


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 es/J), we deleted Tsc1 and/or Tsc2 in radial glial progenitor cells.
2 c role in apical nuclear migration in radial glial progenitor cells.
3 to elicit AMPA receptor-mediated currents in glial progenitor cells.
4 n both neuroepithelial stem cells and radial glial progenitor cells.
5 d dysplastic neurons are derived from radial glial progenitor cells.
6 n via autocrine and paracrine stimulation of glial progenitor cells.
7 n of activated forms of both KRas and Akt in glial progenitor cells.
8  were found in the percentage of neuronal or glial progenitor cells.
9 r of the adult human brain harbors a pool of glial progenitor cells.
10 rovide evidence that glial tumors arise from glial progenitor cells.
11 ed Cre recombinase expression to a subset of glial progenitor cells after spinal cord injury, yieldin
12 a common marker for sympathetic neuronal and glial progenitor cells and delineate the cellular basis
13 ghly elongated basal processes of the radial glial progenitor cells and impairment of postmitotic neu
14                                              Glial progenitor cells are abundant in adult human white
15 ing system that allows the study of isolated glial progenitor cells both in vitro and in vivo was use
16 H3 domains in a yeast two-hybrid screen of a glial progenitor cell cDNA library, we isolated the rat
17  tumor-initiating progenitor cells (TPCs) to glial progenitor cells derived from normal adult human b
18 f miR-491-5p in primary Ink4a-Arf-null mouse glial progenitor cells exacerbated cell proliferation an
19                                       Radial glial progenitor cells exhibit bidirectional cell cycle-
20 lls (GFP(+) cells) as well as the uninfected glial progenitor cells (GFP(-) cells) that are recruited
21 xpressed identical oncogenes in two types of glial progenitor cells, glial-restricted precursor (GRP)
22 e set out to study their function during the glial progenitor cell (GPC) to astrocyte transition.
23 this question, we compared the properties of glial progenitor cells (GPCs) from the cortices of healt
24 h humanized white matter by engrafting human glial progenitor cells (GPCs) into neonatal immunodefici
25 properties of human glia, we engrafted human glial progenitor cells (GPCs) into neonatal immunodefici
26 stablish humanized glial chimeric mice using glial progenitor cells (GPCs) produced from induced plur
27                                 As a result, glial progenitor cells (GPCs), which can give rise to ne
28 al disorders may be amenable to treatment by glial progenitor cells (GPCs), which give rise to astrog
29                Neonatally transplanted human glial progenitor cells (hGPCs) densely engraft and myeli
30                RNA-seq of cultured SCZ human glial progenitor cells (hGPCs) revealed disrupted glial
31 th mutant huntingtin (mHTT)-expressing human glial progenitor cells (hGPCs), derived from either huma
32 electively deletes the Tsc2 gene from radial glial progenitor cells in the developing cerebral cortex
33 pproximately 30% decrease in dividing radial glial progenitor cells in the hippocampal VZ and DG in t
34 rise from a p2-like domain of ependymoradial glial progenitor cells, indicated by coexpression of Pax
35 e adult brain and increased proliferation of glial progenitor cells leading to enlarged optic nerves.
36 a profound decrease in the expression of the glial progenitor cell marker A2B5 and a corresponding in
37 zophrenia but suggest that the physiology of glial progenitor cells may be altered in schizophrenia.
38 ene loss is coupled with bi-allelic somatic (glial progenitor cell) Nf1 gene inactivation develop bra
39 ng neocortex relies on the ability of radial glial progenitor cells (RGCs) to switch from proliferati
40 on and/or birth of new neurons during radial glial progenitor cell (RGPC) neurogenesis, but its role
41 drogliomas may be comprised of proliferating glial progenitor cells that are blocked in their ability
42  addition, distinct populations of nominally glial progenitor cells, which also have the capacity to

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