


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 I metabolites, particularly those undergoing glucuronidation.
2 al bioavailability and rapid clearance via O-glucuronidation.
3 yunsaturated fatty acids increased substrate glucuronidation.
4 mes and screened for effective inhibitors of glucuronidation.
5 metabolites) undergoes clearance by Phase II glucuronidation.
6  enzyme is a major UGT involved in estradiol glucuronidation.
7 nsformation of oxidized products of atRA via glucuronidation.
8  UGT1A1 is the isoform responsible for SN-38 glucuronidation.
9 indicating the role of UGT1 isoform in SN-38 glucuronidation.
10  contribute to the diversity of extrahepatic glucuronidation.
11 , the extent of which is determined by SN-38 glucuronidation.
12 he specific isoform of UGT involved in SN-38 glucuronidation.
13 cy of acetaminophen (AAP) to phenotype SN-38 glucuronidation.
14 tion to DCF modified by 4' hydroxylation and glucuronidation.
15            AAP was a poor predictor of SN-38 glucuronidation.
16 ely, these inducible modifications go beyond glucuronidation.
17 ucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1)-catalyzed glucuronidation.
18  target PXR as a positive regulator of human glucuronidation.
19 which inactivate and solubilize androgens by glucuronidation.
20 mor cell growth, HA production, and androgen glucuronidation.
21  PKC agonists verified a central PKC role in glucuronidation.
22 infolding by hydrogen bonding seems to favor glucuronidation.
23 line capillary electrophoresis monitoring of glucuronidation.
24 egulatory and functional properties of human glucuronidation.
25 ver microsomes were the most active in 4-ABP glucuronidation (344.1 pmol/min/mg) followed by rats (30
26                            UGTs eliminate by glucuronidation a broad variety of endobiotic and xenobi
27 is the sole enzyme responsible for bilirubin glucuronidation, a rate-limiting step necessary for bili
28                                              Glucuronidation activities of 14 substrates were measure
29 one and beta-naphthoflavone, cellular UGT1A1 glucuronidation activities were increased.
30 overexpressing HEK293 cells exhibited high N-glucuronidation activity against both nicotine and cotin
31 man liver microsomes (HLM) were analyzed for glucuronidation activity against SAHA and compared with
32 ant exhibited a 3-fold (P<0.005) decrease in glucuronidation activity against SAHA compared with wild
33 3Ala/277Tyr) variant exhibited no detectable glucuronidation activity against the trans isomers of ei
34 T2B17*2 exhibited a 45% (P<0.01) decrease in glucuronidation activity and a 75% (P<0.002) increase in
35                                    Conserved glucuronidation activity attributed to the Ugt1 locus ca
36                               Differences of glucuronidation activity between human liver and colon s
37 ed in Ugt1(-/-) mice, because UGT2-dependent glucuronidation activity is unaffected.
38  sensitive method for determination of the N-glucuronidation activity of mouse, rat, and human liver
39 e developed method was used to determine the glucuronidation activity of mouse, rat, and human liver
40 es alternate isoforms UGT1A_i2s that control glucuronidation activity through protein-protein interac
41  samples directly correlated with functional glucuronidation activity toward androgens and the antica
42      In addition, the selective induction of glucuronidation activity toward lamotrigine, ethinyl est
43 ation activity; a similar lack of detectable glucuronidation activity was observed for the UGT1A10p.G
44 ssociated with reduced nicotine and cotinine glucuronidation activity, but intriguingly is not associ
45 8p.Cys277Tyr variant exhibited no detectable glucuronidation activity; a similar lack of detectable g
46 an liver microsomal specimens, the rate of O-glucuronidation against trans-4-OH-TAM and trans-endoxif
47 cular shape is less important in the hepatic glucuronidation and biliary excretion of bilirubin and o
48                  The enzyme is essential for glucuronidation and biliary excretion of bilirubin, and
49           These inhibitors are impervious to glucuronidation and demonstrate allosteric inhibition.
50 rphisms may be associated with altered rates glucuronidation and detoxification of NNAL in vivo.
