


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  mitigating replication stress and promoting genomic stability.
2 isite for replication fork establishment and genomic stability.
3 etic and epigenetic features and to preserve genomic stability.
4 iR-155 levels improved telomere function and genomic stability.
5  cycle and ultimately for the maintenance of genomic stability.
6 nts between alleles is important to maintain genomic stability.
7  chromosome segregation and thereby maintain genomic stability.
8  RecQ[Bs]'s possible functions in preserving genomic stability.
9 that PI3K-C2alpha expression is required for genomic stability.
10 itical for homologous recombination (HR) and genomic stability.
11  which MK2 contributes to the maintenance of genomic stability.
12 e function is critical for cell division and genomic stability.
13 ctions in metabolism, stress resistance, and genomic stability.
14  nucleus, which is important for maintaining genomic stability.
15 airing DNA replication forks and for overall genomic stability.
16 of genes involved in cell growth control and genomic stability.
17 nd is essential for proper cell division and genomic stability.
18 c recombination intermediates that undermine genomic stability.
19 logous recombination, a process that ensures genomic stability.
20 thylation that influence gene expression and genomic stability.
21 A helicase which is critical for maintaining genomic stability.
22  orchestrate DNA repair, thereby maintaining genomic stability.
23 ipolar mitotic spindle and are essential for genomic stability.
24 ught to encompass a defect in maintenance of genomic stability.
25 int and, thus, contributes to maintenance of genomic stability.
26 tion that is critical for the maintenance of genomic stability.
27 ogous recombination (HR) and is critical for genomic stability.
28 r day and is critical for the maintenance of genomic stability.
29 ccurs in human cancers, may adversely affect genomic stability.
30 f metabolism, longevity, gene expression and genomic stability.
31 in T-cell development and the maintenance of genomic stability.
32 egrity is critical for telomere function and genomic stability.
33 ously unknown property of the MRN complex in genomic stability.
34 n of Fanconi anaemia proteins is to maintain genomic stability.
35 ting the DNA damage response and maintaining genomic stability.
36 us recombination (HR) and the maintenance of genomic stability.
37 of gene expression, chromatin structure, and genomic stability.
38 olecular target by which autophagy maintains genomic stability.
39 ansformation in the pancreas via maintaining genomic stability.
40 a non-canonical function of ATRX in guarding genomic stability.
41 esponses to DNA damage that help to maintain genomic stability.
42 n, WRN, are involved in maintaining cellular genomic stability.
43 dulated the DNA damage response and affected genomic stability.
44 apoptosis; vascular tone; host defenses; and genomic stability.
45  chromosome segregation and thereby maintain genomic stability.
46 NA damage checkpoints and the maintenance of genomic stability.
47 NA repair that are essential for maintaining genomic stability.
48 r suppression by Bre1 through maintenance of genomic stability.
49 roups for DNA methylation, both critical for genomic stability.
50 n of replication initiation events to insure genomic stability.
51 onstrating a link between WRN, telomeres and genomic stability.
52  localizes to the nucleus and contributes to genomic stability.
53 on and thus contribute to the maintenance of genomic stability.
54 ucidate an important pathway for maintaining genomic stability.
55  the alcohol effect on DNA damage/repair and genomic stability.
56 th pro- and anti-inflammatory processes, and genomic stability.
57 oss-link (ICL) repair and the maintenance of genomic stability.
58 air, and it is important for preservation of genomic stability.
59  damage, and it is necessary for maintaining genomic stability.
60 cific mutagenesis and for the maintenance of genomic stability.
61 r recombination, is critical for maintaining genomic stability.
62 is, we examined the effects of aneuploidy on genomic stability.
63 a formation assays; and (iv) karyotyping for genomic stability.
64 a known critical regulator of DNA repair and genomic stability.
65 talled or broken replication forks to ensure genomic stability.
66  previously unrecognized role in maintaining genomic stability.
67 exity of how this tumor suppressor maintains genomic stability.
68  cleavage furrow abnormalities, and restores genomic stability.
69 ells and implicate ERK8 in the regulation of genomic stability.
70 aining the stringency of DNA replication and genomic stability.
71  SpHst4 and the 9-1-1 complex in maintaining genomic stability.
72 ntation and integrity, chromosome number and genomic stability.
73  CEBPD; also known as "NFIL-6beta") promotes genomic stability.
74 y of hits have not been linked previously to genomic stability.
75 al to regulate DNA repair choice and promote genomic stability.
