


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                       Recent geophysical analyses suggest the presence of a late Pale
2 l on ice flow have not been characterized by geophysical analysis.
3 and Ranging) spacecraft and the NASA Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory (GGAO).
4 urbulent dynamical systems are ubiquitous in geophysical and engineering turbulence.
5  over the weaker underlying mantle, although geophysical and geochemical constraints on the exact thi
6                        We use multiparameter geophysical and geochemical data to show that the 110-sq
7                                  Integrating geophysical and geochemical data, we estimate that 1.3 G
8 ailability limitations rising from different geophysical and geochemical dynamics at pore-scale.
9 hat significantly influenced the geological, geophysical and geochemical evolution of the planet, inc
10  also affects current interpretations of the geophysical and geochemical models using extrapolated or
11         These elements are key components in geophysical and geochemical models.
12                                     However, geophysical and geochemical observations suggest slab su
13 stitution of the Earth's mantle dictates the geophysical and geochemical properties of this region.
14 rease of the hydrothermal system controlling geophysical and geochemical signals at the caldera.
15    The formation of Earth's core left behind geophysical and geochemical signatures in both the core
16 iron core may be responsible for the unusual geophysical and geochemical signatures observed at the b
17 Our results demonstrate that high-resolution geophysical and geological observations can yield unprec
18                                   We present geophysical and geological observations from the west Ib
19                                      INDEPTH geophysical and geological observations imply that a par
20 sive failure, which concerns a wide range of geophysical and geotechnical situations.
21 ed, despite the importance of these flows in geophysical and industrial systems.
22                                  Geological, geophysical, and geochemical data support a theory that
23 g an integrated set of global environmental, geophysical, and social indicators.
24  100-km length scale is significant for many geophysical applications including mapping of crustal ma
25 r flow, posing an obstacle in industrial and geophysical applications.
26  temporal patterns of genetic variation with geophysical aspects of the environment can best be attri
27  ecology, recent discussions have focused on geophysical attributes, and it is recognized that dynami
28 ions are important sources of uncertainty in geophysical calculations of the AOD-to-PM2.5 relationshi
29                  The present increase, whose geophysical cause(s) are uncertain, thus signifies a lar
30  However, numerical studies of how projected geophysical changes in sea ice will realistically impact
31 sociated with El Nino events and longer term geophysical changes, may thus have far-reaching impacts
32                    Here we present the first geophysical characterization of serpentinite carbonation
33 )-saturated DIW for 49 days while monitoring geophysical, chemical, and hydrodynamic parameters.
34 buoyancy remains actively debated within the geophysical community.
35 ate services, given subnational geographical/geophysical complexity, attention is focused on lessons
36 et characteristics that describes platinum's geophysical constraints, institutional efficiency, and d
37 ring many optical devices in the seismic and geophysical context.
38 ctively the daily, seasonal, lunar and tidal geophysical cycles regulate much of the temporal biology
39 sing isolation of human societies from these geophysical cycles, as a result of improved living condi
40                        Here, using sea-floor geophysical data and marine sediment cores, we resolve t
41                                       Marine geophysical data collected in 2006 reveal a large, arcua
42                                          The geophysical data define a 2,500-km-long rift system in E
43 deling, as well as obtaining samples and new geophysical data from other planets (Venus, Mars, or Mer
44    Here we show, using marine geological and geophysical data from the continental shelf seaward of t
45 c mode, constrained by satellite and in situ geophysical data, we identify the nature of this potenti
46 actorily explain the available structural or geophysical data.
47 le structural changes that are detectable in geophysical data.
48 storage" model is generally applicable, then geophysical detection of melt beneath volcanoes is likel
49                                          The geophysical detection of such a layer has, however, prov
50 and Amazonian forest, to assess climatic and geophysical determinants of LES traits and their interre
51 's magnetosphere is therefore likely to be a geophysical effect associated with fluctuating boundary
52                 As a result, the analysis of geophysical events and the performance of largely empiri
53                                 However, the geophysical evidence for such large early emissions is e
54                       We find geological and geophysical evidence for this process in the Tasmanides
55                          However, a range of geophysical evidence indicates that compositionally dist
56 ing these results with geochemical and other geophysical evidence reveals highly symmetric lower-crus
57                                              Geophysical evidence strongly supports the complete isol
58 connects polar volatiles to the geologic and geophysical evolution of the Moon and the bombardment hi
59 ossible thermophysical effects; however, the geophysical expressions of these effects are unknown.
60  2013, and whether lake-specific or regional geophysical factors were related to the observed changes
61             Multiple additional climatic and geophysical factors were secondary determinants of plant
62 s well as how seasonal differences vary with geophysical factors.
63                                         This geophysical feature, clearly more evident than the ones
64 r the extrapolation of laboratory results to geophysical field scales.
65 ause both processes generate seismic energy, geophysical field studies of volcanic processes are ofte
66       Our results reveal nested climatic and geophysical filtering of LES traits and their interrelat
67                            Waves observed in geophysical flows are also robust to perturbations, whic
68 itable discrete numerical approximations for geophysical flows with many conserved quantities as a nu
69 ments are presented here for these truncated geophysical flows with topography in a suitable regime.
70  deep sea, the sense of time is dependent on geophysical fluctuations, such as internal tides and atm
71  and tropospheric sulfate aerosols) from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and Hadley Centre
72                                    Using the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory comprehensive Eart
73  changing climate (A2 and B1 IPCC emissions; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory General Circulatio
74  Here, we use an earth system model from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory to investigate reg
75  value in data assimilation, for example, in geophysical fluid dynamics.
