


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                          Some surprising new glimpses ahead on these subjects and other yet-unanswere
2                                    Important glimpses are being provided on FXIIIa allostery and the
3                                 As the first glimpse at both taxonomic and functional compositions of
4                      These results provide a glimpse at how a protein can control the reactivity of m
5  PTN biosynthetic machineries provide a rare glimpse at how secondary metabolic pathway evolution inc
6                These studies provide a first glimpse at regulatory events that may be important in mo
7                 These studies provide a rare glimpse at the actual structural determinants of a chemi
8                         Our study provides a glimpse at the cellular consequences of loss of ATM and
9                 Our findings provide a first glimpse at the complex biochemical niche of Dicer and su
10 y a detachable PDZ element and offer a first glimpse at the dynamic interaction of PDZ and SH3-guanyl
11 EcMetAP enzyme, these data provide the first glimpse at the Fe(II) active site of MetAP enzymes.
12 tation approach that offers an unprecedented glimpse at the formation, trafficking, and localization
13 rdinately regulated genes offering the first glimpse at the full metabolic potential of this organism
14              The data presented here allow a glimpse at the initial events that likely occur when SYT
15                This work not only provides a glimpse at the mechanism underlying multicomponent nanop
16      Taken together, these results offered a glimpse at the molecular events leading to the formation
17              Recent advances have provided a glimpse at the molecular nature of these lethal injectio
18                 Our results provide a direct glimpse at the nanoscale complexity underlying two-state
19 es MDMX at Tyr99, our findings afford a rare glimpse at the structural level of how stress-induced MD
20                  These results offer a first glimpse at the transformative potential of machine learn
21 iverse non-trophic links, we provide a first glimpse at what the full "entangled bank" of species loo
22 ogress within genetics and related fields, a glimpse back suggests that a vast complexity has been om
23 decades of functional work to decipher newly glimpsed biology.
24          Here, we demonstrate the utility of GLIMPSE by analyzing several future energy scenarios und
25                                          The GLIMPSE decision model framework provides insights about
26                                        Using GLIMPSE, decision makers can identify alternative techno
27                                   This first glimpse, deep into each tumor, revealed unexpectedly het
28 its head with a prominence even greater than glimpsed during the nuclear gene PCR era.
29                                They are next glimpsed in seismic reflection profiles deep beneath sou
30          Data from this work provide a first glimpse into a hitherto neglected molecular biology that
31                       These pathways offer a glimpse into a world of small RNAs.
32 cular Cell, Conaway and colleagues provide a glimpse into an interesting mechanism to control a deubi
33  in microsatellite stability also provides a glimpse into aspects of phylogenetic constancy of mutati
34                           Our data provide a glimpse into avian influenza virus adaptation in mammals
35 single-molecule level offers an unparalleled glimpse into biological systems at the molecular scale.
36 ues such as diffusion-tensor imaging offer a glimpse into brain microstructure at a scale that is not
37  the human brain tractable, providing a rare glimpse into cellular processes during long-term memory
38 luences on cortical morphology and provide a glimpse into emerging principles of genetic organization
39 ucted since 1990, now offer an unprecedented glimpse into fast astrophysical shocks in the young remn
40 these relate to function, and finally take a glimpse into future applications.
41 r levels of BTs in urban areas and provide a glimpse into future BT dynamics in mixed use, (sub)urban
42 sis of 54,768 cDNA clones provides the first glimpse into gene expression patterns of memory and naiv
43                 These results thus provide a glimpse into how ancient and conserved regulatory proces
44                         Our study provides a glimpse into how Aurein 1.2 disturbs anionic lipid-conta
45                        Our results provide a glimpse into how DNA viruses differ from RNA viruses in
46  of enzymes, these results provide the first glimpse into how DSPs bind their protein substrates.
47                 A new study provides a first glimpse into how human brain mechanisms for sensory rema
48 ppressor of gene silencing--provides a first glimpse into how plant viruses can defeat their host's a
49   In essence, the structure provides a first glimpse into how platelet-derived growth factor receptor
50 ing its cis-cleavage reaction, and provide a glimpse into how RNAs, in a manner similar to protein en
51 a 44-month time course, giving a mechanistic glimpse into how the bacterial metabolism adapts over ti
52                          Our studies offer a glimpse into how these critical bone cells respond to me
53              Future perspectives providing a glimpse into how these techniques can lead to various un
54 oduct, bound to the enzyme, providing a rare glimpse into interfacial catalysis and the surface scann
55 ogenic or otherwise, with plants, offering a glimpse into its evolutionary divergence from animal-pat
56 ical selection and gives us an extraordinary glimpse into protein evolution under extreme conditions.
