


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 erentiation, which would confound downstream genomic analyses).
2 esh-frozen tissue samples were collected for genomic analyses.
3 A-gene interaction data into high-throughput genomic analyses.
4 ters and subjected to integrated genetic and genomic analyses.
5 le, yet powerful scripts that enable complex genomic analyses.
6 acterium, we undertook comparative H. pylori genomic analyses.
7 ncestry, is an essential step in comparative genomic analyses.
8 isolating pure populations of stem cells for genomic analyses.
9 nd as a prelude to comprehensive genetic and genomic analyses.
10 by permitting highly informative comparative genomic analyses.
11 valuation of publications that include human genomic analyses.
12 ips, provides a model system for comparative genomic analyses.
13 on functions, consistent with other previous genomic analyses.
14 ollect enriched leukocytes for phenotype and genomic analyses.
15 s a genetic risk index for MMI in behavioral genomic analyses.
16 y hamper conventional genetic and functional genomic analyses.
17  or disease states, similar to proteomic and genomic analyses.
18  for k10(Mayer) and k10(C3H) by sequence and genomic analyses.
19 lar alterations in 40 MECAs using integrated genomic analyses.
20 d is proposed based on evidence from diverse genomic analyses.
21 ryonic stem cells as shown by epigenetic and genomics analyses.
22 hy away from publications that involve human genomics analyses.
23 g practice of manual curation in comparative genomics analyses.
24                Based on previous comparative genomic analyses, a set of nearly 600 polypeptides was i
25 ce, making the disease ideal for comparative genomic analyses across species.
26 mes provides a rich resource for comparative genomics analyses aimed at understanding the similaritie
27 more frequently than suggested by structural genomic analyses alone.
28                                          Our genomic analyses also provide useful resources for diet-
29                                   Integrated genomic analyses also revealed mechanisms by which a sin
30 bly, targeted gene isolation and comparative genomic analyses among grasses.
31 piratory symptoms and performed quantitative genomic analyses among these and nine publicly available
32                              Our C. albicans genomic analyses and complementation studies in Saccharo
33               Mechanistically, cross-species genomic analyses and complete ciliary rescue of knockout
34 o gain insights into GR suppression, we used genomic analyses and genome-wide profiling of GR, p65, a
35                   Chromatin-based functional genomic analyses and genomewide association studies (GWA
36                     We also used comparative genomic analyses and reactive oxygen species burst assay
37 s of sufficient quality for most comparative genomics analyses and for conservation genetics applicat
38                                  Comparative genomics analyses and searches of the natural product ch
39 h high-throughput sequencing for comparative genomics analyses and studies of genome evolution.
40 wo xylosyltransferases have been found using genomic analyses, and one of these, XylT1, has been show
41 th organisms, have resulted from comparative genomic analyses, and several have been experimentally c
42                                              Genomic analyses are defining the molecular architecture
43      The benefits of large-scale comparative genomic analyses are driving the community to think abou
44                               Although these genomic analyses are informative, experimental verificat
45                                  Comparative genomic analyses are now opening the way for refined fun
46                                   Population genomic analyses are often hindered by difficulties in o
47                                     Targeted genomic analyses are required to determine whether these
48 h, by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) and genomic analyses, are located in three similarly organiz
49                                  Comparative genomic analyses based on the principle of evolutionary
50   These studies provide a roadmap to exploit genomic analyses by directing investigations of pathogen
51 gical- and conservation-motivated population genomic analyses by noncomputational biologists, the ana
52 and proteomic profile as well as comparative genomic analyses can direct the progress of future resea
53 ases in the recent years the results of post-genomic analyses can facilitate a better understanding o
54 eveal that a combination of histological and genomic analyses can uncover substantial heterogeneity i
55                              On the basis of genomic analyses, cobalamin biosynthesis in marine syste
56   Here we discuss the results of large-scale genomic analyses conducted to date and review the most a
57 ds from all families and further genetic and genomic analyses confirmed the WES-identified findings.
