


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gnition and aided by capillary, fluidic, and gravitational forces.
2 s present that was subject to collapse under gravitational forces.
3 urface tension forces significantly dominate gravitational forces.
4  heights according to the balance of DEP and gravitational forces.
5 overned solely by the balance of HD lift and gravitational forces.
6 h variation plays the role of the artificial gravitational force acting on a massive particle: excito
7                                              Gravitational forces also cause creep displacement of nu
8                                     Elevated gravitational force and crash and near-crash events were
9 nimals have longer urethras and thus, higher gravitational force and higher flow speed.
10 scle passive forces were large compared with gravitational forces, and experiments showing that, at t
11 e., where the direction of magnetization and gravitational force are parallel) cannot resolve differe
12 e., where the direction of magnetization and gravitational force are perpendicular) relative to the s
13                                              Gravitational forces are expected to excite spiral densi
14 system, sensitive to orientation relative to gravitational forces, but invariant to grasp forcefulnes
15                  The balance of magnetic and gravitational forces determines the vertical position of
16           The authors conclude that elevated gravitational-force event rates can be used to assess ri
17                              Higher elevated gravitational-force event rates in the past month substa
18 as to determine the extent to which elevated gravitational-force event rates predict crashes and near
19 etween crashes and near crashes and elevated gravitational-force event rates was 0.60.
20 ement of the solid Earth's surface caused by gravitational forces from the Moon and the Sun-is sensit
21 ls and step-wise increase or decrease of the gravitational force in four independent experiments.
22 indicates that following tracheal intubation gravitational force influences tracheal mucus clearance.
23          The hypothesis is that the agent of gravitational force is propagated as if it were scattere
24                                 In addition, gravitational force is sufficient to detach HL-60 cells
25  For micrometer-sized colloids, however, the gravitational force is too small to produce significant
26 tar passing too near an MBH is torn apart by gravitational forces, leading to a bright tidal disrupti
27                                     Instead, gravitational forces may be experienced by individual ce
28 e particles in a constant battle between the gravitational forces of Saturn and its many moons.
29                                  The role of gravitational force on colloid transport in water-satura
30 ubated sheep, we investigated the effects of gravitational force on tracheal mucus transport and on b
31 eparation is the balance of the magnetic and gravitational forces on diamagnetic materials suspended
32  levitated cart can be propelled not only by gravitational force over a slanted flat surface, but als
33                                   The excess gravitational force (ratio of 1/r:1/r2) increases with t
34 the rarity of antimatter and weakness of the gravitational forces, the WEP has never been confirmed f
35 m deformation of the liquid interface due to gravitational forces; these deformations cause excess su
36 -element models subjected to extensional and gravitational forces to study time-varying deformation a
37  in a thin chamber by the balance of DEP and gravitational forces, transported at different velocitie
38 ee parameter, the predicted curve for excess gravitational force vs. size of structures fits reasonab

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