57                    This paper offers a first glimpse into satellites of academic ophthalmology depart
58 ers is significant, because it may provide a glimpse into some of the structural bases for polymorphi
59      Together, these findings provide a rare glimpse into the anatomy of a boreal range expansion and
60 The genome of S. maritima offers us a unique glimpse into the ancestral arthropod genome, while also
61           Together, our data provide a first glimpse into the architectural design of the CTP complex
62 uctures of the BK channel provided the first glimpse into the assembly of these domains, corroboratin
63 lth (NSCH), Shaw et al. provide a pioneering glimpse into the burden of eczema across the United Stat
64       These structures represent the initial glimpse into the CDI toxin/immunity network, illustratin
65                Our results provide the first glimpse into the citrate-transferrin synergism in the re
66 ally, recent studies have provided our first glimpse into the complex and paradoxical roles of Notch
67 rane receptor-like molecules, that provide a glimpse into the complex regulatory network that control
68 nd structural studies that allowed the first glimpse into the conformational changes that may be requ
69                   This work offers the first glimpse into the conformational dynamics that drive this
70 ini (this issue of Neuron) provide our first glimpse into the dendrites and spines of striatal medium
71                This study provides the first glimpse into the diversity of predicted gene functions i
72       This meeting review can provide only a glimpse into the diversity of research presented.
73                 This work provides the first glimpse into the Dub interaction landscape, places previ
74 or dienoate formation and provided the first glimpse into the enzyme-substrate interactions essential
75 for any parasitic nematode to date, giving a glimpse into the evolution of filarial parasite chromoso
76                        Here I present a rare glimpse into the evolution of one such pathway, namely t
77 estral forms of organellar genomes, a unique glimpse into the evolutionary history of apicomplexan pa
78            The data presented here provide a glimpse into the evolutionary trajectory of functional D
79        Here, Hayward and Katzourakis offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of these mysterious p
80 immune syndromes provide a rare yet powerful glimpse into the fundamental mechanisms of immunologic t
81            Sheth et al present a fascinating glimpse into the future of imaging-guided biopsies.
82 f available imaging modalities and provide a glimpse into the future of our practice.
83 d into clinical practice and also provides a glimpse into the future through EUS-guided interventions
84 ovel mechanisms of action are reviewed for a glimpse into the horizon of possible new treatments for
85 and years), thus providing a high-resolution glimpse into the initial carbon isotopic perturbation co
86                           Our study offers a glimpse into the intricate higher order interactions tha
87                            They offer a rare glimpse into the life and death of past foraging people,
88              The results provide a molecular glimpse into the ligand-induced conformational changes t
89                         Our study provides a glimpse into the lncRNA content of a nonvertebrate anima
90 oded transneuronal tracers provide the first glimpse into the logic of olfactory processing in higher
91         Our results present an unprecedented glimpse into the mechanism of RING ubiquitin ligases and
92                                   This first glimpse into the metabolic capabilities of these cosmopo
93                                            A glimpse into the molecular biology of multiple emerging
94 l mechanisms that mediate risky choice and a glimpse into the neurodevelopmental dynamics that impact
95 en together, these results provide the first glimpse into the nucleotide specificity and fidelity of
96   These results provide the first nanoscopic glimpse into the organization of a complex ECM.
97                         These data provide a glimpse into the organization of the ribonucleoprotein c
98 ga phages are rare and may represent a first glimpse into the phage side of the rare biosphere.
99 ructure provides the first three-dimensional glimpse into the photochromic behaviour of these photore
100          These observations provide a unique glimpse into the pioneer round of regulatory events that
101 n hPso4 research that provides a fascinating glimpse into the pleiotropic activities of a ubiquitousl
102 ural studies have begun to provide the first glimpse into the protein-DNA interactions that enable Mu
103 xperiment has succeeded and provides a first glimpse into the results.
104                Recent studies have offered a glimpse into the sophisticated mechanisms by which infla
105 ne-boron nitride boundary to provide a first glimpse into the spatial and energetic distributions of
106                  Our findings provide a rare glimpse into the specific changes in a protein that can
107 tion, providing a broad, atomically detailed glimpse into the structural and dynamical behavior of do
108 o our knowledge, provides our first detailed glimpse into the structural and functional features of a
109                        TLS RNA can provide a glimpse into the structural basis of RNA multifunctional
110                   These data provide a first glimpse into the structural conformations of the VCI-II
111         This structure thus provides a first glimpse into the structure of a very late-stage intermed
112                  Our results offer the first glimpse into the temporal evolution of gene networks in
113 hese experiments, in addition to providing a glimpse into the underlying quantum behaviour of mesosco
114               These previous studies allow a glimpse into the unusual complexity behind the biogenesi
115       These one-dimensional chains provide a glimpse into the very first steps of the transformation
116                        The results provide a glimpse into the wealth of information that comparative
117 hen cancer is the outcome, we are afforded a glimpse into these processes by the clonal expansion of
118 ission dynamics in real time only provides a glimpse into transmissibility.
