


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 al roles on primordial Earth, given its poor geochemical accessibility.
2 ions with their structural relationships and geochemical affinities are comparable to those of supra-
3                                              Geochemical analyses (delta(11)B and Sr/Ca) are reported
4                                              Geochemical analyses and thermodynamic modelling reveal
5 ic, metatranscriptomic, genomic binning, and geochemical analyses from Axial Seamount, an active subm
6 he first evidence of palaeopollution through geochemical analyses of heavy metals in four renowned ar
7                                              Geochemical analyses of sedimentary barites (barium sulf
8                                              Geochemical analyses of water from one stream with high
9                                        Their geochemical analyses provide crucial insights of taphono
10                                              Geochemical analyses show the MD soils, which were expos
11     We applied biomolecular, biochemical and geochemical analyses to reconstruct her mobility and die
12  planning stage, in conjunction with routine geochemical analyses, can be used to identify where more
13 geted metagenome analysis were combined with geochemical analyses.
14 s of stomatal and vascular conductivity with geochemical analysis of fossilized tissues and process-b
15                                            A geochemical analysis of samples from the spring vent rul
16                                              Geochemical analysis of the epigenetic coating over the
17                                              Geochemical analysis of these primitive lower plutonic r
18 tailed shard morphology characterization and geochemical analysis suggest that two tephra layers were
19  freshwater and atmospheric environments and geochemical analytes measured in the snow.
20              In contrast, here we show clear geochemical and biological evidence for methane producti
21 t production were determined with a suite of geochemical and biological measurements.
22                                              Geochemical and biological proxies reveal that these dyn
23 ghting the ability of the sensor to decouple geochemical and biotic effects on phosphate dynamics in
24   In this study, we examined the geographic, geochemical and ecological factors that influence microb
25 ctrochemical approaches from an applied (bio)geochemical and environmental analytical chemistry persp
26 que for measuring electron-transfer rates in geochemical and environmental systems.
27 erstanding the deep carbon cycle and related geochemical and geophysical processes.
28 king marker), landscape characteristics, and geochemical and hydrologic variables.
29 in objective of this work was to investigate geochemical and hydrological processes governing the sub
30 on demonstrates the validity of the combined geochemical and isotopic approach as a unique and practi
31  arc, which displays one of the most extreme geochemical and isotopic ranges, although the origin of
32                                 We establish geochemical and isotopic tracers that can identify Bakke
33 ism plays an important role in producing the geochemical and isotopic variations in arc lavas.
34 lyses can be used to further improve coupled geochemical and mechanical models of cement alteration i
35                        In the present study, geochemical and microbial data sets collected from 35 we
36                Here we present petrographic, geochemical and microbial DNA evidence preserved in prec
37                             Using a suite of geochemical and microbiological analyses, we measured th
38                                We synthesize geochemical and mineralogical data from lake-bed mudston
39  as well as independent of location-specific geochemical and mineralogical factors.
40 ucture of Sulfolobus islandicus by comparing geochemical and molecular analysis from seven hot spring
41  points that correlate with well-established geochemical and palaeobiological chronologies during pro
42 proxies obtained from the most comprehensive geochemical and palaeobiological dataset yet collected t
43                       We applied independent geochemical and palynological proxies to a sedimentary a
44 rom a deep hot source, inferred to represent geochemical and temperature variations at Solfatara.
45                            This study of the geochemical and temporal differences between the NW and
46                             We interpret the geochemical and temporal differences between the SE and
47  is applicable to the study of hydrological, geochemical, and biological interactions for a range of
48 ion of early Hadean (>4.5 billion years ago) geochemical anomalies in lavas sampling this reservoir.
49 interpretation for the origin of seismic and geochemical anomalies in the deep lower mantle, as well
50 ed geological disposal conditions by using a geochemical approach.
51  (PGE) to the environment, and their coupled geochemical behavior has been proposed.
52 es plays a crucial role in the catalytic and geochemical behavior of metal oxides.
