


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ontinue the journey to achieve this ultimate goal.
2 al incentive if they met a 5% cost reduction goal.
3 ing show considerable potential towards this goal.
4 de association engagement in pursuit of this goal.
5 , has been a highly sought after yet elusive goal.
6  into electrode materials remains an elusive goal.
7     It is uncertain if this is an attainable goal.
8  antibodies (bnAbs) is a primary HIV vaccine goal.
9 technologies can enable progress toward this goal.
10 oals 2 through 4 including steps within each goal.
11 e usual and sustainable European development goals.
12 will ultimately serve both basic and applied goals.
13 ternationally agreed sustainable development goals.
14 ers or committees, is key to achieving these goals.
15  concerns corresponded well with trauma team goals.
16 equire different therapies and physiological goals.
17 ng the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals.
18 ultiple HIV-1 Env trimers, accomplishing two goals.
19 te, aligning conservation and risk reduction goals.
20 ibuted to and are needed to advance clinical goals.
21 lso the first of the Sustainable Development Goals.
22                      There are three primary goals: (1) to establish a longitudinal pathway for incre
23 program addressed National HIV/AIDS Strategy goals 2 through 4 including steps within each goal.
24 n advancing the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 3, setting a global target of reducing tobacco use
25  According to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 3, target eight, the provision of quality care to a
26 ries to have achieved Millennium Development Goal 5 (75% reduction in maternal mortality ratio betwee
27                                              Goal 5 explicitly aims to empower all women and girls, r
28 us methods, to achieve each of two different goals; a No Effort condition in which the adult achieved
29 : 36.4% to 41.6%) had BP above the treatment goal according to the 2017 ACC/AHA and JNC7 guidelines,
30    Each group produced a prioritised list of goals, activities, and a set of key deliverable objectiv
31 on, and prevalence of BP above the treatment goal among U.S. adults using criteria from the 2017 ACC/
32 describe the past decade of work toward this goal and articulate both the promise that now exists and
33 eate a clearer picture of water transport in GOAL and can be used to rationally design more effective
34 en self-reported health status and treatment goal and certain coping strategies.
35 o be used internationally to guide treatment goals and clinical recommendations on drinking reduction
36 ate how extensions of these methods to other goals and data can be used over time and space to produc
37 herence and that ignoring patients' personal goals and preferences may result in reduced rates of adh
38 hether quality oversight is meeting intended goals and whether further modifications could reduce ris
39 g the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and, conversely, each such goal will affect the ab
40 ion was used to modify Pavlovian conditional goal-approach responses according to the reward's curren
41 ctions and grand challenges to realize these goals are highlighted for both experimental characteriza
42 ventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, the goal being to determine the extent of their involvement
43 ours require re-planning of the route to the goal, bilateral inferior lateral prefrontal activity sca
44 y and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, but success to date has been very limited.
45      Here, Davanco et al. stride toward this goal by hybrid on-chip integration of Si3N4 waveguides a
46 and the United States have accomplished this goal by prohibiting the exchange of an organ for "valuab
47 late that disoriented navigators reach their goals by using an egocentric view-matching strategy.
48    Water permeability was measured for eight GOALs characterized by different GOAL chemistry and morp
49 d for eight GOALs characterized by different GOAL chemistry and morphology and indicates that GOAL na
50  ensembles recorded simultaneously predicted goal choices and tracked changing rules; inactivating mP
51 ula anatomy, patient factors, and management goals (closure versus sepsis control).
52 vorably to peer algorithms, and can approach goal conformations to within a low all-atom RMSD by dire
53 m seemed to optimally support the behavioral goal ("detect" stimuli at the cued finger while ignoring
54 hat ventral hippocampal trkB is essential to goal-directed action selection, countering habit-based b
55 ting action-outcome contingencies to control goal-directed action.
56 these mechanisms by computationally modeling goal-directed and habitual behavior as model-based and m
57                            Memory can inform goal-directed behavior by linking current opportunities
58 enhances action-outcome memory, resulting in goal-directed behavior in mice that would otherwise expr
59 pothesis has suggested that core deficits in goal-directed behavior in obsessive-compulsive disorder
60  DA release and is a canonical gatekeeper of goal-directed behavior.
61 titutes an essential aspect of attention and goal-directed behavior.