119 ole genome level and have given us our first glimpse into what can be learned from such analysis.
120  plasticity of the SMC lineage offers unique glimpses into how cellular differentiation is dynamicall
121                                      We have glimpses into how endogenous miRNAs interface with neuro
122 tron x-ray radiography has enabled real-time glimpses into metal solidification.
123       Genetic analysis is currently offering glimpses into molecular mechanisms underlying such neuro
124    This genome sequence provides tantalizing glimpses into novel molecular biology and evolution.
125          In addition, these insights provide glimpses into potential novel therapeutic interventions
126                                       Recent glimpses into some of the physiological functions of oen
127 these mutant phenotypes is beginning to give glimpses into the complex signal transduction pathways l
128  the clade A BG505 strain provided the first glimpses into the Env trimer fold as well as more the va
129  that have evolved over the past 2 years and glimpses into the future of this rapidly evolving field.
130 ained, these observations provide just brief glimpses into the health state of the animal.
131 ll imaging studies have provided tantalizing glimpses into the inner workings of the synapse, but fun
132     Recent research has provided fascinating glimpses into the microbial enzyme systems that degrade
133     Research on alarm calls has yielded rare glimpses into the minds of our closest relatives.
134     Additionally, transgenic studies provide glimpses into the molecular and cellular mechanisms unde
135                  These results provide first glimpses into the neuroanatomical bases of early childho
136          Over the past five decades, limited glimpses into the relationship between gene sequence and
137                  These data sets provide new glimpses into the RNA universe.
138 enome sequencing have provided unprecedented glimpses into the virosphere.
139               The review offers a handful of glimpses into these complex dynamics.
140 at amplitude modulation provides a means of "glimpsing" low-frequency spatial cues in a manner that b
141      Therefore, LB1 offers the most complete glimpse of a bipedal hominin foot that lacks the full su
142 tion state inhibitor that provides the first glimpse of a complete AMPD active site.
143 gulation in budding yeast, giving a detailed glimpse of a genome-wide survey of the genetics of gene
144 ure of the AlkA-DNA complex offers the first glimpse of a helix-hairpin-helix (HhH) glycosylase compl
145 ttering data to present the first structural glimpse of a Hfq-sRNA complex.
146           These structures provide the first glimpse of a myo-inositol polyphosphatase-ligand complex
147 y incomplete and error-prone, they provide a glimpse of a new, probabilistic view of gene function.
148 ceptions of genetic variation by providing a glimpse of a primary source, DNA polymorphism.
149 ogical aspects of Wnt signaling, and a first glimpse of a purified Wnt protein.
150              We present the first structural glimpse of an active CT in structures from three crystal
151 es as syntenic pseudogenes, providing a rare glimpse of an entire pathway in the process of degenerat
152                      This discovery offers a glimpse of ancient soft-bodied protozoan biotas, and als
153 ssils from China provide a rare, tantalizing glimpse of bizarre insects in the Cretaceous and Jurassi
154 domain, and these lines collectively offer a glimpse of compartments of gene expression.
155 at species and provides a highly informative glimpse of divergence of sex chromosome sequences in Fel
156  cerevisiae and Drosophila provide the first glimpse of enzymes that carry out protein palmitoylation
157 w and robust domain of expression provides a glimpse of evolutionary variation resulting from changes
158 ent applications and developments and give a glimpse of future directions and potentials of FSM.
