


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ive neurogenetic syndrome phenotypically and genomically.
2                                              Genomically, ~15% of the FoxA1 interphase target sites a
3 the TIR-type NLR-encoding CSA1 locus located genomically adjacent to CHS3 was found to be fully requi
4 am (TAP), to delineate gene structures using genomically aligned EST sequences.
5                                        Using genomically aligned ESTs, a computational tool (TAP) was
6 lorectal carcinoma is a complex community of genomically altered cancer cells, nonneoplastic cells, a
7  maintenance of epithelial cell polarity, is genomically amplified and overexpressed in serous epithe
8 cription factor OTX2 is overexpressed and/or genomically amplified in most medulloblastomas, but the
9 n cassette, leaving behind a single neutral, genomically anchored FF3 unit.
10 ere is potential to derive highly effective, genomically anchored medicines that assist in maintainin
11  represent a novel genomic disorder distinct genomically and clinically from the well-known DGS/VCF d
12       In Streptococcus pneumoniae, we find a genomically and ecologically distinct subset, held at a
13       Tumors are frequently characterized by genomically and phenotypically distinct cancer cell subp
14 rgeted therapies across large collections of genomically and transcriptomically characterized cancer
15 oteomic and phosphoproteomic analyses of 105 genomically annotated breast cancers, of which 77 provid
16 s-of-function screening in a large number of genomically annotated cancer cell lines.
17 ated genes were ultimately used to propose a genomically based model of the early events in cervical
18 rial design, and continued drug development, genomically based therapies will become more common in t
19                          PTNFL was otherwise genomically bland and specifically lacked recurrent muta
20 antitatively measured the sensitivity of 242 genomically characterized CCLs to an Informer Set of 354
21                                   Testing of genomically characterized human cell populations may off
22                                           We genomically characterized mammary adenocarcinomas from t
23 rare in mycobacteriophages, and only 1 of 30 genomically characterized mycobacteriophages (Che9c) enc
24 anscriptional and translational mutants in a genomically characterized Nocardiopsis, a soil-derived a
25 lvement of undergraduates in discovering and genomically characterizing bacteriophages (PHIRE) and cl
26 measured strain diversity within and between genomically clustered isolates.
27 eptor alpha3, alpha5, and beta4 subunits are genomically clustered.
28 nting the miR-143 and miR-145 stem loops are genomically clustered.
29 rence of Natural Selection from Interspersed Genomically coHerent elemenTs analysis indicated that th
30 lity-increasing protein (BPI), a member of a genomically conserved lipid-interactive protein family.
31 likelihood-based gap filling to predict more genomically consistent solutions.
32                                              Genomically controlled hIL-10 expression rescued Il10(-/
33 ique and complex regulatory state pattern is genomically controlled.
34                                              Genomically, cryptochromes 1 and 2 associate with a gluc
35 there are multiple spermatogenic targets for genomically defective sperm with substantially variable
36 initiate the study of Na+-H+ exchangers in a genomically defined and genetically tractable model syst
37         Our results show that measurement of genomically defined clonal population dynamics will be h
38 logic and gene expression characteristics of genomically defined luminal A and B subtypes.
39 elices and beta-sheets being confined to the genomically defined structural tethers that separate the
40 roved targeted therapies for the most common genomically defined subset of non-small cell lung cancer
41 ne), whereas termination does not seem to be genomically defined.
42                          We identified seven genomically-defined CLL subgroups that have distinct bio
43 ibed in a highly regulated manner from seven genomically dispersed operons.
44 ar in closely related isolates, suggesting a genomically disruptive process specific to an individual
45 RNA controls the activity and methylation of genomically distal regulatory elements to modulate large
46        Thus, Ig locus contraction juxtaposes genomically distant elements to mediate efficient recomb
47 ar iron transporter (NEAT) proteins that are genomically distant from the genetically linked Isd locu
48 ate transcription by modulating chromatin at genomically distant loci.
49 ose of 'fractal globules,' and even the most genomically-distant parts of the chromosome can be physi
50 upported the hypothesis that transmission of genomically distinct A. marginale strains predominates i
51 facing Escherichia coli (AEEC) strains are a genomically diverse group of diarrheagenic E. coli strai
52                    Melanoma is a complex and genomically diverse malignancy, and new genes and signal
53                    In this study, a group of genomically diverse P. aeruginosa isolates were compared
54 Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a genomically diverse, prevalent, and almost invariably fa
55                           Our study provides genomically driven insight into the rise of ecological i
56 imately, cultivation-independent genomic and genomically enabled approaches could provide a way to di
57 ls contain a novel type of sRNA that has non-genomically encoded 5' poly(U) tails.