53                                          The geochemical behavior of Pu strongly depends on its redox
54 ferent natural and anthropogenic sources and geochemical behaviors, were used to compare streamwater
55 UHPLC-MS/MS) method that is able to quantify geochemical biomarkers in sediment is described.
56  The broader impact of root evolution on the geochemical carbon cycle is a developing area and one in
57 term atmospheric CO2 and climate through the geochemical carbon cycle.
58 m bearing minerals, thus contributing to the geochemical carbon cycle.
59  molecular analyses, we demonstrate that the geochemical changes at Star Carr are contributing to the
60 ears to uncover how global environmental and geochemical changes covary with trait-based extinction s
61 from the site, to assess the effect of these geochemical changes on the remaining archaeological mate
62 ntly limited in our ability to deal with the geochemical changes unfolding in our coastal ocean.
63 d depending on hydrologic regime and general geochemical characteristics of tributaries of the Amazon
64 ictions of Hg speciation obtained from three geochemical codes (WHAM, Visual MINTEQ, PHREEQC) with an
65 ustal heterogeneity has prevented a thorough geochemical comparison of its primary igneous building b
66 wn how the surface expression of the various geochemical components observed in hotspot volcanoes rel
67         Although geography controls regional geochemical composition and population differentiation,
68 al ground truth proxies for studying life in geochemical conditions close to those assumed to be pres
69 of coastal environments may therefore create geochemical conditions favorable for iron-mediated AOM a
70 aptively optimized for unique ecological and geochemical conditions in the late Proterozoic.
71                                          The geochemical conditions in the vicinity of a nuclear repo
72 e and reciprocally, that gene abundances and geochemical conditions largely determine gene expression
73 erals help establish the hydrogeological and geochemical conditions of redox transition zones because
74 at dissolved U is bioavailable under all the geochemical conditions tested.
75 rmation of metaschoepite was a result of the geochemical conditions under which the penetrators corro
76   This extends our knowledge of the range of geochemical conditions under which there is potential fo
77 ze different electron acceptors depending on geochemical conditions.
78 ile organic carbon and associated changes in geochemical conditions.
79 ity over a range of environmentally relevant geochemical conditions.
80 /community response should occur under known geochemical conditions.
81 ith respect to contamination and fluctuating geochemical conditions.
82  underlying mantle, although geophysical and geochemical constraints on the exact thickness and defin
83 t geological time scales and under different geochemical constraints, with possible implications for
84 l interfaces within a broader structural and geochemical context.
85                                          The geochemical controls of this facility are largely design
86                                     However, geochemical controls on V mobility within coke deposits
87 SEIO), through a robust 215-year (1795-2010) geochemical coral proxy sea surface temperature (SST) re
88 e environments is important to elucidate the geochemical cycle of sulphur and the evolution of ocean
89 /y), humans are the predominant force in the geochemical cycle of V at Earth's surface.
90 tion strategies and better understanding the geochemical cycles of these elements.
91  the study of deep biospheres, their role in geochemical cycles, and their potential to inform on the
92 f microbial communities that regulate global geochemical cycles.
93 , and explore the implications for long-term geochemical cycles.
94  slabs and play key roles in controlling the geochemical cycling and physical properties of subductio
95 tributed over the Earth's surface, and their geochemical cycling is globally important.
96 rganisms in the environment but also for the geochemical cycling of elements, ions and organic matter
97          However, the deposition history and geochemical cycling of Hg in the TP is still uncertain.
98 ture, offering new tracers of biological and geochemical cycling.
99  important variable but near-surface-aquifer geochemical data also were significant.