76  of dysfunctional telomeres is essential for genomic stability.
77 ic roles in cardiac function, DNA repair and genomic stability.
78  we conclude that it has additional roles in genomic stability.
79 from neoplastic transformation by preserving genomic stability.
80 nase ATM plays a central role in maintaining genomic stability.
81 nse pathway that is required for maintaining genomic stability.
82  and is essential for cell proliferation and genomic stability.
83 egulating cell cycle progression to maintain genomic stability.
84 during cell-cycle progression is crucial for genomic stability.
85  interfere with lymphocyte cell survival and genomic stability.
86 n the DNA damage response and maintenance of genomic stability.
87  complexity of the Mre11 role in maintaining genomic stability.
88 is a prerequisite for the maintenance of the genomic stability.
89  for Smad4 as a guardian gene that maintains genomic stability.
90 roliferation-quiescence decision to maintain genomic stability.
91 roper mitotic progression and maintenance of genomic stability.
92 anscriptional regulation, and maintenance of genomic stability.
93  by resolving replicative stress to maintain genomic stability.
94 e 1 (FEN1) removes the 5'-flap and maintains genomic stability.
95 formation is critical for the maintenance of genomic stability.
96 A and PUMILIO proteins in the maintenance of genomic stability.
97 on from repetitive DNA sequences and ensures genomic stability.
98 ericentric H3K9 trimethylation (H3K9me3) and genomic stability.
99  stress and contribute to the maintenance of genomic stability.
100  in a dynamic yet regulated manner to ensure genomic stability.
101 y both result from mutations that compromise genomic stability.
102 double-strand breaks (DSBs) is essential for genomic stability.
103 ir protein, which plays an important role in genomic stability.
104  critical role of MMR in maintaining general genomic stability.
105  NBN, plays an important role in maintaining genomic stability.
106 feration, meiosis, and DNA repair to control genomic stability.
107  be coordinated with cytokinesis to preserve genomic stability.
108 ell cycle progression and the maintenance of genomic stability.
109  the genome, with important implications for genomic stability.
110 mosomal segregation during mitosis to ensure genomic stability.
111  be coordinated with cytokinesis to preserve genomic stability.
112 sor p53 plays a critical role in maintaining genomic stability.
113 hat POT1, like SSB1, is required to maintain genomic stability.
114 bed as playing a prominent role in promoting genomic stability.
115 ch forks is essential for the maintenance of genomic stability.
116 criptional regulation and the maintenance of genomic stability.
117  activity of retrotransposons that may alter genomic stability.
118 ome regulates the replication checkpoint and genomic stability.
119 king on MMR signaling processes critical for genomic stability.
120 tudies have implicated Apc in the control of genomic stability.
121 te cAMP signaling as a critical regulator of genomic stability against platinum-induced mutagenesis.
122 ortant role for RECQL5 in the maintenance of genomic stability and a new insight into the decatenatio
123 tein stability contribute to preservation of genomic stability and a normal response to replication s
124 ids into aneuploid cells, further undermines genomic stability and accelerates tumorigenesis.
125 V contribute to lymphomagenesis by affecting genomic stability and by subverting the cellular molecul
126 omosomal end structure that is essential for genomic stability and cell immortalization.
127  become critically important for maintaining genomic stability and cell survival.
128 e proteins results in deleterious effects on genomic stability and cell viability.
129 thyltransferase PRC2 plays a central role in genomic stability and cellular development.
130 the possible influence of such structures on genomic stability and cellular processes, such as transc
131 e impact of damage at the primer terminus on genomic stability and DNA synthesis.
132 r proper Pol beta functioning in maintaining genomic stability and embryo development.
133 ce suggest SF3B1 mutation might be linked to genomic stability and epigenetic modification.
134 lays a crucial role in cellular development, genomic stability and gene expression.
135 or of pericentric heterochromatin formation, genomic stability and gene expression.
136 gest that FOXO3 serves as a protector of HSC genomic stability and health.
137 induced inflammation, necessary for systemic genomic stability and homeostasis of the gut epithelial
138 w a RAD51 paralog is involved in maintaining genomic stability and how its deficiency may predispose
139            Histone H2AX deficiency decreases genomic stability and increases tumor susceptibility of
140 t PTEN controls DNA decatenation to maintain genomic stability and integrity.
