


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gue of what electrons experience in strained graphene.
2 th a Fermi velocity of comparable to that of graphene.
3  suggested to serve as models for defects in graphene.
4 emergent properties approaching single-layer graphene.
5  sizes and shapes, and to different types of graphene.
6  technique opens up enormous applications of graphene.
7 o the mobility values reported for suspended graphene.
8 sound thermoacoustically by Joule heating in graphene.
9  surfactants or chemical modification of the graphene.
10 n to the model interface formed by water and graphene.
11 fion composites based on carbon nanotube and graphene.
12 examples of two-dimensional materials beyond graphene.
13 large plasmonic field concentration in doped graphene.
14 sion from individual atomic-scale defects in graphene.
15 rahigh vacuum to an inert substrate, such as graphene.
16 nomenon is also prevalent in nanocrystalline graphene.
17               A membrane based on 30 m(2) of graphene, a readily accessible amount, could provide a h
18                  Here we show that monolayer graphene, a tunable conductor, can be electrically modif
19 s the sulfur host, the quinonoid imine-doped graphene affords a very tiny shuttle current of 2.60 x 1
20 n this effort we propose a new laser wrapped graphene-Ag array as a highly sensitive Surface-enhanced
21 imaging of strongly confined THz plasmons in graphene and 2DEGs has been elusive so far-only GPs with
22 applied potential on the interaction between graphene and a silicon tip in an ionic liquid and descri
23                                  As both the graphene and device principles are transferrable to arbi
24 ndium oxide, dysprosium-doped cadmium oxide, graphene and diffused semiconductors, but also for 'opaq
25                         Two-dimensional (2D) graphene and graphene oxide (GO) offer great potential a
26 haracterize the complex interactions between graphene and immune cells, we propose an integrative ana
27 face conformity of 2D capping layers such as graphene and MoS2 substantially suppress surface fluctua
28 ctivated carbon), and related materials like graphene and nanotubes.
29 ctrochemical sensors and biosensors based on graphene and on graphene-like 2D materials for biomarker
30                                 We show that graphene and other membrane-like monolayers support a sp
31 ry, where an electron is transferred between graphene and other species, encompasses many important p
32 or example, many applications based on using graphene and peptides require peptides to interact with
33 recent developments in organo-functionalized graphene and printed biosensor technologies are comprehe
34  studied two-dimensional materials: zero-gap graphene and visible/near-infrared gap transition metal
35 attractive Coulomb potential of vacancies in graphene, and further envision its universality for dive
36 oupling of GPs with the metal gate below the graphene, and that plasmon damping at positive carrier d
37 ll-cell battery that contains a lithiated Si/graphene anode paired with a selenium disulfide (SeS2) c
38 0 and 100% of the deep valence-band holes in graphene are filled via an Auger transition.
39     The zigzag edges of single- or few-layer graphene are perfect one-dimensional conductors owing to
40            Atomically thin materials such as graphene are uniquely responsive to charge transfer from
41 g intersection of these materials wherein 2D graphenes are hybridized with 3D hydrogels to develop th
42 n, carbon nanotubes and crosslinked or holey graphenes are used exclusively as the active electrode m
43 igh reversibility by using B,N-codoped holey graphene as a highly efficient catalyst for CO2 reductio
44                        Our results establish graphene as a pristine and tunable experimental platform
45 ectra of electrons emitted from single layer graphene as a result of the decay of deep holes in the v
46  and ionic screening of ions adsorbed on the graphene as well as charged amino acids associated with
47 quantum numbers.The phase diagram of bilayer graphene at high magnetic fields has been an outstanding
48  interact with (e.g., noncovalently bind to) graphene at one end, while simultaneously exposing the o
49                                 The proposed graphene based electrical biosensor provided advantages
50  5.50 mA cm(-2) on the quinonoid imine-doped graphene based electrode with a high sulfur loading of 3
51 creating highly collimated electron beams in graphene based on collinear pairs of slits, with absorpt
52       Among most reports, only a few printed graphene-based biosensors including screen-printed oxida
53                     Biosensors comprising of graphene-based conductive nanomaterials offer the advant
54        In this work, we developed an aptamer/graphene-based electrochemical biosensor for on-step, se
55 ive strategy with which to engineer advanced graphene-based functional nanocomposites with rationally
56                                              Graphene-based materials (GBMs), with graphene, their mo
57                          The modification of graphene-based materials is an important topic in the fi
58 ar and chlorine resistance of these scalable graphene-based membranes are promising for use in practi
59 eoxycholate enhances NaCl rejection in these graphene-based membranes.
