


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e (reduced number of podocytes per volume of glomerulus).
2 ll death and irreversible destruction of the glomerulus.
3 L particles capable of filtering through the glomerulus.
4 e structural and functional integrity of the glomerulus.
5 microscopy enables live imaging of the renal glomerulus.
6 t of cells in the tubulointerstitium and the glomerulus.
7 e could perceive the stimulation of a single glomerulus.
8 rly bifurcate and project into more than one glomerulus.
9 e to sniffing were discriminated through one glomerulus.
10 position of complement proteins in the renal glomerulus.
11 that ponzr1 is required for formation of the glomerulus.
12 ainst intrinsic or deposited antigens in the glomerulus.
13 is a general term for scarring of the kidney glomerulus.
14 ons conveying information centrally from the glomerulus.
15 artate receptors (NMDA-Rs) at the cerebellar glomerulus.
16 ed from dendrodendritic synapses within each glomerulus.
17 ons, instructs ensheathing glia to wrap each glomerulus.
18 ngial and endothelial cells to form a mature glomerulus.
19 onal coupling between sister MCs at the same glomerulus.
20 min, has been almost entirely focused on the glomerulus.
21 e of PG cells versus excitatory neurons at a glomerulus.
22  glomerulus initiated inhibition of the same glomerulus.
23 o dissect the contribution of each activated glomerulus.
24  divergence of each ORN onto every PN in its glomerulus.
25 itability and synchronize firing within each glomerulus.
26  maintaining the structural integrity of the glomerulus.
27 tes (visceral epithelial cells) of the renal glomerulus.
28 p a system for targeted drug delivery to the glomerulus.
29 ase GABA neurotransmission at the cerebellar glomerulus.
30 display asymmetry at the level of the single glomerulus.
31 ch forms the structural support of the renal glomerulus.
32 versible volume increase in the CO2-specific glomerulus.
33 dy and vascular tuft of capillary loop-stage glomerulus.
34 selective permeability barrier of the kidney glomerulus.
35 inflammatory effects of Ab deposition in the glomerulus.
36  the inner aspect of Bowman's capsule in the glomerulus.
37  between mitral cells projecting to the same glomerulus.
38 and more IgG2b and IgG3 deposited within the glomerulus.
39  the well-defined circuitry of the olfactory glomerulus.
40 cute immune-mediated inflammation within the glomerulus.
41 ed the average creatinine clearance rate per glomerulus.
42  single OR converges upon a unique olfactory glomerulus.
43 spontaneous bursting of ET cells of the same glomerulus.
44 be read out by the activation of its cognate glomerulus.
45 tigate NET formation in the acutely inflamed glomerulus.
46  in the major cell lineages that compose the glomerulus.
47 nd characterize its expression in the kidney glomerulus.
48 greater propensity for ROS generation in the glomerulus.
49 ctionally elegant structure called the renal glomerulus.
50  olfactory bulb, where they target the gamma-glomerulus.
51 lantation due to reduced podocyte number per glomerulus.
52 the 3-dimensional conformation of the native glomerulus.
53 ovel podocyte-specific protein of the kidney glomerulus.
54 ntaining podocyte function within the kidney glomerulus.
55 ther noradrenaline induces plasticity at the glomerulus.
56 g the reabsorption of Ca(2+) filtered by the glomerulus.
57 hile a smaller number project to the lateral glomerulus 1 protoglomerulus.
58     The filtration unit of the kidney is the glomerulus, a capillary network supported by mesangial c
59 tion between principal neurons from the same glomerulus, a circuit that reduces the firing rate and p
60 in the mammalian kidney, particularly in the glomerulus, a site of cellular damage in chronic kidney
61  strategies reduced deposition of IgM in the glomerulus after administration of adriamycin and attenu
62 antibody binds to neoepitopes exposed in the glomerulus after nonimmune insults, triggering activatio
63 er cells of renin lineage can repopulate the glomerulus after podocyte injury and serve as glomerular
64 duced by peritoneal B cells binds within the glomerulus after renal I/R and contributes to functional
65           Furthermore, we show that the beta-glomerulus also reacts to pressure pulses delivered to t
66        They contain protein and RNA from the glomerulus and all sections of the nephron and represent
67 d their matrix form the central stalk of the glomerulus and are part of a functional unit interacting
68 s of the selective filtration barrier of the glomerulus and are susceptible to oxidative damage.