62                                              Goal-directed behaviour outside of spatial navigation si
63 ctively, transient and chronic reductions of goal-directed behaviours.
64 ikely to be rewarded is a critical aspect of goal-directed decision making.
65 ing information in order to make appropriate goal-directed decisions.
66  care fellows performed and documented their goal-directed echocardiogram as normal or abnormal for r
67 ography was performed on schedule unless the goal-directed echocardiogram showed critical findings.
68 asal ganglia circuits are thought to mediate goal-directed learning by a process of outcome evaluatio
69 ced spatial map stability and the absence of goal-directed place cell reorganization.
70 learning engages both attentional habits and goal-directed processes in parallel.
71 , we show that both habit-like attention and goal-directed processes occur in the same learning episo
72  were observed corresponding to habitual and goal-directed processes.
73 outcome conditioning caused a later decay in goal-directed responding-that is, mice were unable to se
74 lesions of the contralateral amygdala impede goal-directed response selection, implicating BDNF-expre
75           Rho-kinase inhibition also rescues goal-directed response strategies, linking neural remode
76 ty as disoriented mice performed a classical goal-directed spatial memory task in a rectangular chamb
77 ted with mortality differences between early goal-directed therapy and control included Acute Physiol
78 are who required acute volume resuscitation, goal-directed therapy guided by assessment of fluid resp
79                                        Early goal-directed therapy has shown discordant survival outc
80                                        Early goal-directed therapy was associated with increased mort
81               Despite increasing interest in goal-directed, restricted-volume fluid administration fo
82 rt condition in which the adult achieved the goals effortlessly; or a Baseline condition.
83 lternatives that may suit various biological goals, experimental designs, and laboratories' preferenc
84 ping drought-resistance varieties is a major goal for bioenergy crops, such as poplar (Populus), whic
85               Clinical Context The treatment goal for CRPC is palliation.
86                                      A major goal for HIV-1 vaccine development is an ability to elic
87 DENV infections has been a long-sought-after goal for vaccination.
88 commend that clinicians select the treatment goals for adults aged 60 years or older based on a perio
89 work and quantitative tools to advance these goals for multi-faceted biodiversity conservation.
90 ers that together achieve joint conservation goals from LCC partners for the least cost.
91             Particularly, for achieving this goal GICs were incorporated into various biomaterials po
92  programmes to align justice and health-care goals has great potential to improve long-term HIV treat
93          In an environment full of potential goals, how does the brain determine which movement to ex
94                                    A central goal in biochemistry is to explain the causes of protein
95 xpansion of tree cover is a major management goal in cities because of the substantial benefits provi
96 ersity within populations is a long-standing goal in evolutionary biology, with important implication
97 enetic architecture of speciation is a major goal in evolutionary biology.
98                                    With this goal in mind, we investigated the effect of a treatment
99                                  One central goal in molecular evolution is to pinpoint the mechanism
100 ding and transmitting information is a major goal in neuroscience.
101 vities of natural enzymes is a long-standing goal in protein chemistry.
102 on at the microscopic scale is a fundamental goal in the development of biologically inspired systems
103                                 An important goal in their understanding is the provision of detailed
104 the most obvious and perhaps most attractive goal in this area, the dehydrogenation of simple alkanes
105 ization and mother, newborn and child health goals in ten focus countries of the Polio Eradication En
106 methods and strategies, useful and important goals in their own right, takes on added importance, and
107 ex can dissociate current from future search goals in working memory.
108 e victims are harmed to achieve instrumental goals, including sweatshop labor, animal experimentation
109 ive potential of the Sustainable Development Goals, including their universal health coverage target.
110 spectral correlates, suggesting that current goals influence PE and prediction signalling.
111                 Our strategy to achieve this goal is based on the spatial self-organization of patche
112                             Critical to this goal is development of a new linking strategy to enable
113             Building on this foundation, the goal is now to drive malaria towards elimination.
114                                          Our goal is to contribute to better understanding of the com
115                                  Our overall goal is to develop machine-learning approaches based on
116                                       If the goal is to improve management outcomes, then the focus o
117                                 An important goal is to understand how the many different components
118 ive medications to achieve individualised BP goals is recommended.
