


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion (for double HJ) or resolution to ensure genome stability.
2 n blocks are critical for the maintenance of genome stability.
3 manner without increasing H2O2 scavenging or genome stability.
4  the cellular DDR involved in preserving the genome stability.
5  errors in base pairing and acts to maintain genome stability.
6 he maintenance of epigenetic inheritance and genome stability.
7 r PTEN has multiple functions in maintaining genome stability.
8 tic reprogramming during DNA replication and genome stability.
9 lation of gene expression and maintenance of genome stability.
10  DNA replication has severe consequences for genome stability.
11 o cell growth, proliferation, metabolism and genome stability.
12 quences that pose significant challenges for genome stability.
13 by which transcription and RNA contribute to genome stability.
14 ical for accurate chromosome segregation and genome stability.
15 acterise human EBLN1 as a novel regulator of genome stability.
16 DNA repair mechanisms that together maintain genome stability.
17 n an accurate and timely fashion to preserve genome stability.
18 ulation of metabolism, stress responses, and genome stability.
19 ted in diverse chromatin regions to maintain genome stability.
20 ssential for DNA replication progression and genome stability.
21  the DSB response thus significantly affects genome stability.
22 (D)J recombination but is a potent threat to genome stability.
23  needs to be accurately executed to maintain genome stability.
24 equilibrium of a reaction that is central to genome stability.
25 emerged as key players in the maintenance of genome stability.
26 butes to chromosome segregation fidelity and genome stability.
27  segregation and is critical for maintaining genome stability.
28 yzes replication fork remodeling to maintain genome stability.
29 s the putative role of IFN in preserving the genome stability.
30 n might be linked to the maintenance of host genome stability.
31 cription, DNA replication and maintenance of genome stability.
32 tes centrosome homeostasis, thus maintaining genome stability.
33 ctively as DNA replication stress, challenge genome stability.
34  essential cellular mechanism that maintains genome stability.
35 B) repair is critical for the maintenance of genome stability.
36  established a role for siRNA in maintaining genome stability.
37 ing protein 1 (TopBP1) are key regulators of genome stability.
38 ion, regulates gene expression and preserves genome stability.
39 A replication and repair, and maintenance of genome stability.
40 se that plays a critical role in maintaining genome stability.
41 to have robust DNA repair pathways to ensure genome stability.
42 mediates is essential for the maintenance of genome stability.
43 ctions are important aspects for maintaining genome stability.
44 levant networks of epigenetic regulation and genome stability.
45  development and physiology, and to maintain genome stability.
46 eplicative helicases and their importance in genome stability.
47 athway of PP regulation that is critical for genome stability.
48 olar protein required for the maintenance of genome stability.
49 ay important roles in gene transcription and genome stability.
50 nce and only once per cell cycle to maintain genome stability.
51 to eukaryotic transcriptional regulation and genome stability.
52 or cell cycle control of DNA replication and genome stability.
53 helicase-topoisomerase complexes involved in genome stability.
54 s, thereby promoting efficient HR repair and genome stability.
55  thaliana plays multiple roles in preserving genome stability.
56 licases collaborate and cooperate to enhance genome stability.
57  H3, modulate transcriptional activation and genome stability.
58 n repair processes are essential to maintain genome stability.
59 are essential for chromosome inheritance and genome stability.
60 K signaling controls NHEJ and contributes to genome stability.
61 e and Iron Ages, with interleaved periods of genome stability.
62 ing of the cell division machinery is key to genome stability.
63 nerate novel signaling platforms involved in genome stability.
64 A from stalled replication forks to maintain genome stability.
65 mosome shortening and eventual compromise of genome stability.
66 erapeutic agents and pose a severe threat to genome stability.
67 biogenesis, stress responses and maintaining genome stability.
68 e therefore essential for the maintenance of genome stability.
69 rdinate optimal gene expression and maintain genome stability.
70 n the chromatin is important for maintaining genome stability.
71 ic histone H3 (CenH3) variant is crucial for genome stability.
72 ovides an important mechanism for protecting genome stability.
73 ly mitosis, and is implicated in maintaining genome stability.
74 f stalled replication forks is essential for genome stability.
75 elicases are essential in the maintenance of genome stability.
76 view of how they are crucial for maintaining genome stability.
77 formation, developmental gene regulation and genome stability.