60 ce/chemiluminescence-quenching properties of graphene-based nanocomposites are exploited in various d
61                                    Herein, a graphene-based polylactic acid filament (graphene/PLA) h
62  detection of folic acid protein (FAP) using graphene-based SPR chips.
63 y exploits the pH dependency of liquid-gated graphene-based transistors and the change in the local p
64 er a polymer, metal, or even atomically thin graphene, between the substrate and the brittle thin fil
65  The integration of the novel aptamer in the graphene biosensor allows a promising way for cost-effec
66 luding screen-printed oxidase-functionalized graphene biosensor have been demonstrated.
67                          Taken together, the graphene biosensors provide an effective tool for clinic
68  applicable to all layered materials such as graphene, black phosphorous and transition metal dichalc
69 eport the observation of excitons in bilayer graphene (BLG) using photocurrent spectroscopy of high-q
70 e film exfoliated from In2 Se3 crystals on a graphene bottom electrode, it is shown that SET/RESET pr
71 ' method and can be readily transformed into graphene by chemical reduction.
72 phene layers without noticeably damaging the graphene by using a controlled low energy oxygen (O2(+)/
73 as SiO2, the addition of each extra layer of graphene can drastically alter their electronic and stru
74 s with a direct covalent linkage between the graphene carbon network and the functional porphyrin uni
75 site film consisting of the Au nanoparticles/graphene-chitosan has been designed to construct an impe
76 receptor molecules onto our high-sensitivity graphene-coated IDE-arrays with identical sensor charact
77 a new electrical biosensor platform based on graphene-coated interdigitated electrode arrays (IDE-arr
78    The temperature dependence of the silicon-graphene conductive photodetector is studied for the fir
79         We find that the triple junctions in graphene consist mostly of five-fold and seven-fold carb
80     With a systematic investigation, a novel graphene/cotton-carbon cathode is presented here that en
81 sing a trilayer graphene, mono- and bi-layer graphene could be successfully fabricated after one- and
82 asma infiltrating sintering of copper-coated graphene (Cu@Gr) composite powders.
83 s that contributes to the molecular basis of graphene cytotoxicity.
84                    The approach reveals that graphene derivatives at the nanoscale assemble into vari
85                    Covalently functionalized graphene derivatives were synthesized via benchmark redu
86                        A hybrid metamaterial/graphene device is implemented into an external cavity s
87  by electrostatic gating of the metamaterial/graphene device, demonstrating a modulation depth of 100
88 intrinsic 2D Dirac plasmons in 3D nanoporous graphene disclosing strong plasmonic absorptions tunable
89 of the electronic heat energy deposited on a graphene disk can be transferred to a neighboring nanois
90 icotine sensor having coatings of silver and graphene doped ZnO nanostructure onto the unclad core of
91 ic residues, whereas MSI-78(C1) lies down on graphene due to an even distribution of Phe residues and
92 icated that part of cecropin P1 stands up on graphene due to an unbalanced distribution of planar and
93 ered towards entities predominantly fused to graphene edges through two pyrrole rings by thermal anne
94                                           In graphene, electrically tunable and highly confined plasm
95 he electrochemical sensing activities of the graphene-electrode was explored as a model for bioelectr
96 (vdW) heterostructure sandwiched between two graphene electrodes, to achieve high energy conversion e
97 terobilayers and finite density of states of graphene electrodes.
98 rallel and sandwiched between top and bottom graphene electrodes.
99 ocity, to probe the nonlocal response of the graphene electron liquid.
100 have developed a cost-effective and portable graphene-enabled biosensor to detect Zika virus with a h
101 the phonon Kohn anomaly near the K point for graphene encapsulated in hBN, and shifts the dominant in
102  of van der Waals heterostructures of In2Se3/graphene, exhibiting a tunable Schottky barrier, and In2
103                         The expansion of the graphene family by adding silicene, germanene and stanen
104  of standardization in the production of the graphene family members.