119         One way to assist in achieving these goals is to integrate beneficial plant microbiomes-i.e.,
120 udes change in connection to values, general goals, language, emotions, and human development.
121 ction and orients individuals toward salient goals linked to power roles, predispositions, tasks, and
122  robust remapping of place fields toward the goal location.
123               Mice learned new sets of three goal locations daily in a multiwell maze.
124  large circular platform, either to LED-cued goal locations or as a spatial sequence from memory.
125       We used closed-loop SPW-R detection at goal locations to trigger optogenetic silencing of a sub
126                             To achieve these goals, many researchers have focused on paper-based and
127 o Genetics of Asthma and Lifestyle Study (PR-GOAL; n = 306) and the Genes-environments and Admixture
128  chemistry and morphology and indicates that GOAL nanochannel height dictates water transport.
129 ted 10-year number-needed-to-treat for a SBP goal of 120mmHg varied substantially according to CAC le
130      Our approach achieves the long-standing goal of a tight feedback cycle between computation and e
131 e recognized and targeted, with the ultimate goal of achieving an HIV-1 cure.
132 COEs), WMG1 and WMG2, were designed with the goal of achieving near infrared absorption and high phot
133  with functioning neural elements is a major goal of advanced therapeutic systems for brain cancer.
134                                          The goal of allergen-specific immunotherapy is the induction
135 of its HIV epidemic, and help to achieve the goal of an end to AIDS.
136                                          The goal of biological measurement is to capture underlying
137 itate extensibility at every level, with the goal of creating a more powerful tool that continues to
138 dy represents the first step to the ultimate goal of developing a cost-effective manufacturing proces
139 ction to its sensory properties with the end-goal of developing an instrumental analysis approach com
140                                        A key goal of diabetes research is to develop treatments to sa
141                              A long-standing goal of DNA nanotechnology has been to assemble 3D cryst
142                                     The main goal of dopamine cell replacement therapy in Parkinson d
143 served sites on the HIV-1 envelope, with the goal of eliciting antiviral antibodies.
144 ure HIV-1 vaccine trials in humans, with the goal of eliciting broadly active neutralizing antibodies
145 d auditory stimuli, we show that the primary goal of escape in mice is to reach a previously memorize
146  and abiotic environmental change is a major goal of evolutionary biology.
147          The overview presented here has the goal of examining whether carbon disulfide (CS2) may pla
148 research community as it moves toward to the goal of extending patient survival.
149 o in humans in order to provide the ultimate goal of giving the right drug at the right dose at the r
150                                          One goal of HIV-1 vaccine development is to induce antibodie
151  comprehensive mutagenesis approach with the goal of identifying trimer variants with improved antige
152 to conventional laboratory testing, with the goal of improving accessibility to medical diagnostics i
153                            With the ultimate goal of improving drought resistance in turfgrass, we id
154  diagnostic methods can support the societal goal of improving literacy.
155                                          The goal of increasing crop productivity and nutrient-use ef
156 azolopyrimidine inhibitors of CDPK1 with the goal of increasing selectivity over host enzymes, improv
157 uroimaging effects across disorders with the goal of informing future research examining the mechanis
158 noma cells resistant to vemurafenib with the goal of investigating changes in miRNA expression patter
159                                     A shared goal of many researchers has been to discover how to imp
160 ining tumor cells following surgery with the goal of maximizing local control and increasing overall
161                                     With the goal of modeling human disease of the large intestine, w
162 t control over their properties is a central goal of modern condensed-matter physics, which holds pro
163 rcuits with cell type specificity is a major goal of neuroscience.
164                    For the past 2 years, the goal of our group has been to establish a way to identif
165 centered indicator aligned directly with the goal of patient safety-freedom from harm.
166                                       A main goal of performing DNA sequencing in population studies
167                                       With a goal of predicting drug concentration in cardiac tissue,
168 provide a framework to achieve the ambitious goal of programming morphogenesis in complex tissues and
169  PTTP, was designed and synthesized with the goal of providing red-shifted absorption spectra relativ
170  neuropsychiatric disorders has been a major goal of psychology and neuroscience for decades.
171 en and turkey populations, with the ultimate goal of refining surveillance in these populations to en
172                                       A main goal of rehabilitation strategies in humans with spinal
173 ion of increased resistance has been a major goal of researchers of plant-herbivore interactions.
