


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mption temporarily to balance a larger power grid.
2 presence in the safe quadrant of the spatial grid.
3 cteristic strabismus patterns in the 9-point grid.
4 ling the use of more renewable energy on the grid.
5 ptimized daily estimates for each 12 x 12 km grid.
6 to improve sustainability performance of the grid.
7 ertices of a regular tessellating triangular grid.
8 rder to be effectively incorporated into the grid.
9  in the macula were segmented using an ETDRS grid.
10 ical and resistive losses of the front metal grid.
11 mage on the central field missed by the 24-2 grid.
12 ctricity that can be supplied to electricity grids.
13 n into account in the design of future power grids.
14  the climatological processes, and the power grids.
15 consider the German and Italian transmission grids.
16 climate science, neuronal networks and power grids.
17 lectric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) grids.
18 , and the mean ratings were compared between grids.
19 e use 15 years (1999-2013) of commensurately gridded (1 degrees x 1 degrees ) surface observations of
20  images of a cadaveric head specimen with no grid, a conventional grid, and a PTFOS grid by using a f
21 posed dangerous or significant risk by error grid analysis, whereas at 10 minutes, less than 0.1% of
22 y by evaluation of the door frame and Amsler grid and measured quantitatively using M-charts and D-ch
23    We found that (1) the interaction between grid and place cells converges quickly; (2) the spatial
24        Head direction (HD), boundary vector, grid and place cells in the entorhinal-hippocampal netwo
25 y islanding on the level of the transmission grid and shall show that it is a suitable measure to enh
26 electronic switches for efficient electrical grid and thermal protection of space vehicles to self-he
27 fabrication of larger format cells suited to grid and transport applications.
28  in fields as diverse as the Internet, power grids and human societies.
29 rizers when suspended in sub-millimeter size grids and immersed in water.
30 ted via the examples of two real-world power grids and one artificial network, which demonstrates tha
31 ty are the 60 degrees rotational symmetry of grids and preservation of grid scale across environments
32 c head specimen with no grid, a conventional grid, and a PTFOS grid by using a four-level Likert scal
33 cells made of arrays of pillars on a regular grid, and complement these experiments with a matching t
34 ittent renewable energy sources, smart power grids, and electrical vehicles.
35 ng computational fluid dynamics with overset grids, and validate our results with in vivo flow measur
36 up of anonymous agents randomly walking on a grid are able to estimate their density within a small m
37  serum albumin (BSA) was immobilized on gold grids as the enzymatic substrate.
38  was steered during sonications over a 3 x 3 grid at 3-mm spacing.
39 r (7.2 g CO2e/kWh) is substituted for the SK grid-average electricity GHG emission factor (768 g CO2e
40 umorMap, samples are arranged on a hexagonal grid based on their similarity to one another in the ori
41 ory remains contentious; we therefore used a grid-based approach to sample at high resolution the gen
42 meter-days of closure than dynamic measures (grid-based closures and move-on rules).
43 daptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver to generate grid-based electrostatic potential files for protein str
44 n AESOP for quantitatively comparing sets of grid-based electrostatic potentials in terms of similari
45                     To do so, we turned to a grid-based version of this method, GIST, readily impleme
46 on of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids bearing graphene oxide (GO) sheets that have been
47  is regulated by the electric potential on a grid between the cathode and the anode.
48 ive maps are neurally instantiated by place, grid, border and head direction cells in the hippocampal
49 h superficial and deep cortical areas and in grid, border, and head direction cells of MEC, have a hi
50 l information processing by the discovery of grid, border, and head-direction cells.
51 ilever on a transmission electron microscope grid by gallium focused-ion-beam milling.
52 th no grid, a conventional grid, and a PTFOS grid by using a four-level Likert scale, and the mean ra
53 se To develop an electrocorticography (ECoG) grid by using deposition of conductive nanoparticles in
54 operties of PTFOS compared with conventional grids by using a three-level Likert scale.
