


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             Given that a decrease in DBN levels is correlated with cognit
2                                                             Given that about one in three patients had both catatonia and
3                                                             Given that animal movement is suspected to have significantly
4                                                             Given that Bd infection is limited to the skin in post-metamo
5                                                             Given that clinician-based assessments are not known to be st
6                                                             Given that glioblastomas contain both proneural and mesenchym
7                                                             Given that most female cardiologists are pregnant at some poi
8                                                             Given that only 17.9% of these high-risk areas are formally p
9                                                             Given that optimism was associated with numerous causes of mo
10                                                             Given that other painful conditions of the distal extremities
11                                                             Given that our sample size was underpowered to detect genome-
12                                                             Given that overall reef fish diversity is driven by species w
13                                                             Given that prolonged disruptions of normal rhythms are highly
14                                                             Given that RelE has been shown to function in all three domai
15                                                             Given that SIRT5 expression is highest in the heart and that
16                                                             Given that stress prioritizes automatic emotional processing
17                                                             Given that synaptic spines are dynamic structures which regul
18                                                             Given that TGF-beta1 and myocardin (MYOCD) are potent activat
19                                                             Given that the Australia/Madagascar shrimp divergence postdat
20                                                             Given that the effects of climatic fluctuations on local ecos
21                                                             Given that the elongating RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) stalls a
22                                                             Given that the majority of multi-exon genes generate diverse
23                                                             Given that the paleodrainage properties differ along the Braz
24                                                             Given that the patients performed 2.28 SDs below normative st
25                                                             Given that the products are versatile, accessing polyfluorina
26                                                             Given that the propagation of DNA methylation at CpG sites, m
27                                                             Given that the synthesis, morphology, and device physics are
28                                                             Given that these disorders frequently begin in childhood/adol
29                                                             Given that this brain region is often spared in aphasic strok
30                                                             Given that this is the first report of an effect of NAMPT inh
31                                                             Given that TN is unilateral, in TN patients the DPPS of the f
32                                                             Given that vitamin B12 deficiency causes an optic neuropathy
33                                                             Given that we previously reported cultural differences in gro
34                                                             Given that wild-type mouse myosin VIIa is a slow, high-duty r
35                                           Recommendation 1: Given that most patients with acute or subacute low back pain
36      Still, it is unclear how broadly these pathways apply, given that they were established and delineated biochemically
37                                          This is concerning given that more severe periodontal conditions tend to be more
38 dy underscores the therapeutic potential of PrP(C) deletion given that patients already present symptoms at the time of d
39 -field particle acceleration in free space is very doubtful given that first-order electron-photon interactions are forbi
40  people, versus -0.22 for all cities), an important finding given that cities less than 500000 people contain a majority
41 w that Adamts1 is a major mediator of vascular homeostasis, given that genetic haploinsufficiency of Adamts1 in mice caus
42                                                    However, given that the PI3K/Akt/mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR
43 ower number of spirochetes appeared to colonize the kidney, given that we quantified approximately 10(5) and approximatel
44                                                Nonetheless, given that TAVR indications are likely to expand to patients
45  integrate to make such vastly different tissues and organs given that the sequence of the genome in our trillions of cel
46  of this review is to critically assess both possibilities, given that increased stroke rates (if indeed true) should not
47 re vital rates and population dynamics are hard to predict, given that the expected effects differ between seasons.
48  afferents to the pVTA are distinct from those to the RMTg, given that the RMTg is primarily innervated from the LHbL, wh
49 dynamics are relatively more important than in many systems given that hydroperiod is the ultimate factor determining the
50 ability of remaining disease free for an additional 3 years given that the patient had survived without disease at 1, 3,

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