


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s a probe to isolate the gene from a 129/SvJ genomic library.
2 lysin and used to screen a B. hyodysenteriae genomic library.
3 be, we then cloned the mouse ortholog from a genomic library.
4 zed the murine mdmx genomic locus from a 129 genomic library.
5  isolated after screening a bacteriophage P1 genomic library.
6 re the full-length gene from an S. capsulata genomic library.
7     The hUlip gene was isolated from a human genomic library.
8 egion of the Cp gene was cloned from a human genomic library.
9 iver genomic DNA and a commercial rat testis genomic library.
10  the HbpA-encoding gene (hbpA) from a lambda genomic library.
11 gions within the clones were used to probe a genomic library.
12 lated several positive clones from a chicken genomic library.
13  (ppsA) were sequenced from a M. maripaludis genomic library.
14 ntial immunologic screening of a T. pallidum genomic library.
15 CDCG, seven genes were isolated from a human genomic library.
16 or when present in the context of our stable genomic library.
17 the 5'-segment of the PKC-eta gene from a P1 genomic library.
18 nd used to probe a Nicotiana plumbaginifolia genomic library.
19 a genomic clone isolated from an arrayed PAC genomic library.
20 ein (pfbp) was identified from an M12 strain genomic library.
21  probe was used to screen P. aeruginosa PAO1 genomic library.
22  terminus of Fap1 was used to probe an FW213 genomic library.
23 lement has been recovered from a Glycine max genomic library.
24 esponding gene within a B. burgdorferi total genomic library.
25 Escherichia coli mutant by using a wild-type genomic library.
26  Pseudomonas aeruginosa with a V. vulnificus genomic library.
27  CPT-IB gene from a Lambda fix II rat kidney genomic library.
28  hybridization probe to screen a sheep phage genomic library.
29  genes by hybridization screening of a human genomic library.
30 nes (Pafaha-ps1 and Pafaha-ps2) from a mouse genomic library.
31 ing hFR-gamma' was isolated from a placental genomic library.
32 entified from screening a lambda FixII chick genomic library.
33 s from an alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv Chief) genomic library.
34 murine HSF-1 gene were isolated from a phage genomic library.
35 d as a probe to clone uvrB from an H. pylori genomic library.
36 sequence was identified from a M. truncatula genomic library.
37 stance 1), a gene recovered from a wild-type genomic library.
38 nces were then used to probe a lambda DASHII genomic library.
39 ll-length gene within a B. burgdorferi total genomic library.
40 e entire grik5 gene were identified in a rat genomic library.
41 isolated from a human lymphocyte lambda DASH genomic library.
42 tase activity was isolated from a Salmonella genomic library.
43 solated 13 full-length elements from a human genomic library.
44 he entire vlmH gene from an S. viridifaciens genomic library.
45 hages 141, 142, 650, and 651 from the Kohara genomic library.
46 h mouse P2X3 gene from a phage lambda-129/Sv genomic library.
47 omic DNA encoding NURR1 from a mouse 129SvEv genomic library.
48 chain reaction screening of a P1 phage human genomic library.
49 ued from thiA::Tn917 to screen a B. subtilis genomic library.
50 gene MocuMA1 was isolated from an M. oculata genomic library.
51 ment in genic sequences relative to a random genomic library.
52 th 771 clones chosen at random from a pooled genomic library.
53 m a complex genome without construction of a genomic library.
54 e cloned the 5'-flanking sequence from a rat genomic library.
55 stinguishing chromosome-specific clones in a genomic library.
56 apia (Oreochromis niloticus) from a relevant genomic library.
57 uman connexin gene (GJA11) was cloned from a genomic library.
58  genomic DNA without prior construction of a genomic library.
59 lpha cDNA were obtained from a mouse ES cell genomic library.
60 ion resistance to IRS24 were isolated from a genomic library.
61 Rat GPC1 cDNA probes were used to screen rat genomic libraries.
62  nearly all of HLA class I from a variety of genomic libraries.
63 zed from placental and chromosome 4-specific genomic libraries.