55                                   The Amsler grid can be used to screen for moderate to severe centra
56  experiments in rats that measured place and grid cell activity in different environments, and then a
57 scriminable the individual fields of a given grid cell are by looking at the distribution of field fi
58 uantity are defined climatologically at each grid cell as the 50 d with the highest values in three 5
59  entorhinal cortex could lead to deficits in grid cell firing and underlie the deterioration of spati
60  a variety of neuronal properties, including grid cell firing field spacing, which is thought to enco
61 iring patterns of grid cells, and changes in grid cell firing fields with movement of environmental b
62                                              Grid cell firing forms a hexagonal array of firing field
63                                     However, grid cell firing patterns were unaffected, concordant wi
64 6-fold rotational symmetry characteristic of grid cell firing.
65 nstraints on several computational models of grid cell firing.
66 l processing, such as theta oscillations and grid cell firing.
67 ed with excitatory cell loss and deficits in grid cell function, including destabilized grid fields a
68          R0 and SIG were calculated for each grid cell in Canada south of 60 degrees N, for each time
69 nd rate remapping is self-organized; and (6) grid cell input to place cells helps stabilize their cod
70 e cells does not require, but is altered by, grid cell input; (3) plasticity in sensory inputs to pla
71  gain insight into the dynamics of place and grid cell interaction, we built a computational model wi
72  incorporating these nonlinear dynamics into grid cell models, we show that they can sharpen the prec
73 o extremes occur on the same day in the same grid cell more than 50% of the time in the northeastern
74 al temporal and rate codes characteristic of grid cell output is unknown.
75 ate that visual input is required to sustain grid cell periodicity and stability in mice and suggest
76 al landmarks caused a profound impairment in grid cell periodicity.
77  change signal is generally coarser than the grid cell size of downscaled climate model output.
78 patial scale characterizing the variability (grid cell vs. continent) and to the region of interest (
79          Among the most defining features of grid-cell activity are the 60 degrees rotational symmetr
80  environment invariance generalizes to human grid-cell analogs, where the relative contribution of vi
81 t has been proposed to account for place and grid-cell firing patterns.
82 s skilful at predicting range changes at the grid-cell level, ecological niche models do as well, or
83 onatal mortality at a resolution of 5 x 5 km grid cells across 46 African countries for 2000, 2005, 2
84  this network, the periodic firing fields of grid cells act as a metric element for position.
85 dmarks that both correct error in entorhinal grid cells and bind internal spatial representations to
86 rhinal cortex, which led to the discovery of grid cells and border cells.
87 he hippocampus, with directionally modulated grid cells and forward replay exhibiting the greatest co
88                        Supporting this idea, grid cells appear to provide an environment-independent
89                            We thus asked how grid cells are affected by the nature of the input from
90                                        Thus, grid cells are controlled by both local geometric bounda
91 nput structure of layer 2 of MEC, where most grid cells are found.
92                                              Grid cells are spatially modulated neurons within the me
93 f true-would greatly change the way in which grid cells are thought to contribute to place coding.
94 To investigate these influences, we recorded grid cells as rats explored an open-field platform in a
95 nal symmetry in the spatial firing of single grid cells at comparable short timescales.
96 the spatial variability was computed between grid cells at half-degree resolution, we found that almo
97                                              Grid cells constitute one of the main cell types in the
98                            Medial entorhinal grid cells display strikingly symmetric spatial firing p
99 een recorded around eye-opening (P16), while grid cells do not obtain adult-like features until the f
100                              Most studies of grid cells emphasized the roles of geometric boundaries
101        Furthermore, we argue that entorhinal grid cells encode a low-dimensionality basis set for the
102               Medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) grid cells exhibit firing fields spread across the envir
103 nning speed and direction, medial entorhinal grid cells fire in repeating place-specific locations, p
104 ot periods preceding or succeeding movement, grid cells in deep layers of the entorhinal cortex repla
105  the temporal and spatial code of downstream grid cells in entorhinal cortex.