51 ridine 5'-diphosphoglucuronic acid-dependent glucuronidation and NADPH-dependent oxidation of estradi
52                                              Glucuronidation and oxidation studies of selected fluori
53                   In contrast, ATP-dependent glucuronidation and sulfation of acetaminophen, deemed "
54 hepatic enzyme involved in nicotine/cotinine glucuronidation and that the UGT2B10*2 variant significa
55                                              Glucuronidation and transporter-mediated efflux into bil
56                    Other compounds underwent glucuronidation and were not hypercholeretic.
57 oordinate induction of proteins for storage, glucuronidation, and canalicular transport of bilirubin.
58 apidly metabolized in the sole by oxidation, glucuronidation, and ethoxylate chain shortening.
59  carried out in the endoplasmic reticulum by glucuronidation, and most likely plays an important role
60 e excreted directly in bile or require prior glucuronidation are poorly understood.
61 liver microsomes established enantiospecific glucuronidation as a likely mechanism for the observed d
62 mutants nearly or completely inactivated all glucuronidation at both pH levels.
63 atio of 2-3-fold more activity for bilirubin glucuronidation at pH 6.4 versus 7.6 was established, an
64 ines the role and diversity of physiological glucuronidation at the distal end of the digestive tract
65 ) for the competitive inhibition of morphine glucuronidation by codeine, IC50 (on-line) = 170 vs 580
66 that bilirubin is metabolized solely through glucuronidation by UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A1
67           AalphaC and HONH-AalphaC underwent glucuronidation by UGTs to form, respectively, N(2)-(bet
68  PXR is a key regulator of pregnancy induced glucuronidation capacity in addition to modulating the s
69                                              Glucuronidation capacity in humans is not a factor excep
70     In human prostate cancer cells, androgen glucuronidation, catalyzed by the two UDP-glucuronosyltr
71 etely or partially abolish hepatic bilirubin glucuronidation, causing Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 1
72  biosynthetic enzymes of the glutathione and glucuronidation conjugation pathways.
73 ydroxytestosterone generation and irinotecan glucuronidation correlated with the pattern of genetic v
74                                Low levels of glucuronidation could also be detected in the resistant
75 tive to that of liver, suggesting that renal glucuronidation could be a significant factor in renal e
76       This has been attributed to its unique glucuronidation detoxification pathway.
77 ntroversy exists regarding the regulation of glucuronidation during the process of hepatic regenerati
78                             Enantioselective glucuronidation favoring (-)-1a was also found in human
79 gnificantly reduces nicotine- and cotinine-N-glucuronidation formation and plays an important role in
80 nscription and transcriptional activation of glucuronidation genes responsible for conjugation and de
81 omethyl ether (AME)) while hydroxylation and glucuronidation had the opposite effect (as seen for 4-h
82 re enriched for enzymes of detoxification by glucuronidation, had a different pattern with multiple m
83 sses an additional clearance pathway through glucuronidation in addition to that via CYP3A4 oxidation
84 ferases (UGTs) and now report on the role of glucuronidation in de novo resistance to two topoisomera
85  but these compounds suffered from extensive glucuronidation in primates.
86  UGT2B15 and UGT2B17 expression and androgen glucuronidation in prostate cancer cell lines.
87 ockout mouse models and examined the role of glucuronidation in protecting against irinotecan-induced
88  of UGT aglycones were capable of modulating glucuronidation in the biopies with octylgallate being 1
89 e high background uptake in the liver due to glucuronidation in the case of (18)F-FLT may limit utili
90 n the interplay between direct excretion and glucuronidation in the liver, we studied a series of nov
91 inhibition activity but also were subject to glucuronidation in vitro providing the potential for mul
92 zofurin, and MAD analogues were resistant to glucuronidation in vitro.
