


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hat recognized epitopes from gamma-and omega-gliadin.
2  samples at levels comparable with those for gliadin.
3 educed in the presence of partially digested gliadin.
4 -cell factors in driving mucosal response to gliadin.
5 e of a peptic-tryptic digest (P-T digest) of gliadin.
6 iac disease from the accidental ingestion of gliadin.
7 GS, and omega-gliadins over alpha- and gamma-gliadins.
8 8(+) T cell epitopes mapped within the gamma-gliadins.
9 precipitated glutenins more efficiently than gliadins.
10 surface hydrophobicity of glutenins, but not gliadins.
11            A synthetic gene coding for gamma-gliadin 1 (GG1) was expressed in Escherichia coli.
12                            Recombinant gamma-gliadin 1 (rGG1) was purified and characterized biochemi
13 e NC-IBS group, 6.51% had antibodies against gliadin, 1.22% against tissue transglutaminase, and 0.61
14 k III as very low molecular weight monomeric gliadins (10-28kDa), peak IV and V, collectively, as alb
15  signified glutenins (30-130kDa), peak II as gliadins (20-55kDa), peak III as very low molecular weig
16 din binds to CXCR3 and that at least 2 alpha-gliadin 20mer synthetic peptides are involved in this bi
17 liac patients by the detection of gluten and gliadin 33-mer equivalent peptidic epitopes (33EPs) in h
18           A model peptide sequenced in alpha-gliadin, 33-mer (LQLQPFPQPQLPYPQPQLPYPQPQLPYPQPQPF), was
19 complexes and intestinal permeability to the gliadin 3H-p31-49 peptide were analyzed in polarized mon
20          Our data also suggest that alpha-II-gliadin 62-70 is a DM-suppressed epitope.
21                    Levels of IgG directed at gliadin (a component of gluten) and casein (a milk prote
22 ty (ROA) spectra of the wheat proteins alpha-gliadin (A-gliadin), omega-gliadin, and a 30 kDa peptide
23 ized by intestinal inflammation triggered by gliadin, a component of dietary gluten.
24  an immune-mediated enteropathy triggered by gliadin, a component of the grain protein gluten.
25                      We investigated whether gliadin, a protein present in wheat flour, could activat
26                                              Gliadins, a fraction of gluten proteins, are the main co
27 nvestigate the immune reactivity of the anti-gliadin Ab response toward neural proteins.
28 erized the binding of affinity-purified anti-gliadin Abs from immunized animals to brain proteins by
29                                         Anti-gliadin Abs from patients with celiac disease also bound
30                                        Alpha-gliadin affinity column was loaded with intestinal mucos
31 c disease were immunoglobulins, IgA/IgG anti-gliadin (AGA), and endomysial antibodies (EMA).
32                         After gluten gavage, gliadin amount and proteolytic activities were measured
33 leukocyte antigen type and detection of anti-gliadin and anti-transglutaminase 2 antibodies to identi
34 ave a significant role in the degradation of gliadin and antigen production.
35                     Our results suggest that gliadin and beta-glucan stimulate IL-23 secretion throug
36  T cell lines at levels similar to those for gliadin and caused secretion of cytokines from cultured
37 results suggest that the duplicates of alpha-gliadin and GLR genes have likely taken different evolut
38                                        Known gliadin and glutenin sequences were largely determined t
39 aricain appears to be capable of detoxifying gliadin and has the potential to mitigate the problems c
40 y using murine monoclonal antibodies against gliadin and high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits.
41 ) or 2-propanol (75 degrees C) decreased the gliadin and increased the glutenin content.