106                                  In the bat, grid cells in MEC display a functional topography in ter
107                                              Grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) are crucial
108                                              Grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) can be mode
109                                              Grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex are an attractive
110 icity and stability in mice and suggest that grid cells in mice cannot perform accurate path integrat
111 avigational planning, yet the involvement of grid cells in replay is unknown.
112           The spatially periodic activity of grid cells in the entorhinal cortex (EC) of the rodent,
113                                              Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex represent an animal'
114           Place cells in the hippocampus and grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex have differen
115                                              Grid cells may benefit from sensory inputs via boundary
116 ides a new interpretation in which place and grid cells mutually interact to form a coupled code for
117 rcuitry, we constructed a model of place and grid cells organized in a loop to investigate their mutu
118                                              Grid cells represent an ideal candidate to investigate t
119 el accounts for differences in how place and grid cells represent different environments and provides
120  to the hippocampus and are considered to be grid cells representing space.
121                            At the same time, grid cells retained their spatial alignment and predomin
122                                    About 66% grid cells show positive annual WUE trends, mainly over
123 ex (MEC) contains specialized neurons called grid cells that form part of the spatial navigation syst
124 onment may have a stronger effect on ventral grid cells that have wider spaced firing fields, whereas
125                       During replay we found grid cells to be spatially coherent with place cells, en
126 uit uses the mutual interaction of place and grid cells to encode the surrounding environment and pro
127  models study the downstream projection from grid cells to place cells, while recent data have pointe
128                                              Grid cells use a hexagonally symmetric code to organize
129 und plane may influence the firing of dorsal grid cells with narrower spacing between firing fields.
130 al methods, we show that the 1D responses of grid cells with stable 1D fields are consistent with a l
131                                             "Grid cells" encode an animal's location and direction of
132 ating the regular spatial firing patterns of grid cells, and changes in grid cell firing fields with
133  a set of functionally dedicated cell types: grid cells, border cells, head direction cells, and spee
134 onally distinct cell types such as place and grid cells, combined with an extensive body of human-bas
135 n other entorhinal cell populations, such as grid cells, could depend on plasticity, raising the poss
136 ns in medial entorhinal cortex (MEC), termed grid cells, discharge at regular spatial intervals.
137                                              Grid cells, however, do display a limited degree of adap
138                                              Grid cells, the most abundant functional cell type in th
139               One class of such cells is the grid cells, which are located within the entorhinal cort
140 at local spatial information also influences grid cells, which-if true-would greatly change the way i
141 ive and neutral genetic variation across the grid cells.
142 remapping of place cells, and realignment of grid cells.
143 ypes in the circuit, such as place cells and grid cells.
144 ing rate speed signals thought to be used by grid cells.
145 ke daily predictions of PM2.5 at 1 km x 1 km grid cells.
146 verlaid onto the global hexagonal pattern of grid cells.
147 o be important for the accurate modelling of grid cells.
148  and are considered to be space-representing grid cells.
149 tional system with two key pieces: place and grid cells.
150 operties were rated superior to conventional grids (chi(2) test, P < .05).
151 m the three nearest meteorological stations, gridded climate data, and North Atlantic Oscillation (NA
152 procedures and performance, and Parkes error grid clinical accuracy performance criteria, no clinical
153 ization methods facilitated in some cases by grid computing.
