


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 uantities of subgenomic RNAs, in addition to genomic RNA.
2 e the infectivity of transfected coronavirus genomic RNA.
3 f a 5'-GCCAGCC-3' motif present in the viral genomic RNA.
4 rotein (N) associates tightly with the viral genomic RNA.
5 anslated from mRNA produced from replicating genomic RNA.
6 ES) of the encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) genomic RNA.
7  virus particles resulting in release of the genomic RNA.
8 teady-state HCV protein expression and viral genomic RNA.
9 ible for replicating hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic RNA.
10 ring of the conserved 5' and 3' ends of each genomic RNA.
11 cts as a primer for reverse transcription of genomic RNA.
12 rm an immature capsid and also package HIV-1 genomic RNA.
13 hat which occurs during the encapsidation of genomic RNA.
14 Pol proteins or are packaged into virions as genomic RNA.
15 confirmed that siRNA cannot degrade incoming genomic RNA.
16  RdRp and the 5'-terminal stem-loop of viral genomic RNA.
17 tein in the region directly interacting with genomic RNA.
18 ansferase, RdRp, and the 5' stem-loop of the genomic RNA.
19  of HIV to CD4 and triggering of TLR7 by HIV genomic RNA.
20 d targets within the hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic RNA.
21 entails the selective encapsidation of viral genomic RNA.
22 cies was enriched to the same degree as Psi+ genomic RNA.
23 U is used as a primer to produce full-length genomic RNA.
24 ls, which resulted in decreased synthesis of genomic RNA.
25 ype 1, synthesize Gag and Pol from unspliced genomic RNA.
26 mulation but not with steady-state levels of genomic RNA.
27 uctural polyprotein precursor Gag with viral genomic RNA.
28 al RdRp pulls this helix open to release the genomic RNA.
29 he 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the viral genomic RNA.
30 he complex secondary structure of the target genomic RNA.
31 ens having 10-12 segments of double-stranded genomic RNA.
32  a single nucleocapsid protein and the viral genomic RNA.
33 ortion of unspliced MoMLV RNA that serves as genomic RNA.
34 th of knowledge acquired regarding the viral genomic RNA.
35 ctural polyprotein Gag associates with viral genomic RNA.
36 enables the confinement or compaction of the genomic RNAs.
37 about the organization of their encapsulated genomic RNAs.
38 oat protein (CP) encapsidate each of the BMV genomic RNAs.
39  interactions between the capsid and the BMV genomic RNAs.
40 A 20-nucleotide hairpin structure within the genomic RNA-2 hybridizes with RNA-1 to form a bimolecula
41 c-length mRNAs of vc sense were detected for genomic RNAs 3, 4, 7, and 8 but not for other RNA specie
42  located in the 5'-terminal stem-loop of the genomic RNA (a G35U substitution or U38 insertion).
43                      In transit, FIV Gag and genomic RNA accumulated independently of each other at t
44 complementary (vc)-sense strands of all WMoV genomic RNAs accumulated asymmetrically in infected whea
45                                        Viral genomic RNA adopts many conformations during its life cy
46 nv, the mutant particles contain very little genomic RNA and are less dense.
47        The N protein molecules sequester the genomic RNA and are linked together by a network of nonc
48 e viral RNA remains unspliced and is used as genomic RNA and as mRNA for the Gag and Pol gene product
49 d protein of hantaviruses encapsidates viral genomic RNA and associates with transcription and replic
50 trated the ability to specifically recognize genomic RNA and both viral and host proteins as it traff
51 ase Xrn1 likely loads on the 5' end of viral genomic RNA and degrades processively through approximat
52 ependent RNA polymerase replicates the viral genomic RNA and is a primary drug target for antiviral t
53 , instead, correlated with cleavage of viral genomic RNA and modulation of the host transcriptome.
54                                Comparison of genomic RNA and mRNA obtained from isolated lymph node c
55                                              Genomic RNA and mRNA transcription was detected for repo
56 xes (RNPs) composed of the viral polymerase, genomic RNA and oligomeric nucleoprotein (NP).