42        We also demonstrated that ID331 omega-gliadin and its derived peptide omega(105-123) exerted a
43                                              Gliadin and its peptide derivatives, 33-mer and p31-43,
44                   Moreover, MC reactivity to gliadin and its peptides was characterized by using in v
45  turn, enables paracellular translocation of gliadin and its subsequent interaction with macrophages
46          Marker 1 was identified as omega1,2-gliadin and markers 2, 3a and 3b were identified as gamm
47 ity resulting from molecular mimicry between gliadin and nervous system proteins has been proposed to
48 icain as a means of reducing the toxicity of gliadin and open the way for enzyme therapy as an adjunc
49 emolina gluten proteins consist of monomeric gliadin and polymeric glutenin and determine the quality
50 The crucial epitopes that confer toxicity to gliadin and related prolamins continue to be defined, as
51 that is induced by dietary exposure to wheat gliadin and related proteins from barley, rye, and possi
52 ted disorder triggered by ingestion of wheat gliadin and related proteins in genetically susceptible
53 tinct cluster containing the wheat protein A-gliadin and the plant viruses potato virus X, narcissus
54                         In comparison, omega-gliadin and the T-A-1 peptide were found to consist of l
55 d generate an antibody response against both gliadin and tTGase.
56 to study the interaction of resveratrol with gliadin and zein.
57 ectants were performed to confirm binding of gliadin and/or 26 overlapping 20mer alpha-gliadin synthe
58                                              Gliadins and A-gliadin peptide P31-43, in particular, ac
59 everal protein classes, such as LTPs, omega5-gliadins and alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitors.
60  IgE binding to deamidated gamma- and omega2-gliadins and deamidated total gliadins, frequently with
61 -secalins were most reactive, whereas omega5-gliadins and gamma-, B- and D-hordeins were detected wit
62                            Overall, omega1,2-gliadins and gamma-75k-secalins were most reactive, wher
63  branch that existed separate from the gamma-gliadins and gamma-hordeins in an ancestral Triticeae pr
64 ic analysis shows that the orthologous delta-gliadins and gamma3-hordeins form a distinct prolamin br
65                                          The gliadins and glutenins were also reduced in vivo during
66 e interaction of the environmental triggers (gliadins and glutenins) with these gene products to trig
67 eaved the major indigenous storage proteins, gliadins and glutenins, after they too had been reduced,
68                                              Gliadins and glutenins, the major storage proteins of wh
69 c activity and electrophoretic properties of gliadins and glutenins.
70 mainly accumulate in storage proteins called gliadins and glutenins.
71 ponsible for transcriptional derepression of gliadins and low-molecular-weight glutenins (LMWgs) by a
72 tides (a 34-mer and a 26-mer) found in omega-gliadins and low-molecular-weight glutenins that had bee
73 at proteins alpha-gliadin (A-gliadin), omega-gliadin, and a 30 kDa peptide called T-A-1 from the high
74 rthered the isolation of the epitopes within gliadin, and other related proteins, that are critical f
75 e addition of DQ8 contributes sensitivity to gliadin, and the addition of the NOD background contribu
76 tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and deamidated gliadin, and the classifier accuracy was independent of
77  the three patients lacking IgE to omega(5) -gliadin, and to HMW glutenin in 59%.
78 nd PFPEQxFP that identified omega- and gamma-gliadins, and their deamidated forms, as immunodominant
79  non-celiac gluten sensitivity patients anti-gliadin antibodies IgG persistence after gluten withdraw
80                                         Anti-gliadin antibodies of both IgG and IgA classes were assa
81 nts (93.2%) showed the disappearance of anti-gliadin antibodies of IgG class after 6 months of gluten
82 h a high prevalence of first generation anti-gliadin antibodies of IgG class has been reported in thi
83 e the effect of the gluten-free diet on anti-gliadin antibodies of IgG class in patients with non-cel
84                                         Anti-gliadin antibodies of the IgG class disappear in patient
85                                Regarding IgA gliadin antibody determination, sensitivity improved fro
86 gh serum immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG anti-gliadin antibody titers and typical human lymphocyte ant
87      IgE antibodies to recombinant omega(5) -gliadin are detectable in a majority of WDEIA patients,
88 t human monoclonal antibodies (hmAb) against gliadin are produced by cloning antibody genes from sing
89                          The expressed delta-gliadins are encoded by a single gene in each of the hex
90 mins important for its end-use traits, alpha-gliadins are the most abundant, and are also a major cau
91                      Gluten proteins, namely gliadins, are the primary trigger of the abnormal immune
92 he immunodominant apolar peptide from alpha2-gliadin as a target for selection.
