


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  and receive synapses that are predominantly glycinergic.
2 ntal as well as supraspinal, are exclusively glycinergic.
3 eir fate but is downregulated in the related glycinergic AC subtype.
4 holine acetyltransferase (ChAT)-positive and glycinergic AC subtypes were unaffected.
5 n properties to these morphological types of glycinergic ACs in the mouse retina.
6 /medium-field GABAergic ACs and narrow-field glycinergic ACs, which mediate lateral and vertical inte
7 oked excitation are initially facilitated by glycinergic activity due, at least in part, to glycinerg
8  and female) to target expression of ChR2 to glycinergic afferents in the ICC and made whole-cell rec
9 lycine feedback to the bipolar cell and this glycinergic amacrine cell is suppressed by GABAergic ama
10 ct glycinergic inhibition, indicating that a glycinergic amacrine cell, most likely the AII amacrine
11                                GABAergic and glycinergic amacrine cells contact rod bipolar cell term
12                                 We find that glycinergic amacrine cells innervating RBCs receive exci
13 de of low-frequency signals was regulated by glycinergic amacrine cells, while GABAergic inhibition r
14 inhibitory connections between GABAergic and glycinergic amacrine cells.
15 expanded by gap junction connections between glycinergic amacrine cells.
16 tinal precursors toward the fates of non-AII glycinergic amacrine, type 2 OFF-cone bipolar and horizo
17 essary and sufficient for specifying non-AII glycinergic amacrine, type 2 OFF-cone bipolar and horizo
18 nes are generated on average 2-3 days before glycinergic amacrines.
19                In total 14 glutamatergic, 22 glycinergic and 2 GABAergic/glycinergic interneurons wer
20 rived axonal varicosities were mostly (>80%) glycinergic and a third were GABAergic.
21                   A significant reduction of glycinergic and GABAergic ACs with a substantial increas
22 ge recurrence depends on opposing effects of glycinergic and GABAergic inhibition and can be explaine
23 microM) evoked increases in the frequency of glycinergic and GABAergic miniature inhibitory postsynap
24 , beta-methylene ATP (100 microM), increased glycinergic and GABAergic mIPSC neurotransmission to car
25 fter UL H(3) receptors may strongly modulate glycinergic and GABAergic neurotransmission in the MVN.
26 e 5'-triphosphate (ATP) modulated inhibitory glycinergic and GABAergic neurotransmission to cardiac v
27 ing protein gephyrin to mammalian inhibitory glycinergic and GABAergic postsynaptic membranes in nerv
28                      Terminal projections of glycinergic and glutamatergic cells were found within mo
29                                              Glycinergic and glutamatergic flocculus target neurons (
30     This correlated with LSO mRNA levels for glycinergic and glutamatergic ionotropic receptor subuni
31 ed lower maximum firing rates (<250 Hz) than glycinergic and glutamatergic neurons labeled in the yel
32 utamic acid decarboxylase and were therefore glycinergic and inhibitory.
33 n this paper, we show that in zebrafish most glycinergic and many GABAergic spinal interneurons expre
34 2-expressing neurons were non-GABAergic, non-glycinergic and predominantly catecholaminergic (54%).
35 eously knocked-down, many neurons lose their glycinergic and/or GABAergic characteristics, but they d
36 clerosis mouse model, we measured GABAergic, glycinergic, and cholinergic immunoreactive terminals on
37 nsferase were used as markers for GABAergic, glycinergic, and cholinergic terminals, respectively.
38 the two main amacrine subsets--GABAergic and glycinergic--and further subdivided these groups into sm
39 82:363-372) showed that GABA(B) agonists and glycinergic antagonists enhance the light-evoked release
40        In vagotomized rats, GABA(A)ergic and glycinergic antagonists had little, if any, effect on rh
41                          Cartwheel cells are glycinergic auditory interneurons which fire Na(+)- and
42 cells include selected rhythmogenic neurons (glycinergic Botzinger neurons) but not RTN chemoreceptor
43 a heterogeneous collection of E-AUG neurons (glycinergic Botzinger neurons, possibly facial motor and
44  it was clear that a significant fraction of glycinergic boutons corelease GABA in the ICC.
45  show that microglia control the strength of glycinergic but not GABAergic synapses via modulation of
46 ng beta1 receptors prevented the increase in glycinergic, but not GABAergic, IPSCs in CVNs.
47 ndings suggest that the alpha3 GlyRs mediate glycinergic cannabinoid-induced suppression of chronic p
48 s known about the potential and mechanism of glycinergic cannabinoids for chronic pain treatment.
