


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  varies 10 or more years within a single GCM grid cell.
2 ulated with a cloud-permitting model in each grid cell.
3  environment in place caused rate changes in grid cells.
4 es to the firing of head direction cells and grid cells.
5  question regards the function of entorhinal grid cells.
6 verlaid onto the global hexagonal pattern of grid cells.
7 gh medial entorhinal cortex, perhaps via the grid cells.
8  signal to generate the repeating pattern of grid cells.
9 portant for navigation and memory, including grid cells.
10  sharply tuned to time and distance than non-grid cells.
11 junctive position-by-velocity selectivity of grid cells.
12  and are considered to be space-representing grid cells.
13 rbon (EC) by 16% (-0.05 mug/m(3)) in highway grid cells.
14 n and the associated movement speed to drive grid cells.
15 o be important for the accurate modelling of grid cells.
16  thought to be the neuronal correlate of the grid cells.
17 itical for downstream spatial computation by grid cells.
18 tional system with two key pieces: place and grid cells.
19 cells that represent much larger spaces than grid cells.
20 ns, the configuration space was divided into grid cells.
21 m of place, directional, boundary vector and grid cells.
22 ive and neutral genetic variation across the grid cells.
23 ypes in the circuit, such as place cells and grid cells.
24 remapping of place cells, and realignment of grid cells.
25 ing rate speed signals thought to be used by grid cells.
26 ke daily predictions of PM2.5 at 1 km x 1 km grid cells.
27                        In the MEC, we imaged grid cells, a widely studied cell type essential to memo
28 15) show that the spatial firing patterns of grid cells accumulate error, drifting coherently, until
29 onatal mortality at a resolution of 5 x 5 km grid cells across 46 African countries for 2000, 2005, 2
30  this network, the periodic firing fields of grid cells act as a metric element for position.
31 n mice, bats, and monkeys, and signatures of grid cell activity have been observed in humans.
32  experiments in rats that measured place and grid cell activity in different environments, and then a
33                         To determine whether grid cell activity reflects distance traveled or elapsed
34                                              Grid cell activity was only weakly influenced by locatio
35        To understand the structural basis of grid cell activity, we compare medial entorhinal cortex
36 necessary for the generation and function of grid cell activity.
37 ngs have strong implications for theories of grid-cell activity and substantiate the general hypothes
38          Among the most defining features of grid-cell activity are the 60 degrees rotational symmetr
39 all known spatial and temporal properties of grid cells along the MEC dorsoventral axis.
40 The spacing between neighboring fields for a grid cell also increases along the dorsoventral axis.
41                                              Grid cells also demonstrated intracellular theta oscilla
42 ing rats belonged to this class and included grid cells, an important subset that corresponds to thre
43  environment invariance generalizes to human grid-cell analogs, where the relative contribution of vi
44 dmarks that both correct error in entorhinal grid cells and bind internal spatial representations to
45 tion of spatially modulated cells, including grid cells and border cells, in these layers suggests th
46 rhinal cortex, which led to the discovery of grid cells and border cells.
47  the likely interaction between place cells, grid cells and boundary vector cells in estimating self-
48 he hippocampus, with directionally modulated grid cells and forward replay exhibiting the greatest co
49                            Medial entorhinal grid cells and hippocampal place cells provide neural co
50  of head direction information to entorhinal grid cells and hippocampal place cells, yaw plane optic
51 only weakly influenced by location, but most grid cells and other neurons recorded from the same elec
52 his spiking GridPlaceMap model simulates how grid cells and place cells may develop.
53 is review is to summarize what we know about grid cells and point out where our knowledge is still in
54 ook into account also soil deposition within grid cells and the potential C export to riverine system
55 nd, by implication, the firing of entorhinal grid cells and the process of path integration.
56 ating the regular spatial firing patterns of grid cells, and changes in grid cell firing fields with
57 dioxide (NO2) by 28% (-2.33 ppbV) in highway grid cells, and reduced elemental carbon (EC) by 16% (-0
58 s the gradient of spatial scale in place and grid cells, and suggests that the brain constructs spati
59                        Supporting this idea, grid cells appear to provide an environment-independent
60 scriminable the individual fields of a given grid cell are by looking at the distribution of field fi
61                            We thus asked how grid cells are affected by the nature of the input from
62       In layer III, V and VI of the rat MEC, grid cells are also selective to head-direction and are
63                             Establishing how grid cells are anatomically arranged, on a microscopic s
64                                        Thus, grid cells are controlled by both local geometric bounda
65                                This suggests grid cells are engaged during the consolidation of spati
66 er 2 of medial entorhinal cortex, where most grid cells are found.