57  ERI3 is required for accumulation of DENV-2 genomic RNA and production of infectious particles.
58 NA-induced silencing complex access to HIV-1 genomic RNA and promoted degradation.
59 get the translational machinery to the viral genomic RNA and provide a framework for modeling the arc
60         The HIV-1 core consists of the viral genomic RNA and several viral proteins encased within a
61 ociated gene 5 (MDA5) colocalized with viral genomic RNA and the nucleoprotein (N) as early as 6 h po
62 lementarity between the 3' terminus of viral genomic RNA and the nucleotides located in the vicinity
63 n the replication and selective packaging of genomic RNA and the transcription and translation of sub
64 imer annealing, including packaging of viral genomic RNA and tRNA(3)(Lys).
65 ion by binding directly to both sites in the genomic RNA and, at least in part, by stimulating intern
66 oduced similar numbers of infection foci and genomic RNAs and formed virions in inoculated leaves as
67 he primer binding site sequence of the viral genomic RNA, and is used to prime DNA synthesis.
68   Neutrophil RSV F, G, and N proteins, RSV N genomic RNA, and messenger RNA (mRNA) were quantified.
69  Viral ribonucleocapsids harboring the viral genomic RNA are used as the template for viral mRNA synt
70                                   Lentiviral genomic RNAs are encapsidated by the viral Gag protein d
71 c virus (BMV) is an RNA virus, and its three genomic RNAs are encapsidated in separate virions.
72 frames present in the complementary sense of genomic RNAs are expressed through subgenomic- or near-g
73  the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, uses its genomic RNA as a template for both viral protein synthes
74           Upon infection, DAI recognizes IAV genomic RNA, associates with RIPK3, and is required for
75 forms a central positively charged cleft for genomic RNA binding.
76 ssay demonstrated that synthesis not only of genomic RNA but also of its complement, the antigenome,
77 ranslation of the viral polyprotein from the genomic RNA, but all of the mutations that decreased in
78 ce in the dimer initiation site (DIS) of the genomic RNA, but that dimer is converted to a mature dim
79  in the 5' and 3' cis-acting elements in the genomic RNA by chaperoning the maturation of P200.
80 uV P bind NC to participate in access to the genomic RNA by the viral RNA-dependent-RNA polymerase.
81 comprises a ribonucleoprotein complex of the genomic RNA coated by a nucleocapsid protein (N) and ass
82    The RNP core comprises the negative-sense genomic RNA completely coated by the nucleocapsid protei
83 ialized RNA synthesis machine comprising the genomic RNA completely encapsidated by the viral nucleoc
84                               All retroviral genomic RNAs contain a cis-acting packaging signal by wh
85 ion (3(') UTR) of turnip crinkle virus (TCV) genomic RNA contains a cap-independent translation eleme
86                                           FV genomic RNA contains cis-acting sequences that are requi
87 mmunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag and genomic RNA determinants required for encapsidation are
88  critical for formation and packaging of the genomic RNA dimer found within HIV-1 virions.
89 rphological changes in viral proteins and in genomic RNA dimer structures to yield infectious virions
90  also emphasize that many features of mature genomic RNA dimers can be reproduced in vitro using prop
91 ely focused on simplified in vitro models of genomic RNA dimers even though the relationship between
92 lly ligated the VPg-RNA complex to the viral genomic RNA, directed by base pairing.
93 involving non-sequence-specific packaging of genomic RNA driven by electrostatic interactions.
94 tage of assembly involving compaction of the genomic RNA driven by multiple RNA packaging signal-CP i
95  mutant RNAs derived from the parental viral genomic RNA during replication, have been described for
96 ubgenomic flavivirus RNA (sfRNA) relative to genomic RNA during replication.
97 l for the selection and chaperoning of viral genomic RNA during virion assembly.
98  due partly to enhanced translation of viral genomic RNA early in infection.
99 rus replicase gene products and a cis-acting genomic RNA element.
100             Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) genomic RNA encapsidated by the nucleocapsid (N) protein
101                                              Genomic RNA encapsidation in lentiviruses is a highly se
102 ral replication and positively affects HIV-2 genomic RNA encapsidation.
103 virus type 2 (HIV-2) replication and affects genomic RNA encapsidation.
104 nted negative-strand RNA viruses comprises a genomic RNA encased within a nucleocapsid protein (N-RNA
105                                    The viral genomic RNA encodes only the CP, which comprises a beta-
106 ey viral polyproteins Gag and Gag-Pol and as genomic RNA for encapsidation into assembling viral part
107  the PS is pivotal in the selection of viral genomic RNA for incorporation into virions.