93   The microarray revealed specifically gamma-gliadin as the second most important allergen.
94  found throughout the immunogenic regions of gliadin, as well as in homologous proteins in barley and
95 inding constant was higher for zein than for gliadin at 35 degrees C.
96  have better diagnostic accuracy over native gliadin-based tests.
97 chaete scute homologous protein (DQ2-alpha-I-gliadin; BestFit quality 41 versus 22 for random).
98 ynamic parameters suggested that resveratrol-gliadin binding mainly occurs through hydrophobic intera
99 al membrane lysates to identify the putative gliadin-binding moiety.
100                                              Gliadin binds to CXCR3 and leads to MyD88-dependent zonu
101 n and colocalization experiments showed that gliadin binds to CXCR3 and that at least 2 alpha-gliadin
102 ptide is resistant to further digestion of a gliadin by intestinal brush border enzymes and is a high
103 arkers 2, 3a and 3b were identified as gamma-gliadins by means of N-terminal sequence analysis and de
104  adults for whom the specific IgE to omega-5 gliadin can be a useful diagnostic test.
105                          Therefore, an alpha-gliadin cDNA screen of human cDNA and genomic libraries
106           We also investigated the effect of gliadin complex formation in intestinal biopsy specimens
107                   We measured the effects of gliadin complex formation on cytokine release ex vivo us
108 ansport of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA)-gliadin complexes.
109  be focused on a limited region of the alpha gliadin component of gluten, and previous studies have s
110   The number of potential disease-triggering gliadin components remains large.
111                                              Gliadins contain alpha/beta-, gamma- and omega-types whe
112  susceptible individuals by the ingestion of gliadin-containing grains.
113 w that, under the conditions investigated, A-gliadin contains a considerable amount of hydrated alpha
114 ed assay can be used to quickly estimate the gliadin content in foods in order to protect people with
115 e was found to be more effective in reducing gliadin content than the crude papain and the resultant
116 shown to specifically reduce the immunogenic gliadin content, in gastric conditions, to below the thr
117 ith the amount of toxic epitopes: omega-type gliadins content explain about 40% of the variation of t
118 obtained after in vitro digestion of a wheat gliadins crude extract and further characterized by LC-E
119                                              Gliadin-CXCR3 interaction was further analyzed by immuno
120                            Triticum aestivum gliadin derived peptides were employed as a positive con
121 e is directed toward an immunodominant alpha-gliadin-derived peptide (DQ8-glia-alpha1).
122 logical effects of ID331 Triticum monococcum gliadin-derived peptides in human Caco-2 intestinal epit
123            For patients with celiac disease, gliadin detoxification via the use of gliadinases may pr
124            Our findings confirmed that ID331 gliadin did not enhance permeability and did not induce
125 ured potential open reading frames with high gliadin domain II and domain IV homologies (BestFit qual
126 ear striking similarity to two or more wheat gliadin domains raised the possibility that human intest
127  positive CD serologic test results (IgA/IgG gliadin, endomysium, or tissue transglutaminase) and com
128  redesign the active site of the acid-active gliadin endopeptidase KumaMax.
129 pe homology, particularly to the DQ2-gamma-I-gliadin epitope (i.e. TFIIA, FOXJ2 and IgD; mean BestFit
130 ll surface, and the presentation of alpha-II-gliadin epitope (residues 62-70) to murine, DQ2-restrict
131  h, in the presence of either immunodominant gliadin epitopes (p(alpha)-2 and p(alpha)-9) or a non-im
132 ted binding to HLA molecules for identifying gliadin epitopes and demonstrate that HLA class I molecu
133                                     Specific gliadin epitopes are being analyzed.
134  innate and adaptive immune responses to key gliadin epitopes are now both recognized to be important
135                                     Specific gliadin epitopes have been defined using T-cell response
136 g the in situ T-cell recognition of dominant gliadin epitopes.
