


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 f chemistry, physics, materials science, and geochemistry.
2 espiring bacteria may be controlling arsenic geochemistry.
3 is one of the main recent advances in marine geochemistry.
4 ox differences, and the influence of aquifer geochemistry.
5 ommunities undergoing substantial changes in geochemistry.
6 ve of past oceanographic conditions in their geochemistry.
7 e wide range of variables that influence REE geochemistry.
8  not explained by corresponding variation in geochemistry.
9 ter floc [TE], not predicted by water column geochemistry.
10 ly important to advance the field of aqueous geochemistry.
11 ions in Sr-90 concentrations and groundwater geochemistry.
12 otential link between microbial activity and geochemistry.
13 stals, stable isotopic data and mass balance geochemistry.
14 fe on Earth, and embeds the biosphere within geochemistry.
15 of knowledge about their involvement in lead geochemistry.
16 ation of DOM and its relation to groundwater geochemistry across a petroleum hydrocarbon plume cross-
17 g the conserved FeOOH "signature" on floc TE geochemistry across sites.
18                    These seasonal changes in geochemistry and community structure are likely due to h
19   The coincidence of the observed changes in geochemistry and crustal thickness with stepwise atmosph
20 has been a major and unresolved challenge in geochemistry and Earth history.
21 and vegetation using measurements of bedrock geochemistry and forest productivity.
22 and therefore plays an important role in the geochemistry and geodynamics of the Earth's interior.
23 of Australia and the present-day distinctive geochemistry and geophysics of the Australian-Antarctic
24 g Earth's living systems, its materials, its geochemistry and geophysics, and a broad spectrum of its
25 ynamics of mantle plumes from uranium-series geochemistry and interpret their results as evidence for
26 geothermal area, was chosen to study arsenic geochemistry and microbial community using Illumina MiSe
27                  We investigated trace metal geochemistry and microbial metal utilization in methane
28 search represents the first study of coupled geochemistry and microbiology within the PPR and demonst
29 s and productivity) in the Tasman Sea, using geochemistry and micropalaeontology, and find evidence f
30 ) and a discrete sample analysis system (for geochemistry and microparticles), both supplied from the
31 into the long-standing "dolomite problem" in geochemistry and mineralogy and may promote a better und
32  collapses under pressure are fundamental to geochemistry and of increasing importance to fields as d
33 itative assessment of the evolving nature of geochemistry and permeability, resulting from coupled pr
34                                          The geochemistry and physical structure of each vent both pl
35  reconstruction, constrained by the geology, geochemistry and present-day environmental conditions of
36 present results of swath mapping, heat flow, geochemistry and seismic surveys from the young eastern
37 geochronology, plate-motion reconstructions, geochemistry and seismology to ascertain plume melting d
38 g controversies on the interpretation of SCR geochemistry and the involvement of the putative Yellows
39 ture is largely controlled by solid-phase Cu geochemistry and the relative ability of Cu acquisition
40 etter understand the interplay of hydrology, geochemistry, and biology controlling the cycling of car
41 ical volcanology, radiocarbon dating, tephra geochemistry, and chronicles, we argue the source of thi
42 eath arc volcanoes is a key control on magma geochemistry, and generates a hydrous lower crust.
43 t interpretations of marine sediments, fjord geochemistry, and marine ecosystems.The reason some of t
44 nship between microbial cell dispersal, soil geochemistry, and microbial structure and function; and
45 s in sedimentary facies, fossil assemblages, geochemistry, and paleotemperature.
