


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nes not previously identified by traditional genomic sequencing.
2 n enzyme digestion-coupled PCR and bisulfite genomic sequencing.
3  DNA methylation, when analyzed by bisulfite genomic sequencing.
4 ched liver tissues was analyzed by bisulfite genomic sequencing.
5 viruses from pigs as determined by a partial genomic sequencing.
6 nd chromatin structural changes by bisulfite genomic sequencing.
7 as determined from a combination of cDNA and genomic sequencing.
8 USB) from normal leukocyte DNAs by bisulfite genomic sequencing.
9 ch, for instance, can serve as a nucleus for genomic sequencing.
10 rospinal fluid of one, were characterised by genomic sequencing.
11 romosomes (PACs) for comparative mapping and genomic sequencing.
12        Variants were characterized by direct genomic sequencing.
13 valuable tool for gap closure in large-scale genomic sequencing.
14 ing gene structure after the great effort of genomic sequencing.
15 ticles evaluated the entire microbiome using genomic sequencing.
16 es in the human genome will only be found by genomic sequencing.
17 nts, for rapid and accurate mapping, and for genomic sequencing.
18 m tiling paths of BAC clones for large-scale genomic sequencing.
19 tionally cloned or obtained directly through genomic sequencing.
20 e methylation patterns observed by bisulfite genomic sequencing.
21 provide the initial reagents for large-scale genomic sequencing.
22  to application in automated high throughput genomic sequencing.
23 sis has recently shifted towards large-scale genomic sequencing.
24 g of the utility and limitations of pathogen genomic sequencing.
25  with all potential variants confirmed using genomic sequencing.
26 sites within this region by sodium bisulfite genomic sequencing.
27 was determined in the context of large scale genomic sequencing.
28 e nucleotide primer extension, and bisulfite genomic sequencing.
29 g paths of clones for subsequent large-scale genomic sequencing.
30 s including cDNA selection, RT-PCR, RACE and genomic sequencing.
31 nfirmed with the nitrate reductase assay and genomic sequencing.
32 ential components for positional cloning and genomic sequencing.
33  missense mutations were confirmed by direct genomic sequencing.
34 rified the amino acid sequences deduced from genomic sequencing.
35 enotype linkages has been greatly enabled by genomic sequencing.
36  greatly increased the availability of human genomic sequencing.
37 s, selection for function, and deep parallel genomic sequencing.
38 alyses of plant chromosomes, and large-scale genomics sequencing.
39 describe the application of population-based genomic sequencing after chemical mutagenesis to map bac
40 realize the immense potential of large-scale genomic sequencing after the completion of the second hu
41                          Empirical data from genomic sequencing along with prospects for combining st
42        Demethylation treatment and bisulfite genomic sequencing analyses revealed that downregulation
43                                        Large genomic sequencing analysis as part of precision medicin
44                                    Bisulfite genomic sequencing analysis showed that the normally unm
45 e improvements may permit real-time benchtop genomic sequencing and antimicrobial resistance gene det
46           Using siRNA knock downs, bisulfite genomic sequencing and ChIP, we demonstrate for the firs
47 esidues and histones as judged by bisulphite genomic sequencing and chromatin immunoprecipitation ass
48 p, easy and quick to obtain relative to full genomic sequencing and currently sample more eukaryotic
49 aps should prove valuable as a complement to genomic sequencing and expression-dependent transcript m
50 ablished contig will serve as a template for genomic sequencing and for functional analysis of the GA
51 titutively active Qp, we performed bisulfite genomic sequencing and functional analyses using a methy
52 at specifically target tumours, and aided by genomic sequencing and genetic engineering, there is new
53 lation status was determined using bisulfite genomic sequencing and IL6 messenger RNA (mRNA) levels b
54 se algorithms are being tested in the era of genomic sequencing and it is not clear whether they are
55 ating microarrays, high-throughput bisulfite genomic sequencing and mass spectrometry, as the field m
56                                By performing genomic sequencing and methylation-specific PCR assays,
57 provides a solid path forward for population genomic sequencing and offers applications to many other
58                                              Genomic sequencing and phylogenetic analyses showed that
59                                              Genomic sequencing and phylogenetic analysis confirmed t
60                           Based upon partial genomic sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, the newly
61 tenable in light of recent observations from genomic sequencing and population-genetic theory.
