


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e ability to suppress R loops and associated genomic instability.
2 ontribution to defective DNA methylation and genomic instability.
3 d reveal how defects in completion result in genomic instability.
4 re and RUNX3 loss exhibited higher levels of genomic instability.
5 priate DNA repair processes that can lead to genomic instability.
6 plication and transcription, and may lead to genomic instability.
7 tion and suppresses transcription-associated genomic instability.
8  trade-off between the costs and benefits of genomic instability.
9 plication, repair and recombination to avoid genomic instability.
10 atus can cause replication fork collapse and genomic instability.
11 achineries represent a significant source of genomic instability.
12 suppressor p73, have also been implicated in genomic instability.
13  and repair interact functionally to prevent genomic instability.
14 e telomeres can eliminate B cells at risk of genomic instability.
15 and progression, resulting in DNA damage and genomic instability.
16 eletion elicits dramatic hypomethylation and genomic instability.
17 ng agent mitomycin C, and karyotypes feature genomic instability.
18 mulation of DNA strand breaks and results in genomic instability.
19 roperly repaired can result in cell death or genomic instability.
20 nd breaks during replication thus triggering genomic instability.
21  likely tumor evolution, rather than ongoing genomic instability.
22 promotes cell proliferation, metabolism, and genomic instability.
23 ssive single-stranded DNA that could lead to genomic instability.
24 intermediates, they are also associated with genomic instability.
25        DNA replication stress is a source of genomic instability.
26 ed in regulating gene expression and causing genomic instability.
27 s it can lead to insertional mutagenesis and genomic instability.
28  the role of complex genomic architecture in genomic instability.
29 owever, cohesin mutant leukemias do not show genomic instability.
30 e at work in stem cells to protect them from genomic instability.
31 ogen-activated protein kinase signalling and genomic instability.
32 NA damaging agents, defective DNA repair and genomic instability.
33 r, and that SPOP mutation is associated with genomic instability.
34 hat manifests with endocrine dysfunction and genomic instability.
35  which goes along with development of severe genomic instability.
36 toxins cause DNA damage, which can result in genomic instability.
37 ncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) that in turn triggered genomic instability.
38 ion of the immunoglobulin genes and to avoid genomic instability.
39 rnate DNA structures that can be a source of genomic instability.
40 onds to stalled replication forks to prevent genomic instability.
41 ivo as Apc is lost earlier than the onset of genomic instability.
42 ormation of multi-polar mitotic spindles and genomic instability.
43 nd joining (NHEJ) repair systems, leading to genomic instability.
44 the H9 human embryonic stem cell line, and a genomic instability.
45 stically show a high level of aneuploidy and genomic instability.
46 antigen, slowed cell division, and increased genomic instability.
47 tionality leads to reduced cell survival and genomic instability.
48  oxidative stress, chromatin remodeling, and genomic instability.
49  and hypermutation, which are all sources of genomic instability.
50 is and that aneuploidy itself is a nidus for genomic instability.
51 NA (ssDNA), has emerged as a major source of genomic instability.
52 nown to hamper optimal HR and trigger global genomic instability.
53 ave been identified as endogenous sources of genomic instability.
54 esions intensifies, progressively leading to genomic instability.
55  or over fragile sites, regions of increased genomic instability.
56  the versatile role of RPA in suppression of genomic instability.
57 pairing with the template, which can lead to genomic instability.
58 fic transcriptional signature, and increased genomic instability.
59 ta-dependent tumor progression by preventing genomic instability.
60 gical, constituting in this case a source of genomic instability.
61 '-flap specificity and catalysis, preventing genomic instability.
62 enome replication is a significant source of genomic instability.
63 urodegeneration is driven at least partly by genomic instability.
64 ly been considered to reflect cancer somatic genomic instabilities.
