


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 .21, 2.83; p < 0.0001, adjusted for specific gravity).
2 the postural system realigning the body with gravity.
3  exposed to simulated microgravity or normal gravity.
4 ures in strongly coupled systems and quantum gravity.
5 -mass superpositions and for testing quantum gravity.
6 rol system attempting to align the body with gravity.
7  primary roots of land plants is directed by gravity.
8 ce of environmental signals such as light or gravity.
9 cal with the z-axis of the head and not with gravity.
10 n potential conflict with precision tests of gravity.
11 rception of odors, taste, vision, sound, and gravity.
12 o mechanical work by lifting objects against gravity.
13 en splits unevenly at the bifurcation due to gravity.
14 hen flow can be driven by tissue pressure or gravity.
15 ted to generate a body shape that withstands gravity.
16 eracts only weakly with matter other than by gravity.
17 lds ranging from condensed matter to quantum gravity.
18 y of mechanical stimuli, including touch and gravity.
19 ferential functions during root responses to gravity.
20  (hir), which is sensitive to deformation by gravity.
21 physical perturbation, including the pull of gravity.
22 up to 48 times longer under reduced martian gravity.
23  Sun) convective cells, owing to low surface gravity.
24 ristic scale where thermal pressure balances gravity.
25  rotations about an axis defined relative to gravity.
26 ssues or forces due to muscle contraction or gravity.
27 um superposition states and tests of quantum gravity.
28 le out a repulsive nature for the antimatter gravity.
29 ength liquids, whose sessile droplets sag by gravity.
30 ons dictated by physical forces that include gravity.
31 the method to five crude oils of varying API gravity (12.1-38.3 degrees ) demonstrates a potential fo
32 ), postacquisition normalization to specific gravity (2.3-fold), postacquisition median fold change n
33 on: preacquisition normalization to specific gravity (4.2-fold), postacquisition normalization to spe
34  to examine the association between specific gravity-adjusted (SPG-adj) maternal BPA concentrations a
35        The geometric mean of males' specific gravity-adjusted urinary phenol concentrations measured
36                      We show that motion and gravity affect the precision of quantum clocks.
37  coiling, sinusoidal root waving, and normal gravity-aligned morphologies.
38 t morphologies can vary widely from straight gravity-aligned primary roots to fractal-like root archi
39 neuron integrated information about multiple gravity-aligned structures as they would be seen from a
40 y, 13 +/- 2 mmHg) were reduced in acute zero gravity, although not to the levels observed in the 90 d
41 ier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermal gravity analysis and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller of TiO(OH)2
42 of the atmosphere whose restoring forces are gravity and buoyancy) comprise the principal form of ene
43 ltant force of the applied driving pressure, gravity and buoyancy.
44 rom a fundamentally semi-classical theory of gravity and can, therefore, be considered a test case fo
45 ater storage to complement analyses from the Gravity and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission but at mu
46 smological simulations that incorporate only gravity and collisionless CDM predict halos with abundan
47  using a setup that minimizes the effects of gravity and convection.
48                      Given its large surface gravity and cool insolation, the planet may have retaine
49 e that is rotating faster than is allowed by gravity and friction.
50 uestions about the Moon's large-scale shape, gravity and history of polar wander.
51  signals sensed by newly germinating seeds - gravity and light - direct root growth into the soil to
52 ne promotes the emergence and growth of ARs, gravity and light determine their gravitropic setpoint a
53  combination of the two directional stimuli, gravity and light, weighted by the ratio between the gra
54 ot only by altered gas diffusion but also by gravity and light.
55 imescale is of the same order as that of the gravity and liquid imbibition-induced dry spot rewetting
56  wind speeds under the thick-atmosphere, low-gravity and low-sediment-density conditions on Titan, us
57 ed on structural mapping and high-resolution gravity and magnetic maps indicate that the pre-Carbonif
58 ory for simultaneously studying strong-field gravity and matter in extreme environments.
59 ow and transport large droplets even against gravity and overcome the effect of an unfavourable tempe
60 relative risks (RR) controlling for specific gravity and potential confounders.
61                                 We find that gravity and radiation models fail in systematic ways to
62 s are highly generalizable, and as a result, gravity and radiation models have become standard tools
63                                 Although the gravity and shape data confirm that the interior of Cere
64                               Here we report gravity and shape measurements of Ceres obtained from th
65                Here we use seismic velocity, gravity and topography to generate a 3D lithospheric den
66  solar masses), the competition between self-gravity and turbulent pressure along the dynamically dom
67 s a driving force which exceeds the force of gravity and viscous friction.