78 omeric repeats to chromosome ends to promote genome stability.
79 break repair is essential for maintenance of genome stability.
80 ication that regulates processes involved in genome stability.
81 2/M directly impacts S-phase progression and genome stability.
82 olytic degradation, potentially compromising genome stability.
83 ster regulator of cell-cycle progression and genome stability.
84  resolution in mammals and on maintenance of genome stability.
85 role in unwinding DNA structures to maintain genome stability.
86 n required for mammalian DNA replication and genome stability.
87 regulate heterochromatic DNA replication and genome stability.
88 ing the mechanisms governing replication and genome stability.
89    Faithful DNA replication is essential for genome stability.
90 cleus at the end of mitosis is essential for genome stability.
91 ate its DNA-unwinding activity, and maintain genome stability.
92 ilences transposable elements and influences genome stability.
93 hat has a critical role in maintaining human genome stability.
94 epair or apoptosis, which serves to maintain genome stability.
95 ARP-1/PARP-2-dependent processes that govern genome stability.
96 the inserted gene may have an impact on PIV5 genome stability.
97 proper balance of RAD51 activity to maintain genome stability.
98  selectivity of the nuclease active site for genome stability.
99 ed breaks (DSBs), and thus helps to maintain genome stability.
100 ion occurs in all organisms and is vital for genome stability.
101  link between MLH1, telomerase, telomere and genome stability.
102 eventing aberrant DNA repair and maintaining genome stability.
103 NA methylation change, ensuring longstanding genome stability.
104 ation, R-loop suppression and in maintaining genome stability.
105 us pathway, essential for the maintenance of genome stability.
106 ssible roles of RecQ4 in DNA replication and genome stability.
107 As directly contribute to the maintenance of genome stability.
108 orphology, heat tolerance, and mitochondrial genome stability.
109 ion at stalled replication forks to maintain genome stability.
110 plication fork progression, thereby ensuring genome stability.
111 , has acquired novel functions in regulating genome stability.
112 and plays a more general role in maintaining genome stability.
113 ctivation in the cell cycle is essential for genome stability across generations in eukaryotic cells.
114 is fork protection pathway, which safeguards genome stability after replication stress.
115 in controlling the level of Cyclin E ensures genome stability and a mechanism for linking directly DN
116 ies have shown that piRNAs are linked to the genome stability and a variety of human cancers.
117  replication forks are essential to maintain genome stability and are coordinated by the combined act
118 double-strand breaks (DSBs) pose a threat to genome stability and are repaired through multiple mecha
119 isomerase (topo) IIalpha and IIbeta maintain genome stability and are targets for anti-tumor drugs.
120 elomere lengths in youth, which may decrease genome stability and augment the susceptibility to disea
121 entromere regions has a pronounced impact on genome stability and basic chromosomal function.
122 ole for aberrant KLF4 regulation by PRMT5 in genome stability and breast carcinogenesis.
123 ountered by replicative polymerases threaten genome stability and cell cycle progression.
124 te repair of DNA damage is crucial to ensure genome stability and cell survival of all organisms.
125 e broken replication forks, thereby ensuring genome stability and cell survival.
126  and chemotherapeutics, and pose a threat to genome stability and cell survival.
127 s of how these DSBs are repaired to maintain genome stability and cell viability are poorly understoo
128 rough PARylation of TRF1, thereby protecting genome stability and cell viability.
129 chanisms can lead to catastrophic effects on genome stability and cell viability.
130 tDNAs are rapidly evolving and have roles in genome stability and chromosome segregation.
131 , suggest mechanisms of mutual modulation of genome stability and composition, and predict future obs
132 merged as key regulators of gene expression, genome stability and defence against foreign genetic ele
133 w defects in DNA replication progression and genome stability and display extensive changes in genome
134 chanism involved in a subtle balance between genome stability and diversity.
135        Multiple DNA repair pathways maintain genome stability and ensure that DNA remains essentially
136  gene transcription is important to maintain genome stability and epigenetic information.
137  of mechanisms by which ncRNAs contribute to genome stability and even potentially fuel evolution by
138 uclease 1 is a DNA repair enzyme involved in genome stability and expression of genes involved in oxi
139 n is a reversible epigenetic mark regulating genome stability and function in many eukaryotes.