58 y G and C nucleotides and reside upstream of genomically encoded A-rich tracts.
59 t extend beyond editing per se and that even genomically encoded ADARs that are catalytically inactiv
60 ne-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editing, in which genomically encoded adenosine is changed to inosine in R
61 HT(2C)R) undergo RNA editing events in which genomically encoded adenosine residues are converted to
62  These substrates were found by chance, when genomically encoded adenosines were identified as guanos
63  PLZF-AR is able to bring about silencing of genomically encoded AR-regulated genes and inhibit the a
64  segment surrounding maize site IV (which is genomically encoded as a T in tobacco) does not confer e
65 s permitted an analysis of the complement of genomically encoded ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins.
66                                              Genomically encoded backup control circuitry thus provid
67 A clones analyzed containing one to four non-genomically encoded C or A residues; 83% of these cDNAs
68  chloroplast transcripts are edited from the genomically encoded C to U, often resulting in changes o
69                   We here study metabolisms, genomically encoded complex networks of enzyme-catalyzed
70 palindromic repeats (CRISPR) system utilizes genomically encoded CRISPR RNA (crRNA), derived from inv
71 ting in plants, animals, and humans modifies genomically encoded cytidine or adenosine nucleotides to
72 The structure and mechanism of action of the genomically encoded FosX enzyme from Listeria monocytoge
73 ch changes the codon at position 2153 from a genomically encoded glutamine (CAA) to an in-frame stop
74 A 2 (GRIA2), modifies a codon, replacing the genomically encoded glutamine (Q) with arginine (R); thu
75 Subsequent studies led to the discovery of a genomically encoded homologue in the pathogen Pseudomona
76 meric GABA(A) receptors (Gabra3), in which a genomically encoded isoleucine codon (ATA) is converted
77 dicted to be edited based on the presence of genomically encoded mismatched nucleotides in their amin
78 pairs are edited in the absence of any other genomically encoded mismatches.
79 post-transcriptional mechanism that modifies genomically encoded nucleotides at the RNA level.
80                                          Non-genomically encoded nucleotides were detected in 27% of
81  for rps12, cox2 and atp9 indicated that non-genomically encoded nucleotides were present at the 3'-t
82 e show that the Piwi Argonaute PRG-1 and its genomically encoded piRNA cofactors initiate permanent s
83  approximately 20-kb transcript containing a genomically encoded poly(A)-rich tract at its 3'-end.
84 he nascent MALAT1 transcript downstream of a genomically encoded poly(A)-rich tract to simultaneously
85                        The network specifies genomically encoded regulatory processes between early c
86                 MicroRNAs (miRNAs, miRs) are genomically encoded small approximately 22 nt RNA molecu
87                       MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are genomically encoded small RNAs used by organisms to regu
88 lta effector T cell function correlates with genomically encoded T cell antigen receptor (TCR) chains
89                                 Isolation of genomically encoded tagged beta or beta' from yeast extr
90 es pairs of codons that are read by the same genomically encoded tRNAs, we hypothesize, and show by d
91 tegies of microbes with different niches are genomically encoded: Specialists have smaller genomes th
92 ever, in most Bacteria and Archaea, G(-1) is genomically encoded; thus post-transcriptional addition
93 reparation method will speed-up screening of genomically engineered strains for CFPS applications, ma
94 ) and heme A synthase (HAS), were separately genomically epitope-tagged in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
95 utations that affect the expression of genes genomically far away.
96 ucation efforts may be needed to ensure that genomically guided cancer care is adequately delivered.
97 eases, so will the possibility of developing genomically guided therapeutic interventions.
98                          The promise of such genomically guided therapies heralds a new era in the ma
99 vity and could provide a framework to design genomically-guided clinical trials in radiation oncology
100 vity and could provide a framework to design genomically-guided clinical trials in radiation oncology
101                   Clinical samples are often genomically heterogeneous due to low sample purity or th
102        We find that ExPEC E. coli are highly genomically heterogeneous, consistent with pan-genome an
103 y indicates that the vertebrate brain can be genomically heterogeneous.
