


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n of polypeptides from mixtures (e.g., using genomic databases).
2 nd used to identify the gene products in the genomic database.
3  a microbial gene expression and comparative genomic database.
4  search for similar profiles in a very large genomic database.
5 nd Helitron insertion was found in the maize genomic database.
6 ing speed for the main classes of queries on genomic databases.
7 identified in the expressed sequence tag and genomic databases.
8 e lengths--determined from data available in genomic databases.
9 ily databases and to search for new genes in genomic databases.
10 ics analysis to identify an authentic PCM in genomic databases.
11 le procedure to identify protein homologs in genomic databases.
12  data were extracted from publicly available genomic databases.
13 ical articles and automatically maps them to genomic databases.
14 eveloped to predict TMBB-encoding genes from genomic databases.
15 ditions to the EuPathDB family of functional genomic databases.
16 cy' of the information contained in existing genomic databases.
17 Bex5 and mouse Bex6) were discovered through genomic databases.
18 targets through efficient mining of nematode genomic databases.
19 s the mappings between microarray probes and genomic databases.
20 ear proteins in three different apicomplexan genomic databases.
21  and gene annotations are linked to relevant genomic databases.
22 genomic homologs from the publicly available genomic databases.
23 -represented in both isolate collections and genomic databases.
24 chromosomal loci have been reported in human genomic databases.
25           MaizeGDB is the Maize Genetics and Genomics Database.
26 (or systems) analysis of the combined cancer genomics database.
27 ades to CnidBase, the Cnidarian Evolutionary Genomics Database.
28 rch for novel four-helix-bundle cytokines in genomics databases.
29 tion of extremal sequences and profiles from genomic databases; (4) distribution and asymptotic behav
30 op a system that lets a user of a particular genomic database access another related database as if t
31  these genes has a counterpart in the poplar genomic database along with additional members of the A,
32                                              Genomic database analysis of human transcripts led us to
33  (TRAIL) and its receptors has increased via genomic database analysis to include four distinct recep
34 . an allele) on a server that stores a large genomic database and aims to receive allele-associated i
35 E-Hunter was evaluated by searching the rice genomic database and comparing the output with known ric
36    We analyzed recent L1 inversions from the genomic database and discovered several findings that su
37 ragments of three fog genes in the zebrafish genomic database and isolated full-length coding sequenc
38 me Portal provides unified access to all JGI genomic databases and analytical tools.
39 l provides a unified access point to all JGI genomic databases and analytical tools.
40 t cancer, we used expressed sequence tag and genomic databases and discovered POTE, a new primate-spe
41                    In this study we searched genomic databases and found Tg orthologs in all vertebra
42 to mine for their presence in public (meta-) genomic databases and link findings to associated metada
43 ), the program will allow rapid screening of genomic databases and sequence annotation when fold simi
44 ity, including bench scientists, curators in genomic databases, and bioinformaticians.
45  was discovered in a computational screen of genomic databases, and its homology to mouse thymic stro
46 ionships, and detecting annotation errors in genomic database archives.
47 Using the consensus to screen the guinea pig genomic database (Assembly CavPor2) with Ensembl BlastVi
48 Genomics Data is an international functional genomics database at the European Bioinformatics Institu
49 of a prepilin peptidase from the V. cholerae genomic database by virtue of its homology with the PilD
50 ce are described, and a perspective on how a genomic database can expedite research and crop improvem
51 ivergent evolution of protein sequences from genomic databases can be analyzed by the use of differen
52  genetic causes and constructed the Clinical Genomic Database (CGD), a searchable, freely Web-accessi
53  new resource will be particularly useful to genomic database curators.
54                  The Phytophthora Functional Genomics Database, developed by the National Center for
55                                 The existing genomic databases displayed via the Genboree browser als
56                                PlantGDB is a genomics database encompassing sequence data for green p
57 ses how physiological genomic tools, such as genomic databases, expressed sequence tag databases and
58 data and then apply it to complex integrated genomics databases, finding that high-level EGFR amplifi
59                     PlasmoDB is a functional genomic database for Plasmodium spp. that provides a res
60               By searching the S. cerevisiae genomic database for the consensus sequence that acts as
61            ToxoDB is a genome and functional genomic database for the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma g
62 t is applicable for use with a wide range of genomic databases for any species of interest.
63 sion patterns and (iv) directly access other genomic databases for clones of interest.
64 t anatomy and morphology in publications and genomic databases for different species.
65                           In order to "mine" genomic databases for HRGPs and to facilitate and guide
66                          The availability of genomic databases for many species is uncovering network
67 ve been identified by iterative searching of genomic databases for ORFs homologous to known Psi synth
68 ore, this computational method for searching genomic databases for potential transcription factor bin
69 t uses protease-generated peptides to search genomic databases for protein identification.