68    We conclude that root tropic responses to gravity and water are driven by distinct tissue-based me
69 z; peak ground acceleration, ~16% of Earth's gravity) and minimized damage to vernacular dwellings.
70 ll interaction, compared to Brownian motion, gravity, and cell membrane deformation energy.
71 old during early T-cell activation in normal gravity, and gene expression was suppressed under microg
72 e interaction between flower, pollinator and gravity, and how petal surface structure can influence t
73 de sea-level rise, ocean circulation, marine gravity, and icesheet elevation change.
74 stellar properties such as rotation, surface gravity, and spectral type.
75 ct touch and sound, to register movement and gravity, and to sense changes in cell volume and shape.
76 movements of the antenna due to sound, wind, gravity, and touch.
77 like animacy based on movement not caused by gravity, and/or stabilizing perception of the world agai
78                                  The Bouguer gravity anomalies and gravity gradients reveal a pattern
79          Here we use residual topography and gravity anomalies to constrain the geological structure
80 Then, provided that the basin was a positive gravity anomaly (with or without the ocean), true polar
81                            From inversion of gravity anomaly data (crustal thickness), analysis of re
82       Without a subsurface ocean, a positive gravity anomaly requires an implausibly thick nitrogen l
83 es a subsurface ocean, the required positive gravity anomaly would naturally result because of shell
84 n, but requires the feature to be a positive gravity anomaly, despite its negative topography.
85 Even if the feature is now a modest negative gravity anomaly, it remains locked in place because of t
86 plicial complexes are widely used in quantum gravity approaches that involve a discretization of spac
87 trajectories transversal to the direction of gravity are observed.
88 rizontally in order to exclude the effect of gravity, as has been done previously.
89 ould reflect the importance of the vertical (gravity) axis as a reference frame.
90                  In large X. laevis oocytes, gravity becomes a dominant force and is countered by a n
91                                The effect of gravity becomes more apparent with the increase in perme
92                             The observed low gravity beneath the caldera is aligned along the princip
93  theoretical frameworks include loop quantum gravity, causal dynamical triangulations, causal sets, q
94 ntermediate reference frames ranging between gravity-centered and egocentric in approximately two-ten
95 ations in which planar tilt was encoded in a gravity-centered reference frame in approximately one-te
96 work modeling, we further show that a purely gravity-centered representation of object tilt can be ac
97 ransforms these signals into an allocentric, gravity-centered representation of the world that is sta
98 rm monolayer by the implicit contribution of gravity, centrifugal force and surface tension, which ca
99  new formalism, taking into account both the gravity changes and the gravity-induced motion.
100                          We propose that the gravity changes are due to the pre-fountaining accumulat
101                                    Transient gravity changes are expected to occur at all distances d
102 ing geodetic measurements of land uplift and gravity changes in northern Greenland.
103 es in satellite measurement of time-variable gravity combined with reconciled global glacier loss est
104  fluid lying on top of a lighter fluid under gravity, concluding that rotation alone could not stabil
105 ying movement direction in normal and zero-G gravity conditions.
106 tional Space Station using an onboard normal gravity control.
107 ravity theory, including the leading quantum gravity correction.
108 hese results identify a thalamic pathway for gravity cues to influence perception, action and spatial
109 iated stem cell as compared with 3D-standard gravity culture.
110 ts deformation (fold), revealed by analyzing gravity data from GOCE mission.
111 cano-tectonic relations by analysing Bouguer gravity data from Ilopango caldera, El Salvador, which h
112 ce structure consistent with high-resolution gravity data from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Labo
113 seismically measured extent of the APMB, and gravity data suggest that the uplift is isostatically co
114 ements allowed to discover the occurrence of gravity decreases before the onset of most fountaining e
115                   Stretching the model under gravity demonstrates that asymmetric slip via collapse o
116 rd direction of this channel was found to be gravity dependent in all 14 eyes of the 7 subjects exami
117 end-expiratory pressure in the prevention of gravity-dependent translocation of oropharyngeal pathoge
118 condary to prolonged standing with resultant gravity-dependent venous congestion and inflammatory vas
119                            The improved GOCE gravity derived Moho signals reveal a clear directionali
120 s that seismicity focuses in regions of high-gravity-derived deviatoric stress.
