


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r reductions in cellular volume (neurons and glia).
2 of P2X4, P2X7, IL6, IL-1beta mRNA in enteric glia.
3 h naive and lipopolysaccharide-treated mixed glia.
4 , including neuroepithelial cells and radial glia.
5 ina cells requires a signaling relay through glia.
6 renew and generate differentiated neurons or glia.
7  and apoptosis in the same brain neurons and glia.
8 ts requires interactions between neurons and glia.
9 in phosphorylated tau in retinal neurons and glia.
10 ng molecule broadly expressed by neurons and glia.
11  non-CpG methylation distinguish neurons and glia.
12 lpha in the ilea of Tat+ mice and by enteric glia.
13 opolysaccharide (LPS) on enteric neurons and glia.
14    We propose that these cells are planarian glia.
15 ol oxidative stress and death of neurons and glia.
16 nd late-stage progenitors or maturing Muller glia.
17 nts by membranous processes from ensheathing glia.
18 stream transcriptional responses in reactive glia.
19 generate a diverse population of neurons and glia.
20 roblasts utilize INPs to produce neurons and glia.
21 2+) ([Ca(2+) ]i ) in inspiratory neurons and glia.
22 tein, which results in fusion of neurons and glia.
23 he gap-junction component innexin2 in cortex glia.
24 arget of rapamycin signaling in outer radial glia.
25 roduced from neural stem cells termed radial glia [1, 2].
26                        For instance, enteric glia, a collection of glial cells residing within the wa
27  identified a mitotic defect in outer radial glia, a progenitor subtype that is largely absent from l
28 ablation of other CNS cell types, and radial glia ablation also compromises the subsequent formation
29            These findings imply that enteric glia activation is a significant modulator of morphine-r
30              Expressed and active in surface glia, AdamTS-A acts in parallel to perlecan and in oppos
31                                              Glia also alter gene expression patterns in response to
32                                      Enteric glia also interact with various non-neuronal cell types
33 alopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia (ALSP) is a frequent cause of adult-onset leukodyst
34                         We show that enteric glia and all enteric neuronal subtypes appear to be deri
35  a subset of bipolar cells as well as Muller glia and astrocytes.
36 ogenic transcription factors in early radial glia and enriched activation of mammalian target of rapa
37                                      Because glia and glial-derived growth cone repellent factors (es
38 the role of these effects of inflammation on glia and glutamate in mood disorders will be discussed a
39  glutamine synthetase (GS) in astrocyte-like glia and in changes in the gap-junction component innexi
40                       We show that p75NTR in glia and in pericytes mediate ligand-dependent induction
41 ose of this study was to examine the retinal glia and investigate whether a CMZ is present in the eye
42 the glial scar-specifically, astrocytes, NG2 glia and microglia.
43  fractionator for reliable quantification of glia and neurons in neurological and psychiatric disease
44             Moreover, loss of cycling NG2(+) glia and pericytes caused significant multicellular tiss
45 ablation of distinct populations of neurons, glia and pericytes in the mouse brain and in zebrafish.
46 CHIN-1 and KPC-1 function noncanonically, in glia and pioneer neurons, for guidance-cue trafficking.
47  prevented the accumulation of pS6 in Muller glia and reduced numbers of proliferating MGPCs.
48                                     Bergmann glia and retinal Muller cells, nonforebrain astrocytes t
49  function rests with supportive cells termed glia and the blood-brain barrier.
50  thus show the miRNA profile of adult Muller glia and the effects of cell culture on their levels.
51 s the anatomical arrangement of mouse Muller glia and their network in the radial and tangential plan
52                                    Planarian glia and their regulation by Hedgehog signaling present
53 ere we present a current view of the enteric glia and their regulatory roles in gastrointestinal (GI)
54 enolic glycolipid 1 (PGL-1) with myelinating glia and their subsequent infection.
55 P1-expressing cells, which represent enteric glia and/or neural progenitors.
56  adhesion between NBs and neighboring cortex glia, and between NBs and their ganglion mother cell dau
57 fr2 signaling: vegfab is expressed by radial glia, and genetic or pharmacological inhibition of Vegfa
58 echanisms and by interactions among neurons, glia, and immune and other cells.