58                Integrated transcriptomic and genomic analyses defined a distinct superenhancer in CIM
59                 Phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses demonstrate that S. mansoni NRs share a
60                                    Extensive genomic analyses demonstrated the concurrent circulation
61                                              Genomic analyses determined that LO28 contains a natural
62                                Comparison of genomic analyses (DNA) with paired transcriptomic studie
63  a valuable resource for various genetic and genomic analyses, especially for GWAS and QTL mapping fo
64                                  Comparative genomics analyses executed by powerful computer algorith
65                                              Genomic analyses failed to detect N-ras gene mutations i
66                 Here we present sequence and genomic analyses for 12 antibodies that pierce these def
67                              Our comparative genomic analyses found that convergent amino acid substi
68                                              Genomic analyses from blood leukocytes have concluded th
69 ees phylogenomics system pursues comparative genomic analyses from the perspective of gene phylogenie
70                                  Comparative genomic analyses further revealed that rs4305745 and/or
71                               Interestingly, genomic analyses have also hinted at the existence of a
72                                              Genomic analyses have associated host gene mutations wit
73                                              Genomic analyses have been applied extensively to analyz
74 S genome sequences are available, functional genomic analyses have been limited.
75                     So far, no comprehensive genomic analyses have been performed to elucidate the mo
76                                        While genomic analyses have been relatively extensive for cyan
77                                      Further genomic analyses have found that all available fully seq
78                                              Genomic analyses have highlighted the importance of hori
79                                       Recent genomic analyses have identified activating mutations, t
80            Cell line, tissue microarray, and genomic analyses have identified additional targets incl
81                                              Genomic analyses have identified low CpG promoters that
82                                              Genomic analyses have identified the mutations that have
83                                              Genomic analyses have proliferated without being tied to
84                                       Recent genomic analyses have revealed substantial tumor heterog
85                              Our genetic and genomic analyses have revealed that both VosA and VelB a
86                                  Comparative genomic analyses have revealed that genes may arise from
87          Recent microarray-based comparative genomic analyses have revealed that members of this spec
88                               16S rRNA-based genomic analyses have revolutionized our understanding o
89                                              Genomic analyses have shown that adjacent genes are ofte
90                                              Genomic analyses have the potential to impact selective
91                                    Recently, genomics analyses have demonstrated that alternative spl
92                           Bisulfite-mediated genomic analyses identified different DNA methylation pa
93                   In this study, comparative genomic analyses identified orthologous genes of unknown
94                    Inverse PCR combined with genomic analyses identified P insertions within or close
95                                   Functional genomics analyses identified cellular genes triggered du
96               Phylogenetic, cytogenetic, and genomic analyses implied that the nonnative sequences we
97 rcome this problem and facilitate functional genomic analyses in bifidobacteria, we created a large T
98                                       Recent genomic analyses in Drosophila and mammals of inter-chro
99           In this study, we performed global genomic analyses in murine embryonic stem (ES) cells and
100                             Through germline genomic analyses in patients with lens and eye abnormali
101 are disorders, and illustrate the utility of genomic analyses in studying combined and variable pheno
102 se studies demonstrate the value of unbiased genomic analyses in the characterization of human brain
103 genome size of polyploid wheat, had hindered genomic analyses in this important crop species.
104                                  Comparative genomic analyses in this study demonstrated genetic simi
105 titute an essential resource for genetic and genomic analyses in X. tropicalis.
106  a prerequisite to virtually all comparative genomic analyses, including the identification of conser
107                                   Integrated genomic analyses, including whole-exome sequencing and c
108                                              Genomic analyses indicate date palm domestication occurr
109                                              Genomic analyses indicate multiple systems for reverse e
110                                  Comparative genomic analyses indicate that differences have evolved
111                                  Integrative genomic analyses indicate that KMT2D affects methylation
112                                  Comparative genomics analyses indicate that this family is the most
113                                              Genomic analyses indicated immediate interference with t
114                                              Genomic analyses indicated that a full-length dectin-2 (
115                                              Genomic analyses indicated that lac repressors were co-s
116             Integrated miRNA- and mRNA-based genomic analyses indicated that miR-183 is an important
117                                              Genomic analyses indicated that Pitx2 activated genes en
118                                              Genomic analyses indicated that the +9.5 element regulat
119                                              Genomic analyses indicated that these traits are mainly
120                                  Comparative genomic analyses investigated the conservation of KCNMA1
121 ability of genomic tools and advancements in genomic analyses, it is becoming increasingly clear that
122                                              Genomic analyses of 10 strains demonstrated that H. haem
123                 Here we report comprehensive genomic analyses of 49 individuals with chondrosarcoma (
124 9 patient-derived tumour grafts and targeted genomic analyses of 55 patient tumours, all of which wer
125 whole-exome analyses of 24 tumours, targeted genomic analyses of 77 tumours, and use non-invasive app
126 he basis of a combination of next-generation genomic analyses of 775 meningiomas, we report that recu
127 is study, we used comparative and population genomic analyses of 92 genomes from eight phylogenetical
128            Genome sequencing and comparative genomic analyses of 94 previously uncharacterized ETEC i
129                                              Genomic analyses of a few representatives suggested that
130 and (3) potentially enable new proteomic and genomic analyses of activity-regulated molecules in an i