137 r 3 h, before incubation with immunodominant gliadin epitopes.
138 ens tissue transglutaminase-2 and deamidated gliadin, exhibiting 71% sensitivity and 99% specificity
139 city of 92.9%, which was higher than that of gliadin extract (e).
140 he best characterized environmental factors (gliadin) for any common autoimmune disease.
141 capable of degrading >99% of the immunogenic gliadin fraction in laboratory-simulated gastric digesti
142 of the small intestinal mucosa caused by the gliadin fraction of wheat gluten and similar alcohol-sol
143              Wheat, specifically its omega-5 gliadin fraction, is the most common allergen implicated
144 showed that the chromatograms of the reduced gliadin fractions were most suitable for the distinction
145                                            A gliadin fragment can activate the innate immune system,
146 und to directly respond to nonimmunodominant gliadin fragments by releasing proinflammatory mediators
147 ma- and omega2-gliadins and deamidated total gliadins, frequently with high concentrations.
148                        Samples of hydrolyzed gliadin from wheat and a barley beer were used.
149 vation by peptic and tryptic (PT) digests of gliadins from 2 monococcum lines.
150 amples before and after microwave treatment, gliadins from treated flours showed significantly reduce
151 immunodetection with specific antibodies for gliadins, gamma-gliadins, LMW subunits and antigenic epi
152                            This single delta-gliadin/gamma3-hordein ortholog may be a general feature
153 b region from Ae. tauschii locates the delta-gliadin gene to the complex Gli-1 plus Glu-3 region on c
154 r the detection of T. aestivum, based on the gliadin gene, is inadequate.
155  which have given rise to 12 copies of alpha-gliadin genes clustered within a 550-kb region.
156 cies estimated that between 25 and 150 alpha-gliadin genes reside in the Gli-2 locus regions.
157 sequences also allow assignment of the delta-gliadin genes to the A and D genomes, respectively, with
158 tionary relationship of the duplicated alpha-gliadin genes were obtained from their genomic organizat
159  copies that are interspersed with the alpha-gliadin genes.
160 in particular tissue transglutaminase (tTG), gliadin (Glia), and endomysium.
161     To clarify the conformational changes of gliadins (Glia) upon complexation with anthocyanidins (i
162 3.8 mumol N-ethylmaleimide/g protein reduces gliadin-glutenin cross-linking during pasta drying and/o
163 g 13.8 mumol glutathione/g protein increases gliadin-glutenin cross-linking during pasta processing,
164 45( * *)), gluten index (r=0.959( * *)), and gliadin/glutenin ratio (r=-0.952( * *)), while peak II i
165 r composition in terms of protein fractions (gliadins, glutenins) has been determined by means of RP-
166 microarray immunoassay with alpha/beta/gamma-gliadin, high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin, alpha-amy
167       Among proteins previously screened for gliadin homology, noteworthy was achaete scute homologou
168           Others were similar to DQ2-alpha-I-gliadin (i.e. PAX9; BestFit quality 46 versus 20 for ran
169                               Levels of anti-gliadin IgG (but not anti-casein IgG) above the 90th per
170                          High levels of anti-gliadin IgG in the maternal circulation are associated w
171  were not related to maternal levels of anti-gliadin IgG.
172 l IgA, or IgA-TTG and IgG against deamidated gliadin (IgG-DGL) could identify patients with and witho
173 n, thereafter repeatedly provoked by dietary gliadin immunodominant peptides concentrated in the prox
174 d paracellular permeability, normalized anti-gliadin immunoglobulin A in intestinal washes, and modul
175 in 14/17 patients (82%), to alpha/beta/gamma-gliadin in 82% including the three patients lacking IgE
176 al diagnostic value of alpha/beta- and gamma-gliadin in particular in omega(5) -gliadin-negative pati
177 g culture but in this instance P-T digest of gliadin in the culture medium had no significant inhibit
178 ration of proteases that can rapidly degrade gliadin in the gastric compartment has been proposed as
179 wing model for the innate immune response to gliadin in the initiation of CD.
