


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lecular compartmentation and mobility can be gleaned.
2 thodological enterprise such that the reader gleans a first hand look at one approach to the creation
3 e to convey some important principles that I gleaned along the way.
4 omid bat assemblage, frugivore ensemble, and gleaning animalivore ensemble within a human-modified la
5                                              Gleaning animalivores exhibited chequerboard structure (
6 mine phylogenetic and structural evidence to glean answers to two general questions regarding PKS evo
7 hod and illustrations of biological insights gleaned are demonstrated on cell line data, mouse models
8 xican coffee plantation, we excluded foliage-gleaning bird and bat predators from coffee plants.
9  data, providing insights beyond what can be gleaned by analyzing different types of molecular data i
10 (HTS) data indicates that information may be gleaned by applying statistical methods to HTS data.
11 ly independent information, two of which are gleaned by comparative analysis of multiple genomes and
12        Significant biological insight can be gleaned by considering the contribution of dynamic prote
13 ariation is maintained because of advantages gleaned by division of labor.
14 tes the abundance of information that can be gleaned by genetic footprinting of viral sequences.
15          Substantial linkage information was gleaned by genotyping and analyzing the unaffected sibli
16 ts into helicase action during splicing were gleaned by isolating and characterizing intragenic suppr
17 H2 metabolism yielded up to 2% of the energy gleaned by microbes from carbon substrate respiration.
18 anisms responsible for working memory can be gleaned by recording from neurons during the performance
19 strates the biological insights which can be gleaned by sequencing the human genome.
20 ed previously (Asp68, Glu91 and Trp143) were gleaned by testing the effects of 18 conservative substi
21           Although much information has been gleaned by these past reports, to a large degree MMP car
22 articular focus on the different information gleaned by various study types.
23 oup antigens and discusses how the knowledge gleaned can be used to target the development of new ant
24 otrophs can fix CO2 without sunlight and can glean energy through the oxidation of reduced elements s
25 beta function in mammalian systems have been gleaned exclusively from cell-free or permeabilized cell
26 ic structure, meaning that no information is gleaned for specific SWCNTs with unique chiral indices.
27 y in ligand-receptor systems is difficult to glean from sequences alone.
28 students to use the Internet teaches them to glean from the glut of available information and to comm
29  species, but the amount of information they glean from these eavesdropped signals is unknown.
30                   These free energetics were gleaned from 30 ns of molecular dynamics simulation on a
31               These were prepared by insight gleaned from a broad use of materials characterisation m
32 gae is highly variable and dynamic, a lesson gleaned from a comparative genomic analysis.
33  the neural basis of visual awareness may be gleaned from a different neuropsychological phenomenon,
34 cause of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis to be gleaned from a more careful study of inflammation or inn
35 uld argue that additional information can be gleaned from a properly performed urodynamic investigati
36 le patients with X-linked retinoschisis were gleaned from a SD OCT database at the University of Illi
37 sm of action of this enzyme, which cannot be gleaned from a static X-ray crystal structure.
38                            Using information gleaned from a systematic study of the main features tha
39 g is aided by correlated dynamic visual cues gleaned from a talker's face-an improvement often attrib
40 e units in epithelial cell biology have been gleaned from a variety of studies including naturally oc
41  red blood cells by combining two properties gleaned from aligned, noncoding genome sequences: a posi
42  primer pairs was guided by general insights gleaned from analysis of all mammalian rp genes whose in
43 longing to such a diverse superfamily can be gleaned from analysis of the proteins and organisms in w
44  However, the ability to utilize information gleaned from animal models to inform clinical care of pa
45 uss the need to translate the wealth of data gleaned from animal studies to the clinical area and thu
46 everything known about its assembly has been gleaned from bacterial transposons.
47 to its structure and function has since been gleaned from biochemical, biophysical, genetic, and mole
48 on the topic, revealing mechanistic insights gleaned from both experimental rodent models and human s
49 tly, insights into their cell biology may be gleaned from comparisons between animals and their close
50 s the value of including dynamic information gleaned from computer simulation in deciphering RTK regu
51 es, confirming and extending the information gleaned from crystal structures and other techniques.