121 cs", such as different strength of effective gravity, different versions of modified Newtonian dynami
122  ROS and auxin signals that are required for gravity-directed curvature.
123 s, coseismic offsets, under the influence of gravity, display predominantly subsidence of the basin s
124                          Complete removal of gravity does not pathologically elevate ICP but does pre
125  channel structures among the pools indicate gravity driven flow, suggesting that seafloor release of
126                                          The gravity driven oil-water separation system was designed
127 workflows (simple filtration prep (SFP)) and gravity-driven filtration prep (GFP)) and pre-dispensed
128              Power-free emulsification using gravity-driven flow in the absence of syringe pumps and
129 orm-water mixture was achieved when used for gravity-driven oil/water separation test.
130 o-capture surface, followed by inversion for gravity-driven removal of nonspecifically bound cubes.
131 ent design principles and demonstrations for gravity-driven, integrated, microfluidic pulsatile flow
132 which was later realized concretely in gauge-gravity duality.
133 city (advection) with the settling velocity (gravity effect).
134 C, favored the vertical axis, perhaps due to gravity effects.
135 tential physiologic stressors, including low gravity, elevated exposure to radiation, confined living
136                  Microgravity, or an altered gravity environment different from the 1 g of the Earth,
137 ghly efficient adaptation potential to a low gravity environment.
138 d form from an early inflationary or quantum gravity epoch of the universe intrinsically influences t
139  feedback, coupled jointly to turbulence and gravity, extends the starburst phase of a galaxy instead
140 em, and the Centurion(R) Vision System using gravity-fed fluidics.
141                                 The mass and gravity field are derived from measured spacecraft veloc
142                              Juno's measured gravity field differs substantially from the last availa
143                           The higher quality gravity field of GOCE is reflected in the Moho solution:
144                                          The gravity field resolves distinctive structures of Orienta
145 es may easily be overcome in the centrifugal gravity field which enables the efficient separation of
146 7P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on the basis of its gravity field.
147 with a layer of fossils in mixed fluvial and gravity flow facies.
148 loys hand screen printed carbon sensors with gravity flow for sample/reagent delivery and washing.
149 on of surface sediments through the sediment gravity flow.
150 ith Centurion Active Fluidics was similar to gravity fluidics at an equivalent bottle height.
151                               Alternatively, gravity force could be used purposely and efficiently fo
152 R number (the ratio of capillary pressure to gravity forces) and may be ignored when the CGR number i
153 Taking advantages of capillary phenomena and gravity forces, the solution transportation is promoted
154 ellite data (optical, thermal, microwave and gravity) from several independent sensors over the Congo
155            The Bouguer gravity anomalies and gravity gradients reveal a pattern of narrow linear anom
156 und seismic noise, its robust detection with gravity gradiometers under development could open new di
157                                              Gravity has a profound effect on fluid distribution and
158                                With a common gravity head as the only driving force, these fluidic os
159 pable of orienting their root growth towards gravity in a process termed gravitropism, which is neces
160  in D dimensions into weakly coupled quantum gravity in D+1 anti-de Sitter spacetime.
161 ental reference frame and the orientation of gravity in egocentric coordinates.
162 relativity(GR) is the current description of gravity in modern physics.
163 ngs further substantiate the primary role of gravity in the pathogenesis of ventilator-associated pne
164 ed to pitch and roll orientation relative to gravity, independently of visual landmarks.
165 dependent mechanism that creates an opposing gravity-induced auxin gradient.
166 alysis is provided for diffusion produced by gravity-induced decoherence, where the effect is typical
167 nto account both the gravity changes and the gravity-induced motion.
168  oxytocin, administered through a micro-drip gravity infusion set.
169 The nZVI was delivered to the subsurface via gravity injection.
170 nable the transduction of sound, motion, and gravity into neuronal impulses.
171                               The absence of gravity is an extreme stressor and the impact of its abs
172                                The effect of gravity is incorporated in the mathematical model by com
173 rstones of GR, as well as Newton's theory of gravity, is the weak equivalence principle (WEP), statin
174 aintained at specific angles with respect to gravity, known as gravitropic set point angles (GSAs).
175 ene elements that are typically aligned with gravity: large planes in the orientation range of ground
176 is able to achieve ethanol yield on the high gravity level (12.3% v/v) in 24 hours.
177 sition at which hydrodynamic forces overcome gravity-loaded grain-grain friction.
