


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 dition occurs in the unit-cell of the blazed grating.
2 pted by a prolonged presentation of a tilted grating.
3 the orientation or luminance of a peripheral grating.
4 entally maintain the orientation of a masked grating.
5 rate a highly efficient fan-out polarization grating.
6 ently than "green" in an achromatic vertical grating.
7 ating exhibiting more deformation than 2 mum-grating.
8 ms is another advantage of this polarization grating.
9 ignals produced by its cuticular diffraction grating.
10 imulus activity patterns toward the expected grating.
11 atterns toward the to-be-detected (expected) grating.
12  single standing-wave laser pulse as a phase grating.
13 at is coupled to a silver-coated diffraction grating.
14 lecules with respect to the same HMM without grating.
15 spots a designed distance and angle from the grating.
16 tion boundary defined by a central reference grating.
17 han the two of typical two-dimensional metal grating.
18 ple p-n-junction semiconductor subwavelength gratings.
19 ual cortex as participants viewed achromatic gratings.
20 ield interferometer (PFI) without absorption gratings.
21  obtained by summing two drifting sinusoidal gratings.
22 nner through adjusting the duty cycle of the gratings.
23  performing actual line scanning on periodic gratings.
24 lates the TAE after adapting to both GPs and gratings.
25 evails, even in the limit of atomically thin gratings.
26 e reliable than responses to stimuli such as gratings.
27  the orientation of the individual miniature gratings.
28  facilitates responses to elongated bars and gratings.
29 y high in amblyopic neurons for low-contrast gratings.
30 ker, vertically elongated bars, or panoramic gratings.
31 iding more flexible tunability than metallic gratings.
32 s well as structural coloration based on the gratings.
33 ance gratings as well as contrast modulation gratings.
34 surface textures including 2 mum- and 200 nm-gratings, 250 nm-pillars and 200 nm-holes.
35 ng (RIE), as two-dimensional periodic relief gratings (2DPRGs) on Si surfaces.
36 multaneous and independent streams of visual gratings according to their average tilt.
37                                  Fifth-order gratings achieve a degree of circular polarization of up
38 sts including Basic Light and Motion (BaLM), grating acuity, and greyscale contrast discrimination.
39 y, unlike a nearly complete recovery for the gratings after 10 transformation cycles, the high contri
40 modulated gratings to the contrast-modulated gratings, albeit with markedly reduced discrimination pe
41 ergent-beam electron diffraction to quantify grating alignment and coherence.
42 ng substrate, it is possible to increase the grating amplitude due to shadowing effects, thereby enab
43 c field propagating in the helical plasmonic grating and a coupled-mode theory, suggests that even in
44 m-920 nm) SD-OCT, whereby a combination of a grating and a prism serves as the dispersion group.
45 ested based on the combination of an optical grating and a relay lens.
46 and after beverage consumption, using visual grating and finger abduction paradigms known to induce g
47 sonant coupling of plasmons between the gold grating and graphene result in strong enhancement of pla
48  fabricate a Fresnel zone plate, diffraction grating and holographic mode converter--all using the sa
49 d is also applicable to guided mode resonant grating and many other areas.
50 stics of human polarization perception using grating and optotype stimuli defined solely by their sta
51 lution of LGN neuronal responses to drifting grating and white noise stimuli when CG neurons expressi
52 to high-spatial frequency contrast-reversing gratings and at the first harmonic (F1) to low-spatial f
53 sing different degree of deformation between gratings and pillars under the same applied macroscopic
54      When hovering in the presence of moving gratings and spirals, hummingbirds lost positional stabi
55 ially filtered noise textures and sinusoidal gratings) and three manipulations of certainty (orientat
56 able transparency films, tunable diffraction gratings, and a dynamic surface template/factory from wh
57  lower than near visual acuity measured with gratings, and near visual acuity measured with letters i
58 ptually resolvable and unresolvable sinewave gratings, and showed that gratings with spatial frequenc
59 lves designing an array of periodic slits or grating apertures that enables coupling of the incident
60 with greatest similarity to the sound-paired grating are increasingly suppressed, suggesting inhibito
61 e space-variant parameters of a polarization grating are simultaneously optimized to achieve the func
62                                      Indeed, gratings are an experimentally advantageous platform due
63 our proposed approach, these helical surface gratings are designed so that plasmon modes with differe
64  without rigid motion, and even when the two gratings are presented separately to the two eyes.