52 nt knowledge of Hsp90 structure and function gleaned from crystallographic studies of individual doma
53 pen and closed conformations in solution was gleaned from distance measurements between the two domai
54  viral and toxin cell entry by using lessons gleaned from each field to inform and benefit one anothe
55                              Further details gleaned from essential dynamics analyses clarify functio
56 xposure classification, although information gleaned from examining distributions of exposure self-re
57 s a function of crystallographic orientation gleaned from experiments and first-principles calculatio
58 crease the amount of information that can be gleaned from experiments.
59                    From mechanistic insights gleaned from fundamental investigations of experimental
60 and PFN1, and evaluate the information being gleaned from genome-wide association studies.
61 n this review, we first present new insights gleaned from high-throughput data for population genomic
62  would explain a large amount of recent data gleaned from high-throughput sequencing and bioinformati
63 ples with a new consideration of the lessons gleaned from history.
64  by applying 17 different definitions of LTF gleaned from HIV literature.
65 ising field, focusing principally on lessons gleaned from immunological principles and clinical thoug
66  understanding of it is based on information gleaned from imprinting, X chromosome inactivation, and
67                           Much gain has been gleaned from indexing and compressing alignment database
68                                     Insights gleaned from kinetic, crystallographic and computational
69 tance of lamins to cellular viability can be gleaned from laminopathies, severe disorders caused by m
70         First, we show parallels in insights gleaned from linking Arrhenius and Michaelis-Menten kine
71  data are mtDNA sequences for 17 populations gleaned from literature sources and public databases.
72                                     Insights gleaned from mechanistic studies offered the potential f
73 f basic biology will aid in translating data gleaned from mice to humans so that Treg therapies becom
74 y biostatisticians use R to process the data gleaned from microarray analysis and there is even a ded
75 igin argues that additional knowledge can be gleaned from multiple populations.
76 mmatory responses, pain, and fever have been gleaned from our current understanding of eicosanoid bio
77 teins suggests that the mechanistic insights gleaned from our studies may be broadly applicable to fa
78                          Structural features gleaned from our studies should aid the design of Env-ba
79 h more common vascular pathologies, insights gleaned from our understanding of allograft vasculopathy
80                         Mechanistic insights gleaned from para-hydrogen induced polarization (PHIP) t
81  knowledge of sensory cortical plasticity is gleaned from perceptual learning studies that improve vi
82  niche is a key link between the information gleaned from planar culture and in vivo physiology and p
83 he immunobiology of allogeneic HSCT has been gleaned from preclinical models and correlation with cli
84                  Integration of Treg biology gleaned from preclinical models and experiences in human
85                     We group point variation gleaned from public databases by their wild-type and mut
86 ved by HPLC with the vibrational information gleaned from Raman detection, an information-rich multiv
87              This review summarizes insights gleaned from recent in vitro and in vivo studies of the
88 rspective on the composition of proteomes as gleaned from recent quantitative proteomics studies.
89 ytokinesis in somatic cells of higher plants gleaned from recent studies using cell biology, genetics
90                Here, we discuss new insights gleaned from recent work showing that kinases can also i
91                    Additional information is gleaned from relative rate experiments that unambiguousl
92 emonstrate how structural information may be gleaned from relatively low-resolution nanotube 13C NMR
93                    Also, the SAR information gleaned from ring A-substituted analogues varies signifi
94 lmonellae emphasize the insights that can be gleaned from sequencing genomes of a single species.
95 ights into microbial community dynamics were gleaned from short 16S rRNA tag (Itag) Illumina sequenci
96  structural, dynamic and functional insights gleaned from site-directed spin labelling and electron p
97             Recent advances in liver surgery gleaned from split and live donor liver transplantation
98 pair, as well as insight into these proteins gleaned from structure determination of domains of these
99 ion in molecularly defined high-risk disease gleaned from studies in newly diagnosed myeloma.