64 l line as well as clones isolated from total genomic libraries.
65  by the lack of availability of large-insert genomic libraries.
66 e coding for the Rb2/p130 protein from human genomic libraries.
67 ies typically require data from a variety of genomic libraries.
68 loning of the breakpoint without recourse to genomic libraries.
69 A encoding gtr was sequenced from a cDNA and genomic libraries.
70  from Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis genomic libraries.
71 ligo problem and is also useful in screening genomic libraries.
72 y partial or full-length cDNA from in planta genomic libraries.
73 ly cloned to produce HRCot, MRCot, and SLCot genomic libraries.
74                                A screen of a genomic library (15-20kb inserts) constructed for this s
75 or the high-throughput parallel screening of genomic libraries against four different taxa: insects,
76 Y6 receptor, we screened two different human genomic libraries and a Southern blot with a p2y3 recept
77 promoter to lacZ were used to screen plasmid genomic libraries and genomic transposon mutants for reg
78 edure avoids the need to construct or screen genomic libraries and permits the generation of most sta
79   The GCAP1 and GCAP2 genes were cloned from genomic libraries and sequenced.
80 olysis, we screened a Sinorhizobium meliloti genomic library and discovered a segment of S. meliloti
81 ized the 8C10 structural gene from a 129Sv/J genomic library and have determined its size to be >6.1
82 isolated from a mouse 129 strain gamma FIXII genomic library and have identical exon/intron organizat
83 gene structure and regulation, we screened a genomic library and isolated overlapping lambda clones f
84 d regulation of its gene, we have screened a genomic library and isolated the mouse class IV ADH gene
85  performed by subtractive hybridization on a genomic library and led to the identification of several
86 ome except Y have been selected from a mouse genomic library and mapped using fluorescence in situ hy
87  isolated and sequenced by construction of a genomic library and PCR techniques.
88 for coping with low-pH stress, we screened a genomic library and selected a suppressor gene, CWP2 (ce
89 entation of this mutant with an M. smegmatis genomic library and subsequent subcloning reveal that th
90 dentified on cosmid clones of an H. volcanii genomic library and subsequently sequenced.
91   An analysis of the GC content of the maize genomic library and that of maize ESTs did not support r
92 ls were transformed with a high-copy E. coli genomic library and then irradiated; plasmids harvested
93            The extracted DNA was made into a genomic library and was expected to contain sequences fr
94 , by Southern genomic blotting, by screening genomic libraries, and by using PCR to amplify portions
95 ntitative trait loci) analysis, for ordering genomic libraries, and for genomic comparisons of relate
96  groESL1 heat shock operon was cloned from a genomic library, and a 2.8-kb DNA fragment was sequenced
97 protein fragments expressed from an unbiased genomic library, and also with a panel of membrane prote
98 as used to screen a tuber cDNA library and a genomic library, and one cDNA and five genomic clones we
99 ation of genomic ends, identified in a mouse genomic library, and sequenced.
100 reptococcal recA gene from an S. parasanguis genomic library, and the sequence of the gene was determ
101 containing 2803 unique BAC clones from mouse genomic libraries at 1-Mb intervals.
102 e, designated COQ5 was isolated from a yeast genomic library based on its ability to restore growth o
103 mer-annealing sequences are removed from the genomic library before selection with the target protein
104 ques allow the construction of gene-enriched genomic libraries by minimizing repeat sequences due to
105 A cosmid clone, isolated from a P. mirabilis genomic library by hybridization with the 359-bp PCR pro
106 ected from an Ehrlichia chaffeensis Arkansas genomic library by probing with anti-E. chaffeensis hype
107 he P37 gene was cloned from a B. burgdorferi genomic library by screening with antibody from a Lyme d
108 amino acids) was isolated from a C. albicans genomic library by selection for complementation of the
109 (hmu) of Y. pestis KIM6+ was selected from a genomic library by transduction into an Escherichia coli
110                                          The genomic library, by contrast, yielded many biologically
111  probe to identify an H. pylori lambda ZAPII genomic library clone that carried these sequences.