65  degradation, ablation targets with periodic gratings are required for the construction of a modulati
66 ciency is usually less than 86%, the Dammann gratings are ubiquitously utilized in a variety of types
67      Considering a fiber with resonant Bragg gratings as an example, the mechanism of enhancing or su
68 to drifting and contrast-reversing luminance gratings as well as contrast modulation gratings.
69 ter plaid that was unmatched to the surround grating, as if by reducing the effective strength of whi
70         Far-field light is coupled through a grating at the shaft of the tip, generating plasmons tha
71  for both bare silver and PMMA-coated silver gratings at a range of angles and polarization states.
72 can be tailored to shape transient plasmonic gratings at the nanoscale.
73 cture lies on gold-coated tilted fiber Bragg gratings (Au-coated TFBGs) photoimprinted in the fiber c
74 acteristics, e.g. quantum efficiency (QE) in grating-based metallic photocathodes.
75                                              Grating-based phase-contrast computed tomography (PCCT)
76                                              Grating-based phase-contrast CT allows differentiation o
77 ons and chemical mismatch with the substrate grating bias the system towards either line/space or dot
78 ring the presentation of drifting sinusoidal gratings, binary dense noise stimuli, and natural movies
79 ioreceptor networks patterned as diffractive gratings (biogratings) has been developed.
80 ntrast-modulated than to luminance-modulated gratings, but respond with broadly similar preferred ori
81                  The orientation of a visual grating can be decoded from human primary visual cortex
82                                       Blazed gratings can reflect an oblique incident wave back in th
83                                     Metallic gratings can support Fano resonances when illuminated wi
84 f a novel visual stimulus (a single oriented grating) causes immediate, instructive changes in the fi
85 ncomplicated design consisting of a metallic grating closely separated from a ground plane by a diele
86 opaque) film to the original pre-strain, the grating color is restored and approximately 30% transmit
87                               The underlying grating comprises a 2-dimensional array of inverted pyra
88 ace periodically structured in the form of a grating comprising a series of singularities.
89                                    Different grating concepts for circularly polarized emission are i
90  phase-matching that exploits a bio-inspired grating configuration.
91        We demonstrate that plasmonic helical gratings consisting of metallic nanowires imprinted with
92 th eyes simultaneously with large sinusoidal gratings, controlling their contrast independently with
93 cence (produced by an artificial diffraction grating) corrupts target identity and bees make many mis
94  has similar characteristics to conventional grating coupled Bloch surface waves.
95 te enhancement of an organic dye placed in a grating coupled hyperbolic metamaterial (GCHMM).
96    A two-dimensional (2D) silver diffraction grating coupled with an Ag/Al2O3 HMM shows 18-fold spont
97                    In this paper, we present grating coupled-hyperbolic metamaterials (GC-HMM) as mul
98                This is the first report of a grating-coupled BSW biosensor and the first report of a
99 l-factor, along with the optimization of the grating coupler etching depth.
100  cm-long waveguide and emitted at the output grating coupler.
101                                      Usually grating couplers are used in combination with MMI/Y-spli
102 addressed at multiple locations via focusing grating couplers emitting through openings in the trap e
103 consisting of silicon nitride waveguides and grating couplers for out-of-plane light emission with hi
104                        Recently, diffraction grating couplers have been demonstrated as a highly tuna
105 ic and single mode devices, high performance grating couplers have been developed that are well under
106                                          The grating couplers provide collimated light emission with
107 lator in which all the elements-the vertical grating couplers, splitters, polarization rotators, and
108 rategy that allows to design high-efficiency grating couplers.
