


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 c genes in cyanophage and common patterns of genomic organization.
2  a highly conserved N-terminal domain and by genomic organization.
3 rhesus monkey (Rh-OPTN) and to determine its genomic organization.
4 t genera are distinguished by differences in genomic organization.
5 cdh alpha and gamma clusters have a striking genomic organization.
6 3, revealing a highly conserved sequence and genomic organization.
7 elated to RASSF1A, for sequence homology and genomic organization.
8 ated the mouse aif-1 gene and determined its genomic organization.
9 omic sequence allowed the elucidation of the genomic organization.
10  VR genes showed substantial conservation in genomic organization.
11 ates TbVCP to have a single-locus, two-copy, genomic organization.
12 SIGN at the nucleic acid level and a similar genomic organization.
13 express a degree of uniformity in their post-genomic organization.
14 or a modification that produced a single-ORF genomic organization.
15 nt genomic features, contributing to overall genomic organization.
16 GSC) in both sequence of the homeodomain and genomic organization.
17 eded for understanding viral replication and genomic organization.
18 and suggest a role for HR repair proteins in genomic organization.
19 mum stretch is sufficient to map large-scale genomic organization.
20 eusocial lineages share distinct features of genomic organization.
21 ghtly controlled despite complexities in its genomic organization.
22 is elements as well as the changes in global genomic organization.
23 or molecular motors and potential impacts on genomic organization.
24 ertebrates given that they possess a similar genomic organization.
25 on of gene expression and the maintenance of genomic organization.
26 ould allow a more complete analysis of their genomic organization.
27 rotein levels, as well as a highly conserved genomic organization.
28               Owing to the complexity of the genomic organization, a mouse homolog of TRIM5 has not b
29                                              Genomic organization also tends to be conserved between
30                                  Patterns of genomic organization among cats and inbred domestic cat
31 kbp) mouse Bcm gene and determination of its genomic organization, analysis of the 2 kb 5'-flanking r
32                Furthermore, knowledge of the genomic organization and alternative promoter usage in t
33 enJSRV loci cloned to date possess an intact genomic organization and are able to produce viral parti
34             In this report, we describe VCBP genomic organization and characterize adjacent and inter
35                      Characterization of the genomic organization and chromosomal localization of LHX
36 bbit IKBKAP-encoded mRNAs and determined the genomic organization and chromosomal location of mouse I
37                          Here, we report the genomic organization and chromosomal position of the new
38                 Here, we have determined the genomic organization and complete sequence of the KRT2E
39                      Because of their unique genomic organization and deep phylogenetic roots, we pro
40             As a step toward elucidating the genomic organization and distribution of gene networks r
41 s with hereditary disease, we determined its genomic organization and DNA sequence.
42 nic bacteria provided a novel perspective on genomic organization and evolution.
43 he achaete-scute genes, and to examine their genomic organization and evolution.
44           The results suggest that wild-type genomic organization and expression of nsps are required
45                         We have compared the genomic organization and expression of this gene family
46                          A comparison of the genomic organization and expression patterns of these Si
47                                          The genomic organization and expression profile of known and
48 rtant role in evolution and are important in genomic organization and function.
49                               We studied the genomic organization and functional properties of the al
50 bles the alpha2 subgroup of herpesviruses in genomic organization and gene content.
51 proteins and resembles alphaherpesviruses in genomic organization and gene content.
52 so served as powerful tools in understanding genomic organization and gene regulation.
53                         We describe here the genomic organization and general transcriptional control
54 and transcriptional control, we examined the genomic organization and identified the promoter region
55 n, and how enhancer transcription influences genomic organization and integrity.
56  properties of human GDE1, we determined its genomic organization and its biochemical and structural
57 ividual members' phylogenetic relationships, genomic organization and life cycle expression profiles.
58 urrent study reports the upstream sequences, genomic organization and localization of the Psp and Smg
59 onservation of Atox1 structure and provide a genomic organization and localization that will aid in t
60  the study of the relationship between miRNA genomic organization and miRNA function.
61  a loss of protein function, a bidirectional genomic organization and overlapping expression patterns
62          These maps can be used to determine genomic organization and perform comparative genomics to
63                           We report here the genomic organization and phylogenic relationships of CD1
64                                          The genomic organization and promoter function for the entir
65                   Information concerning the genomic organization and promoter of HDAC2 will be usefu
66 ulating its expression, we characterized the genomic organization and promoter of mouse APEG-1.
