


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 with an alcohol provided the 3-hydroxy alpha-glycoside.
2 zed hydrofunctionalization of the enol ether glycoside.
3 77% of panellists responding to at least one glycoside.
4 hy were tested for the separation of steviol glycosides.
5 y is a source of poorly absorbed isoflavones glycosides.
6 s contain considerable amounts of cyanogenic glycosides.
7 position slightly, but not GLSs or flavonoid glycosides.
8 igh contents and unique profiles of flavonol glycosides.
9 es to the free N,N-diacetyllegionaminic acid glycosides.
10 netin derivatives were the dominant flavonol glycosides.
11 s mainly phenolic acids and esters, flavonol glycosides.
12  transporter displayed growth on alpha-(1,6)-glycosides.
13 , yogurt and a commercial mixture of steviol glycosides.
14 glycosides, and highly functionalized beta-C-glycosides.
15 s of diverse classes of flavonoids and their glycosides.
16  focused on determination of steviol and its glycosides.
17 nting for the enhanced formation of beta-Kdo glycosides.
18  the stereoselective installation of 1,2-cis glycosides.
19 teviol, formed by acid hydrolysis of steviol glycosides.
20 ynthesis of cell wall components or flavonol glycosides.
21 e main enzyme for the synthesis of flavone O-glycosides.
22 h as nicotine, phenolamides, and diterpenoid glycosides.
23 mediates for the synthesis of functionalized glycosides.
24 is of trans-1,2-, cis-1,2-, and 2-deoxy-beta-glycosides.
25  acid, as well as phenylethanoid and iridoid glycosides.
26 wn flavones, flavanones, flavonols and their glycosides.
27  is the second most abundant sweet diterpene glycoside (1-3%) present in the leaves of Stevia rebaudi
28 eels by 33.45mg/100g, followed by apigenin-7-glycoside (29.34mg/100g).
29 es, flavonol-3-O-(dihydrophaseoyl, cinnamoyl)glycoside-7-O-rhamnosides and flavonol-3-O-(malonyl)glyc
30 onol-glycosides, and flavonol-3-O-(cinnamoyl)glycoside-7-O-rhamnosides, flavonol-3-O-(dihydrophaseoyl
31 de-7-O-rhamnosides and flavonol-3-O-(malonyl)glycoside-7-O-rhamnosides.
32 mentation, clustered in flavonol-3-O-di-/tri-glycosides-7-O-rhamnosides and other flavonol-glycosides
33 evoshodnaya' the highest content of flavonol glycosides (80 mg/100 g).
34  to be involved in recognition of triterpene glycosides, a family of naturally occurring compounds th
35 xpected facial selectivity for attack of the glycoside acceptor.
36 vels are reduced significantly while chrysin glycosides accumulate in hairy roots.
37 ghlighted that the majority of norisoprenoid glycosides accumulated in Nebbiolo berries from pre-vera
38 id polymorphism at position 153 and the DHBA glycoside accumulation pattern.
39 sulted in higher levels of C13 apocarotenoid glycosides (AGs).
40 xoside, quercetin 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-glycoside), an O-triglycosyl flavanone (narirutin 4'-O-g
41 d as a soluble inhibitor, and the aminohexyl glycoside analogue, to be conjugated to proteins for sur
42  91.8% +/- 3.4% of total extractable steviol glycosides analysed.
43 tin glycoside, formononetin, isoformononetin glycoside and malonylated biochanin A glycoside the majo
44  malonylglycosides to acetylglycosides, beta-glycosides and aglycones and a significant reduction in
45                   Being composed of flavonol glycosides and ellagic acids, 17 non-anthocyanin phenoli
46 imes wine-like concentration, Gewurztraminer glycosides and geranyl glucoside gave significant fruity
47 tially O-protected N-nitroso-N-acetyl sialyl glycosides and of isotopic labeling studies.