76                                              Geophysical hotspots have been attributed to partially m
77 been little corroboration from crustal scale geophysical imaging.
78 ows with rigid boundaries, occurring in many geophysical, industrial and biophysical flows.
79                             Several lines of geophysical inquiry now suggest that a change in the loc
80                             The chemical and geophysical issues that have to be solved to interpret i
81                                 The use of a geophysical mapping system during the submarine SCICEX e
82 e than the surrounding rocks, and electrical geophysical measurements can be used to map these zones.
83                                              Geophysical measurements, however, suggest that melts of
84 f complex electrical conductivity imaging, a geophysical method, to monitor the high-pressure injecti
85 otelluric and geomagnetic depth sounding are geophysical methods sensitive to mantle melt.
86 ct detection in the deep Earth possible with geophysical methods.
87 hermal conductivity at odds with traditional geophysical models and direct evidence for a primordial
88          Likewise, our findings suggest that geophysical models of Uranus and Neptune require reasses
89 rom beneath Enceladus' surface at times when geophysical models predict its fissures should be under
90                         A goal of subsurface geophysical monitoring is the detection and characteriza
91    Reconciling contradictory geochemical and geophysical observations at ocean ridges requires a bett
92                                        Using geophysical observations from offshore Svalbard to const
93                                              Geophysical observations from the 2011 moment magnitude
94 al experiments constrained by geological and geophysical observations from the Alpine Tethys and Iber
95 ical discontinuities are predicted and match geophysical observations in a consistent petrological an
96                                              Geophysical observations indicate that melting beneath r
97 tectonic plates, but have been challenged by geophysical observations of asymmetric upwelling that su
98 loor spreading is thus inferred largely from geophysical observations of spreading events on land at
99                                  Reconciling geophysical observations of the melting regime beneath t
100 More fundamentally, experimental studies and geophysical observations show that the core is under-sat
101 of the mineral matrix, which may explain the geophysical observations.
102 lly satisfy geochemical constraints, but not geophysical observations.
103 of the lower mantle could partly explain the geophysical observations.
104 ng cracks that have been postulated to solve geophysical paradoxes about heat generated by earthquake
105 relate spatial variations in geochemical and geophysical parameters at the Earth's surface.
106  composition, perhaps associated with recent geophysical phenomena.
107  with tectonics, influences a broad array of geophysical phenomena.
108 eal short time scale and large spatial scale geophysical phenomenon, which is necessarily human in or
109 gh rates of kinetic energy extraction may be geophysical possible.
110  the water-bearing capacity of these phases, geophysical probes such as electrical conductivity have
111 ion can take place by natural selection if a geophysical process is capable of heterotrophic formatio
112       Radon is useful as a tracer of certain geophysical processes in marine and aquatic environments
113 s alone, it is not possible to determine the geophysical processes responsible for the observed eleva
114   The two fluxes are critically dependent on geophysical processes that determine mixed-layer depth,
115 ul indicators of a wide variety of planetary geophysical processes, and for Mars they reveal the reco
116 dment of the Stafford Act to include gradual geophysical processes, such as erosion, in the statutory
117           This article discusses a few basic geophysical processes, which collectively indicate that
118 h, economic activity, ecosystem function and geophysical processes.
119 nt in many industrial, civil engineering and geophysical processes.
120 eep carbon cycle and related geochemical and geophysical processes.
121                                              Geophysical properties of acoustic, seismic, electric, a
122 um composition should affect geochemical and geophysical properties of the deep interior.
123 atiles to the exosphere, and geochemical and geophysical properties of the mantle.
124 ught together to design a metasurface at the geophysical scale, the resonant metawedge, to control se
125 ngineering and have enjoyed great success in geophysical sciences, because they allow for computation
126 al and geochemical models constrained by the geophysical setting, rather than direct observations.
127 habitats that instantiate aspects of Earth's geophysical signals (appropriately timed light exposure,
128                        Accelerating rates of geophysical signals (e.g., seismicity and deformation) p
129              Our new results and their broad geophysical significance could be considered when planni
130 of the D'' region raises questions about its geophysical significance.
131 t, a 550 km-long transect of magnetotelluric geophysical soundings spanning the central TAM was acqui
132 tion of the lower crust are based largely on geophysical studies and ancient analogues (ophiolites) t
133 Z) and the mid-crustal lens, consistent with geophysical studies that suggest the presence of melt wi
134 s inferred from seismic tomography and other geophysical studies.
135  applied rigorous analytical procedures to a geophysical study with enormous implications for humanit
136                            Observations from geophysical surveys and long-term oceanographic instrume
137                              High-resolution geophysical surveys and underwater SCUBA diving reconnai
138  more comprehensive understanding of complex geophysical systems such as large lakes.
139  complex nonlinear dynamical systems such as geophysical systems.
140 ing inertia in political, technological, and geophysical systems.
141                                              Geophysical techniques are also not very effective in th
142  the most recent to be recorded using modern geophysical techniques.
143 ture the imagination because of their tie to geophysical time, and tools are now in hand to analyse t
144  how environmental signals entrain clocks to geophysical time.
145 fficult test suite of prototype problems for geophysical turbulence with waves, jets, and vortices, w
146                     Efficient computation of geophysical turbulence, such as occurs in the atmosphere
147            This hybrid approach combined the geophysical understanding and global applicability intri
148 ome more than just another correlation among geophysical variables.
149                               Of these, only geophysical warming commitment has been quantified.
150 s, seafloor bathymetry, sediment properties, geophysical well logs, and drilling data to assess the g
151 he moment when funding for the International Geophysical Year enabled him to design and build a CO(2)

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