67 ew sheds light on the likely reasons why the genomic organization and seeming redundancy of the miR-1
68                  Little is known about their genomic organization and sequence diversity, and only fi
69                                     Based on genomic organization and sequence similarity to known pr
70  of these isoforms and the analysis of their genomic organization and structure have suggested that t
71                      Characterization of the genomic organization and structure of the human ABCG1 ge
72 es exhibit significant conservation of their genomic organization and the intron 20 donor splice site
73                      We first determined the genomic organization and the intron-exon boundary sequen
74                  This manuscript reports the genomic organization and the primary sequence of the mou
75                             Knowledge of the genomic organization and the promoter region of the huma
76 No apparent correlation was observed between genomic organization and transcript levels.
77 ic microarray, allowed the analysis of their genomic organizations and evolutionary relationship.
78 14 subfamilies based on sequence similarity, genomic organization, and alignments with their closest
79 to define corresponding gene families, their genomic organization, and expression patterns.
80 ing, sequence analysis, tissue distribution, genomic organization, and functional analysis of a new m
81        The Sireviruses vary greatly in their genomic organization, and many have acquired additional
82    Herein, we describe the cloning, mapping, genomic organization, and mRNA and protein expression pa
83  has moderate sequence similarity, conserved genomic organization, and near structural identity to me
84 ir protein expression, transcript structure, genomic organization, and noncoding regions (promoter an
85    Herein we report the nucleotide sequence, genomic organization, and predicted amino acid sequence
86   These studies indicate that the structure, genomic organization, and recombination patterns of DH s
87               Here we describe the location, genomic organization, and relative ages of all human NAN
88 ted the full-length AS6 cDNA, determined its genomic organization, and sought for abnormalities in HP
89               We describe the cDNA sequence, genomic organization, and splice variants of MYO3B expre
90 s are its simplicity, both in anatomy and in genomic organization, and the elaborate methods that hav
91 expression pattern in various tissues, their genomic organization, and their homology to known genes.
92      Understanding KIR allelic diversity and genomic organization are essential prerequisites to eval
93 estor but also partial reconstruction of its genomic organization, as well as a description of two ge
94 atExplorer pipeline, and exists in a complex genomic organization at the centromere of most, or all,
95 s of the new virus genome revealed a classic genomic organization but a weak identity with known sequ
96 nts along DNA could create three-dimensional genomic organization by loop extrusion.
97 nges in five previously unreported loci with genomic organization characteristic of NAHR-mediated gai
98 e presence of genes encoding lipocalins with genomic organization, chromosomal arrangement, and orien
99                               Here we report genomic organization, chromosomal localization and analy
100  of the mouse P2X(5) subunit, as well as its genomic organization, chromosomal localization and expre
101                The present study reports the genomic organization, chromosomal localization and promo
102 gned to facilitate investigations into miRNA genomic organization, co-transcription and targeting.
103                            The corresponding genomic organization, coding potential, and conserved or
104     Collectively, these results describe the genomic organization, complete mRNA sequence, and sn-2-l
105 ced MNV genomes and demonstrated a conserved genomic organization consisting of four open reading fra
106 eplication timing together with higher-order genomic organization contribute to the patterns of singl
107 lation, we construct a model for macaque KIR genomic organization, defining four putative KIR3DL loci
108                                          The genomic organization demonstrates a high degree of conse
109 we cloned the murine UPase gene, defined its genomic organization, determined its 5'- and 3'-end flan
110 omplex rearrangement products share a common genomic organization, duplication-inverted triplication-
111 ion potential can be largely determined from genomic organization (e.g. the number, type, and placeme
112              FKHR and FKHRL1 share a similar genomic organization, each having a very large intron 1
113 re we report a comparison of cDNA sequences, genomic organization, editing site sequences and pattern
114  extended class II and class III regions the genomic organization, excluding several block inversions
115              The study of genetic diversity, genomic organization, expression profiles, protein struc
116         This review describes the structure, genomic organization, expression, regulation, and evolut
117    We have determined the complete molecular genomic organization for both Nrv genes.
118 data demonstrate an evolutionarily conserved genomic organization for the beta-globin locus and sugge
119 elic diversity, but we find that the overall genomic organization, gene order and predicted proteomes
120                                   CAV shares genomic organization, genomic orientation, and common fe
121 rent genomes during the life cycle, but this genomic organization has been questioned.
122  affect multiple AIDs, or alternatively that genomic organization has resulted in the clustering of m
123 use and rat PLD1 and PLD2 and the mouse PLD2 genomic organization have recently been reported.