48 non-reducing terminal glucosyl residues from glycosides and oligosaccharides, and thus have significa
49 oids, phenolic acids, terpenoids, cyanogenic glycosides and organic acids) were identified in cherimo
50                   Lower levels of cyanogenic glycosides and phenolics have been quantified in liqueur
51 uction in the expression of several flavonol glycosides and some associated glycosyl transferases.
52 ification of 39 phenolics including flavonol glycosides and tannins.
53 constants for spontaneous hydrolysis of aryl glycosides and their analogous valienyl ethers were foun
54 have evaluated whether multiple polyphenolic glycosides and their esterified derivatives can serve as
55 ic acid, hydroxyferulic acid, phloretin-di-C-glycoside, and isopropylmalic acid.
56 ids and aldehydes, 9 flavan 3-ols, 9 flavone glycosides, and 27 anthocyanins.
57 lycosides-7-O-rhamnosides and other flavonol-glycosides, and flavonol-3-O-(cinnamoyl)glycoside-7-O-rh
58 charides with adjacent THP-THF rings, C-aryl glycosides, and highly functionalized beta-C-glycosides.
59 ccurs via the analogous mechanisms found for glycosides, and through a very similar transition state.
60                                        These glycosides appear to be inactive against the insect but
61 enolics were detected compared to cyanogenic glycosides (apricot liqueur: 38.79 mug CGG per ml and 50
62                                      Steviol glycosides are intense natural sweeteners used in foods
63 -beta-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (beta-Kdo) glycosides are mainly found in capsular polysaccharides
64                Baicalein, wogonin, and their glycosides are major bioactive compounds found in the me
65                                   Cyanogenic glycosides are natural plant toxicants.
66       To determine whether specific flavonol glycosides are responsible for these phenotypes, a suppr
67 identify two withanolides and one fatty acyl glycoside as tentative metabolites to differentiate gold
68            Following the approval of steviol glycosides as a food additive in Europe in December 2011
69 de was prepared as a soluble inhibitor hexyl glycoside, as a 6-aminohexyl glycoside for conjugation t
70  cholesteryl esters (CE) and acylated steryl glycosides (ASG) as new ligand classes for CD1c.
71 d increased concentrations of most flavonoid glycosides at high CO2 concentrations while only some ca
72 ional adjustment for baseline use of cardiac glycosides attenuated the association between AF and inv
73  that constitutes a core part of the cardiac glycoside binding site.
74 nins, total antioxidant capacity and steviol glycosides bioaccessibility increased as did SR concentr
75 hich catalyzes the endolytic cleavage of the glycoside bond between 3-sulfated rhamnose and uronic ac
76 ycosidases are essential enzymes that cleave glycoside bonds.
77  perturb the interaction between the cardiac glycoside bufalin and the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase.
78  h yielded 100% degree of hydrolysis for all glycosides but citronellyl (97%).
79 showed for the first time that grape-derived glycosides can contribute perceptible fruity flavour, pr
80 roach to stereoselective synthesis of C-aryl glycosides capitalizing on the highly stereospecific rea
81  hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, flavonoid glycosides, carotenoids and chlorophylls in the leaves o
82 lic composition and occurrence of cyanogenic glycosides (CGG).
83                                  The cardiac glycosides (CGs) digoxin, digitoxin and ouabain, which d
84 e (narirutin 4'-O-glucoside) and a flavone O-glycosides (chrysoeriol 7-O-neoesperidoside).
85 iomarkers of the consumption of hesperetin-O-glycoside-containing OJ and other citrus products.
86 gh-content screen, we identified the cardiac glycoside convallatoxin as an effective compound that in
87  hepatic metabolism and suggest that cardiac glycosides could provide an approach for reducing hepato
88  plant genera are those producing cyanogenic glycosides, coumarins and benzofuranocoumarins, being pr
89 ys of skin fermentation, after which certain glycosides decreased, but were higher than in control.