69 ha-enolase and annexin AI predominate in the glomerulus and can be detected in serum.
70 that circulating hepcidin is filtered by the glomerulus and degraded to smaller isoforms detected in
71 as in local sites such as capillaries of the glomerulus and eye.
72 fied the number of CSDn active zones in each glomerulus and found that CSDn output is not uniform, bu
73 ntegrin immunoliposomes were detected in the glomerulus and glomerular mesangial cells after tail vei
74 s a protective functional role in the normal glomerulus and in glomerulonephritis.
75 ithelium also induced responses in the gamma-glomerulus and in mitral cells.
76 combination of decreased podocyte number per glomerulus and increased glomerular volume.
77 nctional circuitry, with excitation from one glomerulus and inhibition from a broad field of glomerul
78 pro, whose gene products are enriched in the glomerulus and interact with HIV-1 proteins.
79 lfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) of the same glomerulus and interneurons that innervate many glomerul
80 ion of extracellular matrix (ECM) within the glomerulus and interstitium characterizes renal fibrosis
81 s characterized by segmental scarring of the glomerulus and is a leading cause of kidney failure.
82 ncentration of vinegar excites an additional glomerulus and is less attractive to flies.
83  Urinary Pi is freely filtered at the kidney glomerulus and is reabsorbed in the renal tubule by the
84 egulation of FGFBP1 was most apparent in the glomerulus and juxtaglomerular space.
85 nt membrane type IV collagen antigens in the glomerulus and lung alveolus.
86 ergic PG cells ramify principally within one glomerulus and participate in uniglomerular circuits.
87 lence all of the ORNs innervating a specific glomerulus and recorded PN activity with two-photon calc
88 on of the outer ring of a single "principal" glomerulus and sparse arborization in the core of other
89 itivity closely resembles that of the parent glomerulus and surrounding JGNs, and their spontaneous a
90  we examined the fine structure of HS in the glomerulus and the GBM isolated from the kidneys of rats
91 ys in the development and maintenance of the glomerulus and the progression of disease.
92 owever, the dynamics of NET formation in the glomerulus and their functional contribution to acute gl
93 tissue, miR-214 was detected in cells of the glomerulus and tubules as well as in infiltrating immune
94 lian microvessels of choroid, renal tubules, glomerulus, and psoas muscle all showed similar lateral
95 dent IC processing by blood cells and in the glomerulus, and the importance of CFH as a plasma comple
96 ion of podocyte foot processes in the kidney glomerulus, and urinary albumin excretion.
97 form only a sparse, open network around each glomerulus; and glial processes invade the synaptic neur
98 rphological processes forming the pronephric glomerulus are astoundingly different between medaka and
99  clearly of great importance, changes in the glomerulus are not the major determinant of renal progno
100 iles of the interstitium, urinary lumen, and glomerulus-areas that are not resolved by traditional in
101 prevents the early structural changes in the glomerulus associated with diabetic nephropathy.
102 us at immunofluorescence microscopy, and one glomerulus at electron microscopy.
103  least 10 glomeruli at light microscopy, one glomerulus at immunofluorescence microscopy, and one glo
104            This is corroborated by a mosaic, glomerulus-based pattern of expression of the HCN2 (hype
105    Loss of ponzr1 results in a nonfunctional glomerulus but retention of a functional pronephros, an
106  acid sensitivity is not only focused to one glomerulus, but is also integrated in the odor processin
107 r, does not appear at the input level of the glomerulus, but is restricted to the projection neuron l
108 itis are triggered by Ab localization in the glomerulus, but the mechanisms by which this induces glo
109 d Ki-67-positive and pERK-positive cells per glomerulus by 52% (P < 0.01 and P < 0.005, respectively)
110               Ultrastructural studies of the glomerulus by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and
111 erular gap junctions between MCs at the same glomerulus can greatly enhance synchronized activity of
112 ic periglomerular (PG) cells that surround a glomerulus can prevent activation of a glomerulus throug
113                   Our data suggest that each glomerulus can transmit odor information using identity,
114 ed a decrease in the number of podocytes per glomerulus compared with wild-type mice as well as the p
115 rinary space that has been recognized in the glomerulus conducting primary filtrate to the proximal c
116                                          The glomerulus contains unique cellular and extracellular ma
117 arietal epithelial cells (PECs) of the renal glomerulus contribute to the formation of both cellular
118 meruli in the main olfactory bulb, with each glomerulus corresponding to a specific receptor.