93                  We conclude that microsomal glucuronidation, in contrast to other well characterized
94                                        Since glucuronidation is a common pathway of drug metabolism,
95 n to form the N-hydroxylamine followed by N2-glucuronidation is a general pathway of MeIQx metabolism
96                                              Glucuronidation is an enzymatic process that terminally
97                                              Glucuronidation is an important pathway in the metabolis
98                                              Glucuronidation is in general considered as a terminal m
99 l therapies or to regulate phase 2-dependent glucuronidation is questionable given the lack of in viv
100 uptake, due predominantly to N-oxidation and glucuronidation, is dependent on the NADPH redox state.
101 form of multidrug resistance, inducible drug glucuronidation, is discussed.
102                                              Glucuronidation may represent a mechanism of intrinsic d
103 e molecule for simultaneous improvement of N-glucuronidation metabolic liability and off-target pharm
104  extent of conversion and relative extent of glucuronidation of 0.05 (range, 0.01 to 0.25) and 2.24 (
105 ly UGT1A10 in cells supported 10-fold higher glucuronidation of 17beta-estradiol than UGT1A1.
106 1 and 2B164342B13531 proteins, catalyzed the glucuronidation of 4-hydroxyestrone, indicating that the
107 elis-Menten parameters (Km and Vmax) for the glucuronidation of 4-methyl-7-hydroxy coumarin and 4-nit
108                                     Although glucuronidation of ABP and its metabolites is a detoxifi
109 hisms in the UGT enzymes responsible for the glucuronidation of active TAM metabolites play an import
110 GTs) was characterized and compared with the glucuronidation of atRA.
111 glucuronosyltransferase UGT1A7 catalyzes the glucuronidation of benzo(a)pyrene metabolites and other
112   UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT)-mediated glucuronidation of benzo(a)pyrene-trans-7,8-dihydrodiol
113 iver after administration of Ad-hBUGT1, with glucuronidation of biliary bilirubin of above 95%.
114 Ts may play an important role in the overall glucuronidation of BPD in humans, with UGT1A1, UGT1A7, U
115 itonavir and fosamprenavir-ritonavir induced glucuronidation of buprenorphine.
116  mice for 3 weeks increased liver microsomal glucuronidation of estradiol, estrone, 4-aminophenol, an
117 gens found in tobacco and tobacco smoke, and glucuronidation of its major metabolite, 4-(methylnitros
118 Ts 2B10 and 2B17 play important roles in the glucuronidation of nicotine, cotinine, and 3HC and sugge
119 o a superfamily of enzymes that catalyse the glucuronidation of numerous endobiotics and xenobiotics.
120                                              Glucuronidation of p-nitrophenol in intact microsomes wa
121 alone is sufficient to drive UGT1A-dependent glucuronidation of ribavirin and Ara-C, and thus drug re
122  UGT2B10 is a major enzyme involved in the N-glucuronidation of several tobacco-specific nitrosamines
123    Identification of the UGT responsible for glucuronidation of SN-38 and the anthraquinone NU/ICRF 5
124                                     In vitro glucuronidation of SN-38 was screened in hepatic microso
125 at this method can be used to screen for the glucuronidation of test compounds and should reduce the
126 reased UDPGT and increased the intracellular glucuronidation of testosterone.
127 onosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) catalyzes the glucuronidation of the active metabolite SN-38.
128 ally UGT1A8 playing an important role in the glucuronidation of the procarcinogenic (-)-BPD enantiome
129                                              Glucuronidation of these retinoids by human liver micros
130 d 4-nitrophenol between on-line and off-line glucuronidation of these two compounds.
131  (UGT1A7) is a major UGT contributing to the glucuronidation of xenobiotic phenols in rats.
132  two hydrolytic, two N-dealkylation, three N-glucuronidation, one N-methylation, and several aromatic
133 pathways through cytochrome p450 pathways or glucuronidation, or related to co-morbidities.
134 also significantly related to lower cotinine glucuronidation (P's < 0.00156).