90 nal modeling of the relative energies of the glycoside-derived boronic esters provides results that a
91    The method is tolerant of a wide range of glycoside donors and acceptors, and its versatility is e
92 ated the sensory significance of monoterpene glycosides during tasting, by retronasal perception of o
93                     A new series of phenolic glycoside esters, saccharumoside-B and its analogs (9b-9
94                  Enzymatic hydrolysis of the glycosides extracted from the grapes, and subsequent GC-
95  molecular ions in ESI HRMS, the 6-thiohexyl glycoside final compound gave a complex spectrum in whic
96 inhibitor hexyl glycoside, as a 6-aminohexyl glycoside for conjugation to proteins, and as a 6-thiohe
97 onjugation to proteins, and as a 6-thiohexyl glycoside for immobilization to a gold surface.
98 tives explains beneficial effects of cardiac glycosides for treatment of heart failure and potential
99 as also found to be selective for equatorial glycoside formation under the same conditions, suggestin
100 d in sprouts, being malonylated formononetin glycoside, formononetin, isoformononetin glycoside and m
101                 Caffeic acid in the free and glycoside forms and syringic acid in the ester form were
102  isolated, structurally related cyanidin-3-O-glycosides from black carrot were investigated in aqueou
103                               Gewurztraminer glycosides, geranyl glucoside and guaiacyl glucoside wer
104                One receptor binds the methyl glycoside GlcNAc-beta-OMe with Ka approximately 20,000 m
105                                        Alkyl glycosides, glycolipids, can bind to both S1 and a secon
106 Escherichia coli 120, as its p-methoxyphenyl glycoside, have been achieved using a one-pot sequential
107 of sugar gamma-lactones into highly valuable glycosides having a quaternary anomeric position substit
108 zed acyclic hydroxygeranyllinalool diterpene glycosides (HGL-DTGs).
109    Remarkably, some beta-glucosidases of the glycoside hydrolase (GH) 1 family are tolerant to or eve
110 e, BT3686, which is the founding member of a glycoside hydrolase (GH) family, GH145.
111 d comprises a cohesin module and a family 25 glycoside hydrolase (GH25).
112                                              Glycoside hydrolase 12 (GH12) proteins act as virulence
113 315 is an inactive beta-1,3-glucanase of the glycoside hydrolase 16 (GH16) family.
114 alyzing an MSI data set of a high-throughput glycoside hydrolase activity screen comprising 384 sampl
115 his array for detecting exo- and endo-acting glycoside hydrolase activity using commercial enzymes, a
116 glucanase comprising an N-terminal family 81 glycoside hydrolase catalytic module, an internal family
117                          Proteins containing glycoside hydrolase domains have recently been identifie
118 cruiting enzymes from two previously unknown glycoside hydrolase families.
119 two distant bacterial phyla, which belong to glycoside hydrolase family 16 and cleave the beta-1,4 li
120                               It encodes two glycoside hydrolase family 26 (GH26) beta-mannanases, Bo
121 physiological roles of the four C. japonicus glycoside hydrolase family 3 (GH3) members on diverse be
122 Arabidopsis thaliana) beta-glucosidases from glycoside hydrolase family 3.
123 rase and isomaltase) that both belong to the glycoside hydrolase family 31 (GH31) and differ in subst
124                                     Multiple glycoside hydrolase family 47 (GH47) alpha-mannosidases,
125  Carbohydrate-Active Enzyme (CAZy) database, glycoside hydrolase family 5 (GH5) is a large family wit
126                 The recent classification of glycoside hydrolase family 5 (GH5) members into subfamil
127          An arabinose specific xylanase from glycoside hydrolase family 5 (GH5) was used to hydrolyse
128 nases revealed three distinct subfamilies of glycoside hydrolase family 5 (GH5).
129 and O-glycosylation on a model, multimodular glycoside hydrolase family 7 cellobiohydrolase (Cel7A),
130 H. jecorina Cel7A, cellobiohydrolase I, from glycoside hydrolase family 7, is the workhorse enzyme of
131 3-GBD-CD2 is a transglucosylase belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 70 (GH70) that catalyzes the
132  32 carbohydrate binding module (CBM32) of a glycoside hydrolase family 8 chitosanase from Paenibacil
133 es and endo-alpha-1,2-mannanases, members of glycoside hydrolase family 99 (GH99), are interesting ta
134 cation is still needed, as is exemplified by glycoside hydrolase family-3 (GH3) proteins.