100 ransport modeling to integrate hydraulic and geochemical data and to quantify rates at the grid block
101 ression from the same cruises align with the geochemical data and together indicate that N2fixation i
102                               Geological and geochemical data are consistent with mantle input contro
103                        We used an archive of geochemical data collected from 1988 to 2014 to determin
104 eochemical variations by using microbial and geochemical data collected in January, June and August o
105 tigated parameters, our palaeontological and geochemical data combined do not support the presence of
106 redox-sensitive trace-metal abundances, iron geochemical data do not show a statistically significant
107            The model was developed using new geochemical data for 204 wells in New York State (NYS),
108 plutonic rocks--in combination with previous geochemical data for shallow-level plutonic rocks, sheet
109           This study presents Sr isotope and geochemical data from a well-constrained site in Greene
110                          We present compiled geochemical data of young (mostly Pliocene-present) inte
111              Here we report petrological and geochemical data on magmas erupted 4.7-0.3 Myr ago in ce
112                     New geochronological and geochemical data on magmatic activity from the India-Asi
113                                          The geochemical data show a near-perfect correlation between
114                   Petrological modelling and geochemical data suggest the need of interaction between
115                                  Indeed, the geochemical data suggests this mode of convection could
116        We use multiparameter geophysical and geochemical data to show that the 110-square-kilometer a
117   Correlation of the electrical response and geochemical data, in particular the analysis of recovere
118                  Integrating geophysical and geochemical data, we estimate that 1.3 Gt CO2 are curren
119 resent levels by 420-400 Ma, consistent with geochemical data.
120                                 Global-scale geochemical differences across the upper mantle are know
121  this chain, Loa and Kea, and the systematic geochemical differences between them have remained unexp
122 Loa-track volcanism, yielding the systematic geochemical differences observed between Loa- and Kea-ty
123  zones from the west, and helping to explain geochemical differences with the Valu Fa Ridge to the so
124 nd sediments and play a critical role in the geochemical distribution of trace elements and heavy met
125 ations rising from different geophysical and geochemical dynamics at pore-scale.
126                    Understanding kinetic and geochemical effects on toxicant bioavailability is key,
127 s by introducing bubble stripping as a novel geochemical engineering approach to reducing high CO2 in
128 e characterization of water-based corrosion, geochemical, environmental and catalytic processes rely
129 t the speciation of U(IV) in low-temperature geochemical environments, inhibiting the development of
130  of inorganic carbon species together with a geochemical equilibrium model.
131        These data are consistent with marine geochemical evidence and microbial genomic information,
132  the fossiliferous strata at Miaohe there is geochemical evidence for anoxic conditions, but paleonto
133 .31 Gyr ago, concurrent with the most recent geochemical evidence for the Great Oxidation Event.
134                   Available observations and geochemical evidence have enabled us to construct a 'Dif
135     Isotopic (delta(34)S and delta(18)O) and geochemical evidence indicate that the source of sulfate
136 hquakes, which are spatially correlated with geochemical evidence of a fluid pathway from the mantle,
137  has important implications for our planet's geochemical evolution and physical history.
138 ry origin represents a key transition in the geochemical evolution of the Earth surface.
139 and hydrogen in Earth's interior dictate the geochemical evolution of the hydrosphere, atmosphere and
140 d nonlocal scales) to potential CAMP-induced geochemical excursions has remained challenging.
141               Investigating the influence of geochemical factors and microbiome structure is a critic
142 robial community responses to alterations in geochemical factors beyond the bulk phase.
143 tween the bacterial community, Hg levels and geochemical factors including pH and the predicted total
144 nd complexity associated with biological and geochemical factors influencing Dhc activity.
145                                 Accordingly, geochemical factors such as pH and metal cations can mod
146                                              Geochemical factors that control the structural order of
147 ing framework for developing a quantitative, geochemical fingerprinting tool to distinguish sources o
148 due to their widespread dispersal and unique geochemical fingerprints.
149 fic predictions, model results indicate that geochemical fluxes are robust indicators of microbial co
150         Exceptionally well-preserved organic geochemical fossils--biomarkers--preserved in a soil hor
151 sing Italian alabaster and provides a robust geochemical framework for provenancing, including recogn
152 bservations in a consistent petrological and geochemical framework.
