


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  while confinement in the third dimension is gravitational.
2 lity to measure tiny variations in the local gravitational acceleration allows, besides other applica
3 dients with precision 5 x 10(-4) in units of gravitational acceleration g.
4                 The otoliths also respond to gravitational acceleration, so vestibular heading discri
5 e g approximately 9.8 m/s(2) is the standard gravitational acceleration.
6  their host body, because at these distances gravitational accelerations inhibit satellite formation.
7 ts of the equivalence principle, measure the gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effect, and eventually detec
8 ealistic PCR condition (temperature, volume, gravitational alignment), a level of robustness previous
9 ring's morphology results from the continual gravitational and collisional effects of small satellite
10  has been traditionally described using only gravitational and frictional forces within a granular ma
11 rrent direct bounds on the ratio between the gravitational and inertial masses of the antihydrogen do
12 bound of 0.13% on the difference between the gravitational and inertial masses of the positron (antie
13  hypothesis, based on the comparison between gravitational and lobar perfusion data, perfusion was no
14                                     Instead, gravitational and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities channel
15 f Einstein's equivalence principle, in which gravitational and translational accelerations are physic
16 on for post-injection leakage by geological, gravitational, and hydrate-trapping mechanisms.
17 account for the effects of a distinct, axial-gravitational anomaly expected to be present in Weyl sem
18       However, the presence of a mixed gauge-gravitational anomaly has recently been tied to thermoel
19 mbalance, an effect known as the mixed axial-gravitational anomaly, but this anomaly has yet to be co
20 imentally accessible signature of this axial-gravitational anomaly, even beyond the hydrodynamic limi
21 onsistent with the presence of a mixed axial-gravitational anomaly, providing clear evidence for a th
22                                          The gravitational anterior to posterior perfusion gradient w
23 pant used a motorised mobile arm support for gravitational assistance and to provide humeral abductio
24 2009, consistent with approximate balance of gravitational attraction by solar radiation pressure.
25  and dust around them is stronger than their gravitational attraction, a condition that has long been
26 xes of high adaptive relevance: the body and gravitational axes.
27 atter and antimatter in our universe and the gravitational behaviour of antimatter.
28 nd to arise from a complex interplay between gravitational, bending, and twisting energies of the rod
29        These results show that mapping where gravitational body forces encourage seismicity is crucia
30                                              Gravitational, centrifugal, thermal gradient, magnetic,
31 loration of adaptation of mammalian cells to gravitational changes.
32     In these stars, the photons that prevent gravitational collapse are converted to electron-positro
33                                              Gravitational collapse of a massive primordial gas cloud
34         The early star that is born from the gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud reaches at s
35 ears old) massive clump, forming through the gravitational collapse of more than one billion solar ma
36 assed, viscous magma and may be destroyed by gravitational collapse or explosion.
37 rbed a cloud of gas and dust, triggering the gravitational collapse that led to the formation of the
38 ectic conditions, thus setting the stage for gravitational collapse, exhumation and isothermal decomp
39   Unbound planets can also be formed through gravitational collapse, in a way similar to that in whic
40 hat was not maintained because of subsequent gravitational collapse.
41 eir near-equilibrium behavior in a tilted 2D gravitational column.
42 a metric which did not attempt to remove the gravitational component (metric EN).
43 ation signals on their ability to remove the gravitational component of acceleration during standardi
44 ase with increasing radius, likely caused by gravitational compression.
45  viability time of large oocytes, suggesting gravitational creep ages oocytes, with fatal consequence
46  kinetically stabilizes them by slowing down gravitational creep to ~2 months.
47    This observation suggests the brain takes gravitational cues to automatically update threat value
48 hat this vertical asymmetry is determined by gravitational cues: the probability that a threat will h
49                                              Gravitational deflection of starlight around the Sun dur
50 ed around 8 February 2009 in accordance with gravitational deflection, whereas H dominated after 26 M
51                                  We use this gravitational description to numerically construct turbu
52 s of CPT (charge-parity-time) invariance) or gravitational differences (tests of the weak equivalence
53 e or transmural pressure distribution in the gravitational direction are implicated in the redistribu
54 that of Jupiter; a higher mass would lead to gravitational disruption of the belt, matching predictio
55                                 Being ideal, gravitational effects due to these clocks are ignored an
56             (These estimates assume that the gravitational effects of baryons on dark matter substruc
57 ed as a new technique for characterizing the gravitational effects of mutual planetary perturbations
58 xplain astronomical observations through its gravitational effects on stars and galaxies, gravitation
59 e oil and then dried horizontally, such that gravitational effects were excluded.