65 ) be genotoxic; 3) alter DNA repair or cause genomic instability; 4) induce epigenetic alterations; 5
66 sk for cancer, since short telomeres lead to genomic instability - a hallmark of cancer.
67 most destructive chromosomal lesions driving genomic instability, a core hallmark of cancer.
68                                              Genomic instability, a major hallmark of cancer cells, i
69 l health; regulatory failure correlates with genomic instability and a number of cancer phenotypes.
70 iciency of UNG and MSH2 or MSH2 alone causes genomic instability and a shorter latency to the develop
71 oss of DNA methylation, which contributes to genomic instability and aberrant gene expression by mech
72 rogeneity, or acquire drug resistance due to genomic instability and acquisition of mutations.
73 helial cells would induce the development of genomic instability and aggressive disease with metastat
74  Hoxb13 regulatory locus synergize to induce genomic instability and aggressive prostate cancer that
75                             We conclude that genomic instability and an elevated load of DNA alterati
76 signs of premature aging are associated with genomic instability and an elevated risk of cancer.
77 ve Mendelian disorder display constitutional genomic instability and an elevated risk of important ag
78 ion of ATR triggers premature mitotic entry, genomic instability and apoptosis.
79 hortening and replicative senescence prevent genomic instability and cancer by limiting the number of
80  leading strand maturation and prevention of genomic instability and cancer development.
81 r specimens and have been suggested to cause genomic instability and cancer predisposition.
82    Errors in this DNA repair pathway lead to genomic instability and cancer predisposition.
83 l explanation for how H3K36me3 loss leads to genomic instability and cancer.
84 ired DNA lesion blocking replication promote genomic instability and cancer.
85 nd fragile telomeres, which in turn promotes genomic instability and cancer.
86        DNA repair systems protect cells from genomic instability and carcinogenesis.
87 pon PARP inhibition, ACLY silencing promotes genomic instability and cell death.
88 f MCL-1 but not its isoform MCL-1S increases genomic instability and cell sensitivity to ionizing rad
89 cells to DNA damage, resulting in endogenous genomic instability and cellular transformation, as well
90 ession might be impeded, adding to increased genomic instability and contributing to disease.
91 del to determine how RecQ4 mutations lead to genomic instability and disease.
92 pression of ILF2 in MM promotes tolerance of genomic instability and drives resistance to DNA-damagin
93 r to the cell lacking LKB1 display increased genomic instability and ectopic expression of BRCA1 resc
94          Nussenzweig and colleagues evaluate genomic instability and germinal center derived lymphoma
95       Notably, dNTP pool alterations lead to genomic instability and have been linked to multiple hum
96 hed light on mechanisms by which HPV induces genomic instability and have therapeutic implications.
97                                              Genomic instability and high mutation rates cause cancer
98 ody of knowledge on transcription-associated genomic instability and highlight recent discoveries in
99 l mechanism by which E2 stimulation leads to genomic instability and highlights how transcriptional p
100 light on the mechanisms by which HPV induces genomic instability and hold promise for the identificat
101                    Oxidative stress promotes genomic instability and human diseases.
102 nd mouse tissues results in defective cNHEJ, genomic instability and hypersensitivity to ionizing rad
103 e step of strand cleavage, leading to severe genomic instability and hypersensitivity to Topo-isomera
104                                              Genomic instability and immune evasion are hallmarks of
105 lls harboring mutations in BRCA1 suffer from genomic instability and increased DNA lesions.
106 apies can in part be due to the induction of genomic instability and increased passenger load.
107                      H3-G34R mutants exhibit genomic instability and increased replication stress, in
108 r data demonstrate MCPH1 deficiency promotes genomic instability and increases cancer susceptibility.
109                       Increased PKR promotes genomic instability and is associated with inferior outc
110 Deficiency in repair of damaged DNA leads to genomic instability and is closely associated with tumor
111  This response is thought to protect against genomic instability and is important for the effects of
112 The underlying mechanisms that drive initial genomic instability and its continued progression are la
113 g the molecular basis of DNA damage-mediated genomic instability and its role in tumorigenesis is cri
114 lls and its overexpression leads to enhanced genomic instability and lymphoma formation.