108 experiments revealed that significantly more genomic RNAs for the nonfusogenic MHVs were detected in
109 al nucleotides (nt) of West Nile virus (WNV) genomic RNA form a penultimate 16-nt small stem-loop (SS
110               Therefore, in early evolution, genomic RNA fragments could have been significantly shor
111  measurement of the half-life of an incoming genomic RNA from a positive-sense RNA virus.
112 cilitates the export of unspliced retroviral genomic RNA from simple type-D retroviruses such as SRV-
113 indicated that TGB1 separated on a different genomic RNA from TGB2 and TGB3 could function in limited
114 zation of cis-acting elements present on Ty1 genomic RNA from the GAG region that control reverse tra
115   Therefore, the frequency of copackaging of genomic RNAs from two different viruses (heterozygous vi
116  responsible for the specific capture of the genomic RNA genome during viral assembly.
117 and influenza virus mRNA and negative-strand genomic RNA (gRNA) accumulated to high levels at 8 h aft
118 gle copy of the maturation protein binds the genomic RNA (gRNA) and is required for attachment of the
119 idation involves a recognition event between genomic RNA (gRNA) and one or more domains in Gag.
120 on of the uncapped Barley yellow dwarf virus genomic RNA (gRNA) and subgenomic RNA1 (sgRNA1) is drive
121 omote internal expression of the CP from the genomic RNA (gRNA) both in vitro and in vivo An absence
122 f Gag and Gag-Pol polyproteins plus a single genomic RNA (gRNA) dimer.
123 vaccine vectors showed persistence of vector genomic RNA (gRNA) for at least 60 days in lymph nodes i
124 so contributes to selective packaging of the genomic RNA (gRNA) into virions.
125  responsible for annealing tRNA(Lys3) to the genomic RNA (gRNA) primer binding site (PBS).
126                  The packaging of retroviral genomic RNA (gRNA) requires cis-acting elements within t
127                 Selective packaging of HIV-1 genomic RNA (gRNA) requires the presence of a cis-acting
128 s (hRSV) nucleocapsid protein (N) with viral genomic RNA (gRNA).
129 stimulate the infectivity of transfected MHV genomic RNA (gRNA).
130 ns assembled around its 4,217 nucleotides of genomic RNA (gRNA).
131 he synthesis of longer sgmRNAs and the viral genomic RNA (gRNA).
132 e Gag and Gag-Pol capsid proteins as well as genomic RNAs (gRNAs) packaged by Gag into virions underg
133                                 The earliest genomic RNAs had to be short enough for efficient replic
134                 Here we demonstrate that HCV genomic RNA harbours specific sequences that initiate an
135  in cells expressing Ifit1 even though their genomic RNA has a 5' cap lacking 2'-O methylation.
136 ynamics of primate and nonprimate lentiviral genomic RNAs (HIV-1 and feline immunodeficiency virus [F
137 port here the secondary structure of the HIV genomic RNA-human tRNA(Lys)(3) initiation complex using
138 ction of this RNA was weakly associated with genomic RNA in Psi+ MLV particles.
139 iral transcription/replication, however, the genomic RNA in the nucleocapsid must be accessible by th
140 ect the synthesis of viral proteins, but not genomic RNAs, in human and murine cardiomyocytes.
141  those from healthy infants, expressed RSV N genomic RNA, indicating uptake of whole virus; 17 of 20
142  5' and 3' untranslated regions of the viral genomic RNA, inhibition of DENV-vsRNA-5 led to significa
143   Translation of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic RNA initiates from an internal ribosome entry si
144                      The viral RdRp uses the genomic RNA inside the viral nucleocapsid as the templat
145 ymerase leads to exposure of the sequestered genomic RNA, instead of large NP domain rotations.
146 ate that the NC-binding aptamers disrupt Gag-genomic RNA interaction and negatively affect genomic RN
147 ic ssRNAs via a specific capsid protein (CP) genomic RNA interaction.
148 mers can be an effective tool to perturb Gag-genomic RNA interactions.
149  RNA levels via perturbation of specific Gag-genomic RNA interactions.
150 l nucleocapsid protein is complexed with the genomic RNA, interacts with the viral membrane protein d
151 gulator of innate immunity using comparative genomics RNA interference screens in Caenorhabditis eleg
152 of innate immunity, we performed comparative genomics RNA interference screens in the nematode Caenor
153  screens and illustrate how combining cancer genomics, RNA interference, and mosaic mouse models can
154            Coronaviruses selectively package genomic RNA into assembled virions, despite the great mo
155 cture that allows the selective packaging of genomic RNA into assembled virions.