100 o the underlying kinetics beyond what can be gleaned from studies of average rates alone.
101                                     Insights gleaned from studies of model organisms, chiefly rodents
102 he genetics of skin cancer susceptibility as gleaned from studies of three hereditary syndromes: basa
103 and by inference in other bacteria, has been gleaned from study of less than 25 of the approximately
104                               Lessons can be gleaned from studying fields related to plasticity, such
105 nded and non-bonded interactions may also be gleaned from such distributions and SEPDA can be used as
106      Furthermore, the utility of information gleaned from such studies and the implications for publi
107  expression events, and show how information gleaned from such studies can be applied to yield improv
108                     Structural topology data gleaned from such studies can be used to determine the f
109 ghts cardinal biologic and clinical insights gleaned from systematic cancer genome characterization.
110     Molecular therapies harnessing knowledge gleaned from the aforementioned groundwork, including st
111 ty to cyclosporine A, as well as information gleaned from the alignment of Gag residues encoded by re
112           Insights into proteopathic strains gleaned from the classical prion diseases can be profita
113  a distributional mode, where information is gleaned from the distributional statistics (word co-occu
114 ot known to what extent mechanistic insights gleaned from the ELIC structure translate to eukaryotic
115 l is constructed on the basis of information gleaned from the experimental biology literature and def
116 ategy can be derived from simple expressions gleaned from the expression for the basic reproductive n
117                                   Principles gleaned from the field of developmental psychopathology
118                            Extending results gleaned from the genetic studies, we demonstrate that th
119 virulence behavior of N. meningitidis can be gleaned from the genome, in which sequences for structur
120 ential biological information beyond what is gleaned from the genome.
121 failure patients, additional information was gleaned from the intensive care literature and literatur
122       We employ molecular binding parameters gleaned from the literature and from simulation of cell-
123               In both databases, information gleaned from the literature is presented in a consistent
124 ly calculated using the hyperfine splittings gleaned from the orientational dependent EPR spectra.
125 but cannot compare to all of the information gleaned from the radiograph.
126     We also discuss systems biology insights gleaned from the recent advances in biotechnology and bi
127  describing some of the insights that can be gleaned from the sequence.
128 ng genetic ancestry based on the information gleaned from the SNP array.
129                                 The evidence gleaned from the solid-state structures was corroborated
130  sequence and conformational characteristics gleaned from the structural database, we present an over
131 etailed understanding of retrovirus biology (gleaned from the study of extant retroviruses).
132 totoxic granule-mediated apoptosis have been gleaned from the study of the effects of isolated granzy
133  is known about the process but clues can be gleaned from the study of X-monosomic females who are ha
134 he pathophysiology of acute kidney injury is gleaned from the temporal change markers of renal injury
135 tural dynamics of these intermediates can be gleaned from the time-dependent changes in local probes
136 ciated injury, and patient outcome data were gleaned from the trauma registry.
137  describing some of the insights that can be gleaned from the two sequences.
138 fluenced, and even dominated, by information gleaned from their peers' behaviour, rather than by thei
139                         Mechanistic insights gleaned from theoretical calculations of the putative tr
140                                     Insights gleaned from these calculations indicate that the solven
141 of techniques to represent and organize data gleaned from these cohorts, many using ideas implicitly
142                                         Data gleaned from these mutants suggest that the handoff of d
143                                  Information gleaned from these studies has allowed pathway engineeri
144         Critically, the mechanistic insights gleaned from these studies have resulted not only in a b
145                                 The insights gleaned from these studies may also elucidate the roles
146                     In parallel, information gleaned from these studies on driver cancer gene alterat
147                                    Knowledge gleaned from these studies shows promise for defining no
148 omains suggest that the mechanistic insights gleaned from these studies will prove general for this c
149    The present review highlights information gleaned from these studies, especially in terms of their
150 ained in genome-scale data sets and insights gleaned from these studies.