115  such, Xlf(-/-)Paxx(-/-) mice display severe genomic instability and neuronal apoptosis, which eventu
116 the effects of deregulated fork resection on genomic instability and on the unscheduled activation of
117  essential, facilitative role in Myc-induced genomic instability and oncogenic transformation.
118 ed from patients with SPRTN mutations elicit genomic instability and people afflicted with this syndr
119  BRCA2 protein, thereby predisposing them to genomic instability and perhaps to cancer.
120 his study, we report a novel linkage between genomic instability and phagocytosis evasion that is coo
121 hare many features including TP53 mutations, genomic instability and poor prognosis.
122 exonuclease is mutated in Werner syndrome of genomic instability and premature aging.
123 ed carcinogenesis as the result of increased genomic instability and promotion of a protumorigenic mi
124 on carriers (BRCA1(mut/+)) exhibit increased genomic instability and rapid telomere erosion in the ab
125 ed, indicating that they might predispose to genomic instability and rearrangement.
126 2 nuclear basket proteins show AID-dependent genomic instability and replication defects that were su
127                        Defects in HR trigger genomic instability and result in cancer predisposition.
128 eplication stress, which, in turn, generates genomic instability and selects for escape from apoptosi
129 ES values correlate with increased levels of genomic instability and several specific adverse tumour
130 uadruplex (G4), which has been implicated in genomic instability and some human diseases.
131 n RNase H2 activity are associated with both genomic instability and the human autoimmune/inflammator
132 ghts a potential role of metabolic stress in genomic instability and therapeutic response in cancer.
133 , our murine Rb-deficient tumors demonstrate genomic instability and they show activation of beta-cat
134 t intracellular signaling by p17 may lead to genomic instability and transformation.
135 dm2 overexpression and p73 loss cooperate in genomic instability and tumor development, indicating th
136             Defects in these functions cause genomic instability and tumorigenesis but also generate
137  deficiency in timely DSB repair, leading to genomic instability and tumorigenesis.
138 ely compromises DNA replication, accumulates genomic instability and ultimately leads to cell death.
139 nt of various pathologies that are linked to genomic instability and/or inflammation.
140 minent dermatologic features, constitutional genomic instability, and an elevated risk of cancer.
141 natures have been widely used as markers for genomic instability, and both SCNAs and PMs could be tho
142                         E2 also has links to genomic instability, and elevated E2 levels are tied to
143 s associated with chromosomal abnormalities, genomic instability, and HSC aging and might promote hem
144 xcessive recombination between non-homologs, genomic instability, and impaired cell growth, indicatin
145 rives prostate tumorigenesis in part through genomic instability, and indicate that mutant SPOP may i
146  manifest in immunodeficiency, autoimmunity, genomic instability, and lymphoid and other cancers.
147           PCNSLs and PTLs frequently exhibit genomic instability, and near-uniform, often biallelic,
148  Skp2, resulting in polyploid cell division, genomic instability, and oncogenesis.
149 , reprogramming energy metabolism, acquiring genomic instability, and remodeling the tumor microenvir
150  mutation also impairs DNA repair, increases genomic instability, and renders mice hypersensitive to
151 reduced survival, increased tumor formation, genomic instability, and the development of transplantab
152 relationship among centrosome amplification, genomic instability, and tumor development.
153 sms contributing to transcription-associated genomic instability are both complex and incompletely un
154                      Recurrent mutations and genomic instability are early events in the disease.
155 d proliferation and keratinocytes displaying genomic instability are maintained within the proliferat
156 ssibility is that tumors with high levels of genomic instability are more immunogenic than other canc
157 ntially deleterious UNG activity and general genomic instability are opposed by the protective influe
158 ed proliferation, escape from apoptosis, and genomic instability are the most pervasive.