141         BRCA1 is critical for maintenance of genomic stability and interacts directly with several pr
142 air of DNA alkylation damage is critical for genomic stability and involves multiple conserved enzyma
143 ing yeast F-box protein Dia2 is required for genomic stability and is targeted for ubiquitin-dependen
144 ether with its known function in maintaining genomic stability and its mislocalization in cancers, su
145 ts in cells, RNA may have a marked impact on genomic stability and plasticity.
146 olved in regulatory pathways for maintaining genomic stability and play important roles in regulating
147 ents that are required for 53BP1 to maintain genomic stability and point to a model wherein 53BP1 and
148 NA repair mechanism required for maintaining genomic stability and preventing cancer.
149             The spindle checkpoint maintains genomic stability and prevents aneuploidy.
150                               FAN1 maintains genomic stability and prevents tissue decline in multipl
151  somatic homologous recombination, providing genomic stability and promoting resistance to DNA damage
152 ed in DNA repair, transcriptional silencing, genomic stability and regulation of replication.
153 a virus type 1 (HTLV-1) Tax affects cellular genomic stability and senescence.
154 howcase the influence of repeat sequences on genomic stability and structural variant complexity and
155 re each critical for maintenance of cellular genomic stability and suppression of lymphomas harboring
156 linked to its function in the maintenance of genomic stability and suppression of oxidative damage.
157 equirement for methylation in maintenance of genomic stability and the integrity of both the tubulin
158  to DNA damage is critical to maintenance of genomic stability and the prevention of cancer.
159 a key pathway involved in the maintenance of genomic stability and the prevention of oncogenic transf
160 e examine the effect of the loss of RAP80 on genomic stability and the susceptibility to cancer devel
161    Biological self-defense systems to ensure genomic stability and to eliminate tetraploid cells exis
162  centromere function is critical to maintain genomic stability and to prevent aneuploidy, a hallmark
163 scription, collectively aimed at maintaining genomic stability and tumor suppression.
164 ance through the cell cycle is essential for genomic stability and tumor suppression.
165 Telomere length homeostasis is essential for genomic stability and unlimited self-renewal of embryoni
166 e molecular pathways involved in metabolism, genomic stability, and aging.
167 (RE) suppresses their mobility and maintains genomic stability, and decreases in it are frequently ob
168 esis, centrosome duplication, maintenance of genomic stability, and embryonic development.
169 ower proportion of UV mutagenesis, increased genomic stability, and harbor fewer functionally resista
170       DNA damage response (DDR) is vital for genomic stability, and its deficiency is linked to tumor
171  of DNA double-strand breaks, maintenance of genomic stability, and prevention of developmental disor
172 oles in the regulation of energy metabolism, genomic stability, and stress response.
173 ssed in MM cells, as an adaptive response to genomic stability, and that high SIRT6 levels are associ
174  into the relationship between mitochondria, genomic stability, and tumor suppressive control, with i
175  (1) blocking differentiation; (2) impairing genomic stability; and (3) increasing self-renewal in he
176 pluripotency, differentiation potential, and genomic stability are typically maintained during the cl
177 iption factor involved in the maintenance of genomic stability, as a functional and physical interact
178 ex and plays an important role in preserving genomic stability, as an interacting partner for the USP
179         This conclusion has implications for genomic stability, as well as the delivery of genes and
180 pport its role in the overall maintenance of genomic stability at sites of alternatively structured D
181   We therefore propose that ZRANB3 maintains genomic stability at stalled or collapsed replication fo
182 findings suggest that nuclear FMRP regulates genomic stability at the chromatin interface and may imp
183 a functional link between rRNA synthesis and genomic stability at the rDNA locus.
184 s critical regulators of gene expression and genomic stability at the transcriptional level.
185 ect temporal regulation of mitosis underpins genomic stability because it ensures the alignment of ch
186  genes, including the critical regulators of genomic stability: BRCA1 (breast and ovarian cancer type
187 53 tumor suppressor is a pivotal guardian of genomic stability, but its contributions to epigenetic r
188             The mitotic checkpoint maintains genomic stability by blocking the metaphase-anaphase tra
189 suppression function that normally maintains genomic stability by controlling the epigenetic landscap
190  spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) maintains genomic stability by delaying chromosome segregation unt
191     Thus, the REV1/Polzeta complex maintains genomic stability by directly participating in DSB repai
192             The mitotic checkpoint maintains genomic stability by ensuring that chromosomes are accur
193 s are important editing enzymes that protect genomic stability by excising chemically modified nucleo
194 ymerization by Pol alpha might contribute to genomic stability by limiting the amount of inaccurate D
195 te the mechanism by which TRIP/NOPO promotes genomic stability by performing a yeast two-hybrid scree
196 ween guanines in G-rich sequences, threatens genomic stability by perturbing normal DNA transactions
197 he Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) ensures genomic stability by preventing sister chromatid separat
198                  In addition, 53BP1 promotes genomic stability by regulating the metabolism of DNA en
199 ally, termination factors also contribute to genomic stability by removing arrested ECs.