67 nput structure of layer 2 of MEC, where most grid cells are found.
68            Additionally, we demonstrate that grid cells are functionally micro-organized: the similar
69 show that the hexagonal activity patterns of grid cells are optimal.
70            Using these methods, we show that grid cells are physically clustered in MEC compared to n
71                                              Grid cells are spatially modulated neurons within the me
72 f true-would greatly change the way in which grid cells are thought to contribute to place coding.
73 e provide the first evidence suggesting that grid cells are utilized during movement of viewpoint wit
74 uantity are defined climatologically at each grid cell as the 50 d with the highest values in three 5
75 cells have been modeled as a ring attractor, grid cells as a plane attractor, and place cells both as
76                            We use entorhinal grid cells as an example to demonstrate that our framewo
77 pendent of external information, we recorded grid cells as animals ran in place on a treadmill.
78 imal studies have identified place cells and grid cells as important for path integration, but underl
79 equired to sustain grid firing, by recording grid cells as mice explore familiar environments in comp
80 To investigate these influences, we recorded grid cells as rats explored an open-field platform in a
81 nal symmetry in the spatial firing of single grid cells at comparable short timescales.
82 the spatial variability was computed between grid cells at half-degree resolution, we found that almo
83  a set of functionally dedicated cell types: grid cells, border cells, head direction cells, and spee
84     These highly specialized neurons include grid cells, border cells, head-direction cells, and irre
85                                              Grid cells, border cells, head-directions cells, and con
86 ts, the spacing between the firing fields of grid cells changes systematically along the dorsal-ventr
87 wed no theta-frequency resonance, suggesting grid-cell coding via different mechanisms in bats and ra
88 onally distinct cell types such as place and grid cells, combined with an extensive body of human-bas
89                  These results indicate that grid cells communicate primarily via inhibitory interneu
90                                              Grid cells constitute one of the main cell types in the
91 e interval, 1.34-1.63; P<0.0001), as well as grid cells containing train stations (odds ratio, 3.80;
92 orhinal cortex, raising the possibility that grid cells contribute to stable place fields when an org
93      Our findings explicate the way in which grid cells could function in human path integration.
94 n other entorhinal cell populations, such as grid cells, could depend on plasticity, raising the poss
95 for spatial navigation, including entorhinal grid cells, critically depend on input from the head dir
96                                              Grid cells, defined by their striking periodic spatial r
97 out the necessity of spatial exploration for grid cell development, network topography, the maturatio
98 ie close to a two-dimensional (2D) manifold: grid cells differed only along two dimensions of their r
99 ns in medial entorhinal cortex (MEC), termed grid cells, discharge at regular spatial intervals.
100                            Medial entorhinal grid cells display strikingly symmetric spatial firing p
101 d membrane-potential resonance; however, bat grid cells do not exhibit theta rhythmic spiking, genera
102 een recorded around eye-opening (P16), while grid cells do not obtain adult-like features until the f
103                              Most studies of grid cells emphasized the roles of geometric boundaries
104        Furthermore, we argue that entorhinal grid cells encode a low-dimensionality basis set for the
105                              We propose that grid cells encode the geometric layout of enclosures.
106                                             "Grid cells" encode an animal's location and direction of
107               Medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) grid cells exhibit firing fields spread across the envir
108                                              Grid cells exhibit hexagonal grid firing patterns across
109                                         Many grid cells exhibited multiple firing fields during tread
110 f excitatory and inhibitory coupling between grid cells exist independently of visual input and of sp
111                            Medial entorhinal grid cells fire in periodic, hexagonally patterned locat
112 nning speed and direction, medial entorhinal grid cells fire in repeating place-specific locations, p
113  entorhinal cortex could lead to deficits in grid cell firing and underlie the deterioration of spati
114                            To understand how grid cell firing arises from the combination of intrinsi
115 irst evidence that in a complex environment, grid cell firing can form the coherent global pattern ne
116          Although this suggests that altered grid cell firing could generate distinct hippocampal pop
117  a variety of neuronal properties, including grid cell firing field spacing, which is thought to enco
118 iring patterns of grid cells, and changes in grid cell firing fields with movement of environmental b
119 n modules modeled with large spacing between grid cell firing fields.
120 n modules modeled with small spacing between grid cell firing fields.