180 oss-linking of glutenins and of inclusion of gliadin in the polymers was seen for SB6 as compared to
181 yme caricain (from papaya latex) to detoxify gliadin in whole wheat flour and develop bread suitable
182 s able to detoxify a major proportion of the gliadin in wholemeal wheat dough by allowing it to react
183  The absence of extractable alpha- and gamma-gliadins in DDGS indicated protein aggregation during th
184 utaminase 2) or the peptic-tryptic digest of gliadin (in native and deamidated forms) before T-cell c
185                 We hypothesize that too much gliadin incorporation in the glutenin network during pas
186 ations were explained as resulting from less gliadin incorporation in the polymer gluten network and
187 Furthermore, binding between resveratrol and gliadin increased at higher temperatures, which was not
188                                              Gliadin increased zonulin release and intestinal permeab
189                                              Gliadin induced physical association between CXCR3 and M
190                                              Gliadin-induced zonulin release, increased intestinal pe
191                                              Gliadin induces an MyD88-dependent zonulin release that
192                    We demonstrate that wheat gliadin induces significantly greater production of IL-2
193 study, we sought to test the hypothesis that gliadin initiates this response by stimulating the innat
194                               The problem of gliadin insolubility was solved by mild acid treatment,
195 We aimed to establish the molecular basis of gliadin interaction with intestinal mucosa leading to in
196                                              Gliadin interaction with the intestinal epithelium incre
197  from patients in remission, it appears that gliadin is not directly toxic to GSE jejunal mucosa per
198                   Inasmuch as this effect of gliadin is not seen in cultures of specimens taken from
199 ogen bonding, whereas their interaction with gliadins is dominated by hydrogen bonding and is relativ
200 d wheat prolamin class, given the name delta-gliadins, is the most direct ortholog of barley gamma3-h
201 with specific antibodies for gliadins, gamma-gliadins, LMW subunits and antigenic epitopes to gain a
202 and gamma-gliadin in particular in omega(5) -gliadin-negative patients in the diagnosis of WDEIA.
203 ed for IgA and IgG antibodies against native gliadin (ngli) and deamidated gliadin peptides (dpgli),
204 ectra of the wheat proteins alpha-gliadin (A-gliadin), omega-gliadin, and a 30 kDa peptide called T-A
205 , mitigating the injury of Triticum aestivum gliadin on cell viability and cytoskeleton reorganizatio
206                               The effects of gliadin on crypt enterocyte proliferation and activation
207 ents were set up to assess the effects of PT gliadin on innate and adaptive immune response by using
208      In conclusion, the inhibitory effect of gliadin on intestinal epithelial cells in organ culture
209 rees C (65% relative humidity (RH)), whereas gliadin only is incorporated in the protein network at t
210 ere calculated for levels of IgG directed at gliadin or casein for nonaffective psychosis.
211 videnced by strong IgE binding to deamidated gliadins or peptides of the type QPEEPFPE.
212  subunits (HMW-GS) over low MW-GS, and omega-gliadins over alpha- and gamma-gliadins.
213 (130-30 kDa; glutenins), peak II (55-20 kDa; gliadins), peak III (28-10 kDa; low molecular weight gli
214 ), peak III (28-10 kDa; low molecular weight gliadins), peak IV and V (<10 kDa; albumins and globulin
215 st tissue transglutaminase (TG2), deamidated gliadin peptide (DGP) and endomysium (EMA).