119 man podocytes (HPCs), a key cell type in the glomerulus critical for kidney filtration function.
120 a synergistic response in the cVA-responsive glomerulus DA1.
121 nt in future analyses of medaka mutants with glomerulus defects.
122 s, suggesting a cellular basis for odor- and glomerulus-dependent patterns of inhibition.
123  teleost models to understand the pronephric glomerulus development.
124 xon sorting, pathfinding, and extension, and glomerulus development.
125 , wherein all mitral cells affiliated with a glomerulus either engaged in prolonged spike bursts or d
126  the visceral epithelial cells of the kidney glomerulus, elaborate primary and interdigitating second
127                                          The glomerulus exercises its filtration barrier function by
128       Only ET cells affiliated with the same glomerulus exhibit significant synchronous activity, sug
129  provide an atlas of in vivo phosphorylated, glomerulus-expressed proteins, including podocyte-specif
130 eed to filter large volumes of plasma at the glomerulus followed by active reabsorption of nearly 99%
131 tion of output mitral cells (MCs) at another glomerulus for interstimulus intervals of 20-50 ms and g
132    In both sexes and all castes, the largest glomerulus (G1) was located at a similar position relati
133 rvating an identifiable, sexually isomorphic glomerulus, G35, in the main AL.
134 rmation of the size-exclusion barrier of the glomerulus/glomus and recruit mesangial and endothelial
135                       Using a novel 3D whole-glomerulus imaging ex vivo assay, we revealed the involv
136 M activates the complement system within the glomerulus in an animal model of glomerulosclerosis.
137 nary proteins that leak through the abnormal glomerulus in nephrotic syndrome may affect tubular tran
138 ron (PN) targets its dendrites to a specific glomerulus in the antennal lobe and its axon stereotypic
139              Or83c neurons innervate the DC3 glomerulus in the antennal lobe and projection neurons r
140      Each PN targets dendrites to a specific glomerulus in the antennal lobe and projects axons stere
141 ed that IR64a+ neurons projecting to the DC4 glomerulus in the antennal lobe are specifically activat
142 n the antenna, form connections in a ventral glomerulus in the antennal lobe, and mediate avoidance.
143            These neurons converge on the DA1 glomerulus in the antennal lobe.
144 teins, each of which corresponds to a unique glomerulus in the first olfactory relay of the brain.
145    The different segments of the nephron and glomerulus in the kidney balance the processes of water
146 ransmit signals via a single ORN to a single glomerulus in the larval antennal lobe.
147 ts show that PNs arborizing in an identified glomerulus in the main olfactory pathway are morphologic
148                                            A glomerulus in the mammalian olfactory bulb receives axon
149 e, we show that for a genetically identified glomerulus in the mouse olfactory bulb, early odorant ex
150 cted localization of the MICA antigen to the glomerulus in the normal kidney, because this was confir
151                                 We present a glomerulus in the olfactory bulb (OB) activated by very
152            Here, we present data on the beta-glomerulus in the olfactory bulb of Xenopus laevis tadpo
153 the brain and show that they form a distinct glomerulus in the posterior antennal lobe (PAL).
154 haracterize cleaved podocyte proteins in the glomerulus in vivo We found evidence that defined proteo
155 n maintaining the filtration function of the glomerulus, in part through signaling events mediated by
156  components, and activation of an individual glomerulus independently signals the presence of a speci
157                    The occurrence of a major glomerulus-infiltrating CD11b(+)F4/80(-)I-A(-) macrophag
158 etic bead-purified glomeruli have identified glomerulus-infiltrating leukocyte populations in NZM2328
159 ic effect of CD11b(+)F4/80(-)I-A(-) M2b-like glomerulus-infiltrating macrophages in LN and reinforce
160                Glomerular damage mediated by glomerulus-infiltrating myeloid-derived cells is a key p
161 neous chronic GN and severe proteinuria, few glomerulus-infiltrating PMN were found, leaving macropha
162 ned to one glomerulus, such that ORNs at one glomerulus initiated inhibition of the same glomerulus.