109        We find a series of resonances as the grating couples a normally-incident THz wave to standing
110 es, and is typically achieved by end-fire or grating coupling.
111              By exciting these modes using a grating-coupling technique, we achieved different extrem
112 d that activity associated with the edges of gratings covaries with orientation and could potentially
113 at are often used to describe surface relief grating deformation through a field gradient constitutiv
114 r devices based on an alternative transverse grating design, degrees of circular polarization as high
115                           Implant ON correct grating detections (which were at chance level with impl
116 the design and characterization of waveguide grating devices that couple visible-wavelength light at
117                                        These gratings differ in their spatial frequency composition a
118 size of the constituent colloidal particles, grating diffraction effects dominate, which result from
119 we have observed 50 times improvement in the grating diffraction efficiency and shorter recording tim
120 ction in the time needed to precisely encode grating direction and orientation.
121  In addition, spectra were obtained with the grating direction oriented perpendicular and parallel to
122 erture by integrating an eight-laser sampled grating distributed feedback laser array with an on-chip
123 re from two monolithic three-section sampled grating distributed feedback-distributed Bragg reflector
124 osheets functionalized dual-peak long period grating (dLPG) based biosensor for ultrasensitive label-
125 e polarization dependence of the diffraction grating do not play a role.
126       Here we show that transparent graphene gratings electrode provide an attractive platform for vi
127 h multisite light delivery with three output grating emitters from a single laser input is demonstrat
128               Using excessively tilted fiber grating (Ex-TFG) inscribed in standard single mode fiber
129 and the near-field mode of a dielectric nano-grating excited by a femtosecond laser pulse with an opt
130 resonances from 350 to 550 nm, while surface gratings exhibit cathodoluminescent peaks from 230 to 1,
131                      Results show the 200 nm-grating exhibiting more deformation than 2 mum-grating.
132                                       Such a grating exhibits three unique features: 1) Two grating p
133 tive protein (CRP) using optical fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs).
134                                          The grating focuses the beam to a diffraction-limited spot n
135 n photocurrent gain and a plasmonic aluminum grating for photocurrent enhancement and red-green-blue
136                              Gold sinusoidal gratings functionalized with heterobifunctional PEG were
137   The iridescence derives from a diffraction grating generated by folds of the cuticle.
138 le-photon sources, based on a circular Bragg grating geometry, that simultaneously exhibit high colle
139 e surrounding dielectric environment and the grating geometry.
140 nsequently, the direction of the cholesteric grating has been observed to undergo 90 degrees switchin
141 tasurfaces, high-contrast transmitarrays and gratings have been recently implemented but have not pro
142                                   Mechanical gratings have played an important role as coherent beams
143 an ultra-light-weight (130 pg) high-contrast-grating (HCG) mirror, whose reflectivity spectrum is des
144 d that employs a silicon-based high-contrast grating (HCG) resonator with a spectral linewidth of ~50
145 poof-LSPs) arising with closed high contrast gratings (HCGs) at deep subwavelength scales, another pl
146 upported by deep-subwavelength high-contrast gratings (HCGs) on a perfect electric conductor plane.
147 , when the center contained two superimposed gratings (i.e., a visual "plaid"), one component of whic
148 te temporal and/or spatial separation of the gratings impairs the computation.
149                                              Grating imparts anisotropic and surface area-to-volume e
150 d to 70 V for a conventional FFS-based phase grating in which alpha approximately 7 degrees , while t
151 to the spatial frequency and contrast of the gratings, including deviations from perfect centering be
152 al fibers containing microchannels and Bragg grating inscribed were internally functionalized with a
153 rements were performed by using a Talbot-Lau grating interferometer with the beam direction in anteri
154 ures has been enabled by the introduction of grating interferometers so far.
155 nted by inserting a transmission diffraction grating into the optical path of a localization-based su
156 , a two-dimensional polarization diffraction grating is formed that generates six different q-plate c
157                    An extra dimension of the grating is hidden, and the surface plasmon excitations,
158 imal displays because the floral diffraction grating is not perfectly regular [5-9].