49                                          The glycinergic cell populations in the brain of the lesser
50  ACh from some dendritic compartments onto a glycinergic cell, which then feeds back and inhibits the
51                  However, as recently shown, glycinergic cells do not appear to have GABA(B) receptor
52                           They proposed that glycinergic cells inhibit the cholinergic Starburst amac
53                                           No glycinergic cells were observed in the cerebellum.
54 del, GABA(B) receptor-mediated inhibition of glycinergic cells would reduce their own inhibition of c
55 35.5% were GABA negative, and most contacted glycinergic cells.
56 ncluding subsets of cells in cholinergic and glycinergic circuits.
57                          The slow and potent glycinergic component dominates the inhibitory conductan
58 ry phenotype, including the slow kinetics of glycinergic components.
59                            Importantly, this glycinergic conductance is greatly enhanced in a strychn
60 ptic silencing and the strengthening of GABA/glycinergic connections that normally occur with maturat
61  at the lamina II/III border are under tonic glycinergic control and receive synapses that are predom
62       Unlike OFF BSGCs, which receive strong glycinergic crossover inhibition from the ON pathway, th
63 tically released glycine also enhanced tonic glycinergic currents and resulted in decreased parvalbum
64 nterneurons, showing that synaptic and tonic glycinergic currents dominate, blocking neuronal or glia
65                                   Thus, fast glycinergic currents dominated "mixed" mPSC peak amplitu
66 auditory brainstem, coreleased GABAergic and glycinergic currents in the midbrain are strikingly simi
67 erved a significant reduction in spontaneous glycinergic currents induced in spinal motor neurons.
68 eased excitability was replicated when tonic glycinergic currents were increased by electrically acti
69 or glial glycine transporters enhances tonic glycinergic currents, and these manipulations reduce exc
70 g receptors underlie both synaptic and tonic glycinergic currents.
71 ycinergic activity due, at least in part, to glycinergic disinhibition of GAD67 cells.
72 Cs receive additional excitation mediated by glycinergic disinhibition.
73                                          The glycinergic enhancement of neurotransmitter release in e
74 ession of sst2a with particular reference to glycinergic/expiratory neurons in the Botzinger Complex
75 annels was demonstrated by administration of glycinergic factors.
76                                              Glycinergic fastigial neurons make functional projection
77 cate that a diversity of mechanisms underlie glycinergic feedback inhibition onto RBCs, yet they high
78                                              Glycinergic feedback signaling depends strongly, althoug
79                  We found that GABAergic and glycinergic fibers ascending from the pontine reticular
80 ed to target ChR2 expression specifically to glycinergic fibers ascending from the VNLL, allowing for
81 hole-cell recordings in vitro while exciting glycinergic fibers with light.
82 ct subpopulations of pre-BotC glutamatergic, glycinergic, GABAergic, and glycine-GABA coexpressing in
83                We additionally observed that glycinergic/GABAergic activity in NA was usually depolar
84               We find that the vIRt contains glycinergic/GABAergic cells that rhythmically inhibit vi
85 rge postsynaptic gephyrin clusters and mixed glycinergic/GABAergic inhibitory currents with large pea
86 ectively suppresses excitatory synapses, but glycinergic/GABAergic inputs onto CWCs are not affected.
87 ough descending projections to motor-related glycinergic/GABAergic neurons in the spinal cord and ven
88 t to have fast kinetics and be predominantly glycinergic in mammals.
89 or olive (LSO) in the auditory brainstem are glycinergic in maturity, but also GABAergic and glutamat
90                                              Glycinergic inhibition also varied across BC class.
91 macrine cells by pharmacologically isolating glycinergic inhibition and evoking feedback IPSCs in a s
92 ich triggers postsynaptic changes leading to glycinergic inhibition and only then is balanced excitat
93        That such local circuits are gated by glycinergic inhibition and that A- and C-fibers low thre
94  we show that both phasic and tonic forms of glycinergic inhibition are mediated by heteromeric alpha
95            We further show that the onset of glycinergic inhibition depends upon the maturation of C-
96            In an auditory brainstem nucleus, glycinergic inhibition features fast decay kinetics, the
97             We show an absence of functional glycinergic inhibition in newborn dorsal horn circuits:
98  model of ALS allow the detection of altered glycinergic inhibition in spinal microcircuits.