62                                              Genomic sequencing and structural genomics produced a va
63 nology has previously been applied mainly to genomic sequencing and targeted re-sequencing.
64 e disease locus, followed by high-throughput genomic sequencing and validation by dideoxy sequencing,
65 r by polymerase chain reaction-based, direct genomic sequencing and, where possible, by cosegregation
66 mical staining for mismatch-repair proteins, genomic sequencing, and deletion studies.
67                   Using gene mapping, direct genomic sequencing, and extended haplotype analysis, we
68 hybridization reactions, mutation detection, genomic sequencing, and identification of pathogens.
69 ested homozygous deletions, contig building, genomic sequencing, and physical and transcript mapping
70 he starting point for transcription mapping, genomic sequencing, and positional cloning of this regio
71   Using reverse transcription-PCR, bisulfite genomic sequencing, and pyrosequencing, we show that the
72     These studies ultimately led to cloning, genomic sequencing, and the production and phenotypic an
73 d sequence tags or data from high-throughput genomic sequencing, and we describe the methods by which
74 To identify candidate genes, we used shotgun genomic sequencing as well as isolation and analysis of
75 equencing has enabled researchers to perform genomic sequencing at rates that were unimaginable in th
76                    High-throughput bisulfite genomic sequencing based on new generation of sequencers
77 red gene expression microarray and bisulfite genomic sequencing-based approach to identify genes that
78                 Rice provides advantages for genomic sequencing because of its small genome and its d
79                       With greatly increased genomic sequencing being performed for individual patien
80                  Comparative human and mouse genomic sequencing between H19 and Igf2 revealed two nov
81 corporate metabolic pathways discovered with genomic sequencing, but direct comparisons between model
82  in sodium channelopathies, the results from genomic sequencing can only be appropriately interpreted
83                           Recent progress in genomic sequencing, computational biology, and ontology
84 by methylation-specific PCR and by bisulfite genomic sequencing confirms that the regions identified
85                A new study demonstrates that genomic sequencing coverage of plasma DNA fragments arou
86 nentially with the advent of high-throughput genomic sequencing, creating a significant challenge for
87 lecular cytogenetics, positional cloning and genomic sequencing culminated in a detailed molecular de
88 Further analysis of sequences in undeposited genomic sequencing data and EST databases yielded more t
89 igh accuracy from paired-end high-throughput genomic sequencing data and pinpoints their breakpoints
90 ng capabilities to identify neoantigens from genomic sequencing data are a limiting factor for unders
91 ents, we analyzed non-human sequences in 150 genomic sequencing data files from the 1000 Genomes Proj
92 al and biophysical characteristics (recently genomic sequencing data for both P. furiosus and P. hori
93                         The quality of whole-genomic sequencing data is comparable across all samples
94                                  Analysis of genomic sequencing data requires efficient, easy-to-use
95         In parallel, we also used population genomic sequencing data to compare protein and cis-regul
96 n an ultra-fast, high-throughput manner from genomic sequencing data.
97   By applying laSV to 97 tumor-normal paired genomic sequencing datasets across six cancer types prod
98 ant benefits that continue to be gained from genomic sequencing, dedicated efforts are needed to avoi
99                             First, bisulfite genomic sequencing demonstrated that CpG sites within th
100  Genomes Project pilot studies, and targeted genomic sequencing derived from very large sample sizes
101                                      Primary genomic sequencing determined gene SMCY to be composed o
102 pproaches include screening of biodiversity, genomic sequencing, directed evolution and phage display
103 ng progress of the international Arabidopsis genomic sequencing effort, AGI (the Arabidopsis Genome I
104 will, in the short term, aid in prioritizing genomic sequencing efforts and in interpreting sequencin
105 representation of racial minorities in large genomic sequencing efforts is unclear, and could have an
106 a significant cost saving in high throughput genomic sequencing efforts.
