


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  Our study revealed unprecedented details of glomerular abnormalities in Col4a3 mutants including dis
2 ropathy and inflammation to proteinuria with glomerular abnormalities.
3                                  We detected glomerular and peritubular capillary rarefaction, macrop
4 led a striking pattern in which genes of the glomerular and proximal tubule lineages were either unch
5 delayed development, and signs of pronephric glomerular and tubular dysfunction mimicking the early p
6  hypothesized that MCP-1 inhibition restores glomerular barrier function through influencing macropha
7 inin beta2 (LAMB2), a major component of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM).
8 rastructural thickening and splitting of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM).
9 ratus consisting of podocyte foot processes, glomerular basement membrane and endothelial cells.
10          VEGF-A165 b rescues the increase in glomerular basement membrane and podocyte slit width, as
11 ution of NETs via DNase I did not alter anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody-induced glomerular
12 -linked hereditary nephropathy (XLHN) have a glomerular basement membrane defect that leads to progre
13        Ultrastructural studies show that the glomerular basement membrane is thickened, podocyte slit
14 ous chronic glomerulonephritis (GN) and anti-glomerular basement membrane-induced nephritis.
15 on was induced using an antibody against the glomerular basement membrane.
16 levels of all inflammatory markers, restored glomerular capillaries and podocyte structure, and arres
17                                   The kidney glomerular capillaries are frequent sites of immune comp
18 y a pathway of neutrophil recruitment within glomerular capillaries following IgG deposition that may
19                       Detailed assessment of glomerular capillaries from diabetic D2 mice demonstrate
20 utrophils, which were similar in diameter to glomerular capillaries, abruptly arrested following anti
21 lomerulonephritis, NETs are generated in the glomerular capillaries, where they are short lived and m
22 isruption under the high shear conditions in glomerular capillaries.
23 molecule in glomerular endothelial cells and glomerular capillary circumference.
24 ly increased APA staining in areas of intact glomerular capillary loops.
25                        Mechanistically, both glomerular cathepsin L and heparanase expression were re
26 egulating key genes and cellular pathways in glomerular cells during development and homeostasis.
27 istal tubule, interstitial cells, and rarely glomerular cells following injection.
28 dney sections and flow cytometry analysis of glomerular cells from magnetic bead-purified glomeruli h
29 hat control inflammation and is activated in glomerular cells in glomerulonephritis (GN).
30 by RSF-induced proinflammatory signalling in glomerular cells.
31 , interstitial inflammatory infiltrates, and glomerular cells.Primary VSMCs were infected with green
32 patial scale that encompasses many different glomerular channels.
33                                  Neighboring glomerular columns, representing inputs from different r
34 (PN) classes form synaptic connections in 50 glomerular compartments in the antennal lobe, each of wh
35 perimental system to investigate rewiring of glomerular connectivity, we show that novel OSN synapses
36 cally fixed and found significant linkage to glomerular crescents on chromosome 2 (Crgn8, LOD = 3.8).
37 whether APA exerts a protective role against glomerular damage and during AngII-mediated hypertensive
38 in animals with polymicrobial sepsis whereas glomerular damage due to glycerol-induced kidney-injury
39                                              Glomerular damage mediated by glomerulus-infiltrating my
40 ch correlates with increased albuminuria and glomerular damage.
41 e), hypoalbuminemia, reduced GFR, and marked glomerular damage.
42 s assessed on CT times the biopsy-determined glomerular density).
43 xpression in diabetic nephropathy tissue and glomerular depositions of protein S.
44 with high titers of IgG1 anti-3F7.A10 led to glomerular deposits of IgG1/IgG2a complexes.
45 l but one of the patients also had segmental glomerular deposits on renal biopsy specimen.
46 h glucocorticoids ameliorate proteinuria and glomerular disease are not well understood.
47 enetic reprogramming can improve outcomes in glomerular disease by repressing the reactivation of dev
48 ctional tetraspanin CD151 is associated with glomerular disease characterised by early onset proteinu
49 with diabetic glomerulosclerosis as the only glomerular disease diagnosis (n=109).
50 H3K27me3 content of podocytes and attenuated glomerular disease in adriamycin nephrotoxicity, SNx, an
51   IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is a common chronic glomerular disease that, in most patients, slowly progre
52 eased H3K27me3 levels and sensitized mice to glomerular disease.
