


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ertain drawbacks with regards to prokaryotic genome annotation.
2 nd MNase-seq have become important tools for genome annotation.
3 RF genes, 56 were new to the current Populus genome annotation.
4 metry data as a complementary technology for genome annotation.
5 rons that are not represented in the current genome annotation.
6  and that it can improve transcriptome-based genome annotation.
7 ity was consistent with predictions from the genome annotation.
8 tively spliced isoforms, contrary to current genome annotation.
9 rate a highly aggregated report of the human-genome annotation.
10 ion of duplicate genes and benefiting future genome annotation.
11  will play an increasingly important role in genome annotation.
12 gene structures, thus improving the existing genome annotation.
13 and policies regarding species inclusion and genome annotation.
14 cellular reactions, 27) that were not in the genome annotation.
15  needed for growth but were not found in the genome annotation.
16 rent analyses, such as sequence analysis and genome annotation.
17 g functional sequence categories and improve genome annotation.
18 rs to contribute directly toward the ongoing genome annotation.
19 ranscription units that will facilitate rice genome annotation.
20  the identification of DNA-binding sites and genome annotation.
21 hod for obtaining an experimentally verified genome annotation.
22 enes in many eukaryotes and a key element in genome annotation.
23 -that of the rat--suggests a need to rethink genome annotation.
24  data sets and can be used for collaborative genome annotation.
25 xplore intraspecies sequence comparisons for genome annotation.
26 rotein function and evolution as well as for genome annotation.
27 ical networks, and the GESTALT workbench for genome annotation.
28 ne set and demonstrate its utility for plant genome annotation.
29  be a highly efficient method for functional genome annotation.
30 are identified, making the method useful for genome annotation.
31 y, implying utility for automated eukaryotic genome annotation.
32  genomic loci to receive the same label in a genome annotation.
33 databases, and predicted enzyme location and genome annotation.
34 oCanyon a unique and powerful tool for whole-genome annotation.
35 ent of protein-coding genes is a key goal of genome annotation.
36 r for prokaryotes and is a valuable tool for genome annotation.
37 l can be obtained directly from an automated genome annotation.
38 rocess appears to be absent from the current genome annotation.
39 ic regions of arbitrary length without using genome annotations.
40  genomic regions as well as the accompanying genome annotations.
41 tivity and enhanced the accuracy of existing genome annotations.
42 stematic and efficient revision of microbial genome annotations.
43 ain specific needs, such as expert review of genome annotations.
44 most accurate, complete and multidimensional genome annotations.
45 al subsystems to provide the most consistent genome annotations.
46  genes encoding peptides are often missed in genome annotations.
47  web-based applications to visualize various genome annotations.
48  factors with context information taken from genome annotations.
49  applications is the improvement of existing genome annotations.
50 ly hosted Internet-accessible collections of genome annotations.
51 n or relying on the availability of existing genome annotations.
52  patterns, and both pre-installed and custom genome annotations.
53 atics is to make these genomic sequences and genome annotations accessible in a user-friendly manner
54 orest model was applied to several automated genome annotations, achieving an accuracy of ~60% in mos
55 s created to provide consistent and accurate genome annotations across thousands of genomes and as a
56 me alignments synchronized with a display of genome annotations along each axis.
57   Using the rice (Oryza sativa) sp. japonica genome annotation, along with genomic sequence and clust
58 automatic data-mining algorithms to keep the genome annotation always up-to-date; (iii) comparative g
59 project exploits and extends technology (for genome annotation, analysis and dissemination) developed
60 roject exploits and extends technologies for genome annotation, analysis and dissemination, developed
61          The Ensembl project is a system for genome annotation, analysis, storage and dissemination d
62 n metabolic network based on Build 35 of the genome annotation and a comprehensive evaluation of >50
63 better understanding of the relation between genome annotation and actual metabolic pathways in D. vu
64  Resource Center (EuPathDB.org) to integrate genome annotation and analyses from GeneDB and elsewhere
65 comprehensive web-based system for community genome annotation and analysis.
66 ttern discovery, automated domain detection, genome annotation and ancestral reconstruction.Conclusio
67 ere mostly likely missed in the current rice genome annotation and another 500 genes for structural a
68 on of poly(A) tails is essential to improved genome annotation and better understanding of the regula
69 A sequences is an important and open task in genome annotation and bioinformatics.
70 been used for data management in a number of genome annotation and comparative genomics projects.