124                                        Their genomic organizations have been characterized, cDNA tran
125 HGMW-approved symbol SNAI1) and describe its genomic organization, having sequenced a region spanning
126                                  HBoV2 has a genomic organization identical to that of HBoV but has o
127 ding discussion of their structural biology, genomic organization in pairs, developmental regulation,
128 hitecture, transcription factor binding, and genomic organization in regulation of erythrocyte membra
129 ngs advance our understanding of the role of genomic organization in the renowned ecological and phen
130                                          The genomic organization in this region is similar to the ne
131                                  Features of genomic organization including compartments, topological
132                                          The genomic organization, including the intron-exon borders,
133            A comprehensive comparison of the genomic organization indicates that ANKRD26 has the geno
134                   Remarkable similarities in genomic organization, intron/exon boundaries, and intron
135                                          Its genomic organization is compared to the structures of th
136                                              Genomic organization is conserved between the murine and
137                                              Genomic organization is essentially colinear with KSHV,
138 hromosome conformations, and the large-scale genomic organization is globally unaffected by the prese
139  a single genomic locus, and this remarkable genomic organization is highly conserved from teleosts t
140  lentiviruses and, consistent with this, its genomic organization is intermediate between the nonprim
141 formation is available, the genetic context, genomic organization, mechanisms of resistance and agric
142 nd serological comparisons suggest that this genomic organization might cause var genes to diversify
143 he beta-defensins, including gene discovery, genomic organization, molecular structure, regulation of
144 e genes previously examined, established the genomic organization of 10 of these genes, and excluded
145                            We determined the genomic organization of 14 clinical strains of Bordetell
146 nda paramyxovirus, with a typical Ferlavirus genomic organization of 3'-N-U-P/V/I-M-F-HN-L-5'.
147               The attempt to reconstruct the genomic organization of a tumor genome recently resulted
148 ion sequencing has advanced knowledge of the genomic organization of amphioxus; however, many aspects
149                           We also report the genomic organization of both the functional gene and the
150 ly, none of the tumors showed changes in the genomic organization of c-Myc but many had one or more s
151                                          The genomic organization of cbl genes from a variety of mamm
152                                          The genomic organization of chromatin is increasingly recogn
153 tudies revealed a striking difference in the genomic organization of classic cadherin genes and one f
154        In an effort to determine the precise genomic organization of CTNS and to gain sequence-based
155                           Here we report the genomic organization of DC-SIGN and map it to chromosome
156 nant brood pouch tissue and characterize the genomic organization of duplicated metalloprotease genes
157                                          The genomic organization of ELOVL4 and primer sets for exon
158                                              Genomic organization of exons and introns was nearly ide
159    We have investigated the copy numbers and genomic organization of five representative reverse tran
160 entally relevant genes and characterized the genomic organization of four genes: a hedgehog ortholog,
161         The data presented here show how the genomic organization of functionally related proteins ca
162 as begun to blur the physical boundaries and genomic organization of genic regions with noncoding tra
163                         Here, we analyse the genomic organization of Hox and Hox-derived genes in 13
164 be here the complete coding sequence and the genomic organization of hSNM1B, one of at least three hu
165                                          The genomic organization of human, baboon, rat, and mouse ge
166 esidues, recombination signal sequences, and genomic organization of IGL genes as cladistic markers.
167                                          The genomic organization of IKCa1, SKCa2, and SKCa3 were def
168                                          The genomic organization of KSHV is similar to that of Epste
169 stance interexon PCR, we have determined the genomic organization of LRP1B and built a contiguous arr
170 us helitrons not only constantly reshape the genomic organization of maize and profoundly affect its
171                              Thus, while the genomic organization of mHuA is similar to the neural-re
172                                          The genomic organization of msCRABP is conserved with other
173                                     However, genomic organization of novel eukaryotic genomes is dive
174                     We have focused upon the genomic organization of one family member expressed prim
175                                          The genomic organization of Pcdh15/PCDH15 bears similarity t
176 iate the burden of their expression, and the genomic organization of R genes into coregulatory module
177 ever, there are important differences in the genomic organization of retrotransposons in plants compa
178                                          The genomic organization of schistosome cathepsin D was simi
179 protocadherin genes we have investigated the genomic organization of several additional human protoca
180                       This review covers the genomic organization of simple and complex constitutiona
181                          We have studied the genomic organization of smarce1 and identified that it h
182                              Analysis of the genomic organization of SPEC1 revealed that the coding s
183                                          The genomic organization of TCRbeta loci enables Vbeta-to-DJ
184                  Herein, we characterize the genomic organization of the AKAP12 locus, its regulatory
185                    Here, we investigated the genomic organization of the amplified EPSPS copies using
186                               We present the genomic organization of the BACE gene.
187 e isolated genomic clones and determined the genomic organization of the bovine mimecan gene.
