


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  were unrelated to risk after adjustment for gravidity.
2 and the excess risk of infection varies with gravidity.
3 at menarche, age at first birth, parity, and gravidity.
4 esign, we compared antibody levels in women (gravidity 1 to 11) with and without placental malaria.
5 ned statistically significant independent of gravidity: a history of ever (vs. never) having had an i
6 at anti-PfGPI antibody levels increased with gravidity and age and that malaria infection boosted ant
7 ual maturation brings about permanent female gravidity and increased male hind limb muscle mass.
8 associations between anti-HCV prevalence and gravidity and obesity.
9                                              Gravidity and parity have strong inverse relations with
10 t modified by insecticide-treated net use or gravidity, and remained significant in areas with high S
11 n (during pregnancy, not at delivery) and by gravidity, and we used meta-regression to assess factors
12 d with lower mean hemoglobin irrespective of gravidity, and with increased anemia risk in primigravid
13 d among women, it was associated with higher gravidity (aOR for 5 vs 0 pregnancies, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.9-
14 nalyzed plasma samples from women of various gravidities at different gestational stages for antiadhe
15 s in primigravidae appear to account for the gravidity-dependent differential susceptibilities of pre
16                                The nature of gravidity-dependent immune protection against PM was inv
17 n of oral contraception use, tubal ligation, gravidity, education, and site.
18 fferences were not significant) in the three gravidity groups.
19         The majority of women, regardless of gravidity, had similar levels of antibodies at term.
20 sociated with seropositivity, including age, gravidity, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
21 uded in the model: study site, maternal age, gravidity, marital status, education, race/ethnicity, sm
22                         To determine whether gravidity masks an association with other reproductive f
23  height and body mass index at school entry, gravidity, maternal age at birth, pregnancy-induced hype
24 ge, low maternal education, race, residence, gravidity, maternal spontaneous abortion history, perina
25                        As expected, the mean gravidity of cases was lower than that of noncases (2.6
26 t menarche, family history of breast cancer, gravidity, smoking status, and alcohol use.
27             In Malawi, pregnant women of any gravidity status were tested at each antenatal visit for
28 cational level and socioeconomic status, and gravidity, transient hypoglycemia was associated with de
29      Adjustment for maternal age, education, gravidity, use of vitamins, and use of alcohol did not c
30 sed ITN usage data that can be stratified by gravidity), we estimate that, due primarily to low ITN u

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