


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 dential location of each participant using a geographic information system.
2 abitat models with logistic regression and a geographic information system.
3 ssions near participants' residences using a geographic information system.
4 tion of community cases was analysed using a geographic information system.
5 ve time and roadway distance as predicted by geographic information systems.
6  and street connectivity) were created using geographic information systems.
7 lation, industry, natural land obtained from geographic information systems.
8 ables were derived around addresses by using geographic information systems.
9 e conducted, and households were mapped with geographic information systems.
10 intersections and then interpolated by using geographic information systems.
11  each participant's residential address with geographic information systems.
12                     Genotyping combined with geographic information systems analysis can potentially
13                                              Geographic information systems analysis was used to map
14 system (GPS) receivers and free programs for geographic information systems analysis.
15                                            A geographic information system and advanced statistics id
16            In this study we apply a combined geographic information system and remote sensing method
17             They used a novel combination of geographic information system and statistical analyses t
18       The DYCAST system was implemented in a geographic information system and used operationally in
19                                              Geographic information systems and exploratory spatial a
20 r treatment plant operations into a combined geographic information systems and optimization approach
21         We focus on how advances in mapping, Geographic Information System, and Decision Support Syst
22                               Our satellite, Geographic Information System, and field-based analyses
23 obtained from other sources such as sensors, geographic information systems, and conventional tools s
24 d pesticide and land-use data, using a novel geographic information systems approach.
25      We combine social network analysis with geographic information systems approaches to reconstruct
26                 This study demonstrates that geographic information systems are a valuable tool for i
27                                 We conducted geographic information systems-assisted interviews with
28 ng environment, social cohesion, safety, and geographic information system-based density of favorable
29 itrogen (NOX; 1999 onwards), predicted via a geographic information systems-based spatiotemporal smoo
30                                  We used the geographic-information-system-based environmental policy
31 hysiologically based demographic models in a geographic information system context as driven by daily
32                                              Geographic information systems contributed to satellite-
33 th cohort study data were linked to detailed geographic information systems data characterizing 2001
34  precise digital surveying tools linked to a geographic information system developed to control on-si
35 nical measures were linked to metrics from a geographic information system for each patient's address
36 missions compared to regional ones, we added geographic information system (GIS) predictors into the
37                             With the help of Geographic Information System (GIS) software, distributi
38 transformed into a large-format map by using geographic information system (GIS) techniques and carto
39 ally defined hyperendemic areas, or "cores." Geographic information system (GIS) technology offers ne
40              LUR variables were created in a geographic information system (GIS) using land cover and
41 ructed image was determined by both standard geographic information system (GIS) validation statistic
42                                We used eight geographic information system (GIS) variables to charact
43                                            A geographic information system (GIS) was used to map all
44                                            A geographic information system (GIS) was used to map dist
45                 Land use regression (LUR), a geographic information system (GIS), and measured air co
46                                              Geographic information system (GIS)-based maps were crea
47  For 1,529 children with spirometry, overall geographic information system (GIS)-modeled residential
48 ient agricultural OP exposures assessed with geographic information system (GIS).
49 which were selected based on analysis in the geographic information system (GIS).
50                                              Geographic information systems (GIS) based techniques ar
51 field data and predictor variables stored as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data to generate ca
52 ance (NETSS) data from 1998 to 2001 and used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map high-inciden
53                                        Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the team developed
54 velopment spatially in a manner analogous to geographic information systems (GIS).
55 acities of computer technology, particularly Geographic Information Systems, have allowed political p
56 C and delta(18)O values were related to GIS (Geographic Information System) layers of source water de
57     Minimal information exists on the use of geographic information systems mapping for visualizing a
58                                              Geographic information systems mapping is a useful techn
59                                       To use geographic information systems mapping techniques to vis
60  von Thunen land rent model is combined with geographic information systems mapping to demonstrate ho
61            The emerging field of "historical geographic information systems" offers possibilities to
62 maternal residences during pregnancy using a geographic information system, residential location, and
63                           Recent advances in geographic information systems software and multilevel m
64 phology in primates using laser scanning and geographic information systems technologies.
65 This article demonstrates the application of geographic information system technology to track vaccin
66 ing plans, and some states have tried to use Geographic Information Systems technology to produce mor
67 lidated an exposure assessment tool based on geographic information systems that integrated informati
68                                      Using a geographic information system, the authors mapped curren
69 esticide Use Reporting system, we employed a geographic information system to estimate the amount of
70 Environmental variables were defined using a geographic information system to extract distances to ar
71                                    We used a geographic information system to geocode addresses and d
72 dicators of neighborhood vulnerability and a geographic information system to map vulnerability and r
73 dicators of neighborhood vulnerability and a geographic information system to map vulnerability and r
74        This study illustrates the utility of geographic information system tools for providing refine
75 tes, the authors developed a procedure using geographic information system tools to assign subjects'
76 earch to complement and enhance conventional geographic information system tools.
77                                            A geographic information system was used to derive measure
78                                            A geographic information system was used to map postcodes
79 e-forward logistic regression modeling and a geographic information system were utilized to assess da

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