muscle (tongue protrudor) has a role in pro
47 ormoxic hypercapnia alone leads to increased genioglossus muscle activation.
48 mine reduces the state-related drop in tonic genioglossus muscle activity that occurs from wakefulnes
49 s that, during both REM and REM-like states, genioglossus muscle activity was strongly depressed and
50 ximum inspiratory flow, oronasal resistance, genioglossus muscle activity, and arterial blood pressur
51    In DREADD-treated mice, CNO activated the genioglossus muscle and markedly dilated the pharynx, wh
52 ration, HFPOs caused tonic activation of the genioglossus muscle EMG and inhibition of inspiratory mo
53  14; AHI, 4 +/- 1/h) were extracted from the genioglossus muscle EMG signals.
54 ratory time (TE) and tonically activated the genioglossus muscle EMG.
55                   A robust activation of the genioglossus muscle in all lean and obese rats was assoc
56                  These data suggest that the genioglossus muscle is less responsive to either chemica
57  synaptic contacts with retrogradely labeled genioglossus muscle motoneuronal dendrites and perikarya
58 DOR terminals contacted retrogradely labeled genioglossus muscle motoneurons.
59 of these processes with retrogradely labeled genioglossus muscle motoneurons.
60 lossal (XII) motoneurons (MNs) innervate the genioglossus muscle of the tongue, which plays an import
61 h peroxidase (CTB-HRP) was injected into the genioglossus muscle on the right side of four isoflurane
62 otal of 36% of patients with OSA had minimal genioglossus muscle responsiveness during sleep, 37% had
63 ossus activity during wakefulness and sleep, genioglossus muscle responsiveness to negative epiglotti
64 f the upper airway [Pcrit]) and nonanatomic (genioglossus muscle responsiveness, arousal threshold, a
65 he major protruder muscle of the tongue, the genioglossus muscle, are modulated by terminals containi
66 ng masseter muscle and the tongue-protruding genioglossus muscle.
67 tioxidant enzyme activity in the omohyoid or genioglossus muscle.
68 ss of sleep stage and despite an increase in genioglossus-muscle activity.
69                             In six patients, genioglossus-muscle electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded
70     While these results demonstrate that the genioglossus musculature is targeted by ENK inputs, they
71 anized differentially for the control of the genioglossus musculature whose activity is essential in
72  significantly reduced glucose uptake in the genioglossus of patients with sleep apnea in comparison
73  significantly reduced glucose uptake in the genioglossus (P = 0.03) in comparison with obese normal
74 action, whereas independently activating the genioglossus resulted in tongue protrusion.

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