174              There, the attended item is the goal of search.
175 tly superimposed the separation process, the goal of separation by end group functionality was still
176 tralizes EV biology and methodology with the goal of stimulating authors, reviewers, editors and fund
177                                          One goal of structural biology is to understand how a protei
178                                      Thus, a goal of studying NOMPC is to reveal the underlying mecha
179  have been limiting factors in realizing the goal of targeting leukemic stem cells (LSCs).
180                                          The goal of testosterone therapy is usually to achieve serum
181                                          The goal of the Banff process is ongoing integration of adva
182                                          The goal of the current analysis was to test this precision
183                                          The goal of the present study is to investigate whether and
184                                          The goal of the present study was to determine whether cutan
185                                          The goal of this article is to provide an overview of curren
186                                          The goal of this article is to summarize the spectrum of mol
187                                          The goal of this article was to outline important components
188                                          The goal of this paper was to evaluate the in vivo kinetics
189                                          The goal of this project is to develop and embed some common
190                                          The goal of this research was to estimate the health risks a
191                                          The goal of this strategy is to generate the data necessary
192                                          The goal of this study is to determine the underlying mechan
193                                          The goal of this study is to encourage the development of ef
194                                          The goal of this study is to explain how RNA can remain solu
195                                          The goal of this study was to assess risk factors associated
196                                          The goal of this study was to assess the degree to which inc
197                                     The main goal of this study was to characterize different areas o
198                               Therefore, the goal of this study was to demonstrate whether L1 peptide
199                                          The goal of this study was to detect and describe ocular com
200                                          The goal of this study was to determine the association betw
201                                          The goal of this study was to determine the effect of statin
202                                          The goal of this study was to determine whether reversion mu
203 ients referred for coronary angiography, the goal of this study was to develop a clinical and biomark
204 , a PET tracer that targets system xC(-) The goal of this study was to evaluate (18)F-FASu as a speci
205                                          The goal of this study was to evaluate the association betwe
206                                          The goal of this study was to evaluate whether electroanatom
207                                          The goal of this study was to further explore the clinical c
208                                          The goal of this study was to gain new insights into the und
209                                          The goal of this study was to identify barriers to HCC surve
210                                          The goal of this study was to identify the molecular mechani
211                                          The goal of this study was to identify the thermoeffector me
212                                          The goal of this study was to investigate the frequency of u
213                                          The goal of this study was to investigate the role of TonEBP
214                                          The goal of this study was to investigate the roles played b
215                                          The goal of this study was to investigate whether targeted a
216                                          The goal of this study was to quantify this effect and deter
217                                          The goal of this work was to develop a mathematical model to
218                                          The goal of this work was to identify chloroplast-targeted s
219                                          The goal of universal health coverage (UHC) requires inter a
220                                          The goal of universal health coverage (UHC) requires that fa
221                                 A persistent goal of vaccine development is the enhancement of the im
222 al antibodies (bNAbs) against HCV is a major goal of vaccine development.
223 nical centers to a dietary intervention with goals of a reduction of fat intake to 20% of energy and
224         Consideration is given to the common goals of cardiac imaging in CHD, including assessment of
225 ol for balancing the Sustainable Development Goals of human development and maintaining biodiversity,
226  a recombinant inbred population with future goals of identifying genomic regions associated with dro
227 tion of somatic mutations is one of the main goals of next generation DNA sequencing.
228                                   One of the goals of POC testing is the development of a chip-based,
229                                          The goals of the current study were to confirm that RGS10 is
230                                          The goals of the current study were to further define the fu
231                       One of the fundamental goals of the hemodialysis prescription is to maintain se
232                       Far from achieving the goals of the IOM, which are celebrating success, recogni
233         These consequences are the precisely goals of therapeutic interventions in human anxiety diso
234 plore the understanding and expectations and goals of these patients and surrogates.
235                                     The main goals of this work were the identification of V. v. sylv
236 ients, facilitating family discussions about goals of treatment and organ donation represented the mo
237 mately achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of universal access and satisfying demand for repr
238 ch theories is that presenting two competing goals often results in a movement intermediate between t
239 ms by which the human brain updates specific goals on the fly, and translates those updates into choi
240 isions for action that are related to future goals, or at least free from the constraints of immediat
241 dysfunction and schizophrenia, we found that goal-oriented learning in wild-type mice was supported b
242 mposed of individuals differing in speed and goal-orientedness.
