


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ltiple products (e.g. meat, fins, teeth, and gills).
2 inst Cu-induced impairment as it does at the gill.
3 ernative transcript expression was higher in gill.
4 f counter-current heat exchangers within its gills.
5 loys in a fraction of a second and clogs the gills.
6 e over whether the ancestral vertebrate bore gills.
7 c bacteria within specialized cells in their gills.
8 ly higher into the posterior versus anterior gills.
9 mmunological function of the ILT in salmonid gills.
10 hat subsequently were co-opted as pharyngeal gills.
11 amic resistance and flow patterns within the gills.
12 els of oxidative damage and apoptosis in the gills.
13 eria as intracellular endosymbionts in their gills.
14 ly affect the hydrodynamic resistance of the gills.
15 egments; these blades probably functioned as gills.
16 pical molluscan radula and serially repeated gills.
17 ecreting protons (H(+)) and HCO(3)(-) at its gills.
18 te sustained IgT expression and secretion in gills.
19  domain that extends caudal to the heart and gills.
20 tain ventilation and oxygenation through the gills.
21 r of differentially expressed lncRNAs in the gills (3,294), head-kidney (3,275), and liver (3,325) ov
22 issue-indicator of AgNP pollution, while the gills (4.5-22.0 mug g(-1)) and hepatopancreas (2.5-16.7
23 with membrane (mem)CCR7 were recorded in the gill (7.5 +/- 2% CCR7(+) cells).
24 overestimates of metabolic half-lives or gut/gill absorption efficiencies.
25 R of ca19 and ca18 and protein expression in gill across metamorphosis show that the ca19 levels are
26 GK1 vivo-morpholino reduced SGK1 mRNA in the gill after transition from fresh to seawater by 66%.
27 ver, in Washington, USA, and were applied on gill and anterior head kidney tissue to assess immune sy
28 scription responses were tissue-specific for gill and anterior head kidney with less significant resp
29 s and mortality were assessed using Andersen-Gill and Cox proportional hazards models.
30 A and infectious virus were detected in both gill and fecal swabs by day 8 following temperature stre
31      We have identified zebrafish MCs in the gill and intestine, which resemble their mammalian count
32 ance, suggesting that Cu is removed from the gill and is transferred to other organs for detoxificati
33                 Although the rise in SGK1 in gill and its functional analog, the opercular membrane,
34 ld increases in inositol contents within the gill and kidney, respectively.
35 red their relative expression levels between gill and lung tissues.
36 r is a predominant species that lives in the gill and skin mucosal surfaces of rainbow trout (Oncorhy
37 ajor-specific IgT titers are confined to the gill and skin mucus, whereas F. major-specific IgM titer
38 rom these same larvae, we extracted RNA from gill and spleen and evaluated the relative expression le
39 th a complete intact cap containing distinct gills and a stalk, suggests evolutionary stasis of body
40  by epithelial cells of skin, intestine, and gills and by the two types of lamprey T-like cells.
41                 Microplastic uptake into the gills and digestive gland was analyzed by a new method u
42 cytes within the cartilagenous matrix of the gills and fins, as well as in clusters of interstitial c
43 lly less contractile muscle mass and smaller gills and foot compared with younger animals, with conse
44                    TiO2NPs were found in the gills and gut and elsewhere.
45 ecreased rapidly during depuration from both gills and hepatopancreas after short exposures but slowl
46 y of cadmium uptake was localized within the gills and hepatopancreas, while zinc accumulated in the
47 s into good, fair, poor, and bad categories; gills and kidney tissues were then dissected and preserv
48 rom shrimp abdominal muscle, hepatopancreas, gills and pleopods.
49 gina, including the external position of the gills and possible absence of a gill opposite the more r
50 Platyhelminthes) that are primarily found on gills and skin of fishes.
51  the carapax, eggs, thoracic appendages with gills and the cluster comprising gut epithelium, storage
52 le conceptual model of particle flow for the gills and the gut.