59 he intestine, differentiate into neurons and glia, and pattern into two plexuses within the gut wall.
60 s (NSCs) differentiate into both neurons and glia, and strategies using human NSCs have the potential
61                                       Muller glia are capable of de-differentiating and proliferating
62            Furthermore, we found that larval glia are enriched for serum response factor expression,
63                                              Glia are implicated as active participants in these chan
64               We demonstrate that C. elegans glia are key for assembly initiation, guiding pioneer an
65 lar mechanisms underlying these responses in glia are not fully understood.
66 liminate glia in mice, we found that enteric glia are not required for maintenance of the intestinal
67                                 In addition, glia are now increasingly appreciated as active regulato
68 ation increase; this led to the concept that glia are required for maintenance of the gastrointestina
69               In these mice, PLP1-expressing glia are selectively eliminated without affecting neighb
70      Contrary to widespread notions, enteric glia are therefore not required for epithelial homeostas
71 een spinal motor axons and their ensheathing glia are vital for forming and maintaining functional sp
72 itors derived from ventricular apical radial glia (aRG) that selectively lose their apical processes.
73  scar, is a structural formation of reactive glia around an area of severe tissue damage.
74        We document the extension of neuropil glia around the nascent EB and BU, and analyze the relat
75 ar alterations, and in particular changes in glia, as evidenced by increase in the average diffusivit
76 nteractions between the axon and myelinating glia at the nodal gap (i.e., NF186) and the paranodal ju
77  However, the prevalence of the two types of glia at the node has remained unknown.
78 ce, YFP initially expressed predominantly by glia becomes expressed by neurons following colitis, wit
79 al radial glia (bRG) and cerebellar Bergmann glia (BG) are basal progenitors derived from ventricular
80              Focusing on cerebellar Bergmann glia (BG) cells, which exhibit the highest rate of Cre-m
81 t a novel tractable system for dissection of glia biology.
82                     Neocortical basal radial glia (bRG) and cerebellar Bergmann glia (BG) are basal p
83 lly basal progenitors including basal radial glia (bRGs) and intermediate progenitor cells (IPCs).
84 ted, with greater myelination impairment and glia burden, and showing a marked loss of Purkinje cells
85 clovir to Gfap(HSV-TK) mice eliminated fewer glia but caused considerable non-glial toxicity and epit
86 tion, which we then used to find that Muller glia, but not RPE cells, are essential for this process.
87 endothelial cells covered with pericytes and glia, but the role of the pericytes in BRB regulation is
88  7 miRNAs with high expression levels in the glia, but very low levels in the retinal neurons.
89      The concerted production of neurons and glia by neural stem cells (NSCs) is essential for neural
90 ine cells at postnatal (P) day 5, and Muller glia by P10, when horizontal cells also transiently exhi
91                           Conversely, normal glia can ameliorate disease phenotype in transgenic HD m
92 f the intestinal epithelium requires enteric glia can be attributed to non-glial toxicity in Gfap(HSV
93     Here, we demonstrate that retinal Muller glia can be reprogrammed in vivo into retinal precursors
94 est transcriptional differences among radial glia cascade into robust typological distinctions among
95 ial growth, and selective ablation of cortex glia causes animal lethality.
96 Reducing GAD1 in metastatic cells by primary glia cell coculture abolished the capacity of metastatic
97 ify Dmrt5 as a novel regulator of the neuron-glia cell-fate switch in the developing hippocampus.
98                     Regulation of the neuron-glia cell-fate switch is a critical step in the developm
99 y regulated network that controls the neuron-glia cell-fate switch.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We identify
100 use brains prolongs the cell cycle of radial glia cells and extends cortical neurogenesis into postna
101 rogenitors, resulting in an excess of radial glia cells at the expense of intermediate progenitors an
102              Panx1 deletion in GFAP-positive glia cells prevented hypersensitivity completely, wherea
103 d Cry2 in the hemispherical layer of laminal glia cells underneath the retina.
104 plexiform vascular endothelial cells, Muller glia cells, and the basolateral side of the retinal pigm
105 ession and enhanced ATP release from enteric glia cells.
106 olonged cell cycle and maintenance of radial glia cells.