188  have determined the sequence, structure and genomic organization of the cathepsin D gene locus of Sc
189             Comparison of the complexity and genomic organization of the cbl gene family and the pred
190                                          The genomic organization of the cbl genes from various speci
191             We took advantage of the unusual genomic organization of the ciliate Oxytricha trifallax
192                                          The genomic organization of the cone NCKX gene was determine
193                                          The genomic organization of the corresponding genes supports
194                        No differences in the genomic organization of the different classes of transpo
195            In this report we (a) defined the genomic organization of the DUTT1 gene, (b) performed mu
196  the human FGFR gene family reveals that the genomic organization of the FGFRs is relatively conserve
197                              We describe the genomic organization of the four lack genes in the L. ma
198                    The structure and nuclear genomic organization of the gene family encoding putresc
199                                          The genomic organization of the gtcA region was conserved be
200                  The characterization of the genomic organization of the hMRE11 gene allowed us to de
201               In this report we describe the genomic organization of the hMRE11 gene and the analysis
202                 In summary, we report on the genomic organization of the human ABC1 gene and identify
203                                          The genomic organization of the human and mouse genes (HGMW-
204  we determine the complete cDNA sequence and genomic organization of the human BRI3 gene.
205                         Reported here is the genomic organization of the human FKBP52 gene (FKBP4), w
206                          We also deduced the genomic organization of the human gene VR1.
207 KLHLI genes, and have elucidated the general genomic organization of the human gene.
208                         Here, we present the genomic organization of the human hairless gene (HGMW-ap
209 In this study, we characterized the cDNA and genomic organization of the human LHX5 gene and analyzed
210 ation of full-length cDNA and elucidation of genomic organization of the human MTO1 homolog.
211  the pathogenesis of ARVD, we determined the genomic organization of the human NAPOR gene including i
212 oforms of PCTAIRE 3 have been cloned and the genomic organization of the human PCTAIRE 3 gene is repo
213                                          The genomic organization of the human protocadherin alpha, b
214            Here we report the expression and genomic organization of the human SPEC1 gene.
215 he Sprouty2 gene, we first characterized the genomic organization of the human Sprouty2 (hSpry2) gene
216  family genes on human chromosome 2, and the genomic organization of the IL-1HY2 gene is highly conse
217 udy, we describe the cloning, expression and genomic organization of the LMX1A gene, which is compose
218                           We report here the genomic organization of the Lsamp gene.
219 espite mapping to different chromosomes, the genomic organization of the macroH2A2 and macroH2A1 gene
220 s of mouse and humans were compared, and the genomic organization of the mCABYR gene was analyzed.
221                                          The genomic organization of the mdmx gene is identical to th
222        In many nonmammalian vertebrates, the genomic organization of the MHC class I region leads to
223 R gene expression, we have characterized the genomic organization of the mouse and human A(2A)R genes
224 in I cDNA sequence was used to determine the genomic organization of the mouse cyclin I gene which co
225 ll-length cDNA and defined properties of the genomic organization of the mouse eIF-1A gene.
226  ERalpha cDNA over 15 years ago, the precise genomic organization of the mouse ERalpha gene has not y
227 re, we report the isolation, sequencing, and genomic organization of the mouse FKBP65 gene (Fkbp10) a
228                           Here we report the genomic organization of the mouse orthologue of ELOVL4 a
229 hese transcripts, we first characterized the genomic organization of the NBC1 gene (SLC4A4).
230                                          The genomic organization of the pathway genes, syntenously p
231 we present the completed coding sequence and genomic organization of the previously published partial
232                                          The genomic organization of the PRKAG2 gene was determined u
233                             To determine the genomic organization of the PTTG and its transcriptional
234                               Details of the genomic organization of the recently isolated maize (Zea
235            In addition, we have analyzed the genomic organization of the RNU3 locus by constructing a
236 cular pathology of SCA8, we have defined the genomic organization of the SCA8 RNA transcripts and ass
237 effort to gain a better understanding of the genomic organization of the skeletal MyHC genes and its
238 izing clones were sequenced to determine the genomic organization of the SLC24A2 gene.
239                                          The genomic organization of the ste3 locus bears significant
240 he sequences, phylogenetic distribution, and genomic organization of the SurE family reveal examples
241 angements focuses on characterization of the genomic organization of the TCRB locus.