200                                MMR maintains genomic stability by repairing DNA polymerase errors.
201                              NORAD maintains genomic stability by sequestering PUMILIO proteins, whic
202  able to regulate centrosome duplication and genomic stability, by inhibiting ROCK.
203  have important implications for DNA repair, genomic stability, carcinogenesis and aging in human cel
204 itical in the regulation of gene expression, genomic stability, cell cycle and nuclear architecture.
205 56 acetylation is important for replication, genomic stability, chromatin assembly, and the response
206                                  To maintain genomic stability, chromosome architecture needs to be t
207 gulation of both the DNA damage response and genomic stability, culminating in increased susceptibili
208                               Maintenance of genomic stability depends on the DNA damage response, a
209  chromatin must distort and somehow maintain genomic stability despite ever-present double-strand bre
210 an telomere restriction fragment length, and genomic stability differed significantly between HMEC po
211 romatin marks that regulate gene expression, genomic stability, DNA repair, and genomic imprinting.
212 cetyltransferase (HAT) involved in promoting genomic stability, DNA repair, and transcriptional regul
213             Chk1 is essential in maintaining genomic stability due to its role in cell cycle regulati
214 indle microtubules are essential to maintain genomic stability during chromosome segregation.
215 a novel role for USP9X in the maintenance of genomic stability during DNA replication and provide pot
216 tant role for the ubiquitination of H4K91 in genomic stability during embryonic development.
217 size that the Fanconi pathway contributes to genomic stability during emergency granulopoiesis.
218 e an essential role for Dnmt1 in maintaining genomic stability during intestinal development and the
219 lts reveal a p110beta function in preserving genomic stability during mitosis.
220 the existence of an error threshold limiting genomic stability during such transitions, but does not
221 ed clonal lines displayed robust morphology, genomic stability, expression and localization of the ta
222 e that lamin A/C is required for maintaining genomic stability following replication fork stalling, i
223 t aspects of bacterial physiology, including genomic stability, formation of persister cells under an
224 ipate in the DNA damage response to maintain genomic stability has expanded significantly to include
225 erhouses, and telomeres, which help maintain genomic stability, have been implicated in cancer and ag
226 n its significant role in the maintenance of genomic stability, histone methylation has been postulat
227 itute persistent breaks that are a threat to genomic stability if they are not repaired.
228 or bioenergetic benefits and for maintaining genomic stability in an oxygen-rich environment.
229  affecting AID expression and, consequently, genomic stability in B cells.
230 oints, Atm activation, or the maintenance of genomic stability in B lymphocytes and primary fibroblas
231 of developing thymocytes, and maintenance of genomic stability in cycling alphabeta T-lineage cells.
232 f MUS312 to pathways crucial for maintaining genomic stability in Drosophila prompted us to search fo
233 volved in telomere maintenance and long-term genomic stability in ES cells.
234 e propose that IFSA is a potential threat to genomic stability in eukaryotes.
235 TB4 as an essential component in maintaining genomic stability in mammals.
236 fication of Filia as a specific regulator of genomic stability in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs).
237 cs in normal mouse development, promotion of genomic stability in mouse fibroblasts, and in IgH class
238 eptional and prenatal toxicant exposures for genomic stability in offspring is difficult to analyze i
239                               Maintenance of genomic stability in proliferating cells depends on a ne
240 r understanding of the factors that regulate genomic stability in PSCs could help address this issue.
241 acetylase SirT1 regulates gene silencing and genomic stability in response to nutrient deprivation an
242 Dnmt1 maintains DNA methylation patterns and genomic stability in several in vitro cell systems.
243 bination (HR) is a central process to ensure genomic stability in somatic cells and during meiosis.