178 EMS gravimeter suggests many applications in gravity mapping.
179                                    Driven by gravity, massive structures like galaxies and clusters o
180                                              Gravity may provide a ubiquitous allocentric reference t
181                             We use satellite gravity measurements in the Gravity Recovery and Climate
182                 Microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity (MHG) technique has been applied to pilot-scale
183 , in this study microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity (MHG) technology was used to dehydrate broccoli
184 nt extended time under conditions of minimal gravity (microgravity) experience an array of biological
185 UR models and trip distribution data using a Gravity model based on zonal data for population, employ
186                                              Gravity model estimates indicate a sharp decay in influe
187  and provides a demonstration of an analogue gravity model that goes beyond the kinematic level.
188 h existing data to construct a global marine gravity model that is two times more accurate than previ
189 n projections typically rely on a population gravity model to determine areas of future growth, our p
190          In this study, we proposed the gene gravity model to study the evolution of cancer genomes b
191 fying cancer genome evolution using the gene gravity model, we identified six putative cancer genes (
192  between any two cities is estimated using a gravity model.
193 administrative regions, inferring a classic 'gravity' model, with intense dispersal between larger an
194 ndary in upper-plate structure, across which gravity modelling indicates a south-to-north increase in
195                                              Gravity models are powerful tools for mapping tectonic s
196 ighlight the importance of satellite-derived gravity models as one of the primary tools for the inves
197 is superior to the results using the earlier gravity models prior to GOCE.
198 vident than the ones estimated using earlier gravity models, reveals that it is the result of the lar
199 ing this effect will also confirm the strong gravity nature of quasar X-ray emission.
200 vity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) gravity observations and sea-level anomalies from altime
201               We use satellite altimetry and gravity observations to show that a major portion of the
202                        Surgeons conveyed the gravity of high-risk operations to patients by emphasizi
203  due to the deflection of their light by the gravity of intervening structures-and estimating the cor
204 nd underuse of health-care resources and the gravity of resulting harms necessitate an investigation
205  disease activity by computing the centre of gravity of the distribution of cases and investigated wh
206 a mouse to locate the centroid-the center of gravity-of a briefly displayed cloud of dots and receive
207 sics or otherwise point to a modification of gravity on cosmological scales.
208                       We study the effect of gravity on giant soap bubbles and show that it becomes d
209                                The effect of gravity on imbibition in porous media can be modeled the
210                                The effect of gravity on spontaneous imbibition in porous media was in
211  The results demonstrated that the effect of gravity on spontaneous imbibition was governed by the hy
212 time, as well as the ability to induce rapid gravity or light stimulation.
213 their movements in air, whether falling with gravity or propelling against it.
214                             The reduction in gravity, or microgravity, represents a novel environment
215                     We show that atmospheric gravity oscillations induced by volcanic eruptions and r
216 right and supine position, during acute zero gravity (parabolic flight) and prolonged simulated micro
217 ere, we show, in Populus trees, that initial gravity perception and response occurs in specialized ce
218                                 We show that gravity perturbations are particularly well observed wit
219                      Thus, over 24 h in zero gravity, pressure in the brain is slightly above that ob
220 with inverted stem orientation revealed that gravity promotes upward growth by about 10 degrees .
221 ing mechanism, but for tonic signals such as gravity, protonergic transmission offers a significant m
222 tring theory, a consistent theory of quantum gravity, provides a possible solution to the paradox if
223  6 models of population movement (adjacency, gravity, radiation, radiation based on population densit
224 physical events involving objects subject to gravity, recognizing object attributes like animacy base
225                                        Here, Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) gravity
226                                              Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellit
227 xisting water infrastructure detected by the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellit
228 elop a technique using observations from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellit
229 We use satellite gravity measurements in the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) to estim
230                                  We used the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) spacecr
231 t with high-resolution gravity data from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) spacecr
232 atena-producing craters likely formed in the gravity regime, providing constraints on the ejecta velo
233                      These data suggest that gravity regulates T-cell activation not only by transcri
234 adjusted for urinary creatinine and specific gravity, respectively.
235                                           In gravity-responding roots, we observed, by applying the R
236 ion of H(+)-ATPases, which in the context of gravity response is restricted to the lower organ side.
237 his internal model is used to compensate for gravity's mechanical effects on the body, such as to mai
238 dington rate, when radiation's push balances gravity's pull.
239 r microgravity conditions compared to normal gravity samples.
240 lso reduces their performance in the face of gravity selection.
241 nowflake-like" cluster formed in response to gravity selection.
242 here a physical separation between sites for gravity sensing and curvature response has facilitated d
243                                              Gravity sensing takes place in the columella cells of th
244 teins control plant architecture by coupling gravity sensing to the formation of auxin gradients that
245 , selective nutrient uptake and storage, and gravity sensing.