153 on of transient Mn(III) intermediates to the geochemical functioning of phyllomanganates in environme
154 fferent microbes that cooperate to carry out geochemical functions.
155 data provide the clearest picture yet of the geochemical geometry of a mantle plume, and are best exp
156 l vents, microbial communities thrive across geochemical gradients above, at, and below the seafloor.
157 takes place in three steps progressing along geochemical gradients produced through microbial activit
158                                              Geochemical gradients that developed in the diffusion-li
159                       Critically, these four geochemical groups trend towards a common region of Pb-i
160  of the Samoan lavas reveal several distinct geochemical groups, each corresponding to a different ge
161 mical images revealed a pronounced impact of geochemical heterogeneities concerning the reactivity of
162     Variables representing geologic sources, geochemical, hydrologic, and physical features were amon
163  requires new numerical tools that integrate geochemical, hydrological, and biological processes.
164                                              Geochemical inferences on ancient diet using bone and en
165 only used geochronometer, preserving age and geochemical information through a wide range of geologic
166                              High-resolution geochemical, isotopic, and (14)C analyses of a sedimenta
167 olcano north of Toba, Sinabung, shows strong geochemical kinship with Toba, and zircons from recent e
168    Here we report new field observations and geochemical, magnetostratigraphic and radioisotopic resu
169 ents were accompanied by traditional aqueous geochemical measurements (pH, Eh, concentrations) and so
170 onal reactive transport model reproduced the geochemical measurements and confirmed that the decrease
171                                      Through geochemical measurements of incubation experiments with
172 ity ratio, and (34)S/(32)S (delta(34)S), and geochemical measurements of U ore and groundwater collec
173  propagation of these effects as well as the geochemical mechanisms regulating them remain largely un
174 Transylvanian Basin, Romania) in relation to geochemical milieu and pore water chemistry, while infer
175                                          The geochemical model confirmed that mobilization of trace m
176                                          The geochemical model for Mo mineralization in the JEB Taili
177 ments of brine-rock-CO2 interactions and the geochemical model suggest that, in the study area, enhan
178        This study developed a multicomponent geochemical model to interpret responses of water chemis
179          The experimental data combined with geochemical modeling and X-ray diffraction analysis sugg
180 kaline conditions, we combined thermodynamic geochemical modeling with bioreactor experiments using S
181  for a wide range of elements by mechanistic geochemical modeling.
182  of Hg speciation in groundwater by means of geochemical modeling.
183                                              Geochemical modelling confirmed the complexity of uraniu
184                                              Geochemical modelling confirmed the complexity of vanadi
185                                              Geochemical modelling of lead and lead mineral speciatio
186 y combining advanced image segmentation with geochemical models of cement alteration.
187                                              Geochemical models reproduce observed reaction progress
188                          Finally, we utilize geochemical models to fit our real-time experimental Cu(
189                     Finally, a late phase of geochemical modification by saline fluids is recognized.
190 ased on genetic (simple sequence repeat) and geochemical (multielement and (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratio) analy
191 distribution of surface nutrients provides a geochemical niche favorable for N2fixation, the primary
192 d in situ on rice roots to demonstrate a new geochemical niche of greatly enhanced As, Pb, and Fe(II)
193 ological adaptations to distinct sedimentary geochemical niches evolved in different MCG subgroups.
194                       Apparent imbalances in geochemical nitrogen budgets have spurred numerous studi
195                                     Previous geochemical observations and modeling at the site sugges
196                       Here, using an organic geochemical palaeothermometer (TEX86), we present a reco
197                     Considerable geological, geochemical, paleontological, and isotopic evidence exis
198 thesis, based on assessment of phylogenomic, geochemical, paleontological, and stratigraphic evidence
199 ation gene abundance and expression and site geochemical parameters (e.g., VC concentrations).