244      However, the role of p21 in maintaining genomic stability in the absence of exogenous DNA-damagi
245 long term ethanol exposure on DNA repair and genomic stability in the brain results from OCM dysfunct
246 PTEN also plays a role in the maintenance of genomic stability in the nucleus.
247 exposures during gestation and conception on genomic stability in the offspring, stability was assess
248                               Usp1 regulates genomic stability, in part through the deubiquitylation
249 tes multiple cellular pathways that maintain genomic stability including cell cycle checkpoints, DNA
250 S) cluster family of helicases important for genomic stability including XPD (nucleotide excision rep
251  homeoprotein involved in early development, genomic stability, insulin sensitivity, and hematopoiesi
252 molecule targeting of pathways that maintain genomic stability is an attractive chemotherapeutic appr
253                                  Exceptional genomic stability is one of the hallmarks of mouse embry
254 ow this impacts the mechanisms that maintain genomic stability is unclear.
255   Maintenance of proper chromatin states and genomic stability is vital for normal development and he
256            To elucidate the role of FANCJ in genomic stability, its molecular functions in G4 metabol
257 Despite the importance of BER in maintaining genomic stability, knowledge concerning the regulation o
258  lymphocyte development and function, and in genomic stability maintenance, and provide a model for t
259 teraction and spindle orientation control to genomic stability maintenance.
260                            All cells rely on genomic stability mechanisms to protect against DNA alte
261 by which EZH2 regulates BRCA1 expression and genomic stability mediated by the PI3K/Akt-1 pathway.
262 emain as important mechanisms for preserving genomic stability, metabolic functions of p53 show incre
263 ate diverse cellular pathways that influence genomic stability, metabolism and ageing.
264                       Expanded NPCs maintain genomic stability, molecular homogeneity, and nephrogeni
265  have established that ATM and MDC1 maintain genomic stability not only by controlling the DNA damage
266 tes DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair and genomic stability not only in c-NHEJ-proficient but also
267  function of nucleostemin in maintaining the genomic stability of actively dividing stem/progenitor c
268                                          The genomic stability of all organisms requires precise cell
269 he melanocortin 1 receptor genotype controls genomic stability of and the mutagenic effect of ultravi
270          The same mechanisms may control the genomic stability of cells in somatic tissues.
271 st that MYB potentially regulates growth and genomic stability of pancreatic cancer cells via targeti
272                                 Notably, the genomic stability of PDXs was associated with their resp
273  which Tbf1 and Rap1 collaborate to maintain genomic stability of short telomeres.
274  is functional and necessary to preserve the genomic stability of unstressed cells.
275 r signalling required for the maintenance of genomic stability on genotoxic insults.
276 int and, thus, contributes to maintenance of genomic stability.Oncogene advance online publication, 1
277  detectably affect resection, maintenance of genomic stability or viability, whereas T847 is essentia
278 ablish that the cellular Fanconi anemia (FA) genomic stability pathway is exploited by herpes simplex
279                           The maintenance of genomic stability relies on the concerted action of DNA
280 ir, roles for the RAG proteins in preserving genomic stability remain poorly defined.
281 ays an additional role in the maintenance of genomic stability than Fancg, which might explain the hi
282 ic hypoxic conditions on DNA replication and genomic stability that may influence tumorigenesis.
283 nces inflammatory tumorigenesis by affecting genomic stability, the inflammatory microenvironment, an
284 , which are essential for the maintenance of genomic stability, these proteins may synergistically fu
285 amentally significant role in maintenance of genomic stability through a DDR-independent pathway.
286                  BRCA1 functions to maintain genomic stability through critical roles in DNA repair,
287 uppressor protein that functions to maintain genomic stability through critical roles in DNA repair,
288  a partner of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in maintaining genomic stability through homologous recombination (HRR)
289 icate that Tpx2 is essential for maintaining genomic stability through its role in spindle regulation
290  an important player not only in maintaining genomic stability through NHEJ-dependent functions, but
291 er, the malignant clone often re-establishes genomic stability through overexpression of telomerase.
292 nserved antimutagenic pathway that maintains genomic stability through rectification of DNA replicati
293                  BRCA1 functions to maintain genomic stability through the assembly of multiple prote
294 gation, the Arg/N-end rule pathway regulates genomic stability through the degradation-mediated contr
295 echanism to maintain centromere identity and genomic stability through the FACT-mediated degradation
296 fine balance between genetic variability and genomic stability tunes plasticity of these chromosomal
297                              We examined the genomic stability versus the tumor-forming capacity of m
298 multi-subunit polymerase that contributes to genomic stability via its roles in leading strand replic
299 ge-induced cell death for the maintenance of genomic stability, we examined whether Nfkb1 acts as a t
300 racting RNAs (piRNAs) have a central role in genomic stability, which is inextricably linked to germ-

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