53  a combination of CPMG (Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill) and R(1rho) relaxation dispersion spectroscopy to
54 ep), QCPMG (quadrupolar Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill), and WURST (wideband, uniform rate, and smooth tru
55 ressed in both tissues, 1,668 were unique to gill, and 1,210 unique to lung.
56 erent vivo-morpholinos to knock down SGK1 in gill, and developed and validated a vivo-morpholino knoc
57 Ambystoma mexicanum), which retains external gills, and demonstrate its contribution to posterior gil
58 ns shows sdf-1 expression in kidney tubules, gills, and skin.
59 e confirmed virus infection in 14 cases with gill apoptosis in Norway starting from 1995.
60 re in the developing gill arches establishes gill arch anteroposterior polarity and maintains the pro
61 locephalan operculum evolved in concert with gill arch appendage reduction by attenuation of Shh-medi
62 , yielding previously unrecognized vestigial gill arch branchial rays.
63  data suggest that vertebrate jaw, hyoid and gill arch cartilages are serially homologous, and were p
64 egment identity in the mandibular, hyoid and gill arch endoskeletons).
65 es in early gnathostomes, and theories about gill arch evolution were driven by information gleaned m
66 nto the anatomical foundation of Gegenbaur's gill arch hypothesis.
67  reflecting the stepwise transformation of a gill arch into a jaw) or developmental genetic data (for
68      Gegenbaur's classical hypothesis of jaw-gill arch serial homology is widely cited, but remains u
69 tgrowth and patterning of the chondrichthyan gill arch skeleton, in an interdependent manner similar
70 pose transformation of precursor structures (gill arches and lateral fin folds) into paired fins.
71 n from a signalling centre in the developing gill arches establishes gill arch anteroposterior polari
72 imitive feature of the mandibular, hyoid and gill arches of jawed vertebrates.
73  endoskeletal segments of the jaw, hyoid and gill arches of the skate Leucoraja erinacea derive from
74 appendages that project laterally from their gill arches, known as branchial rays.
75 es of ray-supported septa on their hyoid and gill arches, whereas holocephalans (chimaeras) possess a
76 fully formed branchial rays on the hyoid and gill arches.
77 eas Shh is only transiently expressed in the gill arches.
78 bs) originally evolved via transformation of gill arches.
79                                   Pharyngeal gills are a fundamental feature of the vertebrate body p
80                                   Since fish gills are considered a mucosal surface, we hypothesized
81 microplastics through inspiration across the gills as well as ingestion of pre-exposed food (common m
82     In this study, we show that a ronivirus, gill-associated virus (GAV), encodes the 2'-O-MTase acti
83 ers PFAA uptake via passive diffusion at the gills, association with serum albumin in the circulatory
84  HdHIF-1alpha expression was up-regulated in gills at 4h, 24h and 96 h, and in hemocytes at 24h and 9
85 ha expression was significantly increased in gills at 4h, and hemocytes at 0 h and 4 h, while HdHIF-1
86  exposed to 0.5 muM 65Cu show an increase in gill ATP7a transcript abundance, suggesting that Cu is r
87                                  The current gill-based Biotic Ligand Model (gbBLM) is an acute-toxic
88 icates that the pharyngeal epithelium of the gill basket supports the development of T-like cells, su
89 s that extend laterally from their hyoid and gill-bearing (branchial) arches.
90 xposure to MCLR and MCRR with the tissues of gills being the most affected.
91 elements were measured in the muscle, liver, gills, bone and intestine of farmed seabass and gilthead
92  and Se) were measured in the muscle, liver, gills, bone and intestine.
93 m to reduce Cu loading if Cu is entering the gills by other uptake routes, such as ECaC and DMT1.
94 stingly, dio2a expression was induced in the gills by transfer to salt water (SW), with the magnitude
95 is a well-established endocrine regulator of gill Ca(2+) uptake during hypercalcemia.