216 intestinal permeability of undegraded alpha9-gliadin peptide 31-49 (p31-49) and 33-mer gliadin peptid
217 tudy participants, mean levels of deamidated gliadin peptide autoantibodies were 7.46 (6.92) in patie
218 odies, in disease pathogenesis, by enhancing gliadin peptide class II binding and consequent T-cell a
219                               Gliadins and A-gliadin peptide P31-43, in particular, act as growth fac
220  proliferation induced by EGF, IL15, and the gliadin peptide P31-43.
221 nst tissue transglutaminase-2 and deamidated gliadin peptide), symptom frequencies, and safety.
222 ainst tissue transglutaminase and deamidated gliadin peptide, greatly facilitate diagnosis.
223 o a representative high-affinity immunogenic gliadin peptide, suggesting a common mechanism by which
224  treatment, which renders an acid-hydrolysed gliadin/peptide mixture (AHG).
225      The detection of IgG against deamidated gliadin peptides (DGP) has high specificity and better s
226  detection of serum antibodies to deamidated gliadin peptides (DGPs).
227 against native gliadin (ngli) and deamidated gliadin peptides (dpgli), as well as for IgA antibodies
228  182 Da; horseradish peroxidase, 40 kDa] and gliadin peptides [33-mer (p56-88, 3900 Da), 19-mer (p31-
229            The mechanism of translocation of gliadin peptides across the intestinal barrier has been
230                             Novel deamidated gliadin peptides antibodies have better diagnostic accur
231 for the design of small molecule mimetics of gliadin peptides as selective inhibitors of tTGase.
232  progress has been made in understanding how gliadin peptides can cross the intestinal border and acc
233  residues of the TG2 epitope with deamidated gliadin peptides could be a structural basis.
234 clones specific for dominant alpha- or omega-gliadin peptides from children with celiac disease had c
235                               Glutamine-rich gliadin peptides from ingested cereals, after their deam
236 lutaminase (tTGase)-catalyzed deamidation of gliadin peptides has been shown to increase their potenc
237  proliferation and innate immune response to gliadin peptides in enterocytes.
238 a9-gliadin peptide 31-49 (p31-49) and 33-mer gliadin peptides is increased in active celiac disease.
239 ases in transcellular permeability to intact gliadin peptides might be considered in treatment strate
240 ation of infiltrating MCs and the effects of gliadin peptides on intestinal MCs indicated an increase
241            One recent study using diamidated gliadin peptides showed good specificity (> or = 0.94),
242 uten epitopes, degradation of immunodominant gliadin peptides that resist intestinal proteases by exo
243                                     These 23 gliadin peptides were next assayed by IFN-gamma ELISPOT
244 inding to apical CD71, SIgA (with or without gliadin peptides) enters a recycling pathway and avoids
245  1 for TGA-IgG, 6 for IgG against deamidated gliadin peptides, and 1 for EMA, from 5 different manufa
246 PY, a sequence motif found in immunodominant gliadin peptides, was analyzed in detail.
247 ell to modified (deamidated) versions of the gliadin peptides, whereas HCD4DQ6 mice did not.
248 nd CD71 promote transepithelial transport of gliadin peptides.
249 not be considered markers of permeability to gliadin peptides.
250 ve and innate immune responses to undigested gliadin peptides.
251 ance the immunogenicity of the corresponding gliadin peptides.
252 gen, tissue transglutaminase, and deaminated gliadin peptides; the most frequently detected nonmitoch
253 ty 46 versus 20 for random), or DQ2-alpha-II-gliadin (PHLDA1, known in mice as the T-cell death-assoc
254 d IL-2 release at levels exceeding the wheat gliadin positive control.
255                                  We screened gliadin proteins (2alpha-, 2omega-, and 2gamma-gliadin)
256 pitope was found on native gamma- and omega2-gliadins (QPQQPFPQ); it was repeated several times in th
257  assay test kit was used for the analysis of gliadin residues in the baked bread.
258 l were selected for testing in a DQ2-gamma-I-gliadin-restricted T-cell system.
259 llular route, this appears to be enhanced by gliadin's stimulation of zonulin release.