107                                  In the post-genomic sequencing era, an expanding portfolio of genomi
108                             Sodium bisulfite genomic sequencing established that a CpG-rich island wi
109 r biobanks are integrating more tightly with genomic sequencing facilities and with those creating an
110  further confirmed by Western blot, although genomic sequencing failed to reveal conclusive PLCZ1 mut
111 ven to clinical testing of PALB2 by complete genomic sequencing for familial breast cancer patients w
112 were identified by cDNA selection and direct genomic sequencing from the familial dysautonomia candid
113                                              Genomic sequencing has driven precision-based oncology t
114                                              Genomic sequencing has identified three different typica
115                                              Genomic sequencing has implicated large numbers of genes
116                            The throughput of genomic sequencing has increased to the point that is ov
117 ing binding ligands to targets identified by genomic sequencing has led to a bottleneck in genomic re
118                      The recent explosion in genomic sequencing has made available a wealth of data t
119                                     Although genomic sequencing has provided a better understating of
120  early stages in the vertebrate lineage, but genomic sequencing has recently revealed extensive ampli
121                              However, recent genomic sequencing has revealed PDF-like sequences in ma
122                 Further, recent explosion in genomic sequencing has revealed recurrent ACK1 gene ampl
123                                Additionally, genomic sequencing has revealed the complexity of the ca
124                                       Recent genomic sequencing has shown that Caenorhabditis elegans
125                                              Genomic sequencing has substantial epidemiologic value i
126 tic mutation genotyping and massive parallel genomic sequencing have become increasingly feasible at
127              Restriction enzyme analysis and genomic sequencing identified 2 clusters of closely rela
128                                              Genomic sequencing identified an A-->T transversion at t
129 ceptor, and database searches and additional genomic sequencing identified five maize homologs includ
130                                              Genomic sequencing identified one retro-transposon-like
131  from our stocks of these two strains, total genomic sequencing identified several unique nonsynonymo
132                                              Genomic sequencing identified three distinct in-frame de
133                                              Genomic sequencing identified two different heterozygous
134  of the paternal SMPD1 allele, and bisulfite genomic sequencing identified which CpG dinucleotides wi
135  this region have been used as templates for genomic sequencing in an effort to identify candidate ge
136 on of five genes was quantified by bisulfite genomic sequencing in d-200 dorsal prostates across BPA
137 erine metabolism and highlights the power of genomic sequencing in revealing the unsuspected allelic
138                                              Genomic sequencing in the region of the FRT site (follow
139 sential tool for both positional cloning and genomic sequencing in this key model system for biomedic
140                      Unexpected results from genomic sequencing indicate that significant intrastrain
141                         Recent evidence from genomic sequencing indicates a 15-year interval for gene
142                    We exploited the detailed genomic sequencing information of a large number of Arab
143  era of "next-gen cytogenetics," integrating genomic sequencing into the prenatal diagnostic setting
144                         Targeted comparative genomic sequencing is a complementary approach to whole-
145                                   Bisulphite genomic sequencing is a widely used technique for detail
146     This study demonstrates that large-scale genomic sequencing is an efficient approach to analyze t
147 hree potential EPS gene clusters revealed by genomic sequencing is an important component of P. aerug
148 sorders, and targeted and massively parallel genomic sequencing is beginning to be used in clinical p
149                 The translational utility of genomic sequencing is clear, from understanding of human
150                                              Genomic sequencing is no longer a novelty, but gene func
151                                  Large scale genomic sequencing is now widely used to decipher questi
152                                Concurrently, genomic sequencing is uncovering thousands of previously
153 or Friedlin genome has been constructed, and genomic sequencing is well underway.