156 lisation that retroviruses can convert their genomic RNA into DNA provided a route by which they coul
157 te immunity despite reverse transcription of genomic RNA into double-stranded DNA, an activity that m
158 eformation) and the reduced ability to eject genomic RNA into its bacterial host.
159 mbrane-bounded protein lattice that recruits genomic RNA into the virus and forms the shell of a budd
160 argets.The mechanism underlying packaging of genomic RNA into viral particles is not well understood
161 ernative splicing and packaging of unspliced genomic RNA into virions.
162 sm that governs the copackaging of the three genomic RNAs into RVFV particles.
163       Initiation of reverse transcription of genomic RNA is a key early step in replication of the hu
164 plasm where viral proteins are expressed and genomic RNA is delivered to assembling virions.
165  human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genomic RNA is necessary to produce the complete viral p
166                                   The 4.8-kb genomic RNA is needed for the formation of spherules 66
167                             We find that the genomic RNA is packaged in a high-energy state, suggesti
168                         We show that the HIV genomic RNA is rapidly decapped and forms a lariat-like
169          In a negative strand RNA virus, the genomic RNA is sequestered inside the nucleocapsid when
170  human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genomic RNAs is genetically silent when identical RNAs a
171            The production of noncapped viral genomic RNAs is important to the establishment and maint
172 o called psi-RNA, in the packaging domain of genomic RNA) is strongly affected by changes in ionic st
173 eproduce the same structure as visualized in genomic RNA isolated from virions.
174             We further demonstrate that LCMV genomic RNA itself (without other LCMV components) is ab
175                                          The genomic RNA labeling was alpha-amanitin sensitive and mo
176  We hypothesized that the aptamers influence genomic RNA levels via perturbation of specific Gag-geno
177                   Plaque size, intracellular genomic RNA levels, and virus production progressively d
178 that another factor(s) such as ORF1 or viral genomic RNA may be necessary for proper particle release
179  such capsids and a plausible route by which genomic RNA might exit.
180 econd gag mRNA species that differs from the genomic RNA molecule by the absence of an intron in the
181                         Upon infection, this genomic RNA must be able to leave the capsid to initiate
182                   In addition, neither HIV-1 genomic RNA nor Gag colocalized with P-body proteins.
183 tructural proteins of one flavivirus and the genomic RNA of a heterologous strain can be assembled an
184 terfaces between the capsid proteins and the genomic RNA of bacteriophage MS2.
185                                          The genomic RNA of negative-strand RNA viruses, such as vesi
186                                          The genomic RNA of retroviruses and retrovirus-like transpos
187  We inserted a full-length cDNA clone of the genomic RNA of the dicistrovirus Rhopalosiphum padi viru
188  same enzyme (RNase H) is required to remove genomic RNA of the RNA/DNA replication intermediate.
189  (SHAPE) to structural analysis of authentic genomic RNA of the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-rela
190 y adjacent eight-nucleotide sequences in the genomic RNA of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV).
191 mutation in a critical 3' UTR hairpin in the genomic RNA of turnip crinkle virus did not directly int
192 nary stable equilibrium exists for the three genomic RNAs of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV).
193                             We show that the genomic RNAs of alphaviruses are not universally 5' capp
194                                              Genomic RNAs of both lentiviral genera were observed to
195             m(6)A has been identified in the genomic RNAs of diverse mammalian viruses and, additiona
196            Here, we report that the incoming genomic RNAs of noninfectious SINV particles undergo rap
197 facilitating the nonenzymatic replication of genomic RNA oligonucleotides.
198            An investigation of the impact of genomic RNA on the association of the protein subunits m
199  RNA polymerase, 3Dpol, replicates the viral genomic RNA on the surface of virus-induced intracellula
200 ugh mechanisms distinct from those for viral genomic RNA or primer tRNAlys,3.
201 ity that could allow it to degrade the viral genomic RNA or viral reverse-transcribed DNA.
202 en shown to interact with P bodies and viral genomic RNA, our data indicated that P bodies and HIV-1
203 y dependent on a cis-acting RNA element, the genomic RNA packaging enhancer (GRPE), found within the
204 motif is essential for viral replication and genomic RNA packaging.