154 ind power generation constituting 60% of the grid, consistent with an increase of over 250% in techno
155 t visualization techniques without the rigid grid constraint of cluster heatmaps will perform better
156 r to cluster heatmaps, but relax the heatmap grid constraints by introducing gaps between rows and/or
157 riability and three hydroclimatic variables: gridded cool-season standardized precipitation-evapotran
158 uction of energy storage technologies to the grid could enable greater integration of renewables, imp
159 roach to constrain the large range of global gridded crop model results for the future yield changes
160  +/- 0.4% K(-1)), but statistical and global gridded crop models both suggest less negative impacts o
161                              However, if the grid decarbonizes, electric vehicles reduce emissions by
162                                    We derive grid-dependent error statistics for individual source ty
163 nd causes of cascading failures relevant for grid design and operation and demonstrate vulnerability
164 ompute scores for each index on a geographic grid during a baseline period (1961-1990) and separately
165                         Supplying ships with grid electricity can reduce these emissions.
166 es for 2012 and to estimates from the global gridded Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Researc
167 cluding low cost and high energy density for grid energy storage.
168 dicates its promising application for future grid energy storage.Lithium polysulfide batteries suffer
169                                      The Sun Grid Engine (SGE) high-performance computing batch queue
170 rs, we propose a novel plasmonic nanocarrier grid-enhanced Raman sensor which can be applied for stud
171 were then calibrated statistically to derive gridded estimates of temperature.
172                                   From these gridded exposures, daily exposures were calculated for e
173 of dependencies in NoN inspired by the power grid express interactions among modules with fragile cou
174 ay serve as a conserved mechanism underlying grid-field spacing in mammals.
175 he same way across species for the change in grid-field spacing shown along the dorsal-ventral axis.
176  display a functional topography in terms of grid-field spacing, similar to what has been reported in
177 n grid cell function, including destabilized grid fields and reduced firing rates, as well as altered
178                                              Grid fields were less uniform in intensity than expected
179 tion, generation and plasticity of place and grid fields, and in related temporal codes for the repre
180 s in the relative firing rates of individual grid fields, reconfiguring the spatial input from MEC.
181 with redistributed firing rates across their grid fields.
182 us attractor network models that account for grid firing by synaptic interactions between excitatory
183  The challenge of identifying mechanisms for grid firing has been addressed through experimental and
184 r theta-nested gamma oscillations as well as grid firing, predict spatial firing of interneurons as w
185 North subregion where wind provides 22.5% of grid generation, neglecting nonemitting sources can over
186 ction model based on household density and a gridded hourly global horizontal irradiance data set sim
187                     When normalized over the grid, hourly average emissions and water consumption int
188    When compared to the marginal electricity grid in Kenya, PV-battery systems save 80-88%.
189 cts (e.g. a "teapot with spots on") around a grid, in the presence of a temporarily-ambiguous competi
190 acking two clean single-crystal graphene TEM grids, in which atomic-scale resolution imaging and temp
191     The spatial distribution of emissions in gridded inventories (e.g., EDGAR) likely strongly impact
192 ignificantly from that of EDGAR and a recent gridded inventory based on USEPA.
193 results agree within error with the U.S. EPA gridded inventory for 2012.
194                                            A gridded inventory for emissions of methane, ethane, prop
195                           As the electricity grid is built to endure maximum load, our findings have
196              Smaller versions of electricity grids, known as microgrids, have been developed as a sol
197 ons of these parameterisations with a global gridded land model.
198   In the grid laser group, all eyes received grid laser at baseline and, if prespecified rescue crite
199                                       In the grid laser group, all eyes received grid laser at baseli
200 AI every 8 weeks through week 48 with rescue grid laser if needed at week 36.
201 e also was available for the role of macular grid laser photocoagulation (7) and scatter peripheral l
202                                        Focal/grid laser photocoagulation was added after 6 months if
203                                        Focal/grid laser photocoagulation was administered in 41%, 64%
204                                        Focal/grid laser treatment was added after 6 months for the tr
205 eline VA, anti-VEGF agent, and whether focal/grid laser treatment was performed for DME, the only par
206 , we calculate species loss on 5 min x 5 min grid level and per country due to global agriculture, pa
207 ty generation at the provincial and regional grid levels in China.
208  India/Tropical Indian Ocean area nor at the grid levels.
209                                              Grid-like clustering, on the other hand, facilitated spo
210 t of excitatory cells in a network need have grid-like firing fields.
