


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 olymerase chain reaction (rt-PCR), and whole genome sequencing.
2 rtunities and challenges introduced by whole-genome sequencing.
3  population over the past decade using whole-genome sequencing.
4 tool for detecting CNAs from whole exome and genome sequencing.
5 ion analysis, slide agglutination, and whole-genome sequencing.
6 ion, ribosomal protein characterization, and genome sequencing.
7 osely-related bacteria on the basis of whole-genome sequencing.
8 ic and we have identified the mutant gene by genome sequencing.
9             Serotype was determined by whole-genome sequencing.
10 rrent MDD was partitioned using sparse whole-genome sequencing.
11  species and type were determined by partial genome sequencing.
12 e characterized this interaction using whole-genome sequencing.
13 dentified by using metagenomics and complete genome sequencing.
14 ete antibiotics resistance in bacteria using genome sequencing.
15  using high-density SNP genotyping and whole-genome sequencing.
16 dividual Drosophila melanogaster using whole-genome sequencing.
17 pened new possibilities for 'benchtop' whole-genome sequencing.
18 -2013, using both long- and short-read whole-genome sequencing.
19 drugs, confirmatory Wayne's assay, and whole-genome sequencing.
20 ds, followed by delayed subcloning and whole-genome sequencing.
21 RC, we identified rare variants for complete genome sequencing.
22 DNA using Tagged-Amplicon- and shallow Whole Genome- Sequencing.
23                 By combining very deep whole genome sequencing ( 1000-fold genome-wide coverage) with
24                                        Whole genome sequencing a collection of the first MRSA isolate
25 nalysis from targeted, whole-exome, or whole-genome sequencing a wellspring to identify new SNPs asso
26                                  Progress in genome sequencing achieved during the last two decades r
27                            Comparative whole-genome sequencing analysis of emm32.2 iGAS and non-emm32
28                                        Whole-genome sequencing analysis of lung adenocarcinomas revea
29 e ORF 12 deletion, revealed through targeted genome sequencing analysis, points to the need to authen
30 ral RNAi in Arabidopsis thaliana Using whole-genome sequencing and a computational pipeline, we ident
31                                        Whole-genome sequencing and a genome-wide association study pe
32     Evolved strains can be analyzed by whole genome sequencing and an array of omics technologies.
33                                  Advances in genome sequencing and assembly are being used to access
34 assicaceae and pave the way for future whole-genome sequencing and assembly efforts in this as yet ge
35                              Although fungal genome sequencing and assembly have become trivial, its
36                                  Advances in genome sequencing and assembly technologies are generati
37               Despite the recent progress in genome sequencing and assembly, many of the currently av
38                              High-throughput genome sequencing and bioinformatics are enhancing our a
39  the blaOXA-232 gene were subjected to whole-genome sequencing and chromosome single-nucleotide polym
40 he pressure of PIs using Gag-protease single genome sequencing and coevolution analysis of protein se
41 ostic samples were characterized using whole genome sequencing and combined with epidemiological data
42                                              Genome sequencing and comparative genomic analyses of 94
43                            We also did whole genome sequencing and core genome multilocus sequence ty
44 hnical aspects and challenges of single-cell genome sequencing and discuss some of the scientific end
45 iversity and characterize clones using whole-genome sequencing and doubling time measurements.
46               Recent exponential advances in genome sequencing and engineering technologies have enab
47          We subjected these strains to whole-genome sequencing and evolutionary convergence analysis,
48 d 95 primary PDAC cases that underwent whole-genome sequencing and expression microarray on bulk bios
49                 In this study, we used whole-genome sequencing and gene expression profiling of 215 h
50 munology, as well as new approaches of whole-genome sequencing and genes newly reported to be associa
51 mic approach includes a combination of whole-genome sequencing and genome-wide microarray technologie
52 ofluidic reactors), for accurate single-cell genome sequencing and haplotyping.
53                         In this study, whole-genome sequencing and high-resolution (13)C-metabolic fl
54 e for rs74315329 were identified using whole-genome sequencing and imputation data (based on 1000 Gen
55                                        Whole-genome sequencing and induced pluripotent stem cells wer
56          To achieve this, we conducted whole genome sequencing and lung function tests in 19 Argentin
57                                 Through full-genome sequencing and phylogenetic analyses, we could id
58                                              Genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of 387 isola
59                                We used whole-genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis to investiga
60                                        Whole genome sequencing and quantitative real-time polymerase
61 nation of resistant mutant generation, whole genome sequencing and recombineering to identify the tar
62        We tested this hypothesis using whole-genome sequencing and transcriptomic data, and we discov
63                                              Genome sequencing and variant analysis of the surviving
64               Identity was confirmed by full-genome sequencing and was not attributable to limited vi
65 pression as a quantitative trait using whole genome-sequencing and transcriptome analysis allows to d
66 ng molecular tests and next-generation whole-genome sequencing, and their potential for clinical effe
67 r 4 years, with 279 clones sampled for whole genome sequencing at different time points.