205  for further exploration of the mechanism of genomic RNA packaging.
206 ed sequence at the 5' terminus of hantaviral genomic RNA plays an important role in viral transcripti
207                        Full-length unspliced genomic RNA plays critical roles in HIV replication, ser
208               These results suggest that the genomic RNA plays significant roles in defining the prec
209                              Influenza virus genomic RNAs possess segment-specific packaging signals
210                  The hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic RNA possesses conserved structural elements that
211 to chaperone tRNA(3)(Lys) placement onto the genomic RNA primer binding site; however, the timing and
212 viral filaments are produced and loaded with genomic RNA prior to insertion into the plasma membrane.
213 pped, with a significant number of noncapped genomic RNA produced early in infection.
214 short sequences (packaging sites) within the genomic RNA promote rapid and efficient assembly through
215 ysis of protein processing, cDNA production, genomic RNA protection, and sedimentation and by fluores
216  T7 RNA polymerase-mediated production of PV genomic RNA, PV polymerase-catalyzed primer extension, a
217 be a result of an imbalance in the N protein/genomic RNA ratio leading to incomplete encapsidation.
218  lymph node cells showed the highest mRNA-to-genomic-RNA ratios in B cells and dendritic cells (DCs),
219 ter assembling HIV-1 Gag has associated with genomic RNA, recruited critical host factors involved in
220 red after assembling Gag has associated with genomic RNA, recruited critical host factors involved in
221  these two motifs--only four nucleotides per genomic RNA--reduced packaging 100-fold, comparable to t
222                Translation initiation on HIV genomic RNA relies on both cap and Internal Ribosome Ent
223                                         Zika genomic RNA replicates in the cytoplasm of infected host
224 t viruses had a significant decrease in both genomic RNA replication and mRNA transcription.
225 te that EILV is restricted both at entry and genomic RNA replication levels in vertebrate cells.
226  covalent linkage generated during the viral genomic RNA replication steps of a picornavirus infectio
227 he viral factors responsible for the lack of genomic RNA replication.
228                             Thus, lentiviral genomic RNAs require specific Gag binding to accumulate
229 dependently interact with mRNA cap and viral genomic RNA, respectively.
230                                  FHV has two genomic RNAs; RNA1 encodes multifunctional RNA replicati
231  We further demonstrate that the surrounding genomic RNA secondary structure influences frameshift ef
232  G3A C8U "superpromoter" mutations in the HA genomic RNA segment.
233 cleoprotein (N) encapsidates the three viral genomic RNA segments and plays a crucial role in viral R
234          Little is known about how the three genomic RNA segments are copackaged to generate infectio
235 iruses, while proteins encoded by additional genomic RNA segments displayed no significant homology w
236 intermolecular interaction between two viral genomic RNA segments of an avian influenza A virus using
237                       Packaging of the eight genomic RNA segments of influenza A viruses (IAV) into v
238 cation strategy of BPMV RNA2, one of the two genomic RNA segments of this virus, and established an e
239 approach that simultaneously amplifies eight genomic RNA segments, irrespective of virus subtype.
240  virus (WMoV), an Emaravirus, contains eight genomic RNA segments, the most in a known negative-sense
241 ved in the consensus sequences of additional genomic RNA segments.
242 cleocapsid protein but not in the additional genomic RNA segments.
243  assembled in these experiments with the sub-genomic RNAs show a layer of RNA density beneath the coa
244 n infected cells and virions and encapsidate genomic RNA species to form an NP-RNA complex that, toge
245 ation factor eIF3 and recognition of the HCV genomic RNA start codon, molecular interactions that lik
246  many levels, including the use of conserved genomic RNA structures.
247 -infected tissue attenuated the level of the genomic RNAs, suggesting that they, or their precursors,
248                 Cleavage in PB2, PB1, and PA genomic RNAs suggests that viral RNPs are susceptible to
249                                   The longer genomic RNAs suppress the 5-fold pathway, presumably as
250 pt N-RNA interaction and abrogate both viral genomic RNA synthesis and N-mediated translation strateg
251    The 3'(-)SL functions as the promoter for genomic RNA synthesis.
252 e perinuclear region was similar to those of genomic RNA synthesis.
253  TIPs are engineered to express >3-fold more genomic RNA than HIV expresses.
254  wheat, with 10- to 20-fold more virus-sense genomic RNAs than vc-sense RNAs.