211 abled us to investigate associations between grid-like patterns and environment.
212      However, hitherto it remains unknown if grid-like representations contribute to mental simulatio
213                                              Grid-like signals have been seen throughout the autobiog
214 We used fMRI to provide evidence for similar grid-like signals in human entorhinal cortex during both
215 any perceived scotoma with missing or blurry grid lines within the central 10 degrees ("Amsler grid s
216 deviations were measured on a 9-point target grid located at 0+/-15 degrees horizontal and vertical e
217 o estimate density by independently sampling grid locations.
218 n four primitive cubic, pcu, pillared square grid materials: SIFSIX-1-Cu, SIFSIX-2-Cu-i, SIFSIX-3-Ni,
219                             Conclusion PTFOS grids may be an attractive alternative to conventional E
220  zone of pollution sources across a sampling grid measuring 32.9 x 28.4 km in Memphis, Tennessee.
221 ensitive to local settings, like electricity grid mix, which could alter the relative environmental p
222 are a topological contagion model to a power grid model.
223 c observations at ground stations as well as gridded model estimates, a methodology is developed to e
224        We infer from these findings that TEM grids modified with GO-NTA are a useful tool that reduce
225  disease using the Perth-Rotterdam Annotated Grid Morphometric Analysis for Cystic Fibrosis quantitat
226                                              Grid nanoindentation tests find different porosity of C-
227 whereas technological networks such as power grid network have more self-organizing communities.
228 mination of the endocardium by multi-optrode grids (number of optrodes, Nopt = 64, 128, 256) and (2)
229        Our results suggested that a sampling grid of 25 five metre square quadrats (i.e. 25 x 25 m) s
230 ria mortality across sub-Saharan Africa on a grid of 5 km(2) from 1990 through 2015.
231         The STS programme annually deploys a grid of 60,000-100,000 pheromone-baited traps, currently
232 and blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), using a grid of 65 automated feeding stations in a 385-ha woodla
233 ationalized in terms of excitons moving on a grid of biomolecular chromophores on typical timescales
234   Learning and weighted connections within a grid of electrodes is produced using negative and positi
235                                     In 2003, grids of seabed markers, covering 225 m(2) , were establ
236 e clinical setting supported on intracranial grid or strip electrodes.
237  The early appearance of calbindin-pyramidal-grid-organization in layer-2 suggests that this pattern
238 ns exhibits adaptive scaling in grid period, grid orientation, and rotational symmetry in close assoc
239 nt Diabetic Retinopathy Study Report (ETDRS) grid (P = 2.29 x 10(-11) and P = 3.20 x 10(-9), respecti
240 ortical neurons exhibits adaptive scaling in grid period, grid orientation, and rotational symmetry i
241 le Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model Grid-point Version 2, failed.
242                      A complete session from grid preparation through data collection and processing
243 n completion but not pattern separation; (4) grid realignment can be explained in terms of place cell
244  to be planar due to the limitation of local grid refinement approach.
245 asible to provide "low-cost solutions to the grid reliability problem with 100% penetration of WWS [w
246 table measure to enhance energy security and grid resilience.
247                        Even with an enhanced grid resolution to resolve ocean mesoscale eddies-energe
248  used GEOS-Chem simulations (2x2.5 masculine grid resolution) to estimate annual O3 exposures, and es
249 ies collected over the European Alps using a gridded sampling scheme.
250 issemination system, Structural Biology Data Grid (SBDG; data.sbgrid.org), to preserve primary experi
251 tional symmetry of grids and preservation of grid scale across environments.
252 , which facilitates the local development of grid-scale ascending motion, low-level convergence and t
253 yment of nonaqueous redox flow batteries for grid-scale energy storage has been impeded by a lack of
254  portable electronics, electric vehicles and grid-scale energy storage.
