


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 val stage in others, and is abrogated at the gravid adult stage.
2         Developing embryos are isolated from gravid adult worms.
3 s serve as potent oviposition stimulants for gravid Ae. aegypti.
4   We examined two features of listeriosis in gravid and nongravid female mice following intragastric
5 ogenous estrogen sulfates in urine from both gravid and nongravid subjects.
6 uch that renal vasodilation persisted in the gravid animals despite chronic inhibition of NO synthase
7  at select time points during gestation from gravid animals with male or female fetuses, and tissues
8                                 We show that gravid Anopheles arabiensis are attracted and oviposit i
9 endent reproductive tissue present in extant gravid birds, is texturally, histologically and composit
10 halamic agrp mRNA levels were also higher in gravid compared to brooding females.
11 rature regime that females experienced while gravid did not affect nesting behavior, but warmer tempe
12 ned from a library derived from the liver of gravid female amphibian Rana pipiens.
13            We interpret this occurrence as a gravid female and unborn young and hence as definitive e
14                                            A gravid female cichlid fish (Astatotilapia burtoni) chose
15                                              Gravid female rats were fed with a resveratrol-enriched
16           We collected eggs and tissues from gravid female turtles along a broad Hg contamination gra
17                          Age-matched but non-gravid female volunteers (n = 22) served as control subj
18                                              Gravid females also had larger NPY and AGRP neurons in t
19 ng to guard young become preferred mates for gravid females and enjoy greater promiscuity than males
20 s of both genes detected in adult virgin and gravid females but not in pre-parasitic second stage juv
21 nd can evoke strong phonotactic responses in gravid females but not in spent females that have releas
22 olts, and precopulatory behavior, as well as gravid females in a trapping study, suggested a reproduc
23 lt krill (Euphausia superba Dana), including gravid females, at unprecedented depths in Marguerite Ba
24 emales had larger pomc1a neurons compared to gravid females.
25 le for the increased disease severity in the gravid females.
26 ta +/- SEE: 0.053 +/- 0.014; P = 0.0003) and gravid hyperglycemia (0.218 +/- 0.087; P = 0.01), insuli
27  placenta previa and accreta, and consequent gravid hysterectomy.
28                                              Gravid Japanese macaques (n = 14) were maintained as app
29 etween the maternal and fetal circulation in gravid mice through the use of dynamic contrast-enhanced
30 ermine the changes in temperature within the gravid miniature pig uterus during magnetic resonance (M
31 assays, as well as attraction of free-flying gravid mosquitoes under semi-field conditions.
32               COX-1 expression is induced in gravid murine uterus and by in situ hybridization; this
33          When diagnosing urolithiasis in the gravid patient, the first line study should be ultrasoun
34                                              Gravid patients with mechanical heart valves require lon
35 th NO and cGMP biosynthesis are increased in gravid rats and because acute administration of NO synth
36 GFR) in chronically instrumented, conscious, gravid rats.
37                        Materials and Methods Gravid rhesus macaques and their offspring (n = 10) were
38                                      Using a gravid rodent model, we employ two approaches to elimina
39 tion because females cycle between a feeding gravid state and a period of forced starvation while the
40  a significant cause of morbidity during the gravid state.
41                      The main portion of the gravid uterus and the ovaries was not seen on these imag
42 -aortic arterial graft, which clotted by the gravid uterus during labor.
43  for relieving aortocaval compression by the gravid uterus, the need for rapid intubation, and the im
44 athogenesis of more common infections of the gravid uterus.
45 RP) likely promote feeding while females are gravid, while larger pomc1a neurons may act as a signal
46                             A cohort of 1231 gravid women from Camden, NJ, was studied from entry to
47 al breast cancer were observed among 501,536 gravid women who reported no prior history of cancer in
48 VAR1CSA domains than did those obtained from gravid women.

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