243                  The Sustainable Development Goals provide a global platform to reduce ACEs and their
244                                              Goal refraction was plano to +1 D.
245 s (88%) were corrected to within +/-1.0 D of goal refraction; the other 5 (12%) were corrected to wit
246 onsonance is a measure of culturally encoded goals relevant to psychological, behavioral, and health
247 o parts of the visual scene that may contain goal-relevant information.
248    We conclude that environmental protection goals relying on measures of richness could underestimat
249                              Achieving these goals requires well-connected networks of marine reserve
250 nly in the number of rewarded trials between goal reversals.
251  the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, which established ambitious target
252  The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize that current sanitation gaps must
253             Food and activity monitoring and goal setting mediated the effect of LOW vs CONTROL (50%)
254                               Monitoring and goal setting, family and home environment, and healthy b
255                                 The ultimate goal should be to prohibit or more closely regulate pote
256                                Meeting these goals should accelerate our ability to design and implem
257                               Based on given goals, stakeholders engaged in this study selected the f
258 er, the need for innovation to achieve these goals, sustain elimination, and free the world of malari
259           When <10 rewarded trials separated goal switches, OFC population vectors decorrelated rapid
260      Participants were exposed to intensive (goal systolic pressure < 120 mm Hg) versus standard (<14
261  condition made more attempts to achieve the goal than did infants in the other conditions.
262  selection of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that apply to health.
263 ns on the understanding of science, the main goal, the stage of involvement in the research process,
264 d, assuming that we meet the Paris agreement goals, the projected SLR itself by the end of the centur
265 and large-scale imaging techniques, with the goal to decipher its critical role in neuronal protectio
266                                     With the goal to develop high-throughput and robust quantitative
267 3000 m(2) g(-1) ) and were prepared with the goal to enhance CH4 working capacity.
268 his review also takes into consideration the goal to find out which designs are the most rational one
269                       Policymakers developed goals to reduce the area of hypoxic extent because of it
270 e has been significant progress towards this goal using electron tomography.
271 ho acknowledged their oncologist's treatment goal was not "to cure my cancer." Conclusion Prognostic
272                                          Our goal was to characterize the pathophysiologic response t
273                                          Our goal was to compare the EEG/EMG-based and the WBP-based
274                                          Our goal was to define the genetic cause of the profound hyp
275                                          Our goal was to delineate a mechanism(s) by which allergic a
276                                          Our goal was to determine whether cardiomyocytes respond to
277                                          Our goal was to determine whether disparities during the eva
278                                          Our goal was to determine whether GLUT4 is required for over
279 onsumption, and hence are the focus here.Our goal was to estimate trends in added sugars in nonalcoho
280                                          Our goal was to evaluate this test using PB against larger n
281                                          Our goal was to examine the role of p16 in HPV-related favor
282                                          Our goal was to identify currents that trigger spontaneous f
283                                          Our goal was to measure the association of CXCL5 and molecul
284                                          Our goal was to show a range of approaches for conducting de
285                                          Our goal was to systematically investigate the association o
286                                          Our goal was to unravel the mode of Idd22-based protection u
287                                    With this goal, we analyzed the retinal transcriptome of two non-a
288                       As a step towards this goal, we developed a method to examine whether individua
289                                  Toward this goal, we developed a software pipeline named digit that
290                                  Toward this goal, we developed cell-seeded disc-like angle ply struc
291                                  Toward this goal, we developed two mouse lines, including one harbor
292                              To achieve this goal, we need to understand contributions of natural and
293                              To achieve this goal, we synthesized a series of benzimidazole-based der
294                              To achieve this goal, we used a combination of relaxation dispersion NMR
295                    In order to achieve these goals, we demonstrate a single synthetic protocol to obt
296                          In pursuit of these goals, we developed a new synthetic approach that enable
297  that help the processed PGs to achieve this goal were not fully understood.
298                                          The goals were addressed in the Adolescent Trials Network, w
299                                      Primary goals were to evaluate the impact of integrating FFR on
300 Development Goals and, conversely, each such goal will affect the ability to control infectious disea

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