105  this issue, we fabricated protein-decorated graphene FETs and measured their electrical properties,
106                                         The "graphene fever" has certainly provided a number of funda
107 ion, development and typical applications of graphene fibers.
108                                High mobility graphene field-effect devices, fabricated on the complex
109        This work presents a fully integrated graphene field-effect transistor (GFET) biosensor for th
110 uces charges of opposite polarity within the graphene film modifying its conductivity.
111 observed for a single buffer layer on SiC or graphene films thicker than three to five layers.
112 ductive alkylation reaction in monolayer CVD graphene films.
113                                      Aligned graphene flakes exhibit emergent properties approaching
114                                 In few-layer graphene (FLG) systems on a dielectric substrate such as
115  microfluidic chamber with three-dimensional graphene foam as anode, allowing nutritional medium to f
116                                          The graphene foam enabled microfluidic flow-through approach
117 onsidering the very facile synthesis of this graphene foam/TiO2 nanosheet hybrid, and its excellent w
118                        Herein, we designed a graphene foam/TiO2 nanosheet hybrid, which is able to ef
119 ex-doped carbon grown on flexible exfoliated graphene foil is designed and constructed for both elect
120 t the suggested pull and release approach to graphene folding may find applications in the theoretica
121 emerged as promising materials to complement graphene for advanced optoelectronics.
122  makes them a more attractive candidate than graphene for several applications, for example, as mecha
123 pproach, the interactions between avidin and graphene for the development of a sensing platform that
124 ing tungsten, silicon, graphite, diamond and graphene, for point defects such as vacancies, interstit
125                                 Rich, porous graphene frameworks decorated with uniformly dispersed a
126 search interest for the development of III-V/graphene functional hybrid heterostructures.
127 derstanding of basic principles of reductive graphene functionalization and will serve as a guide in
128 d will serve as a guide in the design of new graphene functionalization concepts.
129                                              Graphene (G) modified with magnetite (Fe3O4) and sol-gel
130           We find that the resistance across graphene GBs vary over a wide range depending on misorie
131 approach was utilised for the development of graphene-gold (G-Au) nanocomposite.
132 irus was accomplished by functionalizing the graphene-gold nanoparticles composite modified carbon el
133 cid oxidase (FAO) immobilized nitrogen-doped graphene/gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)/fluorine doped tin o
134 bon nanostructures such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, graphene oxide and nanodiamonds.
135 layer is used to transfer single crystalline graphene grown on silicon carbide substrates to flexible
136        We also map the local Hall voltage in graphene Hall nanosensors induced by the probes in diffe
137 are active material or component in hybrids, graphene has been the subject of numerous studies in rec
138                      Recently, high-mobility graphene has emerged as an ideal two-dimensional semimet
139                         Since its discovery, graphene has held great promise as a two-dimensional (2D
140 ct of nitrogen on the magnetic properties of graphene has so far only been addressed theoretically, a
141 aterials, the carbonaceous material such as 'graphene' has attracted the tremendous attention of rese
142                              Applications of graphene have extended into areas of nanobio-technology
143                Stoichiometric derivatives of graphene, having well-defined chemical structure and wel
144  the thermoelectric transport across Au/h-BN/graphene heterostructures.
145 e realized GFETs offer the prospect of using graphene in a much wider range of electronic application
146 e factors still hindering the application of graphene in commercial batteries.
147                         The participation of graphene in electron transfer chemistry, where an electr
148                   The volume fraction (f) of graphene in ZnO was optimized using simulation of electr
149     We provide a detailed study of the light-graphene interactions by investigating the optical absor
150                                              Graphene is a 2D material that has been extensively used
151                                              Graphene is a highly promising material for biosensors d
152                                              Graphene is ideally suited for optoelectronic applicatio
153  demonstrating that the high conductivity of graphene is not lost when transferred to textile fibres.
154 f near total optical absorption in monolayer graphene is reported.
155 tion state (unmodified graphene vs. oxidized graphenes) is essential for the translation of this mate
156       Together with the optical qualities of graphene, its acoustic capabilities should inspire the d
157 the finite thermal resistance induced by the graphene layer.