60 rom Keplerian orbits (that is, unaffected by gravitational effects) implied by the observed transit t
61  the expanding gas was able to lose internal gravitational energy and collapse to form stellar object
62 hich power galactic nuclei by converting the gravitational energy of accreting matter into radiation.
63 redicted thermodynamically by minimizing the gravitational energy of the system.
64 he cellular capacity for adaptation to a new gravitational environment.
65  of gravity to cope with life in the Earth's gravitational environment.
66 an in the trailing (L5) Lagrangian region of gravitational equilibrium within Neptune's orbit.
67 imetres per second, which corresponds to the gravitational escape velocity of kilometre-sized asteroi
68          Therefore, it is possible to detect gravitational Faraday rotation by monitoring the X-ray p
69                                The effect of gravitational Faraday rotation was predicted in the 1950
70                                The change in gravitational field along one dimension is measured when
71 adjust their swimming motion relative to the gravitational field and thus counteract sedimentation to
72                    Vesta's mass, volume, and gravitational field are consistent with a core having an
73                                              Gravitational field measurements suggest a regional sout
74 eld, Bohr's argument does not imply that the gravitational field must be quantized.
75 ratory (GRAIL) spacecraft to investigate the gravitational field of Orientale at 3- to 5-kilometer (k
76 ratory (GRAIL) have been used to construct a gravitational field of the Moon to spherical harmonic de
77                                          The gravitational field of the outer white dwarf strongly ac
78 ng wave energy flux and the work done by the gravitational field on the sources.
79 e measure hand tremor at different levels of gravitational field strength using a human centrifuge, t
80  a human centrifuge to increase head-to-foot gravitational field strength, we were able to control fo
81 amo is to measure its effect on the external gravitational field, a task to be soon undertaken by the
82  the axis between the poles aligned with the gravitational field--and a container filled with paramag
83                                   We present gravitational field-flow fractionation and hydrodynamic
84 l angle of the growing organ relative to the gravitational field.
85 , protein coating, or the orientation of the gravitational field.
86 fluid initially sits atop a light fluid in a gravitational field.
87 ves but by the speed-of-light changes of the gravitational field.
88 for the necessity of the quantisation of the gravitational field.
89 low compared to the speed of light and where gravitational fields are weak.
90 retion flow surrounding Sgr A*, where strong gravitational fields will distort the appearance of radi
91       Supermassive black holes have powerful gravitational fields with strong gradients that can dest
92  major ions for month-long periods employs a gravitational filtration system (GFS) that separates dis
93 h variation plays the role of the artificial gravitational force acting on a massive particle: excito
94                                     Elevated gravitational force and crash and near-crash events were
95 nimals have longer urethras and thus, higher gravitational force and higher flow speed.
96 e., where the direction of magnetization and gravitational force are parallel) cannot resolve differe
97 e., where the direction of magnetization and gravitational force are perpendicular) relative to the s
98 ls and step-wise increase or decrease of the gravitational force in four independent experiments.
99 indicates that following tracheal intubation gravitational force influences tracheal mucus clearance.
100  For micrometer-sized colloids, however, the gravitational force is too small to produce significant
101                                  The role of gravitational force on colloid transport in water-satura
102 ubated sheep, we investigated the effects of gravitational force on tracheal mucus transport and on b
103  levitated cart can be propelled not only by gravitational force over a slanted flat surface, but als
104           The authors conclude that elevated gravitational-force event rates can be used to assess ri
105                              Higher elevated gravitational-force event rates in the past month substa
106 as to determine the extent to which elevated gravitational-force event rates predict crashes and near
107 etween crashes and near crashes and elevated gravitational-force event rates was 0.60.
108                                              Gravitational forces also cause creep displacement of nu
109                                              Gravitational forces are expected to excite spiral densi
110                  The balance of magnetic and gravitational forces determines the vertical position of
111 ement of the solid Earth's surface caused by gravitational forces from the Moon and the Sun-is sensit
112 e particles in a constant battle between the gravitational forces of Saturn and its many moons.
113 -element models subjected to extensional and gravitational forces to study time-varying deformation a
114 scle passive forces were large compared with gravitational forces, and experiments showing that, at t
115 system, sensitive to orientation relative to gravitational forces, but invariant to grasp forcefulnes
116 tar passing too near an MBH is torn apart by gravitational forces, leading to a bright tidal disrupti
117 the rarity of antimatter and weakness of the gravitational forces, the WEP has never been confirmed f
118 m deformation of the liquid interface due to gravitational forces; these deformations cause excess su
119 for the existence of dark matter through its gravitational impact is clear in astronomical observatio
120                                     Although gravitational influence is similar in both positions, do
121                       In supine posture, the gravitational influence on perfusion is remarkably simil
122                                   There is a gravitational influence on pulmonary perfusion, includin
123 d a mixed sensitivity to head rotational and gravitational information and were differentially modula
124                                              Gravitational instabilities cause the disk to fragment a
125 clumps, which are thought to form by violent gravitational instabilities in highly turbulent gas-rich
126  density that can cause Rayleigh-Taylor-type gravitational instabilities.