121                                              Grid cell firing forms a hexagonal array of firing field
122 required for theta rhythmic oscillations and grid cell firing in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC).
123 stinct hippocampal place fields emerge while grid cell firing is compromised.
124          However, with prolonged experience, grid cell firing patterns formed a single, continuous re
125 r, an accurate and universal metric requires grid cell firing patterns to uniformly cover the space t
126                                     However, grid cell firing patterns were unaffected, concordant wi
127  cues results in a significant disruption of grid cell firing patterns, even when the quality of the
128 s on the computation of location that drives grid cell firing patterns.
129 velocity modulation of theta rhythmicity and grid cell firing patterns.
130 n the entorhinal cortex and to generation of grid cell firing patterns.
131 in particular enclosure boundaries influence grid cell firing properties.
132 e entorhinal cortex, with changes evident in grid cell firing rate and the local field potential thet
133       Many different computational models of grid cell firing use path integration based on movement
134 l processing, such as theta oscillations and grid cell firing.
135 tion known to disrupt theta oscillations and grid cell firing.
136 ch as continuous attractor network models of grid cell firing.
137 r oscillatory interference as a mechanism of grid cell firing.
138 6-fold rotational symmetry characteristic of grid cell firing.
139 nstraints on several computational models of grid cell firing.
140                                     In rats, grid-cell firing field properties correlate with theta-f
141 s or lack of theta rhythmic contributions to grid-cell firing in either species.
142 t has been proposed to account for place and grid-cell firing patterns.
143 alize on the six-fold rotational symmetry of grid-cell firing to demonstrate a 60 degrees periodic pa
144        Despite the inherent stochasticity of grid-cell firing, phase precession is therefore a robust
145 u et al. (2016) report the first evidence of grid cells for 2D conceptual spaces.
146 angelands and projected on 244 12 km x 12 km grid cells for eight Bay Area counties.
147 ed with excitatory cell loss and deficits in grid cell function, including destabilized grid fields a
148 torhinal cortex, which might be relevant for grid cell function.
149 ct sensory drive, which may be important for grid cell function.
150                                              Grid cell generation depends upon theta rhythm, a 6-10 H
151                                              Grid cells had large and reproducible ramps of membrane
152 e particular spatial representation, that of grid cells, has been observed in the entorhinal cortex (
153  rodents in which head-direction, place, and grid cells have all been described.
154                                              Grid cells have also been found in mice, bats, and monke
155       This suggests that, on average, nearby grid cells have more similar spatial firing phases than
156                   These include place cells, grid cells, head direction cells, and boundary vector ce
157 cated in learning and memory, they also are "grid cells." Here we address the question of what kinds
158                                              Grid cells, however, do display a limited degree of adap
159          R0 and SIG were calculated for each grid cell in Canada south of 60 degrees N, for each time
160 e analysis including other landmarks in each grid cell in the model and demographic characteristics,
161 distinguish these possibilities, we examined grid cells in behaving rodents as they made long traject
162 ot periods preceding or succeeding movement, grid cells in deep layers of the entorhinal cortex repla
163  the temporal and spatial code of downstream grid cells in entorhinal cortex.
164 ntribute to the potential functional role of grid cells in guiding goal-directed navigation.
165                   A new study indicates that grid cells in humans also represent information about im
166                            When a rat moves, grid cells in its entorhinal cortex become active in mul
167                                  In the bat, grid cells in MEC display a functional topography in ter
168                       The firing patterns of grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex (mEC) and associa
169                                              Grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) are crucial
170                                              Grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) can be mode
171                                              Grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex are an attractive
172                                              Grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex are thought to ac
173                             Firing fields of grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex show compression
174                   Both bats and rats exhibit grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex that fire as they
175 icity and stability in mice and suggest that grid cells in mice cannot perform accurate path integrat
176 erent global representation, we recorded mEC grid cells in rats foraging in an environment containing
177 avigational planning, yet the involvement of grid cells in replay is unknown.
178 e found that both oceans and islands contain grid cells in similar proportions, but island cell activ
179 account for the spatial firing properties of grid cells in terms of neuronal oscillators with frequen
180                                              Grid cells in the brain respond when an animal occupies
181                                              Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex (EC) of rodents [1]
182           The spatially periodic activity of grid cells in the entorhinal cortex (EC) of the rodent,
183                                              Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex appear to represent
184                                              Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex represent an animal'
185      The periodic spatial firing patterns of grid cells in the hippocampal formation offer a compact
186 ment is encoded by the activity of place and grid cells in the hippocampal formation.