71 upport bovine genomics research by providing genome annotation and data mining tools.
72  for the combined assembly, gene prediction, genome annotation and data presentation necessary to int
73 ectively, these results lead to the 6a maize genome annotation and demonstrate the utility of MAKER-P
74 profiling has emerged as a powerful means of genome annotation and detection of regulatory activity.
75 New transcripts, missing in the current TIGR genome annotation and ESTs that are non-coding, includin
76  have become increasingly necessary for both genome annotation and evolutionary studies.
77 is a powerful tool for transcript discovery, genome annotation and expression profiling.
78                    By grouping SNPs based on genome annotation and fitting multiple random effects, w
79 proach has broad potential use as a tool for genome annotation and for the characterization of global
80 nscription factor binding site searches with genome annotation and gene expression profiling data, to
81  method should prove a useful tool in aiding genome annotation and gene expression studies in both pr
82         By bringing together M. tuberculosis genome annotation and gene-expression data with a suite
83 mon bioinformatics tasks such as prokaryotic genome annotation and genome comparisons.
84 key metabolites clarifies ambiguities in the genome annotation and identifies an unusual biosynthetic
85  suggest that RNA-Seq significantly improves genome annotation and identifies novel genes and isoform
86  us to add 365 genes that were missed during genome annotation and identify 917 gene correction event
87  set covers 87% of the current S. cerevisiae genome annotation and includes full sequencing of each O
88                  Consistent with the current genome annotation and independent evidence from enzyme a
89  H. pylori strain 26695 based on the revised genome annotation and new experimental data.
90                Knowledge of Psis can improve genome annotation and our understanding of genome evolut
91 y detection algorithms are valuable tools in genome annotation and protein classification.
92 Es can also greatly simplify many downstream genome annotation and sequence analysis tasks.
93 osed of repetitive sequences that can hinder genome annotation and sequencing efforts.
94 xins is expanding through advances in cereal genome annotation and terpene synthase characterization
95                             Supported by the genome annotation and the transcript profile, isotopomer
96 , automatic pipelines can produce inaccurate genome annotation and their results often require manual
97 ntinues to grow the need for rapid, accurate genome annotation and tRNA genes constitute the largest
98 fflux pump gene (CBU1362) were identified by genome annotation and using a Fur titration assay.
99 ntific interest, developed using the Ensembl genome annotation and visualisation platform.
100 his new release features updates to previous genome annotations and a substantial number of newly ava
101                                              Genome annotations and biochemical studies indicate that
102  researchers can confirm and revise existing genome annotations and discover completely new genes.
103  BiGG Models connects genome-scale models to genome annotations and external databases.
104  different ways and compare the results with genome annotations and other genome scans.
105 viewing the data in the context of reference genome annotations and other related datasets.
106 publicly available genomes, expert review of genome annotations and teaching and training in the area
107 tudies of these data have relied on existing genome annotations and thus are limited to the analysis
108 ol for undergraduate students to learn about genome annotation, and a means for the community of rese
109 uences provide a valuable resource for maize genome annotation, and are a uniquely valuable complemen
110  examined the updated (20.02.02) Riley group genome annotation, and examined the scientific literatur
111 e accurate determination of gene structures, genome annotation, and exploration of the transcriptome
112 proteins is one of the biggest challenges of genome annotation, and perhaps more importantly, few ann
113 gly on their local genomic context, accurate genome annotations are essential.
114 ntity between strain pairs is 98%, and their genome annotations are similar.
115  the Companion web server providing parasite genome annotation as a service using a reference-based a
116 nalysis, drug design, disease diagnosis, and genome annotation as a vast number of protein sequences
117 eful to the Tribolium research community for genome annotation as well as comparative genomics.
118              Curation of the E. chrysanthemi genome annotation as well as those of additional publish
119 ST databases provide essential resources for genome annotation as well as transcriptome characterizat
120                                 The nematode genome annotation assessment project (nGASP) was launche
121 systematic assessment of the accuracy of the genome annotation based on a detailed analysis of a comp
122 s is an integral and significant part of the genome annotation because of their abundance and their i
123  such as whole-genome shotgun sequencing and genome annotation by a community "jamboree," the Drosoph
124 it chromatin conformation information during genome annotation by encouraging positions that are clos
125 ODE project has improved the D. melanogaster genome annotation by using deep and diverse high-through
126 profiles, trained from a database of curated genome annotations, can be used to reliably detect error
127 uence and residue coverage can be useful for genome annotation, comparative genomics and functional s
128  RefSeq data including taxonomic validation, genome annotation, comparative genomics, and clinical te
129 s provide songbird biologists with tools for genome annotation, comparative genomics, and microarray
130 m Buchnera sp. APS that includes an improved genome annotation, comparative information about related
131 ical knowledge, it is readily applicable for genome annotation comparison and genome re-annotation pr
132  quickest and most feature-rich solution for genome annotation comparison to date.