99    We compare and discuss possible roles for glycinergic inhibition in the two cell types.
100 ulation, excitation is suppressed and direct glycinergic inhibition is increased in HS-GCs, whereas f
101                     We furthermore show that glycinergic inhibition may be an important contributor t
102 transporter, regulates the strength of tonic glycinergic inhibition of these glycine-dominant neurons
103 , whereas the efficacy of both GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition onto the same population was comp
104                   Our findings indicate that glycinergic inhibition provides critical control of exci
105 her these data suggest both phasic and tonic glycinergic inhibition regulate the output of PV+ INs an
106                       Futhermore, this tonic glycinergic inhibition remains strong as the mice mature
107 urons, glutamatergic drive was reduced while glycinergic inhibition was potentiated.
108 y lamina II interneurons while GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition were reduced.
109              Blockade of local GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition with bicuculline (10 microm) and
110 eus, the bushy and T-stellate cells, receive glycinergic inhibition with different synaptic conductan
111               Dim light evoked GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition with rapid kinetics and a large s
112 tion from ON to OFF pathways required intact glycinergic inhibition, indicating that a glycinergic am
113 ays the maturation of both GlyR subunits and glycinergic inhibition, maintaining dorsal neurons in a
114                                              Glycinergic inhibitory control emerges in the second pos
115 plexia could potentially result from reduced glycinergic inhibitory efficacy.
116 monstrating an essential role for SLC7A10 in glycinergic inhibitory function in the central nervous s
117 dexmedetomidine decreases both GABAergic and glycinergic inhibitory input to cardiac vagal neurons, w
118 , a large and diverse group of GABAergic and glycinergic inhibitory interneurons.
119 at ablating, silencing, or activating spinal glycinergic inhibitory neurons with viral vectors all ha
120             Accumulating evidence shows that glycinergic inhibitory neurotransmission in the spinal c
121 sed by mutations that impair the efficacy of glycinergic inhibitory neurotransmission.
122                                         This glycinergic inhibitory S-cone amacrine cell is ideally p
123 ibution corresponding with high densities of glycinergic inhibitory synapses.
124                                Dysfunctional glycinergic inhibitory transmission underlies the debili
125 atergic (excitatory) processes laterally and glycinergic (inhibitory) processes medially.
126                              Conversely, the glycinergic, inhibitory input properties remained unaffe
127                        Motoneurons lost most glycinergic innervation by 16 weeks of age (end-stage) w
128 ALS mouse model reported a selective loss of glycinergic innervation in cultured MNs, suggestive of a
129               Our previous study showed that glycinergic innervation of spinal motoneurons is deficie
130                                 Furthermore, glycinergic innervation of the SOC is maintained without
131                                 Reduction of glycinergic innervation preceded mitochondrial swelling
132 hat spinal endogenous NO enhances inhibitory glycinergic input to dorsal horn neurons through sGC-cGM
133  unlike AII cells, A8 amacrine cells provide glycinergic input to ON A-type ganglion cells.
134 y responsible for muscarinic potentiation of glycinergic input to spinal dorsal horn neurones.
135 s are consistent with an age-related loss of glycinergic input, likely from vertical cells, and with
136 e rod and ON cone BCs received little and no glycinergic input, respectively.
137                               As these large glycinergic inputs come from rod signalling pathways, in
138 e rod-dominant conditions studied here, slow glycinergic inputs dominated L-IPSCs in OFF cone BCs, at
139 tion selective responses without significant glycinergic inputs for mediating monosynaptic crossover
140    We also show that female neurons received glycinergic inputs from the brainstem respiratory premot
141 ts from VNLL, INLL, or MSO and low-frequency glycinergic inputs from VNLL or INLL.
142 arises through convergence of high-frequency glycinergic inputs from VNLL, INLL, or MSO and low-frequ
143 Instead, facilitation may depend entirely on glycinergic inputs that are presumed to be inhibitory.
144                    Large ON pathway-mediated glycinergic inputs to ON and OFF BSGCs also showed surro
145                              We propose that glycinergic inputs tuned to two distinct spectral elemen
146  and depends on low and high frequency-tuned glycinergic inputs.
147 while almost all radial cells also possessed glycinergic inputs.
148 cording to study preBotC EGFP-labeled, i.e., glycinergic, inspiratory-modulated neurons with pacemake
149 inergic regulation of motoneuron function or glycinergic interneuron degeneration contributes to moto
150 eal the activity pattern of four commissural glycinergic interneuron types during escape, swimming an
151 ase through presynaptic GABA(B) receptors on glycinergic interneurones.