135                  Starting with the family 98 glycoside hydrolase from Streptococcus pneumoniae SP3-BS
136       A fungal endoxylanase belonging to the glycoside hydrolase gene family 11 (GH11) was obtained f
137                                 Evaluated as glycoside hydrolase inhibitors, these quinolizidines rev
138 urated uronic acid, is removed from AGP by a glycoside hydrolase located in family GH105, producing t
139 genetic studies have shown that the putative glycoside hydrolase PslG is essential for Psl biosynthes
140 we identify and characterize a new family 20 glycoside hydrolase, GH20C, from S. pneumoniae.
141                                              Glycoside hydrolases (GH) are enzymes that mainly hydrol
142 r2455) were identified that encode family 39 glycoside hydrolases (GH39s), and have conserved structu
143 PMOs were incorrectly annotated as family 61 glycoside hydrolases (GH61s) or family 33 carbohydrate-b
144          Carbohydrate-active enzymes such as glycoside hydrolases (GHs) and glycosyltransferases (GTs
145              These SLH proteins include five glycoside hydrolases (GHs) and one polysaccharide lyase,
146                                              Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) have attracted considerable a
147                            The conversion of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) into transglycosylases (TGs),
148                                   Processive glycoside hydrolases (GHs), like cellobiohydrolase Cel7A
149 sessed a gene cluster containing multidomain glycoside hydrolases (GHs).
150 uster of eight genes (nixE to nixL) encoding glycoside hydrolases (GHs).
151 drate-binding modules (CBMs) are appended to glycoside hydrolases and can contribute to the degradati
152                Globally, 9,003 sequences for glycoside hydrolases and lytic polysaccharide mono-oxyge
153 e-degrading and -modifying enzymes including glycoside hydrolases and lytic polysaccharide monooxygen
154                                              Glycoside hydrolases are clustered into families based o
155                                   Processive glycoside hydrolases are the key components of enzymatic
156 ereal type family inhibitors (CTIs) bound to glycoside hydrolases but is structurally analogous to bi
157                  These findings suggest that glycoside hydrolases can exhibit activity against divers
158         We therefore hypothesized that these glycoside hydrolases could exhibit antibiofilm activity
159 propose a scheme of sequential action by the glycoside hydrolases encoded by the beta-mannan PUL and
160 ence-quenched substrates for other mammalian glycoside hydrolases for use in live cell imaging.
161                                              Glycoside hydrolases in family 101 are presently the onl
162 ule to potentiate the activity of a range of glycoside hydrolases including cellulases.
163 drate binding modules (CBMs) of cell surface glycoside hydrolases often drive binding to the target s
164           Across many environments microbial glycoside hydrolases support the enzymatic processing of
165 oned, expressed and characterized all of the glycoside hydrolases that contain a dockerin module.
166                 This system contains several glycoside hydrolases that trim the remnants of other pec
167 idomain extracellular and S-layer-associated glycoside hydrolases to process the carbohydrate content
168 functional transpeptidases and glycosidases (glycoside hydrolases), trimeric peptide crosslinks, cell
169      These linkages are primarily cleaved by glycoside hydrolases, although recently, a family of gly
170 ing the activity of endogenous levels of any glycoside hydrolases, including GCase, has proven proble
171 ean, MGIIa_P contained higher proportions of glycoside hydrolases, indicating the ability of MGIIa_P
172 In nature, many microbes secrete mixtures of glycoside hydrolases, oxidoreductases, and accessory enz
173 endent enzymes (EC that, with glycoside hydrolases, participate in the degradation of
174 residues similar to those of other family 39 glycoside hydrolases, PslG(31-442) exhibits a unique 32-
175  was proposed that these enzymes function as glycoside hydrolases.