68 oughput nanopore sequencers, mean that human genome sequencing at scale is now possible.
69  way, with the single goal of enabling whole-genome sequencing at scale.
70                                Using a whole genome sequencing-based approach, we developed two high-
71 ng from denser reference panels, until whole-genome sequencing becomes feasible in large samples.
72                                        Whole-genome sequencing can measure of the heterogeneity of dr
73 itive cell-associated HIV RNA and DNA single-genome sequencing (CARD-SGS) method to investigate fract
74                                        Whole genome sequencing confirmed the ocular vOka strain to be
75 ntury, and advances in chemical analysis and genome sequencing continue to greatly advance our unders
76 d that two were complete denitrifiers, which genome sequencing corroborated.
77  candidate cancer genes and whole-exome and -genome sequencing, coupled with encouraging clinical res
78                        We present deep whole-genome sequencing data ( approximately 38x) from 28 indi
79                     Here using a large whole-genome sequencing data bank, cancer registry and colorec
80                                  Using whole-genome sequencing data from 163 vervets sampled from acr
81                                We used whole-genome sequencing data from 2,619 individuals through th
82             We have applied BeviMed to whole-genome sequencing data from 6,586 individuals with diver
83                       By taking advantage of genome sequencing data from the 1001 Genomes Consortium,
84                    This study compares whole-genome sequencing data obtained from chemo-naive and che
85                  The analysis of human whole-genome sequencing data presents significant computationa
86                               However, whole-genome sequencing data revealed at least five independen
87 eral RNA-Seq data sets, as well as the whole genome sequencing data that was used in the construction
88                                        Whole genome sequencing data were analyzed for rare pLoF varia
89 or content in cfDNA from 0.1x coverage whole-genome sequencing data without prior knowledge of tumor
90 asingly available genotyping tools and whole-genome sequencing data, and argue for a better integrati
91 ally fast, enabling the application to whole-genome sequencing data, and straightforward to implement
92       With the availability of massive whole genome sequencing data, it becomes practical to mine STR
93 g high-coverage exome and low-coverage whole-genome sequencing data, utilizing information from both
94 ting downstream analysis functions for whole genome sequencing data.
95  hundreds of thousands of samples with whole-genome sequencing data.
96 ociations impacted by batch effects in whole genome sequencing data.
97 edicting microbial resistance patterns using genome sequencing data.
98 ne structural variation breakpoints in whole-genome sequencing data.
99 identify and mitigate batch effects in whole genome sequencing data.
100 line to recover immune receptor alleles from genome sequencing data.
101 en other statistics are applied to the whole genome sequencing dataset from the TwinsUK study.
102  causative variants in whole exome and whole genome sequencing datasets and provides a powerful resou
103 P3, capable of mapping high-throughput whole genome sequencing datasets.
104 ited for large, possible low-coverage, whole genome sequencing datasets.
105                                Comprehensive genome sequencing did not reveal any pathogenic coding o
106 dying emerging infectious diseases; however, genome sequencing directly from clinical samples (i.e.,
107 tions of targeted therapies emerge and tumor genome sequencing discovers increasingly comprehensive m
108 vestigating Mendelian disease using exome or genome sequencing, distinguishing disease-causing geneti
109                             Recently, cancer genome sequencing efforts have identified recurrent Rheb
110  Our data provide a framework for how future genome sequencing efforts should incorporate transcripto
111 /lymphoma and gastric cancer by human cancer genome sequencing efforts, suggesting both pro- and anti
112  and can support the forthcoming white lupin genome sequencing efforts.
113 g assay based on target enrichment and whole-genome sequencing (eWGS).
114 mparative analysis of the various methods of genome sequencing focusing on verification of the assemb
115 rom single cells will enable applications of genome sequencing for diverse clinical needs.