159 lular transformation and the accumulation of genomic instability are the two key events required for
160 abolism alterations could vice versa promote genomic instability as a mechanism for neoplastic transf
161 verexpression and p73 loss exhibit increased genomic instability as compared with either alteration a
162  RNA:DNA hybrid structures contribute to the genomic instability associated with cancer.
163 ession in class-switched B cells to suppress genomic instability associated with CSR.
164                  These findings identify the genomic instability associated with V(D)J recombination
165 ed genomic instability checkpoint, expressed genomic instability-associated genes at distinct phases
166 nation and, in the absence of p53, increased genomic instability at V(D)J sites.
167 ncreased in GEP70 high risk, consistent with genomic instability being a key feature of high risk.
168 ly during lifespan could provide support for genomic instability being at least partly responsible fo
169 nduced hepatosplenomegaly with signatures of genomic instability, blebbishield emergency program, and
170 way is specific to the intestinal tumors, as genomic instability but not activation of beta-catenin w
171 duces tumor suppressor activity and promotes genomic instability, but how this pleiotropic biomarker
172 tes the G1 cell cycle checkpoint and induces genomic instability, but the mechanism is not fully unde
173                    FBXW7 inactivation causes genomic instability, but the mechanism remains elusive.
174 ich somatic mutations in SIRT2 contribute to genomic instability by impairing its deacetylase activit
175 t activity, AID has a much broader effect on genomic instability by initiating oncogenic chromosomal
176 romoted macrophage polyploidy and suppressed genomic instability by regulating Myc and ATR.
177              Hence, transcription-associated genomic instability can be considered as a major driver
178                           On the other hand, genomic instability can have catastrophic consequences f
179                                         Such genomic instability can lead to the activation of specif
180                            Migration-induced genomic instability can thus associate with heritable ch
181 d to prevent the replication defects and the genomic instability caused by p21 depletion.
182  (WS) is an accelerated ageing disorder with genomic instability caused by WRN protein deficiency.
183  display embryonic lethality associated with genomic instability, cell death in the central nervous s
184               Analysis of tissue morphology, genomic instability, cell proliferation and apoptosis re
185  leads to DNA damage that, in turn, promotes genomic instability, cellular transformation, and tumori
186 s can arise as a consequence of or result in genomic instability, characterized by the accumulation o
187        Blebbishield emergency program evaded genomic instability checkpoint, expressed genomic instab
188 ia mutated (ATM) defects are associated with genomic instability, clonal evolution, and chemoresistan
189 tated (ATM) aberrations, are associated with genomic instability, clonal evolution, and chemoresistan
190                How directly various forms of genomic instability contribute to lifespan in different
191                                       Cancer genomic instability contributes to the phenomenon of int
192 rein, we explore the possibility that a high genomic instability could be the basis for a tumor's sen
193                                         This genomic instability, denoted as the CDK12 TD-plus phenot
194                   Our findings indicate that genomic instability derived during the IL6-mediated live
195                      In most cases, rates of genomic instability did not consistently increase in you
196 e clinical outcome, strongly suggesting that genomic instability drives prognosis of the disease.
197 growth conditions on lifespan indicates that genomic instability due to changes in recombination rate
198 utation and epigenomic features that promote genomic instability during cancer evolution.
199 yclin E-mediated replication stress promotes genomic instability during carcinogenesis.
200            Our results define a higher-order genomic instability element that has shaped the structur
201 cquire their hallmark characteristics, while genomic instability enables cells to acquire genetic alt
202 amage in senescent cells is thought to cause genomic instability, eventually allowing secondary hits
203 gene regulation and has been associated with genomic instability, genetic diseases and cancer progres
204 ions is distributed among coexisting clones, genomic instability has important therapeutic implicatio
205                                              Genomic instability has previously been associated with
206                                              Genomic instability has profound effects on cellular phe
207                                   Studies of genomic instability have historically focused on intrins
208 ir genetic mode of action, and their role in genomic instability have not been established.