159              Thus, our study provides a rare glimpse of how a chromosomal polymorphism has affected t
160 s that stack end-to-end, thereby providing a glimpse of how an extended (20 base-pair) helix of RNA-D
161 c analyses of lesion mimic mutants provide a glimpse of how cell death thresholds are set via an inte
162 immunity to HIV vaccination, thus offering a glimpse of how dense phenotyping of serological response
163         Together, these data provide a first glimpse of how fractalkine interacts with its receptor a
164  offer those who knew him through his work a glimpse of how it felt to interact with this remarkable
165 n of the bacterial channel, AmtB, provides a glimpse of how members of its family might control the p
166 iology approaches are beginning to provide a glimpse of how natural population variation together wit
167 omplex and multidimensional, offering a rare glimpse of how noise in regulatory networks can provide
168 as the source, which provides a quantitative glimpse of how specific intramolecular interactions infl
169 [Cp(C5F4N)FeH(P(tBu)2N(tBu)2H)](+) provide a glimpse of how the H-H bond is oxidized or generated in
170                         Our study provides a glimpse of how the molecular components of the bacterial
171 now been studied in enough detail to allow a glimpse of how they function and influence our perspecti
172  host-virus interactions provides not only a glimpse of life at immunity's edge, but it has also illu
173                               From the first glimpse of moving spines half a decade ago, the prevaili
174 ging use in the United States and provides a glimpse of obstacles that imaging practices may soon fac
175 uction at 18 A resolution provides the first glimpse of P22 terminase architecture and implies two di
176                        Our studies provide a glimpse of peptide interaction with MHC class I molecule
177 assical' plant hormones - provides the first glimpse of possible molecular mechanisms operating in gi
178 he feathers, carbonized soft tissues offer a glimpse of preservational potential and history for the
179                          I hope this gives a glimpse of science in East Germany and encourages people
180        In this feature article, we provide a glimpse of several analytical techniques that are most c
181                 These studies provide a rare glimpse of silicon chemistry on the molecular level and
182                      These results provide a glimpse of social evolution in its earliest stages and p
183 mical reaction dynamics but rather provide a glimpse of some of the emerging insights.
184               These results provide a direct glimpse of synaptic mechanisms that control sensory resp
185               This structure provides a rare glimpse of the active conformation of an enzyme catalyzi
186 rine Ebp1 (p48 isoform), providing the first glimpse of the architecture of this versatile regulator.
187 osomal sites in the same cell has provided a glimpse of the arrangement of a bacterial chromosome.
188                Our results provide the first glimpse of the cell type-specific 3D organization of lin
189  results described here provide an important glimpse of the chemical complexity that can be associate
190 d sequence tags (ESTs) have provided a first glimpse of the collection of transcribed sequences in a
191                        This study provides a glimpse of the complex genetic architecture of replicati
192              These techniques have allowed a glimpse of the complexity of microbial communities and t
193 d-degrading syntrophic bacterium, provides a glimpse of the composition and architecture of the elect
194                         These data provide a glimpse of the conformational changes of an important li
195               Recent studies have provided a glimpse of the conserved molecular machinery that direct
196 r-like domain and thus provides a structural glimpse of the design principle of the molecular transdu
197                     Here we report the first glimpse of the detailed subcellular localization of endo
198                 These observations provide a glimpse of the dimensions and ramifications of HSC-osteo
199 ere Island, Nunavut, Canada, allows a unique glimpse of the Early Pliocene terrestrial biota north of
200 f potential reaction intermediates offered a glimpse of the elementary steps that constitute the cata
201  nucleotide paired with guanine, providing a glimpse of the enzyme-product complex.
202 this issue of Cell, Janicki et al. provide a glimpse of the events that follow transcriptional induct
203 rges in the "down/resting" state and hence a glimpse of the extent of conformational changes during a
204 oximity to our own fish ancestors provides a glimpse of the fish that first walked on land.
205 pPT23A family plasmids (PFPs) has provided a glimpse of the gene content and virulence function of th
206                   This comparison provided a glimpse of the highly evolved nature of P. falciparum; f
207                       Our findings provide a glimpse of the interface between the form and function o
208 ribution of Thr-Gly lengths and gives a rare glimpse of the interplay between molecular polymorphism,
209 d cryo-electron microscopy provide the first glimpse of the intron RNP precursor as a large, loosely
210 k in the Hpo signaling pathway and provide a glimpse of the molecular events on a Hpo-responsive enha
211       Overall, this study gives us the first glimpse of the molecular mechanism of alpha-N-terminal m
212                                   This first glimpse of the motions of active-site components during
213 hy, organization of brain regions gives us a glimpse of the perceptual convergence, the articulation
214                      These studies provide a glimpse of the physical and chemical underpinnings of li
215            These experimental data provide a glimpse of the physical properties of dense hydrogen abo
216     Their results not only provide the first glimpse of the physiologic effects of this newly appreci
217 ta presented here not only provide the first glimpse of the possible regulatory mechanism of hIDO by
218                     These findings give us a glimpse of the possible underlying mechanisms allowing C
219  of the roles of candidate genes, offering a glimpse of the potential power of microarrays in neurobi
220 perties of the galaxies and the first direct glimpse of the progression of the growth of their large-
221 echano- and voltage-sensing, and may offer a glimpse of the properties of the first sensor/channel.