53        Fibrillary GN (FGN) is a rare primary glomerular disease.
54 keletal apparatus results in proteinuria and glomerular disease.
55 uld be a novel therapeutic avenue in chronic glomerular disease.
56 resents the most aggressive form of acquired glomerular disease.
57 omerulopathy, which represents a spectrum of glomerular diseases characterized on fluorescent microsc
58       Therefore, neutrophil participation in glomerular diseases deserves re-evaluation.
59 y (IgAN) is the most prevalent among primary glomerular diseases worldwide.
60  features of FGN overlap with those of other glomerular diseases, and no unique histologic biomarkers
61 hannel activity of TRPC6 in association with glomerular diseases.
62  healthy glomeruli or in 19 types of non-FGN glomerular diseases.
63 tinely used to identify and classify various glomerular diseases.
64 e metabolizing role of APA in AngII-mediated glomerular diseases.
65 ts into the biology and (patho)physiology of glomerular diseases.
66                FSGS, the most common primary glomerular disorder causing ESRD, is a complex disease t
67 esis of proteinuria in primary and secondary glomerular disorders.
68 f the glomerular filtration barrier leads to glomerular dysfunction, frequently manifested as protein
69 mature myeloid cells as a key contributor to glomerular dysfunction.
70 ly elevated early on in the disease, causing glomerular endothelial cell damage.
71    I infected primary human podocytes, renal glomerular endothelial cells (GECs), and mesangial cells
72 d type, diabetic Akita mice as well as mouse glomerular endothelial cells (MGECs) were used as experi
73 ions (8-oxoguanine) exclusively localized to glomerular endothelial cells after 3 weeks of diabetes,
74 atelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule in glomerular endothelial cells and glomerular capillary ci
75 sfunction, mediated largely by Edn1-Ednra in glomerular endothelial cells representing an early event
76 lation of the VEGF activity, particularly in glomerular endothelial cells.
77 a (n=6) on the release of microvesicles from glomerular endothelial cells.
78 sed mitochondrial DNA damage associated with glomerular endothelial EDNRA expression.
79       We show that MCP-1 inhibition restores glomerular endothelial glycocalyx and barrier function a
80         MCP-1 inhibition, however, increased glomerular endothelial glycocalyx coverage, with preserv
81 ression, and suggest that cross talk between glomerular endothelial injury and podocytes leads to def
82                                              Glomerular endothelial mitochondrial dysfunction was ass
83                                    Increased glomerular endothelial phospho-p65 staining in patients
84 al dysfunction was associated with increased glomerular endothelin-1 receptor type A (Ednra) expressi
85                              Visualizing the glomerular endothelium and podocyte-endothelium interfac
86          Furthermore, we detected an altered glomerular endothelium with disrupted sub-endothelial in
87  glomeruli and immunofluorescent staining of glomerular epithelial cells (podocytes) indicated that V
88                                Podocytes are glomerular epithelial cells that are normally growth-arr
89 sions and recruitment of pathogenic parietal glomerular epithelial cells.
90 m creatinine concentration, albuminuria, and glomerular expression of ETS-1 and two ETS-1 targets, MC
91 ocyte injury, glomerular NF-kappaB activity, glomerular expression of inflammatory mediators, and glo
92       Finally, we validated the differential glomerular expression of select microRNAs in a second co
93 s during nephritis by microarray analysis of glomerular extract gene expression.
94 ine (Pnoninferiority = 0.0004), and measured glomerular filtration (Pnoninferiority = 0.0003).
95 ution the ultrastructural alterations of the glomerular filtration apparatus in mice lacking the crit
96 plexes in a subepithelial location along the glomerular filtration barrier 14 days after antibody inj
97 ocytes are essential components of the renal glomerular filtration barrier and podocyte dysfunction l
98 ified fatty acids (NEFAs) across the damaged glomerular filtration barrier and subsequent reabsorptio
99      Nephrotic syndrome (NS) occurs when the glomerular filtration barrier becomes excessively permea
100 to a universal end point of podocyte injury, glomerular filtration barrier disruption, and SRNS.