104  is facing significant challenges due to the genomically heterogenous nature of HCC.
105  therapeutic index, with enhanced killing of genomically high-risk CLL cells that are typically unres
106                                              Genomically, human medulloblastomas were closest to mous
107 aling and suggest a therapeutic strategy for genomically identified patients with the aggressive form
108 lthough many human embryos are aneuploid and genomically imbalanced, often as a result of meiotic err
109 icantly low synonymous substitution rates in genomically imprinted genes suggests a link between hemi
110                          Although WT1 is not genomically imprinted in kidney, we have previously show
111  X-inactivation that may also apply to other genomically imprinted loci.
112 led to the widely accepted hypothesis that a genomically imprinted NB suppressor gene is the target o
113     Remarkably, both approaches identify the genomically imprinted VTRNA2-1 as a top environmentally
114  not 5-FU accumulation, thus indicating that genomically incorporated 5-FU plays a major role in the
115 nome; however, it remains unclear how either genomically incorporated U or 5-FU contributes to killin
116  provide essential background for developing genomically influenced testable hypotheses for the evolu
117 een cell lines and tumours can be bridged by genomically informed choices of cell line models for all
118 tury ago, that has led to the current use of genomically informed methods for selection of targeted t
119 induce the pathophysiological abnormality of genomically inherited P/Q-type channel disorders.
120  can greatly enhance the characterization of genomically instable tumors.
121  sea urchin embryos with high efficiency and genomically integrate at a copy number of one per cell.
122 ane yeast two-hybrid (MYTH) technology using genomically integrated "bait" constructs, hence the desi
123 es of the plasmid and (b) the plasmid is not genomically integrated and consequently poorly chromatin
124                         We constructed three genomically integrated circuits that use bistable autore
125 the GAL4 DNA binding domain transactivates a genomically integrated GAL4 responsive reporter gene.
126        Using a HeLa-derived cell line with a genomically integrated recombination substrate, we expre
127 ified genes into uniform and unique sites in genomically integrated transcription units.
128        First, a landing pad cell line with a genomically integrated, Tet-inducible cassette containin
129 ling ATPase, is critical for repression of a genomically integrated, TR-regulated reporter gene.
130  knockout model in human lung tumor cells by genomically integrating RNA destabilizing elements using
131 rpuratus were determined and compared to the genomically linked CyI and CyIIb actin genes.
132        Together, these results indicate that genomically linked odorant receptor genes are not coordi
133                         Here, we report both genomically local and distal RNA-dependent roles of Dali
134                        Here, we describe the genomically local and more distal functions of Paupar, a
135 rose subsequent to the genome duplication by genomically local tandem duplication.
136 actor ESX, an 11 kb fragment from the 1q32.2 genomically localized human gene was cloned and analysed
137                    Patients were enrolled on genomically matched clinical trials at a rate of 11%.
138        Gonadal hormones have primarily slow, genomically mediated effects, but copulation requires ra
139                    Tetraploidy constitutes a genomically metastable state that can lead to aneuploidy
140 rganization, and sequence is indicative of a genomically monomorphic subspecies and explains the inab
141 quencing and assembly efforts in this as yet genomically neglected group of crucifer plants.
142 st a new model of AD pathogenesis in which a genomically orchestrated up-regulation of tumor suppress
143                    Two new studies show that genomically paired plant immune receptors have incorpora
144      The precision of interlocus distance of genomically-proximate loci was better than 4% of the cel
145 d a set of UAGN (N = A, G, U, C) codons in a genomically recoded E. coli strain that lacks any endoge
146  describe an in vivo evolution approach in a genomically recoded Escherichia coli strain for the sele
147 e the construction and characterization of a genomically recoded organism (GRO).
148  we describe the construction of a series of genomically recoded organisms (GROs) whose growth is res
149 dically altered genetic codes will allow for genomically recoded organisms that have expanded chemica
150                                 Here using a genomically recoded strain of E. coli with a flexible UA
151  platform that employs crude extracts from a genomically recoded strain of Escherichia coli for site-
152                           CRISPR thus stores genomically recoverable timelines of virus-host coevolut
153 rvariability(6-8), are prominent features of genomically reduced organisms from the bacterial candida
154 MT), in which the two parts of the tumor are genomically related to one another, as opposed to the me
155 us polyoma virus (CPV), is antigenically and genomically related to simian virus 40 (SV40).