151 o this excellent outcome and how information gleaned from these trials has led to the development of
152                                 The insights gleaned from these unusual systems have permitted a deep
153                              The information gleaned from this first set of simulations is then used
154  given the more precise insights that can be gleaned from this more easily expressed and assayed mono
155                   The structural information gleaned from this novel pocket offers a new angle for th
156                                  Information gleaned from this study may help guide the development o
157         Here we highlight some major lessons gleaned from this wealth of experience.
158                        The chemical insights gleaned from this work pave the foundation toward defini
159                   We proposed that knowledge gleaned from those methods could be further refined usin
160                                 The insights gleaned from treatment development in rare phenocopy syn
161 a tryptase were discovered using information gleaned from tripeptide library screening and structure-
162 is web interface and what information may be gleaned from using this interactive option.
163  invasive procedures, information was mainly gleaned from virus in blood.
164 he immune system uses to recognize bacteria, glean information about fundamental cell wall architectu
165 ides an additional tool which can be used to glean information from genetic data and can be used in c
166                 Diffusion NMR can be used to glean information on the (effective) size and shape of m
167 lade characterized by unique adaptations for gleaning insects, hard nuts, and seeds from the forest f
168 actions with PRRs at the molecular level may glean insight into host defense mechanisms as well as in
169 d across each state in the United States, to glean insight into the drivers of polio's historical exp
170 netically dissect the enzyme and allow us to glean insight into the mechanism of substrate binding an
171                                           To glean insight into the relationship between embryonic an
172                                           To glean insights into the biological role of PNPLA3, we ex
173                                           To glean insights into the functional role of Coa4 in CcO b
174 A wide range of approaches are available for gleaning insights from the data obtained from such exper
175  this theoretical framework, researchers are gleaning insights into long-standing problems in the fie
176 of genotype-phenotype correlations, insights gleaned into the molecular basis of disease, and availab
177 h an emphasis on the insights that have been gleaned into the structural and mechanistic features tha
178  many cancer biologists and oncologists from gleaning knowledge from these data regarding the nature
179                          Since then, we have gleaned little understanding of how contact inhibition i
180  summary of oxidative stress biochemistry as gleaned mainly from studies of humans exercising at high
181 ic variant detection is an essential step in gleaning medically useful information from genome data.
182 tegy whereby this information can be used to glean more detailed structural information from the part
183                To validate the structure and glean more insights into function, we tested structure-b
184 ll arch evolution were driven by information gleaned mostly from both modern cartilaginous (chondrich
185 ecessary in order to maximize the chances of gleaning non-trivial structural and functional inference
186 nd shape the cellular transcriptome has been gleaned primarily from studies of individual genes or ge
187 ctroscopy, a statistical-physics-based tool, gleans quantitative information from the spontaneously f
188                                 The insights gleaned should help to address several pressing global h
189                 During the past year we have gleaned significant new information about patients who a
190 ular, is to compare morphologies in order to glean structural and functional commonalities.
191 on spectroscopy (XPS) data are correlated to glean the effects of Ge surface chemistry to the electri
192 tic conflict due to convergence, we advocate gleaning the additional power of the threefold increase
193                                         Upon gleaning the complex and addition of initiator oligonucl
194                                  This review gleans these different strategies and highlights the lea
195  biological properties of proteins are often gleaned through comparative analysis of evolutionary rel
196 e mechanism of aryl isocyanate formation was gleaned through studies of the transmetalation and reduc
197 ular developmental biology and morphogenesis gleaned through studies on inductive signals, responding
198                The information that has been gleaned thus far points to a remarkable degree of divers
199 s are reviewed here along with the knowledge gleaned to date from each model system.
200  from each patient and using the information gleaned to test improvements can become part of daily me
201 e of sophisticated statistical techniques to glean useful information.
202 s paper we took a systematic approach, named GLEAN-UTR, to identify small stem-loop RNA structure ele
203                              The information gleaned was used to localize tropomyosin on F-actin, yie

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