176 /Trp chains appear almost exclusively in the glycoside hydrolases.
177                             It encodes three glycoside-hydrolases specific for xylo-oligosaccharides,
178 ne or bovine faecal microbes possessing beta-glycoside-hydrolysing activity.
179 educed during pure or co-culture with a beta-glycoside-hydrolysing Parabacteroides distasonis.
180  compounds: glucosinolates (GLSs), flavonoid glycosides, hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives and sugars
181 coside peak extraction, flavone and flavonol glycoside identification, and production of quantitative
182 acodynamics of different variants of cardiac glycosides identified the mechanism of inhibition as red
183 -hemiacetal was also converted into an aza-C-glycoside iminosugar via an unprecendented one-pot Staud
184 sulted in higher concentrations of quercetin glycoside in grapes compared to 0% leaf removal.
185 nsist of two hydrophobic chains and an alpha-glycoside in which the 2'-OH group is in the cis orienta
186 accumulation of dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) glycosides in distinct Arabidopsis natural accessions, i
187  tertiary alcohols affords the corresponding glycosides in excellent yield and good to excellent equa
188  industry due to the high content of steviol glycosides in its leaves.
189 rivatives was studied, affording acyl beta-C-glycosides in moderate to good yields.
190 to the determination of flavone and flavonol glycosides in nine different plants with an average exec
191 r the quali-quantitative analysis of steviol glycosides in S. rebaudiana plants cultivated under cont
192 cotine or 7-hydroxygeranyllinalool diterpene glycosides in the same tissue.
193        Here, we report that multiple cardiac glycosides, including digitoxin and digoxin, are signifi
194                Our data suggest that cardiac glycosides interact with phosphorylated mediator of DNA
195 ero-D-galacto-nonulopyranosidonic acid (KDN) glycosides is described, making use of a series of diffe
196 ew strategy for the synthesis of acyl beta-C-glycosides is described.
197 na) produces not only a group of diterpenoid glycosides known as steviol glycosides (SGs), but also o
198 deamination of the N-nitroso-N-acetyl sialyl glycosides leading with overall retention of configurati
199 . fraxineus is associated with their iridoid glycoside levels.
200 date the diverse structural features of beta-glycoside ligands while still achieving high specificity
201             Free and bound (ester-linked and glycoside-linked) phenolic acids were examined using liq
202 ds and insects) that store HCN as cyanogenic glycosides, lipids, or cyanohydrins.
203 se, palm sugar, erythritol, xylitol, steviol glycoside, Luo Han Kuo), and natural prebiotic (inulin).
204 ses by preparing valienyl ethers to serve as glycoside mimics that are capable of allylic rather than
205 s have been successfully applied, leading to glycoside mimics.
206 of steviol equivalents in commercial steviol glycoside mixtures and different foods can be directly q
207 osynthetic pathway of the sweet triterpenoid glycoside mogroside V, which has a sweetening strength o
208         We report the discovery that cardiac glycosides, natural products in clinical use for the tre
209 iations among breast cancer, AF, and cardiac glycosides need further investigation.
210 of ATG-dependent phagocytosis by the cardiac glycoside neriifolin, an inhibitor of the Na(+), K(+)-AT
211 er, facile access to both anomers of various glycoside nucleophiles, a broad reaction scope, and unif
212                                 The deacetyl glycoside of dihydroeugenol proved to be the most active
213 s (protocatechuic acid and vanillic acid), a glycoside of vanillic acid, p-coumaric acid and its phen
214                  All observed compounds were glycosides of four different aglycone structures, of whi
215                                              Glycosides of kaempferol were the main flavonoids found
216                          A series of 20 4'-O-glycosides of the aminoglycoside antibiotic paromomycin
217                                     Flavonol glycosides of wild sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides s
218 ting the potential of using the cardioactive glycoside oleandrin as a coadjuvant drug to standard che
219 me 340 mL GFJ/d, providing 210 mg naringenin glycosides, or a matched control drink without flavanone
220 ersion, peak detection, flavone and flavonol glycoside peak extraction, flavone and flavonol glycosid
221                    The protected chlorohexyl glycoside pentasaccharide was the precursor to the hexyl
222  High contents in anthocyanins, flavonol-3-O-glycosides, phenolic acids and flavan-3-ols were found i
223 he first reported examples of retaining beta-glycoside phosphorylases, and the first instance of free
224 e hydrolases, although recently, a family of glycoside phosphorylases, GH130, have also been shown to
225 how that these enzymes act preferentially as glycoside phosphorylases.