154 rapy-resistant brain tumours, which, despite genomic sequencing, lack effective molecular targets.
155     Predicting the molecular complexity of a genomic sequencing library is a critical but difficult p
156                                           By genomic sequencing, linkage analysis, and functional val
157 A mapping is an important analytical tool in genomic sequencing, medical diagnostics and pathogen ide
158 sites methylated in vivo using the bisulfite genomic sequencing method confirms the previous finding
159 , we have used the more definitive bisulfite genomic sequencing method to examine CpG methylation in
160 e report here a new, sensitive and versatile genomic sequencing method, which can be used for in vivo
161 ia (BPH) tissues samples using the bisulfite genomic sequencing method.
162 ng nearest neighbor technique and bisulphite genomic sequencing methods to investigate the nearest ne
163 n completely sequenced using various PCR and genomic-sequencing methods.
164                                              Genomic sequencing might help to establish a diagnosis,
165 ) to guide decisions regarding the amount of genomic sequencing necessary to develop high-quality dia
166                                              Genomic sequencing now brings finer resolution to both b
167                                              Genomic sequencing now shows that this variant (variant
168                                       Recent genomic sequencing of 10 additional Drosophila genomes p
169 he STK11/LKB1 gene were analysed with direct genomic sequencing of 15 HNSCC specimens.
170 nts with muscle biopsy-proven MTM, by direct genomic sequencing of 92% of the known coding sequence o
171                              High-throughput genomic sequencing of a conservative estimate (24.2 Mb)
172                                     Finally, genomic sequencing of a cosmid containing the complete n
173                   With the completion of the genomic sequencing of a number of species, including tha
174   The high rate of detection of mutations by genomic sequencing of ALK-1 suggests that this will be a
175 any TNFRSF1A mutation, despite comprehensive genomic sequencing of all of the exons, therefore sugges
176                                     With the genomic sequencing of Arabidopsis nearing completion and
177                                       Direct genomic sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes to query
178                                              Genomic sequencing of bacterial pathogens is providing a
179                                              Genomic sequencing of BMPR1A in each of these JP kindred
180 pression in normal and cancerous tissue, and genomic sequencing of candidate.
181                                              Genomic sequencing of CDV isolated from one of the infec
182                                              Genomic sequencing of Chlamydia indicated this medically
183                                    Bisulfite genomic sequencing of DNA from oocytes and embryos showe
184                                              Genomic sequencing of ETH76a revealed a relatively small
185                             Recent intensive genomic sequencing of hematopoietic malignancies has ide
186 entation are preliminary, as high-throughput genomic sequencing of HSA17q-ter has not been fully comp
187 fined the methylation status of every CpG by genomic sequencing of individual cloned copies of bisulf
188                       Unlike A. trivirgatus, genomic sequencing of M. nemestrina and M. fascicularis
189                                 The complete genomic sequencing of Methanococcus jannaschii cannot id
190  being generated by the accelerating pace of genomic sequencing of microbes.
191              We confirmed this hypothesis by genomic sequencing of progeny from young and old plants.
192  yeast nuclear gene RML2, identified through genomic sequencing of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosom
193             Analysis of haplotype blocks and genomic sequencing of Scg5 in high (C3H/HeJ, DBA/2J, BAL
194                                   The recent genomic sequencing of Selaginella, a member of the lycop
195                                              Genomic sequencing of several of these pathogens is unde
196                                              Genomic sequencing of splice junction regions of the Ika
197                                        Using genomic sequencing of synthetic and natural allopolyploi
198         Sequence variants were identified by genomic sequencing of the 12 ANKH exons and their flanki
199                                  Full length genomic sequencing of the 2010 H14 isolates demonstrated
200 ken together, compared with that in mammals, genomic sequencing of the catfish TCR DB-JB-CB region re
201                                    Bisulfite genomic sequencing of the CpG island encompassing exon 1
202 ATP/ADP translocase was uncovered during the genomic sequencing of the intracellular plant pathogen "
203 mes, methylation-specific PCR, and bisulfite genomic sequencing of the polymorphic CAG repeat site of
204                                    Bisulfite genomic sequencing of the rubq2 promoters revealed speci
205                                      Partial genomic sequencing of their available poliovirus isolate
206                                           By genomic sequencing of these T-cell clones, we identified
207 be the starting resource for the large-scale genomic sequencing of this region by The Sanger Center,
208 d 5 BACs, which will facilitate the complete genomic sequencing of this region of chromosome 6.