107       Based on our findings, we propose that glia clear neurotoxic Abeta peptides in the AD model Dro
108                    We found that hCS-derived glia closely resemble primary human fetal astrocytes and
109                            In primary neuron-glia co-cultures from P0 mouse hippocampi, male neurons
110 d FACS sorting to show that, in mixed neuron glia co-cultures, activity-dependent regulation of metab
111         We will also discuss novel neuron-to-glia communication pathways involving endogenous danger
112                         These include radial glia comparable to Type E and Type B cells, and a neuron
113 enance of cortex glial morphology and neuron-glia contact.
114         Mechanistically, we find that radial glia control these processes via Vegfab/Vegfr2 signaling
115 glutamate from pre-synaptic terminals and by glia-derived ATP.
116 ated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of the glia-derived N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor antagonis
117 of mTor signaling in the formation of Muller glia-derived progenitor cells (MGPCs) in the chick retin
118 entiating and proliferating to become Muller glia-derived progenitor cells (MGPCs) with the ability t
119                            Most prominently, glia-derived TNF-alpha has been shown to regulate homeos
120        Here we show that CNS-resident radial glia direct the vascularization of neighboring tissues d
121                     In MMP-1 depleted flies, glia do not properly infiltrate neuropil regions after a
122 nto different classes of enteric neurons and glia during development.
123 mal models to modify the activity of enteric glia, either reducing glial expression of connexin 43 in
124 4 (AQP4) is highly expressed at perivascular glia end-feet in the mammalian brain and may, with this
125 e preparation to mechanically isolate radial glia endfeet from the soma, and we use photoconvertible
126 ly activate/inhibit all cell types (neurons, glia, endothelial cells, oligodendrocytes) in the stimul
127  AD model flies, supporting a model in which glia engulf and destroy Abeta peptides to reduce amyloid
128 ostral migratory stream (RMS) is viewed as a glia-enriched conduit of forward-migrating neuroblasts i
129 ve pathway in FTLD-MAPT in which neurons and glia exhibit mitotic spindle abnormalities, chromosome m
130 singly, in the presence of OPCs, perineurial glia exited the CNS normally.
131           In contrast, virtually all enteric glia express proteolipid protein 1 (PLP1).
132 ich, regulated local transcriptome in radial glia, far from the soma, and establish a tractable mamma
133 e properties of AMPAR channels in peripheral glia; for example, their Ca(2+) permeability and single-
134                The generation of neurons and glia from radial glia progenitors is critical to proper
135 of the neural retina, we isolated the Muller glia from Rlbp-CreER: Stop(f/f)-tdTomato mice by means o
136 vious opinion, the derivation of neurons and glia from the central canal (CC) lining of the spinal co
137 ressing cells selectively eliminated enteric glia from the small and large intestines, but caused no
138                                              Glia (from Greek gammalambdaomicroniotaalpha meaning 'gl
139 d proliferation dynamics in neurogenesis and glia generation remain unknown.
140 mous Lgl1 functions controlling RGP-mediated glia genesis and postnatal NSC behavior.
141                                              Glia have been implicated in schizophrenia, although whe
142  a potent transcription factor that controls glia, hemocyte, and tendon cell differentiation in Droso
143                                 Many enteric glia, however, particularly in the mucosa, do not expres
144                              Consequences on glia in AD are generally thought to be secondary effects
145              Our study identifies a role for glia in coordinating neuronal development across distinc
146  of cells using our system reveals roles for glia in dendrite extension.
147 is has been observed, but the role of radial glia in generating these new neurons is unclear.
148 s, LPAC is found in neurons, astrocytes, and glia in gray matter, and antisense QAGR proteins accumul
149 mains unknown about the functions of enteric glia in health and disease.
150  this study, we examined the role of enteric glia in mediating this secondary inflammatory response t
151 ed to express cellular toxins that eliminate glia in mice, intestinal epithelial permeability and pro
152 g the Plp1 promoter to selectively eliminate glia in mice, we found that enteric glia are not require
153 till do not know whether App plays a role in glia in nonpathological conditions.
154 ug-dependent changes in neurons, the role of glia in opiate addiction remains largely unstudied.
155        Importantly, we show a novel role for glia in positioning dendrites of specific motoneurons; P
156 (Mmp1) are activated downstream of Draper in glia in response to Abeta42(arc) exposure.