159                       The novel polarization grating is promising to find applications in laser beam
160  Such vibrational spectroscopy with graphene gratings is promising for real time and in situ monitori
161     One of these structures, the diffraction grating, is found both in animals (for example, beetles
162  on specially designed surface chemical line gratings, leading to the simultaneous formation of coexi
163 he commonplace issues of mutual coupling and grating lobes.
164 fiber optic biosensor based on a long period grating (LPG) and a basic optical interrogation scheme u
165 osited on a glass plate and on a long-period grating (LPG) induced in an optical fibre.
166  enzyme based sensor using long period fiber grating (LPG) is described for the detection of triacylg
167 r based on titania-silica-coated long period grating (LPG) is presented.
168 as deposited on the surface of a long-period grating (LPG) optical fiber by immersion alternately in
169                 An optical fibre long period grating (LPG), modified with a coating of silica core go
170 itive label-free sensor based on long-period gratings (LPG) coated with T4 bacteriophage (phage) adhe
171 iber optic nano-optrode based on Long Period Gratings (LPGs) working in reflection mode for the detec
172 6 87)Rb atoms to 3 muK in a micro-fabricated grating magneto-optical trap (GMOT), enabling future mas
173 SPs arising from deep-subwavelength metallic gratings (MGs).
174 homogeneously oriented magnetic metamaterial gratings near azimuthal or radial directions to effectiv
175 te that is suppressed by drifting sinusoidal gratings (negative OS/DS cells); (2) suppressed-by-contr
176 diate" orientation of an apparently rotating grating, never presented in the retinal input but interp
177  of single-layer graphene nanoribbons into a grating of carbon nanoscrolls.
178 ns to respond predominantly to the component grating of the center plaid that was unmatched to the su
179 lving power of a conventional 2D diffraction grating of the same period.
180                       We pattern 1D metallic grating of various line widths but fixed gap size on sam
181 n participants were asked to detect oriented gratings of a particular orientation that were embedded
182 analytical technologies based on diffractive gratings of bioreceptors.
183 iates the need to make hard x-ray absorption gratings of sub-micron periods.
184 terfaces: infrared diffraction from graphene gratings offers enhanced detection sensitivity and inter
185 al drawing approach to achieve fiber surface gratings on a rectangular cross-section.
186 OR, 4.34; 95% CI, 1.40-13.45), security bars/gratings on houses (OR, 9.23; 95% CI, 2.45-34.80), and p
187 nd 38 emmetropes to tap the peak of a "sweep grating" on the tablet's touch screen.
188                               Animals viewed grating or dot-field stimuli drifting in different direc
189          In contrast to devices utilising 1D grating or Kretchman prism coupling configurations, both
190 oducing temporal or spatial separations with gratings or interference-based narrowband filters, a col
191 ontinuous features are used (e.g. orientated gratings or line positions) observers report a feature s
192 t neurons with similar responses to oriented gratings or natural movies became preferentially connect
193 eplace e.g., thin-film interference filters, gratings or other optical components used for spectral m
194 band between the incident wave and the first grating order.
195 ency up to 1.5 times the cutoff frequency in grating orientation identification can still produce sig
196 ociation between the color and the displayed grating orientation, suggesting that early visual cortex
197 mma activity was evoked using an established gratings paradigm, and we applied a beamformer spatial f
198 resonance can be tuned by varying dielectric grating parameters, providing more flexible tunability t
199 he combination of a polarization diffraction grating (PDG) and an encoded harmonic q-plate grating (Q
200 podization of two structural parameters: the grating period and the fill-factor, along with the optim
201 rend between the effective frequency and the grating period, as predicted by the theory.
202 gh simple tuning of the distributed feedback grating period.