158 is study, we demonstrated the ALE process of graphene layers without noticeably damaging the graphene
159  the van der Waals coupling between adjacent graphene layers, and the ability of reactants to diffuse
160  low diffusion within commensurately-stacked graphene layers.
161 red beta-W films with and without sandwiched graphene layers.
162 nd the range of properties for laser-induced graphene (LIG), specifically to tune the hydrophobicity
163 sors and biosensors based on graphene and on graphene-like 2D materials for biomarkers detection.
164 rch in the synthesis and characterization of graphene-like 2D materials, single and few-atom-thick la
165  their bulk counterparts and also from their graphene-like analogues.
166                                          The graphene-like B layer is highly active, whereas the phos
167 lk MoB2 (which contains only the more active graphene-like boron layers) by a 5-times increase of its
168 des, the working electrode was modified with graphene materials, and an enhancement of electroactive
169 g the transfer, the intactness of large-area graphene membranes can be as high as 95%, prominently la
170 tanding transparency to electron beam endows graphene membranes great potential as a candidate for sp
171 ricate large-area and high-quality suspended graphene membranes has been achieved.
172                In addition, using a trilayer graphene, mono- and bi-layer graphene could be successfu
173             The recent discovery of flexible graphene monolayers has triggered extensive research int
174                                     Tungsten-graphene multilayer composites are fabricated using a st
175      A doping effect is directly observed in graphene multilayer system as well as vHSs in bilayer gr
176 splacements greater than nanotube-Nafion and graphene-Nafion actuators and continuous operation for m
177  structure-switching biosensing principle in graphene nanoelectronics.
178 al bottom-up synthesis of atomically defined graphene nanoribbon (GNR) heterojunctions represents an
179  (AuNPs) embedded in a bottom-up synthesized graphene nanoribbon (GNR) matrix for the electrocatalyti
180 ness in carbon-based Dirac materials, namely graphene nanoribbons and nanotubes, thus showing the val
181 cient synthesis of donor-acceptor, cove-edge graphene nanoribbons and their properties in solar cells
182 is molecule-gold substrate separation if the graphene nanoribbons are absent.
183                     We synthesized these new graphene nanoribbons in solution and found that the late
184 c molecules separated from a gold surface by graphene nanoribbons in vertically stacked heterostructu
185                                           As graphene nanoribbons of ultimate width, they are valuabl
186 bon nanotubes create magnetic fields through graphene nanoribbons, cascading logic gates through inco
187 ized Pd particles are uniformly dispersed on graphene nanosheets (GNSs) using a supercritical-fluid-a
188 ar dynamics simulations reveal that multiple graphene nanosheets can cooperate to extract large numbe
189                 Such processes combined with graphene-nanostructure synthesis has the potential to cr
190  polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and graphene nanostructures demand methods that are capable
191  weakly interacting incommensurately-stacked graphene network, followed by a further flexible rearran
192 les encapsulated in few-layer nitrogen-doped graphene (Ni@NC) are synthesized by using a Ni-based met
193 tive succinimide ester group, interacts with graphene non-covalently via pi-stacking.
194 ier type, density, and mobility in epitaxial graphene on silicon-face silicon carbide.
195                                    Also, the graphene on the SiN membrane reveals not only the fastes
196                            The properties of graphene open new opportunities for the fabrication of c
197  its atomic thickness and unique properties, graphene opens up new paradigms to realize this concept,
198 hly conductive nanocarbon framework (such as graphene or carbon nanotubes) is an attractive avenue to
199 physics in two-dimensional materials such as graphene or transition metal dichalcogenides.
200 multilayer system as well as vHSs in bilayer graphene over a wide range of twist angles (from 5 degre
201 IL) immobilized on electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (ERGO) for the detection of glucose via a
202 was immobilized on electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (ERGO) through the pi-pi stacking of hydr
203 ell mass cytometry to dissect the effects of graphene oxide (GO) and GO functionalized with amino gro
204 ed perylenediimide (PDI-HIS), copper ion and graphene oxide (GO) and that could be utilized as a high
205 lirubin oxidase (BOD)-based biocathode using graphene oxide (GO) could be prepared in 2 steps.