255 perative effects between capsid proteins and genomic RNA that would occur in a packaging signal-media
256 k of interactions with positive-strand viral genomic RNA, the envelope membrane protein (M), and othe
257 (tRNA(Lys)(3)) and a region at the 5' end of genomic RNA; the 3' end of the tRNA acts as a primer for
258 rimary and secondary structures of the viral genomic RNA throughout the process.
259 s type 1 (HIV-1) is reverse transcription of genomic RNA to DNA, a process that is primed by cellular
260 a chaperone for NP, which encapsidates viral genomic RNA to form the NP-RNA complex, the functional t
261 otein A cooperate to selectively recruit FHV genomic RNA to membranes where RNA replication complexes
262 Bp3 is thought to direct other viral MPs and genomic RNA to peripheral bodies located in close proxim
263 s demonstrate the structural basis for HIV-1 genomic RNA to recruit beneficial cellular cofactor to v
264 wn N-nsp3 interaction in the localization of genomic RNA to the replicase complex at an early stage o
265 enomic RNA interaction and negatively affect genomic RNA transcription, processing, or stability.
266 protein expression as well as subgenomic and genomic RNA transcription, were diminished during U0126
267                                  HCV core or genomic RNA transfected Huh-7 cells modestly increased F
268                               Initially, the genomic RNAs undergo rapid and dramatic (approximately 2
269       Secondary structure predictions of the genomic RNA using Mfold showed that only 8 out of 30 of
270  which preferentially associates with DENV-2 genomic RNA via interactions with dumbbell structures in
271 erizes along the length of the single-strand genomic RNA (viral RNA) or its cRNA.
272 ein (N) is encoded by the smallest S segment genomic RNA (viral RNA).
273                                     The HTNV genomic RNA (vRNA) copy number and infectious virus were
274 n (MB)-fluorescent probes to image the viral genomic RNA (vRNA) of human RSV (hRSV) in live Vero cell
275 orrespond to the 5' end of each of the viral genomic RNA (vRNA) segments.
276 reover, significantly higher levels of viral genomic RNA (vRNA) were observed during the heat shock p
277  we found that the levels of influenza virus genomic RNA (vRNA), but not the corresponding cRNA or mR
278  of HMPV positive-sense RNA (+RNA) and viral genomic RNA (vRNA).
279       The location of the encapsidated viral genomic RNA was defined by modeling crystal structures o
280                  In contrast, although HIV-1 genomic RNA was detected at the nuclear envelope, HIV-1
281 proviral DNA showed few mutations, the viral genomic RNA was highly mutated, suggesting that errors o
282 om 103 horses were immunoreactive, and viral genomic RNA was present in 8 of the 36 seropositive anim
283  was complementary to the 5' terminus of the genomic RNA, was effective against six strains of MHV.
284   Finally, using RNA probes specific for RSV genomic RNA, we found that viral RNA predominantly local
285 an cells infected with WT SV5, but levels of genomic RNA were not changed.
286 , our data indicated that P bodies and HIV-1 genomic RNA were not required for A3F packaging.
287                      Interestingly, when the genomic RNAs were delivered directly into the cells via
288 rus B3 strains with 5'-terminal deletions in genomic RNAs were isolated from a patient suffering from
289                       For both lentiviruses, genomic RNAs were seen at the plasma membrane if and onl
290  of the plant virus brome mosaic virus (BMV) genomic RNAs when replication is reproduced in yeast cel
291 ific RNA detected in muscle is predominantly genomic RNA, whereas RABV RNA detected in draining lymph
292 '-terminal siRNAs of each of the three viral genomic RNAs, whereas an increased production of siRNAs
293 ications of the plasticity of this region of genomic RNA, which can also anneal with upstream sequenc
294  system also replicated the full-length TBSV genomic RNA, which resulted in production of subgenomic
295 in RNA packaging by encapsidating only their genomic RNA while avoiding packaging of the more abundan
296 clear envelope, and focal colocalizations of genomic RNA with an intact packaging signal (psi) and Ga
297 s, we identified multiple regions in the pre-genomic RNA with high affinity for core protein dimers.
298 ind that necroptosis requires sensing of the genomic RNA within incoming virus particles via cytoplas
299 hich is consistent with the structure of the genomic RNA within wild-type phage.
300 nimal and human pathogens that protect their genomic RNAs within a protective protein capsid.

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