131                                              Genomic analyses of AS are also at a nascent stage, but
132                                              Genomic analyses of available S. pyogenes genomes reveal
133 IMAG will facilitate more robust comparative genomic analyses of bacterial and archaeal diversity.
134                                  Comparative genomic analyses of Candida glabrata and Saccharomyces c
135                       By couching population genomic analyses of chemosensory protein families within
136 analyses of natural populations, comparative genomic analyses of closely related species, identificat
137                                Comprehensive genomic analyses of common nervous system cancers provid
138                   We carried out comparative genomic analyses of copper, molybdenum, nickel, cobalt (
139                                              Genomic analyses of cutaneous melanoma (CM) have yielded
140                To support various functional genomic analyses of DC3000, and specifically, to identif
141                  Until recently, genetic and genomic analyses of division of labour were limited to j
142                                              Genomic analyses of Drosophila species suggest that the
143                                       Recent genomic analyses of Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain EDL9
144                         Here we describe the genomic analyses of four DNA samples from an African-Ame
145     In addition, there are opportunities for genomic analyses of genetic polymorphisms and the gut mi
146                                              Genomic analyses of GMPs, including gene expression and
147 computational approach involving comparative genomic analyses of human and mouse orthologous genes un
148                                  Large-scale genomic analyses of human cancers have cataloged somatic
149 ic origins of aneuploidy through integrative genomic analyses of human tumors.
150   I review here evolutionary and comparative genomic analyses of insect antimicrobial immune genes, w
151 er to antiangiogenesis therapy, we conducted genomic analyses of intraperitoneal ovarian tumors in wh
152                  Phylogenetic and population genomic analyses of isolates from Brazil reveal that the
153 idate gain-of-function genes defined through genomic analyses of large patient cohorts offers an attr
154                                              Genomic analyses of late-stage human cancers have uncove
155 des a platform which will be of use for post-genomic analyses of Leishmania cell biology in relation
156                                     However, genomic analyses of living species that have survived a
157 w research tools for physical and functional genomic analyses of M. domestica that are expanding its
158                                              Genomic analyses of many solid cancers have demonstrated
159 f the "reverse-methanogenesis" hypothesis by genomic analyses of methane-oxidizing Archaea from deep-
160                                              Genomic analyses of microbial populations in their natur
161 reased activity of SIRT1 was validated using genomic analyses of mouse models of lung cancer and bioc
162                                              Genomic analyses of MPNSTs arising in neuregulin-1 and e
163                            We have conducted genomic analyses of multiple strains from the UK outbrea
164 ed from bacteria that was discovered through genomic analyses of naturally occuring marine bacteriopl
165 lts are presented from separate and combined genomic analyses of new and previously published data, i
166                                              Genomic analyses of Nhp6A mutants specifically defective
167                                     In-depth genomic analyses of one tumor followed by immunohistoche
168                                       Recent genomic analyses of pathologically defined tumor types i
169                                       Recent genomic analyses of pediatric glioblastoma, a poorly und
170                               We report here genomic analyses of planktonic microbial communities in
171                                              Genomic analyses of pre-neoplastic tumors and diagnostic
172 inical trials of bortezomib and consented to genomic analyses of pretreatment tumor samples.