101 ltered podocyte differentiation and impaired glomerular filtration barrier function, with development
102 a, suggesting an important role of THSD7A in glomerular filtration barrier integrity.
103  needed to define its role in maintenance of glomerular filtration barrier integrity.
104                                          The glomerular filtration barrier is known as a 'size cutoff
105           Disruption of any component of the glomerular filtration barrier leads to glomerular dysfun
106                       Ultrastructurally, the glomerular filtration barrier of the Gsalpha-deficient a
107 intaining the integrity of podocytes and the glomerular filtration barrier of the kidney.
108 ntified YAP as an essential component of the glomerular filtration barrier that promotes podocyte sur
109 SRNS), a heterogeneous disorder of the renal glomerular filtration barrier, results in impairment of
110 podocytes represent a key constituent of the glomerular filtration barrier.
111 percent of the participants had an estimated glomerular filtration rate >30 mL/min per 1.73 m(2).
112 We selected adult subjects with an estimated glomerular filtration rate >60 mL/min/1.73m(2), an outpa
113 ents with normal or impaired renal function (glomerular filtration rate >80 mL/min or between 80 and
114 ey disease (serum creatinine level >3 mg/dL; glomerular filtration rate <15 mL/min; acute kidney inju
115 , >1 g proteinuria, heart failure, estimated glomerular filtration rate <20 mL.min(-1).1.73 m(-2), or
116 se, renal death, development of an estimated glomerular filtration rate <30 mL/min per 1.73m(2), or d
117 oup had borderline renal function (estimated glomerular filtration rate <45 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) and hep
118 pants with chronic kidney disease (estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min per 1.73 m(2) or u
119 in patients with RD, defined as an estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min/1.73 m(2), and com
120 pnea, and any of the following: 1) estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 ml/min/1.73 m(2); 2) hypo
121 with and without renal impairment (estimated glomerular filtration rate <60mL/min/1.73m(2)).
122 (beta, 0.70; P < .001), and higher estimated glomerular filtration rate (beta, 0.03; P = .02).
123 lished cardiovascular disease, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) >/=30 mL.min(-1).1.73
124 D Among 3 570 865 US veterans with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) >/=60 mL min(-1) 1.73
125 is of kidney function based on the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in 110,517 European an
126 compensated cirrhosis, and with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of 40 mL/min or greate
127  6662 participants with a baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of at least 60 mL/min/
128 oncentrations and risk of incident estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of less than 60 mL/min
129 patients with a prehospitalization estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of more than 45 mL/min
130 166 (73.1%) had diabetes, the mean estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was 33.9 +/- 15.8 ml/m
131 y the association of pre-operative estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) with PPCs in laparosco
132 ion/primary nonfunction (DGF/PNF), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and graft-survival at
133  renal outcomes: >/=30% decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), doubling of the serum
134 comes were HbA1c, LDL cholesterol, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), incident microalbumin
135 rectly associated with declines in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).
136 isease (CKD) is defined by reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).
137                                    Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR, a marker of kidney fun
138 abetes mellitus and inversely with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFRcreatcysC)(all P < 0.001
139  acid (PUA) levels are associated with lower glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and higher blood pressu
140 as conducted to determine if TRPC6 regulates glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the contractile fun
141                                          The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) assesses the function o
142           There was no significant change in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) before or after therapy
143 dney volume and the decline in the estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) but also caused more el
144 rfiltration is a risk factor for accelerated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decline and nephropathy
145 late ion transport in response to changes in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to maintain glomerulotu
146  inaccuracy of creatinine-based estimates of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), UK and international g
147                        We tested if measured glomerular filtration rate (mGFR, by chrome-ethylenediam
148 min creatinine ratio (P < 0.01), the fall in glomerular filtration rate (P < 0.001), and improved ren
149 r SD increase; OR, 1.13; 95% CI, 1.05-1.21), glomerular filtration rate (per SD increase; OR, 0.67; 9
150 ts with baseline renal impairment (estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR] </= 60 mL/min) and pai
151 easures of chronic kidney disease (estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR] and albuminuria) with
152  1-2 chronic kidney disease (CKD) (estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR], >/= 60 mL/min/1.73 m(
153 redictors of BTP levels are quinolinic acid, glomerular filtration rate and age.