200 relations bolster earlier ideas that various geochemical parameters can be used to track changes of c
201 gle algal species, metabolites, and specific geochemical parameters can be used to unravel mixed meta
202                        We propose that these geochemical parameters can be used, when averaged over t
203 parameters in potable aquifers, selection of geochemical parameters for CO2 leakage detection is site
204 ase tests can provide reliable assessment of geochemical parameters indicative of CO2 leakage.
205  collected over eight weeks and analyzed for geochemical parameters, tHg, MeHg and bacterio-toxic hea
206 s was investigated in seven soils of varying geochemical parameters.
207  sequencing, linking these community data to geochemical parameters.
208  (Hg) is challenging to predict as different geochemical pools of Hg may respond differently to enhan
209  probe designed for solution spectroscopy at geochemical pressures.
210 ented for solution-state NMR spectroscopy at geochemical pressures.
211                                         This geochemical process is more effective than metal solutio
212 Hg isotopes may have been altered by natural geochemical processes (e.g., Hg(2+) photoreduction and p
213 itan Archaea suggests they are mediating key geochemical processes and are specialized for survival i
214                  Accordingly, we examine the geochemical processes controlling As desorption and mobi
215 trations are essential instruments to assess geochemical processes in Earth and environmental science
216 cterize the extent, severity, and underlying geochemical processes of groundwater arsenic (As) pollut
217 ward understanding the extent and underlying geochemical processes of the problem, numerical modeling
218 ers are promising tracers for environmental, geochemical processes such as oceanic mixing.
219 en essential to uncovering the microbial and geochemical processes that drive Earth's sulfur cycle.
220  organisms that correlate spatially with the geochemical processes they carry out.
221 in natural systems controlling redox-related geochemical processes.
222 arine plankton support global biological and geochemical processes.
223 enic, including geomorphological and organic geochemical processes.
224 ration of real observational data, including geochemical profiles and process rate measurements as we
225                                              Geochemical profiles, archaeal communities, and bacteria
226 on capacity of sediment is a function of its geochemical properties (e.g., the presence of carbonate
227 position of the particles suggest that their geochemical properties may influence the extent of Zn bi
228  Earth's mantle dictates the geophysical and geochemical properties of this region.
229 d for copper-spiked sediments with different geochemical properties.
230 arine redox structure be tracked by means of geochemical proxies and translated into estimates of atm
231                                      We used geochemical proxies related to global climate, as well a
232                  Here we present shell-based geochemical proxies that reflect pH exposure from labora
233 ear from the sulfur isotope record and other geochemical proxies that the production of oxygen or oxi
234                      This study utilizes the geochemical proxy and N isotope record of the Ediacaran-
235 tructions as they can considerably alter the geochemical proxy signatures in calcareous skeletal stru
236 er settlement in molluscs allows use of this geochemical proxy to assess ocean acidification effects
237 d successfully captures the evolution of the geochemical reactions and morphology of the fracture.
238 rstanding fracture alteration resulting from geochemical reactions is critical in predicting fluid mi
239 read of dissolved CO2 is enhanced because of geochemical reactions with the host formations (calcite
240 their translation into enzymes that catalyze geochemical reactions.
241                               Differences in geochemical reactivity and range of dispersion from thei
242 s about both the possible occurrence and the geochemical reactivity of such As-bearing pyrites in low
243                          Here we analyse the geochemical record and timing of the Pacific Ocean Large
244                                  Much of the geochemical record of recent anthropogenic activity has
245 oint, independently documented in the global geochemical record of rhyolites, at which rhyolitic melt
246             Our equatorial coccolith-derived geochemical record thus highlights an important period o
247                           In this study, the geochemical records from two adjacent alpine bogs in the
248                             However, current geochemical records lack the temporal resolution to addr
249              Here we present high-resolution geochemical records of surface runoff and vegetation fro
250                          Here we present new geochemical records of terrigenous dust accumulating on
251 roduce homogeneous, flux-free glass beads of geochemical reference materials (GRMs), uranium ores, an
252 tween particle microhabitats and surrounding geochemical regimes is a strong selective force shaping
253 markers and proxies that may establish novel geochemical relationships between archaeal ether lipids
254 reliminarily explored in other contexts, the geochemical relevance of these compounds merits further
255 h microbiological heterogeneity between each geochemical replicate.