156 mic analysis, these hybrid isolates are more genomically-related to EPEC, but appear to have acquired
157 ready" version of a GABA(A) receptor subunit genomically replaces its wild-type counterpart, ensuring
158 etion mutants, and two independently derived genomically rescued variants of the mutants were analyze
159 fied an hnRNP E1 consensus-binding motif and genomically resolved a subset of genes in which it is co
160 the parental strains, the mutants, and their genomically restored counterparts, eliminating disparate
161 50-bp deletion in the ICP0 promoter, and the genomically restored isolate, DeltaTfiR.
162  multilocus allele frequency data for making genomically robust inferences.
163                       These findings support genomically selected clinical trials directed toward MET
164 s," or histology-agnostic clinical trials in genomically selected patients, represent one important r
165 y, histologically, immunophenotypically, and genomically similar to human HGSOC.
166 rare cells (as few as 1 in 15,000) that were genomically similar to the dominant blast populations at
167 gically similar, and humans, to which gar is genomically similar.
168 ent of gene silencing in a newly created and genomically stable allotetraploid cotton, of genotype AA
169                    However, the existence of genomically stable cancers and the emergence of mutation
170  the ability to maintain long-term growth of genomically stable multilineage pre-stasis HMEC populati
171  to a more differentiated, slow growing, and genomically stable phenotype.
172  These aggressive cancers are among the most genomically stable, suggesting an epigenetic mechanism b
173 at arise following SNF5 loss are diploid and genomically stable.
174 nical applicability of genomic data: (1) the genomically stratified model originates from the "one te
175 ined at very low levels unless the cells are genomically stressed.
176 rs that regulate its site of methylation, we genomically tagged Set2 and identified its associated pr
177 igated the activity of a broad collection of genomically targeted epigenetic regulators that could wr
178                                              Genomically, the treatment-resistant tumor uniquely harb
179 essed proteins from the dominant member of a genomically uncharacterized, natural, acidophilic biofil
180 slated compared to HRAS due to enrichment in genomically underrepresented or rare codons.
181 these approaches are invariably transformed, genomically unstable and display cellular properties tha
182                Ovarian tumor cells are often genomically unstable and hypersensitive to cisplatin.
183                        Moreover, cancers are genomically unstable and may readily compensate for the
184 and that viable daughters of these cells are genomically unstable as evidenced by spontaneous DNA dam
185 pe stasis and continue to proliferate become genomically unstable before encountering a second more s
186  PARP inhibitors with DNA-damaging agents in genomically unstable cancer cells (regardless of homolog
187 nd continued proliferation of the resulting, genomically unstable cancer cells.
188 her scenarios, such as lethal mutagenesis or genomically unstable cancer, where increased mutagenesis
189 nd identified recurrently disrupted genes in genomically unstable cancers.
190 ragmentation serves as a method to eliminate genomically unstable cells.
191 species (ROS) are frequently associated with genomically unstable clones.
192 ignant transformation in cultured cells, and genomically unstable mammary carcinomas in transgenic mi
193 ture of genomic events encourages the use of genomically unstable murine cancer models in the discove
194 rogenitor tumor stem cell that gives rise to genomically unstable progeny in malignant melanoma.
195                                          The genomically unstable subtype shows proliferation through
196   We recently demonstrated the presence of a genomically unstable tetraploid population in PARP(-/-)
197                           Cells derived from genomically unstable tumors exhibit evidence for a parti
198 rentiate the three major subtypes: urobasal, genomically unstable, and SCCL.
199            The majority of human cancers are genomically unstable, often with gains or losses of whol
200 human cancers have complex genotypes and are genomically unstable, they often remain dependent on the
201 withstanding, clonal PCs in AL (n = 11) were genomically unstable, with a median of 9 copy number alt
202 ic tumors are highly genetically complex and genomically unstable.
203 us loci between ambystomatid salamanders and genomically well-characterized vertebrate model organism
204 tory network (GRN) subcircuitry explains the genomically wired mechanism by which community effect si
205 ithin 1 h) by tagging the endogenous protein genomically with the auxin degron.
206 are analyzed and subtyped proteomically, and genomically, with numerous biomarkers.

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