127  outflows, turbulent diffusion, and marginal gravitational instability are the likely mechanisms for
128 rotostellar disk that has recently undergone gravitational instability, spawning one or two companion
129 tation of a massive protostellar disk due to gravitational instability.
130                          Taking into account gravitational interaction between particles and a multi-
131 relativistic mass-energy equivalence implies gravitational interaction between the clocks, whereas th
132                          We demonstrate that gravitational interaction between the planet and its obl
133                                          The gravitational interaction of dust in the zodiacal cloud
134       These signatures are characteristic of gravitational interaction of two planets near a 2:1 orbi
135 ears) and exemplify the first stages of this gravitational interaction.
136                                       Strong gravitational interactions are apparent and provide the
137  the transits are measurably affected by the gravitational interactions between neighbouring planets.
138 ios determine stability and dynamics, mutual gravitational interactions reflect planet masses and orb
139                This dissipation has a simple gravitational interpretation as energy flux across a bla
140                Accurate analysis of a single gravitational lens can take up to a few weeks and requir
141 ght traversed multiple paths around a strong gravitational lens could be used to measure the rate of
142 atter distribution of these structures (the 'gravitational lens') has primarily been performed using
143               However, the identification of gravitational lenses is often time-intensive, involving
144 ain the anomalous flux ratios seen in strong gravitational lenses.
145                                              Gravitational lensing and dynamical perturbations of tid
146                                              Gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters allows the dete
147  growth of structure and the strength of the gravitational lensing effect.
148  surveys can simply and easily detect strong gravitational lensing events, with close to 100% efficie
149                                              Gravitational lensing is a powerful astrophysical and co
150 gravitational effects on stars and galaxies, gravitational lensing of light around these, and through
151                           Magnification from gravitational lensing offers an opportunity to resolve t
152 ll 222/223 supercluster system from its weak gravitational lensing signal, both in a non-parametric m
153 f the large-scale structure in the universe, gravitational lensing, and the cosmic microwave backgrou
154  E(G), that combines measures of large-scale gravitational lensing, galaxy clustering and structure g
155 2 was recently found using a method based on gravitational lensing, suggesting that the mass fraction
156 antifying image distortions caused by strong gravitational lensing-the formation of multiple images o
157 is typical in other studies of extragalactic gravitational lensing.
158 s to changes in the prosthesis mechanics and gravitational load.
159                     Our results suggest that gravitational loading could dramatically affect vascular
160 l motor controller mimicked in vivo inertial/gravitational loading experienced by muscles during terr
161 are associated with disruption of the normal gravitational lung perfusion gradient.
162                     By modeling the pulse as gravitational magnification (microlensing) along with Ke
163  this study was to investigate the impact of gravitational mechanical unloading on ECs phenotype as d
164 otentials that describe perturbations in the gravitational metric) is non-zero, which leads to change
165                                              Gravitational microlensing is the only method capable of
166                                          The gravitational microlensing planet search method is poten
167                                        Using gravitational microlensing, we detected a cold terrestri
168 e = -0.137(0.167)) and increased nDNP in the gravitational middle lung [+500 ml = 0.098(0.058), +1 li
169 an be used to shed new light on inaccessible gravitational objects.
170 g waves of any nature (e.g. electromagnetic, gravitational or acoustic), BISER provides a novel frame
171  Supernovae are stellar explosions driven by gravitational or thermonuclear energy that is observed a
172      Near the top of the column where the 2D gravitational osmotic pressure Pi(2D) is low, we observe
173 traps, we found 2 to 3 times higher rates of gravitational particle export near a deep-water front (3
174  brightness asymmetries that may result from gravitational perturbation by planets.