112 dy, we identified a Bradyrhizobium japonicum genomic library clone that complemented both ALA and dip
113        One clone, derived from an ETEC 1766a genomic library (clone G10), did not produce CS23 yet wa
114 itoring, in parallel, a population of >10(6) genomic library clones of different insert sizes, throug
115 sed Escherichia coli Coexisting/Coexpressing Genomic Libraries (CoGeLs).
116            Four clones from a C. diphtheriae genomic library complemented several of the Corynebacter
117       The hPTTG gene isolated from the human genomic library consists of five exons and four introns
118                                        A rat genomic library constructed in lambda-EMBL3 (SP6/T7) vec
119 on of a CycH-null mutant for Ps+ growth by a genomic library constructed using DNA from a Ps+ suppres
120 +) growth phenotype was attempted by using a genomic library constructed with chromosomal DNA from a
121 We have developed technologies that simplify genomic library construction and screening, substantiall
122 on and analysis of a highly redundant pooled genomic library containing approximately 216,000 functio
123              A DNA fragment from a wild-type genomic library could direct HA production in vivo in Es
124 r has been used for the construction of many genomic libraries currently serving as resources for lar
125                                              Genomic libraries derived from this bacterium have now a
126                                            A genomic library derived from the deep-sea bacterium Phot
127  artificial chromosomes (MACs) and mammalian genomic libraries, due to the large size of its chromoso
128 ymerase (RNAP), we deep sequenced an E. coli genomic library enriched for RNAP-binding RNAs.
129 hod consists of transforming a strain with a genomic library, enriching the cell population in transf
130 ere used to identify recombinant clones in a genomic library expressed in an opal suppressor host bec
131 ive and rapid technique for screening an Mtb genomic library expressed in Escherichia coli using Mtb-
132 ing synthetic oligonucleotide pools and KSHV genomic libraries for RTA-interacting elements, using re
133 essential step for utilizing these and other genomic libraries for targeted mapping and sequencing is
134 ein p53 and the forkhead protein FoxI1 using genomic libraries for zebrafish and mouse generated by s
135                  Our screening of an E. coli genomic library for an in vivo counterpart of CsdA that
136                  Our screening of an E. coli genomic library for an in vivo counterpart of PNPase tha
137 screened an inducible RNA interference-based genomic library for cells that lose kinetoplast DNA.
138 control the per regulon, we screened an EPEC genomic library for clones that modulate the expression
139 egradation, we screened the C. cellulovorans genomic library for clones with alpha-L-arabinofuranosid
140 reening the Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv genomic library for complementation of catabolic defect
141 ubstitute for POR1, we have screened a yeast genomic library for genes which, when overexpressed, can
142 eri ileS gene was obtained by screening of a genomic library for hybridization to a PCR fragment.
143               Screening of a plasmid-encoded genomic library for mutants that confer enhanced export
144  surveyed a marine picoplankton large-insert genomic library for recombinant clones expressing PR pho
145 C. trachomatis, we screened a C. trachomatis genomic library for sequences encoding proteins that int
146 AC library represents the first large-insert genomic library for the rat.
147 an be used to efficiently screen one or more genomic libraries from a designated group of species.
148 sistance to zwittermicin A, we constructed a genomic library from B. cereus UW85, which produces zwit
149 ent of this organism to endothelial cells, a genomic library from C. albicans was used to transform a
150  was functionally complemented with a cosmid genomic library from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.
151                               Screening of a genomic library from the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus p
152 the generation of a P1 artificial chromosome genomic library from the Southern pufferfish, Spheroides
153  of Candida albicans to endothelial cells, a genomic library from this organism was constructed and u
154                                      A Sau3A genomic library from this strain was constructed and scr
155 te three overlapping clones from a T. gondii genomic library, generating a approximately 7.5 kb map o
156 enomes from a particular species (population genomics libraries) have already been used to improve th
157                         Screening of a CT596 genomic library identified adjacent genes responsible fo
158                                              Genomic libraries in a multicopy episomal cosmid vector
159 ion, we show that screening fosmid-based Lpl genomic libraries in an E. coli strain with a chromosoma
160 ult to complement epigenetic phenotypes with genomic libraries in order to identify the genes respons
161 vidual exons and exons spliced together from genomic libraries in planta suggest that this system can
162 ng recombinant EUO with a Chlamydia psittaci genomic library in a pBluescript plasmid vector in vitro