256 would explain the preservation of long-lived geochemical reservoirs and the lack of seismic anisotrop
257 unity are interconnected through exchange of geochemical resources.
258                      This study targeted the geochemical response of siliclastic rock, specifically t
259 stern Washington) was used in a study of the geochemical response to introduction of oxygen or nitrat
260 ial resolution, infrared spectral mapping of geochemical samples at vibrational 'fingerprint' wavelen
261             An integrated approach including geochemical, sedimentological, and historical analyses w
262 iron (oxyhydr)oxides, a model system for the geochemical sequestration of radiotoxic actinides.
263 ogic carbon sequestration produces a complex geochemical setting in which CO2-dominated fluids contai
264  Centimeters of soil depth and corresponding geochemical shifts consistently affected microbial commu
265 rothermal system controlling geophysical and geochemical signals at the caldera.
266                                              Geochemical signals diagnostic of oxidative weathering,
267                          First, we show that geochemical signals indicate superexponential growth of
268       How this biological similarity affects geochemical signals, and their interpretations, has yet
269                                     A unique geochemical signature overlaps with the southeastern flo
270 imilated crustal material, thus altering the geochemical signatures acquired from their mantle source
271  of Earth's core left behind geophysical and geochemical signatures in both the core and mantle that
272 ts 10 and 19 km upstream of a reservoir left geochemical signatures in sediments and porewaters corre
273                         Here we use multiple geochemical signatures of N2 fixation to show that the F
274                        In all treatments and geochemical simulations, no other lead vanadate, or vana
275         Both procedures are demonstrated for geochemical soil data sets from Europe, Australia, and t
276 ent that enters the biosphere primarily from geochemical sources, but also through anthropogenic acti
277 rsenic enters the environment primarily from geochemical sources, methylarsenicals either result from
278 dicting the mobility and toxicity of Hg, but geochemical speciation codes have not yet been tested fo
279 es severe constraints on the distribution of geochemical species within the plume.
280 the demise of ferruginous oceans, but recent geochemical studies show that ferruginous conditions per
281 a-dome explosivity based upon a textural and geochemical study (vesicularity, microcrystallinity, cri
282 ution of the primary lunar crust is based on geochemical systematics from the lunar ferroan anorthosi
283 ong-term silicate weathering rates in actual geochemical systems and developing durable silicate mate
284 ty species during the long term evolution of geochemical systems, even in oxygen-limited environments
285 tu experiments for studying fractionation in geochemical systems.
286 the active layer to Toolik Lake based on the geochemical tracer radon (up to 2.9 gm(-2)y(-1)) can acc
287 Oxygen Minimum Zone expansion as revealed by geochemical tracers and the onset of upwelling reflected
288                      Here, we use diagnostic geochemical tracers combined with groundwater residence
289 explored and potentially applicable as novel geochemical tracers.
290                             Through seasonal geochemical tracing of air in the atmosphere, soil and u
291 identifying functional relations between its geochemical, transport, elastic and fracture properties
292  largest monitored seismic, deformation, and geochemical unrest at the caldera.
293 lakes exhibited fluctuations in pigments and geochemical variables due to peat cutting and upland gra
294                 We measured hydrological and geochemical variables in a tidal marsh of the Palo Alto
295 ngs of Yunnan Province, China in response to geochemical variations by using microbial and geochemica
296                                          The geochemical variations present in these biogenic structu
297 mantle and are a major gateway in the global geochemical water cycle.
298  analysis of palynological (chitinozoan) and geochemical (XRF) data, to evaluate whether the limeston
299                        Increasingly, spatial geochemical zonation, present as geographically distinct
300 rate of the degradation process in different geochemical zones remain elusive.

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