96  lamprey metamorphosis resulting in distinct gill carbonic anhydrases reflecting the contrasting life
97                       The protocol describes gill cell isolation, cultured gill epithelium formation,
98                          We developed a fish gill cell line-based (RTgill-W1) assay, using several me
99 helium, as seen in vivo, seeding of isolated gill cells twice over a 2-d period is required.
100 effects of AgNPs/Ag(I) and C. marina to fish gill cells were observed with these effects possibly att
101 e copper and silver binding to rainbow trout gill cells, either as cultured reconstructed epithelia,
102                Microspheres inhaled into the gill chamber had a small but significant dose-dependent
103 t the ancient and specialized tissues of the gills contain a resident population of il-4/13b-expressi
104 ling showed that NECs dissociated from adult gill contained CBS and CSE, whereas cutaneous NECs in la
105  of muscles attaching to the opercular bone (gill cover), but not other adjacent muscles.
106            We show that Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) 13Calpha NMR relaxation dispersion measureme
107 ble using a single-scan Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) experiment, without the need for a titration
108 R relaxation dispersion Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) experiments and isothermal titration calorim
109                      In Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) measurements, three proton populations were
110 r water suppression and Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) presat as a T2 filter to remove macromolecul
111        Multiple-quantum Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion experiments and NMR ch
112 l prerequisite to apply Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion type experiments.
113 aracterized using (15)N Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersions, which define the off
114                     The Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence was used to measure spin-spin relax
115 d signal enhancement by Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) spin-echo sequence.
116                               A reduction in gill CTR1 transcript abundance was observed during the C
117                      We show that the use of gill Cu accumulation irrespective of the exposure route
118                             Investigation of gill Cu accumulation may shed light on the different acc
119 cortisol receptor extracted from sea lamprey gill cytosol.
120 rning from forgone outcomes to two groups of Gilles de la Tourette (GTS) patients, one consisting of
121                                              Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) is a complex neurop
122                                              Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (TS) is characterized by
123 arrative of my experience with patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and covers its definition
124 directed and habitual behavioural control in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and formally tested the h
125 and 17 antipsychotic-medicated patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and matched controls.
126 tico-basal ganglia networks in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome compared with controls.
127 ement in habitual behaviour in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome correlated with greater s
128                                              Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is a clinically heterogen
129 ncluding neuropsychology, and the effects of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome with studies showing that
130 s, such as Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, and addiction.
131 e, the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, the Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome-Quality of Life Scale, an
132 olved in tics and behavioural expressions of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.
133 habit formation in unmedicated patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.
134  about the body surface and feed on skin and gill debris.
135 t in the T cell population to optimize local gill defense mechanisms.
136          In the thorax, Ubx is necessary for gill development and for repression of gnathal fate, and
137                                          The gills did not become saturated with cadmium after 14 day
138  respiration as the principal consequence of gill dio2 activity.
139 nd in healthy salmon or in control fish with gill disease without apoptotic cells, although transmiss
140 ion rich cells to the plasma membrane in the gill during acclimation to seawater.
141 es that we combine with Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill echo trains to obtain images in which one species c
142                    We conclude that cultured gill epithelia in vitro provide a powerful approach to s
143 ing, preparations develop electrically tight gill epithelia that can withstand freshwater on the apic
144 ocol describes gill cell isolation, cultured gill epithelium formation, maintenance, monitoring and p
145 uct and culture the freshwater rainbow trout gill epithelium on flat permeable membrane supports with
146                   To produce a heterogeneous gill epithelium, as seen in vivo, seeding of isolated gi
147                    dfsAC is expressed in the gill epithelium, where the subset of base-secreting cell
148 hin basal epithelial/epidermal layers of the gill, esophagus, intestine, skin, and fins.
149                      In this issue of Blood, Gill et al describe the results of the first phase 3 cli
150                           It is thought that gills evolved independently in cyclostomes (jawless vert
151 s an extension of the dorsal thorax, and the gill-exite hypothesis, which proposes that wings were de
152            In fact, most IgD(+) cells in the gills expressed CCR7.
153 4), respectively, calculated by the Andersen-Gill extension of the Cox model.