246 lating the transcription of PIN3 and PIN7 in gravity-sensing cells of primary and lateral roots.
247          scWB involves five main stages: (i) gravity settling of cells into microwells; (ii) chemical
248                                   In quantum gravity, several approaches have been proposed until now
249 ental conditions mimic small to medium-sized gravity sewers with a relevant ratio of biofilm surface
250                                 While prompt gravity signal detection with state-of-the-art gravimete
251 ere we report on the search of such a prompt gravity signal in data recorded by a superconducting gra
252                Furthermore, we show that the gravity signal is strongly suppressed compared to that p
253 l bulge on Pluto, which greatly enhances the gravity signature of the ice cap.
254   This accumulation of ice causes a positive gravity signature that locks, as Pluto's rotation slows,
255 ired to maintain the limb's position against gravity, so ambiguous results have been reported.
256 stimate the large-scale lunar topography and gravity spherical harmonics outside these basins and sho
257  auxin-signaling gradient across the tips of gravity-stimulated roots, and its developmental conseque
258 he one hand, FLP is involved in responses to gravity stimulation in primary roots, whereas on the oth
259 rtnership environmental satellite to resolve gravity structures near the mesopause via nightglow emis
260 iciency and key parameters such as crude API gravity, sulfur content, heavy products, residual upgrad
261 tion to self-administer IV antimicrobials by gravity, tested for competency before discharge, and the
262 nule size, effective temperature and surface gravity that are predicted by simulations of stellar sur
263  results agree well with the prediction from gravity theory, including the leading quantum gravity co
264 strial animal body shapes are conditioned by gravity, there has been no animal model directly demonst
265 anchored to earth-centered landmarks such as gravity, through computations whose neuronal substrate r
266 d direct evidence of cellular sensitivity to gravity, through real-time on orbit measurements and by
267   The brain has evolved an internal model of gravity to cope with life in the Earth's gravitational e
268            The woody stems of trees perceive gravity to determine their orientation, and can produce
269   For simplicity, this platform makes use of gravity to enable phase separation for analysis and is 4
270 ment control policies that take advantage of gravity to minimize movement effort.
271 ommon assumptions such as, e.g., coupling of gravity to virtual particles, dynamics of distant astrop
272 s of selected formulation including specific gravity, turbidity, viscosity, average droplet size, spa
273                               Urine specific gravity (USG), urine color, and urine osmolality have be
274 rth-based remote observations cannot measure gravity variations and the magnitude of the precession r
275 ation of root tips growing along the natural gravity vector over prolonged periods of time, as well a
276      Plant shoots typically grow against the gravity vector to access light, whereas roots grow downw
277                                              Gravity vectors computed for the two lobes separately ar
278                                 The specific gravity, viscosity and refractive index of CSO at ambien
279 han for down-flow direction, suggesting that gravity was a significant driving force for colloid depo
280 sition normalization based on urine specific gravity was found to be superior to all curative postacq
281 ance, very little is known about upper-level gravity wave characteristics.
282                           Employing acoustic-gravity wave theory we present an analytical inverse met
283                                              Gravity waves (disturbances to the density structure of
284 minate at scales larger than 500 km; inertia-gravity waves dominate at scales smaller than 500 km.
285  subsurface analogue of the familiar surface gravity waves that break on beaches, are ubiquitous in t
286   It is well known that tsunamis can produce gravity waves that propagate up to the ionosphere genera
287      We demonstrate the feasibility of using gravity waves to derive eruption source parameters such
288 ospheric structures such as those created by gravity waves via instability and breaking are viable so
289 ions are due to approximately linear inertia-gravity waves, contrary to recent claims that these scal
290                                     Internal gravity waves, the subsurface analogue of the familiar s
291 aves, down to much longer periods typical of gravity waves.
292 si-2D dynamics and one due to linear inertia-gravity waves.
293 uctural variability, including the impact of gravity waves; and (iv) the resulting amplification in t
294 fferent nonbuoyant suspensions flowing under gravity, we demonstrate that particles in shear-thickeni
295 rimental system, in which all factors except gravity were constant.
296 orientation of the head and body relative to gravity, which generates a modulation of horizontal (con
297  superposition states are vital to exploring gravity with atom interferometers in greater detail.
298 d responses to neighbors, with wood specific gravity (WSG) positively correlated with greater surviva
299 val, T wave left slope, and T wave center of gravity x axis (last 25% of the T wave).
300 0 [0.24-0.69]; P<0.001) and T-wave center of gravity x axis (last 25% of wave) in lead I (hazard rati

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