135  chromosome 4q was related to lower cotinine glucuronidation (P's < 2.7 x 10(-7), smallest P = 1.5 x
136 f the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and glucuronidation pathways.
137 17 gene deletion variant (UGT2B17*2) on SAHA glucuronidation phenotype, human liver microsomes (HLM)
138                           This suggests that glucuronidation plays a significant role in detoxifying
139 icities were evaluated with regard to tissue glucuronidation potential.
140                              Analysis of the glucuronidation products showed that the hydroxyl-linked
141 ationship between para-nitrophenol and SN-38 glucuronidation (r = 0.08; P = 0.703).
142 ion was observed between SN-38 and bilirubin glucuronidation (r = 0.89; P = 0.001), whereas there was
143  UGT2B17 gene transcription and testosterone glucuronidation rate, in addition to that attributable t
144 7 gene deletion significantly reduce overall glucuronidation rates of nicotine and its major metaboli
145 /HT29-MTX co-culture model, overall relative glucuronidation rates were much higher than in HepG2 cel
146 hydroxyurea which correlated to low in vitro glucuronidation rates.
147 ecific inhibitor PP2 down-regulated 4-OHE(1) glucuronidation reaching 60% maximum while simultaneousl
148                                   Concurrent glucuronidation reaction mixtures containing equal amoun
149 nd evaluate their function in regulating the glucuronidation reaction, we examined the effect of hist
150 T cosubstrate is a rate-limiting step of the glucuronidation reaction.
151 Microsomal uptake of the cosubstrate for all glucuronidation reactions, UDP-glucuronic acid (UDP-GlcU
152 ned to account for the variable and specific glucuronidation requirements.
153                                Inhibition of glucuronidation resulted in up to a 5-fold enhancement i
154                   Of 81 structurally diverse glucuronidation substrates tested, UGT2A3 expressed by a
155 f targeted cancer drugs that undergo hepatic glucuronidation, such as sorafenib.
156  on the various components of the microsomal glucuronidation system.
157  and breast cancer cells have a capacity for glucuronidation that could contribute to intrinsic drug
158  that results in failure of proper bilirubin glucuronidation, the once futuristic idea of treatment b
159  investigated the effect of ADTh on androgen glucuronidation to evaluate its potential clinical utili
160                  HONH-AalphaC also underwent glucuronidation to form a novel O-linked glucuronide con
161 h is excreted by the kidney after undergoing glucuronidation to MPAG.
162                          The contribution of glucuronidation toward human drug metabolism is carried
163 observed in the expression of transcripts in glucuronidation, tRNA synthetase, and immune surveillanc
164 cophore appears metabolically resistant to O-glucuronidation unlike other structurally related DAAO i
165 olites of TAM, 4-OH-TAM and endoxifen, is by glucuronidation via the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT
166        A major mode of SAHA metabolism is by glucuronidation via the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT
167           The predicted decrease in cotinine glucuronidation was 8.6% (P = 4.5 x 10(-6)) per a 20% in
168                              In the hamster, glucuronidation was greater, and the unconjugated fracti
169 expressing WT UGT2B10 in vitro, little or no glucuronidation was observed for microsomes from cells o
170                                 Intact SN-38 glucuronidation was observed only in HK293 cells transfe
171                                      On-line glucuronidation was observed within 15 min without any s
172                           The extent of acyl glucuronidation was reduced through structural optimizat
173            Furthermore, the rate of in vitro glucuronidation was shown to be stereoselective for cert
174                               The pattern of glucuronidation was similar for both bilirubin and 17 al
175   Because these compounds are susceptible to glucuronidation, we examined UDP-glucurono-syltransferas
176 2A3.1 and UGT2A3.2 for hyodeoxycholic acid 6-glucuronidation were 69 +/- 7 and 44 +/- 12 microM, resp
177 ) 2B10 and 2B17 play major roles in nicotine glucuronidation with polymorphisms in both enzymes shown

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