116 mean physical coverage and linked-read whole-genome sequencing from 10X Genomics, we document seven m
117 i isolates previously characterized by whole-genome sequencing from the CDC-FDA Antibiotic Resistance
118                         Technologies such as genome sequencing, gene expression profiling, proteomic
119     Here we establish, through fine mapping, genome sequencing, genetic complementation, and gene edi
120                                        Whole-genome sequencing gives unprecedented power to detect th
121                                              Genome sequencing has become a powerful tool for studyin
122         More recently, M. tuberculosis whole-genome sequencing has been used to estimate population l
123                            A deluge of whole-genome sequencing has begun to give insights into the pa
124                                       Cancer genome sequencing has implicated the cytosine deaminase
125 ation of resistant mutants followed by whole genome sequencing has often been successful in uncoverin
126                                  Single-cell genome sequencing has proven valuable for the detection
127                                              Genome sequencing has reinvigorated this field, shedding
128                                     However, genome sequencing has revealed that many mammal and bird
129 in MYXV that are critical for virulence, and genome sequencing has revealed the evolutionary history
130                                              Genome sequencing has revolutionized the diagnosis of ge
131         The development of rapid, economical genome sequencing has shed new light on the classificati
132                                  Large-scale genome sequencing has the potential to provide new insig
133 s for copy-number variation calling in whole genome sequencing have been published, the noisy nature
134                        Whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing have facilitated the large-scale disco
135                              Advancements in genome sequencing have led to the rapid accumulation of
136 y remains completely unexplored, advances in genome sequencing have provided unprecedented glimpses i
137                                  Large-scale genome sequencing holds great promise for the interpreta
138                                        Whole genome sequencing identified a highly expressed FGF4 ret
139                                        Whole genome sequencing identified a likely pair of biosynthet
140                           In addition, whole-genome sequencing identified mutations enriched in liver
141                               Whole exome or genome sequencing identified segregating homozygous vari
142                                        Whole-genome sequencing identified specific genes associated w
143             Whole-exome sequencing and whole-genome sequencing identified the same homozygous SRD5A3
144                                        Whole genome sequencing in 98 Hutterites, a founder population
145       Here, we describe the utility of whole-genome sequencing in defining nosocomial VREfm transmiss
146                                     Although genome sequencing in principle reveals all genetic varia
147 ting the necessity of complete mitochondrial genome sequencing in the diagnostic work-up of patients
148 nce and power of strain validation and whole genome sequencing in this context.
149 uth African families and SNP array and whole-genome sequencing in two Norwegian families, we identifi
150                                        Whole-genome sequencing is an increasingly important comprehen
151                            Based upon recent genome sequencing, it is clear that T2S is largely restr
152                            Rapid advances in genome sequencing make it possible to identify multiple
153  Protocol for individual templates-Bisulfite Genome Sequencing (MAPit-BGS) and nucleosome occupancy a
154 SE-regulated genes identified by whole-exome/genome sequencing may have greater significance than pre
155                                        Whole genome sequencing mixes the signals of sampled populatio
156 nherited retinal disease, who have had whole-genome sequencing (n = 605), whole-exome sequencing (n =
157 , recent advances in genetic tool design and genome sequencing now confer huge advantages in the fly
158                           We performed whole-genome sequencing of 102 primary PanNETs and defined the
159 apple genome variation map generated through genome sequencing of 117 diverse accessions.
160 n and loss of methicillin resistance through genome sequencing of 180 isolates from 2016.
161 ulti-allelic clusters, identified from whole-genome sequencing of 228 DO mice.
162         Phylogenetic analysis based on whole-genome sequencing of 250 isolates revealed two major M c
163 address this issue, we carried out 60x whole-genome sequencing of 26 metastases from four patients wi
164 ons in an additional 182 families, and whole-genome sequencing of 4 of the remaining 242 families rev
165                              Whole exome and genome sequencing of a 19-year-old girl (P7), initially
166                                        Whole-genome sequencing of all patients allowed exclusion of p
167 ity has been characterized across cancers by genome sequencing of bulk tumors, including chronic lymp
168                                        Whole genome sequencing of CFW-passaged strains showed no spec
169                    We used comparative whole-genome sequencing of chemically mutagenized and natural
170 trolled laboratory conditions; and (4) whole-genome sequencing of clinical and environmental isolates
171                          Here, we show whole-genome sequencing of DNA and RNA in 94 Chinese individua
172                      We are performing whole-genome sequencing of families with autism spectrum disor
173 cumulated NO and N2 O to varying degrees and genome sequencing of four indicated that two isolates he
174 h in vitro microbiology approaches and whole-genome sequencing of Methanomicrobium mobile, a key spec
175                   We further performed whole-genome sequencing of nosocomial MDRPa strains to evaluat
176                                        Whole-genome sequencing of pathogens from host samples becomes
177                         In conclusion, whole-genome sequencing of samples obtained following neoadjuv
178 with SNP calls closely concordant with whole-genome sequencing of selected lines.