70                        Observations from the genomic databases for several eukaryotic species suggest
71 ferfish Spheroides nephelus and interrogated genomic databases for the Japanese pufferfish Takifugu r
72    Two alternative promoter regions exist in genomic databases for the SLCO1A2 gene.
73  have developed a computer algorithm to scan genomic databases for transcription factor binding sites
74 were not distinguished in the literature and genomic databases from mitochondrial homologs involved i
75 data in the form of a specialized functional genomics database, genome-wide maps of protein-DNA inter
76             Just as comparison of entries in genomic databases has been a vital algorithmic problem t
77 ify and retrieve gene family homologs from a genomic database, (ii) characterize gene structure and (
78 ndeavored to: (i) identify -1 PRF signals in genomic databases, (ii) apply the protocol to the yeast
79 cientists with (i) a comprehensive bacterial genomics database, (ii) a plethora of associated data re
80 All of these problems make interpretation of genomic databases increasingly difficult.
81                                     The TMBB genomic database is available at http://beta-barrel.tula
82  We highlight that cross-referencing between genomic databases is required to comprehensively assess
83         CnidBase, the Cnidarian Evolutionary Genomics Database, is a tool for investigating the evolu
84       StellaBase, the Nematostella vectensis Genomics Database, is a web-based resource that will fac
85 pair are readily identified by searching the genomic database, it has not been established that these
86            Through queries of nucleotide and genomic databases, known US genes were identified (capri
87                       The Maize Genetics and Genomics Database (MaizeGDB) is a central repository for
88                       The Maize Genetics and Genomics Database (MaizeGDB) serves the maize (Zea mays)
89                              Newly-available genomic databases make it feasible to identify conserved
90 ure and that a CNT homolog in the C. elegans genomic database may function as a broadly selective nuc
91                                              Genomic database mining has been a very useful aid in th
92               Here, we present a comparative genomics database named PIECE for Plant Intron and Exon
93                  Through pattern searches of genomic databases, new members of the growing family of
94 A gene designated pldA was identified in the genomic database of P. aeruginosa PAO1 encoding a protei
95 cid sequence analysis and examination of the genomic database of PAO1 revealed that the N terminus of
96   PCR primers designed from sequences in the genomic database of strain AT were used to identify and
97  Coupled with structural data, comprehensive genomic databases of mutations such as the 1000 Genomes
98 . yoelii genes can then be identified in the genomic databases of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodiu
99 identified in the expressed sequence tag and genomic databases of rice.
100 o the supplied data to produce a comparative genomic database or multi-layered annotation database.
101  an exhaustive analysis of the P. falciparum genomic database (PlasmoDB) aimed at identifying and cla
102                       A query of the GenBank genomic database predicts the existence of a similar gen
103                                       The 3D-GENOMICS database provides structural annotations for pr
104                      The Eukaryotic Pathogen Genomics Database Resource is a collection of databases
105                    A search of C. neoformans genomic databases revealed that MP88 shares this feature
106 ce homology searches of the public S. aureus genomic databases revealed the presence of another putat
107                           Analysis of cancer genomic databases reveals that PHLDB3 is amplified and/o
108                                      A human genomic database search has revealed a number of sequenc
109                                  Our initial genomic database searches uncovered a novel THD signatur
110 of human zn-16 by Southern hybridization and genomic database sequence analysis also indicated a sing
111 ebaDB and MicrosporidiaDB are new functional genomic databases serving the amoebozoa and microsporidi
112                             Data mining of a genomic database showed that RSV replication induced coo
113 lated by soxRS were identified in an E. coli genomic database; some of these genes have functions tha
114 e human, microbial, Drosophila or C. elegans genomic databases, suggesting a function specific to pla
115                            Tomato Functional Genomics Database (TFGD) provides a comprehensive resour
116          The availability of high-throughput genomic databases that establish protein dispensability,
117                   GDB 6.0 is the first major genomic database to provide read/write access directly t
118 mputational tools exploiting rapidly growing genomic databases to characterize protein-protein intera
119 features of genomes and information in other genomic databases to further improve the compression att
120 ers remaining in the SRO were used to screen genomic databases to identify large-insert clones.
121    Here we have screened near-complete mouse genomic databases to obtain a first global draft of the
122 outbreak investigation depends on accessible genomic databases to provide vital genetic context.
123       PFGD is integrated with the Solanaceae Genomics Database to help provide insight into the mecha
124 ene encoding FOR (for) was identified in the genomic database, together with those encoding AOR and G
125            A BLAST search of the GenBank(TM) genomic database using the NmU-R1 cDNA sequence revealed
126  and other multi-transmembrane proteins from genomic databases using structural features.
127              In the present study, a lamprey genomic database was used to identify homologs of CSPGs,
128 ion codon commonly assigned to lipB genes in genomic databases was shown to produce a nonfunctional E
129                 StellaBase, the Nematostella Genomics Database, was developed in 2005 as a resource t
130 pled receptors through homology searching of genomic databases, we identified a partial clone (GPCR10
131 mor tissue and cancer cell line encyclopedia genomic databases, we identified the first somatic mutat
132                                       Public genomic databases, which are often used to guide genetic
133 mparison of an individual's geno-type with a genomic database will allow the prescription of drugs to
134 d it can be confidently forecasted that vast genomic databases will be generated in the next few year
135                 By extensively searching the genomic database with the IgV region of PD-1, we identif
136 dentifying multi-transmembrane proteins from genomic databases with a specific application to identif
137 re are thousands of beta-barrels reported in genomic databases with approximately 2-3% of the genes i
138                    BLASTP query of available genomic databases with critical zinc finger residues fro
139                                    Searching genomic databases with the G. lamblia sequence, we also
140 uct and efficiently search spectra against a genomic database, with no prior knowledge of encoded pro
141               By searching the H. influenzae genomic database, with sequences of known LPS biosynthet
142 en successfully identified from, the largest genomic database yet available (C. elegans), which is eq

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