175 ed Lidov-Kozai migration mechanism, in which gravitational perturbations from a distant tertiary comp
176 re from the cosmic expansion and arises from gravitational perturbations; a map of peculiar velocitie
177                                         Many gravitational phenomena that lie at the core of our unde
178                                          The gravitational point mass is GM = 666.2 +/- 0.2 cubic met
179 ne pollen all year around since July 1986 by gravitational pollen sampler, Durham's sampler, at more
180                                  During VVS, gravitational pooling excessively reduces central blood
181                                The cluster's gravitational potential also creates multiple images of
182 ies in the parameters describing the central gravitational potential and to test Einstein's theory of
183 y results from the lateral variations of the gravitational potential energies and the slab-pull force
184   A model minimizing the combined strain and gravitational potential energy explains the propagation
185 cells) provides the means for converting the gravitational potential energy into a biochemical signal
186                            The liberation of gravitational potential energy then brightens these syst
187 to seismogenic intraplate deformation, while gravitational potential energy variations have a minor r
188 , producing bursts powered by the release of gravitational potential energy.
189 mulations and analytical models suggest that gravitational potential fluctuations tied to efficient s
190 ark matter through a coupling based on rapid gravitational potential fluctuations, explaining the obs
191  arises from the sublimation of dust; by the gravitational potential of the black hole; by radiative
192 gh an inferometer by measuring the Newtonian gravitational potential the particle produces, the inter
193  as general relativity, is that a clock in a gravitational potential U will run more slowly by a fact
194 ed constraints on the shape of the Milky Way gravitational potential, treating the Sgr impact event a
195 Observers in relative motion or at different gravitational potentials measure disparate clock rates.
196 ophysical sources and the nature of absolute gravitational potentials.
197 re the radiation pressure is balanced by the gravitational pressure-imply the presence of an accretin
198 e origin time, implying that shaking induced gravitational processes were not the primary driving mec
199 serves as a confirmation of the conventional gravitational properties of antimatter without common as
200 This gas has been heated up by the cluster's gravitational pull and is now feeding its core.
201                                          The gravitational pull of the new planets on the parent star
202 he emission originates within three or fewer gravitational radii from the black hole, implying a spin
203 the speed of light) disk winds a few hundred gravitational radii from the black hole.
204 lack hole ionizing the disk wind hundreds of gravitational radii further away as the X-ray flux rises
205 scales: the X-ray emission from within a few gravitational radii of the black hole ionizing the disk
206 mission region to be smaller than 20% of the gravitational radius of its central black hole.
207 are witnessing emission from matter within a gravitational radius, or a fraction of a light minute, f
208                                          The gravitational redshift has been measured using clocks on
209                        This effect, known as gravitational redshift, is important to the operation of
210  represents scene structure aligned with the gravitational reference frame in which objects move and
211                   Data were evaluated across gravitational regions (dependent, middle, non-dependent)
212 cal ejection of asteroids by the sweeping of gravitational resonances during the migration of Jupiter
213 f cold dust with a structure consistent with gravitational sculpting by an orbiting planet.
214 e separation process takes advantage of both gravitational sedimentation of blood cells and size excl
215    A 5-10min period of quiescence allows for gravitational sedimentation of the red blood cells, leav
216 melt mobility, which is high and can lead to gravitational segregation.
217 ication of the Schrodinger equation due to a gravitational self-interaction.
218 ed in bioremediation, is not appropriate for gravitational separation due to the negative zeta-potent
219 rt owing to a variety of processes including gravitational settling, attachment to in-stream structur
220 acteria-Fe aggregates that can be removed by gravitational settling.
221            This is a universally predictable gravitational signal that requires both high sensitivity
222 From degrees 80 through 300, over 98% of the gravitational signature is associated with topography, a
223                             We calculate the gravitational signature of non-axisymmetric convective m
224          Enhanced vertical carbon transport (gravitational sinking and subduction) at mesoscale ocean
225  prediction because, in these theories, the 'gravitational slip' (the difference between the two pote
226  is at 3 kiloparsecs), which is far from the gravitational sphere of influence (about 100 parsecs for
227 galaxies extends over the same radius as the gravitational sphere of influence of the central black h
228 t organs in different species in response to gravitational stimuli.
229 ompressive tectonic stresses to near-surface gravitational stresses is relatively large, and it paral
230                                       Such a gravitational-sweep sedimentation approach has previousl
231 , which reveals analogies with, for example, gravitational systems, and establishes a new scenario th
232 e from the asteroid belt and drifted via non-gravitational thermal forces into resonant escape routes
233 m the interplay of different forms of energy-gravitational, thermal, magnetic and radiative.
234 spiral until they are shredded by the strong gravitational tides near the white dwarf core.
235 a wide variety of small forces, ranging from gravitational to optical, electrical, and magnetic.
236                                          The gravitational torques arising from the dynamical evoluti
237 , is engulfed by a post-main-sequence giant, gravitational torques in the envelope of the giant lead
238  a variety of altered AF patterns, including gravitational tracts, extended beyond the posterior 50 d
239        Here, we study an alternative magneto-gravitational trap for diamagnetic particles, such as di
240 ertia, which requires the measurement of its gravitational variation together with either precession
241    Tilting the MagLev device relative to the gravitational vector enables the magnetic force to be de
242 ocentric coordinates defined relative to the gravitational vector.
