


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 an chondroitin sulfate proteoglycon-positive glial progenitor.
2 e induction of GFAP+ cells from normal human glial progenitors.
3  days after SCI increased the number of NG2+ glial progenitors.
4 ed by specified NT-3-responsive neuronal and glial progenitors.
5 otent neuroepithelial (NEP) cells and spinal glial progenitors.
6 inhibiting the proliferation of neuronal and glial progenitors.
7 erned gene expression in dividing neural and glial progenitors.
8 m cells and the proliferation of parenchymal glial progenitors.
9  bowel (ENCDC) contains proliferating neural/glial progenitors.
10 are engaging in glutamatergic signaling with glial progenitors.
11 ant, exhibits dynamic distribution in radial glial progenitors.
12 or recycling sustains Akt phosphorylation in glial progenitors.
13 dly the behavior of this ubiquitous class of glial progenitors.
14 P+ and GFP- tumor cells expressed markers of glial progenitors.
15 ebellar projection to this abundant class of glial progenitors.
16 studied primarily as migratory scaffolds and glial progenitors.
17 ways as central to the regulation of radial 'glial' progenitors.
18                                   Regions of glial progenitor ablation occurred corresponding to the
19 e numbers and high proportions of both human glial progenitors and astrocytes.
20 to its function in neurogenesis, Ascl1 marks glial progenitors and controls the number and distributi
21 vo reveals heterogeneity in Ascl1-expressing glial progenitors and shows that Ascl1 defines cells tha
22 e to astrocytes as well as oligodendrocytes, glial progenitors appear to be of potential great utilit
23                             These new radial glial progenitors are capable of giving rise to new neur
24 rapid apoptosis of those cells, while radial glial progenitors are less affected.
25       These data point to hyperproliferative glial progenitors as the source of the optic tumors and
26 ta-gal-positive cells identified in vivo are glial progenitors, as defined by their ability to surviv
27 hreonine 301, and La nuclear export in mouse glial progenitors, as well as its association with polys
28 al AMPA receptor-mediated currents in NG2(+) glial progenitors at anatomically distinct axo-glial syn
29 d an EGFR-GFP fusion protein in white matter glial progenitors at postnatal day 3 of the rat forebrai
30 SOD1(G93A) glial-restricted precursor cells--glial progenitors capable of differentiating into astroc
31 e set out to study their function during the glial progenitor cell (GPC) to astrocyte transition.
32 on and/or birth of new neurons during radial glial progenitor cell (RGPC) neurogenesis, but its role
33 H3 domains in a yeast two-hybrid screen of a glial progenitor cell cDNA library, we isolated the rat
34 a profound decrease in the expression of the glial progenitor cell marker A2B5 and a corresponding in
35 ene loss is coupled with bi-allelic somatic (glial progenitor cell) Nf1 gene inactivation develop bra
36 lls (GFP(+) cells) as well as the uninfected glial progenitor cells (GFP(-) cells) that are recruited
37 this question, we compared the properties of glial progenitor cells (GPCs) from the cortices of healt
38 h humanized white matter by engrafting human glial progenitor cells (GPCs) into neonatal immunodefici
39 properties of human glia, we engrafted human glial progenitor cells (GPCs) into neonatal immunodefici
40 stablish humanized glial chimeric mice using glial progenitor cells (GPCs) produced from induced plur
41                                 As a result, glial progenitor cells (GPCs), which can give rise to ne
42 al disorders may be amenable to treatment by glial progenitor cells (GPCs), which give rise to astrog
43                Neonatally transplanted human glial progenitor cells (hGPCs) densely engraft and myeli
44                RNA-seq of cultured SCZ human glial progenitor cells (hGPCs) revealed disrupted glial
45 th mutant huntingtin (mHTT)-expressing human glial progenitor cells (hGPCs), derived from either huma
46 ng neocortex relies on the ability of radial glial progenitor cells (RGCs) to switch from proliferati
47 ed Cre recombinase expression to a subset of glial progenitor cells after spinal cord injury, yieldin
48 a common marker for sympathetic neuronal and glial progenitor cells and delineate the cellular basis
49 ghly elongated basal processes of the radial glial progenitor cells and impairment of postmitotic neu
50                                              Glial progenitor cells are abundant in adult human white
51 ing system that allows the study of isolated glial progenitor cells both in vitro and in vivo was use
52  tumor-initiating progenitor cells (TPCs) to glial progenitor cells derived from normal adult human b
53 f miR-491-5p in primary Ink4a-Arf-null mouse glial progenitor cells exacerbated cell proliferation an
54                                       Radial glial progenitor cells exhibit bidirectional cell cycle-
55 electively deletes the Tsc2 gene from radial glial progenitor cells in the developing cerebral cortex
56 pproximately 30% decrease in dividing radial glial progenitor cells in the hippocampal VZ and DG in t
57 e adult brain and increased proliferation of glial progenitor cells leading to enlarged optic nerves.
58 zophrenia but suggest that the physiology of glial progenitor cells may be altered in schizophrenia.
59 drogliomas may be comprised of proliferating glial progenitor cells that are blocked in their ability
60 xpressed identical oncogenes in two types of glial progenitor cells, glial-restricted precursor (GRP)
61 rise from a p2-like domain of ependymoradial glial progenitor cells, indicated by coexpression of Pax
62  addition, distinct populations of nominally glial progenitor cells, which also have the capacity to
63  were found in the percentage of neuronal or glial progenitor cells.
64 r of the adult human brain harbors a pool of glial progenitor cells.
65 rovide evidence that glial tumors arise from glial progenitor cells.
66 es/J), we deleted Tsc1 and/or Tsc2 in radial glial progenitor cells.
67 c role in apical nuclear migration in radial glial progenitor cells.