242                    We have characterized the genomic organization of the three zebrafish L chain isot
243                                          The genomic organization of the transposable DNA elements in
244                                 The complete genomic organization of the two mucin genes MUC2 and MUC
245                    Finally, we show that the genomic organization of the universal ribosomal componen
246                                          The genomic organization of these genes is distinctly differ
247 nsion of odorant receptor genes and the role genomic organization of these genes might have in their
248   Using gene-specific primers to explore the genomic organization of these two genes, it was determin
249                             The presence and genomic organization of these two pairs of duplicated ge
250                                          The genomic organization of this chromosomal region is diffe
251 tGPX7 in Arabidopsis was identified, and the genomic organization of this family was reported.
252                            Comparison of the genomic organization of this locus among several insect
253  and Rv1812c are cotranscribed, and that the genomic organization of this operon is specific to M. tu
254      Accordingly, we identified the complete genomic organization of this putative phospholipase A(2)
255                              We describe the genomic organization of three members of this family, wh
256                      We have established the genomic organization of UBE3A and the sequence of intron
257             Despite a significant expansion, genomic organizations of BdAP2/EREBPs were monotonous as
258                                          The genomic organizations of many other frameshifting viruse
259                                The divergent genomic organizations of two FeSOD genes in the same org
260 ow that all EGF-CFC genes share an identical genomic organization over the entire coding region.
261 ty between mouse and human CABYR, the common genomic organization, presence of similar testis-specifi
262 hcg pair is distinct in chromosome location, genomic organization, promoter structure, and tissue-spe
263                                         This genomic organization promotes translocation breakpoints
264 ogeny, gene structure, evolutionary history, genomic organization, protein topology, and expression p
265                         Here, the phylogeny, genomic organization, protein topology, expression, and
266        Therefore, this variable and constant genomic organization provides a genetic mechanism for di
267 biting HDACs leads to significant changes in genomic organization, recruiting regions of transcriptio
268 e implications of recent data about parkin's genomic organization, regulation and function.
269 nd explored their functional categorization, genomic organization, regulatory motifs, and association
270 mbination to assemble both V exons and has a genomic organization resembling the likely ancestral for
271             Complete nucleotide sequence and genomic organization revealed that the mouse sTnT gene s
272               It consists of 11 exons with a genomic organization similar to that of GLUT3 and likely
273 e of representative cDNAs reveals a striking genomic organization similar to that of immunoglobulin a
274 evelopment and the characterization of their genomic organization, spatiotemporal activities and sequ
275 elements that generate two stripes and their genomic organization suggest that single-stripe elements
276 arison between Galliformes and Passeriformes genomic organization suggests an origin of the second TC
277 e single copy F3galtase gene has a different genomic organization than Bz1.
278 jejuni strain 81-176 revealed a less complex genomic organization than the corresponding region in th
279 ions that the nucleus encounters can perturb genomic organization that in turn influences cellular be
280 as made recently in our understanding of the genomic organization, the obligate requirements, and the
281                        Consistent with their genomic organization, these miRNAs have a similar expres
282 gue with 70% amino acid identity and similar genomic organization to human PSCA has also been identif
283                             While similar in genomic organization to other complex retroviruses, foam
284 ic islands (GIs) share similarities in their genomic organization to pathogenicity islands from other
285 intron organization and were also similar in genomic organization to the 5' exons for the CSPG core p
286 uratus) with similarity in both sequence and genomic organization to the vertebrate Rag1 and Rag2 gen
287 the formation of an International Structural Genomics Organization to formulate policy and foster coo
288 alpha-gliadin genes were obtained from their genomic organization, transcription patterns, transposab
289 Here we present the first description of the genomic organization, transcriptional regulatory sequenc
290 stool samples from dogs with diarrhea, has a genomic organization typical of a picornavirus and encod
291                                         In a genomic organization unique to trypanosomes, there are a
292                                Moreover, its genomic organization was almost identical to that of hum
293                                          The genomic organization was found to be conserved between m
294                                          The genomic organization was most similar to those of vitivi
295                         This type of modular genomic organization was similar to several other phages
296 hages each gave rise to a plasmid form whose genomic organization was very similar to that of the CTX
297                  ARHGAP8 shares an identical genomic organization with ARHGAP1/CDC42GAP/p50RHOGAP and
298 ion to conserved cellular, developmental and genomic organization with mammals.
299                         Comparison of the B3 genomic organization with that of Mu revealed evidence o
300                          Comparison of mouse genomic organization with the Human Genome Database pred

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