163                Screening of a C. trachomatis genomic library in an E. coli DeltadapD DAP auxotroph id
164     In this study, we screened a V. cholerae genomic library in Escherichia coli cells containing a P
165 R amplified and used to screen a T. pallidum genomic library in Lambda Zap II.
166 vised to screen a Mycobacterium tuberculosis genomic library in Mycobacterium smegmatis for clones co
167         Through the screening of an M. avium genomic library in Mycobacterium smegmatis, we have iden
168 as used to screen a murine (strain 129SvJ/6) genomic library in pBeloBAC11 to identify a clone contai
169 CR amplify a duplex probe from a T. pallidum genomic library in pBluescript II SK+.
170 omology to screen for a specific gene from a genomic library in plasmid or phage form.
171  constructed an arrayed 115,000-member human genomic library in the PAC shuttle vector pJCPAC-Mam2 th
172 ary hepatomas, we generated a rat NotI-EcoRV genomic library in the pBluescriptKS vector.
173 nes containing specific genetic markers from genomic libraries is the first step in the process.
174     Further screenings of B. burgdorferi 297 genomic libraries led to the identification of three add
175 e charge by complementation with an S. pombe genomic library led to the identification of five genes
176 d as a probe to isolate cosmid clones from a genomic library made of DNA purified from a maize chromo
177                                              Genomic libraries necessary to support targeted mapping
178  a probe, catalase clones were isolated from genomic libraries of C. albicans.
179 a mixture of several different plasmid-based genomic libraries of defined insert sizes or SCALEs, (ii
180                             Screening of the genomic libraries of Geobacillus stearothermophilus ATCC
181 mologous cosmids were also identified in the genomic libraries of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Myco
182                                              Genomic libraries of two Enterococcus faecalis strains,
183                                      We used genomic libraries of wild mouse DNAs and PCR to analyze
184  3116 base pairs, was isolated from a cosmid genomic library of a glioblastoma multiforme cell line.
185                                          The genomic library of a histidine-positive suppressor mutan
186 allii by genotyping a reduced representation genomic library of an F2 population derived from an inte
187  with knob DNA segments were isolated from a genomic library of an oat-maize chromosome 9 addition li
188 tion point in one mutant were rescued from a genomic library of Ara-A(r) AK+ DNA, and Southern blot a
189        The AMA1 sequence was isolated from a genomic library of Aspergillus nidulans on the basis of
190                           Two cosmids from a genomic library of avian pathogenic E. coli chi7122 conf
191 ne encoding this antigen was isolated from a genomic library of B. burgdorferi B31 (low passage), and
192 e sequence DSLEFIASKLA was identified from a genomic library of Bacillus subtilis by phage display as
193                                            A genomic library of Bartonella bacilliformis was construc
194        The complete gene was obtained from a genomic library of C. subterminale SB4 chromosomal DNA b
195                                            A genomic library of E. chaffeensis was constructed in a l
196 aining ibeB was isolated from a LambdaGEM-12 genomic library of E. coli RS218 and subcloned into a pB
197 ased probes, which are necessary to screen a genomic library of interest.
198  were used to clone several fragments from a genomic library of KD735-15 DNA and assemble a single 20
199 ) was isolated from a previously constructed genomic library of Lactobacillus helveticus CNRZ32.
200 tion of nonoverlapping "seeds" chosen from a genomic library of large-insert clones [such as bacteria
201 escribed 583-bp fragment was used to probe a genomic library of M. gallisepticum DNA.
202 s gene cluster was identified by screening a genomic library of Mycobacterium bovis BCG with the post
203         We have cloned a DNA fragment from a genomic library of Myxococcus xanthus using an oligonucl
204 plemented by a DNA fragment, isolated from a genomic library of PAO1, that carries the orp gene.