203 ating exhibits three unique features: 1) Two grating periods can be formed by controlling the applied
204 and impact interactions with nanostructures (gratings, photonic crystals, nano-undulators, metamateri
205  excitation at these surfaces since both the grating pitch and incident angle can be used to modify t
206  interference lithography (LIL) to fabricate gratings possessing multiple pitch values by subjecting
207  the application of metal-coated diffraction gratings possessing multiple simultaneous pitch values f
208                   After metal coating, these gratings produced multiple, simultaneous plasmon peaks a
209            Those ridges act as a diffraction grating, producing an iridescent effect.
210      Dielectric multilayer structures with a grating profile on the top-most layer adds an additional
211 ereby prolonging the lifetime of the written grating, provided the reference beam is kept on after re
212 rating (PDG) and an encoded harmonic q-plate grating (QPG).
213 /anti-IgG bioassay was implemented along the grating region and the kinetics of antibody/antigen inte
214 fraction from the finite field extent in the grating region.
215 ge tilt in a circular array of high-contrast gratings, relative to an orientation boundary defined by
216 se with lower contractility (seeded on 2 mum gratings) remained multipotent.
217  concerning center-surround similarity using gratings representing all combinations of center and sur
218 d at the same test locations from peripheral grating resolution acuity thresholds.
219                                              Grating resolution was sampling-limited for 16 of 20 par
220 od, the slit resonance is decoupled from the grating resonance, which then dominates the transmission
221 igh-throughput label-free resonant waveguide grating (RWG) imager biosensor, the Epic(R) BenchTop (BT
222 nal (3D) Matrigel using a resonant waveguide grating (RWG) imager.
223 ntensity measurements in resonance waveguide grating (RWG) sensors, we propose to apply resonances ne
224 on microscopy using the proximity projection grating scheme (PPGS), which has the ability to further
225 el is further micromolded into a diffraction grating sensor by using imprint-lithography techniques t
226                                        Using grating-shadowed oblique-angle deposition to laterally s
227 isual cortical responses to the sound-paired grating show selective amplification.
228 ectra and, by incorporating wavelength-scale gratings, show a controlled reduction of polarization an
229 ation and inhibition in response to drifting gratings.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The wiring of excitatory
230  these neurons have nonoriented responses to gratings, similar to those of subcortical Y cells: they
231                          After as few as two grating-sound pairings, visual cortical responses to the
232  a common set of stimuli: drifting sine-wave gratings spanning a broad range of spatial and temporal
233 he corridor is constant for a large range of grating spatial frequencies, demonstrating that the dete
234 eadily resolvable using typical astronomical grating spectrographs.
235 gm, where bees navigate down a corridor with gratings (square wave or sinusoidal) on the walls.
236        Here, we use pseudorandom multiregion grating stimuli of two frame durations (20 and 40 ms) to
237 ects made decisions about the orientation of grating stimuli presented in the left or right visual fi
238 f long-term behavioral habituation to visual grating stimuli that is selective for stimulus orientati
239 ing technique, we found that AE responses to grating stimuli were attenuated by the presentation of a
240 ring rates (F1 values) generated by drifting grating stimuli, and their associated interspike interva
241 mination tasks and passively viewed drifting grating stimuli.
242 te each voxel's overlap with a large annular grating stimulus.
243 urthermore, by imaging through a diffraction grating, STORM algorithms can be modified to extract a f
244 numerically demonstrate that a tapered-metal-grating structure (TMGS) can achieve high-contrast BAT s
245   Furthermore, the hybrid device with such a grating structure allows us to achieve an optimum relati
246 tum wells (MQWs) with a one-dimensional (1D) grating structure and down-conversion F8BT yellow light
247 gned along the periodic nano-channels of the grating structure as a result of enhanced nano-confineme
248                                       The 1D grating structure converts the blue emission from unpola
249  enhancement of the electric field above the grating structure, which can be useful in sensing and sp
250 n can excite plasmons due to symmetry of the grating structure.