157 ter understand the plasticity of perineurial glia in response to myelin perturbations, we identified
158 on regarding a CMZ and the nature of retinal glia in species phylogenetically bridging amphibians and
159 evidence for the importance of this class of glia in supporting nervous system function.
160 renia, thereby suggesting a primary role for glia in the complex disease pathogenesis.
161 etection of interactions between neurons and glia in the Drosophila nervous system.
162 describe the morphogenesis of astrocyte-like glia in the Drosophila optic lobe, and through a RNAi sc
163  we show that selective Ca(2+) activation of glia in the mouse arcuate nucleus (ARC) reversibly induc
164   The functional role of genetic variants in glia in the pathogenesis of psychiatric disorders remain
165 ate the incredible plasticity of perineurial glia in the presence of myelin perturbations.SIGNIFICANC
166 hese results reveal an important role of ARC glia in the regulation of energy homeostasis through its
167 This review examines the fundamental role of glia in the regulation of glutamate, followed by a descr
168      We find that genetic ablation of radial glia in zebrafish larvae leads to a complete loss of the
169 required for the formation of Gli activator (GliA) in wild-type but not in Sufu mutant cells.
170 ells but also to other cell types, including glia, in cochlea undergoing development, maturation and
171  Neural injury triggers swift responses from glia, including glial migration and phagocytic clearance
172  response to myelination, how myelin-forming glia influence nodal assembly is poorly understood.
173      These results revealed that neuroimmune-glia interactions at the sensory ganglia play a critical
174 cific membrane proteins implicated in neuron-glia interactions during central nervous system developm
175 acterized for the first time the neuroimmune-glia interactions in the sensory ganglia that account fo
176 ropagation, the formation of the nodes, axon-glia interactions, and demyelination diseases.
177            This reveals a new aspect of axon-glia interactions, with Schwann cell lipid metabolism re
178 r elucidating mechanisms that mediate neuron-glia interactions.
179 ways that drives the reprogramming of Muller glia into MGPCs in the zebrafish retina is the Jak/Stat-
180 nd bipolar cells, while the number of Muller glia is increased.
181 euronal size, synaptic density and number of glia is normal in B6.Htt(Q111/+) striatum, the most vuln
182 tic differences that distinguish neurons and glia is of fundamental importance to the nascent field o
183 r, mosaic overexpression of Vegfab in radial glia is sufficient to partially rescue the VTA formation
184                        Since one role of NG2 glia is that of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs),
185 ervous system, comprising 222 neurons and 56 glia, is attractive for comprehensive studies of develop
186 show that proliferating NG2(+) pericytes and glia largely segregate into the fibrotic and glial scars
187 ures characteristic of (1) neurogenic radial glia-like cells (resembling neural stem cells in the SVZ
188 ified a pool of embryonically derived radial glia-like cells present in the meninges that migrate and
189                 We define previously unknown glia-like cells that take up GABA, as well as 'GABA upta
190 ent stages of neurogenesis, including radial glia-like cells, intermediate progenitors, neuroblasts,
191 iate phenotype, possibly representing radial glia-like meningeal cells differentiating to neuronal ce
192 ivity due to a reduced number of both radial glia-like neural stem cells (type-1 cells) and intermedi
193 barrier (BBB) and then across the astrocytic glia limitans (GL).
194 olleagues demonstrate that astrocytes of the glia limitans induce tight junction formation in respons
195        The blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the glia limitans serve to prevent the migration of cells an
196 y indicate that the inducible barrier of the glia limitans should be further explored as a therapeuti
197 e nearly all neocortical neurons and certain glia lineages.
198 ve pressure resulted in activation of Muller glia, loss of photoreceptor cells, and an increase in ph
199  spatially restricted trajectories of radial glia maturation and neurogenesis in developing human tel
200 bound to three different inhibitory ligands: glia maturation factor (GMF), Coronin, and Arpin.
201                                              Glia maturation factor-gamma (GMFG), a novel regulator o
202  cell autonomous changes in both neurons and glia may contribute to C9orf72-mediated disease, as has
203 2-expressing cell populations, pericytes and glia, may also influence scar formation.