243 n of merging black holes in 2015, the era of gravitational wave (GW) astrophysics began.
244               The standard siren approach of gravitational wave cosmology appeals to the direct lumin
245                                 Although the gravitational wave data indicate that GW170817 is consis
246 d sensing capabilities in areas ranging from gravitational wave detection to biomedical applications.
247 the moment of inertia, break degeneracies in gravitational wave detection to measure spin in binary i
248 ents ranging from atomic force microscopy to gravitational wave detection.
249 telescope is expected to produce 10(4)-10(5) gravitational wave detections per year, 50-100 of which
250 rmation to enhanced detection sensitivity in gravitational wave detectors.
251  detect the decay of the binary orbit due to gravitational wave emission by observing two tidal disru
252 final collapse into a single black hole with gravitational wave emission, are consistent with the sub
253 tical counterpart of the binary neutron star gravitational wave event GW170817.
254 t observational constraint for low-frequency gravitational wave experiments.
255 rved and studied by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory and its international par
256  binary neutron star merger, reinforcing the gravitational wave result.
257 ly measured time delays from strongly lensed gravitational wave signals with the images and redshifts
258 ently been observed through the detection of gravitational wave signatures.
259          Eleven hours after the detection of gravitational wave source GW170817 by the Laser Interfer
260                     As this nascent field of gravitational-wave astrophysics is emerging we are looki
261 ing compact binaries will play a key role in gravitational-wave detection by laser-interferometric ob
262                       GW170817 was the first gravitational-wave detection of a binary neutron-star me
263 ve the sensitivity of the next generation of gravitational-wave detectors.
264 e properties of subsequent binary-black-hole gravitational-wave events.
265 r masses once second-generation ground-based gravitational-wave observatories reach full sensitivity.
266  On 17 August 2017, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the Virgo inte
267 l waves by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors.
268  source GW170817 by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory and Virgo Interferometers
269 ack hole mergers by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory opened the door to altern
270 post-Newtonian sequence, predictions for the gravitational-wave signal from inspiraling compact binar
271 le phenomena: a short burst of gamma-rays, a gravitational-wave signal, and a transient optical-near-
272 ies of a bright kilonova associated with the gravitational-wave source GW170817 and gamma-ray burst G
273                                          The gravitational-wave source GW170817 arose from a binary n
274 ery of an electromagnetic counterpart to the gravitational-wave source GW170817 represents the first
275 ramework within which to interpret the first gravitational-wave source, GW150914, and to predict the
276  electromagnetic counterpart (EM170817) with gravitational waves (GW170817) detected from merging neu
277 (LIGO) and the Virgo interferometer detected gravitational waves (GWs) emanating from a binary neutro
278                           On 17 August 2017, gravitational waves (GWs) were detected from a binary ne
279  Aharonov-Bohm effect, and eventually detect gravitational waves and phase shifts associated with gen
280  indicates that neutron-star mergers produce gravitational waves and radioactively powered kilonovae,
281                                              Gravitational waves are expected to be radiated by super
282 September 14, 2015, with direct detection of gravitational waves by the Advanced Laser Interferometer
283                The observation of primordial gravitational waves could provide a new and unique windo
284                                          The gravitational waves encode details of the spacetime dyna
285                A stochastic superposition of gravitational waves from all such binary systems would m
286                      The direct detection of gravitational waves from merging binary black holes open
287 omized by the exciting prospect of detecting gravitational waves from merging black holes.
288                      The recent discovery of gravitational waves from stellar-mass binary black hole
289 s of taking data, Advanced LIGO has detected gravitational waves from two binary black hole mergers,
290                                              Gravitational waves have been detected from a binary neu
291 supermassive black hole binaries, which emit gravitational waves prior to their coalescence.
292 onserved stress energy tensor for weak field gravitational waves propagating in vacuum is derived dir
293                                              Gravitational waves were discovered with the detection o
294 monstration that the limited localization of gravitational waves, previously written off as not usefu
295                  These oscillations generate gravitational waves, which can give kicks up to 4000 kil
296 lar masses) black holes has been detected in gravitational waves.
297 ngth observations would be more sensitive to gravitational waves.
298 st promising sources for direct detection of gravitational waves.
299                      Global and intermediate gravitational zones [(18)F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose upta
300 rated regions--corresponding to intermediate gravitational zones--are the primary targets of the infl

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