154                     Changes in the estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria were also ana
155 ransplant outcomes included 1-year estimated glomerular filtration rate and death-censored graft surv
156 f >50% reduction in their baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate and end stage kidney disease
157 d in those with higher BMI, higher estimated glomerular filtration rate and lower creatinine.
158                                          The glomerular filtration rate and plasma renin, noradrenali
159 rimary care, serum creatinine with estimated glomerular filtration rate and proteinuria measurements
160 rogressive reduction in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate and showed evidence of renal
161 t function had significantly lower estimated glomerular filtration rate at 12 months postbiopsy and a
162  chronic rejection, or in the mean estimated glomerular filtration rate at 15 years.
163 The changes in serum potassium and estimated glomerular filtration rate at 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours.
164  at least 100 x 10(9) platelets per L, and a glomerular filtration rate at least 60 mL/min.
165 and 30, there was no difference in estimated glomerular filtration rate between the RF study group an
166 ons in dietary Na(+) intake do not alter the glomerular filtration rate but alter the total and cell-
167 ession, administration of SRT3025 attenuated glomerular filtration rate decline and proteinuria witho
168                   APOL1-associated estimated glomerular filtration rate decline was observed starting
169 ysis, transplantation, and/or >60% estimated glomerular filtration rate decline, or mortality) outcom
170                                Age and basal glomerular filtration rate did not differ between groups
171 when estimated from cystatin C compared with glomerular filtration rate estimated from creatinine, 44
172        The adjusted change in mean estimated glomerular filtration rate from baseline to month 6 (Nan
173 ificant for death, 25% decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate from baseline, major adverse
174 dney transplantation patients with estimated glomerular filtration rate greater than 90 have worse ou
175 olic blood pressure decreased, and estimated glomerular filtration rate increased (P=0.003) more in t
176 rapy discontinuation when baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate is above 44 mL/min/1.73 m.
177        Patients with mean baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate less than 45 mL/min/1.73 m we
178 rtension, 32% had LVH, and 38% had estimated glomerular filtration rate less than 60 mL/min per 1.73
179 discharge, almost twice as many patients had glomerular filtration rate less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m wh
180 with type 2 diabetes and CKD (with estimated glomerular filtration rate less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2),
181 onic kidney disease was defined as estimated glomerular filtration rate less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2,
182 ort study recruited adults with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 20 to 70 mL/min/1.73 m2 fr
183 bling of creatinine or decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate of 30% or more.
184 , lamivudine, and abacavir; and an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 50 mL/min or more.
185 V-1 RNA >/=500 copies per mL) with estimated glomerular filtration rate of at least 30 mL/min.
186 rhosis and ascites; rifaximin did not affect glomerular filtration rate or levels of vasoactive hormo
187                                    Estimated glomerular filtration rate was calculated using the Modi
188                       No change in estimated glomerular filtration rate was noted after the procedure
189                           Baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate was the only one predictor of
190 aft and patient survival, and mean estimated glomerular filtration rate were also comparable between
191  0.80; interquartile range, 0.70-1.01 mg/dL; glomerular filtration rate, 102+/-23; median, 106; inter
192 all, 1461 (10%) had CKD (mean [SD] estimated glomerular filtration rate, 49 [10] mL/min/1.73 m2).
193 term follow-up, 1 had a normalized estimated glomerular filtration rate, and 3 (4%) had persistent CK
194 nger, with higher body mass index, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and forced expiratory volume
195 ulatory support, natriuretic peptide decile, glomerular filtration rate, and total bilirubin level we
196 ood pressure, BMI, smoking status, estimated glomerular filtration rate, LDL-cholesterol concentratio
197 daily blocks walked, diuretic use, estimated glomerular filtration rate, left ventricular mass, eject
198 , progression of retinopathy, changes in the glomerular filtration rate, lipid levels, and measures o
199 itions characterized by a sudden decrease in glomerular filtration rate, manifested by an increase in
200 thickness, other cardiovascular markers, the glomerular filtration rate, or progression of retinopath
201                            No effects on the glomerular filtration rate, P = 0.14, or vasoactive horm
202  renal composite (40% reduction in estimated glomerular filtration rate, renal replacement therapy, o
203 f a sustained 40% reduction in the estimated glomerular filtration rate, the need for renal-replaceme
204 .0044), while the routinely used parameters (glomerular filtration rate, urine albumin-to-creatinine
205 atified by HbA1c, BMI, region, and estimated glomerular filtration rate.