204 e intricate molecular mechanisms that govern glia-mediated regulation are beginning to be discovered,
205     Connexin-purinergic signaling in enteric glia mediates the prolonged effect of morphine on consti
206                                       Muller glia (MG) are the only glial cell type produced by the n
207 te their retina following injury, and Muller glia (MG) are the source of regenerated neurons.
208                                       Muller glia (MG) function as inducible retinal stem cells in ze
209 Key to this regenerative response are Muller glia (MG) that respond to injury by reprogramming and ad
210 on of Dicer1 (Dicer-CKOMG) in retinal Muller glia (MG).
211 sual system, astrocyte-like medulla neuropil glia (mng) variants acquire stereotypic morphologies wit
212  the beta or gamma laminin subunit disrupted glia morphology and led to ER expansion and stress due t
213 inin gamma subunit (LanB2) in the peripheral glia of Drosophila melanogaster results in the disruptio
214  observations on reptile eyes to the CMZ and glia of fish, amphibians, and birds.
215 ation that is intermingled with the Bergmann glia of the adult murine cerebellar cortex, expresses th
216  is enriched at the apical endfeet of radial glia of the neocortex.
217 adult and young (postnatal day 11/12) Muller glia of the neural retina, we isolated the Muller glia f
218            Schwann cells are the myelinating glia of the peripheral nervous system and dysfunction of
219 e array of derivatives including neurons and glia of the peripheral nervous system, melanocytes, and
220             Schwann cells (SCs), ensheathing glia of the peripheral nervous system, support axonal su
221               Muller glia, the most abundant glia of vertebrate retina, have an elaborate morphology
222 eceptor (AMPAR)-mediated currents in the PNS glia of vertebrates and provide new insights into the pr
223 s, which are normally present in neurons and glia or are endogenously generated in these cells under
224  Targeted deletion of Panx1 in GFAP-positive glia or in neurons revealed distinct effects.
225 tural studies have revealed the presence of "glia" or "astrocytes" at the nodes.
226                The local precision of Muller glia organization suggests that their morphology is scul
227 fractionator, has challenged the notion that glia outnumber neurons and revived a question that was w
228 t (MIFKO) had greater accumulation of Muller glia pERK expression in the detached retina, suggesting
229                                  Myelinating glia play a fundamental role in promoting the maturation
230                                       Muller glia play diverse, critical roles in retinal homeostasis
231 l that acutely dividing NG2(+) pericytes and glia play fundamental roles in post-SCI tissue remodelin
232 in (TSPO), which is upregulated in activated glia (predominantly microglia), can be measured as an in
233            In response to photoreceptor-EGF, glia produce insulin-like peptides, which induce lamina
234           Each neuronal lineage (the neurons/glia produced from a single stem cell) can contain multi
235 results suggest that NSC-mediated neuron and glia production is tightly regulated through the concert
236 a deterministic characteristic of neuron and glia production.
237    In the developing cerebral cortex, radial glia progenitors (RGPs) generate nearly all neocortical
238 e generation of neurons and glia from radial glia progenitors is critical to proper neocortical devel
239 tosis is sufficient to alter fates of radial glia progeny and define a new paradigm to understand how
240 pheral ensheathing glia, such as perineurial glia, properly encase the motor nerve despite this chang
241 isruption of Ca(2+) signaling pathway in ARC glia reduces food intake.
242  that introduction of trpml(+) in phagocytic glia rescued the locomotor deficit by removing early dyi
243  mice, as striatal transplantation of normal glia rescues aspects of electrophysiological and behavio
244 m binding adaptor molecule 1 for neurons and glia, respectively, as well as the absence of behavioral
245 MMP-1), is induced in Drosophila ensheathing glia responding to severed axons.
246 Appl inhibition in astrocyte-like and cortex glia resulted in higher sleep amounts and longer sleep b
247  c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signalling in glia, resulting in changes in transcriptional reporters
248 -expressing neurons with E4-expressing mixed glia results in a significantly higher level of tumour-n
249 ecifically, knockdown of LanB2 in peripheral glia results in accumulation of the beta subunit (LanB1)
250 IPs) are derived from the multipotent radial glia (RGs) and serve as the direct precursors for cerebr
251                 Neurons co-cultured with EKO glia showed the greatest viability with the lowest level
252 ogress has been made in understanding neuron-glia signaling at synaptic and axonal contacts, but how
253           Previously, we identified a neuron-glia signaling pathway whereby Abeta acts as an upstream
254 modify glial activity and found that enteric glia significantly contribute to the neurogenic ion tran
255 ely with neuronal cell bodies) to understand glia-soma interactions.