68 to elicit AMPA receptor-mediated currents in glial progenitor cells.
69 n both neuroepithelial stem cells and radial glial progenitor cells.
70 d dysplastic neurons are derived from radial glial progenitor cells.
71 n via autocrine and paracrine stimulation of glial progenitor cells.
72 n of activated forms of both KRas and Akt in glial progenitor cells.
73 ein Nde1 (mNudE) regulate the fate of radial glial progenitors collaboratively.
74                                              Glial progenitors colonize the CNS widely in the perinat
75 a timed migration of a ridge of neuronal and glial progenitors directed toward the region of the TGFa
76 demonstrate that prolonged mitosis of radial glial progenitors directly alters neuronal fate specific
77 ) is upregulated primarily by astrocytes and glial progenitors early after SCI.
78 d than has previously been observed and that glial progenitors exist in the outer circumference of th
79 drives the switch in Notch output and radial glial progenitor fate as part of the larger developmenta
80 ble-positive cells represent a population of glial progenitors for sympathetic satellite cells.
81  ectopic expression of mPar3 prevents radial glial progenitors from dividing asymmetrically yet gener
82 ial for long term survival and protection of glial progenitors from glutamate toxicity.
83 Cell, Windrem et al. (2017) transplant human glial progenitors from schizophrenia patients into mouse
84 em cells and lineage-restricted neuronal and glial progenitors from the embryonic rat telencephalon u
85 EK1/2 inhibition selectively rescued primary glial progenitors from TMX toxicity in vitro while enhan
86 ed to a 10-fold increase in the abundance of glial progenitors, giving rise to a progenitor "hyperpla
87 erve phospho-tyrosine EGFR immunostaining of glial progenitors in culture.
88 y contain, in addition to NSCs, neuronal and glial progenitors in different states of differentiation
89  discusses the role of adult-born neural and glial progenitors in drug seeking associated with the di
90 le of producing the appropriate neuronal and glial progenitors in ES cell culture.
91 eal a previously unrecognized role of radial glial progenitors in stabilizing nascent brain vascular
92                            Individual radial glial progenitors in the developing thalamus actively di
93 ng from low-titre retrovirus-infected radial glial progenitors in the embryonic medial ganglionic emi
94 e roles, and even act as neuronal as well as glial progenitors in the enteric nervous system.
95 nderlying asymmetric cell division of radial glial progenitors in the mammalian neocortex.
96                                       Unlike glial progenitors in the subventricular zone, differenti
97 es dose-dependent growth inhibition of mouse glial progenitors in which Akt and/or Ras-Erk 1/2 pathwa
98 tem Cell, Han et al. (2013) transplant human glial progenitors into mouse brains and thereby improve
99                                          The glial progenitor is not maintained by GDNF.
100 cept that loss of function of Tsc2 in radial glial progenitors is one initiating event in the develop
101 lian CNS contains a ubiquitous population of glial progenitors known as NG2+ cells that have the abil
102        We thus asked whether these nominally glial progenitors might include multipotential progenito
103                                        Thus, glial progenitors migrate across the CC, presumably in c
104 t allows growth of neuroepithelial cells and glial progenitors, mutant cells hyper-respond to FGF2, h
105 g cells, quaking (QKI) to identify embryonic glial progenitors, NG2 to identify neonatal oligodendroc
106  Tsc1 inactivation or Rheb overexpression in glial progenitors of Nf1(+/-) mice does not lead to glio
107 roneural factor is itself required in radial glial progenitors only for proper orientation of cell di
108  in both CNS and PNS, via transplantation of glial progenitors or the implantation of tissue scaffold
109 rA and pMeA displayed either a neuronal or a glial progenitor phenotype, but no species or treatment
110                                       Radial glial progenitors play pivotal roles in the development
111  ultimately generating mice with a humanized glial progenitor population.
112 ion to drive K-ras(G12D) expression in neuro-glial progenitor populations at different developmental
113           Asymmetric cell division of radial glial progenitors produces neurons while allowing self-r
114    Brain progenitors, including neuronal and glial progenitors, respond to stroke and initiate a part
115                                       Radial glial progenitors (RGPs) are elongated epithelial cells
116                                       Radial glial progenitors (RGPs) are responsible for producing n
117 ally along the glial fibers of mother radial glial progenitors (RGPs) in a birth-date-dependent insid
118 om those in the dorsal telencephalon, radial glial progenitors (RGPs) in the ventral telencephalon re
119 ortex depends on extensive mitoses of radial glial progenitors (RGPs) residing in the ventricular zon
120              Brain neural stem cells (radial glial progenitors, RGPs) undergo a mysterious form of ce
121                                       Radial glial progenitors span the neuroepithelium, extending lo
122 1 function does not appear to affect overall glial progenitor specification, suggesting that a later
123 ve expansion of both infected and uninfected glial progenitors, suggesting that PDGF was driving tumo
124 ral gliomas can arise from transformation of glial progenitors that are driven to proliferate via mit
125 ese observations suggest that in addition to glial progenitors that commit to a specific lineage prio
126 yer of the cerebellar cortex is populated by glial progenitors that express ionotropic glutamate rece
127 lation of neural precursor cells, namely the glial progenitors that give rise to oligodendrocytes in
128 belong to a distinct population, most likely glial progenitors, that are less affected by aging than
129 sion gradients in neuroepithelial and radial glial progenitors (the 'protomap').
130   To test the gliomagenic potential of adult glial progenitors, we infected adult rat white matter wi
131 erkinetic nuclear oscillations in the radial glial progenitors were also abolished, as were cell divi
132 liferation of musashi1-immunoreactive radial glial progenitors, while visual experience increased neu
133                                    Infecting glial progenitors with Cre-recombinant retrovirus simult

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