140  is robust and finely controlled to maintain genome stability and function in stressful environments.
141            Their integration site influences genome stability and gene expression.
142 rigins, which has important implications for genome stability and gene regulation.
143 esting and relevant for our understanding of genome stability and genetic diversity.
144 nts, representing a significant challenge to genome stability and genome integrity over the life of a
145 -related) is a protein kinase that maintains genome stability and halts cell cycle phase transitions
146 ssing of stalled forks that is essential for genome stability and health.
147 n mammalian cells and their implications for genome stability and human disease.
148  participates in DNA replication rather than genome stability and identify RECQL4 as a regulator of h
149  control of metabolism and aging but also in genome stability and inflammation.
150 on to its role in sister chromatid cohesion, genome stability and integrity, the cohesin complex is i
151 DNA repair processes are crucial to maintain genome stability and integrity.
152  transposable elements that pose a threat to genome stability and may have a role in age-related path
153 ential processes, including cellular stress, genome stability and metabolism.
154 ately provide insight into the mechanisms of genome stability and mutagenesis.
155 on of gene expression and more recently with genome stability and mutation rates; however, the mechan
156 ular mechanism by which SPRTN contributes to genome stability and normal cellular homeostasis.
157  being mainly involved in the maintenance of genome stability and organelle function and multicopy ge
158 mechanisms by which different tissues manage genome stability and parallels with human microcephaly.
159 t roles for RFWD3 localization in protecting genome stability and preserving human health.
160 sms for responding to DNA damage to maintain genome stability and prevent carcinogenesis.
161 lying DNA replication is key for maintaining genome stability and preventing tumorigenesis.
162 air (MMR) is required for the maintenance of genome stability and protection of humans from several t
163 eps in neoplastic transformation by altering genome stability and regulating gene expression.
164 ent and -independent methylation patterns in genome stability and regulation of transcription provide
165 ng stalled replication forks are critical to genome stability and require coordinating DNA replicatio
166 PG as an HRR protein with important roles in genome stability and suggest how XPG defects produce sev
167 work of DNA repair proteins acts to maintain genome stability and suppress cancer.
168 (MMR) system plays a major role in promoting genome stability and suppressing carcinogenesis.
169 formation is crucial for the preservation of genome stability and the cell type-specific silencing of
170 ry conflict between the pressure to maintain genome stability and the need to adapt to mounting exter
171 eckpoint are critical for the maintenance of genome stability and the prevention or treatment of huma
172 epair pathway involved in the maintenance of genome stability and thus in the prevention of human dis
173 on of toxic replication structures to ensure genome stability and to maintain telomere integrity.
174  which is enriched for proteins critical for genome stability and transcriptional silencing.
175 le-strand break (DSB) repair is critical for genome stability and tumor avoidance.
176 m underlying BRCA1's function in maintaining genome stability and tumor suppression but may also poin
177 ether ATF3 contributes to the maintenance of genome stability and tumor suppression remains unknown.
178  regulatory mechanisms in the maintenance of genome stability and tumor suppression.
179 nical pathways that regulate cell signaling, genome stability and tumorigenesis.
180 n the presence of DNA damage is essential to genome stability and viability in all cells.
181 that impacts transcription, development, and genome stability, and aberrant DNA methylation contribut
182 t roles in plant and vertebrate development, genome stability, and gene regulation.
183     Thus, DDR is critical for maintenance of genome stability, and presents a powerful defense agains
184 ies, where they contribute to maintenance of genome stability, and recently found expressed also in s
185 fy CDK18 (PCTAIRE 3) as a novel regulator of genome stability, and show that depletion of CDK18 cause
186 oles in nuclear architecture, DNA repair and genome stability, and silencing of transposon and gene e
187 one lysine 20 (H4K20me3), in development and genome stability are largely unknown.
188  that, in C. albicans, mechanisms regulating genome stability are plastic as different environmental
189 Our data highlight how mechanisms regulating genome stability are rewired in C. albicans.
190                             Heritability and genome stability are shaped by meiotic recombination, wh
191  Ribonuclease H2 plays an essential role for genome stability as it removes ribonucleotides misincorp
192 re our discovery of a new member in guarding genome stability at replication forks.