163   Rather, homotypic MT neurons from the same glomerulus innervate broad regions that differ between i
164 normally target to a particular dorsolateral glomerulus instead mistarget to incorrect glomeruli with
165                                          The glomerulus is a highly specialized microvascular bed tha
166                                          The glomerulus is a primary site of diabetic injury, and pod
167  markedly different latency when a different glomerulus is activated.
168 ed that thermo-induced activity in the gamma-glomerulus is conveyed to the mitral cells innervating t
169 uggest that synchronous activity within each glomerulus is dependent on segregation of synaptic subco
170         We show that activation of the extra glomerulus is necessary and sufficient to mediate the be
171 in fish, the morphogenesis of the pronephric glomerulus is not stereotypical.
172                However, the odor tuning of a glomerulus is not strongly correlated with its spatial p
173                           Activation of each glomerulus is relayed to higher cortical processing cent
174 ation of type 1 angiotensin receptors in the glomerulus is sufficient to accelerate renal injury and
175 e report another unique feature of the gamma-glomerulus: it receives ipsilateral and contralateral af
176 ytes) and mesangial cells within the damaged glomerulus, leading to a partial restoration of expressi
177 Albuminuria associated with sclerosis of the glomerulus leads to a progressive decline in renal funct
178 ular capsule, a change we term the "uncapped glomerulus lesion." Glomerulotubular disconnection was c
179 hat early postnatal odor exposure to the M72 glomerulus ligand acetophenone increased the strength of
180 l cells, and structural elements surrounding glomerulus-like capillary beds.
181 igenesis and markedly expands the numbers of glomerulus-like structures and that tumor formation is s
182  We found that the Ipc terminal boutons form glomerulus-like structures in the superficial and interm
183                                         At a glomerulus, local interneurons reliably code visual prim
184                                 In the renal glomerulus, MAGI-2 is exclusively expressed in podocytes
185 ng the number of M/TCs connected to a single glomerulus may also increase the influence of that glome
186 ons, and that homogenous odor inputs to each glomerulus may be parsed and processed in different fash
187 that MICA is preferentially localized to the glomerulus may explain both immunoregulatory and pathoge
188  mitral and external tufted cells within the glomerulus may involve both direct and indirect componen
189 gs of this study support the notion that the glomerulus may serve as an amplification reservoir for Z
190 rites that normally target to a dorsolateral glomerulus mistarget to medial glomeruli in the antennal
191       PTP1B was markedly up-regulated in the glomerulus, notably in podocytes, in three rodent models
192  expression was assessed using Western blot, glomerulus number determined via acid maceration and hor
193 podocytes are stationary cells in the intact glomerulus of a translucent zebrafish with fluorescently
194  the localization of ACE and ACE2 within the glomerulus of kidneys from control (db/m) and diabetic (
195 nd minimized pathological alterations in the glomerulus of STZ-Nrf2(+/+) mice.
196 nt study examined cellular components of the glomerulus of the human kidney for ZIKV infectivity.
197                Mesangial cells, found in the glomerulus of the kidney, are able to produce large amou
198 nd constrain the vascular network within the glomerulus of the kidney.
199 aining integrins are highly expressed in the glomerulus of the kidney; however their role in glomerul
200 s project unbranched axons into one specific glomerulus of the olfactory bulb.
201                                          The glomerulus of the vertebrate kidney links the vasculatur
202 to one glomerulus on the medial face and one glomerulus on the lateral face of the bulb.
203 ng a given receptor typically project to one glomerulus on the medial face and one glomerulus on the
204 ulus may also increase the influence of that glomerulus on the OB network and on OB output.
205 ar layer was observed repeatedly in the beta-glomerulus only, mechanosensitive modulation of mitral c
206                                       In the glomerulus, Opn immunostaining was increased specificall
207 nd drive intraglomerular inhibition to shape glomerulus output to downstream olfactory networks.