205                               A clone from a genomic library of strain 3083-2 was isolated, which was
206 e by heterologous screening of a lambdaEMBL4 genomic library of T. brucei EATRO 164 using a rat liver
207                A high-coverage, large-insert genomic library of the inbred line B73 based on bacteria
208          The PRA gene was then cloned from a genomic library of the Silveira strain of C. immitis and
209 H) encoding IBAH was amplified by PCR from a genomic library of the valanimycin-producing organism, S
210 on 1, and exon 2, was isolated from a bovine genomic library on two overlapping bacterial artificial
211 al DNA fragments from a C. jejuni ATCC 43431 genomic library onto a glass slide.
212 aliana, either as intact genes isolated from genomic libraries or after manipulation to generate chim
213                We followed this with reduced genomic library preparation and massively parallel seque
214 ining the full-length DHA1 gene from a phage genomic library prepared from strain B3501.
215  Wow15 mutant was complemented with a cosmid genomic library prepared from wild-type A. calcoaceticus
216 ucting a physical map of a chromosome from a genomic library presents a central computational problem
217 region in a clone obtained from a BDS strain genomic library previously prepared from organisms after
218 e high-copy components in transcriptomic and genomic libraries prior to sequencing.
219                       Screening of an E.coli genomic library revealed a potential interaction between
220                Complementation of RM1 with a genomic library revealed that the mutation occurred in a
221 ng two distinct p97 genes were isolated in a genomic library screen, one of them likely representing
222                                      Through genomic library screening and PCR-based genomic walking
223                                              Genomic library screening and sequencing were used to ge
224  were cloned from a single isolate by PCR or genomic library screening and were sequenced.
225                                        Yeast genomic library screening identified RPR1 as the specifi
226 n of reverse transcription-PCR, 5' RACE, and genomic library screening was used to clone the coding r
227                       Using a combination of genomic library screening, long-range PCR, and genomic w
228  mouse bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) genomic library screening, long-range polymerase chain r
229 activated by RHKO was identified as nCL-4 by genomic library screening, transcript analysis, and DNA
230 xed stringency polymerase chain reaction and genomic library screening, we have isolated homologous c
231  amplification of complementary DNA ends and genomic library screening, we have successfully cloned a
232 CR primer design, microarray experiments and genomic library screening.
233                       Methylation filtration genomic libraries select unmethylated DNA clones due to
234 d from a HeLa-derived randomly sheared total genomic library, sequenced, and screened for polymorphis
235 e purA gene was isolated from an E. ictaluri genomic library, sequenced, and shown to have an overall
236                Results from screening a rice genomic library suggest that there are an estimated 5700
237        Subsequent screening of a V. cholerae genomic library suggested that sigma(E) stress response,
238 ames and larger multigene fragments within a genomic library that alter the expression of a given phe
239 isolated a gene, Ccs1, from a C. reinhardtii genomic library that complements both the cytochrome b6f
240 ng phage lambda clones from a BCBL tumor DNA genomic library that spanned 48 kb on the left-hand side
241                     By sorting an indexed WT genomic library through microinjection into the macronuc
242      We constructed a randomly sheared yeast genomic library to express yeast proteins on the surface
243 ne such cell per 10(4) cells and to screen a genomic library to identify multiple copies of the xylos
244 ), which uses purified protein with a stable genomic library to isolate regulatory elements directly
245  density of seed clones and the depth of the genomic library used for walking, affect the cost and ti
246 to see if this gene could be selected from a genomic library using a vector containing the EMS.