206 l function, regardless of baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate.
207 e drugs modified according to bodyweight and glomerular filtration rate.
208 topathies and its expression correlates with glomerular filtration rate.
209 oking, elevated triglycerides, and estimated glomerular filtration rate.
210 for age, sex, body mass index, and estimated glomerular filtration rate.
211                                Cr levels and glomerular filtration rates (GFRs) were grouped accordin
212 red) renal allograft survival with estimated glomerular filtration rates (mL/min per 1.73 m) of 43 to
213  censored for primary nonfunction, estimated glomerular filtration rates after 1 year and 5 years wer
214 function imaging, where blood velocities and glomerular filtration rates are simultaneously measured,
215 atients had significantly worse (P < 0.0001) glomerular filtration rates at 1, 2, 3, and 4 years post
216             In this subpopulation, estimated glomerular filtration rates at randomization were higher
217 nts of at least 200 cells per muL, estimated glomerular filtration rates of at least 70 mL per min, a
218 due to loss of podocytes, cells critical for glomerular filtration, and leads to proteinuria and kidn
219 upts precise ORN axon targeting and discrete glomerular formation.
220 lected size selectivity analogous to that of glomerular function.
221                      Outer retinal and renal glomerular functions rely on specialized vasculature mai
222 th disease development, we characterised the glomerular gene expression profile at an early stage of
223 maller AuNCs are more readily trapped by the glomerular glycocalyx than larger ones.
224 d with a nephrotoxic serum showed persistent glomerular hyalinosis and albuminuria 96 hours after inj
225 nt resistance, efferent resistance (RE), and glomerular hydrostatic pressure (PGLO).
226 herapies improved renal function, decreasing glomerular hyperfiltration and albuminuria.
227                      The revived interest in glomerular hyperfiltration as a prognostic and pathophys
228                    This phenomenon, known as glomerular hyperfiltration, classically has been hypothe
229 al EPAS1 has a global protective role during glomerular hypertensive injuries without influencing the
230 vated levels of serum IgM and enhanced renal glomerular IgM deposition.
231                                              Glomerular inflammation was induced using an antibody ag
232 nct functions of the two major DC subsets in glomerular inflammation.
233                       The goal was to define glomerular inflammatory events controlled by ABIN1 funct
234 1[D485N] mice, and renal pathophysiology and glomerular inflammatory phenotypes were assessed.
235 inst ErbB4 significantly suppressed diabetic glomerular injury and albuminuria in both WT and miR-146
236 ts at 2 weeks, and ES allografts showed less glomerular injury and interstitial fibrosis.
237 creased TRPC6 expression in podocytes induce glomerular injury and proteinuria.
238 ropathy progression in mice with established glomerular injury and reduced H3K27me3 levels.
239 eficiency of APA increases susceptibility to glomerular injury in BALB/c mice.
240 ed the expression of p57(Kip2) and prevented glomerular injury in RPGN.
241  one of these loci on chromosome 8, mediates glomerular injury in SS hypertension.
242 hways as likely mediators of the destructive glomerular injury in this disease.
243                               However, after glomerular injury induced by either LPS or nephrotoxic s
244 c CD8(+) cells without CD4(+) cells mediated glomerular injury when MPO was planted in glomeruli.
245 lomerular basement membrane antibody-induced glomerular injury, as assessed via albuminuria, although
246 n that may be targeted by bosutinib to avert glomerular injury.
247 hort lived and make a modest contribution to glomerular injury.
248      LPAR inhibition also reduced histologic glomerular injury; decreased the expression of profibrot
249 lvement and histologically exhibited nodular glomerular involvement.
250 ys a pivotal role in hereditary and sporadic glomerular kidney disease.
251 150 ms after stimulation and are mediated by glomerular layer circuits.
252 L-dSAC axons arborize extensively across the glomerular layer to provide highly divergent yet selecti
253 al TCs (eTCs), which are a TC subtype in the glomerular layer with large, direct OSN signals and capa
254 e, we identify the first selective marker of glomerular layer-projecting deep short-axon cells (GL-dS
255 synaptic nicotinic and GABAergic currents in glomerular layer-projecting interneurons.