187 ng clarifies how this may be achieved by how grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) input t
188           Place cells in the hippocampus and grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex have differen
189 ial location for memory function may involve grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex, but the mech
190 ur results provide a direct demonstration of grid cells in the primate and suggest that EC neurons en
191 t position in visual space is represented by grid cells in the primate entorhinal cortex (EC), sugges
192                                              Grid cells in the rodent medial entorhinal cortex exhibi
193 y tuned firing of place, head-direction, and grid cells in the rodent.
194 g the characteristic spatial periodicity of "grid cells" in mEC.
195                           During navigation, grid cells increase their spike rates in firing fields a
196 nd rate remapping is self-organized; and (6) grid cell input to place cells helps stabilize their cod
197 e cells does not require, but is altered by, grid cell input; (3) plasticity in sensory inputs to pla
198 dow during which stable border cell, but not grid cell, inputs are available.
199 at, in the absence of external dynamic cues, grid cells integrate self-generated distance and time in
200  gain insight into the dynamics of place and grid cell interaction, we built a computational model wi
201 ess a possible linkage between place cell to grid cell interactions and PCA.
202 we tested these models by directly measuring grid cell intracellular potentials in mice running along
203  found that the periodic spatial activity of grid cells is completely degraded when animals are moved
204 ivity, including activity in a proportion of grid cells, is significantly more speed modulated than o
205                                   But how do grid cells learn to fire at multiple positions that form
206                           Comparisons at the grid cell level indicate that disagreement is mainly rel
207 s skilful at predicting range changes at the grid-cell level, ecological niche models do as well, or
208 y or cognitive variables with populations of grid-cell-like neurons whose activity patterns exhibit l
209  and larger grid-field spacing compared with grid cells located more dorsally.
210 elds are topographically organized such that grid cells located more ventrally in MEC exhibit larger
211                      During MS inactivation, grid cells lost their spatial periodicity, whereas head-
212                                              Grid cells may allow us to move our viewpoint in imagina
213     The spatial firing pattern of entorhinal grid cells may be important for navigation.
214                         The spatial scale of grid cells may be provided by self-generated motion info
215                                              Grid cells may benefit from sensory inputs via boundary
216      Put simply, it is unclear how place and grid cells might provide a global representation of dist
217 ned with simulations of an attractor network grid cell model, demonstrate that landmarks are crucial
218 e movement direction signal required by most grid cell models may arise from other brain structures t
219  incorporating these nonlinear dynamics into grid cell models, we show that they can sharpen the prec
220                This indicates that different grid cell modules might have differential properties for
221 med to be generated by input from entorhinal grid cell modules with differing spatial scales.
222  expansion could be selective for individual grid cell modules with particular properties of spatial
223 o extremes occur on the same day in the same grid cell more than 50% of the time in the northeastern
224 ides a new interpretation in which place and grid cells mutually interact to form a coupled code for
225 accuracy coincides with the emergence of the grid cell network in the entorhinal cortex, raising the
226 gest a viable functional organization of the grid cell network, and highlight the benefit of integrat
227 cally plausible model for the formation of a grid cell network.
228 Theta rhythmicity and feedforward input from grid cell networks were thus not required to generate ne
229 times higher than those in the corresponding grid cell of an emission inventory developed for air qua
230 corresponding localized increases in railway grid cells of 25% (+0.83 ppbV) for NO2, and 22% (+0.05 m
231                                 Signals from grid cells of multiple scales combine adaptively to acti
232  integration performance and the activity of grid cells of the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) are aff
233 We find that the multiple firing fields of a grid cell operate as independent elements for encoding p
234 rcuitry, we constructed a model of place and grid cells organized in a loop to investigate their mutu
235 al temporal and rate codes characteristic of grid cell output is unknown.
236 weights connecting place-like input cells to grid cell outputs.
237  from 2003 to 2013 for validation) for model grid cells over the Northern Hemisphere deciduous broadl
238  (<1.5 s) spike timing relationships between grid cell pairs are preserved in the dark, indicating th
239  between the environment firing locations of grid cell pairs varies as a function of the distance bet
240 ate that visual input is required to sustain grid cell periodicity and stability in mice and suggest
241 al landmarks caused a profound impairment in grid cell periodicity.
242           Oscillatory interference models of grid cells predict theta amplitude modulations of membra
243  values in neighboring grid cells to develop grid cell predictions when AOD is missing.