222   Our genomic DNA sequence provides a unique glimpse of the provenance and evolution of our species,
223 served by x-ray crystallography, providing a glimpse of the putative heparin-bound state.
224                Our results provide the first glimpse of the regions that regulate the binding specifi
225 ransmembrane interface and provide the first glimpse of the requirements for AT1R complex assembly.
226 ging data from these trials provide an early glimpse of the safety and efficacy issues for these mole
227 to those of the wvGIRK2 channel, providing a glimpse of the selective pressures that have maintained
228  to multi-Tbit/in(2) memories and provides a glimpse of the structural and electrical manifestations
229                            This is the first glimpse of the structural details of a mammalian IRAK fa
230 cture of the enzyme in solution, providing a glimpse of the structure of any N2OR and shedding light
231 amilies, providing the first molecular-level glimpse of the Tat machinery.
232                 These data provide the first glimpse of the total human T cell response to a complex
233                          Our first molecular glimpse of the TRD mechanism has finally been revealed w
234 nces in molecular techniques have given us a glimpse of the tremendous diversity present within the m
235 rily composed of polysaccharides, offering a glimpse of the tremendous variation inherent in natural
236 reserve soft-bodied organisms provide a rare glimpse of the true biodiversity during past periods of
237 fic cells, but have also allowed us to get a glimpse of the types of pathways that regulate these mac
238 rbation experiments which provide an initial glimpse of the underlying network architecture.
239                                In addition a glimpse of the valuable scientific information that has
240 er systems for the Archaea provide the first glimpse of their genetic mechanisms and have the potenti
241 anthanide compounds first gave a tantalizing glimpse of their potential for catalytic C-H bond transf
242 onal states of the enzyme, providing a first glimpse of what an active TAM receptor kinase may look l
243 mmunology, Li et al. (2016) provide a unique glimpse of yet another aspect of coordinated DNA methyla
244                Because structures are static glimpses of a dynamic enzyme, we have taken a structure-
245            Research in this area can provide glimpses of a labyrinth of genetic architectures that ha
246 odent malarial parasites offer unprecedented glimpses of a lineage that is distinct from other model
247                                Nevertheless, glimpses of a new synthesis might be discernible in emer
248                                              Glimpses of a stationary retinal image during simulated
249 rs investigated whether the brief stationary glimpses of a target that occur during foveation periods
250 EG expression in medial amygdala may provide glimpses of a tertiary sorting of chemosensory signals b
251 spinal microcircuits remain elusive--we have glimpses of an underlying order but lack a comprehensive
252                   The data provide the first glimpses of conservation of multiple ncRNA families acro
253           In addition, where previously mere glimpses of diversity could be gained from sequencing st
254  profiling technologies now provide valuable glimpses of epigenetic changes that occur during normal
255               Here we describe how the first glimpses of genomic sequence from human chromosome 7 are
256 ase, and studies in animal models have given glimpses of hope that gene therapy may provide future th
257                                      We have glimpses of how orderly processes are established in the
258 ility, fibrosis, and angiogenesis, providing glimpses of new regulatory mechanisms and potential ther
259 es in this category has provided tantalizing glimpses of portions of the packaged nucleic acid, contr
260                        Recent advances, with glimpses of possible therapies are emerging, but because
261 hat are active against melanoma, with recent glimpses of the CD4(+) T cell repertoire.
262 s and that Drosophila is providing our first glimpses of the complexities of these gene networks.
263 amic imaging methods have produced the first glimpses of the interactions between antigen-specific T
264 vity in cultured DRGs, and provide the first glimpses of the unique anatomical architecture of cold f
265                   Here we present some first glimpses of these features.
266 tress responsiveness of the heart, providing glimpses of undiscovered regulatory mechanisms and poten
267 of Titan's atmosphere, and provide the first glimpses of what appears to be a complex, fluid-processe
268           This present study offers a "first-glimpse" of cell damage and death during the initial pha
269 sporadically generated knowledge only offers glimpses on limited patches of the network.
270                The authors were also able to glimpse possible instances of cooperation or competition
271 eless, promising applications can already be glimpsed, ranging from the use of hepcidin levels for di
272 sed pseudogenes are incredibly abundant, and glimpsed the apparently huge number of non-coding RNAs t
273                In order to provide the first glimpse to the epigenetic landscape of this early diverg
274                                  Ultimately, GLIMPSE will support the identification of cost-effectiv

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