173                                  Comparative genomic analyses of primary tumors and metastases within
174                                              Genomic analyses of probands with heterotaxy, atrial sep
175                                  Comparative genomic analyses of prokaryotic species as they are pres
176                                    Moreover, genomic analyses of promoter regions suggested that the
177                                              Genomic analyses of prostate cancer reveal distinct patt
178                                              Genomic analyses of recurrent tumors revealed multiple l
179          We performed comparative functional genomic analyses of representatives of 25 species of Lac
180 he nature and composition of the protomap by genomic analyses of spatial and temporal neocortical pro
181                                  Comparative genomic analyses of stratified microbial communities hav
182                            In subgenomic and genomic analyses of subcellular mRNA partitioning, we re
183                                              Genomic analyses of taxonomically related Bordetella and
184                                  Comparative genomic analyses of the closely related nonhypervirulent
185                        Here, we describe our genomic analyses of the initial and recurrent tumor spec
186                                              Genomic analyses of the localization and expression dyna
187                                              Genomic analyses of the myeloid malignancies and clonal
188                                     Complete genomic analyses of the opossum TCR loci continue to sup
189 these new data we have conducted a series of genomic analyses of the OR and V1R genes from mouse and
190                               Here we report genomic analyses of the photosynthetic gene content and
191                                   Population genomic analyses of these data support the hypothesis of
192                                              Genomic analyses of these novel bacteriophages yielded m
193 ntatives of the bacterial phylum Firmicutes, genomic analyses of these organisms have yet to be repor
194 in-coding genes, and completed comprehensive genomic analyses of this obligate blood-feeding insect.
195                                              Genomic analyses of this productive group of bacteria sh
196                                   Population genomic analyses of whole-genome sequences from 32 indiv
197                                   Population genomics analyses of 20 O. glaberrima and 94 Oryza barth
198 olation of genes/QTL, conducting comparative genomics analyses of plant chromosomes, and large-scale
199       Here we show, using integrated imaging-genomics analyses of primary human fibroblasts, that upr
200          Population genetics and comparative genomics analyses of the pathogenic Yersinia species hav
201                       We performed extensive genomic analyses on a panel of cancer cell lines and nar
202 -like" conditions on microglia, we performed genomic analyses on wild-type (WT) and TLR4(-/-) culture
203 unocompromised host, we performed functional genomics analyses on control and Stat1(-/-) mouse cornea
204                                Consequently, genomic analyses promise to generate important new insig
205                                              Genomic analyses promise to improve tumor characterizati
206                                  Comparative genomic analyses provide important clues about the evolu
207 gene prediction with genetic and comparative genomic analyses provide insight regarding the functiona
208                             Virus population genomic analyses provided evidence that extensive recomb
209   However, recent work using high throughput genomic analyses questions the accuracy of this assumpti
210                       Using a combination of genomic analyses, receptor imaging, ligand identificatio
211                     We performed comparative genomic analyses representing lineages of nearly all ext
212                                              Genomic analyses reveal a broad mutational spectrum uniq
213                                              Genomic analyses reveal how this revolutionary signaling
214                                      Further genomic analyses reveal mouse mammary tumors growing ind
215                                   Population genomic analyses reveal reduced polymorphism in centrome
216                               Our integrated genomic analyses reveal that H2A.Z.2 controls the transc
217                                              Genomic analyses reveal that macroH2A1 and macroH2A2, to
218                                              Genomic analyses reveal that multiple mechanisms exist f
219                                              Genomic analyses reveal that up 1.7% of all identified h
220                     Overall, comparative and genomic analyses reveal the emergence of a new group or
221                                     cDNA and genomic analyses reveal the existence of multiple forms
222                                              Genomic analyses revealed (11) prevalence of strains fro
223                                   Integrated genomic analyses revealed a miRNA-regulatory network tha
224                                              Genomic analyses revealed a potential locus dedicated to
225                                              Genomic analyses revealed a putative chemoreceptor-encod
226                                       Recent genomic analyses revealed a surprisingly large number of
227          Further phylogenetic and population genomic analyses revealed extensive loss of genetic dive
228                                              Genomic analyses revealed genes and pathways that associ
229                                  Comparative genomic analyses revealed high similarities between the
230                                   Population genomic analyses revealed microdiversity within bacteria
231                            Here, comparative genomic analyses revealed that a local duplication of an
232                                              Genomic analyses revealed that the 1918 virus blocked th
233      Subsequent phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses revealed that the Central North Pacific
234                                              Genomic analyses revealed that three Yellowstone Lake ph
235 us is still obscure, our previous functional genomics analyses revealed a correlation between the let
236                                Computational genomics analyses revealed increased activity of NF-kapp