209                      In combination with the genomic sequencing of tumors in patients, the yeast-base
210                              The comparative-genomic sequencing of two Mycobacterium tuberculosis str
211                                              Genomic sequencing on 36 paired normal and cervical tumo
212                  With the advent of complete genomic sequencing on the horizon, Drosophila will conti
213 recent success of large-scale industrialized genomic sequencing opens new doors in studies of biologi
214 zed open reading frames (ORFs) identified by genomic sequencing or represented in EST databases.
215 er (up to 5,000) tandem gene arrays has made genomic sequencing problematic.
216 pid mapping of DNA sequences and large-scale genomic sequencing programs.
217  After an in silico search of the P. carinii genomic sequencing project identified a 329-bp partial s
218 -sequencing project and an 8X random shotgun genomic sequencing project.
219 osome III sequences reported by the nematode genomic sequencing project.
220 eriments, provide substrates for large-scale genomic sequencing projects and facilitate the mapping o
221                                           As genomic sequencing projects attempt ever more ambitious
222                                  Large-scale genomic sequencing projects have provided DNA sequence i
223 the choice for clone sets in high throughput genomic sequencing projects primarily because of their h
224                                       Recent genomic sequencing projects, however, have identified pu
225  are being predicted by large scale cDNA and genomic sequencing projects, with levels of evidence ran
226 it" synthetases that are now identified from genomic sequencing projects.
227 acellular matrix proteins identified through genomic sequencing projects.
228 xpression pattern of sequences obtained from genomic sequencing projects.
229 m to guide decisions regarding the amount of genomic sequencing required to develop diagnostic DNA si
230                                  Large-scale genomic sequencing requires a software infrastructure to
231                                     However, genomic sequencing results suggest that many DNA repair
232 ells but not in NP, confirming the bisulfite genomic sequencing results.
233 ents also showed exon 3 skipping, and later, genomic sequencing revealed a mutation deep in intron 2.
234                                              Genomic sequencing revealed compound heterozygous mutati
235                                              Genomic sequencing revealed noncoding polymorphism in bo
236                                    Bisulfite genomic sequencing revealed that (S)G treatment universa
237                                    Bisulfite genomic sequencing revealed that all 21 CpG dinucleotide
238                                    Bisulfite genomic sequencing revealed that all 21 CpG dinucleotide
239      DNA methylation profiling and bisulfite genomic sequencing revealed that KLF4 expression reduced
240 Detailed methylation mapping using bisulfite genomic sequencing revealed that loss of expression of C
241                                              Genomic sequencing revealed that NI1060 is a mouse-speci
242       Methylation-specific PCR and bisulfite genomic sequencing revealed that the RASSF1A promoter wa
243 five affected siblings, linkage analysis and genomic sequencing revealed the genetic basis of Perraul
244                                              Genomic sequencing reveals a common region in RFC1p, RFC
245                                              Genomic sequencing reveals an ancient haplotype split at
246                                           As genomic sequencing reveals the range of structural class
247  Genetic mapping, complementation tests, and genomic sequencing show that brec mutations disrupt a pr
248                                    Bisulfite genomic sequencing showed significant (>90%) demethylati
249                        Ligation-mediated PCR genomic sequencing showed that all CpG dinucleotides exa
250  be entirely CpG methylated in BL, bisulfite genomic sequencing showed virtually no methylation in Qp
251                  Here we present single-cell genomic sequencing (SiC-seq), which uses droplet microfl
252                The underlying error rate for genomic sequencing sometimes results in the introduction
253 y-based designs are regaining popularity for genomic sequencing studies because they provide a way to
254                                      Partial genomic sequencing studies indicated that at least 15 ou
255                                              Genomic sequencing studies of breast and other cancers h
256     These studies, in conjunction with other genomic sequencing studies of X-linked genes, demonstrat
257 zed, while a second gene was identified in a genomic sequencing study but not analyzed biochemically.