133 croarray platforms based on diverse types of genome annotation data (across different species) collec
134 an be integrated and overlaid with extensive genome annotation data using GALA.
135            Despite increased availability of genome annotation data, a comprehensive resource for in-
136      We have developed a rice (Oryza sativa) genome annotation database (Osa1) that provides structur
137                                   X:Map is a genome annotation database that provides this informatio
138 ncing 737 genes (annotated in the Vertebrate Genome Annotation database) on the human X chromosome in
139 rieve genome annotation features from a UCSC genome annotation database, display histograms of non-re
140  Galaxy, that combines the power of existing genome annotation databases with a simple Web portal to
141 mation system featuring an integrated set of genome annotation, databases and other information for c
142 mation system featuring an integrated set of genome annotation, databases, and other information for
143 nalysed in different ways and projected onto genome annotations derived from EnsMart.
144 to facilitate community efforts in improving genome annotation, determining accurate gene structures
145 ariation with a diverse and adaptable set of genome annotations (e.g., dbSNP, ENCODE, UCSC, ClinVar,
146 ytical approach that incorporates functional genome annotations (e.g., exon or 5'UTR), total linkage
147                                  Apollo is a genome annotation-editing tool with an easy to use graph
148 ould be revised as part of the ongoing human genome annotation effort.
149 ngine MAKER in order to better support plant genome annotation efforts.
150 ve developed MAKER-P, a fast and easy-to-use genome annotation engine for plants.
151  well as being one of the leading sources of genome annotation, Ensembl is an open source software en
152 to correct such inconsistencies during whole-genome annotation, equivalent software designed to corre
153 cally generated reference sequence, retrieve genome annotation features from a UCSC genome annotation
154                                      A whole genome annotation for nucleosome exclusion regions (NXRe
155                    This approach will assist genome annotation for paleopolyploid and true polyploid
156                                        Thus, genome annotation for retrogene identification should di
157 y generated large-scale data sets to improve genome annotation for the nematode Caenorhabditis elegan
158                                              Genome annotations for all sequenced strains of Dehaloco
159                              A comparison to genome annotations for other model organisms shows that
160  multidrug-resistant S. aureus strains using genome annotation, functional-pathway analysis, and comp
161 s serve as a valuable community resource for genome annotation, gene dynamics and comparative functio
162 rowing RBP experimental data with the latest genome annotation, gene function, RNA sequence and struc
163 he probe set sequences were derived from the genome annotation generated by Oak Ridge National Labora
164  the integration of computational and manual genome annotations generated by NCBI, Ensembl and Vega/H
165 terpretation of pathway knowledge to support genome annotation, genome analysis, modeling, systems bi
166            Many model organism databases and genome annotation groups use the GO and contribute their
167                                  Prokaryotic genome annotation has been focused mainly on identifying
168                                     The rice genome annotation has been greatly improved in recent ye
169                              While bacterial genome annotations have significantly improved in recent
170               The parallel view displays two genome annotations horizontally, synchronized through a
171 gh it is not obvious from examination of the genome annotation how these bacteria utilize methionine.
172                                              Genome annotation identified 27,263 protein-coding gene
173  scanning method has the potential to aid in genome annotation, identify proteins for which annotatio
174 alysis uniquely enabled us to: compare wheat genome annotations; identify the Yr6 locus - defining a
175                                   Tasks like genome annotation, image analysis, knowledge-base popula
176  available genomes (IMG/W), expert review of genome annotations (IMG/ER) and teaching and training in
177                                 Although the genome annotation implicates a ferredoxin-dependent oxog
178                                              Genome annotation in differently evolved organisms prese
179 n-based strategies can be used for improving genome annotation in other microorganisms, especially th
180 cing purposes, as well as efforts to improve genome annotation in the fragmented assemblies produced
181 rver, WebGBrowse that allows users to upload genome annotation in the GFF3 format, configure the disp
182 ew the relationships among the corresponding genome annotations in detail.