256 s, are due to weaker excitation and stronger glomerular-layer-mediated inhibition.
257 nduced dyslipidemia worsened albuminuria and glomerular macrophage accumulation but had no effect on
258 xpression of PD-L1 by CD11b(+)F4/80(-)I-A(-) glomerular macrophages in kidneys of mice with GN and th
259                                              Glomerular mesangial cell (GMC) proliferation and matrix
260 n rate (GFR) and the contractile function of glomerular mesangial cells (MCs).
261 tion in approximately 5000 gene promoters in glomerular mesangial cells, including those of Tgfb1, Tg
262  tubulointerstitial collagen deposition, but glomerular mesangial expansion was unaffected.
263 stolic BP and were the only group to exhibit glomerular mesangial hypercellularity.
264 s suggest that VEGF protects the retinal and glomerular microvasculature, not only through VEGFR2-med
265  CONTROLS: A random forest analysis based on glomerular miRNAs identified 18/20 DSA+ and 8/10 control
266 d cells belonging to clusters of at least 15 glomerular modules, providing a potential mechanism to i
267 er, monocyte depletion significantly reduced glomerular necrosis and crescent formation and abrogated
268  important role of monocytes/macrophages for glomerular necrosis and crescent formation in a renal AN
269  with bosutinib reduced FcgammaRIIA-mediated glomerular neutrophil accumulation and renal injury in e
270 on exacerbated proteinuria, podocyte injury, glomerular NF-kappaB activity, glomerular expression of
271  nephrotoxic nephritis, whereas reduction in glomerular numbers occurred much later.
272                  Changes in miRNA expression glomerular of capillaries during antibody-mediated rejec
273 at glucocorticoids act directly on activated glomerular parietal epithelial cells in crescentic nephr
274 reover, mechanisms underpinning all acquired glomerular pathologies converge on disruption of the cyt
275  (R246Q) in LMX1B was reported as a cause of glomerular pathologies without extra-renal manifestation
276 ith diabetes developed worse albuminuria and glomerular pathology.
277 /peptidomic analyses suggest that changes in glomerular permselectivity and tubular reabsorption acco
278 filtration barrier, results in impairment of glomerular permselectivity.
279 signs of tubular dysfunction but lacking the glomerular phenotype.
280 owever, the functional role of the TJ in the glomerular podocyte is unclear.
281       Aminopeptidase A (APA) is expressed in glomerular podocytes and tubular epithelia and metaboliz
282 ated phenotype of ordinarily quiescent adult glomerular podocytes.
283 orm 6 (TRPC6) channels in cardiomyocytes and glomerular podocytes.
284 ion by RNA interference decreases markers of glomerular proinflammatory macrophage activation.
285                                          The glomerular proteome of fibrillary GN cases also containe
286 ar expression of inflammatory mediators, and glomerular recruitment and retention of neutrophils in a
287   Ts1Rhr mice do not demonstrate a defect in glomerular refinement, suggesting that distinct genes or
288                            Acute tubular and glomerular renal injury was accompanied by nonheme iron
289                                 Podocyte and glomerular research is center stage for the development
290 odel of diabetic nephropathy showed enhanced glomerular ROS production, accelerated glomerulosclerosi
291  to inflammatory-mediated podocyte death and glomerular scarring.
292 dence of CKD, through common changes such as glomerular sclerosis, tubular atrophy, and interstitial
293        To examine this issue, we used single glomerular stimulation in mouse olfactory bulb slices to
294 opically, but the axon terminals fuse into a glomerular structure in the central brain where retinoto
295 n (ARMD), choriocapillaris degeneration, and glomerular thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA).
296 iRNA induction in epithelial cells can break glomerular tolerance to immune injury.
297  preparations, although minor differences in glomerular tuft contractility and macula densa cell calc
298 y showed strong and specific staining of the glomerular tufts in a distribution that mimicked that of
299 teins and small bioactive molecules from the glomerular ultrafiltrate to maintain essentially protein
300 scue the increase in proteinuria, as well as glomerular water permeability, in the context of progres

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