258                      Recently, a large-scale genomic sequencing study of ccRCC tumors revealed that e
259                     A tag-modified bisulfite genomic sequencing (tBGS) method employing direct cycle
260 n polymorphism (SSCP) technique and a direct genomic sequencing technique were used to screen all 22
261 n polymorphism (SSCP) technique and a direct genomic sequencing technique were used to screen the cod
262 ts many advantages, scRNAseq, like any other genomic sequencing technique, is susceptible to the infl
263 onformation polymorphism analysis and direct genomic sequencing techniques were used to screen 272 un
264 onformation polymorphism analysis and direct genomic sequencing techniques were used to screen 596 un
265                                  Advances in genomic sequencing technologies have improved the abilit
266  one of 11 HPyVs recently discovered through genomic sequencing technologies.
267                    Innovations in both tumor genomic sequencing technology and the development of dru
268                             With advances in genomic sequencing technology, the number of reported ge
269 e exploit bisulfite mutagenesis coupled with genomic sequencing to derive the methylation status of 6
270  highlight the utility of massively parallel genomic sequencing to discover novel translocations in l
271         In this study, we have used targeted genomic sequencing to evaluate the contribution of genet
272  action of this insulator, we used bisulfite genomic sequencing to examine the methylation of individ
273   We used cDNA selection, exon trapping, and genomic sequencing to identify 12 transcription units fr
274                                     Standard genomic sequencing to identify all heterozygous SNPs in
275                                      We used genomic sequencing to identify potentially pathogenic ge
276 used cDNA selection, exon amplification, and genomic sequencing to identify three novel transcripts (
277                                   The use of genomic sequencing to investigate microbes has expanded,
278 on and gene transcription, we used bisulfite genomic sequencing to obtain a detailed analysis of meth
279 ill be increasingly reliant on comprehensive genomic sequencing to reveal the spectrum of genetic alt
280                                      We used genomic sequencing to understand the establishment and d
281                 Comparison of the results of genomic sequencing versus reverse-transcriptase polymera
282                                     Complete genomic sequencing was carried out on nine purified stra
283                                    Extensive genomic sequencing was performed in an effort to underst
284 rated index-cell sorting and high-throughput genomic sequencing, we are able to analyze genomic seque
285                            Through bisulfite genomic sequencing, we demonstrated that, although CD49d
286                              Using bisulfite genomic sequencing, we did not find a generalized patter
287  Using semiquantitative RT-PCR and bisulfite genomic sequencing, we established an inverse relationsh
288                               Upon bisulfite genomic sequencing, we found that 3 CpG sites in the bet
289                              Using bisulfite genomic sequencing, we have assessed the methylation sta
290 sing targeted capture and massively parallel genomic sequencing, we screened for germ-line mutations
291  analysis and ligation-mediated PCR-assisted genomic sequencing, we show that HiNF-P interacts with c
292                                           By genomic sequencing, we showed that four out of six of th
293                  ANKH variants identified by genomic sequencing were screened for association with ch
294 tion polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and direct genomic sequencing were used to evaluate the coding regi
295   We identified a minimal overlap contig for genomic sequencing, which has yielded 7.7 Mb of finished
296 volution and behavior with lemur comparative genomic sequencing will offer insights into many levels
297 ate the feasibility of performing high-speed genomic sequencing with microfabricated electrophoretic

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