208 owever, repeated in vivo imaging of the same glomerulus over extended periods of time and the study o
209    Change in mesangial fractional volume per glomerulus over the 5-year period did not differ signifi
210 negatively with total filtration surface per glomerulus (partial r = -0.26, P = 0.01; and partial r =
211         PCx firing was insensitive to single-glomerulus photostimulation.
212 nvestigate the necessity of cofilin-1 in the glomerulus, podocyte-specific Cfl1 null mice were genera
213 y to the specialized epithelial cells of the glomerulus (podocytes) underlies the pathogenesis of all
214                                   Within the glomerulus, podocytes--differentiated epithelial cells c
215                            We show that this glomerulus possesses an unusually broad response pattern
216 afish mitral cells likely innervate a single glomerulus rather than multiple glomeruli.
217             First, ET cell pairs of the same glomerulus receive spontaneous synchronous fast excitato
218 and find that PNs postsynaptic to the silent glomerulus receive substantial lateral excitatory input
219                                          One glomerulus receives coconvergent input from two separate
220                                        The V glomerulus receives projections from olfactory receptor
221                       PN axons from the same glomerulus reconverge in the lateral horn, where pooling
222 ila brain, focal activation of even a single glomerulus recruits GABAergic interneurons in all glomer
223 lls, whose processes are limited to a single glomerulus, regulate intraglomerular processing and (2)
224 t with a general one-receptor/one-neuron/one-glomerulus relationship.
225 tions exert their deleterious effects on the glomerulus remain elusive.
226 at project their apical dendrite to the same glomerulus represent unique functional networks.
227 ponse to large numbers of odorants at single glomerulus resolution.
228 3) (P<0.001) albumin-containing vesicles per glomerulus, respectively, compared with none at baseline
229 ural reconstructions of the podocyte and the glomerulus reveal BS to be formed from three distinct ur
230 ion of an axon bundle entering an individual glomerulus revealed that mitral cells receive monosynapt
231  confining odor-evoked ORN input to just one glomerulus reveals that most PNs postsynaptic to other g
232 hibition slowed podocyte loss (podocytes per glomerulus +/-SEM at 8 weeks: 667+/-40, n=4; at 20 weeks
233 n, our data demonstrate the existence of one glomerulus sensitive to both a large number of amino aci
234                        Mitral cells within a glomerulus show highly synchronized activity as assessed
235 terminals of a single PN innervating the CO2 glomerulus showed significantly decreased functional out
236         Biochemical analysis of the ischemic glomerulus shows that ischemia induces rapid loss of int
237  projection neurons associated with a single glomerulus significantly, a dramatic and long-lasting st
238 ler brain size, smaller CA2 neurons, smaller glomerulus size, and a characteristic hindlimb-clasping
239 igh-risk genotype (CXCL9, CXCL11, and UBD in glomerulus; SNOR14B and MUC13 in tubulointerstitium).
240  exposure increases M/TC number by >40% in a glomerulus-specific fashion.
241 techniques, we found that the CSDns received glomerulus-specific input from olfactory receptor neuron
242 but not unconditioned odor exposure, induces glomerulus-specific long-term potentiation (LTP) of syna
243 ting that PNs are driven by a combination of glomerulus-specific ORN afferents and diffuse LN excitat
244 hat the equilibrium is a requirement for the glomerulus-specific size changes which are a morphologic
245 lomerulus, thus representing a new potential glomerulus-specific targeted intervention.
246 ay a strong role in either axonal sorting or glomerulus stabilization and that in the adult, glial pr
247                                       Single-glomerulus stimulation was also detected on an intense o
248 ntribute to different diseases affecting the glomerulus, such as FSGS, IgA nephropathy, lupus nephrit
249 ll activation appeared to be confined to one glomerulus, such that ORNs at one glomerulus initiated i
250 erminally differentiated cells of the kidney glomerulus that are essential for the integrity of the k
251 ifferentiated epithelial cells in the kidney glomerulus that are exposed to glomerular capillary pres
252 cellular matrix (ECM) compartment within the glomerulus that contains tissue-restricted isoforms of c
253 e specialized epithelial cells in the kidney glomerulus that play important structural and functional
254                                          The glomerulus, the filtering unit in the kidney, is one goo
255                  In the mouse olfactory bulb glomerulus, the GABAergic periglomerular (PG) cells prov
256                During formation of the renal glomerulus, the glomerular capillary becomes enveloped b
257           Within each labeled TrpM5-positive glomerulus, the level of TrpM5-GFP expression was simila
258 mber of the filtration barrier in the kidney glomerulus, the podocyte is in a unique geographical pos
259 t sites of C3 fragment deposition within the glomerulus, the renal tubulointerstitium, and the poster
260                          It is composed of a glomerulus, the site of ultrafiltration, and a renal tub
261 d to IgM and was selectively filtered by the glomerulus, thereby excreted in urine.