209 mportant to devise methods to overcome their genomic instability, immune reactivity, and tumorigenic
210 r example, overexpression of Mdm2 results in genomic instability in a p53-independent manner.
211  and HLTF, cause nascent DNA degradation and genomic instability in BRCA1/2-deficient cells upon repl
212 egulation of the transcription machinery and genomic instability in cancer.
213 ng a possible route for tetraploidy-mediated genomic instability in carcinogenesis.
214 g that additional defects must contribute to genomic instability in dividing iECs.
215 , a polyketide-peptide genotoxin that causes genomic instability in eukaryotic cells by induction of
216 c insight into how G34R mutation may promote genomic instability in glioma.
217 ne-induced replication stress contributes to genomic instability in human cancer.
218                      We investigated whether genomic instability in human colorectal cancer (CRC) cel
219 Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitors increase genomic instability in normal and neoplastic B cells by
220 defect causative in TH1 immunodeficiency and genomic instability in patients with WAS.
221 ntenance were detected and may contribute to genomic instability in SS.
222                RNS-induced DNA lesions cause genomic instability in the absence of Brca2.
223      Here we show that TGFbeta also promotes genomic instability in the form of DNA double strand bre
224 APC loss leads to a DNA damage signature and genomic instability in the liver and that additional los
225 nked to the degree of TH cell deficiency and genomic instability in the XLT/WAS clinical spectrum.
226 and appear to be responsible for the bulk of genomic instability in these tumors.
227 hanistic insight into the molecular basis of genomic instability in tumour cells containing significa
228 morigenesis by promoting immortalization and genomic instability in two phases.
229 ich shows that loss of H2Bub1 contributes to genomic instability in yeast.
230 are associated with defective DNA repair and genomic instability, including the most common inherited
231 expression is associated with DNA damage and genomic instability independent of Pol I transcription.
232                   Filia depletion causes ESC genomic instability, induces resistance to apoptosis, an
233 long-range DNA end-joining while suppressing genomic instability inherently associated with DSBs are
234                                              Genomic instability is a frequently occurring feature of
235                                              Genomic instability is a fundamental feature of human ca
236                                              Genomic instability is a hallmark of human cancer, and r
237 bpopulations of larger size, especially when genomic instability is shared among a limited number of
238 ntly formed telomere fusions trigger rampant genomic instability leading to cell death or tumorigenes
239 peutic targets against ATL and might explain genomic instability leading to the pathogenesis of ATL.
240 cell nuclear antigen, is critical to prevent genomic instability, little is known about how the stead
241  vivo methods suffer from a lack of control, genomic instability, low efficiency and narrow mutationa
242      Osteosarcoma is associated with massive genomic instability, making it problematic to identify d
243  deleterious consequences of triplex-induced genomic instability may be averted by activating apoptos
244 othesize that cancers with extreme levels of genomic instability may be teetering on the brink of a t
245 oss leads to abnormal centrosome numbers and genomic instability mediated by NDRG1.
246 othesis that HPV oncogenes contribute to the genomic instability observed in HPV-associated malignanc
247 rks listed above, as well as the patterns of genomic instability observed in human cancers, proposes
248 ring transcription, transcription-associated genomic instability occurs in normal and malignant cells
249 ng the replication stress and increasing the genomic instability of cancer cells.
250                  Loss of HR accounts for the genomic instability of EOCs and for their cellular hyper
251 orm 2 differently account for 2/3(rd) of the genomic instability of hCEB1 in two G4-stabilizing condi
252                                     The high genomic instability of non-small cell lung cancer tumors
253 t cells afford cytoprotection in the face of genomic instability, oncogene activation, microenvironme
254 d to chromosomal rearrangements resulting in genomic instability or cell death.