179 inhibition of these compounds based on whole genome sequencing of spontaneous resistant mutants, whic
180                                              Genome sequencing of the immigrant identified it as a G.
181 , vaccine strains, and field isolates, whole-genome sequencing of the M. gallisepticum vaccine strain
182                           Here we used whole-genome sequencing of the proposed serovar 16 reference s
183                                        Whole-genome sequencing of three mangrove species further show
184                                        Whole genome sequencing of UNG/SMUG1-deficient tumours reveale
185                     Here, we performed whole genome sequencing on DNA from two affected individuals f
186 sma hominis isolates were subjected to whole-genome sequencing on the Illumina NextSeq platform.
187 lates previously characterized through whole-genome sequencing or targeted PCR as to the presence or
188 olecular analyses were performed using whole-genome sequencing or whole-exome sequencing.
189                            Recently, a whole-genome sequencing project was launched on the wild speci
190 ntribute to disease susceptibility as recent genome sequencing projects revealed a large number of in
191 t yet fully identified by large-scale cancer genome sequencing projects.
192 sed an explosion of successful ancient human genome-sequencing projects, with genomic-scale ancient D
193                           Haplotype-resolved genome sequencing promises to unlock a wealth of informa
194  by screening on admission studies and whole-genome sequencing, providing evidence for an endogenous
195 enetic alterations identified through cancer genome sequencing requires complementary approaches to i
196                            We filtered whole-genome sequencing results to include only rare variants
197                                        Whole genome sequencing revealed little to no off-target mutat
198                          Surprisingly, whole genome sequencing revealed that the coastal region harbo
199 tbreak strains from flour samples, and whole-genome sequencing revealed that the isolates from clinic
200                                        Whole genome sequencing revealed that the strain carried a pla
201 lication of enrichment protocols to targeted genome sequencing revealed the unexpected deletion of a
202 elected experiments from the paper "Melanoma genome sequencing reveals frequent PREX2 mutations".
203 mutants were subjected to MIC testing, whole-genome sequencing, reverse transcription-quantitative PC
204                                        Whole-genome sequencing revised 93% of karyotypes and demonstr
205 ata types, including exome sequencing, whole-genome sequencing, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, targeted sequencin
206                                        Whole-genome sequencing showed close relationships between env
207  applying a combined linkage-based and whole-genome sequencing strategy and identified an in-frame ge
208                           We performed whole-genome sequencing, structural modelling and cytogenetic
209 from publicly available whole-exome or whole-genome sequencing studies (4167 probands plus 1786 contr
210                             Whole-exome and -genome sequencing studies employed here in large cohorts
211 and phylogenies for a given locus from large genome sequencing studies with relevant outgroups allow
212  of unknown significance identified in whole-genome sequencing studies.
213                    We used a novel HPV whole-genome sequencing technique to evaluate an exceptionally
214                              Next Generation Genome sequencing techniques became affordable for massi
215                                  Advances in genome sequencing technologies and genome-wide associati
216                        It is well-known that genome sequencing technologies are becoming significantl
217  So, with the increasing popularity of whole genome sequencing, the need has emerged for a faster app
218 by the continuing decrease in costs of plant genome sequencing, they will allow genome mining technol
219                                We used whole-genome sequencing to characterize cholera across the Ame
220           We coupled ecological sampling and genome sequencing to characterize the population genetic
221 ed molecular genetics, proteomics, and whole-genome sequencing to demonstrate that the MMAR_0039 gene
222 d several of the KDSR mutations, we employed genome sequencing to discover a pathogenic 346 kb invers
223                Here, we add complete nuclear genome sequencing to DNA barcoding, ecological distribut
224 d for prescreening of patients through whole-genome sequencing to ensure safety.