251  technology that consists of a pair of micro-grating structures and utilizes the coupling between the
252 erned substrate, directs the assembly of the grating structures in BCP films with a half-pitch dimens
253 cidence thin film deposition onto an optical grating substrate, it is possible to increase the gratin
254 etween the bio-molecules and the long period grating surface is also modeled theoretically using a fo
255                                Subwavelength grating (SWG) waveguide is an intriguing alternative to
256  fiber biosensor based on tilted fiber Bragg grating technology for direct detection of small biomark
257 ometric-scale gold-coated tilted fiber Bragg gratings (TFBGs) interrogated by light polarized radiall
258 ion scattering (SD-TIRS) with a transmission grating (TG).
259 be spatially refocused at distances from the grating that are integer multiples of .
260 essing one of two buttons to rotate a visual grating that stimulates a model of visual cortex.
261 l principles for designing plasmonic helical gratings that facilitate efficient generation of such pl
262 vesting devices using plasmonic nano-antenna gratings, that enhance the absorption of light over a br
263 such as a one-dimensional (1D) metallic slit grating, these modes all exist and can potentially inter
264  Previously, structural resonances utilizing gratings, thin film resonances, metasurfaces and photoni
265             Compared to human MSCs seeded on gratings, those seeded on wells exhibited altered alignm
266 ve are spatially modulated by the dielectric grating to optimize the surface plasmon excitation.
267 rmed by the additive superposition of moving gratings to investigate this question.
268 k involving first-order, luminance-modulated gratings to the contrast-modulated gratings, albeit with
269                    The sliding motion of the grating units across the electrode fingers can be conver
270                         One patient achieved grating visual acuity.
271 ments including multilayer Bragg diffraction gratings, volumetric photonic crystals and lenses, as we
272 ence van der Waals shifts when they pass the grating walls, and the undesired dephasing may prevent i
273 rly visual areas while a vertical achromatic grating was physically presented to participants.
274 ensity of the central light-wave diffraction grating was used to determine the molecular optical pola
275              The approach uses subwavelength grating waveguides in silicon-on-insulator (SOI), which
276  By multiply stacking gold nanowire flexible gratings, we demonstrate a scalable high-fidelity approa
277  single neurons in alert mice viewing moving gratings, we investigated the relationship between locom
278 d contrast with previously-explored metallic gratings, we observe the emergence of a much stronger ad
279                                        These gratings were recently associated to aptamers to assess
280 adily available, computer-generated periodic gratings were virtually ablated via a computational proc
281 metry optimization in a monolayer dielectric grating, whereas most of the previous designs utilize th
282 with SHSs consisting of stream-wise parallel gratings, which confirm this numerical prediction, while
283 change in their tuning sharpness to oriented gratings while those in a ventral stream area increased
284 ntly enables the demonstration of a chi((2)) grating with 280 nm periodicity, which is the shortest r
285 yias et al. present a nanostructured diamond grating with a high density of NV centres, enabling NMR
286 ng a two-dimensional gold coated diffraction grating with a transparent spacer and a suspended graphe
287 e of a high-refractive-index dielectric TiO2 grating with deep subwavelength thickness on InSb as a t
288 rough a periodic one-dimensional diffraction grating with lattice constant d will be spatially refocu
289 onstrate a simple yet high performance phase grating with switchable diffraction angles using a fring
290 to associate one out of a series of oriented gratings with a noxious sound stimulus.
291 by applying voltage to the GeSe film to form gratings with alternate states.
292 accurate elemental image map of the periodic gratings with realistic (proportional or flicker) noise.
293 these neurons respond to contrast modulation gratings with selectivity for the carrier (texture) spat
294                                       Blazed gratings with single and multi-pole blazing passbands ar
295 esolvable sinewave gratings, and showed that gratings with spatial frequency up to 1.5 times the cuto
296 us types of second-order, contrast-modulated gratings with static noise carriers.
297 amental limit and the limit based on surface-gratings, with some peaks exceeding 100 times enhancemen
298 on of compositional microstructures, such as gratings, within the fibre core.
299 mple spatial patterns (drifting or inverting gratings) without changes in irradiance.
300 monic (F1) to low-spatial frequency drifting gratings ("Y-cell signature").

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