154 mplantation were compared using the Andersen-Gill extension to the Cox proportional hazards model whi
155 evelop in a thymus-like tissue at the tip of gill filaments, and VLRB-expressing cells develop in hem
156 s the fluid mechanics of ventilation at fish gill filaments.
157 external morphological characteristics (e.g. gills, fins) of the original fish being removed.
158 homologous with those in ancestral arthropod gill flaps/epipods, to migrate dorsally and fuse with th
159 e thymoid, a thymus-equivalent region at the gill fold tips.
160 ae and were found on the external surface of gills following aqueous exposure.
161  homeostasis during early development before gill formation.
162  neither had a significant adverse impact on gill function.
163  decreasing in the order brain approximately gill > liver > plasma > bile >> muscle.
164 ever, the evolutionary history of vertebrate gills has been the subject of a long-standing controvers
165 enes of the ammonia excretion pathway in the gills have experienced positive selection, suggesting th
166          In addition to being drawn into the gills, HDPE particles were taken up into the stomach and
167 showed that nickel accumulated mainly in the gill, heart, and brain, representing a tissue distributi
168 HV DNA was also detectable in brain, spleen, gills, heart, eye, intestine, kidney, liver, and pancrea
169 distribution of Ag in over 650 exoskeletons, gills, hepatopancreas and muscles samples were determine
170 cterized by genome expression and associated gill immunohistochemistry, despite very low concentratio
171 ey, with lesser effects in the intestine and gills in adults compared to larvae.
172        This finding supports the homology of gills in cyclostomes and gnathostomes, and a single orig
173 fication, dio2b was induced in the brain and gills in zones of cell proliferation following increasin
174                                          The gill is widely accepted to have played a key role in the
175  were sampled for muscle, fat, liver, brain, gill, kidney and gonad and the tissue FA measured by gas
176  necessitating functional adaptations of the gills, kidney and intestine.
177 fining the genus Dracula - a mushroom-like, 'gilled' labellum and a showy, patterned calyx - enhance
178 nd demonstrate its contribution to posterior gill-levator muscles and the cucullaris.
179 s muscle is a cranial muscle allied with the gill levators of anamniotes or is instead a trunk muscle
180 tion of cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) protein in gill, liver, intestine, and head kidney for over one yea
181 d river, were significantly increased in the gills, liver and kidney (63-, 34- and 19-fold respective
182 sets were uniquely modulated in each tissue (gills, liver, and head-kidney); and (iii) A subset of ln
183 variety of cells in the head kidney, spleen, gills, liver, and heart, whereas R848 induced coexpressi
184     Following the exposure to MCLR and MCRR, gills, liver, intestine, and brain tissues were harveste
185 etal blades are homologous with the flaps of gilled lobopodians (for example, Kerygmachela kierkegaar
186                Moreover, we demonstrate that gill microbiota is predominantly coated with IgT, thus p
187     To account for repeated events, Andersen-Gill models were used to determine possible predictors.
188     To account for repeated events, Andersen-Gill models were used to determine the predictors of hos
189                                     Andersen-Gill models were used to determine whether depression pr
190 utcomes were examined using Cox and Andersen-Gill models.
191 ization were assessed using Cox and Andersen-Gill models.
192 cess areas, but only one parasite species (a gill monogenean of C. variegatus) was more abundant with
193  a general model for examining the diversity gill morphologies observed in teleost fishes.
194 oportion of AB in mushrooms with puffball or gilled morphologies may suggest that AB acts as an osmol
195 climation was not associated with changes in gill morphology, hematocrit, or relative ventricular mas
196 ionally, we implemented a method to maintain gill movement, and as such respiration and blood oxygena
197 everse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) testing of gill mucus and feces from six koi every other day for 1
198 ppendages, opisthosomal appendages with book gills, muscles, and fine setae permits comparison with e
199                       Here we report diverse gilled mushrooms (Agaricales) and mycophagous rove beetl
200  sex steroid concentrations and up-regulated gill Na+, K+-ATPase, an enzyme critical for ion balance.