193        We propose that Rrm3 and Pif1 promote genome stability at tDNAs by displacing the stable multi
194  first time, we analyse mechanisms promoting genome stability at the rDNA locus and subtelomeric regi
195  that wh is a new member of the guardians of genome stability because it regulates FEN1's potential D
196                                  To preserve genome stability, BRCA1 must be recruited to sites of DN
197 strand break (DSB) repair is not only key to genome stability but is also an important anticancer tar
198 itosis likely represent important threats to genome stability, but experimental identification of the
199 ir bulky nature, DPCs pose severe threats to genome stability, but previous methods to measure formal
200 ion and repair has profound consequences for genome stability, but the global distribution of ribonuc
201 nscriptional regulation, DNA replication and genome stability, but the nature and distribution of G-q
202  We propose that CMA contributes to maintain genome stability by assuring nuclear proteostasis.
203 ing by CRISPR systems may contribute to host genome stability by eliminating cells undergoing active
204  crucial role(s) in protecting mitochondrial genome stability by facilitating an efficient repair of
205 hylation combinatorially maintain G. sinense genome stability by inactivating invasive genetic materi
206  has an important role in the maintenance of genome stability by interacting with RAD51 recombinase t
207  in vivo data demonstrate that APC2 protects genome stability by modulating mitotic fidelity through
208 and may account for widespread regulation of genome stability by nuclear RNAi in higher eukaryotes.
209 in cell proliferation and the maintenance of genome stability by regulating homologous recombination.
210 MEJ thus helps to sustain cell viability and genome stability by rescuing chromosome break repair whe
211 lation of gene expression and maintenance of genome stability by silencing repetitive DNA elements an
212 (piRNAs) are responsible for maintaining the genome stability by silencing retrotransposons in germli
213 ial control of GEN1 therefore contributes to genome stability, by avoiding competition with non-cross
214 y, TONSL ARD mutants are toxic, compromising genome stability, cell viability and resistance to repli
215 g genes related to proliferation, apoptosis, genome stability, chromatin regulation, immune evasion,
216 ty, chromatin organization, gene regulation, genome stability, differentiation, and tissue-specific f
217                                    To ensure genome stability, DNA polymerases must discriminate agai
218 athways relevant to MDS pathogenesis such as genome stability, DNA repair, chromatin remodeling, and
219 ng in protecting both gene transcription and genome stability.DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced
220 name, we assessed its central metabolism and genome stability during a long-term cultivation experime
221        All three of these functions maintain genome stability during cell division.
222 helicases and their regulation help maintain genome stability during DNA replication and repair.
223 yltransferase p300 plays a role in promoting genome stability during replication.
224 tion factor that is important for preserving genome stability during transcription.
225 ty or protein stability, but greatly affects genome stability, even in the absence of induced DNA dam
226 y modifying the activities of DNA repair and genome stability factors without affecting cell prolifer
227                In addition, SMC1B safeguards genome stability following irradiation whereas its ablat
228 ecombination mechanism by which CSB protects genome stability from strand breaks at transcriptionally
229 ication domains is important for maintaining genome stability, gene dosage, and epigenetic inheritanc
230 53-independent function of Mdmx that impacts genome stability has been described, but this function i
231 L in mitochondrial function, biogenesis, and genome stability has been studied, recent findings indic
232                            Transcription and genome stability have somewhat of a love-hate relationsh
233 of a key developmental gene and by promoting genome stability in adult stem cells.
234 n mediator proteins (RMPs) are important for genome stability in all organisms.
235 e family is essential for the maintenance of genome stability in all organisms.
236 FEN1 in mediating TGS as well as maintaining genome stability in Arabidopsis.
237  sites, mimics 53BP1 deficiency by restoring genome stability in BRCA1-deficient cells yet behaves li
238 nrichment could be an adaptive mechanism for genome stability in diploid apomicts by providing a poly
239 ethylation in regulating DNA replication and genome stability in Drosophila cells.
240 heckpoint proteins and have implications for genome stability in eukaryotes.
241 ibuting to development, differentiation, and genome stability in eukaryotic organisms.
242 e requirement for MLL2 in the maintenance of genome stability in genes helps explain its widespread r
243 t orientation and R-loop formation influence genome stability in human cells.
244  crucial role for Rev1 in the maintenance of genome stability in humans.
245 a key role in maintaining trans-generational genome stability in mammals.
246 lant-specific protein involved in organellar genome stability in mitochondria and plastids.