152  mutant sod1 fish first exhibited the HSR in glycinergic interneurons at 24 hours postfertilization (
153  cells (also called tuberculoventral cells), glycinergic interneurons thought to provide on- or near-
154 lutamatergic, 22 glycinergic and 2 GABAergic/glycinergic interneurons were retrieved.
155 ent terminals, but not that on GABAergic and glycinergic interneurons, in the spinal cord is reduced
156 renergic silencing of spontaneous spiking in glycinergic interneurons.
157                        The results show that glycinergic interplexiform cells activate bipolar cell d
158  effects of the synaptic connections between glycinergic interplexiform cells, photoreceptors and bip
159 t drug, tropisetron, significantly increases glycinergic IPSC decay times without causing motor side
160                                 We show that glycinergic IPSCs are present in all cells.
161 yclase abolished the effect of L-arginine on glycinergic IPSCs but not on evoked monosynaptic EPSCs.
162  neurons increased the frequency of isolated glycinergic IPSCs by 27 +/- 8% (p = 0.003, n = 26) and a
163 ypercapnia selectively depressed spontaneous glycinergic IPSCs in CVNs without altering respiratory-r
164                         We propose that slow glycinergic IPSCs may provide an inhibitory tone, settin
165                                              Glycinergic IPSCs were evoked by threshold stimulation o
166 and NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-mediated EPSCs and glycinergic IPSCs.
167                                 Furthermore, glycinergic ipsilateral vestibular inhibitory inputs are
168 he averaged current densities of spontaneous glycinergic miniature IPSCs (mIPSCs) were significantly
169 of MNTB principal neurons, colocalizing with glycinergic nerve endings to mediate fast, phasic IPSCs.
170 s are facilitated, rather than inhibited, by glycinergic network activity.
171 nction of Pax2/8 in specifying GABAergic and glycinergic neuronal fates is much broader than was prev
172 pe is present on the somatodendritic site of glycinergic neurones and is mainly responsible for musca
173                                GABAergic and glycinergic neurones are known components of these circu
174 ic, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic, and glycinergic neurons (detected in transgenic mice express
175                     This work establishes CN glycinergic neurons as a significant source of inhibitio
176 ry sequences to study for the first time the glycinergic neurons in the brain of an adult teleost.
177 nd this view by showing that inhibitory GABA-glycinergic neurons of the cerebellar nuclei (CN) projec
178 ling in slices shows that both GABAergic and glycinergic neurons project to the contralateral vestibu
179 ervated by Purkinje cells, glutamatergic and glycinergic neurons projected to the contralateral and i
180 vely expressing green fluorescent protein in glycinergic neurons to demonstrate that many premotor ou
181 tsynaptic H(1)/H(2) receptors (presumably on glycinergic neurons).
182 aminobutyric acid (GABA) as their output and glycinergic neurons, along with the pronounced loss of c
183 st of a mix of glutamatergic, GABAergic, and glycinergic neurons, which can drive both excitatory and
184 chondrial proteins was seen in GABAergic and glycinergic neurons; however, cholinergic neurons indica
185 er action potentials than glutamatergic (and glycinergic) neurons.
186         Alterations in GlyT2 activity modify glycinergic neurotransmission and may underlie several n
187 porter GlyT2 plays a fundamental role in the glycinergic neurotransmission by recycling the neurotran
188  to selectively and genetically disrupt GABA/glycinergic neurotransmission from PZ neurons.
189 pies capable of increasing inhibitory spinal glycinergic neurotransmission hold in providing new and
190 ne transport that may affect the function of glycinergic neurotransmission in vivo.
191                                              Glycinergic neurotransmission is a major inhibitory infl
192    In the vertebrate central nervous system, glycinergic neurotransmission is regulated by the action
193 e describe the effect of genetic deletion of glycinergic neurotransmission on single MN structure and
194                   Disruption of PZ GABAergic/glycinergic neurotransmission resulted in sustained incr
195  modified after pharmacological reduction of glycinergic neurotransmission such that embryos produced
196    CIHH induced an increase in GABAergic and glycinergic neurotransmission to CVNs in NA and DMNX, re
197 on of GABAergic transmission while enhancing glycinergic neurotransmission to CVNs in NA.
198 y glutamatergic and inhibitory GABAergic and glycinergic neurotransmission to parasympathetic cardiac
199 or several postsynaptic proteins involved in glycinergic neurotransmission, including the glycine rec
200 ut altering respiratory-related increases in glycinergic neurotransmission, it decreased both spontan
201 e in the physiological control of inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission.