226 uxin distribution and suggests that flavonol glycosides play an important role in regulating plant de
227  preparation of the corresponding polyphenol glycosides, preferably for their subsequent isolation an
228 oxide-catalyzed hydrolysis of aryl 1,2-trans-glycosides proceeds through a mechanism involving neighb
229     We show that resistance to toxic cardiac glycosides produced by plants and bufonid toads is media
230 uce foliage in the form of the corresponding glycosides, pungenin and picein.
231 on of increasing doses of a common quercetin glycoside (quercetin-3-O-glucoside) improves endothelial
232                     The contents of flavonol glycosides ranged 23-250 mg/100 g fresh berries and were
233 onary specialization of these enzymes toward glycosides rather than inherent reactivity differences.
234 ing in the alcohol, the phenolics/cyanogenic glycosides ratio increased and at the end of beverage ma
235 ity modifying protein (RAMP)-like triterpene glycoside receptor (RL-TGR), was previously found to be
236                        We found that cardiac glycosides reduce the production of apolipoprotein B (ap
237  that the treatment of patients with cardiac glycosides reduced serum LDL-C levels.
238 higher in grilled samples, while delphinidin glycosides resulted more retained in boiled samples.
239                              The paromomycin glycosides retain activity against clinical strains of M
240 vatives; diterpenoids (including steviol and glycosides); sesquiterpenoids; amino acids and derivativ
241 of this study was to encapsulate the steviol glycosides (SGs) by spray, freeze and vacuum oven drying
242 p of diterpenoid glycosides known as steviol glycosides (SGs), but also other labdane-type diterpenoi
243                                      Steviol glycosides (SGs), such as stevioside and rebaudioside A,
244 ment, whereas kaempferol and total flavonoid glycosides showed higher concentrations in 13 week old p
245         The compounds comprised caffeic acid glycosides, simple phenolics (protocatechuic acid and va
246  study we show that a natural, plant derived glycoside (SO1861) from Saponaria officinalis L. greatly
247 , freeze drying and shade drying) on steviol glycosides (stevioside, dulcoside A, rebaudioside A and
248  active site, but the FEL of corresponding O-glycoside substrate reveals a preference for a Michaelis
249 ly soluble conjugated compounds, including C-glycosides, such as 3',5'-di-C-beta-glucopyranosylphlore
250 itene), apigenin 8-C-neohesperidoside, and O-glycosides, such as acacetin 7-O-neohesperidoside (fortu
251 elective for the formation of the equatorial glycosides, suggesting that the synthesis of equatorial
252  Finland) had higher levels of most flavonol glycosides than those from Turku (Southern Finland) and
253     Ginsenoside 20(S)-Rg3 (Rg3) is a steroid glycoside that induces human ether-a-go-go-related gene
254                               Oleandrin is a glycoside that inhibits the ubiquitous enzyme Na(+)/K(+)
255         Grape aroma precursors are odourless glycosides that represent a natural reservoir of potenti
256 onetin glycoside and malonylated biochanin A glycoside the major compounds.
257 ereocontrolled synthesis of pseudaminic acid glycosides, the stereocontrolled synthesis of a d-glycer
258 -ss-D-glycopyranoside was the most resistant glycoside to hydrolysis.