225                                We used whole-genome sequencing to investigate intrafamilial spread am
226               The application of single-cell genome sequencing to large cell populations has been hin
227                    We used single-cell whole-genome sequencing to perform genome-wide somatic single-
228                          Here, we used whole-genome sequencing to scan high-altitude Andeans for sign
229                                We used whole-genome sequencing to show that Tomelo does not carry any
230                                        Whole-genome sequencing uncovered a catastrophic genome rearra
231 lates were analysed by next-generation whole-genome sequencing using Illumina and Pacific Biosciences
232                            Progress in whole-genome sequencing using short-read (e.g., <150 bp), next
233                                        Whole-genome sequencing was applied to investigate the genetic
234                                        Whole-genome sequencing was performed on all isolates, and gen
235                                Shallow whole-genome sequencing was performed on an Illumina platform,
236                                        Whole-genome sequencing was performed on DNA from patients wit
237                                        Whole-genome sequencing was performed on human and fish ST283
238                                        Whole-genome sequencing was performed on isolates from clinica
239                                        Whole-genome sequencing was performed on study isolates to det
240                                        Whole-genome sequencing was performed, and using single nucleo
241                                  Here, whole-genome sequencing was used to demonstrate nosocomial acq
242              Whole-exome sequencing or whole-genome sequencing was used to identify the causative var
243                     With the advent of whole genome sequencing we are in the midst of a paradigm shif
244                              Using exome and genome sequencing, we identified the recurrent de novo m
245                      Spoligotyping and whole-genome sequencing were performed to ascertain homogeneit
246  polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), and whole-genome sequencing were performed.
247                   However, compared to whole genome sequencing, WES introduces more biases and noise
248                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) allows for a comprehensive view
249                                   Deep whole genome sequencing (WGS) allows for the comprehensive stu
250  with these outbreaks were analyzed by whole-genome sequencing (WGS) analysis.
251                    We applied a hybrid whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and deep imputation approach to
252             Whole exome sequencing and whole genome sequencing (WGS) are entering clinical use, posin
253                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) can generate antibiotic suscepti
254                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) can help by providing complete k
255                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) can provide excellent resolution
256                                        Whole genome sequencing (WGS) confirmed that the A. gambiae Y
257                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) could offer significant advantag
258                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data are being generated at an u
259                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data enable the improvement of s
260                  Using simulations and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data from multiple different dat
261 and phylodynamic analyses to bacterial whole genome sequencing (WGS) data have become essential in th
262 yndrome, is challenging for short-read whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data.
263                     The application of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has become routine for trace bac
264                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has the potential to accelerate
265                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) identified a homozygous deep int
266                           We performed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in 197 individuals with unexplai
267 d Estonian Biobank using high-coverage whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in 2,284 samples and SNP genotyp
268                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in asymptomatic adults might pre
269                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is a newer alternative for tuber
270                                        Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is a promising strategy to unrav
271                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is an emerging and powerful tech
272                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) makes it possible to determine t
273 n sequence variants identified through whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of 15,220 Icelanders for associa
274 pproximately 9.5 million variants from whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of a Cretan-isolated population,
275                                        Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of clinical bacterial isolates h
276                                We used whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of consecutive C. difficile isol
277 ormed whole-exome sequencing (WES) and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) on AVM tissue from affected indi
278                              Microbial whole genome sequencing (WGS) provides a potential solution to
279  (LHL and LGL) were subjected to three whole genome sequencing (WGS) runs with different devices (MiS
280                 We further performed a whole genome sequencing (WGS) scan for Alzherimer's disease ne
281                                A viral whole-genome sequencing (WGS) strategy, based on PCR amplifica
282                        This study used whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to determine strain relatedness
283 bloodstream infections (BSIs) and used whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to identify factors associated w
284 poson capture sequencing (mRC-seq) and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to pedigrees of C57BL/6J animals
285   The organism-specific bioinformatics whole-genome sequencing (WGS) typing pipelines at Public Healt
286        To obtain a more complete view, whole genome sequencing (WGS) was analyzed in a large consangu
287                                        Whole genome sequencing (WGS) was performed to produce a phylo
288 ogy laboratories underwent culture and whole-genome sequencing (WGS), using WGS to identify toxigenic
289 g pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and whole-genome sequencing (WGS).
290  antifungal susceptibility testing and whole-genome sequencing (WGS).
291 on/deletion (indel) variants from deep whole-genome sequencing (WGS).
292 n, and outbreak investigation by using whole-genome sequencing (WGS).
293 f patients from the Western Cape using whole-genome sequencing (WGS; n=149), a cough aerosol sampling
294 , based on variants identified through whole-genome sequencing, which included 4,657 Icelandic patien
295 , and a new-generation approach to the whole-genome sequencing, which will lead to the reference-grad
296 vanced technologies, including ordered-clone genome sequencing, whole-genome shotgun sequencing, and
297    We provide a first exploration of patient genome sequencing with a nanopore sequencer and demonstr
298                   Large sample sets of whole genome sequencing with deep coverage are being generated
299 q, targeted sequencing and single-cell whole-genome sequencing, with a minimal requirement for sequen
300                MRSA isolates underwent whole-genome sequencing, with a pairwise single-nucleotide pol

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