255 n analyses were performed between the Amsler grid scotoma area and the 10-2 VF parameters (mean devia
256                                   The Amsler grid scotoma area had the strongest relationship with 10
257 and negative predictive values of the Amsler grid scotoma area were calculated with the 10-2 VF as th
258 lines within the central 10 degrees ("Amsler grid scotoma").
259 NA interactions with DNA by deep sequencing (GRID-seq), which enables the comprehensive identificatio
260 ric storage capacity are forecast to eclipse grid-side electrochemical storage by the end of the deca
261 d vStr gamma oscillations across a 1.4 mm(2) grid spanned by 64 recording electrodes as male rats res
262 and environmental friendliness necessary for grid storage and electric vehicle operations, but their
263 re an emerging energy storage technology for grid storage systems, but the development of anolytes ha
264 f loads to produce a node-by-node measure of grid stress, a prediction of the largest nodal voltage d
265                 Recent evidence showing that grid symmetry is distorted in non-symmetrical environmen
266  Our findings imply a role of the entorhinal grid-system in mental simulation and future thinking bey
267               It was then driven by observed gridded temperature and rainfall datasets for the period
268 insertion, rats were tested on an open-field grid test to study gross motor function and a ladder tes
269 and negative predictive values of the Amsler grid test were 68%, 92%, 97%, and 46%, respectively.
270 nical severity by scoring, joint function by grid test, myeloperoxidase activity by luminescence, vas
271 culated using 3-dimensional threshold Amsler grid testing.
272                                       Amsler grid tests were performed for each eye and were consider
273 ncoders to a motorized stage as the virtual "grids" that provide real-time positional references, we
274 often exerted the strongest control over the grids, the remote cues demonstrated a consistent, someti
275                                          Our gridded, time-resolved inventory provides an improved ba
276                Our results extend beyond the grid to more general graphs, and we discuss applications
277 es a finite-difference method on a staggered grid to solve for the acoustic eigenmodes (field and fre
278 sphere, at 30'' ( approximately 1-km) global grids to capture the topography critical to soil hydrolo
279 eter-sized graphene single crystals onto TEM grids to fabricate large-area and high-quality suspended
280 lysis software called Calico that uses "data gridding" to increase the sensitivity of clustering towa
281 rcraft data and oversampled on a 5 x 5 km(2) grid, to map surface air HCHO concentrations across the
282 surveys of two ("East" or "West") 35 x 35 km grids, two aircraft-based mass balance methods measured
283 nine subfields as defined by the ETDRS-style grid using a DRI SS OCT, and line measurements of subfov
284 he unwinding of the helical structure at the grid walls drives the lens shape.
285                        When the BSA-modified grid was filled with LC and immersed in the solution con
286               Using the North American power grid, we identified, quantified, and analyzed the set of
287 aily PM2.5 and ozone levels in a 1-km x 1-km grid were estimated using published and validated air po
288      Importantly, some of the objects in the grid were occluded from the director's (but not the part
289 an acrylic stent and millimeter radiographic grid were used.
290 ments were desorbed from the surface of gold grid, which disrupted the orientation of LC at the vicin
291 rmonic components bound to a fixed frequency grid, which is several times finer than that of FT.
292 cipants collect monetary tokens on a spatial grid while under threat of virtual predation.
293 e hemodynamics is solved on a fixed Eulerian grid, while platelets are tracked using a Lagrangian fra
294 microprobe MSI, images are created through a grid-wise interrogation of individual spots by mass spec
295         GENFIRE first assembles a 3D Fourier grid with oversampling and then iterates between real an
296     Sufficient flexibility exists in the two grids with marked differences in demand and fuel generat
297  attractive alternative to conventional ECoG grids with regard to mechanical properties, 3-T MR heati
298                  The resulting GO-NTA-coated grids with these improved antifouling properties were th
299  in net emissions reductions compared with a grid without those systems, but the anticipated reductio
300 sults fell within the Parkes consensus error grid zones.

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