183 ed the entire database to reflect changes to genome annotations, included information on cyclin-depen
184                                              Genome annotation is a continuing effort, and many of th
185                                   Given that genome annotation is a largely predictive process, key c
186                                              Genome annotation is a synthesis of computational predic
187 ch can be applied to any organism as long as genome annotation is available.
188 ation, a comprehensive approach to automatic genome annotation is critically needed.
189 to understanding gene function, and accurate genome annotation is essential for understanding cellula
190                           The integration of genome annotations is critical to the identification of
191            A promising strategy for refining genome annotations is to detect features that conflict w
192 to less well-characterized cell types during genome annotation, making it possible to produce high-qu
193                                      Through genome annotation many features of interest were identif
194                             We conclude that genome annotation may entail a considerable amount of er
195 ted SHARKhunt tool or from other programs or genome annotations, may be uploaded to the website and o
196 atory elements is essential for high-quality genome annotation, metabolic reconstruction, and modelin
197          Here we present GenoCanyon, a whole-genome annotation method that performs unsupervised stat
198             Significant challenges remain in genome annotation methods, including the identification
199 sequences overlooked by previous Arabidopsis genome annotation methods.
200 ddition, we found that a number of reference genome annotations might need to be updated due to the h
201                                           In genome annotation, multiple methods are often run and ag
202 s of the names of individual proteins in the genome annotation of an organism.
203  analysis significantly enhances the current genome annotation of C. albicans, a necessary framework
204 ective method for transcriptome analysis and genome annotation of complex genomes.
205 esearch communities will greatly improve the genome annotation of different protein families in publi
206 ased on a systematic literature curation and genome annotation of DNase I footprints for the fruitfly
207 tion and propose improvements to the current genome annotation of F. prausnitzii A2-165.
208 for FLu ANnotation), the NCBI web server for genome annotation of influenza virus is a tool for user-
209                                 The original genome annotation of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyro
210 , has been proposed and successfully used in genome annotations of eukaryotes.
211 ce to reference sequences in addition to the genome annotations of the focus sequence.
212             The web site also links to whole genome annotations of the human, mouse and rat genomes p
213 functions including read cataloging based on genome annotation, optional seed region check, miRNA fam
214 owser, JBrowse, that can be used to navigate genome annotations over the web.
215 ments in a genome remains at the frontier of genome annotation owing to incompleteness and inaccuracy
216             Thus, the new NCBI's Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (PGAP) relies more on sequenc
217 developed a portable and easily configurable genome annotation pipeline called MAKER.
218          Recent changes to NCBI's eukaryotic genome annotation pipeline provide higher throughput, an
219 nges and using the programs within the MAKER genome annotation pipeline, we were able to improve the
220 set of sources, including those typical of a genome annotation pipeline.
221  have been incorporated into the Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline.
222                                              Genome annotation pipelines collect a variety of types o
223 tor identification has been largely based on genome annotation pipelines that use pairwise sequence c
224 atic training has become paramount, allowing genome annotation pipelines to keep pace with the speed
225 Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and Ensembl genome annotation pipelines.
226                                   Functional genome annotation predicts that at least 66 potential PM
227 fy common problems introduced by the current genome annotation process and suggests potential solutio
228           Here we provide an overview of the genome annotation process and the available tools and de
229 asic requirement in the initial steps of any genome annotation process.
230 cate several thousand gene models during the genome annotation process.
231 on is one of the most important steps in the genome annotation process.
232    ASD data has been integrated with Ensembl genome annotation project as a Distributed Annotation Sy
233   In The Institute for Genomic Research Rice Genome Annotation project, we have continued to update t
234 m from our participation in the GO Reference Genome Annotation Project--a multi-database collaboratio
235                                              Genome annotation projects have generally become small-s
236 e has had a significant impact on eukaryotic genome annotation, providing protein kinase annotations
237  warehousing system, to integrate the bovine genome, annotation, QTL, SNP and expression data with ex
238  to a variety of use cases including de novo genome annotation, reannotation, comparison of different
239 aunch of several TAIR web services and a new genome annotation release (TAIR7) in April 2007.
240  mapping, de novo assembly or visualization, genome annotation remains a challenge.
241 mplete eukaryotic genomes are available, and genome annotation remains a major challenge.
242 d and their potential for systematic de novo genome annotation remains untapped.
243                                         Full genome annotation requires gene expression analysis and
244 ond with 50 attributes from 17 commonly used genome annotation resources.