202 es of effect are known, and all three affect glycinergic neurotransmission.
203  IPSCs in CVNs with no significant change in glycinergic neurotransmission.
204 orimotor deficits characteristic of impaired glycinergic neurotransmission.
205  children and usually involves dysfunctional glycinergic neurotransmission.
206 erekplexia is caused by defective inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission.
207 nvolved adaptations in the glutamatergic and glycinergic neurotransmitter systems.
208    Both arise postnatally and one is neither glycinergic nor GABAergic (nGnG).
209 al cerebellar (fastigial) nuclei are in fact glycinergic, not glutamatergic as previously thought.
210 gic ACs (gammaACs) and motif C2 narrow field glycinergic ON ACs (GACs).
211 ing the first three postnatal weeks, whereas glycinergic ones exhibited age-dependent changes compara
212 rthermore, additional experiments yielded no glycinergic or cholinergic positive cells in the IC, and
213                 We found decreases in either glycinergic or GABAergic inhibition to the medial nucleu
214 ergic neurotransmission but had no effect on glycinergic or glutamatergic pathways to cardiac vagal n
215 Aergic and the other of which is exclusively glycinergic or glutamatergic.
216                                   We defined glycinergic pacemaker neurons as those preBotC EGFP neur
217 port the presence of a population of preBotC glycinergic pacemaker neurons.
218    In addition, at 25 h post-UL the indirect glycinergic pathway caused a marked suppression of GABA
219 ng from the spinal cord to reveal descending glycinergic pathways.
220 m a large heterogeneous population with GABA/glycinergic phenotypes, distinct from GABAergic olive-pr
221 d to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic and glycinergic postsynapses.
222                  Measurements of spontaneous glycinergic postsynaptic currents and GlyR immunolabelin
223 reduced in Slc7a10-null mice and spontaneous glycinergic postsynaptic currents in motor neurons show
224   These findings emphasize the importance of glycinergic postsynaptic inhibition in motor neurons and
225                                            A glycinergic postsynaptic response was not found although
226 point, using transgenic mice with negligible glycinergic postsynaptic responses, we show that this de
227 dorsal nucleus (SLD), which in turn activate glycinergic pre-motor neurons in the spinal cord and/or
228                  We investigated the role of glycinergic preBotC neurons in respiratory rhythmogenesi
229                             We conclude that glycinergic preBotC neurons modulate inspiratory pattern
230  or Archaerhodopsin (Arch) were expressed in glycinergic preBotC neurons of glycine transporter 2 (Gl
231  population of preBotC inspiratory-modulated glycinergic, presumably inhibitory, pacemaker neurons th
232  with mutations affecting other postsynaptic glycinergic proteins including the GlyR beta subunit (GL
233 synaptic inhibition was blocked by GABAergic/glycinergic receptor antagonists.
234            We quantified the distribution of glycinergic receptor dynamics using fluorescence recover
235 ne-tuned through heterogeneous GABAergic and glycinergic receptor ratios expressed at individual syna
236 he presence of blockers of glutamatergic and glycinergic receptor-mediated transmission application o
237                       Block of GABAergic and glycinergic receptors does not attenuate or modify L ver
238 eactive interneurons contain GABAA ergic and glycinergic receptors.
239 hus, either the selective loss of inhibitory glycinergic regulation of motoneuron function or glycine
240 duction of external inhibition (in this case glycinergic), saccadic oscillations and limb tremor were
241 tic membrane, which is crucial for efficient glycinergic signal transduction.
242 be a novel strategy to modulate GABA- and/or glycinergic signaling for therapeutic benefit.
243 ty and learning and memory, and link altered glycinergic signaling to social and cognitive impairment
244 e-M significantly increased the frequency of glycinergic sIPSCs but not mIPSCs.
245  of protein kinase G blocked the increase in glycinergic sIPSCs by the cGMP analog 8-bromo-cGMP.
246 cific AII amacrine cell, the connectivity of glycinergic small-field amacrine cells has not been inve
247 nsmission are prominent in a developing GABA/glycinergic sound-localization pathway.
