


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e tight stacking and low protein mobility in grana.
2 ed in stroma lamellae and is also present in grana.
3 ve the accessibility between damaged PSII in grana and its repair machinery in stroma lamellae: later
4  morphological and functional domains called grana and stroma lamellae.
5  flow of ions and membrane molecules between grana and stroma thylakoid membrane domains.
6       The junctional connections between the grana and stroma thylakoids all have a slit-like archite
7 with the distribution of the MPH1 protein in grana and stroma thylakoids, and its interaction with PS
8 d alterations in the relative proportions of grana and stroma thylakoids.
9 lasts contained larger plastoglobules, lower grana, and more vesicles close to the envelopes compared
10             Most chlorophyll proteins in the grana appear immobile on the 10-min timescale of our mea
11                                              Grana architecture is correlated with the CURT1 protein
12 ease in neoxanthin distortion in overcrowded grana as compared with intact thylakoids.
13 d number of membrane layers (and margins) in grana at the expense of grana diameter in overexpressors
14 adation, well separated from active PS II in grana core and de novo protein synthesis in unstacked st
15 , HL induces a partial conversion of stacked grana core to grana margin, which leads to a controlled
16 ts of land plants characteristically contain grana, cylindrical stacks of thylakoid membranes.
17 ery in stroma lamellae: lateral shrinkage of grana diameter and increased protein mobility in grana t
18 ers (and margins) in grana at the expense of grana diameter in overexpressors of CURT1A.
19 on of negative charges by phosphorylation of grana-hosted proteins.
20        Our study suggests that the origin of grana in evolution ensures high repair efficiency, which
21 the exchange of chlorophyll proteins between grana in intact spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and Arabi
22 he grana where segregation exists within the grana itself.
23 3 mutants had straight thylakoids but lacked grana lamellae.
24 ted that thylakoid membrane stacking to form grana leads to protein crowding that impedes lateral dif
25  partial conversion of stacked grana core to grana margin, which leads to a controlled access of prot
26 lobe-like thylakoids with considerably fewer grana margins in plants without CURT1 proteins to an inc
27                                          The grana margins of the thylakoid membrane were found to be
28 chitecture by inducing membrane curvature at grana margins.
29 nd D) oligomerize and are highly enriched at grana margins.
30 roteins associated with PSII assemble in the grana membrane into PSII supercomplexes and surrounding
31 mbranes, and margins, which connect pairs of grana membranes at their lumenal sides.
32            Chaotrope treatment of the paired grana membranes has allowed the separation and isolation
33                    The structure of isolated grana membranes has been studied here by cryo-electron m
34                     Our results suggest that grana membranes lie at or near phase coexistence, confer
35 dues of some photosynthetic complexes in the grana membranes occurs under conditions of high light in
36 quires an optimal protein packing density in grana membranes that is close to 70%.
37  (CP43) in the PSII-OEC extrinsic domains of grana membranes under conditions resulting in the disord
38 lly high protein packing density in isolated grana membranes was applied to study the dependence of t
39 tem II (PSII) on spinach (Spinacia oleracea) grana membranes were examined using contact mode atomic
40                                          (c) Grana membranes were found to retain a double-layered in
41                         Significantly larger grana membranes were produced with an increased synthesi
42  fluorescence data from PSII supercomplexes, grana membranes, and leaves.
43 uch increase in mobility is seen in isolated grana membranes, or in the Arabidopsis stn8 and stn7 stn
44  induce large-scale structural remodeling of grana membranes-formation of extensive domains of the ma
45 ganization and thermal stability of isolated grana membranes.
46 ne, accomplished by the formation of stacked grana membranes.
47 lorophyll fluorescence) can exchange between grana on this timescale.
48 m solid, sheet-like bridges between adjacent grana, others exhibit a branching geometry with small, m
49 .2% respectively for Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano cheese (n=5).
50 igestion of Cheddar, Gorgonzola, Maasdam and Grana Padano cheeses, type and amount of ACE-I peptides
51 low levels of sugars detected, authentic PDO Grana Padano could be safely included in the diet of peo
52 ow sugar levels in hard cheese, specifically Grana Padano PDO cheese.
53      The method was applied to 59 samples of Grana Padano PDO cheese: galactose showed the highest co
54 g to structural differentiation into stacked grana regions and unstacked stroma lamellae for diffusio
55 HCII) are highly concentrated in the stacked grana regions of photosynthetic thylakoid membranes.
56 as this number drops to about 20% in stacked grana regions.
57 rotein-packing density compared with stacked grana regions.
58 astructure that consists of tightly stacked 'grana' regions interconnected by unstacked membrane regi
59 ysis of the polypeptides associated with the grana samples, are hypothesized to be a domain of photos
60 ocystis 6803 homolog of Arabidopsis thaliana grana-shaping proteins of the CURVATURE THYLAKOID1 famil
61                Multiple forces contribute to grana stacking, but it is not known how the extreme curv
62            The molecular forces that lead to grana stacking, however, are poorly understood.
63 the "Velcro" hypothesis to explain thylakoid grana stacking.
64 tractive and repulsive forces fully explains grana stacking.
65 ttractive van der Waals (FvdWaals) forces in grana stacking.
66 ylakoid membrane distortion and reduction of grana stacking.
67 thylakoid morphology, including disorganized grana stacks and alterations in the relative proportions
68 plasts were more rounded and contained fewer grana stacks and longer stroma thylakoids, more plastogl
69 t the stroma thylakoids are wound around the grana stacks in the form of multiple, right-handed helic
70 n the number and the orientation of adjacent grana stacks to which they are connected.
71 s dramatically fewer thylakoid membranes and grana stacks when compared with wild-type chloroplasts.
72  have fewer thylakoid membranes with smaller grana stacks.
73                      We demonstrate that the grana/stroma thylakoid connections have a helical charac
74 e slit length results in less periodicity in grana/stroma thylakoid organization than proposed in the
75 formation and stabilization of the thylakoid grana structures, since the lamellar aggregates are well
76 tions, allowing us to construct a map of the grana thylakoid membrane that reveals nanodomains of col
77 identify the position of cytb6f complexes in grana thylakoid membranes from spinach (Spinacia olerace
78 % area fraction to the value found in intact grana thylakoids (70%) leads to an improved functionalit
79 light-harvesting complex II-enriched stacked grana thylakoids and the photosystem I/ATP synthase-enri
80 risk lateral protein traffic between stacked grana thylakoids and unstacked stroma lamellae that is c
81                                          The grana thylakoids are organized in the form of cylindrica
82 eveal that Zmhcf136 lacks PSII complexes and grana thylakoids in M chloroplasts, consistent with the
83 decreased efficiency in overcrowded isolated grana thylakoids is caused by excited state quenching in
84 a diameter and increased protein mobility in grana thylakoids.
85                        PSBS was localized in grana together with photosystem II (PSII), but LHCSR was
86                           The margins of the grana turn out to be the site of protein degradation, we
87 ternative model of the ultrastructure of the grana where segregation exists within the grana itself.

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