255 lay loss of NF2, which co-occurs either with genomic instability or recurrent SMARCB1 mutations.
256 as consistently associated with a particular genomic instability pattern characterized by hundreds of
257 gnal but not to an immediate increase in the genomic instability phenotype.
258 the mechanisms by which TACC3 contributes to genomic instability, potentially leading to cancer devel
259                                              Genomic instability promotes colon carcinogenesis by ind
260 es a variety of cellular stresses, including genomic instability, proteotoxic and oxidative stresses,
261 ith canonical DNA repair pathways to prevent genomic instability remains unknown.
262                     This situation can cause genomic instability resulting from improper segregation
263                      The underlying cause is genomic instability resulting from the deficiency in rep
264                  These cancers often exhibit genomic instability, resulting in chromosomal rearrangem
265 e show that the histone H4 alterations cause genomic instability, resulting in increased apoptosis an
266 great promise in cell-based therapy, but the genomic instability seen in culture hampers their full a
267                    These patterns mirror the genomic instability seen in some mitochondria.
268                Cancers with higher levels of genomic instability showed a corresponding increase in f
269 exploratory analyses showed that a BRCA-like genomic instability signature (n = 32) discriminated res
270 UNX3 inactivation as aggravating factors for genomic instability.Significance: RUNX3 inactivation in
271 le-strand break repair pathway that leads to genomic instabilities similar to those observed in cance
272 the animal not exposed to radiation, causing genomic instability, stress responses and altered apopto
273                                          The genomic instability syndrome Fanconi anemia is caused by
274        Fanconi anemia and Bloom syndrome are genomic instability syndromes caused by mutations in pro
275 s in senescent cells could contribute to the genomic instability that allows senescence bypass and tu
276 es chromosome end-to-end fusions, initiating genomic instability that can be cancer promoting.
277     Mutation or dysregulation of MSH2 causes genomic instability that can lead to cancer.
278 es and also averts the cell-cycle errors and genomic instability that could result from mistimed degr
279 ter membrane permeabilization (MOMP) promote genomic instability that drives tumorigenesis, providing
280          Cancer is a disease associated with genomic instability that often results from oncogene act
281             They also signify high levels of genomic instability that sensitize cancer cells to addit
282  chromosome mis-segregation leads to further genomic instability that ultimately causes cell-cycle ar
283 ized by radiation-induced and age-associated genomic instability that was partially reversed by short
284 ement 1 (LINE-1 or L1) is capable of causing genomic instability through the activity of the L1 ORF2
285                                      ITH and genomic instability thus have the potential to be useful
286 omitant induction of Hsp90 lead to increased genomic instability under DNA-damaging conditions.
287  drive extreme locus- and cell-type-specific genomic instability under replication stress, resulting
288               Furthermore, telomere loss and genomic instability were observed at a higher frequency
289 which plays a crucial role in DNA damage and genomic instability, were reported to be associated with
290 mors of epithelial origin, extreme levels of genomic instability, where more than 75% of the genome i
291 nt manner, endogenous p21 prevents a type of genomic instability which is not triggered by endogenous
292 ing GQ are known to result in DNA breaks and genomic instability, which are prominent in Werner and B
293 ed homologous recombination (HR) can lead to genomic instability, which greatly increases the threat
294   An underlying hallmark of cancers is their genomic instability, which is associated with a greater
295 s in mice via a gain of function that drives genomic instability, which is frequently observed in hum
296 hepatocytes bearing micronuclei, a marker of genomic instability, which is suppressed by IL6 blockade
297 signaling, defective cell cycle control, and genomic instability, which was rescued by WT GINS1.
298 ell cycle progression and the development of genomic instability with aneuploidy.
299 pair genes, which suggests an association of genomic instability with therapeutic resistance.
300  factors such as reactive oxygen species and genomic instability, yet an emerging challenge is to rec

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