46 n by the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft at alti
47 008, the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft became
48 r on the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft show de
49 e by the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft, show t
50 SSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) spacecraft and the NASA Godda
51  of continents also controlled the location, geochemistry, and volcanology of the hottest preserved l
52 otope signatures as tracers in environmental geochemistry are discussed and future perspectives prese
53  climate change, invasive species, and local geochemistry are likely affecting the response time and
54 , electrochemistry, analytical chemistry and geochemistry are used to illustrate the widespread influ
55 ical framework with which to model noble-gas geochemistry as a function of residual mantle mineralogy
56 ite being widely inferred from trace element geochemistry as a major lower crustal phase, amphibole i
57 scussion of the status of the field of coral geochemistry as it relates to the recovery of past recor
58                           The mineralogy and geochemistry associated with Rodinian assembly ( 1.3-0.9
59                     When he was a postdoc in geochemistry at Caltech, Charles David Keeling found him
60 e need for more systematic studies of cerium geochemistry at the microscale in paleontological contex
61 te fate of injected CO2 at the nanoscale via geochemistry, at the pore-scale via capillary trapping,
62 oles in numerous fields including chemistry, geochemistry, biochemistry, and materials science.
63  from the Daisyworld parable to real ecology/geochemistry, but sufficiently conserved variables may b
64                  We posit that boron isotope geochemistry can be used to quantify small fractions ( a
65 bduction-related magmatic arcs, confirm that geochemistry can be used to track changes of crustal thi
66                        Temporal variation in geochemistry can cause changes in microbial community st
67                   This suggests that bedrock geochemistry can influence landscape evolution through a
68                                           Cu geochemistry clearly influences MMO expression in terres
69 resent records of sediment and foraminiferal geochemistry covering the greenhouse-icehouse climate tr
70 ictions must include an understanding of the geochemistry, decay properties, and ingrowth kinetics of
71  and ecological data recorded in the bivalve geochemistry during shell deposition remain intact over
72 ate of CO(2) and the evolution of subsurface geochemistry following CO(2) injection.
73 is seeming paradox, zircon geochronology and geochemistry from both the frozen lava and the cogenetic
74 a shales at the active sites and matched gas geochemistry from gas wells nearby.
75    With recent technological advances (e.g., geochemistry, genomic approaches), combined with an emer
76                                      Igneous geochemistry has been used to understand how changing he
77       We coupled spatially explicit sediment geochemistry (i.e., separate oxic and suboxic) to the in
78                                              Geochemistry identifies the source of the bitumen as an
79    We analyzed microcharcoal, sediments, and geochemistry in a high-resolution marine sediment core o
80  of floc exerts an important control over TE geochemistry in aquatic environments, ultimately creatin
81         Cable bacteria dominate the sediment geochemistry in winter, whereas, after the summer hypoxi
82 biodiversity with depth that were coupled to geochemistry, including a marked community change at the
83 Relationships between Ni C(DGT) and sediment geochemistry indicated a shift in Ni partitioning from A
84 sal sites, and analyzed for Mo and inorganic geochemistry indicators, including boron and strontium i
85                                    Noble-gas geochemistry is an important tool for understanding plan
86 es either that our interpretation of adakite geochemistry is incorrect, or that our understanding of
87                      Understanding U isotope geochemistry is then essential either to develop sustain
88                                A key goal of geochemistry is to date this event, but different ages h
89 itical role of ferrihydrite in environmental geochemistry, its structure is still debated.
90 s, mineral mimicry, environmental chemistry, geochemistry, materials science, and semiconductors.
91      Here we combine experimental petrology, geochemistry, mineral physics and seismology to constrai
92 s phase may exert an important control on As geochemistry, mobility, and bioavailability.
93                                  Advances in geochemistry, molecular phylogeny, and cell biology have
94 tigations ever undertaken regarding spherule geochemistry, morphologies, origins, and processes of fo
95 million years of Earth's formation, based on geochemistry of >4.0 Ga detrital zircons from Australia.
96  transport in subduction zones come from the geochemistry of arc volcanoes, seismic images and geodyn
97 mical cycles, have profoundly influenced the geochemistry of Earth for over 3 billion years.
98 possible significance to the geodynamics and geochemistry of Earth's interior, as well as for the rol
99 olution of which transformed the biology and geochemistry of Earth.