206                                    Recently, graphene oxide (GO) has been suggested as an adsorbent;
207 he aerogel is prepared through incorporating graphene oxide (GO) into alginate (ALG) matrix by using
208             One emerging example consists of graphene oxide (GO) membranes for separation processes.
209                                   We explore graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets functionalized dual-peak
210 tibacterial prickly Zn-CuO nanoparticles and graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets on a Ni porous electrode.
211            Two-dimensional (2D) graphene and graphene oxide (GO) offer great potential as a new type
212 of poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) (PEDOT)/graphene oxide (GO) onto the CFE surface is shown to inc
213                                  We combined graphene oxide (GO) sheets with a specific peptide aptam
214  flow system comprised of two functionalized graphene oxide (GO) surfaces that allow the capture of d
215  of a nature-inspired synthetic leaf made of graphene oxide (GO) thin film material, which exhibited
216 for reduction and simultaneous derivation of graphene oxide (GO) to form a biocompatible polymeric ma
217  isotropic orientation of GBNs, most notably graphene oxide (GO), in previous experimental studies ob
218 mical oxidation routes for the production of graphene oxide (GO), such as the Hummers' method, suffer
219      In this study, sub-20-nm thick, layered graphene oxide (GO)-based hollow fiber membranes with gr
220 coccus lysodeikticus whole cells adsorbed on graphene oxide (GO)-coated Surface Plasmon Resonance (SP
221 tum dots (QDs), carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and graphene oxide (GO).
222 tify the adsorption of U(VI) to multilayered graphene oxide (MLGO), we tested whether three different
223 er mesoporous Co3 O4 /nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide (N-rGO) nanosheets.
224 f redox active and bioengineering of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) for the development of versatile bi
225 d on the controllable integration of reduced graphene oxide (rGO), amorphous carbon, and MgO nanocrys
226 en developed using nanomaterials; Exfoliated Graphene Oxide and Gold Nano-Urchins for modification of
227 ructures such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, graphene oxide and nanodiamonds.
228                                     Besides, graphene oxide is water soluble and thus easy to process
229 exhibit better chlorine resistance than pure graphene oxide membranes.
230                                      Reduced graphene oxide modified by pulsed laser ablation causes
231 vel and highly sensitive biosensor employing graphene oxide nano-sheets (GO), multiwalled carbon nano
232 in the same RNA family using two-dimensional graphene oxide nanoassemblies.
233 urface of Ag-ZnO bimetallic nanoparticle and graphene oxide nanocomposite.
234 (FET) biosensor utilizing solution-processed graphene oxide nanoribbon (GONR) for methylene blue (MB)
235 s and an oxygen-functional-group gradient in graphene oxide nanoribbon network assemblies.
236 ne oxide-carbon nanotube composite (GO-CNT), Graphene oxide nanosheets (GO) and Iron oxide nanopartic
237 y(N-isopropylacrylamide) covalently bound to graphene oxide via free-radical polymerization.
238 lved the simultaneous reduction of RhCl3 and graphene oxide with NaBH4 and the in situ deposition of
239 pared by one pot synthesis from a mixture of graphene oxide, copper nitrate and uric acid, followed b
240             The gallery spaces in multilayer graphene oxide, for example, can intercalate hydrated me
241  (bamyl) from peanut (Arachis hypogaea) onto Graphene oxide-carbon nanotube composite (GO-CNT), Graph
242                     To develop the method, a graphene oxide-silica composite reinforced hollow fiber
243    This biosensor was constructed by coating graphene oxide/ssDNA (GO-ssDNA) on an Au-electrode for V
244 pproach to assemble copper-nanowires/reduced-graphene-oxide hybrid coatings onto inorganic and organi
245 articles as a model system, we implemented a graphene-oxide layer as a substrate to significantly red
246  The GKTFET consists of a sequence of angled graphene p-n junctions (GPNJs).
247 tivity ( approximately 10 Omega per square), graphene patterned on wood surfaces can be readily fabri
248 e enhanced responsivity compared to pristine graphene photodetectors.