247 t for RTEL1 in multiple pathways to preserve genome stability in plants can be explained by its putat
248 thylation at transposable elements to ensure genome stability in plants.
249 /RDR2-mediated transcription at the heart of genome stability in plants.
250 and the meiotic protein HIM-5 in maintaining genome stability in the C. elegans germline.
251 erse maintenance roles that are required for genome stability in the nervous system.
252 erative, roles for each kinase in preserving genome stability in the nervous system.
253 s suggest that mammalian HELQ contributes to genome stability in unchallenged conditions through a me
254  in multiple pathways that promote bacterial genome stability including the suppression of conflicts
255                        Active maintenance of genome stability is a prerequisite for the development a
256                           The maintenance of genome stability is an essential cellular process to pre
257                      In the absence of Mms1, genome stability is at risk at these G-rich/G4 regions a
258                               Maintenance of genome stability is carried out by a suite of DNA repair
259                           The maintenance of genome stability is critical for the suppression of dive
260 chaea to mammals and regulate transcription, genome stability, longevity, and metabolism.
261 ases involved in diverse processes including genome stability, metabolic homeostasis, and tumorigenes
262 plicated in the regulation of transcription, genome stability, metabolism and lifespan.
263                                  To maintain genome stability, mismatch repair of nuclear DNA replica
264 tionships among chromatin state, DNA repair, genome stability, mutagenesis, and carcinogenesis.
265 lar insights into a key tumor suppressor and genome stability network.
266            Unlike many helicases involved in genome stability no hUPF1 binding to DNA structures stab
267  FA pathway in maintaining fork progression, genome stability, normal development and tumor suppressi
268 re11-Rad50, a nuclease complex essential for genome stability, normal development, and viability in m
269 refore, the BLM-TopBP1 interaction maintains genome stability not by controlling BLM protein levels,
270 regional HAdV pathogens, along with the HAdV genome stability noted across time and space, the develo
271 equired for the maintenance of telomeres and genome stability of ES cells.
272                                 This overall genome stability of PIV5 was also observed when the viru
273            Our results have implications for genome stability, offering a new understanding of how RN
274 ree DNA damage-responsive kinases coordinate genome stability, particularly in a physiological contex
275  of DNA damage in the nervous system and the genome stability pathways that prevent human neurologic
276 s, allowing cells to mitigate the threats to genome stability posed by replication stress.
277 he delicate interplay of factors controlling genome stability, premature aging, and cancer.
278       Beginning with a cytological screen of genome stability proteins, we find that the splicing fac
279 ine balance between replication fidelity and genome stability, Rad18 levels and activity have a major
280                                  To maintain genome stability, regulators of chromosome segregation m
281                                              Genome stability relies upon efficacious chromosome cong
282 k, the locations of oriK and their impact on genome stability remain unclear.
283                               Maintenance of genome stability requires that DNA is replicated precise
284              The data suggest that different genome stability systems interact with primed or naive a
285 ed as a critical regulator of transcription, genome stability, telomere integrity, DNA repair, and me
286 w insight into the role of BER in modulating genome stability that is associated with human diseases.
287    Even though centromeres are essential for genome stability, the underlying centromeric DNA is high
288 ovel role for UBTF1 and UBTF2 in maintaining genome stability through coordinating the expression of
289 ike small RNAs involved in the regulation of genome stability through the targeting of TE transcripts
290 ique insights into cellular requirements for genome stability, tissue renewal, and tumorigenesis as w
291 sm by which planarians maintain telomere and genome stability to ensure their immortality and shed li
292     DNA methylation has a profound impact on genome stability, transcription and development.
293 t replication and repair systems that ensure genome stability underscores the importance of faithful
294 tional protein that controls cell growth and genome stability via a mechanism that involves nucleolar
295 bserved in cancer, exert profound effects on genome stability via MRE11 with potential implications f
296 is a multifunctional protein contributing to genome stability via repair of DNA lesions via the base
297 ing for effective cell cycle progression and genome stability was recently unveiled, other mechanisms
298 is process impair chromosome segregation and genome stability, which are also compromised by p53 inac
299 Ialpha and topo IIbeta cooperate to maintain genome stability, which may be distinctly modulated by t
300 d a RAG DSB-dependent checkpoint to maintain genome stability while iteratively assembling Igl chain

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