


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  in Copenhagen, Denmark, were identified and geocoded.
2                  Patients and hospitals were geocoded.
3 rintensities (WMH), and their addresses were geocoded.
4 ously available databases through multistage geocoding.
5                                           We geocoded 423,719 singleton Florida births born from 2004
6             In donut method geomasking, each geocoded address is relocated in a random direction by a
7 ase in major road length within 150 m of the geocoded address was significantly associated with AML (
8   We used a geographic information system to geocode addresses and determine distances to the nearest
9                                           We geocoded addresses for 614 mother-child pairs enrolled d
10                                  The authors geocoded addresses from a multicommunity sample of 710 M
11                                   Within OH, geocoded addresses were integrated with a PFOA exposure
12 addition, the advent of affordable and quick geocoding allows for surveillance on a finer spatial sca
13                                    Data were geocoded and analyzed in a data visualization platform f
14                               We assembled a geocoded and community Plasmodium falciparum parasite ra
15 ptible S. pneumoniae infections, the authors geocoded and linked data from population-based surveilla
16 oods, each with at least 1 food outlet, were geocoded and linked to commercial registers (e.g., resta
17 2000 residential history questionnaires were geocoded and linked to US Census data).
18 Gonorrhea reported between 2001 and 2002 was geocoded and mapped.
19                   Residential addresses were geocoded and used to assign cumulative air pollutant exp
20                          Home addresses were geocoded and used to establish the census tract for each
21   These findings demonstrated the utility of geocoding and US Census data in describing the epidemiol
22                       Despite the promise of geocoding and use of area-based socioeconomic measures t
23       The residence addresses were precisely geocoded, and 3 indicators of residential proximity to t
24                               Addresses were geocoded, and distance to the nearest major roadway was
25                Participants' residences were geocoded, and the crude, adjusted, and inverse probabili
26                             Repeatability of geocodes assigned by vendor A was high (kappa = 0.90; ce
27 es were restricted to births with residences geocoded at the tax parcel level.
28  Part B beneficiaries from 1997 to 2007 were geocoded by county and state of residence.
29      In the GIS system, gonorrhea cases were geocoded by reported address using digitized maps, and a
30 re we use statistical and visual analysis of geocoded data from over 6700 families to show that genet
31             The authors used age-restricted, geocoded data from the all-African-American Jackson Hear
32                                              Geocoded data on IPV cases with associated protection or
33                                           We geocoded home addresses reported in 1995-1996 and estima
34 re linked to modeled PM2.5 concentrations at geocoded home addresses.
35 posure is introduced that integrates address geocoding, land use regression (LUR), below detect data
36        Many studies have implemented address geocoding, land use regression, and geostatistics indepe
37 titative data, from 50,424 surveys at 36,966 geocoded locations, that covers 115 years of malaria his
38             Observational cohort analysis of geocoded longitudinal electronic health records.
39  diagnosis, we performed spatial analysis of geocoded melanoma cases diagnosed in Florida, 1999-2008,
40                                      We used geocoded mortality and population data between 1981 and
41 fication approach could be adapted for other geocoded national health surveys to generate reliable SA
42                                 We used 6590 geocoded observations collected from 1740 participants i
43 iac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival with geocoding of arrest location, we identified out-of-hospi
44                           Identification and geocoding of trauma and essential surgical services in S
45                                              Geocoded path points were overlaid on mapped layers repr
46            Primary exposures, linked to each geocoded patient, included census tract-level socioecono
47 , Cyprus, linking household addresses to the geocoded public water pipe network, individual household
48                                      We used geocoded residential address data from electronic health
49                                           We geocoded the baseline residence of 668,629 American Canc
50 n Manitoba from 1990 to 2006 (n = 2,290) and geocoded them to 230 neighborhoods in the City of Winnip
51               Kidney transplant centers were geocoded to measure spatial organization by the average
52              We obtained pediatric ED visits geocoded to residential ZIP codes for visits with nonmis
53  on the scale: More than 80% of outlets were geocoded to the correct US Census tract, but only 29%-39
54  Baltimore City, Maryland, from 1994 to 1999 geocoded to the primary address and aggregated to census
55 ied using discharge diagnosis codes and then geocoded to their home census tract.
56 ted accuracy and repeatability of commercial geocoding to guide vendor selection in the Life Course S
57                       Here, we collected and geocoded tweets about measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and
58 hazardous waste sites in the study area were geocoded using ArcView software.
59 vironmental Protection Agency (EPA)-assigned geocodes using the above measures.
60 oxes, and those whose addresses could not be geocoded were excluded, leaving 3547 patients eligible f
61 those with annual income <$30 000 (by census geocode) were less likely to have had a follow-up RNA te

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