237                     Our molecular population genomic analyses show higher deletion than insertion mut
238                                      Various genomic analyses show that all examined humans are homoz
239                                              Genomic analyses show that Perkinsela sp. has lost the a
240                                  Comparative genomic analyses show that the genome of M. purpureus is
241                     In addition, comparative genomic analyses show that the typical mouse, rat, and m
242                                              Genomic analyses showed that certain species are specifi
243                           Further functional genomic analyses showed that eSTRs are enriched in conse
244                                   Functional genomic analyses showed that soluble (s) IL-1RII, at pic
245                                   Population genomic analyses showed that, whereas the majority of hu
246          The recent combined use of mutants, genomic analyses, sophisticated spectroscopies, and live
247  discussed, since it underlies all secondary genomic analyses such as RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq), chrom
248  Solid tumors present several challenges for genomic analyses, such as tumor heterogeneity and tumor
249                     Nonetheless, comparative genomic analyses suggest that a significant rate differe
250                                       Recent genomic analyses suggest that promoter-promoter interact
251                                              Genomic analyses suggest that similar markers are also l
252 s of pathogenic fungi and bacteria; however, genomic analyses suggest that the majority of microbial
253                 Phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses suggest that the structures have arisen
254                                  Comparative genomic analyses suggest that this pathway, encoded in a
255                                  Integrative genomic analyses suggested that the aberrant expression
256                          Epidemiological and genomic analyses suggested that the anaconda juveniles a
257                                  Genetic and genomic analyses support the conclusion that these effec
258                           Prompted by recent genomic analyses that identified cyclin E1 (CCNE1) gene
259 de association studies and other large-scale genomic analyses that require robust, high-accuracy geno
260        As we expand the breadth and depth of genomic analyses, the biological and clinical complexity
261                                 Coupled with genomic analyses, these results point to sporulation as
262 f WormBase with the inclusion of large-scale genomic analyses, through active data and literature cur
263 current genome assemblies and, consequently, genomic analyses to date have excluded rDNA.
264  control subjects, and performed integrative genomic analyses to define methylation-gene expression r
265                 We combined conventional and genomic analyses to define the duration and scale of a l
266 s were subjected to a battery of comparative genomic analyses to determine their level of relatedness
267                                      We used genomic analyses to determine whether superficial behavi
268 lementing high-resolution, multiple-platform genomic analyses to discover small and subtle, but funct
269 gy and evolutionary history into comparative genomic analyses to elucidate how P. syringae subverts t
270        Here we use comprehensive genetic and genomic analyses to follow muscle development in a mouse
271 functional genetic screens and comprehensive genomic analyses to identify CDK6 as a GBM oncogene that
272 r of combining gene expression profiling and genomic analyses to identify susceptibility genes for ge
273 matic analyses can be of high importance for genomic analyses to provide full predictions of translat
274 g and integrated phylogenomic and population genomic analyses to study hybridization and reconstruct
275        Here, we discuss the results of these genomic analyses, together with the current literature,
276 rs of magnitude faster turnaround for common genomic analyses, transforming long-running batch jobs s
277                                  Comparative genomic analyses uncovered evolutionarily conserved cons
278                                              Genomic analyses uncovered four distinct genes that allo
279                                              Genomic analyses using RNA-seq and ER ChIP-seq demonstra
280                                  Comparative genomic analyses utilizing a gene-independent whole-geno
281                            Using comparative genomic analyses, we examined complete mitochondrial gen
282 imprinted gene network (IGN) into functional genomic analyses, we found that H19 mediates suppression
283                          Through comparative genomic analyses, we identified a gene, denoted cpcM, th
284                            Using comparative genomic analyses, we identified genes unique to L. lacti
285  combination of phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses, we then investigated the evolution of
286                          Using complementary genomics analyses, we identified the interferon pathway
287                                   Population genomic analyses were done with a hierarchical gene-by-g
288                                   Functional genomic analyses were performed to assess the relationsh
289                                              Genomic analyses were performed using haplotype sharing
290                                  Comparative genomic analyses were performed with these strains and t
291                  In this report, comparative genomic analyses were used to identify and characterize
292 embers, phylogenetic and several comparative genomics analyses were performed.
293  Comprehensive bioinformatics and functional genomics analyses were used to identify key regulators,
294                                              Genomic analyses (whole genome, exome, and transcriptome
295 trophysiological, molecular, and integrative genomic analyses with focus on schizophrenia-relevant pa
296 uces a high cellular yield for cytologic and genomic analyses with minimal risk of extraocular dissem
297                                  Comparative genomic analyses with the complete DNA sequence of M. tu
298                                  Comparative genomics analyses with uncultivated environmental TM7 as
299 ing technologies have placed a wide range of genomic analyses within the capabilities of many laborat
300 any comparative, evolutionary and functional genomic analyses, yet the true evolutionary history of g

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