245                               Semi-automated genome annotation (SAGA) algorithms facilitate human int
246    We have developed a web-based prokaryotic genome annotation server, Integrative Services for Genom
247                                    Different genome annotation services have been developed in recent
248 s that improvements of the current P. yoelii genome annotation should focus on genes expressed in sta
249                         This emphasizes that genome annotation should take into account the fact that
250  comparison with other genomics data such as genome annotation, SNPs, or gene expression, there exist
251 fication of orthologous groups is useful for genome annotation, studies on gene/protein evolution, co
252                                              Genome annotation suggested that early-diverged kinetopl
253 ultiple members of a species can be used for genome annotation, suggesting a path for the annotation
254 d biosynthesis pathways, even though current genome annotation suggests that several of these pathway
255                                        While genome annotation suggests the absence of most tricarbox
256  PSAT stands apart from other sequence-based genome annotation systems in providing a high-throughput
257 systems provide support for expert review of genome annotations, teaching courses and training in mic
258 a Tech, NCBI has developed a new approach to genome annotation that combines alignment based methods
259 1, a pipeline for unsupervised RNA-Seq-based genome annotation that combines the advantages of GeneMa
260   Here we describe an automated pipeline for genome annotation that integrates RNA-seq and gene-bound
261         DNA methylation represents a form of genome annotation that mediates gene repression by servi
262 epend on the quality and completeness of the genome annotation, there are substantial efforts in the
263 f quantitative trait analysis for functional genome annotation through forward genetics.
264 e Institute for Genomic Research Arabidopsis genome annotation (TIGR release v.4.0).
265           Although not noted in the original genome annotation, TM0504 was found to colocate, on the
266 hese findings have implications ranging from genome annotation to de novo assemblies and could enable
267 onsortium to substantially expand the canine genome annotation to include 10 374 novel lncRNAs and 58
268 applied to broad research areas ranging from genome annotation to proteomics data analysis.
269 ized miRNAs as training samples, and rely on genome annotation to reduce the number of predicted puta
270         To assess the current state of mouse genome annotation to support this activity, we identifie
271 ce genome assembly, the migration of FlyBase genome annotations to this new assembly, how genome feat
272                           The EnzymeDetector genome annotation tool and the reaction database BKM-rea
273 entation of RepeatMasker, we developed a new genome annotation tool, DupMasker.
274                             It also produces genome annotation tracks of the biomedical literature, t
275 sequencing data) with both public and custom genome annotation tracks.
276                                              Genome annotations typically include assembly data, sequ
277 th different frequencies; and the quality of genome annotation varies greatly.
278                               The Vertebrate Genome Annotation (Vega) database has been designed to b
279                               The Vertebrate Genome Annotation (Vega) database was first made public
280                               The Vertebrate Genome Annotation (VEGA) database, initially designed as
281 database is currently used by the Vertebrate Genome Annotation (VEGA) site, which provides access to
282 annotation and current policy for eukaryotic genome annotation via the NCBI annotation pipeline.
283 at may not be directly inferable solely from genome annotation was developed.
284                   L. tarentolae and L. major genome annotation was transferred and these gene models
285   To facilitate precision medicine and whole-genome annotation, we developed a machine-learning techn
286 ur CRE-seq results to a comprehensive set of genome annotations, we identified a variety of genomic f
287    The predicted SRPN9 and 15 in the initial genome annotation were determined to be a single gene (S
288       Several reactions not predicted by the genome annotation were postulated and validated via the
289         Numerous improvements to T. maritima genome annotations were proposed, including the identifi
290                                      The new genome annotations were stored in VIOLIN, an interactive
291 inating true coding regions are critical for genome annotation when other sources of evidence for fun
292     In addition, we provide an interface for genome annotation, which like all of the tools reported
293           Additionally we updated the entire genome annotation with 113 new features including previo
294                     This updated Arabidopsis genome annotation with a substantially increased resolut
295  demonstrate the importance of complementing genome annotation with isotope tracer studies for determ
296 database provides a tool for high-throughput genome annotation with maximal specificity and sensitivi
297 genes from tRNA genes is a tricky problem in genome annotation without assumptions on length of DNA a
298 ate the automated generation of high-quality genome annotations without the need for extensive manual
299 gy for discovery of sORFs in species with no genome annotation yet available.
300 tron/exon boundaries is an essential part of genome annotation, yet remains a challenge.

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