262 s circuit can occur but is confined within a glomerulus, thereby retaining the wiring specificity of
263 und a glomerulus can prevent activation of a glomerulus through inhibitory inputs targeted onto excit
264 eate a lateral excitatory network within the glomerulus, thus markedly amplifying the sensitivity of
265 , a compound that excites PNs in an adjacent glomerulus, thus providing evidence for lateral-inhibito
266 rget a specific signaling pathway within the glomerulus, thus representing a new potential glomerulus
267 equate cases (5%), six were lacking only one glomerulus to achieve minimal status.
268 ction neurons relaying information from this glomerulus to higher brain centers target a region of th
269  markedly amplifying the sensitivity of each glomerulus to incoming sensory input.
270                 In mapping the position of a glomerulus to its odor tuning, we found only a coarse re
271 eomics of the entire urinary system from the glomerulus to the bladder.
272 technique, that the projections from the DA1 glomerulus to the protocerebrum are sexually dimorphic.
273 et al. analyze a model system, the olfactory glomerulus, to show how neurovascular coupling involves
274                                     The beta-glomerulus uses the classical cAMP-mediated pathway, as
275 ntrations [5, 6] and activates only a single glomerulus, V [5].
276 y impaired development of a single olfactory glomerulus, VA1v, which normally displays extensive slee
277 deposited in the tubulointerstitium and peri-glomerulus via binding to heparan sulphate (HS) chains o
278 hibition onto TCs, but not MCs, when the M72 glomerulus was stimulated.
279  ascending limb-distal tubule, with attached glomerulus, was isolated and perfused.
280 mp recordings from ET cell pairs of the same glomerulus, we found that the bursting of ET cells is sy
281 a Drosophila mutant lacking ORN input to one glomerulus, we show that some of the apparent complexity
282  the presence of five or more leukocytes per glomerulus, we sought to assess the reproducibility of t
283 each astrocyte sends processes into a single glomerulus, we used astrocyte recording as an intraglome
284 odor-evoked intrinsic optical signals at the glomerulus were persistently weakened after LC activatio
285 D68+ cells more than 12 in the most inflamed glomerulus were strongly associated with TG, donor-speci
286  cells) project apical dendrites to a common glomerulus where they receive a common input.
287  co-expressed within podocytes in the kidney glomerulus, where they localize to the slit diaphragm (S
288 ollowed the response time course of the beta-glomerulus, whereas many others were strongly inhibited
289 ation and other accessible sites such as the glomerulus, whereas platelet Cfh is responsible for immu
290 rial during repeated stimulation of the same glomerulus, whereas this same cell will have a markedly
291 riolar smooth muscle cells upstream from the glomerulus, which can transiently acquire the embryonic
292 ry effects of antibody deposition within the glomerulus, which depends at least in part on the produc
293 m the sensory epithelia to an olfactory bulb glomerulus, which is selectively innervated by only one
294 in the Xenopus tadpole system that the gamma-glomerulus, which receives input from olfactory neurons,
295  glomeruli is fused at the midline to form a glomerulus, while in medaka the two parts remain unmerge
296                                We focus on a glomerulus whose receptor neurons converge in an all-to-
297 t neuropeptide F sensitizes an antennal lobe glomerulus wired for attraction, while tachykinin (DTK)
298 le tachykinin (DTK) suppresses activity of a glomerulus wired for aversion.
299 ression is especially prominent in the renal glomerulus within podocytes.
300  reported to be freely filtered at the renal glomerulus without reabsorption at the tubule.

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