259 sequence enables conversion of the protected glycosides to the free N,N-diacetyllegionaminic acid gly
260 ounds ranged from 1133.1 (puree with steviol glycoside) to 725.6 mg/100 g dm (puree with erythritol),
261 ntasaccharide was the precursor to the hexyl glycoside, to be used as a soluble inhibitor, and the am
262 ly characterised by delphinidin and cyanidin glycosides, together with chlorogenic acid, and V. uligi
263 omated data analysis of flavone and flavonol glycosides, two important subclasses of flavonoids.
264  to maintain quality and quantity of steviol glycosides under controlled artificial environment.
265                                      Cardiac glycoside use was strongly associated with incident inva
266                     Using a panel of cardiac glycoside variants, we assessed the structural elements
267 n dimer (procyanidin B1), IV.p-coumaric acid glycoside, VI.epicatechin-(4beta-->8)-epicatechin dimer
268 or the stereoselective synthesis of beta-Kdo glycosides via the use of a 4'-methoxyphenacyl (Phen) au
269 its; however, the presence of the pyrimidine glycosides vicine and convicine (v-c) in its seeds limit
270                  The recuperation of steviol glycosides was 4.02g for pretreated leaves and 2.20g for
271                                  Decrease of glycosides was measured by HPLC and the volatiles releas
272               The separation of nine steviol glycosides was possible in 11min with UV and MS compatib
273 f NIS/AgOTf in acetonitrile, a series of Kdo glycosides was synthesized in good yield and beta-select
274                                 All deacetyl glycosides were about twice as active as aglycones, and
275               Phenolic groups and cyanogenic glycosides were analyzed with the aid of high-performanc
276                                   All of the glycosides were characterized by IR and NMR.
277 nins, total antioxidant capacity and steviol glycosides were evaluated before and after a simulated g
278                          Twenty-six flavonol glycosides were found with isorhamnetin and quercetin as
279   Eleven phenolic acids and 17 anthocyanin 3-glycosides were identified and quantified.
280                         Although the cardiac glycosides were identified in an evaluation of 2366 smal
281 ogenic acid, quercetin, kaempferol and their glycosides were identified together with 5-(hydroxymethy
282 ulations comprising predominantly isoflavone glycosides were included.Isoflavone treatments exert a m
283  conditions of aqueous extraction of steviol glycosides were investigated using response surface meth
284                                  Monoterpene glycosides were isolated from Gewurztraminer and Rieslin
285      To this end, six peracetyl and deacetyl glycosides were synthesized from eugenol, isoeugenol and
286                                  New steviol glycosides were tentatively identified and their possibl
287 y isorhamnetin glycosides, whereas quercetin glycosides were typically abundant in most samples inves
288 ce as active as aglycones, and the peracetyl glycosides were, in most cases, equipotent with aglycone
289 acid, total antioxidant capacity and steviol glycosides, whereas carotenoids and anthocyanins diminis
290 kthorn berries contained mostly isorhamnetin glycosides, whereas quercetin glycosides were typically
291 ups on the donor favor the formation of beta-glycosides, while poorly reactive nucleophiles and elect
292 the synthesis of equatorial pseudaminic acid glycosides will be possible as suitable donors become av
293                                              Glycosides with a hydrophobic aglycan displayed stronger
294                                              Glycosides with nonpolar aglycon showed stronger binding
295 reduction allows for a direct synthesis of C-glycosides with predictable stereochemistry.
296 1), X. p-hydroxybenzaldehyde XI.ferulic acid glycoside, XII.vanillic acid, XIII.sinapic acid glycosid
297 in dimer (procyanidin B2), VIII.caffeic acid glycoside, XIX.epicatechin-(4beta-->8)-epicatechin-(4bet
298 coside, XII.vanillic acid, XIII.sinapic acid glycoside, XVI.p-coumaric acid, XVII.ferulic acid, XVIII
299 e additives (palm sugar, erythritol, steviol glycoside, xylitol and inulin) on the polyphenol content
300 ing subgroups: diuretics (yes/no), digitalis glycoside (yes/no), mineralocorticoid receptor antagonis

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