


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 $1,152,529 per QALY relative to RF ablation, greatly exceeding $75,000 per QALY.
2 per nucleotide site in this species and also greatly exceeds an earlier estimate derived from the fre
3           Synchronous firing peaks at levels greatly exceeding background activity have recently been
4 ue variation in DNA methylation was found to greatly exceed between-individual differences within any
5                           This stress, which greatly exceeds blood pressure in tumor vessels, is suff
6 sponse-pattern vectors in common model space greatly exceeded BSC of anatomically aligned responses a
7           Since demand for beds in this unit greatly exceeded capacity, we aimed to improve the selec
8 dentate" target recognition, with affinities greatly exceeding either monovalent component.
9  concentration errors are approximately 10%, greatly exceeding expected levels.
10  endothelial cells with intracellular levels greatly exceeding extracellular concentrations.
11                  GABA(B)R1 transcript levels greatly exceed GABA(B)R2 levels in the developing neural
12 mmonium was reduced and ammonium consumption greatly exceeded gross production during the initial pos
13 tion and the levels of HSact precursor in HS greatly exceed HSact production.
14 ypress, and Russian thistle) IL-5 production greatly exceeded IFN-gamma, in others (e.g., Aspergillus
15 acid levels over 100 mug g(-1) fresh weight, greatly exceeding in vitro concentrations required to in
16      Treatment-induced changes in biomarkers greatly exceeded intraindividual and technical variabili
17   The importance of carbon in Earth's mantle greatly exceeds its modest abundance of approximately 1,
18                                         This greatly exceeds known rates for cellular replicative pol
19 pheric oxygen ( approximately 20% O(2)) that greatly exceeds levels found in tumors in situ.
20                                     Proteins greatly exceed mRNAs in abundance and dynamic range, and
21           Primary anthropogenic Hg emissions greatly exceed natural geogenic sources, resulting in in
22 ic water, predicted cytoplasmic osmolalities greatly exceed observed osmolalities, and the efficiency
23 forward direction (47 s(-1) at 25 degrees C) greatly exceeds off rates for GSH (koff approximately 10
24  need only happen every x-th day where x can greatly exceed one.
25 een reported and with sample throughput that greatly exceeds other existing proteomic methods.
26 imal tubule concentrations of AngI and AngII greatly exceed plasma concentrations.
27                        Our estimated damages greatly exceed possible benefits from reduced CO2 emissi
28        The obtained values (4 to 100 fAm(2)) greatly exceed previous estimates (0.5 fAm(2)).
29 h the absence of segregation in asexuals may greatly exceed previous predictions that ignored genetic
30 y in lymph and later in blood, BrdU+ B cells greatly exceeded productively infected cells, indicating
31 ssions lock in long-term sea-level rise that greatly exceeds projections for this century, posing pro
32 r markers from 11 of the 46 replicated loci, greatly exceeding random expectation.
33                                 Soil erosion greatly exceeds rates of production in many agricultural
34 an alter super-enhancer activity in a manner greatly exceeding repression of individual constituents.
35           Folate intakes that do not meet or greatly exceed requirements may be associated with negat
36        Atmospheric nitrogen deposition often greatly exceeds streamwater nitrogen losses; the fate of
37 ibit total absorptivities per unit mass that greatly exceed that for poly(3-hexyl)thiophene (P3HT) ov
38 tures, in which the local field strength can greatly exceed that of the global-scale field.
39 rate converted to firm arrest (>3500 ms) and greatly exceeded that observed for fibrinogen, thus defi
40 aine block of hH1 (human cardiac) Na current greatly exceeded that of mu1 (rat skeletal muscle) at me
41 protein, the LPS-deacylating activity of MNC greatly exceeded that of PMN.
42 overall concentration of SinR in the culture greatly exceeded that of SinI.
43 ), for dehydration, 2.5 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1), greatly exceeding that for 1,1-proton transfer using the
44 d messenger RNAs within GC B cells at levels greatly exceeding that found in other tissues.
45  in expression of Stra6 transcript to levels greatly exceeding that observed with either stimulus alo
46 buted to the electron donor strength of IMes greatly exceeding that of PMe(3).
47 LPS underwent deacylation within 1 h, a rate greatly exceeding that previously found in any cell type
48 retrotransposons, predominantly L1 elements, greatly exceeding that reported in humans.
49                   This structural similarity greatly exceeds that between SinR and any bacterial prot
50 s that are targets of the host immune system greatly exceeds that found in metabolic enzymes or other
51                       The enantioselectivity greatly exceeds that found with other chiral N-auxiliari
52             This level of integration, which greatly exceeds that of a conventional diffraction-limit
53 e SOCS proteins and suppress STAT activation greatly exceeds that of core proteins from patients with
54 in, 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid (4-Cl-IAA), greatly exceeds that of IAA.