100 ese results improve our understanding of the geochemistry of Fe(II) and arsenic in reducing environme
101 rates a stochastic simulation to predict the geochemistry of high salinity (>20 mg/L Cl) groundwater
102                       Unraveling the surface geochemistry of hydrated clay minerals is an abiding, if
103 erefore must contain light elements, and the geochemistry of mantle-derived rocks reveals extensive s
104     Our data show that a marked shift in the geochemistry of mantle-derived volcanic rocks, reflectin
105                                          The geochemistry of Martian meteorites provides a wealth of
106 ism/mineral interactions not only affect the geochemistry of modern environments, but may also have c
107  the oxygen-isotope and incompatible-element geochemistry of MORBs by a component of recycled crust t
108                              Here we use the geochemistry of opal-forming organisms from different wa
109                It is suggested here that the geochemistry of phosphorus on the early Earth was instea
110 ionship using palaeorecords derived from the geochemistry of planktonic foraminifera.
111 erefore, have a controlling influence on the geochemistry of plume-related magmas, although unambiguo
112 tanding of how such leakage would impact the geochemistry of potable aquifers and the vadose zone is
113                         Here, we examine the geochemistry of seeps and surface water from seven sites
114                           In addition, glass geochemistry of the associated pumice deposits matches t
115                                          The geochemistry of the brine suggests that abiotic brine-ro
116                               We examine the geochemistry of the cold water coralline alga Lithothamn
117                     Parallel analyses of the geochemistry of the core and paleo-climate proxies revea
118 ems controls some fundamental aspects of the geochemistry of the early Earth, such as the FeO and sid
119 works sand filters could be explained by the geochemistry of the inlet water.
120 , recent excavations have suggested that the geochemistry of the site is no longer conducive to such
121                                          The geochemistry of these sedimentary rocks provides further
122 LREEs is an overlooked aspect of the oceanic geochemistry of this group of elements previously though
123                  For some volcanic arcs, the geochemistry of volcanic rocks erupting above subducted
124 microbial diversity, protein expression, and geochemistry over time.
125 currence rates, models including groundwater geochemistry parameters predict arsenic occurrence rates
126 n that, based on the fossil record and ocean geochemistry, probably evolved just 10-15 my earlier.
127 his alternate view of early Earth phosphorus geochemistry provides an unexplored route to the formati
128            This suggests that the prevailing geochemistry, rather than localized dispersal, is the ma
129 enozoic terrestrial sedimentation and marine geochemistry records, as well as between global CO2 and
130 hlorination in relation to riverbed sediment geochemistry remain ill-defined.
131 nucleation, and their importance in skeletal geochemistry requires an integrated, multiscale approach
132                                          The geochemistry resulting from equilibration of this atmosp
133       Using recent deep-Earth geophysics and geochemistry results, we create a comprehensive map of e
134 data set of volcanic and plutonic whole-rock geochemistry shows that differentiation trends from prim
135 vertebrate community showed surface sediment geochemistry significantly explained shifts in community
136 entral role in all branches of chemistry, in geochemistry, solid-state physics, and biophysics.
137                 Recent advances in petroleum geochemistry suggest that inorganic sedimentary componen
138 ution corresponds to differences in the vent geochemistry that result from deep subsurface geological
139 ress the relative contributions of different geochemistries to the energy demands of these ecosystems
140 es the paradigm of soluble redox shuttles in geochemistry to be adjusted to include binding and modif
141  in fields ranging from marine chemistry and geochemistry to industry, agriculture, and pharmacology.
142                   Here we use skeletal boron geochemistry to reconstruct the DIC chemistry of the flu
143 ed techniques as Level-1 analyses, including geochemistry, total concentrations of naphthenic acids (
144  examinations of porewater and solid-phase V geochemistry were therefore performed on oil sands fluid
145 or DncV and beyond pathogenesis to microbial geochemistry, which is important to environmental remedi
146 sed oxygen perturbations using selenium (Se) geochemistry, which is sensitive to redox transitions ac
147 ed from this period, and a study of their Pu geochemistry will allow us to date ancient metamorphic e
148 er column and sediment water interface (SWI) geochemistry with hydrodynamic data to develop a holisti
149 nity structure can be directly correlated to geochemistry within these sediments, thus enhancing our
150                                    Elemental geochemistry (X-ray fluorescence) and delta(18)O from au

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