244 direction to environmental boundaries, while grid cells provide a complementary self-motion related i
245                                   Entorhinal grid cells provide a prominent spatial signal to hippoca
246                                   Entorhinal grid cells provide inputs to the hippocampus, and their
247 unctional cell types of MEC neurons, such as grid cells, recorded in behaving animals.
248                        However, all previous grid cell recordings used electrode techniques that prov
249 tion, the firing of head-direction cells and grid cells reflects the interface between self-motion an
250 anism of generating the spatial responses of grid cells remains unclear.
251                                              Grid cells represent an ideal candidate to investigate t
252 el accounts for differences in how place and grid cells represent different environments and provides
253  to the hippocampus and are considered to be grid cells representing space.
254 f the benthic marine biota, at the 1 degrees grid-cell resolution.
255                                              Grid cell responses develop gradually after eye opening,
256                            At the same time, grid cells retained their spatial alignment and predomin
257 th appropriate preferred directions causes a grid cell's grid-like firing pattern.
258                                    About 66% grid cells show positive annual WUE trends, mainly over
259 ircuit, including place, head direction, and grid cells, showed 2D activity patterns similar to those
260 al models hypothesize that generation of the grid cell signal relies upon HD information that ascends
261  change signal is generally coarser than the grid cell size of downscaled climate model output.
262 e more dorsal visual field, this resulted in grid cell spatial firing that compressed or expanded bas
263 n the ventral visual field, this resulted in grid cell spatial firing that was not sensitive to barri
264                MEC neurons exhibited altered grid cell spatial periodicity and reduced spatial select
265 onjunctive grid-by-head-direction cells lost grid cell spatial periodicity but retained head-directio
266                                              Grid cell spatial periodicity was more commonly observed
267 a cycle skipping of head direction cells and grid cell spatial periodicity.
268 en take advantage of the association between grid-cell specific AOD values and PM(2.5) monitoring dat
269 representing the orientation of the head and grid cells that fire at multiple locations, forming a re
270 ex (MEC) contains specialized neurons called grid cells that form part of the spatial navigation syst
271 onment may have a stronger effect on ventral grid cells that have wider spaced firing fields, whereas
272                                              Grid cells, the most abundant functional cell type in th
273                       During replay we found grid cells to be spatially coherent with place cells, en
274 sociations between AOD values in neighboring grid cells to develop grid cell predictions when AOD is
275                        Do we expect periodic grid cells to emerge in bats, or perhaps dolphins, explo
276 uit uses the mutual interaction of place and grid cells to encode the surrounding environment and pro
277 ovelty causes the spatial firing patterns of grid cells to expand in scale and reduce in regularity,
278 rmation from HD cells is used with place and grid cells to form a spatial representation (cognitive m
279  models study the downstream projection from grid cells to place cells, while recent data have pointe
280  of symmetric recurrent connectivity between grid cells to provide relative stability and continuous
281      A new study has examined the ability of grid cells to use self-motion cues to form a global map
282 ltaneously recorded spikes from multiple rat grid cells, to explain mechanisms underlying their activ
283                                            A grid cell typically fires in multiple spatial regions th
284                                              Grid cells use a hexagonally symmetric code to organize
285 patial scale characterizing the variability (grid cell vs. continent) and to the region of interest (
286                                              Grid cells were more sharply tuned to time and distance
287  and goal locations encoded by the firing of grid cells when this vector may be much longer than the
288  of path integration in mammals may exist in grid cells, which are found in dorsomedial entorhinal co
289               One class of such cells is the grid cells, which are located within the entorhinal cort
290 ll layers except for layer II, and covert in grid cells, which are the major spatially modulated cell
291  cells represent much larger spaces than the grid cells, which enable them to support navigational be
292                        These signals include grid cells, which fire at multiple locations, forming a
293 at local spatial information also influences grid cells, which-if true-would greatly change the way i
294 ir relative phases remain constant, produces grid cells with consistently offset grids, and reduces V
295 the emissions into 0.5 degrees x 0.5 degrees grid cells with GDP and population as surrogate indexes.
296 ic rat navigational trajectories by learning grid cells with hexagonal grid firing fields of multiple
297 und plane may influence the firing of dorsal grid cells with narrower spacing between firing fields.
298                                        Among grid cells with similar spatial periods, the population
299 al methods, we show that the 1D responses of grid cells with stable 1D fields are consistent with a l
300 resented in the brain as phases of arrays of grid cells with unique periods and decoded by the invers

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