247 L epitope from MCMV M45 by screening an MCMV genomic library using CTL clones isolated from mice infe
248             Screening of a S. latifolia male genomic library using SLP2 as a probe led to the isolati
249                 The gene was isolated from a genomic library via in vitro selection in a DNA binding
250  alpha-gliadin cDNA screen of human cDNA and genomic libraries was undertaken, an approach in keeping
251                   A sea nettle (a jellyfish) genomic library was constructed and two pax genes (Pax-A
252                                A C. albicans genomic library was constructed by cloning XbaI-partiall
253                                            A genomic library was constructed with DNA from granulocyt
254                                          The genomic library was derived from the bacteriophage fd, a
255 ent from an M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis genomic library was found to contain a 1,107-bp open rea
256              Genetic screening of an E. coli genomic library was performed to identify the genes whic
257 his study, a genetic screening of an E. coli genomic library was performed to identify those genes wh
258 tion of the mouse Ron receptor gene, a mouse genomic library was screened and overlapping clones codi
259                                        A rat genomic library was screened and overlapping lambda clon
260           A size-selected Balaena mysticetus genomic library was screened for clones containing simpl
261 lence factors genetically, an L. pneumophila genomic library was screened for clones which conferred
262                     A high-copy-number yeast genomic library was screened for genes that suppress the
263                                      A sheep genomic library was screened with a rat lens connexin46
264 sis of murine Hmgi(y), a mouse lambda FIX II genomic library was screened with an intron-specific pro
265      Accordingly, a lambdaEMBL3 A. fumigatus genomic library was screened with degenerate oligonucleo
266                                            A genomic library was screened with polyclonal antibody to
267                                      A human genomic library was screened with the cone NCKX cDNA, an
268 d by inverse PCR) as a probe, an S. meliloti genomic library was screened, and two overlapping cosmid
269           This fragment, cloned from a mouse genomic library, was found to have significant sequence
270 n addition, because every clone in the mouse genomic library we have constructed has a negative selec
271 he yeast two-hybrid system to screen E. coli genomic libraries, we discovered that Era interacts with
272 eaction (PCR) amplification and screening of genomic libraries, we have identified multiple Casr-rela
273 he frequency of these repeats in the partial genomic library, we estimate that (CA/GT)n repeats occur
274 g the method of microinjection and sorting a genomic library, we have cloned a DNA fragment that comp
275               By differential screening of a genomic library, we have cloned a gene expressed specifi
276                      Screening a C. glabrata genomic library, we identified CgPMU2, a member of a thr
277  qsr1 mutants By screening a high-copy yeast genomic library, we isolated several clones containing o
278                         By screening a mouse genomic library, we isolated two novel genes that were p
279 ing transfection of cells with an RNAi-based genomic library, we used 5 microm tubercidin to select a
280                                              Genomic libraries were captured for 3,230 exons in 182 c
281                                   Individual genomic libraries were constructed for each of the eight
282                               Human cDNA and genomic libraries were screened with probes derived from
283                              M. tuberculosis genomic libraries were targeted with Tn552'phoA transpos
284 istinct clones from a Salmonella typhimurium genomic library were identified which suppressed the cop
285 the TR gene, overlapping clones from a human genomic library were isolated.
286 m a Plasmodium falciparum mung bean nuclease genomic library were used to construct a shotgun DNA mic
287      The cluster was identified by screening genomic libraries with the viomycin phosphotransferase s
288 ein was identified by screening a lambdagt11 genomic library with 3B9.
289                          We screened a mouse genomic library with a Casr-rs1 probe and identified two
290  the blood ark Anadara trapezia by probing a genomic library with a dimeric repeat element contained
291 beta5 gene was isolated by screening a mouse genomic library with a probe derived from the most 5'-en
292              Screening a Helicobacter pylori genomic library with antisera raised against H. pylori b
293 A sequences showed that contamination of the genomic library with chloroplast clones was low (1.85%).
294 discuss a variant strategy in which a second genomic library with clones having a somewhat smaller in
295 identified by screening a B. burgdorferi B31 genomic library with cross-adsorbed hyperimmune rabbit s
296                     Screening of a C. parvum genomic library with ddHC-23 isolated a genomic subclone
297                         Probing a CpG island genomic library with PLSCR1 as bait identified four clon
298 g for BPBP was isolated from a lambda-ZAP II genomic library with probes developed from sequenced por
299 these clones was identified by screening the genomic library with swine convalescent sera showing tha
300 ls, we developed an arrayed mouse NotI-EcoRV genomic library, with clones from three commonly used mo

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