249 , a graphene-based polylactic acid filament (graphene/PLA) has been 3D printed to fabricate a range o
250                                 Here, we use graphene plasmons, propagating at extremely slow velocit
251                                 Further, the graphene platform can simultaneously provide the advance
252 ment with a model that accounts for both the graphene polarization charge and ionic screening of ions
253                                              Graphene-porphyrin nanohybrid materials with a direct co
254 sites are prepared by using polyaniline as a graphene precursor and introducing phenanthroline as a p
255                                              Graphene quantum dots embedded silica molecular imprinte
256 hotoluminescence quenching capabilities of a graphene-related hybrid material, is truly new and may h
257 after one- and two-cycle ALE of the trilayer graphene, respectively.
258 mer in the outer layer of unmodified reduced graphene (rGO; sensing layer) micromotors.
259                                              Graphene's success has stimulated great interest and res
260 chanical stability compared to the suspended graphene sensor.
261  capacity retention of the lithiated silicon/graphene-SeS2 full cell is 81% after 1,500 cycles at 268
262 ctrical-circuit model is established and the graphene-sheet pattern is designed optimally for maximiz
263 R selectivity, we treated partially oxidized graphene sheets (po-Gr) with NR to obtain po-Gr-NR dispe
264 anchorage, pi-stacking interactions with the graphene sheets provide further pi-delocalization that i
265 pathways used so far for modification of 2-D graphene sheets to make is three-dimensional.
266 , or Al) nanoparticles encapsulated by large graphene sheets.
267       The structural and binding analysis of graphene show that lithium atoms highly intercalate with
268 -free clean transfer of sub-centimeter-sized graphene single crystals onto TEM grids to fabricate lar
269 erconductivity was predicted in single-layer graphene (SLG), with the electrons pairing with a p-wave
270 l merits, this series hydrophilic multilayer graphene stack is showcased as suitable model cathode ho
271                 The remarkable properties of graphene stem from its two-dimensional (2D) structure, w
272 ge of poorly understood experiments in gated graphene structures at low doping.Two-dimensional Dirac
273                The many unique properties of graphene, such as the tunable optical, electrical, and p
274 e to the change in the local pH close to the graphene surface.
275  give rise to a magnetic writing board using graphene suspension and a bar magnet as a pen.
276  during thermal oxidation of the sacrificial graphene template.
277                                              Graphene-templated growth of Mo2 C produces well-faceted
278                                   In bilayer graphene, the resistance exhibits a monotonic decrease w
279        Graphene-based materials (GBMs), with graphene, their most known member, at the head, constitu
280            We report on the fabrication of a graphene/titanium dioxide nanocomposite (TiO2-G) and its
281 have also incorporated the conversion of 2-D graphene to their various other dimensions like zero-, o
282 g experiments are performed for single-layer graphene transferred onto polystyrene (PS), semiconducti
283 film in the centimeter range can be grown on graphene using a Mo-Cu alloy catalyst.
284 ucture and energetics of triple junctions in graphene using a multiscale modelling approach based on
285 uding magnetic ones, carbon-based nanotubes, graphene variants, luminescent carbon dots, nanocrystals
286 trolled by modulating the carrier density of graphene via electrical gating.
287  few layers) and oxidation state (unmodified graphene vs. oxidized graphenes) is essential for the tr
288  ring-shaped nanostructures with surrounding graphene walls are stable under ambient conditions.
289   Chemical vapor deposition grown multilayer graphene was transferred onto nano/microIDE-arrays and u
290 ent the formation of WC after sintering, and graphene was uniformly distributed on the surfaces of ne
291            The exceptional properties of CVD graphene were exploited to construct a highly sensitive
292 protein complexes on ultraclean freestanding graphene were prepared by soft-landing electrospray ion
293  attractive Coulomb potential as realized in graphene.When the continuous scale symmetry of a quantum
294 ts four different plasmonic structures using Graphene which yielded an efficient plasmonic mode with
295 proximately three times higher than that for graphene, which was reported to have a large chi ((3)).
296                      In striking contrast to graphene, whose strength decreases by more than 30% when
297 s development of magnetically active N-doped graphene with spin-polarized conductive behavior.
298 eractions between Cu and the pi electrons of graphene without the need of chelator conjugation, provi
299                        Here, atomically thin graphene-WS2 heterostructure photodetectors encapsulated
300 nsing platform has been constructed based on graphene/zinc oxide nanocomposite produced via a facile

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