55 es where the size of excitatory conductances greatly exceeds that of inhibitory conductances.
56 flux of extracellular amino acids into cells greatly exceeds that of intracellular amino acid recycli
57 hich the endogenous expression level of IRP1 greatly exceeds that of IRP2, whereas IRP2-/- mice misre
58 cate that the degree of cation stabilization greatly exceeds that of naphthyl groups.
59 form covalent protein adducts at a rate that greatly exceeds that of other known aldehyde products of
60 NV, KALRN-P2255T, displays a penetrance that greatly exceeds that of previously identified schizophre
61 nity and glycosylase activity of TDG(82-308) greatly exceeds that of TDG(111-308) and is equivalent t
62 CIM0216, whose potency and apparent affinity greatly exceeds that of the canonical TRPM3 agonist, pre
63  can operate when the magnitude of the noise greatly exceeds that of the signal requires an understan
64 l of loose iron in superoxide-stressed cells greatly exceeds that of unstressed cells.
65                    The level of polymorphism greatly exceeds that recorded for all other genes examin
66 acceleration and transport to Earth does not greatly exceed the (60)Fe half-life of 2.6 million years
67                   The maximum capacities can greatly exceed the actual rates observed in the absence
68  adjuncts to CaNa(3)DTPA therapy, which will greatly exceed the amount of Pu excretion that is achiev
69         Although cellular levels of arginine greatly exceed the apparent K(m) for endothelial nitric-
70  of free cortisol and total cortisone in men greatly exceed the binding affinity of the ARccr and wou
71 s of future data-intensive applications will greatly exceed the capabilities of current electronics,
72 and that the (60)Fe source distance does not greatly exceed the distance cosmic rays can diffuse over
73 HC)-presented peptide antigens whose numbers greatly exceed the diversity of the T cell repertoire, T
74 rations of thymosin beta(4) and profilin may greatly exceed the equilibrium dissociation constant of
75        Why do the activities of some enzymes greatly exceed the flux capacity of the embedding pathwa
76 ted pair binding energies for 3, 6, and E-11 greatly exceed the GC pair binding energy.
77   Warming this century is not only likely to greatly exceed the Holocene's natural multidecadal tempe
78 s, attained wingspans of more than 10 m that greatly exceed the largest birds and challenge our under
79 bability that a particle's hitting time will greatly exceed the mean.
80                    Daylight illumination can greatly exceed the rate at which the photoproduct can be
81                            These resistances greatly exceeded the 12,900-ohm resistance of an ideal o
82                                This increase greatly exceeded the 2-fold increase in the surface area
83 rsicaria amphibia (L.) Gray (87.2 mg kg(-1)) greatly exceeded the 3-10 mg kg(-1) range suggested as a
84  into ovarian cancer xenograft-bearing mice, greatly exceeded the analogous IgG1 in promoting surviva
85 anol production (up to 10 g/L) at rates that greatly exceeded the capacity of the anode biofilms to c
86 ulfide required to inhibit NSCLC cell growth greatly exceeded the concentration required to inhibit p
87 F in each extract after the Ca rinse/F rinse greatly exceeded the corresponding F from the NaF rinse.
88 s, we found that recent biomass accumulation greatly exceeded the expected growth caused by natural r
89 d concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid that greatly exceeded the in vitro IC(50) (inhibitory concent
90  amount of polyphosphoinositides synthesized greatly exceeded the molar amount of PITP in the assay.
91 quency of antibiotic use for pharyngitis has greatly exceeded the prevalence of GABHS, but less is kn
92   Except for the fast-pyrolysis biochar, KBC greatly exceeded the soil organic carbon-water distribut
93 emissions rapidly generates organic aerosol, greatly exceeding the contribution from known secondary
94 unique to each ST ranges from 6.2% to 20.5%, greatly exceeding the differences observed within parasi
95  The work per step increased to 7 +/- 5 ATP, greatly exceeding the energy available to a single motor
96  high soil Hg concentrations, with Hg masses greatly exceeding the levels found in temperate soils.
97 ance in one-dimensional samples with lengths greatly exceeding the localization length, L>>xi, are re
98 dSe QR to adsorbed methylviologen molecules, greatly exceeding the multiexciton dissociation efficien
99 T disappearance rates from DFO-treated cells greatly exceeding the rate of loss from control cells.
100       The pMMO activity in DPI-treated cells greatly exceeds the activity of NDH-2 or pMMO in membran
101 olateral copper uptake into intestinal cells greatly exceeds the apical uptake.