256                  We then characterize Muller glia spatial patterning, revealing how individual cells
257                        In glioma models, the glia-specific architecture is present in tumors, and the
258                                              Glia-specific depletion of CXCR4/CXCR7 in mice abrogated
259                                CsAChBP and a glia-specific homeodomain CsREPO were both expressed in
260 pG-hypermethylation punctuated by regions of glia-specific hypermethylation.
261 human neurons, we show that ApoE secreted by glia stimulates neuronal Abeta production with an ApoE4
262       Failure to establish the FGF-dependent glia structure disrupts precise ORN axon targeting and d
263 er, whether remaining peripheral ensheathing glia, such as perineurial glia, properly encase the moto
264 ing at synaptic and axonal contacts, but how glia support neuronal cell bodies is unclear.
265 types, including brain, purified neurons and glia, T lymphocytes, and placenta, and identify 795 hap-
266 cells of the vasculature and the neurons and glia that abut the vasculature.
267                      In parallel, the radial glia that contact the ventricle develop distinct gene ex
268 The effects were observed in the perineurial glia that envelope the peripheral and central nervous sy
269 tivity was significantly enhanced in enteric glia that were isolated from mice with long-term morphin
270                              How perineurial glia, the ensheathing cells that form the protective blo
271                                       Muller glia, the most abundant glia of vertebrate retina, have
272 lls in different colors, we find that Muller glia tile retinal space with minimal overlap.
273                          We show that cortex glia tile with one another and with astrocytes to establ
274 wo pathways may converge at the level of the glia to contribute to neuropsychiatric disease.
275 es, anatomy, and innervation, cooperate with glia to mediate follower-axon guidance.
276 nt (in vivo) but not upon direct exposure of glia to morphine (in vitro).
277       Both 2D and 3D cultures had comparable glia to neuron ratio and the percentage of GABAergic inh
278 otC inspiratory neurons and cultured preBotC glia to purinergic agents demonstrated that the P2Y1 rec
279 ceptor acts cell-autonomously in ensheathing glia to regulate process extension so as to insulate eac
280 ciated with reduced recruitment of activated glia to the site of injury.
281 om local interneurons, instructs ensheathing glia to wrap each glomerulus.
282 2Y1 receptors on inspiratory neurons (and/or glia) to evoke Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores
283                 This observation led to the "glia-to-neuron lactate shuttle hypothesis," but in vivo
284 he treatment resulted in the polarization of glia toward a prohealing phenotype associated with reduc
285           Proper development of the CNS axon-glia unit requires bi-directional communication between
286 lammatory cytokines, disruption of the neuro-glia-vascular unit, promotion of blood-retina barrier br
287 , is also important for laminin secretion in glia via a collagen-independent mechanism.
288 ypothesis, highlights the ventricular radial glia (vRG) scaffold as a key architectonic feature of th
289 involved remain unresolved, infection of NG2 glia was recently observed to correlate spatially and te
290                  By modulating Kon levels in glia, we could prevent or promote CNS repair.
291             In freshly isolated adult Muller glia, we identified 7 miRNAs with high expression levels
292  cells, displaced amacrine cells, and Muller glia were generated between Fd76 and Fd135 along the sam
293  activation in response to O3 Further, aging glia were more sensitive to the proinflammatory effects
294 retinoid cycle was inhibited, or when Muller glia were poisoned.
295 ost nothing is known about App's function in glia, where it is also expressed, and can potentially pa
296 he growth and functions of Drosophila cortex glia (which associate almost exclusively with neuronal c
297 bled the tracing of fine processes of radial glia, which are not resolvable with diffraction-limited
298 production expands the number of neurons and glia with early temporal fate at the expense of cells wi
299 se from previous studies, we also eliminated glia with ganciclovir in Gfap(HSV-TK) mice.
300  miRNA expression of acutely isolated Muller glia with those that were maintained in dissociated cult

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