248         Comparing the effects of caffeine on glycinergic spontaneous and evoked IPSCs indicates that
249 NAP significantly increased the frequency of glycinergic spontaneous and miniature inhibitory postsyn
250 ic spontaneous IPSCs and mIPSCs and those of glycinergic spontaneous IPSCs and mIPSCs did not differ
251 hibitory effect of baclofen on GABAergic and glycinergic spontaneous IPSCs and mIPSCs was not signifi
252 the trapezoid body to lateral superior olive glycinergic synapse, and the basket/stellate cell-Purkin
253 nterneurons in the retina that exhibit large glycinergic synapses at their dendritic lobular appendag
254 n late during development ablates alpha1beta glycinergic synapses but spares GABAergic synapses.
255 egulate the activity-dependent plasticity of glycinergic synapses by tuning the GlyR diffusion trap.
256 NMDARs by glutamate release at GABAergic and glycinergic synapses could be important in activity-depe
257                          Although functional glycinergic synapses have not been identified in the hip
258       We provide evidence that immature GABA/glycinergic synapses in the rat LSO also release the exc
259 ex dynamic interaction between GABAergic and glycinergic synapses in the spinal cord dorsal horn.
260  peripheral inflammation in vivo potentiates glycinergic synapses on dorsal horn neurons, suggesting
261                     We found an exception at glycinergic synapses on granule cells of the rat dorsal
262  superficial dorsal horn of the spinal cord, glycinergic synapses on inhibitory GABAergic neurons exh
263      The AII amacrine cell also makes direct glycinergic synapses with certain RGCs, but it is not we
264                        GACs selectively make glycinergic synapses with uniformity detectors (UDs) and
265  the time course of glycine concentration at glycinergic synapses.
266 ts were increased by electrically activating glycinergic synapses.
267 the main source of releasable transmitter at glycinergic synapses.
268 ere have been no reports of LTP at mammalian glycinergic synapses.
269  cell terminals and sign-inverting chemical (glycinergic) synapses to modulate OFF cone cell bipolar
270          These findings suggest that central glycinergic synaptic activity plays a vital role in regu
271 n these cases, glutamatergic, GABAergic, and glycinergic synaptic currents are recorded from muscle c
272                     Inhibitory GABAergic and glycinergic synaptic currents were also significantly in
273 ters, and depleting terminals of GABA slowed glycinergic synaptic currents.
274                                              Glycinergic synaptic inhibition is part of acoustic info
275 lutamatergic, and/or inhibitory GABAergic or glycinergic synaptic neurotransmission to cardiac vagal
276 rrents recorded from KI mice showed that the glycinergic synaptic transmission had normal properties,
277                    This result suggests that glycinergic synaptic transmission is defective in beo mu
278 be mimicked by pharmacologically blocking of glycinergic synaptic transmission on age-matched wildtyp
279  antagonists of glutamatergic, GABAergic, or glycinergic synaptic transmission.
280 c GlyT2 drastically impairs the refilling of glycinergic synaptic vesicles and severely disrupts neur
281 hasic excitatory (glutamatergic)/inhibitory (glycinergic) synaptic drive was recorded in thoracic loc
282 lasticity of the gamma-aminobutyric acid and glycinergic system by targeting KCC2 may be a tenable me
283                  Comparison of the zebrafish glycinergic system with the glycinergic systems of other
284  reveal a complex and divergent evolution of glycinergic systems in the major groups of fishes.
285 of the zebrafish glycinergic system with the glycinergic systems of other adult vertebrates reveals s
286 d for interactions between the GABAergic and glycinergic systems.
287 f a longer persistence of GABA in SOD1(G93A) glycinergic terminals in cultured and ex vivo spinal sli
288 less precise and the shift from a mixed GABA/glycinergic to a purely glycinergic transmission before
289 deg, but throughout the retina, the ratio of glycinergic to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic to am
290 ypothesized that agents capable of enhancing glycinergic tone within the dorsal horn could obtund noc
291 egate at synaptic sites causes impairment of glycinergic transmission and abnormal behavior in beo mu
292 ft from a mixed GABA/glycinergic to a purely glycinergic transmission before hearing onset did not oc
293            Thus, coreleased GABA accelerates glycinergic transmission by acting directly on glycine r
294 nstrating for the first time a role for fast glycinergic transmission in the avian auditory brainstem
295 lysis of inhibitory synaptic currents showed glycinergic transmission is the dominant form of phasic
296                              Fast inhibitory glycinergic transmission occurs in spinal cord, brainste
297         Considerable data support a role for glycinergic ventromedial medulla neurons in the mediatio
298          We then investigated aspects of the glycinergic versus GABAergic current components to probe
299 eep-active neurons are inhibitory (GABAergic/glycinergic, VGAT-positive) in nature.
300 excitability disorders and may extend to the glycinergic visual system.

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