102 articles even when the size of the particles greatly exceeds the bilayer thickness.
103 acements examined, so that the sum of losses greatly exceeds the binding energy of the complex.
104 ncentrations, unrestricted flux into the HBP greatly exceeds the biosynthetic capacity of the pathway
105                                         This greatly exceeds the frequencies at which these agents ha
106 mation conveyed at the millisecond timescale greatly exceeds the information available from spike cou
107 racellular fluid (approximately 50:1), which greatly exceeds the intracellular ratio (approximately 5
108 en total enzyme and substrate concentrations greatly exceeds the Michaelis-Menten constant.
109  the number of chromatin-bound MCM complexes greatly exceeds the number of bound ORC complexes.
110 of the ensemble degrees of freedom generally greatly exceeds the number of independent observables, d
111 ation is that the number of features (genes) greatly exceeds the number of instances (tissue samples)
112                                         This greatly exceeds the number of NMJs exhibiting nuclear de
113 e number of Mcm2-7 complexes loaded onto DNA greatly exceeds the number of replication origins used d
114 the number of computational gene predictions greatly exceeds the number of validated gene annotations
115 fic memory CD8 T cells required for immunity greatly exceeds the number required for resistance to ot
116  substitution at RNA editing sites in Silene greatly exceeds the rate at synonymous sites, a pattern
117 ted fatty acids (PUFAs), while sodium intake greatly exceeds the recommended maximum.
118 , which also scales with nutrient uptake but greatly exceeds the requirement for growth.
119 from approximately 1.18 billion spectra that greatly exceeds the size of existing spectral repositori
120 lectron if the charging energy of the island greatly exceeds the thermal energy.
121  grass (22 mug g(-1) at HTT = 500 degrees C) greatly exceeds the value for wood (5.9 mug g(-1)).
122 eins migrate in gel filtration to sizes that greatly exceed their actual size suggesting that they fo
123  incubation without food over a 5-day period greatly exceed those caused directly by seawater tempera
124  blood and brain regions at quantities which greatly exceed those described for NGF confirm the abund
125              These and other recent extremes greatly exceed those expected from a stationary climate,
126  K and magnetizations of up to 5.0 muB which greatly exceed those for other double perovskite ferrima
127 temperatures (HTTs) of 400 and 500 degrees C greatly exceed those observed at higher and lower temper
128 te/colloidal fractions, their concentrations greatly exceed those of ambient Pu, and HS may play an e
129 e discrimination capabilities of this sensor greatly exceed those of earlier single- and double-stem
130  networks exhibit mechanical properties that greatly exceed those of either polystyrene or the poly(t
131  with unexpectedly enhanced stabilities that greatly exceed those of equivalent monodisperse copolyme
132 ere isolated whose transcriptional potencies greatly exceed those of natural myogenic and viral gene
133     The risks of valve replacement typically greatly exceed those of OSF.
134                 The stature estimates for S1 greatly exceed those previously reconstructed for Au. af
135 lanta, and the amounts in bacterial biofilms greatly exceed those required for binding of apoplastic
136 nges in enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity greatly exceeded those described for typical protein-pro
137 ected before labor onset, since virus levels greatly exceeded those expected in their mothers.
138 essed by mutant virus during acute infection greatly exceeded those expressed by wild-type virus duri
139 sted over 10 years among first offenders and greatly exceeded those found in a general population sam
140 ve costs of health care in the United States greatly exceeded those in Canada.
141 rowth characteristics of the strain involved greatly exceeded those of other clinical isolates of M.
142 of natural muscle; specific energy densities greatly exceeded those of other field-actuated materials
143 Here, we show that proinflammatory responses greatly exceeding those in adults arise very rapidly in
144  a global scale and, in some cases, at rates greatly exceeding those in the historical and recent geo
145 he glucose-repressible gene, qa-2, to levels greatly exceeding those observed in the wild type under
146 -state lifetime, and photocurrent amplitudes greatly exceeding those of all heretofore published ChR
147 on-free propagation, with device performance greatly exceeding those of previous demonstrations.
148 l currents in the target peaked at 40-50 mA, greatly exceeding thresholds for nociceptor activation r
149      Thus, total cGMP-binding sites (246 nM) greatly exceed total cGMP.
150 f supercoils removed for each cleavage event greatly exceeds unity (delta n = 5) and depends on kinet
151 th the lens and corneal epithelium at levels greatly exceeding what is necessary for normal metabolic
152 t the amount of nitrosylated products formed greatly exceeds what can be accounted for by NO trapping

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