260                               A fourth delta-gliadin sequence occurs in the D genome of both Chinese
261    Epitopes were mapped on gamma- and omega2-gliadin sequences by Pepscan, and effect of glutamine/gl
262            The patterns of the reduced spelt gliadins showed one to three markers that were not prese
263  of intraepithelial lymphocyte cytotoxicity, gliadin-specific antibodies, and a proinflammatory gliad
264 from their serum to inhibit the binding of a gliadin-specific hmAb (1002-1E03) to a specific peptide
265 oduction and the proliferation of intestinal gliadin-specific T cell lines and clones were measured a
266                                    The alpha-gliadin-specific T cells from children had biases in T-c
267 heir potency for activating patient-derived, gliadin-specific T cells, suggesting that tTGase plays a
268 hough our findings emphasise the key role of gliadin-specific T cells, they suggest a complex pathoge
269 n-specific antibodies, and a proinflammatory gliadin-specific T-cell response.
270 lows the measurement of as low as 0.5 ppb of gliadin standard (0.5 ppm of gluten).
271                                 The use of a gliadin standard in R5 ELISA determinations causes an ov
272                                          The gliadins structure appeared to be progressively disorgan
273 of gliadin and/or 26 overlapping 20mer alpha-gliadin synthetic peptides to the receptor.
274 ater binding affinity for both glutenins and gliadins than lower MW PA, whereas both PA precipitated
275 eat encoding the most immunogenic peptide of gliadin that triggers the immune response of celiac dise
276                            In the absence of gliadin the alkaline phosphatase activity in the biopsy
277  and styrene sulfonate complex with isolated gliadin (the toxic fraction of gluten) and prevent damag
278           In the presence of a P-T digest of gliadin, the alkaline phosphatase activity of biopsy spe
279                              On ingestion of gliadin, the major protein component of wheat and other
280 iadin with Kuma030 eliminates the ability of gliadin to stimulate a T cell response.
281 sing two cut-off values (10 and 50 mg kg(-1) gliadin) to provide a semi-quantification for identifyin
282 rgets of the hmAb 1002-1E03 from a digest of gliadin treated by transglutaminase 2.
283      We carried out quantitative analysis of gliadin types by RP-HPLC to verify its correlation with
284 gens Ara h 1 and Ara h 2, and wheat allergen Gliadin using giant magnetoresistive (GMR) sensor arrays
285 iadin proteins (2alpha-, 2omega-, and 2gamma-gliadin) using bioinformatic algorithms for the presence
286                  The specific IgE to omega-5 gliadin was below the detection limit in all cases.
287   By ImmunoCAP, IgE to recombinant omega(5) -gliadin was detectable in 14/17 patients (82%), to alpha
288 e 96-well-based ELISA developed in-house for Gliadin was found to have a LOD of 40 ng/mL.
289     As a result of its use, a lower level of gliadin was incorporated into the gluten polymer and dou
290 0 the original molecular weight while native gliadin was nearly eliminated from the waxy flour follow
291  thermal dependent behavior of glutenins and gliadins was analyzed through intrinsic fluorescence par
292 f DME silencing on accumulation of LMWgs and gliadins was studied using 20 transformants expressing h
293 d assays developed for Ara h 1, Ara h 2, and Gliadin were 7.0 ng/mL, 0.2 ng/mL, and 1.5 ng/mL, respec
294    A series of overlapping peptides spanning gliadin were synthesized.
295  epitopes of alpha-/beta-, gamma- and omega5-gliadins were highlighted after performing molecular dyn
296                      As glutenin-bound omega-gliadins were present in wheat and absent in spelt, this
297                   A culture medium, in which gliadins were the sole source of nitrogen, was developed
298 eacted to many of the individual peptides of gliadin, while the HCD4/DQ6 mice were relatively unrespo
299                         Indeed, treatment of gliadin with Kuma030 eliminates the ability of gliadin t
300                    There, the interaction of gliadin with macrophages elicits a MyD88-dependent proin

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