


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ted during the 90 min following beginning of gravistimulation).
2 enhanced response within the first 4 h after gravistimulation.
3 ld type and sediment at wild-type rates upon gravistimulation.
4 ze to the bottom membrane of statocytes upon gravistimulation.
5 rly impaired ion signaling was observed upon gravistimulation.
6 elops across mutant root caps in response to gravistimulation.
7 onsistent with transcriptional regulation by gravistimulation.
8 bend in response to the previous, horizontal gravistimulation.
9 nus was apparent shortly after initiation of gravistimulation.
10  of maize (Zea mays cv Merit) in response to gravistimulation.
11 ts from which the caps were removed prior to gravistimulation.
12  elongation rate of the root was zero before gravistimulation.
13 ecruited into polyribosomes within 15 min of gravistimulation.
14 or 45Ca2+, then subjected to 1.5 hours of 1g gravistimulation.
15 pH patterns during vertical growth and after gravistimulation.
16 to gravistimulation alone and to IAA without gravistimulation.
17 acidified from pH 5.5 to 4.5 within 2 min of gravistimulation.
18 echanical perturbation during the process of gravistimulation.
19  acidified by 0.4 pH unit within 480 s after gravistimulation.
20 ds in both short- and long-term responses to gravistimulation.
21  region undergoing a curvature response upon gravistimulation.
22 n fluorescent protein) at the root tip after gravistimulation.
23 ch as pgm1 display an attenuated response to gravistimulation.
24                                  Over 4 h of gravistimulation, a gradual increase in the association
25 as approximately the sum of the responses to gravistimulation alone and to IAA without gravistimulati
26                      arg1 responds slowly to gravistimulation and is in a genetically distinct pathwa
27 long with alterations in root sensitivity to gravistimulation and slower kinetics of root gravitropic
28 tion, (ii) on a slow clinostat with constant gravistimulation, and (iii) in the stimulus-free microgr
29 e roots showed no signal asymmetry following gravistimulation, and both their growth and gravitropic
30 n-induced beta-glucuronidase expression with gravistimulation as compared to the controls.
31 nce stems of Arabidopsis show no response to gravistimulation at 4 degrees C for up to 3 h.
32  three mutants had an altered response after gravistimulation at 4 degrees C, yet had phenotypically
33           Finally, hydrostimulation prior to gravistimulation attenuated the gravistimulated asymmetr
34  the pH and PIN3-relocalization responses to gravistimulation belong to distinct branches of the path
35  involved in the retention of cold-perceived gravistimulation by providing positional information in
36                                              Gravistimulation decreases APM1 expression in auxin-accu
37 es in which gene expression was perturbed by gravistimulation, GA treatment, and modulation of ARK2 e
38 examined: (i) 1-g control with normal static gravistimulation, (ii) on a slow clinostat with constant
39 reated, starch statolith-free pulvini during gravistimulation in the dark, they not only reformed sta
40 tol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) within 10 s of gravistimulation in the lower half of the pulvinus, indi
41 the first 4 h when the presentation time for gravistimulation in the maize pulvinus is not yet comple
42                    The results indicate that gravistimulation induces a physiological asymmetry in th
43                                              Gravistimulation induces an asymmetric distribution of f
44 s proposed as early as 1958, suggesting that gravistimulation induces changes in sensitivity to auxin
45                     Between 10 and 30 min of gravistimulation, InsP(3) levels in the lower pulvinus h
46                               Within 15 s of gravistimulation, InsP(3) levels increased 3-fold over v
47                                         With gravistimulation, InsP3 levels in inflorescence stems of
48 cells that normally occurs very rapidly upon gravistimulation is lacking in arg1-2 mutants.
49 luorescein (BCECF)-dextran demonstrated that gravistimulation leads to rapid changes in cytoplasmic p
50                                     Clearly, gravistimulation leads to significant changes in tissue
51                                              Gravistimulation of auxin-inhibited roots induced rapid
52 after various periods of static orientation (gravistimulation) of imbibed seeds.
53 out gravistimulation to assess the effect of gravistimulation on hormone action.
54 ately 3-fold within the first 5 to 15 min of gravistimulation, preceding visible bending.
55 egments with or without added sucrose, while gravistimulation produced a response only if segments we
56                  These results indicate that gravistimulation produces changes in pulvinus responsive
57                                         Upon gravistimulation, soluble ADK levels and activity increa
58  half increased transiently within 10 min of gravistimulation, suggesting that the increased IP3 prod
59                                         Upon gravistimulation the roots first curved upward slightly,
60                 During the initial 15 min of gravistimulation, the amount of large polyribosomes tran
61                              After 30 min of gravistimulation, the levels of polyribosomes and the am
62                                 After 2 h of gravistimulation, the lower half consistently had higher
63                                    Following gravistimulation, the magnitude and direction of pHc cha
64    Our results suggest that within 15 min of gravistimulation, the translation of the majority of tra
65 we were able to maintain a constant angle of gravistimulation to Arabidopsis roots for long time peri
66 A) or gibberellic acid (GA3) with or without gravistimulation to assess the effect of gravistimulatio
67                             Within 15 min of gravistimulation, total levels of transcripts coding for
68 lus gibberellic acid (10 micromolar) without gravistimulation, under identical dark pretreatments, wa
69 he alkalinization response during continuous gravistimulation was extended in Lat B-treated roots.
70  IAA at levels less than 10 micromolar, with gravistimulation, was approximately the sum of the respo
71 ame more alkaline by 0.4 unit within 55 s of gravistimulation, whereas alkalinization of the cells on
72 ristic of lag of three to four minutes after gravistimulation, which corresponds to the presentation
73    The internodal maize pulvinus responds to gravistimulation with differential cell elongation on th

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