201                 Recently, we observed in the gill of killifish, an environmental model organism, that
202 demonstrate by cell lineage tracing that the gills of a cartilaginous fish, the little skate (Leucora
203 sed on their distinct embryonic origins: the gills of cyclostomes derive from endoderm [9-12], while
204 nd generate pathogen-specific IgT within the gills of fish, thus providing the first example of local
205 stine, kidney, mammary glands, placenta, and gills of fish.
206  of an interlamellar cell mass (ILCM) on the gills of goldfish acclimated to 7 degrees C leads to pre
207                                          The gills of most teleost fishes are covered by plate-like s
208          Cadmium and copper accumulations in gills of zebrafish were measured during a 48 h exposure
209 ition of the gills and possible absence of a gill opposite the more robust anterior-most bar, are cha
210 Ds may be lodged in critical tissues such as gills or filtering apparatus and Cd ions may be released
211 periments such as CPMG (Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill) or spin-lock R(1rho).
212                    We measured the burden of gill parasites for two reef fishes (Cheilodactylus varie
213   The system can be used to study freshwater gill physiology, and it is a humane alternative for toxi
214  surprisingly found among both shark fin and gill plate samples.
215 ajor driver, demand for meat, liver oil, and gill plates also represents a significant threat.
216                                 129 fins and gill plates were analysed and searches on BOLD produced
217 fy shark and ray species from dried fins and gill plates, obtained in Canada, China, and Sri Lanka.
218 to meet the ongoing international demand for gill plates.
219  most basal extant craniates, the hagfishes, gills play only a minor role in gas exchange.
220 , each is associated with externally located gills, possibly housed in pouches.
221 nce for a notochord, cartilaginous arcualia, gill pouches, articulations within the proboscis, and mu
222 istochemistry to determine aspects of salmon gill poxvirus disease, which are described here.
223 ence and specific diagnostics for the salmon gill poxvirus in Atlantic salmon may help curb this dise
224                  Furthermore, because salmon gill poxvirus represents the deepest branch of chordopox
225 thostomes, and a single origin of pharyngeal gills prior to the divergence of these two ancient verte
226                        We also used Andersen-Gill proportional hazard models to assess the influence
227 sed by Cox proportional hazards and Andersen-Gill proportional intensity regression modeling, respect
228 sed by Cox proportional hazards and Andersen-Gill proportional intensity regression modeling, respect
229 R relaxometry using the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence can be a very fast, simple, and effi
230 spectroscopy based on a Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence is widely applied to identify the ex
231 o experiments using the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence were used to measure the transverse
232 19)F nucleus, using the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence, were used to examine changes in the
233 s that are smaller than the pore size of the gill-raker filter, including extraction of particles des
234  profound developmental similarities between gill rays and vertebrate appendages.
235 patterning of chondrichthyan branchial rays (gill rays) and reveal profound developmental similaritie
236 so caused significant crayfish mortality and gill recession.
237 ensity weight is calculated from an Anderson-Gill recurrent-event regression model whose events of in
238  repertoire diversification in the 'thymoid' gill region, and express their VLRs solely as cell-surfa
239                               In an Andersen-Gill regression model with multiple end point recurrence
240                                     Anderson-Gill regression modeling was used to determine the predi
241  spectrometry (ESI-MS), Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion (CPMG-RD), and affinity measu
242 istant construct) using Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion and chemical exchange saturat
243 ed than via analysis of Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion data.
244                       A Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion experiment is presented for q
245 lear magnetic resonance Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion experiment to study the bindi
246                         Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion experiments and NOEs revealed
247                     NMR Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion experiments demonstrate that
248       Analysis of (15)N Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion measurements suggests the pre
249 turation transfer, and Carr-Purcell-Meinboom-Gill relaxation dispersion), that apo GroEL accelerates
250 tion parameters, namely Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation-dispersion experiments and measurement o
251 migration and differentiation during hypoxic gill remodelling on the pattern and extent of ionocyte n
252 for comparing theoretical predictions of the gill resistance with measured values, and provide a gene
253 sured using the 16-echo Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill sequence (TE, 22-352).
254 sion measurements using Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill sequence.
255 s by averaging a single Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill sequence.
256 and splice blocking vivo-morpholinos reduced gill SGK1 protein abundance in fish transferred from fre
257 ntified chondrichthyan in which the complete gill skeleton is three-dimensionally preserved in its na
258 res, along with robust support of pharyngeal gill slits as a shared deuterostome character, provide t
259 rphies of Ambulacraria, including pharyngeal gill slits, a single axocoel, and paired hydrocoels and
260 ed in the oral and atrial siphons, branchial gill slits, endostyle, and gut.
261 sociated with the development of pharyngeal 'gill' slits, the foremost morphological innovation of ea
262 importance of these tissues in metal uptake (gill), storage and detoxification (liver, kidney).
263 eres were distributed differently across the gill surface, although neither had a significant adverse
264 red to the spores to carry them clear of the gill surface.
265                We used multivariate Andersen-Gill survival methods, adjusted for age, sexual behaviou
266 r KHV DNA was detected in fecal secretion or gill swabs, suggesting that neither acute nor persistent
267  modulate the growth of trout total skin and gill symbiotic bacteria.
268 ly relevant conditions, Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill T(2)-relaxation dispersion experiments showed that
269 teers using a localized Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill technique.
270 e and with lower concentrations in liver and gills than fish reared in silty, anoxic sites.
271 t, kcnj1 appeared in cells of the developing gill that also expressed the a1a.4 subunit.Morpholino an
272 hemoautotrophic bacterial symbionts in their gills that synthesize organic matter using reduced sulfu
273 ointed endoskeletal supports internal to the gills--the visceral branchial arches--represents one of
274 ne expression and protein CCR7 levels in the gills throughout development.
275 d divergent gene expression in the liver and gill tissue coincident with the arrival of contaminating
276                  Transcriptomic profiling of gill tissue from fish transferred to SW plus or minus th
277 mic profiling of gene expression in lung and gill tissue of three larval tiger salamanders.
278 ad kidney with less significant responses in gill tissue than in kidney.
279 sociated with aberrant protein expression in gill tissues of larval and adult fish.
280 deethylase (EROD) activity in both liver and gill tissues.
281 our small RNA libraries constructed from the gill tissues.
282 zymes that are selectively translocated from gill to gut.
283                In contrast, we found hagfish gills to be associated with a tremendous capacity for ac
284 pioneering works of Carr-Purcell and Meiboom-Gill, trains of pi-pulses have featured amongst the main
285                                          The gill transcript levels of genes involved in the transpor
286 relaxation data and the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill transverse relaxation dispersion measurements, sugg
287 ter parameters was evaluated with respect to gill uptake and partition coefficients in zebrafish.
288 d dissolved oxygen concentration (regulating gill ventilation).
289 irst physiological function of the ancestral gill was acid-base regulation, and that the gill was lat
290  gill was acid-base regulation, and that the gill was later co-opted for its central role in gas exch
291                                          The gill was the main target organ where immature and mature
292 ion for the first time demonstrated that the gill was the most important route in Hg(II) elimination
293 rive from endoderm [9-12], while gnathostome gills were classically thought to derive from ectoderm [
294 ly, the majority of the CCR7(+) cells in the gills were not myeloid cells and did not express membran
295 As and Se) from the ambient habitat in their gills whereas those from sites with oxic substrata conce
296 CCR7(+) cells significantly decreased in the gills while significantly increased in head kidney.
297 itive 'neuroepithelial cells' (NECs) of fish gills, whose embryonic origin is unknown.
298  to 21 days following inspiration across the gill, with uptake significantly higher into the posterio
299 n at sensory-to-motor neuron synapses of the gill-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia, which undergoes sensi
300 in both the sensory and motor neurons of the gill-withdrawal reflex of Aplysia.

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